The Meltdown 2004 results

15. - 17. October 2004
Skive, Denmark

64kb Intro

1th    191 pts   finske delfiner - macaw / loonies
2th    182 pts   No Respect - Hazel / Future Vision
3th    167 pts   Blue Typhoon In A Orange Storm - Lord Graga / Scoopex

Demo competition

1th    312 pts   Progressive Condition - CheesyTBC / TBC
2th    202 pts   Ego-gba - Master S / mainloop
3th     96 pts   ggust 4 - mentor / fallitcrew

GFX Pixel

1th    167 pts   Chimera - BlueAngel
2th    132 pts   Pikkemand er sur - Rhino/happynix / SAD -Rhino
3th     69 pts   EnFlokSpader - feat. Farfar - nic0 / SAD -Rhino
4th     68 pts   Sara, who were you? - Tournesol / 7th Cube
5th     56 pts   Beating the shit out of Little Red Riding Hood - YenZen / mainloop
6th     28 pts   alien space - MSTiger / mainloop
7th     14 pts   Race_against_TMD_deadline - YenZen / mainloop

GFX Trace

1th    172 pts   Desert Danger - MadHouseDK / SAD
2th    149 pts   Probe Flyby - Cultura / O.S
3th    120 pts   Glas Disco - Chain / Chain [Future Vision]

Hand drawn competition

1th    261 pts   drage - MSTiger
2th    111 pts   Geil smoothness - Lord Graga / Scoopex
3th     88 pts   IMMER GEIL!!!! - Lectro / .DLL

Tracked Music

1th    312 pts   I pulled my gun twice - Toxic Child / Mainloop
2th    242 pts   Vodka Chill - Lectro / .DLL

MP3 Music

1th    153 pts   Skyrider - Puryx / Scarab
2th    102 pts   Sexutter - Rhino/happynix / SAD -Rhino
3th     91 pts   New Paradise - Hazel / Hazel (Future Vision)
4th     56 pts   The Secret - CheesyTBC / Baryler
5th     45 pts   sort snak - CyberGeeK / SAD
6th     39 pts   Alien Chestbuster - Cultura / O.S
7th     32 pts   In The Spotlight - Lectro / .DLL

Wild! Animation

1th    267 pts   Obey - Dwarf / Junkworks & TBC
2th    154 pts   No place to hide - Cultura / O.S
3th    124 pts   BOOMSTICK - px / TGG[tm]

reformatted from