ABORT '99 PARTY Abort '99 Party Official Invitation Text Held in Ljubljana/Slovenia on the 11th of December 1999 http://www.stjost.org/abort99/ (check it out) мппп ппп ппллпппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппл ппппп ппп пл л ABORT99 л мл п лм лл п лм мл п лм лл п лм лл п лм ллпл ллпл л л лммм ммм ммл лл л лл лл л лл лл л лл лл л лл лл л лл лл л лл л л м м л лл л лл лл л лл лл л лл лл л лл лл л лл лл л лл л л л м л лл м лл лл м лл лл л лл лл м лл лл л пп лл л лл л л л л л лл лл лл м лл лл л лл лл м лл лл л м лл м лл л м л л лл л лл лл л лл лл л лл лл л лл лл л л лл л лл л л л л лл л лл лл л лл лл л лл лл л лл лл л л лл л лл л лппппппл л л лл л лл лл м лп пл м лп лл л лл лл л лмлл лллл л п л м мммммммм лммммлмммммммммммммммммммммммммммммммммммммммммммммммлмм ммлммммммл Organized by Septic Productions & Others Contact address: andraz.tori1@guest.arnes.si Text version: 1.31 (28. October 99) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| INDEX: 0. UPDATES 1. OPENING WORDS 2. WHERE and WHEN? 3. MAIN ORGANIZERS & SPONSORS 4. ENTRANCE FEES & RESERVATIONS 5. COMPETITIONS 6. VOTING SYSTEM 7. PRIZES 8. OFFICIAL PARTY T-SHIRTS 9. HOW TO GET TO THE PARTY PLACE 10. CONTACT INFORMATION & FUTURE UPDATES |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 0. UPDATES Updated information about Video & Animation competition, check section 5. Updated information about both music competitions (mp3 & multichan). Exact party date is finally known : 11.12.1999 (11th of December) Special pixel art competition added to the program |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 1.OPENING WORDS HERE WE GO AGAIN, ONE MORE TIME! Abort98 was a BIG success, this year we are here to give you more, to make even a better party, to show even better artworks and last but not least to have even more fun. There were a lot of changes on the scene since last year, but we keep on fighting, we keep on coding, drawing & composing. What we need is more fun, friendship and connection in the scene! So... Lets make ANOTHER DEMO PARTY! Lets make Abort '99! And what is a demo party? A demo party is an event (party), when computer (art) enthusiasts come together, INTERACT, exchange IDEAS & KNOWLEDGE, have a lot of FUN and COMPETE! Everyone and every group shows what he/she/it has done. Shows its demo, music and graphics and watch other people's artwork! You don't need to make any artwork that would compete with others, but it would be very nice of you if you did! We hope we will be able to organize future Aborts (2000...), but this will only be possible if you show up at the party & participate in the competitions! This is a NON-COMMERCIAL event, all the income after paying bills will be spent on prizes! STAY TUNED FOR MORE DETAILED VERSION OF THIS INVITATION! |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 2. WHERE and WHEN? The Abort '99 will be held on the 11th of December (Saturday) in Ljubljana/Slovenia at gallery Kapelica at Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana. (that is the same place as last year) The party place will open around 12:00am and close sometime next morning! Address: Gallery Kapelica Kersnikova street 4 Ljubljana Slovenia Check the section 9. for more information on how to get there! Stay tuned for further versions of this invitation. |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 3. MAIN ORGANIZERS & SPONSORS The main organizers, sorted in alphabetical order: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Real Name: alias/group ----------------------------------------------------------------- Damjan Cvetko Zobo/Septic Productions Peter Lavric Crazy/Twilight Marko Mrdjenovic Fry/ Blaz Novak Bjt/ Andraz Tori MinMax/Septic Productions Primoz Verdnik Demmas/X-seed ----------------------------------------------------------------- Capo di banda of organization is Andraz Tori. We are also grateful to everyone that expressed different ideas, viewpoints and told us that what we are doing is a good thing. :) We would also like to kill everyone else, but that can wait... :) Sponsors (in alphabetical order): Comtron d.o.o. Gallery Kapelica The city of Ljubljana (Mestna obcina Ljubljana) Tiskarna Present d.o.o. Zavod za Racunalnisko Izobrazevanje Ljubljana We hope we will get some more, so we can give some nice prizes! If you have any good ideas about the party, tell us, we will gladly listen to them & if they are good, use them! Remember, this is YOUR party too! Contact E-mail address is andraz.tori1@guest.arens.si or you can find us often on IRC on irc-net in channel #scene.si! |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 4. ENTRANCE FEES & RESERVATIONS No entrance fee is planned. You'll get your table, electricity & access to the voting computer for free (but you have to report you are coming)! You have to bring SAFE electricity cables with you, network equipment is welcomed too. Non-alcoholic drinks will be sold all the time! Because there is limited space available, you HAVE TO report you are coming to andraz.tori1@guest.arnes.si, if you don't, it may happen, you won't get a table to put your computer and other equipment on! If you are planning your visit, let us know TODAY! We would like to encourage you to bring your computer with you. Computers are very important part of the party, if you don't have one with you, you won't be able to show your work to your friends and have other fun during 'free' time. Don't forget to bring network cards & cables with you! Also electronic voting will be much easier if you'll have your own computer. |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 5. COMPETITIONS There will be some standard competitions and some special ones (surprise!). Because there is almost no interest in Amiga, Commodore & other compos, just PC compos will be held. If you have your artwork on any other platform, you'll have to bring all necessary hardware with you. If there will be enough interest in any other competition that is not described below we will make additional compos! Every member can participate with ONE artwork in each competition. In demo competition every group can have as many entries as it wants. Entries must not be shown on any other party/competition before Abort. Anything received after the deadline, won't be competing, but it will be shown. There will be a deadline countdown! If there won't