React 2004 results.

Demo compo

   Group                 Title                    Points

 1 Sense Amok            Negative                 327
 2 ASD                   EON                      269
 3 the Lab               Eternal                  265
 4 Reversed Engineers    Act 3                    261
 5 RandomGr              Spherez [ 4k intro ]     233
 6 Psyxes                Psyxes                   232
 7 radiant               Litu                     224
 8 Nasty Bugs            Otinane                  186

MP3 compo
   Group                Title                          Points

 1 Dousk                Midnight Abrobeaver DeLuxe     211
 2 Rigel                Wormhole FX                    209
 3 akira                Homerun                        182
 4 nagz                 But does she like your shoes   181
 5 aMUSIC               My name is not Mike            175
 6 Cyto                 My Cat Eats Batteries          175
 7 Strangledheroe       Saigon                         170
 8 Fubyo                Urban Insects                  161
 9 scruface             The Bump                       158
10 Sybex                Requiem for a pill             158
11 nEC                  Kicking da Chubb Chubbs        150
12 Darkcell             Evolution                      146
13 Mayprog              Girls                          138

Tracked Music compo

   Group                Title                               Points

 1 Thor                 Proun Project                       263
 2 Dousk                H Pipila Tou Barbathoma             216
 3 nagz                 Mouse conquered house               215
 4 Cj Dib               Elkos                               204
 5 scruface             Bill Clinton                        196
 6 Arcanum              Compact Dreams                      195
 7 Apomakros            Failed to fall                      195
 8 Mits Pukanan         Last Christmass I Gave You My Fart  178
 9 Rigel                Oneira Glyka                        172

Graphics compo

   Group                Title                         Points

 1 Nec                  Plug Me                       387
 2 Dragonil             Dragon                        331
 3 iM                   Horas numero nisi seranas     257
 4 Sybex                Out of Body Experience        195
 5 nagz                 Times Have Changed            165

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