·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
    [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP··mP3·pC/iBM·cLASSICS·]
         [· rUNNiNG oN 8 nICE nODES · 2 iSDN/2 aNALOGUE/4 tELNET ·]
           [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·]
         [· aHS wHQ · b-GiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · sRZ wHQ · lP! gHQ ·]
           [· pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · pPH eHQ ·]
                       [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·]

     .___  _/\___   .____.   ___  .____________          ___    .___
 ____|   \_\     \__|    |___\ /__|    ____/\ /__________\ /____|   \______
.\  _|      \    _/\    __/   \/        _/   \/   ____/   \/   _|         /___.
|___\|   ____\    ____  /    ______     |_________`      ______\|   ____ /    |
·····\   /····\   /·/________|····|_____|·······/________|······\   /·/_______|
-----:\ /------\ /----------------------------------------------:\ /-----------
 _ _   Y        Y      i  n  s  e  m  i  n  a  t  i  o  n         Y        _ _
|                                                                             |
|       the biggest and best-looking pc-asciiboard ever seen in finland       |
|                                                                             |
|     ascii-/street-art filebases · techno-/underground culture discussion    |
|                                                                             |
|  liquid.net [2:XXX/X] · relaxed atmosphere · connections from 14k4 to 33k6  |
|                                                                             |
|       operated by sperm whale [ruma^aurinko^iso] and phobia [aurinko]       |
|                                                                             |
|_                 dial +358-9-2418602 for instant desolation                _|
_////_                                                                   _\\\\_
|          _. _,/_, __, _,, _.|    ________ _______                           |
|         (_|( (_,|(- |(_,|(_||  ._\      //      /_.                         |
|        ________ ____________'__|__   ________   __|___ ______ _________ _   |
|       _\      /.\    _     /     /___\    __/___\     /     /_        //(   |
| · _ _/         |     /    /_        /    _/    /     \/      /         |  · |
  |      ___________ ________ ___|_______ _______ __|________ ___________   |
  |     _\   _     /    _    \         _/       /.\    _    /_    _     /   |
  | _ _/     /    /_    /     \_       |         |     /     /    /    /_ _ |
  | )\\-----/______/----\______/-------:---------:-----------\---/______//( |
  |                              |__              __| -sg/jA!               |
  |                                /______//______\                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |   uploaded by abhorrence from xx( g!^hap!^flo )xx at 22:11 - 03-25-97   |
  |    _                                                               _    |
                   _____  _ ____  _____  ___.   ____.
                .__\__  \_   __/__\__  \_   l___    l______
                |    |   |   _/___  _   |   ___/_   |_   _/ --.
            .-- |    |   |   |   /  |   |   |   |   _/   |   X|
            |   |    ____|   ___/   ____|   ____|   |____|   x|
            |   `----'  `----' `----'  `----'  `----'        :|
            |X      ______  _____   _____   _____  _ ____    ů|
            |x   .__\  __/__\___/__ \__  \_ \    \_   __/     |
            |:   |   \_   |   |   |   _   |   _   |   _/___   |
            `--- |    |   |   |   |   |   |   /   |   |   / --'
             str |    ____|   ____|   ____|   ____|   ___/
                 `----'  `----'  `----'  `----'  `----'

     .-°> DEATHSCAPE. OPEN SINCE '94. +358-9-386175. 33600 POWER! <°-.


^----------------------ADD YOUR CRAP ABOVE THIS LINE!------------------------^

___________ ____
\___   ___/ ___/___. . . . . . . .
 _/     \_  \___   |   THiEVES'  :
 \___    /____     |    GUiLD    :
|     Daeron presents today      |
|     an ascii colly called      |
|        Cemetery Gates          |

           _______   ______ _ ________ _________ _ ______________
     . :.__\___   \__\____ \_   __   /__  __  _/_ ___  \______   \: ..
       _/      \   __  ___   _  \___/ __  _/  ____ \/   __   |    \_
     ::\_______/    /________/___     /___\      /_______/___|     /:.
  - - -------\_____/------------\____/-drn!\____/------------|____/-- - -

                 ________________              :        . . :
             .  /   __  /  _____/         : . .            .   .
               /     / /  ____/               . .        : . .
             ./_______/____/       .          :        .   :
        .                                .    |            |
    . ________________________________________|            |  .
     |                                                     |      .
   . |                                                     |
    .|                                                     |   .
  .  |             ________________________________________|
     |            |.                          .               .
   __|            |__  .            : ________________  .
   \                /:           .   /   __  /  _____/
  . \              /    .           /     / /  ____/.
 .   \            / .            . /_______/____/
      \          /
   :   \        /  .                .
      . \      / :
       : \    /   .
      .   \  / .
         : \/

                _ ________                               __
 _____________ ___       /_______ ___ ___ ________ _____ \/
 \___   ___/  |   \_ ___/  __   /_ _ |   \_ __   /_ ___/__
  _/     \_   _    __   __ \___/  _  |    / \___/ ______  \_ _____ _______
  \___    /___\     /____/__     /___    /___     /___     //    //      /
     \___/     \___/   drn!\____/   \___/   \____/   \____//____//______/

      --= THiEVES' GUiLD '96   --=--   THE SHADOW iN THE DARKNESS =--
                                      _ _______
    _______ ______ ____ ______ _ ___ ___      /_____   _______
   /      //     //   //  ___/__    |   \____/_    /_ _\___   \
  /______//_____//___//   \__   \_  |    __  __   /   __   \   \_
                      \_____     /___     /___/___     /___/    /
                           \____/   \____/       \____/  \_____/

        .                         .                     .
      .  .        .              . .        .          .  .
    .      .    .   .           .   .      . .        .    .      .
   .         .       .      .  .      .   .   .     .        .  .   .      .
                      .    .  .         .      .  .           .      .   .
                         .                      .                      .

                                 :   .
                                .   .
                                :. :  .
                                   | :
   presents today...     .   .  .  |_____
                           .  ___________)  : .
                        .  . (_______________
                       :  ___________________)  ..
                     ..  (_______________________
                     (_______________________   .
                      ..  ___________________) :
                       ..(_______________  .
                          :.. ___________)
                          .  (_____  .         ...an ascii colly called
                       .    .      |   :
                               .   |
                                .  :  .

   ______ _ ________ ___  ___ __________________ ______ _________ ___ ____
  /  ___/__ _ __   /__  \/   \_  __   /__   ___/ __   /_ _ __  _/_   |    \
 /   \     __ \___/ __  \/    __ \___/ __    \_  \___/ __  _/  _____   ___/
 \_____     /__     /___/      /__     /__    /___     /___\      /_____\
      \____/  \____/    \_____/  \____/  \___/   \____/     \____/drn!
        :         c  e  m  e  t  e  r  y  .  g  a  t  e  s            :
        |          ______   ______ _________________ ______           |
        |         /  ___/___\____ \ __   ___/ __   /_  ___/__         |
        :......  /   \__   __ ___  __     \_  \___/ _______  \_ ......:
                 \_____     /_______/__    /___     /____     /
                      \____/          \___/   \____/    \____/


_ ______                                          _ ______
       /_______ _______ _ ______ _ ___ ___  _______      /_______ _______
  ____/_____   \_  ___/__ _    /_ _   |   \_\___   \____/_____  _\_  ___/__
_/    \_   /    __ \     __   /   __  |    __   \   __  \_   /    __ \__   \_
\______/___\     /___     /___     /___     /___/    /___/___\     /___     /
            \___/   \____/.: \____/..:\____/.:.\____/. :  drn!\___/   \____/
                   : .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:. .:
                 . :. :: including following stuff :::.: .
                     .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :
                     : .:. ::.   ::.:  :. :. . .:::: . :
                    .     . :  .  : .      : .   : .  .

                         | o1) iNTRODUCTION         |
                         | o2) REQUESTED ASCiiS     |
                         | o3) NOT REQUESTED ASCiiS |
                         | o4) BBS DESiGN ASCiiS    |
                         | o5) GREETiNGS & CREDiTS  |
                         : o6) CONTACT iNFORMATION  |

                        :       Sad but true          :
                  I'm your dreams, make you real      :
                  I'm your eyes when you must steal   :
                  I'm your pain when you can't feel   :
                  Sad but true                        :
                  I'm your dream, mind astray         :
                  I'm your eyes while you're away     :
                  I'm your pain when you repay        :
                  You know it's sad but true          :
                        :       by Metallica          :

                               -=- PART o1 -=-

                 _ ______
         ______         /__________________________ ______     ______
        /          ____/_____   \___   ___/  __  _/_ ___  \          \
       -         _/    \_   /    __     \_   _/  ____ \/   \_         -
    _ /_         \______/___\     /__    /___\      /_______/         _\ _
    \/ /                     \___/  \___/ drn!\____/                  \ \/
      -                                                                -
     /                  --= THE iNTRODUCTION =--                        \
    /                                                                    \
   :                                                                      :
   :                                                                      :
   :                         - ----=---- -                                :
   .                                                                      .
     A few words about this pack (or colly, whatever).  This is my second
   . pack and like  my 1st pack  this pack  has been  delayed for several .
     months,  because I have been so lazy.  But the asciis which you find
     in this pack  were fast made in couple of days.  All of the requests
   . has been  fulfilled  and you can  find them in the 'requested' part. .
     Because  people  requested  so few  asciis  I  had to make a  'board
     design' and  'not requested' parts to  this pack.  So people request
     more asciis...