be enough entries for the competition, they will be shown /played, but they won't compete! If there will be too many entries in a competition, organizers will make a pre-selection to lower the number of entries to reasonable amount. We will do it the best way we can but nobody is perfect. (preselection is expected in music competition) You'll have the opportunity to test your demo TWO TIMES on compo computer. If there will be too much interest in this, we don't know if it will be actually possible. But don't come just before deadline! By competing in any of Abort99 competitions you agree that WITHOUT your written permission the following is true: Your artwork contributed to Abort99 is free for distribution over all types of media as long as it hasn't been changed in any way. Your artwork contributed to Abort99 can be used by Septic Productions for promotional use in sense of Internet, BBSes and CD-release distribution even if a distribution fee is charged for the CD-release. Your artwork contributed to Abort99 can be publicly shown at any time during the event and post-event promotions. With these rules we will be able to promote the party properly ! Also the organizers have the right to remove any entry from the competition, if they think it is not suitable. Now back to the party organization... The party PC that will run everything: Processor: At least K7 Athlon 500Mhz Video card: One of ATI cards (fast enough) RAM: At least 64Mb Sound card: SoundBlaster AWE 64 Projector: ?? The maximum supported resolutions are 640x480x16M & 800x600x256! Higher resolutions will probably result in an ugly picture! The configuration is not finalized yet, watch out for further versions of this invitation text! Available system configuration will include full VBE 2.0 support! It will be possible to run Win95 demos too. Players used the for music compos: latest version of Modplug player and Impulse Tracker! * PC DEMO COMPETITION -maximum size 8388608 bytes -it should run trough a batch file called START.BAT -pure animation files not accepted -maximum base memory requirement is 540Kb -maximum memory requirement is 32Mb -if it crashes, it is NOT showed again, but can still compete -maximum 15 minutes * PC 64Kb INTRO COMPETITION -all that was said for demo compo + -maximum size 65536 bytes -maximum 5 minutes -chances for this compo to take place are not good, if there won't be enough entries, it will be merged with the PC DEMO COMPO * MULTICHAN MUSIC COMPETITION -any format that is supported under latest modplug or Impulse Tracker except MPEG & WAV (pure sound files (non-tracked) not accepted) -maximum 4 minutes playing time, after that it will be faded out -no remixes allowed * MP3 MUSIC COMPETITION -music can be produced in ANY way you wish, no restrictions -MP3 format, we suggest 160kb or higher bitrate -maximum 4 minutes playing time, after that it will be faded out -no remixes allowed * GRAPHICS COMPETITION -max. 640x480x16M -viewer will be .... ? -accepted formats: PCX, LBM, GIF, BMP, JPG, PNG -You must add 3 significative steps of making the picture * PIXELART COMPETITION -320x200x256 graphics -accepted formats: PCX, LBM, GIF, BMP, PNG -You must add 3 significative steps of making the picture!!! -It must be REAL pixelart, that means no scans, remixes of other pictures etc... * 3D/RAYTRACE GRAPHICS COMPETITION -all rules like for the graphics compo except it has to be made in one of raytracing programs -3 steps of constructing must be added! (not different types of shading!) * ANIMATION & VIDEO COMPETITION -maximum size is 1CD (74min) -maximum rolling time is 5 minutes(if it is longer it will be stopped) -it has to include computer-made animations, not only recorded video -must be playable in windows media player(cinepac codec) or in linux(mpeg2) -audio is optional, but it would be kinda good to have it:) * ANSI/ASCII COMPETITION -max 80x200 ANSI/ASCII -it has to be made for 80x25 or 80x50 mode -will be shown with latest ANSIDRAW -no animation * WILD THING -anything allowed -bring ALL NECESSARY equipment with you (like VCRs, Lightshows, VR machines, go-go dancers, ...) * SURPRISE COMPOS -be prepared for everything :) * SPECIAL 'HACKING' COMPO -still looking for organizer & participants. If interested apply to our e-mail address... Please include information about every product in product.nfo file! |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 6. VOTING SYSTEM There will be local TCP network organized at the party (Bjt is in charge of this). It will be connected to outer world (internet) trough 128Kbps line. The voting program will be done trough local web server that will also collect all the votes in real time. You will be able to vote from all machines connected to local network (yours for example) and from dedicated machines (for those who won't bring their computer with them). Every person will get his username and password on the entrance (He'll have to have a personal ID or some other kind of identification) We hope this year the thing will WORK. |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 7. PRIZES Prizes will be cool, hot & spicy! Anyway... Scene's not for the money & prizes! IT'S FOR FUN, FAME AND GLORY |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 8. OFFICIAL PARTY T-SHIRTS There will be a limited number of T-shirts available. They'll have nice Abort99 logos on them. Because we don't know how many we will sell, you have to reserve some for you and your friends to get them for sure, write to andraz.tori1@guest.arnes.si. They will be sold at the price of 1000SIT (5 EUR)! The price is subject to change! |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 9. HOW TO GET TO THE PARTY PLACE Scanned pictures of Ljubljana/Center (K4, main train station, main bus station, main roads) can be found at this URL: http://www.stjost.org/abort98/map1.htm Party place is only about 600m away from main train/bus station. If your are arriving to that station, we can send someone there and he'll guide you to the party place (contact us on andraz.tori1@guest.arnes.si for this option) |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 10. CONTACT INFORMATION & FUTURE UPDATES E-mail: andraz.tori1@guest.arnes.si WWW: http://www.stjost.org/abort99 BBS: none STAY TUNED FOR MORE DETAILED VERSION OF THIS INVITATION MIND OVER MATTER THE ART OVER MIND, AND FREEDOM OVER EVERYTHING