This is not a public domain or shareware collection.
         This is a commercial product and possession of it by anyone
            who is not a cool person is both illegal and immoral.
       This collection can be downloaded from famous computer bulletin
                          board systems everywhere.


                    ____|_  |   _ ______ _   _ _____ _
                    \__  / _|_________   /________   /
                     /  /  _____   / /  /__  /   /  /
                    /  /|   |  /  /  __/  / /  _/ _/
                    \___,___:  __/___:\  __/___\  \____ _
                           |___:/ _   /\_____ \ \__/ ________
                               /  /__/_  /  _  \  _______   /
                    .----------\ /    | /\  /   \__   / /  /
                    |+-- -      \_,___:/  \_,___/ /  /_,__/
                    :|               \_,___\D! \_,__/   |
                    |·                                  |
                    | mAZ!/uPPERcLASS pRODUkkTIONZ ¹994 |
                    |                                  .:
                    :                                  ||
                    ·                              - --+|


   _________________/    /________  ___________/__________________
  /      _____     /   //         \/     /   _______    \    _    \
  \\    ____/     /    /     /    /          /     /    //   /    /________
   \________|_________/    ______/_____/    /|_________/_____\     /      /
          /      <---/_____/-rS!/aRt--/____/-----------------+\___/     //
                                                             | __/______/
    25 ascii file-description  logos for amiga and console   | \    .   \
    groups for the use w/ ami/sigma express bulletin board   | /         \
                systems. i love to be a slave.               |/_____|_____\

                                          -%- . Led$$$$P-
       +------------ -- ------------ -------     3$3 F3$%   -------+
       :                                         " ^  .3""         :
       :        A  jail  cell  is freedom from      d***$$e.       :
       :        the  pain  in  my  home Hatred   r .%     ^"%      :
       :        passed   on,   passed  on  and   '$$r              :
       :        passed  on  A world of violent    3$$  *$*$$$$$    :
       :        rage  But  it's one that I can     '$$. *b'b"$*$.  :
       :        recognize  Hanving  never seen       *$. "L^L"b"$-
       :        the colour of my father's eyes        "$b '. L^b^$
       :        Yes,  I dwell in hell but it's         ^$$bJ  \ b^$ .
       :        a hell that I can grip I tried         b *$$$b.\ \ b \
       :        to   grip   my  family  But  I         *$."$$$$$b.. % %
       :        slipped  To  escape  from  the         4$$r'$$b *$.%.\ ".
       :        pain  and an existance mundane         ^$$  $$P  "$.'c^c"e
       ø        I  gotta  9, a sign, a set and         4P"  $F%   '$.'c^r*$c
       :        now I got a name                       $    $      '$.'c^c "$-
       :                                              $%   .$      :'$.'L^b
       +------------- -- ----------- -- ----  J$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ -+  *.JL.b

                         ___ ___    _____    _____
                      .//   V   \__/  .  \__/  _  \_
                   ____/   _:_   \__ _|   \___/  __/____
                   \___    \ /    ___\__   ___ _/   ___/
 |+- -                                :                                    |
 ||    [ The 1st Chapter: "Why the fuck he's still doing ascii's??" ]      |
 :·    --------------------------------------------------------------      |
 |                                                                         |
 |     Just  back  on  your favourite  dedicated   to  some  personal      |
 |     text-   viewer  or  editor  to  friends   of  mine:   The  STA      |
 |     present  you  another useless,  Essen    (thanks   again   for      ø
 |     boring  collection  of  stupid  busting me).                        |
 |     file-descriptions.                          [.:·]                   |
 |                 [·.·]               Some  of  you guys MAY miss my      |
 |     Of  course  you  won't  really  BBS, just to let you know:  It      |
 |     enjoy them, but that's not the  will  never  be  online again.      :
 |     matter   of   releasing  those  Although  I  liked to run this      |
 |     things, in fact  it's just  to   baby    it    really got   too      |
 |     get famous, rich,    beautyful,  dangerous  to  start some kind      |
 |     hot chicks,  nearly everything  of  "comeback" if you  already      |
 |     you want. According  to   some  got  busted  for bbs'ing.  You      |
 |     rumours  it's even possible to  don't  have  to be worry about      |
 |     get    ORIGINALS   for   every  that   (I   know  there  isn't      |
 |     computer/console system.        anybody), 'cause if everything      |
 |     Jesus,    can't  wait   to see  goes  well  I'll give my BBS /      |
 |     collections  released  through  User-Data   to  someone  who's      |
 |     the    TRSI   label.    *grin*  young,  motivated  and stoopid      |
 |     However,  this   collection is  enough.  Haha                       |
 |      __                                           -mAZ!/UPPERCLASS      |