   .                        - ----==---- -                               .

     Now I'm looking for kewl group(s) to join.  If your group is looking
     for talented  ascii designer,  contact me.  You can find the contact
     information in the end of this pack.
   .                                                                     .
                            - ----==---- -

     And the last note. Do NOT remove my name tag from the asciis. And do
     NOT alter  my asciis without my permission.  If you need some asciis
     just  request them  from me  and you do NOT  have to  make a fool of
   . yourself by altering someone others asciis...                       .

                            - ----==---- -

                                         Signed, Daeron of Thieves' Guild

                        :     Welcome home (sanitarium)     :
                Welcome to where time stands still          :
                no one leaves and no one will               :
                Moon is full, never seems to change         :
                just labeled mentally deranged              :
                Dream the same thing every night            :
                I see our freedom in my sight               :
                No locked doors, No windows barred          :
                No things to make my brain seem scarred     :
                Sleep my friend and you will see            :
                that dream is my reality                    :
                They keep me locked up in this cage         :
                can't they see it's why my brain says Rage  :
                        :          by Metallica             :

                               -=- PART o2 -=-

 _________ _ ______ ______ ___ ___ _ _______ ____ _ _________ _____ _______
 \  __  _/_  __   /_ ___  \_  |   \_  __   /_ __/_____   ___/__   /_\___   \
 /  _/  ____ \___/ __ \/_  __ |    __ \___/  _____ \_     \_ \___/ __   \   \_
/___\      /__     /____\   /__     /__     /__     /__    /__     /____/    /
     \____/  \____/      \_/  \____/  \____/  \____/  \___/  \____/drn!\____/
             .                                                .    .
        .                 --= REQUESTED ASCiiS =--                 .
             .                                                .
        :    :                                                :    :
        |    |       Following asciis  are requested by       |    |
       _|    |_      various people.  Special thanks to      _|    |_
       \      /      WareWolf,  Darkven, Snafu  and Joo      \    _ /
        \\ _ /       for many ascii requests. Just keep       \   //
         \ //        requests coming and  my third pack        \\ /
          \/         will come out someday...                   \/
                                   .    :
                                   :    :
                                   |    |
                                  _|    |_
                                  \ _    /
                                   \\  //
                                    \ //

                 ___________ ______  _______ ______ _ ________
                 \___   ___/_\____ \_\___   \_    /_ _  __   /__
                  _/     __    ___  __   )  ___  /   __ \___/  /
                  \___    / _ _______/___)    /__     /__     /
                     \___/drn!          \____/  \____/  \____/

                               -+-  O . F  -+-
   ______ _ ______ ___________________________________________________
  /  ___/__   ___ \______  _\___   ___/ __   /_____   \___   ___/ ___/__
 /   \     \_  \/  __   |    __     \_  \___/ _ _ |    __     \_______  \_
 \_____     /_______/___|     /__    /___     /___|     /__    /____     /
      \____/            |____/  \___/   \____/    |____/  \___/    \____/

                          - [ Table of contents ] -

                o1. psx^for^joo
                  o2. vote^for^joo
                     o3. taco^for^taco
                        o4. dd.top^for^joo
                           o5. snafu^for^snafu
                              o6. gallery^for^joo
                                 o7. daydream^for^joo
                                    o8. toytools^for^joo
                                       o9. outlaws^for^snafu
                                          1o. element^for^snafu
                                       11. europol^for^snafu
                                    12. gamez^for^warewolf
                                 13. mazerix^for^mazerix
                              14. snafu.file.id^for^snafu
                           15. toytools.file.id^for^joo
                        16. deep.space^for^nahaz
                     17. mad.dog's^for^mazerix
                  18. filelist^for^warewolf
               19. immortal^for^immortal
            2o. outlaws.file.id^for^snafu
               21. element.file.id^for^snafu
                  22. hairdressers^for^?????
                     23. sony.playstation^for^joo
                        24. primal.chaos^for^darkven
                           25. e&t^for^shogun
                              26. hell^for^skyfloater
                                 27. zymosis^for^wrec
                                    28. zymosis.file.id^for^wrec
                                       29. 2nd.zymosis.file.id^for^wrec
                                          30. juju^for^wrec
                                       31. fsw^for^darkven
                                    32. toyfactory^for^joo
                                 33. 2nd.hell^for^skyfloater
                              34. 3rd.hell^for^skyfloater
                           35. daeron^for^me
                        36. shock.g^for^shock.g
                     37. da'joint^for^shock.g
                  38. immune^for^shock.g
               39. jedi.arts^for^shock.g
            40. darkven.file.id^for^darkven
               41. drk.file.id^for^darkven
                  42. ewc^for^soleio.and.me
                     43. 2nd.ewc^for^soleio.and.me
                        44. danger^for^dark.side

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .oo1.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|       .psx.       |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|     .for.joo.     |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

                     _________ ______ _ ____ ______
                   __\ _____  \  ___/__     |     //
                 //    \______/______  \_       _/___
              ..::\___     \ _____      /___|       /.:. .
                - ---\_____/-drn!\_____/-- -|______/-- -

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .oo2.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|       .vote.      |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|     .for.joo.     |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

                   ___ ___ _________________ ______
                 _/   |   \  ___ \___   ___/ __   /__
                \\    |    _  \/  __     __  \___/  //
              ..:.\___    /________/__    /____    /:. .
                - ---\___/-- drn!-- -\___/-- -\___/-- -

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .oo3.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|       .taco.      |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|     .for.taco.    |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

      _ _ ___________ ______ _______ _ ______ _ _
         \\___   ___/_\____ \_  ___/__ _ ___ \\
           _/     __    ___  __ \     __  \/  \_
      . .::\___    / _ _______/___     /_______/.:..
       - --- -\___/----  - -drn!-\____/--- --- - -
                             \:        :/
                              : .taco. :
                              :\      /:
                                 \  /

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .oo4.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|      .dd.top.     |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|     .for.joo.     |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

        _______    _______      ___________ ____ ________
      __\___   \___\___   \ _  _\___   ___/___  \  ____  \
    _/      \   __     \   __  _ _/     __  \/   __\_____//
   \\_______/    /_____/    //  \\___    /________/   \
  - ---- -\_____/-- -\_____/-- - ---\___/- -drn!\_____/--- -

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .oo5.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|      .snafu.      |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|    .for.snafu.    |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

    _ _ _____ _ _______   ______ ________ _ ___ _ _  _ ___________:_
      // ___/__ ____  _\__\____ \_  ____/  |   \\                 : |
      _\_____  __  /    __  ___  __ ___)   |    \_       snafu!   : |
  ..:.\____     /__\     /________/  \ _ ___     /:.:. ___________:_|
   = =====\____/= ==\___/==  = ==\___/drn!=\____/= =              :

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .oo6.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .gallery.     |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|     .for.joo.     |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

       ______   ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _______ _________ ____ ____
  . :./  ___/___\____ \_     /_      /__  __   /__  __   /_    |    \.: .
 ..:_/   \__  __  ___   _   /  \_   /  __ \___/  _  _/  ______   ___/:.: .
 . :\_____     /________/__     /__     /___    /___\      /______\::. .
  - - --\_____/-- -- - ---\____/--\____/---\___/- ---\____/-drn!-- - -

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .oo7.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .daydream.    |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|     .for.joo.     |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

   _______   ______ ____ ____ _______ __________ _______  ______ _ __  ___
  _\___   \__\____ \_   |    _\___   \    __   /_ __   /__\____ \    \/   \
_/     \   __  ___   __   ___/    \   __  _/  ___ \___/  _  ___   _  \/    \_
\______/    /________/_____\ _____/    /__\     /__     /_________/__/      /
- ---\_____/- ------ - ----- -- \_____/drn!\___/--\____/--- --  --- -\_____/-

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .oo8.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .toytools.    |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|     .for.joo.     |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.
  _ __________ ___ _ __ ___ _______ ___ ______ ______   _____
   \\___  ___/___ \_   |  _\_  ___/___ \_ ___ \_    /__/ ___/__
     _/    \_  \/  ___   ___    \_  \/  __ \/  __  /   _______ \_ _
     \___   /_______/_____\___   /_______/______/___    /___    //
  - ----\__/---  - ------ ---\__/----drn!---- -----\___/- -\___/- -

