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- -------\____/----\_________/---------/_______\----|_____\----\_____/------- -

                           PILGRIMAGE 2004 DEMO PARTY

                  The only active demo party in North America!

                             September 17-18, 2004

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  1st (117 pts) "Les Fleurs" by The Order of K
  2nd ( 71 pts) "Cubetro" by Northern Dragons
  3rd ( 64 pts) "Exhibit A" by Baoum
  4th ( 28 pts) "One-Way Trip" by Ranxx
  5th ( 17 pts) "Wac-A-Demo" by Trailer Park Demos
  6th ( 11 pts) "io" by s_tec & thom
  7th (  4 pts) "TI-85 MegaDemo" by GL.Fusion
  8th (  2 pts) "Magic Guy" by Chia Pet
  N/A (  0 pts) {{DISQUALIFIED}} "W.D.H.B." by SARD

                              _ /.
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  1st ( 78 pts) "The ARTS" by CatBones & RaD Man / ACiD
  2nd ( 55 pts) "Pilgrimage" by Lord Jazz / ACiD
  3rd ( 40 pts) "DNA" by unit3 / Powersource
  4th ( 32 pts) "Beatbox" by Voom / Style
  5th ( 24 pts) "Wheres My Luggage" by BarZoule & Polaris / ND
  6th ( 22 pts) "The Wandering Chair" by Pat Groove / ND
  7th ( 11 pts) "Falling" by Inspired Chaos
  8th (  0 pts) "San Francisco" by Mark Stout
  N/A (  0 pts) {{DISQUALIFIED}} "Scud" by Zog
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  1st (107 pts) "Chalziput" by Polygon Breasts / Remorse
  2nd ( 93 pts) "Orwell" by Haliphax / Remorse
  3rd ( 57 pts) "Egypt" by DiamonDie / ND
  4th ( 32 pts) "ACiD" by Sonic / ACiD
  5th ( 25 pts) "Magic" by Chia Pet

                              _ /.
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  1st ( 65 pts) "Siesta Fiesta" by Mr. Moses
  2nd ( 36 pts) "Sudden Percussion (High Explosives Mix)" by Lord Jazz / ACiD
  3rd ( 34 pts) "Julia (Embrace)" by Soul D / ND
  4th ( 27 pts) "Are You Being Served" by Sonic / ACiD
  5th ( 25 pts) "Drums on the Plains" by Acius
  " " ( 25 pts) "Journey of Ages" by cerror / ND
  7th ( 19 pts) "Zippingcream" by Superdrug
  8th ( 18 pts) "Number 1 Riled" by Akr0 & Tranxen / GL.Fusion
  9th ( 16 pts) "Subaru Style" by DSP / Style
 10th ( 14 pts) "Emo" by Mike No Worth / Polygony
 11th ( 12 pts) "BitchAzzBustahz" by Mochunk
  " " ( 12 pts) "Scratched, Raped and Mangled" by troll / nobody
 13th ( 11 pts) "Video Game Head" by Starscream
 14th (  2 pts) "Urination Nation" by Subliminal / pHluid
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  1st (131 pts) "blowfishpeople" by Ranxx
  2nd ( 89 pts) "Blowfishtro" by OTM
  3rd ( 35 pts) "Blowfish-Pilgrim-Juice" by cerror / ND
  4th ( 33 pts) "Blowfish Juicer" by Oman & Tfinn
  5th ( 18 pts) "Pilgrims Like to Drink..." by Troll & Dilvie
  6th (  2 pts) "Magic Blender" by Chia Pet

                              _ /.
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  1st ( 74 pts) "Fastcomp" by Dilvie
  2nd ( 48 pts) "Taking Out The Garbage" by troll / nobody
  3rd ( 40 pts) "Spicy Berry Juice" by Acius
  " " ( 40 pts) "Love and Rutabega" by Ramen / OTM
  5th ( 32 pts) "The Old Bean Has Lost It" by Tfinn / DC5
  6th ( 22 pts) "Drunk Ass" by Sonic / ACiD
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  1st ( 84 pts) "Legalize" by Lord Jazz / ACiD
  2nd ( 83 pts) "Legalize" by Balgram
  3rd ( 45 pts) "Legalize" by GuyBrush / ND
  4th ( 26 pts) "Legalize" by thom / Trailer Park Demos
  5th ( 20 pts) "Legalize" by Lexie