                   Something about silence makes me sick
                       'Cause silence can be violent


   .:<-----------------------[ ALPHA FLIGHT 1977 ]--------------------->:.

                 .- _____ ___________ ----------------------.
                 | _\__  Y  _    /  /   This Fly Will never |
                 :/ ___  |  |___/  /____    __ __ __  stop! |
                 /  \|   :   _/   /    /- //_/  /  /--------+
                 \_______|   |________/  /__/  /  / presents|

                                                     .. Or was it '1970'?
   .:<---------------------------[ ANTHROX ]--------------------------->:.

                   _____. ___  _____.__ ____________.___
                  / __  :/   \/  __/|_ Y     /__  \ | _/
                ./  \|  |  |  \  |  _/ :  |_/ \/  /    \_.
               ::\___\__l__|__/__l__|  |__|\__/__/  7___/::
               <------------------- l__| -------/___|-mAZ->

   .:<----------------------------[ ARISE ]---------------------------->:.

               .     _____ ________  _ __ ____    ____
               +--  _\___ Y ___   / /.\\//  _/___/ __/  --+
               |mAZ/  ___ :  l/  / /  \\_\___   \ _/_____ :
               :  /ø  \|  |  \  ¯¯\_    \  l/  ø/ \/    / |

   .:<---------------------------[ ASPECT ]---------------------------->:.

                     ____   ___ ______  ____  ___  ____
               .--- _\__ |_/ _/__ __  \/___/_/ _/ / ___| -.
               :   / ___ |_\__  \ |/  /__/_/  /__/   |    |
               |  /  \|  |  |/ ø/  __/ /   / /   /   |    |

   .:<----------------------------[ CENSOR ]--------------------------->:.

                        ___   ___________  ___ __________.
                      _/ _/__/_ ____ __  \/ _// __  \ _ :::
                 .--.:\  \|   /__/|  |/  /\_   \\/  / |_/ ·:.
                 |  .:::_____/_____)_|  /______/ \ /__|mAZ  |

   .:<---------------------------[ CLASSIC ]--------------------------->:.

                     ___       __                 ___
                   _/ _/_____ /  \   _____________\_/. ___
                  /  /    / //_. \\_/__ ___/__ ___   :/ _/___
                 /_______/ /   :___\  /  /   /  /____| /    /

   .:<---------------------------[ ELITENDO ]-------------------------->:.

                    ___________/\_______/\__________  _
                    \___  /  /\__/ _ ____  /___  \ _\/ \
                     / / /_ /_|  :_/ |/ / /_  /  / / \  \
                    / /_/ //  |  |/  | /_/ / /  / /  /  \\

   .:<---------------------------[ DELIGHT ]--------------------------->:.

                 ___________________  /\   ______.___._______
                 ____   \ _   /    / /  \_/   /  |   |  __  /
                 |  /   / /  /|_  /__\__/  __/__ _   :   \_/
                 | /   / /__/  / /   /  |  \   / |   |   ø\:
                 <------( cracked for your pleasure )---mAZ->

   .:<---------------------------[ DELIRIUM ]-------------------------->:.