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .oo9.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .outlaws.     |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|    .for.snafu.    |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.
                                                   /  \
                                                  /    \
                           ....................../....  \
                           ::                   /   ::   \
      _ _____ _ __ ___ __________ ____    ______ _ ___  ____ _ ____
      // ___ \_   |   \___   ___/    /__ _\____ \     ||   _\  ___/__
     _/   \/  __  |    __     __    /   __  ___  __   /\    _______  \_ _
     \_________/___     /__    /____     /________/___/\____/____     //
    - - ------ ---\____/--\___/-- -\____/---- --  - ---------- -\____/drn!
                                                \   ::   /
                           ::    o.u.t.l.a.w.s   \  ::  /
                           ::.....................\.:: /
                                                   \  /

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o1o.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .element.     |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|    .for.snafu.    |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.
        :                 :
        |  e.l.e.m.e.n.t  |
        :                 :
      ________ ______ _ ________ _ __  ___ _________ ________ __________
    _/  __   /__ _  /___  __   /__   \/   \_  __   /______   \___   ___/
  ::\   \___/  _   /   __ \___/  _   \/    __ \___/  _   /    __     \_::
    \\____    /_____    /___    /____/      /___    /____\     /__    //
  - - ---\___/--- -\___/---\___/- ---\_____/---\___/-  ---\___/--\___/drn!

                                                 :                 :
                                                 |  e.l.e.m.e.n.t  |

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o11.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .europol.     |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|    .for.snafu.    |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

               /  \
              /    \
       ________ _ __ ___ __________ ______ _______ _ ___ _______
   _ _/  __   /__   |   \_   __   /_ ___ _\_ ___  _ ___ \_     /__
    \\   \___/  _   |    __  _/  ____ \/   __\____/  \/  __   /   \_ _
      \___     /_____     /__\      /_______/  \ _ _______/___     //
     - --\____/drn! \____/-- -\____/-  ---\____/---- -  -----\____/-
                      :                      :    \    /
                      :                      :     \  /
                      \    e.u.r.o.p.o.l     /      \/
                      :\                    /:

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o12.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|       .gamez.     |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|   .for.warewolf.  |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

     __ ______    ___:__ _ __  ___ _ _______ _______ _ _
      //  ___/__ _\____ \_   \/  _\_  __   /_\___  //
      /   \___  __  ___  __  \/    __ \___/ _ ____/__
   .:.\_____     /________/__/      /__     /__     /...
     = drn!\____/====:==== ==\_____/==\____/==\____/= =
                    \:  GůAůMůEůZ
                     :\  _ _
                     : \/
                     . \/

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o13.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .mazerix.     |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|   .for.mazerix.   |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.
                                              _ ______
_ _ ___  ___   ______   _______ _______ ________     /__ ______ _ __________
  //   \/   \__\____ \__\___  /  __   /__ __  _/____/_  |     //            |
  /    \/   _ _  ___  __ ____/__ \___/ __ _/  ____  __     __/_   mazerix!  :
.:\____/      /________/__     /__     /__\      /___/__|      \            :
- --  -\_____/---- -  ---\____/--\____/drn!\____/---- --|_______\           .


                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o14.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|  .snafu.file.id   |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|    .for.snafu.    |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

     ____ _____   _____   ______   __
drn!/ __/_\___ \__\___ \_|  ___/__|  \
   _\____    |  \_  __      __)   |   \_

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o15.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :| .toytools.file.id.|:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|     .for.joo.     |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

____  ____ __ ___ ___
\___\/___/__ \   |   \  ů /\ ů   !
 _/ \/ \_ \/  \_   __/ toytools! :
 \___   /______/____\   ů \/ ů   :
drn!\__/                         .
 !                               .
 :          text here
 .                               .
____  ____ __ _____ _____ _____
\___\/___/__ \  __ \    /_  __/_ .
 _/ \/ \_ \/  \_\/  \_ /  \____ \_
 \___   /______/_____/__   /__   /
    \__/               \__/  \__/

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o16.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|    .deep.space.   |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|    .for.nahaz.    |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

       ________ _ ________ ________ ________
 .:. :_\___   _\_   __   /_  __   /_  ____  \ _ _
  _ _/     \    __  \___/ __ \___/ __ \_____//.
   \\______/     /__      /__      /    \: .:.
 - - --- \______/- \_____/--\_____/_ ___/- -

                        _ _____ _ _______ _ ______ _ _____ _ _________
                        // ___/__ _ ____  __\____ \_  ___/__ _  __   /__ _
                       __\______  _ \_____/   ___  __ \     __  \___/  //
                    . :\_____     /   \  _ _________/___     /__      /:.
                      - -- -\____/____/drn!-  --- -- --\____/--\_____/-

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o17.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|    .mad.dog's.    |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|   .for.mazerix.   |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

   _ _ ___  ___   ______   _______
     //   \/   \__\____ \__\___   \
     /    \/    __  ___  __    \   \_ _ _     m.a.d   d.o.g.'.s
     \____/      /________/____/    //                                 .
          \_____/            \_____/                     __
                                  _______ _______ _ _____\/______
  .                              _\___   \_  ___ \_  ___/__  ___/__    .
                               _/     \   __  \/  __ \__   \_____  \_ _ _
  .                            \______/    /_______/___     /__     // .
  .                                 \_____/       drn!\____/  \____/
  :  .                                                              .  :
  :                                                                    :
  :  :                                                              :  :
  |  :...  .                                                  .  ...:  |
  |_____ _ _  _   _                                    _   _  _ _ _____|

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o18.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .filelist.    |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|   .for.warewolf.  |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.
           _ ______                      _ _______
_ _ __________    /_____ _ ________ ______       /_____ _________ _ _
   \\_  _____/___/     /__ _ __   /__    /__ ___/  ___/___   ___//
    _/  ____)    __   /   __ \___/ __   /   __  _______  __   \_
  .:\__   \ _ ____/___     /__     /____     /___/___     /    /.:.
 - ---\___/--- ---  -\____/--\____/drn!\____/--- ---\____/_ __/-- -

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o19.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .immortal.    |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|   .for.immortal.  |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

  _ ______
         /__  ___ _ __  ___ _ _____ _ __________________ ______ _______
    ____/_  \/   \_   \/  _\ _ ___ \_   __  _/___   ___/_\____ \_     /__
  _/    __  \/    __  \/    __  \/  __  _/  ____     \_    ___  __   /   \_
  \______/__/      /__/      /_______/__\      /__    / _ _______/___     /
            \_____/   \_____/       .    \____/  \___/          drn!\____/
                       ř88o .             o88ř
                     .  88o   immortal! . o88  .
                        ř88o  ^"^"^"^"^  o88ř
                       . ř88o  .        o88ř    .
                     .     ř88o    .  o88ř .
                         .  ř88o.. ..o88ř
                              ř8ooooo8ř      .
                            .    řřř   .
                                 .       .

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o2o.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :| .outlaws.file.id. |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|    .for.snafu.    |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

  ____     ________     _____      _ _____
 / __ \__ _\__  __/___ _\___ \ __  __  __/_
/  \/  \ |       \   /__  __  \  ||  \____ \_
\_____   |  \____   /   ______   /\   ______/
 @@@@\_______/  |_______|drn!\___/\___/@@@@
 @!!@|                                |@!@!
 !!@!|                                |!@!!
 !:!!|        text comes here         |!!:!
 ::!:|                                |!:::
 :. :|                                |: .:
 . : |                                | : :
  . .|                                | ..
   . [================================]  .

