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Official results from LINK 2004 held in Linköping, Sweden between the 5:th and
the 7:th of march.

Graphics competition

1) "Den varma godhet ger lycka och glad!" by lithis
2) "lolz" by theodore
X) "buzzie" by bmb
X) "link" by eleric
X) "ölbandit" by buzzie

Music competition

1) "Dishsoap Boubles" by nim
2) "robot visits stars" by lithis
X) "LINKparty" by Qdor and Vincenzo
X) "rolfs motorbåt!!!11!" by moh

Demo competition

1) "ultrasuperdemo" by lucid dreaming
2) "DATASKUMM" by buzzie and lithis

Party archive @ ftp.scene.org