                       .____   ___   ___    _____
                     __|  __)_(___)_(_  \ _(__  /____  /\
                  ._(_  \ _)_ :   |  /  /(___) /|  : \/  \.
                  :  /  /____)|___|__\____)  |_____| \/__.::

  .:<---------------------------[ FAIRLIGHT ]------------------------->:.

                           ____     ______  ___     .______
                      _____\_  |____\_   /_.\_/ ____: _   /
                    ._\ __/ _  :__/  /  /_ |   | __/|_ \_/
                  .:|   _)__|__|  :__\____)|___: \   /__\:.

   .:<---------------------------[ HOODLUM ]--------------------------->:.

                 .___._  ____________________________/\  ___.
                 :ø__| \/  ______  \__  \   /\__  /_/  \/   |
                 : \___ \  \  / /  / /  /  /__/  /  | \  _  :
                 :   :   \   /    / /  /  /   / /|  |  \/   :
                 |___|    \_/\___/    /|_____/______|  /|___:
                 +---l_____\-----|___/[presents]/_____/ -mAZ+

   .:<--------------------[ HOODLUM & REVOLUTION ]--------------------->:.

               .-----.__\-._____---.___________-|-- ------.
               : ____|   \|    /______ ___    /.+ Hoodlum!|
               |/   \_   ø\   /      /   /  _/ ||-- <+> --+
               /_____|     \________/____\_____||Revolution
               +- mAZl______\--[.presents.]-----+---------' .. kinda late?

   .:<---------------------------[ PARADOX ]--------------------------->:.

                      __  ________    _______________.___
                   ._(_ \(_ _____ \._(_ ____  \ . (__|  //
                   :  __/ _  : _ _/|  _  : /  / |  / ._/_
                   |   |__|__|__\___)_|  |___/\___/  |___)
                 <-l___|-- cracked: --l__|-------/___|--mAZ->

  .:<---------------------------[ QUASAR ]---------------------------->:.

                    .______  _._  _____. __   _____ ______ .
                   //  __  \/ | \/ __  :/ _)_/ __  Y  .  //
                    \  \/ _/_ |  \ \|  |\_   \ \|  |  |_/

   .:<---------------------------[ PRESTIGE ]-------------------------->:.

                          ___        __       ___   .______
                  _______(_  \.____ / _)_____(___)__|_ ___ _
                 _ ____ \ /  /|  __)\__  \    /  : __/__)_
                   :   _/_\____) _(______/ \_/___|(_   /__)

   .:<----------------------------[ PRODIGY ]-------------------------->:.

                    __________________________  _____.____
                     ____  \__   /__  \ __  \ |/  /  |  _
                     | l/  /l/ _/ \/  / l/ ø/ | _/\___  :
                  mAZ:  __/ /  \_ /  /  /  /  | \_  \|  |uC!
                 `---------------[ presents ]---------------'

  .:<----------------------------[ SKID ROW ]------------------------->:.

                     ...  __.   /\ _____  ...   _    ____
                    :: ··|  |__/ \\  _  \·· ·: / \  /   /_
                    `::::. _/ _/__/  /  /...:'/   \/   /  \
                  ::.  `:: \  \_  |    /:::::.::   \  /\   \
                  `::..::'__\  /__|___/:::: ·:::___/__/\   /
                 <-mAZ-------\/-------------- ·· -------\_/->

  .:<-------------------------[ SHRIMPS DESIGN ]---------------------->:.

                   _______.___.______/\__  /\_______________
                   \  ____|   | _    / \ \/  \ ___   / ______
                 ___\__  \    :_/ __/__/_  /  \  /  /\__   /
                 \    /  /_   |\   \|  | \/    \ __/   /  /-.
                 |\_____/_|   |_\   \__|_||     \_|\_____/  |
                 `-\---mAZ|___|--\___/----|______\* DESiGN *'

  .:<---------------------------[ SUNFLEX ]--------------------------->:.