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o21.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :| .element.file.id. |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|    .for.snafu.    |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

  _______ _ ________ _ ________ _______
 _\  _  /____   _  /_  __  _  /_\__ __/
 \   \_/    /__ \_/  \/    \_/ _ /   \_
  \______  /   ____  \/  ____  |   ___/
| :                                   : |
: :                                   : :
| :         ...text here...           : |
: :                                   : :
| :                                   : |

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o22.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|   .hairdressers.  |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|    .for.?????.    |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

             .                                       _ ______
                                       __ ___   ______      /________
         . ..:.. .  ..... . .... .... /  |   \__\____ \____/   __   /
             :                      _/   _    __  ___  __  \_  _/  /___
             .    hairdressers!     \____\     /________/___/__\      /
             :                            \___/                 \____/
    _______ __________ ________ _ ___ _ _____  _ _______ _ _______ _ ___
   _\___   \_   __   /_  __   /_  __/__  ___/__   __   /__  __  _/   __/__
 _/     \   __  _/  ____ \___/ _______ \______ \_ \___/  /  _/  _________ \_
 \______/    /__\      /__     /___     /__     /__     /___\      /__     /
       \____/    \____/  \____/   \____/  \____/  \____/ drn!\____/  \____/

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o23.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :| .sony.playstation.|:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|     .for.joo.     |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

  s . o . n . y
  ______ ____  _____ ___ ___ ____ _ ___________ ____________ _____ _______
 _\ __  \   /__\___ \_  |   \ __/____  ___/___ \___  ___/__/ ___ _\_____  \
/   \___/  /  __ __   _  ___/____ \_    \_  __   _    __   \_ \/   __  |   \_
\__   \ ___    /______/___\ ___    /__   /_______/__   /____/_______/__|    /
--\___/- -\___/---  ----drn!--\___/--\__/-- - - ---\__/-- - ------  ---|___/-

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o24.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|   .primal.chaos.  |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|   .for.darkven.   |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.
                     _ _______
       ________ _ _____      /__  ___   ______ _ _____
       \  ____  __ __  \____/_  \/   \__\____ \_     /__
      _/  \_____/  _/  ____ __  \/    __  ___  __   /   \_
      \     \ _ ___\      /__/__/      /________/___     /
       \____/       \____/      \_____/            \____/
         ______ _____ ___   ______ _ _____ _ _____
        /  ___/__ _  |  _\__\____ \_  ___ \_  ___/__
       /   \     __  _    __  ___  __  \/  _______  \_
       \_____     /__\     /________/_______/___     /
            \____/drn!\___/                    \____/

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o25.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|       .e&t.       |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|    .for.shogun.   |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.
                    /\    /\                 /\
                   /  \/\/           /\     /
                    /\      o8888o.      /\  /\
                   /  \    88ř  ř88   /\/  \/       /\ \    /\/\
          ________     \/  88   o88  /         ___    \  /\     \
         |   ____/____     ř88o888         ___|  /___  \/  \     \/\
         |   ___)     \    o8888888o o888ř \___  ___/_____  \/      \
         |   |         \_ o888ř ř888o88ř     |   |        \_    \
         |   !          / 888     ř8888      |   !         /     \/
         |   :         /  888      888       |   :        /
         |____________/   888      8888o     |___________/
                          ř88ooooo88ř888o.           drn!
                \           ř88888ř  ř8888oo    /\
                 \/\  /\                       /  \  /
                    \/  \ \/\         /\    /\/     /
                   \     \   \/     \/     /      \/
                    \/    \

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o26.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .the.hell.    |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|  .for.skyfloater. |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

                                         _____________ ___ _ _______
   ^  T  H  E  ^  H  E  L  L  ^          \___   ___/  |   \_  __   /__
                                          _/     \_   _    __ \___/  /
   .------=-----------=------------------=\___    /___\     /__     /=----.
   :                                         \___/     \___/  \____/      :
   :  Node #1 : 971-??????? Best 28.8k/115.2k                             :
  _:__                                                                    :
 __: /           -+- true friendship -+- kewl atmosphere -+-              :
 \ :/               -+- messages -+- only peecee files -+-              __:_
  \/        -+- music modules -+- pictures -+- utils -+- games -+-      \ :__
   :              -+- texts  -+- ansi/ascii -+- no warez -+-             \: /
   .                                                                      \/
   .     __ ___ _ _______ ______ _ ______    Hosts : SkyFloater, Walter   .
        /  |   \_  __   /__    /__ _    /__          Daeron and others.
   .  _/   _    __ \___/ __   /   __   /   \_                             .
   `-=\____\     /__     /____     /___     /=------=----------=----------'
            \___/  \____/drn!\____/   \____/
                                             ^ BURN IN THE FLAMES OF HELL ^

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o27.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .zymosis.     |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|     .for.wrec.    |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

                                        _ _______
   _______ __ _______  ___ _ _____ _ ____       /____
  _\__   /   |    \  \/  _\_ ___  \_  __/__ ___/  __/__
_/  ____/___   ___/  \/    __ \/   _______ \_  \______ \_
\____     /_____\____/      /_______/__     /___/__     /
    \____/           \_____/          \____/  drn!\____/

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o28.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :| .zymosis.file.id. |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|     .for.wrec.    |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.
                               _ ______
   ______ _ _____  __ _____ ____      /__
  _\__  /  |   \ \/  \ ___ \  _/__ __/ _/__
_/  ___/___ ___/ \/   \_\/  \____ \_ \____ \_
\____    /___\___/     /_____/__   /__/__   /
    \___/      ::\____/::::::  \__/ drn!\__/

                      ..................            .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       _____________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                     |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|        .o29.        |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|.2nd.zymosis.file.id.|:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|      .for.wrec.     |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|_____________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:            ...gates.
   ______ _____  __ ____ ____ ________
 _(__ \  |   / \/  \  _ \  __)____/ __)_
/ ____/__ __/  \/   \ |  \____ \  \____ \

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o3o.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|       .juju.      |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|     .for.wrec.    |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

          ______ ____ ____    ______ ____ ____
        __\    _\_   |    \___\     \_   |    \
      _/   \     __  |     __  \     __  |     \_
      \______     /____     /____     /____     /
            \____/    \____/    \____/drn!\____/

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o31.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|       .fsw.       |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|   .for.darkven.   |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

                             ____________ __ ________ ____ ____ ___ ____
         [ FUNKY ]           \_  _____/  |  \_____  _\    |  _/_   |    \
   - - [ SOFTWARE! ] - -     _/  ____)   |   __  /    __       ___   ___/
        [ WRITERS ]          \__   \ _____    /__\     /__|     \ ____\
                               \___/     \___/    \___/   |______\
   _____  _ ______ _ ________________  ____  ______ __________ _________
  /  __/___ _____ \_   ______  ____/ ||    \_\____ \_   __  _/_   __   /__
 _\______  __  \/  __  ____)    \_   /\     /  ___  __  _/  _____ \___/  /
 \_____     /_______/__  \ __    /___/\____/_________/__\       /__     /
      \____/          \__/  \___/                        \_____/  \____/
                   _  _ _____
   ____  ____ ________      /________________ ________ _____
 _/    ||    \_ __   /_____/__   ____/ __   /__ __  _/_  __/___
 \     /\     / _/   ____  __     \_   \___/ __ _/  __________ \_
  \____/\____/__\       /___/__    /_ __     /__\       /__     /
                 \_____/      \___/    \____/drn!\_____/  \____/

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o32.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|    .toyfactory.   |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|     .for.joo.     |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.
__________ ___ _ __ ___ _______ _____ ______ __________ ___ ________ ___ ___
\___  ___/___ \_   |  _\  ____/_\___ \_  __/_____  ___/___ \   __  /_   |   \
 _/    __  \/  ___   ___  ___)    __  __ \    __    __  \/  \_ _/ _____  ___/
 \___   /_______/_____\__  \  _ _______/___    /__   /_______/_\     /____\
- --\__/-----drn! -- ---\__/- -  ------ --\___/--\__/---- -- ---\___/--- - -

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o33.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .2nd.hell.    |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|  .for.skyfloater. |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.


                  _____________ _ ____ _ ______
                  \___     ___/  |    \   ____/__
                   _/       \_   _     \_ ___)   \_
          ........ \___....../___/....../__......./ .........
          ::          /:::::/   /::::::/  /::::::/         ::
          ::                                               ::
          ::    TůHůE  HůEůLůL    9ů7ů1ů-ů?ů?ů?ů?ů?ů?ů?    ::
          ::                                               ::
          ::   Kewl atmosphere - Messages - Peecee files   ::
          ::   _____ ____ _ ______  _ _____   _ _____      ::
          ::.. \    |    \   ____/__      /___      /___ ..::
              _/    _     \_ ___)   \_   /    \_   /    \_
               drn!/::::::/  /::::::/  /::::::/  /::::::/

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o34.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .3rd.hell.    |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|  .for.skyfloater. |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

 - [ ů T ů H ů E ů ] -
       _ ___ _____ _ ________  _ _______   _ _______
            |     \   ___   /__        /___        /____
            _      \  \____/   \      /    \      /     \   [drn!]
  _ _       /       \   _       \   _       \   _        \
     \  __ /         \  /        \  /        \  /         \
      \/  /           \/          \/          \/           \_

   -+- 971-??????? -+- 24h -+- v.34 -+- 1 Gb HDD -+- Running under pcb -+-
   -+- Kewl atmosphere -+- Relaxed rules -+- Messages -+- Peecee files -+-
   -+- Music modules -+- Pictures -+- Ascii & ansi -+- Utils -+- Games -+-
   -+- Hosts -+- SkyFloater -+- Walter -+- Daeron / tg! -+- And others -+-

                        BURN iN THE FLAMES OF HELL...

