_ __ _________..___________ .Mo!/aL. || /_____. ˇ \\ || |: _ ________ /_ \ | |: ˇ __ _ /// |: \\ / / ť eVoke 2oo4 Ť |: _______ \ e\/oke -o- |: \\ _|____ __/________ _______ _____ |: \ _/ / \/ //____ / // _|____ |: /__________\_ / / / _/ /. _/ /_ |: <- --( /__________\ ___\_______|__________\)-- -+-> \ˇ / \\/ 27.-29.o8.2oo4 . Cologne/Germany \ www.evoke-net.de -------------- - --- d e m o ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 'Dark World' Tum Orga Crew 195 Points 2. 'The Everlasting Blink' Nuance 148 Points 3. 'Quest for BEER' Tournesol / 7th Cube 143 Points 4. 'Fern' by LKCC 130 Points 5. 'Zyklon B' Progress 80 Points 6. 'fr-minus-07: cargo cult' farbrausch 65 Points 7. 'Sterne' DBC Demo 48 Points 8. 'deaf drunk blind' skp 45 Points 9. 'Reorder' Marshals 41 Points 10. 'de billetjes van avoozl zijn net zo zacht' random german scener (not chaos) 31 Points --- 6 4 k i n t r o ------------------------------------------------------- 1. 'anruf aus schweden' unik 402 Points 2. 'next step' cubalid 7 139 Points 3. 'high_tech' LoFi 89 Points 4. 'brainstorming' surprise! productions 87 Points 5. 'Flower Powered' DbcDemo & Razor 1911 86 Points 6. 'binary chaoz' chemical reaction + S!P 35 Points --- 4 k i n t r o --------------------------------------------------------- 1. 'Eclipse' Tales 127 Points 2. 'chernobee' DBCDemo/0ok 121 Points 3. 'Sapph-Fire' 0x80 106 Points 4. 'daze me sw33tly' fmd / quirin / stef.c / rocks 66 Points 5. '4k(inderzimmer)' BassPlace / d-lab42 60 Points 6. 'fraktalaltar' broetchen 40 Points --- w i l d ( a l t e r n a t i v e p l a t f o r m ) -------------------- 1. 'tum08 .thebetterparty' (C64) Tum Orga Crew & Smash-Designs 411 Points 2. 'miChera' (X-BOX) Limp Ninja 254 Points --- w i l d ( a n i m a t i o n ) ----------------------------------------- 1. 'amondo' dani / aenima 397 Points 2. 'Wolfi In Outer Space' Drifters 233 Points 3. 'ÖSS Kinki - Tauchfahrt des Grauens' SelectaNovel and Friends 74 Points 4. 'Ode aan okkie' rECTUM cAUDA NL (rC!NL) 66 Points 5. 'consumer's overkill' LuNAtiC / 26 Points --- p i x e l e d g r a p h i c s ----------------------------------------- 1. 'Ankunft der Minerva' Pixtur / LKCC 215 Points 2. 'Haujobb Forever' Helge / Haujobb 121 Points 3. 'semi-conductor' cp / farbrausch 90 Points 4. 'night' Delilah / skim 89 Points 5. 'helga double d' tomic / bypass+unik 60 Points 6. 'The Guardian' robotriot / skp 41 Points 7. 'Alisik' Alisik 40 Points 8. 'Suck Me' Visualice / Farbrausch 35 Points 9. 'boobs for free' al_bolone 22 Points 10. 'DonVito' Quade 13 Points --- r a y t r a c e d g r a p h i c s ------------------------------------- 1. 'The Garden' ATEX 179 Points 2. 'Aus dem Hintergrund muesste Podolski schiessen' Fzool / Salva Mea^Smash Designs 169 Points 3. 'sankt michael' noize / kolor 106 Points 4. 'kalk(ulata)' AdDe / shice 82 Points 5. 'the wild adventures ohase' d0n / 1oo% 72 Points 6. 'whitelinez' raver / PHT/DCS 44 Points --- m p 3 / o g g -------------------------------------------------------- 1. 'The Manual' paniq / farbrausch/enruo 102 Points 2. 'evoking' jeenio 57 Points 3. 'dragonfly [evoke cut]' 187 / PHT 48 Points 4. 'Vinegar Funk' neXus / fractal mind 46 Points 5. 'Bliss Sniffer' Dominei / INF/SPB/Skim/BZH 43 Points 6. 'Elevation (Wayfinder @ Evoke Remix)' Tidex / ^-^ 37 Points 7. 'thirteen' case / ignorance 32 Points 8. 'Compete' SelectaNovel 30 Points 9. 'speak' mentz / tokyo dawn records 25 Points 10. 'Sceners in the neighbourhood' scythoior / squoquo 24 Points 11. 'journey23' NGC-5128 meets RAVER / PHT 23 Points 12. 'Party on the Telephone' Bassie / RBi 20 Points 13. 'blood out' dipswitch / uprough 16 Points 14. 'Perciflage' Malik Trey / Nuance 14 Points 15. 'minimal (resound remix)' the tape ft. rqm / tokyo dawn records 2 Points --- m u l t i c h a n n e l ------------------------------------------------ 1. 'Smells like scene spirit' Dominei / INF/SPB/Skim/BZH 124 Points 2. 'Dabbu' cerror 85 Points 3. 'first light' jeenio 81 Points 4. 'not a balloon' avalanche 68 Points 5. 'Paulas Headspin' SelectaNovel 60 Points 6. 'BurN' L470510 / Tristar 37 Points --- t i n y m u s i c ----------------------------------------------------- 1. 'harpies' dalezy / scoopex 81 Points 2. 'Poep Drol Piemel Tieten' Okkie / Limp Ninja 62 Points 3. 'always show respect to the ladies' cerror + axel + mystra + prime 59 Points 4. 'sweet' jeenio / 55 Points 5. 'kindergarten' Skizo & SvenZZon 40 Points 6. 'fun2step frenchhouse remix' nt 37 Points 7. 'juju scramble' bzl / shice 28 Points 8. 'dirt(is what we are)' adde & fup / shice 21 Points 9. 'Radengel me roughly' SelectaNovel / 19 Points 9. 'wyprawa' maxus / lqs 19 Points 11. 'getting rid of a dead hooker' Bassie / RBi 13 Points 12. 'Feinster Zucker' Hypo 12 Points 13. 'evoke' Lawine / rC!NL 4 Points --- a n s i ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 'the evoker' zeroVision 92 Points 2. 'evoke04 ' tomic/bypass 91 Points 3. 'dayone clothing' univerz 62 Points 4. 'memories remain' nail / mean scheme 60 Points --- a s c i i -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 'Hartz IV' elend / arbeitslos 50 Points 2. 'eVoKE'04 pARtY mADNESs' abho / twisted 45 Points 3. 'ein neues ascii für ohase' d0n / 1oo% 42 Points 4. 'mini-colly 4' dmg / true!skool 38 Points 5. 'Game Over' YOP / ShRiMPS dESiGn 34 Points 6. 'evoke will rock' dipswitch / asl 30 Points 7. 'crimsonweed' DiamonDie / foobug ^ Numedia Cyclops 20 Points 8. 'evoke04' cbn 16 Points 9. 'aozoragroove' kami / thelo0p 15 Points 10. 'me and my catoon hero' Malmis / Nature 13 Points 11. 'evoke04' evil / scoopex 8 Points _ _ - -\/--------------------------------------------------------------------\/- - evoke 2oo4 official resultfile | www.evoke-net.de | logo by mogue/arclite! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party archive @ ftp.scene.org