                    ___  .___ .  :______. __ ________.____
                   / _/__|\  \|  :  ___/| \// ______ | __/I
                 ._\___ \| \. \  |  _/  |__/ _/__./  __/  N
                .|  l/ ø/|  \\   |  |   l  / \|  :  /  \_.C
               ::|  /  /____/|\__|__|\____/\_____|_/|   /::
               «-l____/mAZ------( cracked )------uC!l__/--»

  .:<--------------------------[ SNEAKERS ]--------------------------->:.

                        ____________ |_________.
               .---->  /  ______    \|    __   |_____<----.
               | /  .__\___     \    \    |   _/   _/   \ |
               |//\ |    l/    ø/  \      :   \     \_ /\\|

   .:<---------------------------[ TENSION ]--------------------------->:.

                   __________________  __   /\ _________
                   \  _  __)_____ _  \/ _)_(__) _  \ _  \
                    \_) ø|  _)_|  / _/\__  \  | /  / / ø/
                      |  :_____)_( (_______/  :___/_(  /

   .:<-------------------------[ THE SILENTS ]------------------------->:.

                 ________. _____  _____
                 \   _   :/    /_/    /__/\ * The Silents *__
                  \__/   |\__ /  \   /_____\_ ___ __ ___  /
                   :    ø|__\     \ /     /             \/

   .:<-----------------------------[ TRSI ]---------------------------->:.

                           _________          _______
                 _________/__ __    \ _______/_     /------->
                 \   _    __/  /   _/_\__ ____/   ./   /X
                  \_/    ./____\_____/  /   \____.:iNNOVATiON

     .:<--------------------------[ REDNEX ]----------------------------->:.

                 _______________________ .___________  /\____
                  _____   /__   /  __  \\|     /_   /\/  __
                  | _/ __/  /  /|_  /  / \   ø/ /  /__  _/
                  : \   \  /__/  / /  / \    / /__/  /_  \
                  |__\   \______/____/__|\  /_______/_\   \_

  .:<-----------------------------[ ZYLON ]--------------------------->:.

                     __    /\\   _____
                    / _\/\/ /\ _/ \ _ \   [* Z Y L O N *]
                 .-/ / / / / // / / / /---------------------.
                 | \/ /\_ / // / / / /                      |
                 :// / / / / /__/ / /                       |


         +-» ..Regards To The REAL Ascii/Ansi Elite (A-Z Order)..
         :                           :
  911 -·- Amblin -·- Barock -·- Cardinal -·- Danzig -·- Desert -·- Enforcer
     Exocet -·- FCKW -·- g.E.m -·- Godhead -·- Masterbard -·- Metalbasher
  Metallikat -·- Nephilim -·- OEP -·- Rat -·- Red Devil -·- Redskin -·- RiP
         Rotox -·- Sal-1 -·- Shapechanger -·- Skin -·- Splatt -·- Zin
         +---- -- ----- --- ---------------- - ----   ------------  -- -------


  :: ::
  :::    R.E.D.I.T.S                                     __
.-::: :::------------------------------------------------\/------------------.                                __
| `:::::'                                                                    |
|                                                                            :
|    Main Design & Descriptions by.................... Maz!/UpperClass       :
|    Lyrics by................................................... RATM       |
|    Editor used........................................ CygnusEd V3.5       |
|                                                                            |
|    "Upperclass" Logo #1 by.............................. Redskin/Art       |
|    "Upperclass" Logo #2 by............................ Desert/Dezign       |
|    "Maz" Logo by........................................ 911/G-Style       |
|    "Euphoria" Logo #1 by................................ Redskin/Art       |
|    "Euphoria" Logo #2 by................................. Rip/Dezign       |
:                                                                            |
|                         Thanks again! Great Work!                          |
|                                                                            |

                 +----------» How to contact me:
 just leave me a brief message on one of your fav US board, or try to get in
        touch w/ me via my Internet e-mail adress:
    Germans can leave me a msg at max rock'n roll and at ravers paradise!
                 +-------------------------- ------------- --- ------------»