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o35.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|      .daeron.     |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|      .for.me.     |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

                                             .:::::.         ....
                                           .:::   :::..    .::::::..
                                        ..::::      ::::..:::    ::::...
      __________ _ ______ _ ______  _ ________  _ _____ _ _______   :::::.
      \______   \   ___  \   ____/__    __   /_   ___  \ _____   \     .:::
      _/    /    \_  _    \_ ___)   \_  _/  /  \_  \/   \_   /    \_  .:::
      \____......./__/...../__......./__\......./__....../__/....../ :::
      drn!/::::::/  /:::::/  /::::::/   /::::::/  /:::::/  /::::::/

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o36.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .shock.g.     |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|   .for.shock.g.   |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.
      _______  _ __ ___   _______ __________  _ __\     /     _ ________
  /\__\   __/___   |   \__\___   \         /__     \  _/__             /__
_/     \___    /   _    \    /    \   ____/   \     _     \       ____/   \
              /    /     \   \     \  \        \    /      \      \__      \
  _ ______   /____/       \_________\___        \  /        \ _ ___         \
         \  /    /         \           /         \/          \_   /          \
  [drn!]  \/
                         ---= SHOCK G =---

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o37.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .da'joint.    |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|    .for.shock.g.  |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.
                                               _ _______
      _______   ______ __        ______ _ ______       /_______ __________
     _\___   \__\____ \\/      __\     \_  ___  \_____/_____   \___   ___/
   _/     \   __  ___  \_    _/   \     __  \/   __   \_   /    __     \_
   \______/    /________/    \______     /________/____/___\     /__    /
   :\drn!\____/                    \____/                   \___/  \___/
     + 3 5 8 - i S O - S Ž T K Ž    -   -  - ----------------------------'

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o38.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|      .immune.     |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|    .for.shock.g.  |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.
  _ ______
         /__  ___ _ __  ___ _ __ ___ _________ _ _______   ................
    ____/_  \/   \_   \/  _\    |   \______   \_  __   /__ ...............:
  _/    __  \/    __  \/    __  |    __   /    __ \___/  / :...............
  \______/__/      /__/      /___     /___\     /__     /  ...............:
            \_____/   \_____/   \____/ drn!\___/  \____/   :........iMMUNE!

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o39.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|    .jedi^arts.    |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|    .for.shock.g.  |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.
                                  _ ________
           ______ _________ ________       / -   -  - - --------------.
         __\     \_  __   /_\___   _\_____/                    :::::::|
       _/   \     __ \___/ __   \    __   \_     ^ J E D i ^     :::::|
       \______     /__     /____/     /____/     ^ A R T S ^       :::|
             \____/  \____/drn!\_____/                               :|
         |                           ______ _ ________ _________ ___  |
         |:                         _\____ \_   __  _/___   ___/ __/__
         |:::     [sum text]       /   ___  __  _/  ____     \_______ \_
         |:::::                    \_________/__\      /__    /___     /
         |:::::::                                \____/  \___/   \____/
         `--------------------- -  -   -

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o4o.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :| .darkven.file.id. |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|   .for.darkven.   |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.
_____ ____ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ ______ ____
\___ \  _ \  _  \_  |   /  |  \_ _  /_ __ \
/  |  \    \ \  / \   _/_  |   / \_/ /  |  \
\_____/_|__/__\___/_|    \____/_____/___|__/

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o41.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|   .drk.file.id.   |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|   .for.darkven.   |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.
    ________ _ _________ __ ______
.  _\___    \   ___    /   |     /    .
 _/     \    \  \_   _/_   _   _/_ drn!
.\______/     \  /      \  /      \   .
:::::::/       \/        \/        \:::
:::::: - [ Darkven presents! ] - ::::::

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o42.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|       .ewc.       |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|.for.soleio.and.me.|:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

     :::::::::::::::::::::::    :::::::::::::::::::           ::::::
     ::::               ::  .oo. ::::::::::     ::  o8888888o. :::::
     ::: o8888888888888o  o8888 ::    :::  o888   o888ř   ř888 :::::
     :::  88888ř     888o  8888 :: 88  ::  888ř  o888  ::  ř8ř :::::
     :::: ř888        ř8ř   o88    88o :  o88ř   888  :::::     drn!
     $$$$  8888888o      $$  88o   .88   o88  $  888  @@@@  .   $$$$
     $$$$  888   řř       $$  888. 888o  88ř $$$ ř88o  @@ .o8o  $$$$
     $$$$$ ř888.     .o88 $$$  88888o 8888o  $$$  888o   .8888  $$$$
     $$$$$  888o     o888 $$$$ ř888ř   ř88ř $$$$$  ř888888888  $$$$$
     $$$$$$ ř888o  o888ř  $$$$  8ř  $$$    $$$$$$$$   ř888ř   $$$$$$
     $$$$$$$  ř888888řř  $$$$$$   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$      $$$$$$$$
     $$$$$$$$         $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
     $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ [E]leet [W]arez [C]ouriers $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o43.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|     .2nd.ewc.     |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|.for.soleio.and.me.|:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

                            .oo.                    o8888888o.
         o8888888888888o  o8888            o888   o888ř   ř888
          88888ř     888o  8888    88      888ř  o888      ř8ř
          ř888        ř8ř   o88    88o    o88ř   888
     @@@@  8888888o       @  88o   .88   o88  @  888        .   @@@@
     !@!@  888   řř       @@  888. 888o  88ř !@@ ř88o     .o8o  @@!@
     !@!!@ ř888.     .o88  @!  88888o 8888o  !!@  888o   .8888  !@!@
     !!@!!  888o     o888 !@!! ř888ř   ř88ř !!@!@  ř888888888  !!@!!
     !!!@!! ř888o  o888ř  @!!!  8ř  !!!    !!@!!!!!   ř888ř   !!!!@!
     ::!!!!:  ř888888řř  !!!:!:   !!:!!!!:!!:!!:!!!!:!      !!!:!!!:
     ::!::!::         :::!::::!::::!:::!!::::!:::::!::::::::!::::::!
     : :::: ::::: :  :::::  ::::: : :::::: ::::: ::::::.::::::: .:::
      .:  :.  :::   :: :   :    :  .  ::  ::.      ::.      :     ::
       :   .   [E] l e e t   [W] a r e z   [C] o u r i e r s   .  :
     .    .   :      :         .   :        .       :  .        :  .
       .                  .             .        .   Ascii by Daeron

                      ..................           .cemetery...
   _______   ________ :_______         :       ___________________
 __\____  \ _\___   /_:\___   \ ___    :     :|                   |:
|     _/   \_  _/  /____  |    \_  |   :     :|       .o44.       |:
|     \     /  \       /  |     /  |   :     :|      .danger.     |:
|_______   /____\     /___|    /___|   :    .:|  .for.dark.side.  |:.
       \__/      \___/:   |___/        :  .:::|___________________|:::.
                      :                :
                      :................:           ...gates.

        ________  ______ _________ _______ _ ________ _________
       _\___    \_\____ \______   \_  ___/__ _ __   /__  __   /  '96
     _/     \    __ ___   _   /    __ \_    __ \___/ __  _/  /____
     \______/     /_______/___\     /___     /__     /___\       /
       :   \_____/             \___/   \____/  \____/ drn!\_____/:
       : ...                                                 ... :
       : : : ...                                         ... : : :
       : : : : : ...      --=[ DANGER  '96 ]=--      ... : : : : :
       : : : : : : : ...                         ... : : : : : : :
       : : : : : : : : : ...                 ... : : : : : : : : :
       :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.. .  .   .  . ..: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.:

                        :            One                :
                   I can't remember anything            :
                   Can't tell if this is true or dream  :
                   Deep down inside I feel to scream    :
                   This terrible silence stops me       :
                   Now that the war is through with me  :
                   I'm waking up, I cannot see          :
                   That there's not much left of me     :
                   Nothing is real but pain now         :
                        :        by Metallica           :

                               -=- PART o3 -=-

 -+- N.O.T -+-
 _________ _ ______ ______ ___ ___ _ _______ ____ _ _________ _____ _______
 \  __  _/_  __   /_ ___  \_  |   \_  __   /_ __/_____   ___/__   /_\___   \
 /  _/  ____ \___/ __ \/_  __ |    __ \___/  _____ \_     \_ \___/ __   \   \_
/___\      /__     /____\   /__     /__     /__     /__    /__     /____/    /
     \____/  \____/      \_/  \____/  \____/  \____/  \___/  \____/drn!\____/

            /\         --= NOT REQUESTED ASCiiS =--        /\ \      /
           /  \                                           /  \    /\/
    /   /\/                                                   \/      /\
   /   /   /    The asciis which come next are not requested    /\/  /
        /\/     so I made them just for fun and in the other   /    /
       /    \   hand I made them to enlarge this pack a bit.  / /\
             \                                             /\  /
            \        /    :::::             :::::      \  /  \/ /
          \  \/\    /     :::::             :::::       \/     /
           \    \/\/      :::::             :::::            \/
            \/           .:::::.           .:::::.
                          :::::             :::::
                           :::               :::
                            :                 :

