Official results from:

                            B i R D i E  2 o o 4

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Compo (# entries):

Place - Votes - Entry - Artist/Group^More Groups

Streaming music (18 entries):

01 86 The Rock Soundtrack Remix  DJ Ozo
02 85 Twist 'n Break             Gazman/HyperCube
03 84 Mickes Mega 80-tal         Mikael Falk
04 72 Forever Alone 2004         malmen
05 64 Caribbean Ocean            Sigma
06 62 Trampmoppe                 AlgAr/TJC
07 59 Summertime                 Mighty AnkaN
07 59 Tree of Knowledge          Pixlas/Even
09 49 Shake to the beat          Deadm00se
10 45 Take you away              Barden
11 43 Jag och min v„n H†kan      Systomatic Dancer
12 41 SpringSlicer               PuXie
13 37 Tell Me                    Laviopra 13
14 35 Gr”n                       Gouafhg/The Gang
15 30 Eeeeeeeeeeva               Jallabert/TJC
16 21 Go Get Your Ricksha        Salome/HyperCube
17 19 vi spelar allt             ungens zatsumaz
18 18 Murder                     Knifepark

Tracked music (10 entries):

01 174 Fl„ktmodemsvalsen               dUNz0r Feat. Robzter
02 154 Worm Track - Gazman vs Retro    Gazman/HyperCube & Retro/HyperCube
03 142 Rinoa                           malmen
04 114 Sceners are better than gamers  AlgAr/TJC
05 113 bromsv„tska                     chaleb/gALM
06 105 Leseb„r (birdie edit)           Jallabert/TJC
07  70 JAERNSPIKAR!                    tom clark!
08  68 Avstamp                         Gouafhg/The Gang
09  57 Lahell                          Jonatoon/#rope
10  56 good friday lullaby             ung


Freestyle gfx (28 entries):

01 164 Corvette-killer                             Rullas/#rope
02 115 v„rldens mesta tandborste                   Gazman/HyperCube
03  63 CS Suger                                    GluffiS/SToP
04  56 Elefanten!                                  Nahkala
05  55 Face                                        Jonte
06  54 Birdie 14 Totally Ownage Background Deluxe  Mikael Falk
07  52 Blue Screen Of Death                        nxsty
08  51 Whateva                                     ghost2001
08  51 Despair                                     Shino
10  50 techno „r b„ttre „n dig                     david
11  38 Progress                                    H.S.G
12  37 SPENEN                                      Rasmus Haglund
13  35 Golf GTI De-Lux                             Zorken2/S.B.F.K
13  35 D”dligt d”dsd”dlig flicka                   daZork
15  34 The Pacifist                                Nisse/The Gang
15  34 The Phone is Ringing "Oh my god."           kattfisk
17  31 Eld-draken                                  Naruto/Br”derna av Ringmuren
18  27 Elefant nr 2718                             Yggjag
19  18 Fiskgrat„ngsupergasmaskapa                  Salome/HyperCube
20  14 K”ttflipper                                 Fred/The Gang
21  13 Eternal Suffering                           KrYsSaR
22  11 spis_paj_fr„s                               prone/pr0n3
22  11 Unknown                                     Unknown
24   7 Robot                                       v6„rgott
25   6 Whoppa                                      Whoppa
26   2 FIN SOOL!!                                  Janne
DSQ -- SAD(Mspaint-XTRA)                           Nahkala
DSQ -- Just kiddin his name is... BOB!             Greenwing/™gonknullare

PC Demo (2 entries):

01 331 Shadows  Scarab Corpse
02 220 eXXin    eXXin

WiLD (many):

01 282 SML-knarktr„det              SML
02 168 Vi hade ju kul i alla fall.  prillmeisters
03 116 Superhj„ltar                 UltimateDiscoCrew
04 105 Super Mario L†ngben Bros     HyperCube
05  63 Sumobrottning                Ghostrider88 & Ghost2001 & Ladbon
06  27 Himawari                     Gazman/Hypercube
07  26 South Birdie                 South Birdie Studios
08  23 Mobility                     J & Retro
(and many others)

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