                            ..kommercial brrreak!

  if you're interested in backup units for your SNES/SEGA system, make sure
       to kall +49-172-28o8685 for the best prices around or write to:

                                 plk o5oo1o d
                               45525 hattingen
                                g e r m a n y


              :                                                          :
              :                                                 ....     :
              :                                                      %   :
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              :                                              L           :
              :                                              "F3  $r     :
              :                                             $$$$.e$"  .  :
              :                                             "$$$$$"   "  :
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              :                          .                   $$$$$$$P    :
              :                         ."c                      $$$     :
              :                        .$c3b                  ..J$$$$$e  :
              :                        4$$$$             .$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c:
              :                         $$$$b           .$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$r
He tries to please them all, this bitter   $$$.        .$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
man  he  is.   Throughout  the  life the    $$$c      .$$$$$$$  "$$$$$$$$$r
same,  he's  battled  constantly.   This     $$$b    .$$$$ $$$"^b $$$$$$$$$
fight  he  cannot win.  A tired man they      *$$$   $$$$  $$P4$ $^$$$$ $$$
see  no  longer cares.  The old man then       *$$$.$$$$   4$b'$$$.3$$P *$$F
prepares  to  die regretfully.  That old        "$$$$$P    4$$e."$$$$$%  $$$
man here is me.                                  "$$$P      $$$$b $$$$   *$$
              :                                    ""       $$$$$$."$$$c  $$F
              :                                             $$$$$$$e $$$$.*$$
              :                                  .ee.       $$$$$$$$$  *$$$$$
              :                                 4$$  ^b     $$$$$$$$$   ^$$$$
              :                                 $$$    ^c   $$$$$$$$F    :"*$%
              :                                 3$$c     *  $$$$*"""F    :
              :                                  $$$$      cP"           :
              :                                  ^$$$$c .e"              :
              :                                   ^$$$$"                 :
              :                                    JP"                   :
              :                                  e"                '     :
              :                                d$                  %z.   :
              :                               $$$                  $$$c  :
              :                             z$$$$eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed$$$$e :
              :                            $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
              :                               """"""""""""""""""""""""""":""""
              :                                                          :


                             ______                        / :\
  ________    ____    _______/_   /     ________   _______ \__/   _______
 __\___   \____/ \  ___\__    \  /__   __\__  \  ___\__   \_____  _\__  \
_/    /   /   /   \_/    /    /     \_/    /   \_/    /   /    \_/       \_
| |  ____/   /   | |    _____/  /  | |        | | |      /    | |    /  : |
| :  |   |       : |    //_____/   : |        : | :  \    \   : |   /   | |
~\_______|________/~   /      /______|\________/~\____\    \___/~\_______/~
         Y      /_____/                                \____\        RiP!

                     W.A.S.   P.R.E.S.E.N.T.E.D   B.Y.

+--- ---------------------------------- - -- --- ---  -- ---------- ---+
|                                                                      |
|  ...... :::::: ............  ............   .........................
:  :::::: :::::: ...... :::::: ...... :::::: ::::::.       .......::::::
|  :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: .::::: :::::: :::::.
  .:::::: :::::: ::::::.:::::: ::::::.:::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::
.       `-'      ::::::        ::::::             `-'     .::::::
    ...................        ............   ............  ............
   ::|:::  ..... ::::::         ......:::::: ::::::......  ::::::......
   ::|::: :::::: :::::: .::::: :::::: :::::: .....  :::::: .....  ::::::
  .::|::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::
     |  `-'           `-'           `-'           `-'           `-'
     +-rS!/aRt--------------------------------------- --  -

        Copyright © 1994 UPPERCLASS PRODUCTIONS. All Rights Reserved.

 _            ________  ___  /  __ _______ _
 \   |___  ___\__   __)/    /  |  \(___(___
  \__|___)|___) \__|  \\____\__|___\___)___)
 "e.u.p.h.o.r.i.a" by mAZ!/uPPERcLASS pROD.