   _______________ _________   ____________ _________  _ _________
   \             /_\        \__\          /         /___   ___   /__
    \___     ___/   \____    \  \____    /__       /    \  \____/   \ [drn!]
      /       \       __/     \      )      \    _/      \   _       \
      \____   / _ ______       \_____)       \_____       \  /        \
          \  /        /         \  /          \  /         \/          \
                    /\____         o  f         ____/\
                   /                                  \
                  /       C  O  N  T  E  N  T  S       \
              _ _/                _    _                \_ _
                                  \    /
                                   \  /

      Number        Ascii                         For
     - ---- -      - --------------------- -     - ----------------- -
        o1.         Kissat                        Walter
        o2.         SkyFloater                    SkyFloater
        o3.         Tobba                         Tobba
        o4.         Necronomicon                  Joo
        o5.         Walter                        Walter
        o6.         Darkven                       Darkven
        o7.         Scallop                       Scallop

[drn!]__________ _ ___________   __________      Cemetery Gates...
    __\____     \     ___    /___\____     \     - -----===----- -
   /       \     \    \_   _/__      /      \    Number..: o1.
 _/        /      \    /       \    /        \   Ascii...: Kissat
 \________/        \  /         \  /          \  For.....: Walter
        _/          \/           \/            \_

           _ _____
    ____ ________/ _______   _______    ______ __________ ................
    \   |    /   \_\  ___/_ _\  ___/_ __\____ \___   ___/              :::
    /   _  _/___  \ \__    \_ \__    \_   __/  \_     \_   K.i.S.S.A.T :::
   /____\      /__/____     /____     /_________/___   /\  ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ :::
   \_____\  _// \_\___\  _// \__\  _// \________\__\  / / .............:::
          \  / /       \  / /    \  / /             \/ /
           \/ /         \/ /      \/ /    [drn!]     \/
            \/           \/        \/

[drn!]__________ _ ___________   __________      Cemetery Gates...
    __\____     \     ___    /___\____     \     - -----===----- -
   /       \     \    \_   _/__      /      \    Number..: o2.
 _/        /      \    /       \    /        \   Ascii...: SkyFloater
 \________/        \  /         \  /          \  For.....: SkyFloater
        _/          \/           \/            \_
                      ..\                            /:.
  ____ _ ___ ____ __ ___ _______ __ _ ____   _____ _________ _____ _ _______
 / __/__ _  |  _/_  |   \ _____/  /_ ____ \__\___ \___  ___/ __  /__  __   /
_\_____  _     ____  ___/  ___)  /  __ \/  __  __  __    \_  \__/ __  _/  /___
\___     /__|    \____\ __  \ ___    /______/_______/__   /__     /___\      /
   \____/   |_____\      \__/   \___/                 \__/  \____/ drn!\____/
                              \                /.:
                             :.\  SkyFloater  /::

[drn!]__________ _ ___________   __________      Cemetery Gates...
    __\____     \     ___    /___\____     \     - -----===----- -
   /       \     \    \_   _/__      /      \    Number..: o3.
 _/        /      \    /       \    /        \   Ascii...: Tobba
 \________/        \  /         \  /          \  For.....: Tobba
        _/          \/           \/            \_

_______________  ________   ____________  ____________   __________
\             /__\___    \__\          /__\          /_ _\         \
 \___     ___/      /     \  \____    /__  \____    /__   \____     \ [drn!]
   /       \        \      \      )      \      )      \    __/      \
   \____   / _ _____________\_____)       \_____)       \_____        \
       \  /                     /          \  /          \  /          \
        \/     |   :                :   |
               |   :     Tobba      :   |

[drn!]__________ _ ___________   __________      Cemetery Gates...
    __\____     \     ___    /___\____     \     - -----===----- -
   /       \     \    \_   _/__      /      \    Number..: o4.
 _/        /      \    /       \    /        \   Ascii...: Necronomicon
 \________/        \  /         \  /          \  For.....: Joo
        _/          \/           \/            \_
                            _________ _ _______ _ ____  _ _______ _______
   - [ NECRONOMiCON ] -     \_____   \_  __   /__ ___/__   __  _/_  ___  \
   _ _ ____________ _ _     _/   /    __ \___/ __ \     \_ _/  ____  \/   \_
                            \____\     /__     /____     /_\      /________/
      +358-72-5512972             \___/  \____/drn!\____/   \____/  .
                          _ _______                                 .
 _________ _______ ____  ___      /_____ ________ ________          :
 \_____   \_ ___  \_   \/   \____/  ___/__  ___  \_____   \         :
 _/   /    __ \/   __  \/    \_  \_ \     \_ \/   __  /    \_       :
 \____\     /_______/__/      /___/___     /_______/__\     /      _:_
    .  \___/           \_____/.      \____/            \___/       \:
  | :                         : |                                   \
  | : Registered DayDream BBS : |  24h - v.34 - HydraCom - SModem   :\
  | : on A1230/50MHz/10MB/2GB : |  Amiga - Peecee - C=64 - PSX      :/
  |_:_________________________:_|  Guitar - ToyTools for DayDream _ /
    :                         :                                   \/:

[drn!]__________ _ ___________   __________      Cemetery Gates...
    __\____     \     ___    /___\____     \     - -----===----- -
   /       \     \    \_   _/__      /      \    Number..: o5.
 _/        /      \    /       \    /        \   Ascii...: Walter
 \________/        \  /         \  /          \  For.....: Walter
        _/          \/           \/            \_
   _ __\          /________ _________ _ ___________ _______ _ ___________
        \        /_\       \        /_            /  __   /_     __     /drn!
         \      /   \____   \      /  \___    ___/   \___/  \    \_   _/__
_ _      /\    /      __/    \   _     \/      \       _     \    /       \
   \  ___/\___/ _ ______      \  /      \___    \ _ ___/      \  /         \
    \/                /        \/        \/      \    /        \/           \_

[drn!]__________ _ ___________   __________      Cemetery Gates...
    __\____     \     ___    /___\____     \     - -----===----- -
   /       \     \    \_   _/__      /      \    Number..: o6.
 _/        /      \    /       \    /        \   Ascii...: Darkven
 \________/        \  /         \  /          \  For.....: Darkven
        _/          \/           \/            \_
        .                                     ..
      ..:...................... .  .   .    .::::.     ..    ...
        :                                 .:::  :::  .:::.. ::::..
        :      Důaůrůkůvůeůnů!          .:::      ::::   ::::  ::::..
 __________   _______ _ ________ ____ _____ ___  _ _________ _ __ _____
 \______   \ _\____  \    __   /_    |    /_   |____   ____/_    \     \
 _/   _/    \_   _/   \_  _/ _/  \_     _/  \_ |    \_ ___)  \_  \\_    \_
 \_____      /___|     /__|       /__|       / |     /__      /___\      /
      \_____/    |____/   |______/   |______/  !    /  \_____/ drn!\____/
                          .        .       \       /.      ..:::
                        .:::.    .:::.    . \     /:::. ..:::
                           :::. ::: :::..:::.\   /   ::::::
                             ::::     ::::  ::\_/

[drn!]__________ _ ___________   __________      Cemetery Gates...
    __\____     \     ___    /___\____     \     - -----===----- -
   /       \     \    \_   _/__      /      \    Number..: o7.
 _/        /      \    /       \    /        \   Ascii...: Scallop
 \________/        \  /         \  /          \  For.....: Scallop
        _/          \/           \/            \_

                                       ::::.       :::::          .:::::::.
                                         ::::.  .:::  :::::.  .::::::    ::::
                                           :::::::       ::::::::     .:::::
     _____  _ _____    ______ ______ _ ______  _ ______ __________   .:::.
    / ___/__ _ ___/__ _\____ \_    /__ _    /__ _ ___  \_  ____  /    ::::.
   _\_____  __ \     __  ___  __  /   __   /   __  \/   __ \____/     ..::::.
   \____     /___     /________/__     /___     /________/    \    ..:::::
       \____/   \____/           \____/   \____/    drn!\_____/ ..::::

                        :      Fade to black          :
                     Life it seems, will fade away    :
                     Drifting further every day       :
                     Getting lost within myself       :
                     Nothing matters no one else      :
                     I have lost the will to live     :
                     Simply nothing more to give      :
                     There is nothing more for me     :
                     Need the end to set me free      :
                        :       by Metallica          :

                               -=- PART o4 -=-

      ______   ______ _ ____
     _\__   \__\__  _\_  __/__  ...................................
   _/    )  ___   )  ________ \_                                :::
   \_____)    /___)    /__     /                                :::
        \____/   \____/  \____/                    _ _______    :::
   :::                       _______ _ _______ _ ___       /_____  _ ______
   :::                      _\___   \_  __   /__ __/__ ___/  ___/_______   \
   :::                    _/     \   __ \___/ _______ \_  \_ \__   __  /    \_
   :::................... \______/    /__     /___     /___/___     /__\     /
            .               drn!\____/  \____/   \____/       \____/    \___/