                              _ /.
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  1st ( 63 pts) "Photolize" by Lexie & Tfinn
  2nd ( 44 pts) "Squares" by Adrenaline / 2600 SLC
  3rd ( 29 pts) "This is Pilgrimage" by Inspired Chaos
  4th ( 26 pts) "Cancer" by Dilvie
  5th ( 25 pts) "Borgir" by Haliphax / Remorse
  6th ( 21 pts) "Pilgrimage" by Guybrush / ND
  7th ( 18 pts) "DDR" by Jason Scott
  8th ( 15 pts) "Surprise" by Chia Pet
  9th ( 11 pts) "Cat" by Eraserhead
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  1st (104 pts) "8088 Corruption" by Trixter / Hornet
  2nd ( 79 pts) "Evo Pilgrimmix" by Northern Dragons
  3rd ( 49 pts) "Elite" by TomF
  4th ( 25 pts) "Unknown" by Sonic / ACiD
  5th ( 20 pts) "GBA Slideshow" by Northern Dragons
  6th ( 19 pts) "Social Disease" by Lord Jazz / ACiD
  7th ( 14 pts) "Fortress of Solitude" by 2600 SLC
  8th (  9 pts) "Rock Your Tits Off" by Northern Dragons

                              _ /.
- ----------------------------//--------------------------------------------- -


  1st place - Licyeus
  2nd place - Jenn
  3rd place - Deamon
  4th place - Voltair

    Qualified Participants:

      A, Artimiss, Austin Mecham, Balgram, Chia Pet, Deamon, Jason Scott,
      Jenn, Jose, Licyeus, Nathan Slawson, Paige, RaD Man, Starscream,
      Steve the Grassmonk, Trixter & Voltair.
               _                                           __
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  1st place - Team Legalize
  2nd place - Team Bargasm
  3rd place - Team SLC Drunkass
  4th place - Team DDR

                              _ /.
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  1st (1405 pts) Enigmatic Fork
  2nd ( 910 pts) 420: Team Sweatpants
  3rd (  30 pts) ACiD
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  Friday, September 17th, 2004

  12:00 PM - Doors Open: Pilgrimage 2004 Begins!
  12:00 PM - Surprise Competitions Announced
  12:00 PM - Blender Keywords Posted
  12:00 PM - Scavenger Hunt Details Posted
  12:00 PM - DDR Tournament Signup
  12:00 PM - DemoShow
  12:30 PM - Opening Address by Legalize and RaD Man
   3:00 PM - Seminar: "Game Engine vs. Demo Engine"
             Presented by Tom Forsythe (TomF)
   4:00 PM - Seminar: "The Art of Textmode"
             Presented by RaD Man
   5:00 PM - Seminar: "Cool Stuff in Small Spaces"
             Presented by Polaris
   7:00 PM - DDR Tournament Qualification begins
  10:00 PM - PilgrimQUIZ Game Show: Round 1
             Hosted by Jason Scott and Severina
  10:30 PM - Salmiakki Seminar: Tasting and How-To
             Presented by RaD Man
  10:45 PM - PilgrimQUIZ Game Show: Round 2
  12:00 AM - Pause

  Saturday, September 18th, 2004

   6:00 AM - Resume
   9:00 AM - DDR Tournament Finals
  10:00 AM - Seminar: "Remembering the Roots"
             Presented by Elwix
  11:00 AM - Deadline: Wildcard *.*
  12:00 PM - Deadline: Music (Combined)
   1:00 PM - Deadline: Textmode Graphics (ANSI/ASCII)
   2:00 PM - Deadline: deviantART Graphics (Hirez)
   3:00 PM - Deadline: Demo (Combined)
   4:00 PM - Deadline: Surprise and Blender
   4:30 PM - Deadline: Scavenger Hunt
   4:30 PM - Competition Ballots Available
   5:00 PM - Wildcard Compo Show
   6:00 PM - Music Compo Show
   7:00 PM - Graphics, Textmode and Blender Compo Show
   7:30 PM - Surprise Compo Show
   8:00 PM - THE MAIN EVENT: Demo Compo Show
   9:00 PM - Pilgrimage 2004 Polls: Open for Voting!
  10:00 PM - Musical Performance by Severina
  11:00 PM - Grand Prize Raffle
  11:30 PM - Awards and Closing Ceremonies
  12:30 AM - Doors Close: End of Pilgrimage 2004