            .                                                  .
                          --= BBS DESiGN ASCiiS =--
            :                                                  .
            .                                                  .
            :      These asciis were made for every sysop      :
            \      who needs to make his bbs look better.      /
             \     So use freely, but do NOT abuse...         /
              \                                              /
               \_________________          _________________/
                                 |        |
                                 |        |
                                _|        |_
                                \          /
                                 \        /
                                  \      /
                                   \    /
                                    \  /


                         o1.   Amiga
                         o2.   Peecee
                         o3.   New User
                         o4.   Mods
                         o5.   iBM
                         o6.   SysOp
                         o7.   Upload Rulez
                         o8.   Pics
                         o9.   Confs
                         1o.   Mainmenu
                         11.   Fileareas
                         12.   Doors
                         13.   Download
                         14.   Nup
                         15.   Leech
                         16.   Logon
                         17.   Logoff
                         18.   Ascii

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  o1.  Amiga            |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :
                            _ ________
     __________ _ ____  _____        /________        __________
    _\         \      \/     \______/        /____ _ _\         \
   /  \____     \     \/      \     \   ____/     \    \____     \ [drn!]
  /     __/      \    /        \     \  \__        \     __/      \
 /________        \  /          \____/____/         \______        \
        /          \/            \_      /           \   /          \_

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  o2.  Peecee           |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :

   _________ _______ _ ______ _ _____ _ ________ _ _______
   \_  ___  \ __   /__ __   /_ _ ___/__   __   /_ _ __   /__
   _/  \____/ \___/ __ \___/  _  \     __ \___/  _  \___/  /
   \     \ _ __     /___     /_ ___     /__     /_ __     /
    \____/    \____/   \____/     \____/  \____/drn!\____/

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  o3.  New User         |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :

 _ _     ________ _ _______ _ __\           /
    \  __\____   \   __   /_     \         /
     \/      /    \  \___/  \     \       /          OH NO, NEW USER !!!
            /      \   _     \    /\     /        HMMM, LET'S SEE iF YOU'RE
       _ __/        \  /      \___/\____/           YOU GOOD ENOUGH TO
          /          \/        \                         FIT IN...
           ____                     [drn!]
   _ _____|    \   ________ _ _______ _ ___________
          |     \__\   ___/___ __   /_     ___    /
          |      \  \____    / \___/  \    \_   _/__
 _ _      :      /          /    _     \    /       \
    \  _________/_______   /_____/      \  /         \
     \/                \  /     /        \/           \_

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  o4.  Mods             |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :

    _ _____  _____   _______   __________   _________
           \/     \__\___   \__\____     \__\   ____/___  ------------------
 [drn!]    \/      \    /    \      \     \  \____     /
_ _        /        \   \     \     /      \          /   ů/\ů M O D S ů/\ů
   \  ____/          \_________\___/        \_____   /
    \/   /            \_         _/          \   \  /  ---------------------

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  o5.  iBM              |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :
          _______ ________ _ __  ___
          \_____/ ___    /_    \/   \
         _/     \_   )  /  \_  \/    \_
       drn!/::::/   /::::::/  /::::::/

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  o6. SysOp             |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :

  _____ _ __ ___ ____ _ ______ ________  \::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/
 /  __/__ _ |   \ __/__  ___  \_  ___  \ :\:::      SYSOP SPEAKS      :::/:
_\______  _   __/_____ \_ \/   __ \____/ ::\:: SO YOU'D BETTER LISTEN ::/::
\____     /____\ __     /_______/   \    :::\:          !!!!          :/:::
    \____/        \____/   drn!\____/    ::::\::::::::::::::::::::::::/::::

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  o7.  Upload Rulez     |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :

 _ _____|    \ __________ ____     _______    __________    ___________
        |     \   ___   /    /__ __\___   \ __\         \ __\____      \
        |      \  \____/    /   \     /    \   \____     \       \      \
_ _     :      /    \     _      \    \     \    __/      \      /       \
   \  ________/__   /_ ___/       \__________\_____        \____/         \
    \/          \  /     /         \             /          \  /           \_
                 \/     /            ____                        [drn!]
                   /\__________ ____|    \ ________ _ ________     ________
  OBEY THESE   _ _/    ___    /     |     \       /__   __   /__ __\___   /___
 SIMPLE RULEZ          \_   _/__    |      \     /   \  \___/   \    ____/   /
     !!!!               /       \   !      /   _      \   _      \          /
                 _ ____/         \________/____/       \  /       \_____   /
                      /           \_          /         \/         \   \  /

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  o8.  Pics             |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :
                                                _ ______
                                         _________     /_ ___ _ _____
      - - -------===--------- - -        \_  ___  \___/   __/__ _ __/__
        -+- P I C T U R E S -+-          _/  \____/   \_  \    _______ \_
      - - -------===--------- - -        \     \ _ ____/___     /__     /
                                          \____/      drn!\____/  \____/

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  o9.  Confs            |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :

   ______ _ ______ ________ _________ ___   ............................:..
  /  ___/__   ___ \_____   \   _____/ __/__                             :
 /   \     \_  \/  __  /    \_ ____)______ \_                          ::
 \_____     /_______/__\     /   \ _ __     /  C.O.N.F.E.R.E.N.C.E.S  :::
      \____/            \___/____/drn!\____/                         ::::

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  1o.  Mainmenu         |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :
                   _ _______
    ___  ___   ______      /_______ _ __  ___ _________ _______ _ __ ___
   /   \/   \__\____ \_ __/_____   \    \/  _\_  __   /_____   \_   |   \
  /    \/    __  ___  __  \_   /    __  \/    __ \___/ __  /    __  |    \_
  \____/      /________/___/___\     /__/      /__     /___\     /__      /
       \_____/              drn!\___/   \_____/  \____/     \___/  \_____/

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  11.  Fileareas        |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :

       _ ______
__________    /_____ _ _______  ______ __________ ________  ______ _ ____
\_  _____/___/     /_ _ __   /__\____ \_   __  _/_  __   /__\____ \   __/__
_/  ____)    \_   /  __ \___/ __  ___   _  _/  ____ \___/  _  ___  \______ \_
\__   \ _ ____/__     /__     /_________/__\      /__     /_________/__     /
  \___/         \____/  \____/          drn!\____/  \____/            \____/
                          :                   :
                          \     FiLEAREAS     /

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  12.  Doors            |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :

 drn!__________   _______   _______ _ ___________  ________
   __\____     \__\___   \__\___   \     ___    /__\   ___/___ _ _____ _
  /       \     \    /    \    /    \    \_   _/__  \____    /
_/        /      \   \     \   \     \    /       \         /  [-DOORS-]
\________/        \_________\_________\__/         \____   /   _ _____ _
       _/          \                    /           \_ \  /

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  13.  Download         |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :
   _______ _ _____ ____  ____ ________ _ _____ _ ______   ______   ________
  _\___   \  ___  \_   ||    \_____   \_     /_ _ ___  \__\____ \__\___    \
_/     \   \_ \/   __  /\     /   /    __   /  __  \/   __  ___  __    \    \_
\______/    /_______/__/\____/____\     /__     /________/________/____/     /
     \_____/                       \___/  \____/drn!                  \_____/


    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  14.  Nup              |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :
           ________ _____|    \ ____________
      _ ___\____   \     |     \   _____   /
               /    \    |      \  \______/        TYPE DOWN THE
    _ _       /      \   !      /      \         NEW USER PASSWORD
       \  ___/        \________/__      \               !!!
 [drn!] \/  /          \        /        \

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  15.  Leech            |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :
            ______   _ ______  _ ______  _ ______  _ ___ ____
           /     /___   ____/__   ____/__   ____/__     |    \
         _/     /    \_ ___)   \_ ___)   \_ \      \_   _     \_
          drn!/::::::/  /::::::/  /::::::/  /::::::/   /::::::/  :
           :                                                     :
           :.           iT LOOKS LiKE THAT WE'VE GOT            .:
           :::.           ANOTHER LEECHER HERE !!!            .:::

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  16.  Logon            |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :

          ______   _ ______ _ ______  _ ______ _ _______
         /     /___   ___  \   ____/__   ___  \ _____   \
       _/     /    \_  \/   \_ \__    \_  \/   \_   /    \_
        drn!/::::::/  /:::::/  /::::::/  /:::::/  /::::::/

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  17.  Logoff           |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :

     ______   _ ______ _ ______  _ ______  _ ______ _ ______ _ ______
    /     /___   ___  \   ____/__   ____/__ ______/ _____   \   ____/__
  _/     /    \_  \/   \_ \__    \_ \__    \_     \_    /    \_ \__    \_
   drn!/::::::/  /:::::/  /::::::/  /::::::/ /::::/   /::::::/  /::::::/

                            -= [ O ů F ů F ] =-

            WHAT ?!? LOGGiNG OFF ALREADY ?!? CALL AGAiN SOON !!!
                     AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT !!!

    _______ _ _________ _________
   _\___   \    __    /______    \     BBS DESIGN ASCiiS
 _/     \   \_  _/   /___   /     \_   :::::     ________________________
 \______/    /__\       /___\      /\  :::::    |                        |
  \____\    / \__\_____/ \___\    / / .:::::.   |  18.  Ascii            |
        \  / /    \____\/ drn!\  / /   :::::    |________________________|
         \/ /                  \/ /     :::
          \/                    \/       :

                                         _   _  _ __________
      ________  ______  _ ______   ____ ____      .....:::::|
    __\____ _/__\  __/____  ___/___\  /_\  /_  .....::::::::|
    \    _/    / \____   /  \     / \/   \/ /    ASCii ..:::|
     \___|____/_________/________/_________/  .......:::::::|

                        :      Enter sandman          :
                     Say your prayers little one      :
                     don't forget, my son             :
                     to include everyone              :
                     Tuck you in, warm within         :
                     keep you free from sin           :
                     till the sandman he comes        :
                     Sleep with one eye open          :
                     gripping your pillow tight       :
                     Exit: light                      :
                     enter: night                     :
                     Take my hand                     :
                     we're off to never never land    :
                        :       by Metallica          :

                               -=- PART o5 -=-

                                          _ ________
....|... ______ _ _________ ________ _______       /_____________ ......|....
::  |   /  ___/__ _  __   /_  __   /_\___  _\_ ___/__   ___/ ___/__     |  ::
::  |  /   \     __  _/  ____ \___/ __   \   __   __     \_______  \_   |  ::
::  |  \_____     /__\      /__     /____/    /____/__    /____     /   |  ::
::  [=======\____/====\____/==\____/===\_____/==drn!=\___/====\____/====]  ::
::  |                                                                   |  ::
::  |                          --= CREDiTS =--                          |  ::
::  |                                                                   |  ::
::  |               Ascii designer.....: Daeron                         |  ::
::  |                                                                   |  ::
::  |               Inspirating music..: Pantera, Metallica             |  ::
::  |                                                                   |  ::
::  |               Lyrics.............: Metallica                      |  ::
::  |                                                                   |  ::
::  |               Release date.......: 23.o5.96                       |  ::
::  |                                                                   |  ::
::  |               Original size......: 119k                           |  ::
::  |                                                                   |  ::
    |                                                                   |

                                          _ _______
  ______ _ _________ _ ______ _ _______________   /_______ _______ _______
 /  ___/__ _  __   /_  __   /__ __   /__   ___/__/_____  _\_  ___/_ _ ___/__
/   \__   __  _/  ____ \___/  _ \___/ _ _   \_   __   |    __ \__   ______  \_
\_____     /__\      /__     /___     /__    /____/___|     /___     /__     /
     \____/drn!\____/  \____/   \____/  \___/         |____/   \____/  \____/
  Greetings goes to following people...                             :
       :                                                            :
       |           -  d a r k v e n  -  w a r e w o l f -           |
       :      -  j u c c a  -  k i m e z u  -  m a z e r i x  -     :
       |           -  r a z i r  -  s k y f l o a t e r  -          |
       :       -  t a c o  -  t o b b a  -  w a l k m a n  -        :
       |       -  w a l t e r   -  p u m a  -  s o l e i o -        |
       :                                                            :
       |            A n d   a l l   m y   f r i e n d s             |
       :            o n   i r c   o r   i n   b b s ' s             :
       |                                                            |

    _ ______                                                     _ ______
           /                                                            /
  \   !   /  Oops! I almost forgot. Special greetings goes to  \   !   /
   \_____/   every self-respecting ascii artist on the globe.   \_____/
   /     \                                                      /     \
   \_____/                                                      \_____/

                        :    Welcome home (sanitarium)      :
                 Build my fear of what's out there          :
                 and cannot breathe the open air            :
                 Whisper things into my brain               :
                 assuring me that I'm insane                :
                 They think our heads are in their hands    :
                 but violent use brings violent plans       :
                 Keep him tied, it makes him well           :
                 he's getting better, can't you tell?       :
                 No more can they keep us in                :
                 Listen, damn it, we will win               :
                 They see it right, they see it well        :
                 but they think this saves us from our Hell :
                        :          by Metallica             :

                               -=- PART o6 -=-

   ______ _ ______ ____________________ ______ _ _____ _ _________
  /  ___/__   ___ \______  _\___   ___/_\____ \_  ___/__ __   ___/
 /   \     \_  \/  __   |    __     \_    ___  __ \     __     \_
 \_____     /_______/___|     /__    /_ ________/___     /__    /
      \____/            |____/  \___/          drn!\____/  \___/
                                      _ ______
       --= CONTACT iNFORMATiON =--           /_______ _________ _____
                                        ____/_____   \_  _____/ ___  \
    :                                 _/    \_   /    __ ____)   \/   \_
    .  E-mail me at daeron@iwn.fi     \______/___\     /  \  _ ________/
       for requests, suggestions,                 \___/___/
    :  inviting me  to a group or
    .  if you just  want to join  our group 'tg!'.  The best way to contact
    :  me is e-mail, but you might  find me in some finnish  97x -area code
    :  bbs or on the irc.  My favorite bbs is  the Hell and  I like so many
       irc-channels that their names won't fit in this 'contact info' part.
    :  So you'll have to look for name 'Daeron' on the irc...
 .. :... ..  . ....... ...  .....  .    .    .     ..   .         .


       -   -  - --=  T  ů  H  ů  E        E  ů  N  ů  D  =-- -  -   -

v----------------------ADD YOUR CRAP UNDER THIS LINE!------------------------v

           _____   ________________.----._______________.----._
          _) __/___\_    _    _/   |    _)        (_    |     /
          \____     (    )    )         \___    ___/         (
     ---   \ \       \_______/___________/________|     T_____\      ---
+ 3 5 8 - 5 \_\______/\      \           \       /l_____j     / 2 2 6 4 7 6 5
               \     \ \______\___________\_____/ /    /_____/
 ····· aSCII ·· \_____\/ ······················ \/____/ ········ aRT! ·····
 ________   _________  _____      _______________          __________.
 \_  ___/---\_  __  /--\_   \---._)          ___ )----.---(__   \_   |____
  )  '       )  \__/    )  \ \   \___    ___/          ) )       )   /    \_
 /____      /___       /____\     /________\___T      /     \___/__________/
 \   l_____/\  l______/\     \___/\        /  /l_____/______/  /          /
  \___\    \ \__\     \ \_____\  \ \______/__/ /    /      /__/__________/
       \____\/   \_____\/      \__\/         \/____/______/bHe

  .xX( * · dA cREW.: aBhORRENCE/g!^hAP!, trOOpER/hEAD! & strOdE/iML · * )Xx.

  .xX( * · goOse wHQ, hAP! mEMBER, bOR, iML & hDB diSTRIBUTiON sITE · * )Xx.

  __. _____   _______ _______ ___.___ __.
 _\_|_\__._\__\  .__/_\ __  /_\_ | _/_\_|_      .A.R.T.i.F.i.C.i.A.L.
 |   |   |/  l___|_  |  \____/  \_/  |   |------------------------------ -- -+
 |   :   |   :   |/  :   |/  :   |   :   |                                   |
 l_______|_______________________|_______|_______ __.     __. _______ _____  :
 .                               _\__._\__\__._ /_\ l__  _\_|_\__._ /_\__._\_.
 |     ·· +358-9-2418602 ··      |   |/  |  _|/  |   _/__|   |   |/  |   |/  |
 +- -- --------------------------|   |   :  \_   :   |   :   :   |   :   |   |

 [ · uploaded by abhorrence from xx( g!^hap!^flo )xx at 22:11 - 03-25-97 · ]

        .                    _____: . O  o                               O
   _____|_____.      _____  .)    |____o [ t . H . E  - y . A . R . d ]_o .
 _|      /   .|_____/_   /_ : _   |                                       :
 \      /    |/      /   _//  \    . ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac .   |
  |____/|____/      /__________\  . lp! . soia . pnk . omen . mce . pph . |
            /______/     _ _:   _____          ______  __________ ________:
                         \\\.  /    /__________\_   /_/  _      //  ._   /.
  consoles.amiga.graffiti   ! /    /|    /   _      \    /     /    |/    |
  ascii.hiphop.mp3.ibm/pc   |/_____     /____\_______\___\________________|
  classics.drugs.linux/dd   :_  t^/____/   _.  zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/cRAZY |
                             (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______:
  one of the finest in +49             _ _ ___)         (_)               :
                              #1 33k6.  #2 28k8.  #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn
                              #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet   #8 telnet