                              _ /.
- ----------------------------//--------------------------------------------- -


    Elwix / Style              http://www.style64.org
    Jason Scott / TEXTFILES    http://www.textfiles.com
    Legalize / Polygony        http://www.xmission.com/~legalize/
    Polaris / ND               http://www.northerndragons.ca
    RaD Man / ACiD             http://www.acid.org
    Severina / ACiD            http://www.hyp3rcube.net
    TomF / RAD Game Tools      http://www.radgametools.com
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- -------------\\------------------------------------------\///-/------------ -



      Pilgrimage, Inc.         http://pilgrimage.scene.org


      ACiD Productions, LLC    http://www.acid.org
      deviantART, Inc.         http://www.deviantart.com
      XMission Internet        http://www.xmission.com


      2600 SLC                 http://www.2600slc.org
      ATI Technologies, Inc.   http://www.ati.com
      BAWLS Guarana            http://www.bawls.com
      Cobalt Flux              http://www.cobaltflux.com
      FuseCon                  http://www.fusecon.com
      Microsoft Corporation    http://www.microsoft.com
      Northern Dragons         http://www.northerndragons.ca
      Pacific Digital          http://www.pacificdigital.com
      Red Octane               http://www.redoctane.com
      Renoise                  http://www.renoise.com
      Serious Magic, Inc.      http://www.seriousmagic.com


      2600 Magazine            http://www.2600.com
      Intel Corp.              http://www.intel.com
      scene.org                http://www.scene.org
      SceneSpot                http://www.scenespot.org
      Shuttle Computer, Inc.   http://us.shuttle.com
      SLUG Magazine            http://www.slugmag.com

  The organizations listed above helped make Pilgrimage 2004 possible by
  providing hosting, advertising and services.  Combined they contributed well
  over $14,500.00 USD in cash and prizes to our competitions.

                              _ /.
- ----------------------------//--------------------------------------------- -


    Holiday Inn Hotel (downtown)
    999 South Main Street
    Brighton and Solitude
    Salt Lake City, Utah  84111-4418


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- -------------\\------------------------------------------\///-/------------ -

  [ ADD'L INFO ]

    Details:                   http://pilgrimage.scene.org
    Releases:                  http://www.scene.org
    Photos:                    http://www.slengpung.com

                              _ /.
- ----------------------------//--------------------------------------------- -


    Design Artists:

      Blatte                   http://exoteric.roach.org
      Fred Litzaw              http://pilgrimage.scene.org
      Lord Jazz / ACiD         http://www.last-house.com
      V3ngeance / ACiD         http://www.k3n.com

    Musical DJ:

      Severina / ACiD          http://www.hyp3rcube.net

    Video Postmaster:

      Jimmy Miklavcic          http://www.anotherlanguage.org


      A, Adrenaline, Balgram, Ben Larson, Chia Pet of Borg, Chris Heaton,
      Corey Young, dataw0lf, Eco, Michael Callahan, Pablo, Tierra & Wookie.

    Major thanks to Severina for spinning at our party at a moments notice, we
    love you.  Greets to the entire Northern Dragons crew for their continuous
    support and creation of our Pilgrimage 2004 invitation demo and flash demo.
    Thank you as well to ACiD and Remorse 1981 for the fantastic hirez and
    ASCII art.

    And to everyone who attended Pilgrimage this year, thank you most of all.

    You made The Pilgrimage.


    Your Pilgrimage 2004 organizing team...

                         Acius  -  Legalize  -  RaD Man
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Party archive @ ftp.scene.org