· · _ __\ /__ _ _ _)\\ \ / //(_ _ -\ __\° X °/__ /- _ __ ___ ___) \/_\/ (___ ___ __ _ -\\\_\\__\\__ _ /¦\ _ __//__//_///- · _. \__)_¯_¯_(__/ ._ · _/ \|_ | | | | | _|/ \_ __\ ___ _/\____\/__ __ _| | | | |_ __ __\/____/\_ ___ /__ _/ \ (_) \ \/ /_/\\| |_|_| |//\_\ \/ / (_) / \_ | \_\/ | | | | | \/_/ | _| __ | | | | | __ _ _ _|_ \|_ _ _ \/_| | | | |_\/ |/ | · _) ¯_¯_¯ (_ · | | ·H2o!· \\___ \ / ___// | ¯\_______________________ _) Y (_ _______________________/¯ _ \___ ___/ _ \_ LOS ENDOS BBS <<- (_) ->> LOS ENDOS BBS _/ [ the madness continues · line ooo2 ] [ ibm: use afs.com 80x50 ] __________ .......... _\ _____/_ __\ ____· : : : _____ ____\ | | \ / /_ : : :---\ / /_ _ ____ _ | | | V / : : : V / ____ _ | \ | | | | | : : .: | | | |_ | | | | | | : : : | | _| / | |____| |____| |·: :·.: |______| \ .. `---' `------' `------'.: :.::----'kal .. ·········· ( leftovers from in the mouth of madness ) This colly contains the bbs design logos I had originally intended to release in my Remorse colly, In the Mouth of Madness. As R-ITMOM.TXT grew to be over 350k, I realized the addition of another 24 logos and the headers to accompany them would put the colly up to around 400k.. somewhere I felt was simply too large. So rather than cut out some of the requests I eliminated the board design logos you see here today. I decided to make this a Quad-P release as it had been a while since I'ld contributed a good chunk of ascii to a Quad-P pack. At any rate, enjoy the colly. I designed these logos for you to use, so feel free to change any backgrounds or reposition the logos however you like. All I ask is that you give credit where credit is due and leave my ©hP! tag on the logo. Failure to compily with this regulation of respect has been known to cause excessive loss of life. - Hiro Protagonist · b b s d e s i g n · ________ _______ _______ _______ ____________ ____\_ / -sg/jA! _ _\ / / __/___\ _ / / /_ _ )\\ \/ /_ _/ / / /. / //( - ----------/------/_______/----\_____\----/______|------------\------------- - . 181.. A m i g a . A n s i ..182 : 183.. A s c i i : B b s A d d s ..184 : 185.. B u l l e t i n s : C o n f e r e n c e ..186 : 187.. C o n s o l e : D e m o s ..188 : 189.. D r u g s : E l i t e ..190 : 191.. F i l e s : G o o d b y e ..192 : 193.. H / P / A / V : I b m - P c ..194 : 195.. L a m e r L a n d : M e n u ..196 : 197.. N e w u s e r : N i n t e n d o 6 4 ..198 : 199.. P l a y s t a t i o n : P r i v a t e ..200 : 201.. P u b l i c D o m a i n : S e g a S a t u r n ..202 : 203.. S u p e r N E S : W a r e z ..204 : - -----------------------------------:--------------------------------------- - · . See these mighty buildings. All shall be thrown down, shattered, splintered, split. The earth will shake, rattle, and roll. The masses will go hungry. Their bellies bloat. These are the birth pains.. No flesh shall be spared. . . _\--/_ · bulletin board design · __\ ×× /__ · in the mouth of madness · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | l o g o # 1 8 1 \/ __ \/ " a m i g a " | |____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____ \\// _______________________________| /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ \/ [©hP!] | /\ /| /___| __/\_____ __/\_____ _/\_ __/\____ __/\_____ .\ _\_ /.\__ __/.\ .\ _____/_.\ _\_ /. | _ | \ / | · | \_ | _ | | | | Y | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ©hP! _| | _ | _ _ | _ | |_ _\ | | | | | | | | /_ \\______| |____| | |___. |____| __// `----' `----'----' `-----' `----' ·· a m i g a s u p p o r t ·· . . _\--/_ · in the mouth of madness · __\ ×× /__ · bulletin board design · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | " a n s i " \/ __ \/ l o g o # 1 8 2 | |_______________________________ \\// ____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____| [©hP!] \/ /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ | /\ /| /___| __/\_____ ____/\__ __/\____ _/\_. .\ _\_ /._\___ /.\ ____/_.\ | | _ | \| |_\___ | · | | | | | | \| | | | | | | | | | | ©hP! _| | _ | _ | _ |_ _\ | | | | | | /_ \\______| |____| |____. | __// `----' `----' `----'----' ·· a n s i a r t w o r k ·· . . _\--/_ · bulletin board design · __\ ×× /__ · in the mouth of madness · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | l o g o # 1 8 3 \/ __ \/ " a s c i i " | |____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____ \\// _______________________________| /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ \/ [©hP!] | /\ /| /___| __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____ _/\_ _/\_. .\ _\_ /.\ ____/_.\ _____/_.\ .\ | | _ |_\___ | |/ | · | · | | | | \| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ©hP! _| | _ | _ | _ _ |_ _\ | | | | | | | /_ \\______| |____. |__. | | __// `----' `----' `------'----'----' ·· a s c i i a r t w o r k ·· . . _\--/_ · in the mouth of madness · __\ ×× /__ · bulletin board design · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | " b b s a d d s " \/ __ \/ l o g o # 1 8 4 | |_______________________________ \\// ____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____| [©hP!] \/ /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ | /\ /| /___| __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\____ .\ ___ /.\ ___ / \ ____/_. .\ _\_ /._\_____ /._\_____ /.\ ____/_. | _ _/_| _ _/_._\___ | | _ | \| | \| |_\___ | | | | | | \| | | | | | | | | \| | | | | | | | |_| | | | | | | | | _| | _ | _ | ___ | _ | _ | _ | |_ _\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | /_ \\_____. |___. |____. | |____| | .__| .__|____. __// `-----' `-----' `----' `----'------' `------' ©hP! `----' ·· b b s a d d s ·· . . _\--/_ · bulletin board design · __\ ×× /__ · in the mouth of madness · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | l o g o # 1 8 5 \/ __ \/ " b u l l e t i n s " | |____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____ \\// _______________________________| /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ \/ [©hP!] | /\ /| /___| ............ _/\____ ___. ___. ___. _/\___ _/\_ _/\ ___/\_ _/\_:_ : .\ __ /.\ |/\_ \ | .\ | .\ ___/ .\ _/__ .\ ._\__ /.\ ___/_. ©hP! : _| _ _/_| | /. _|___| _|___| ___)__| ___/_| · | | |_\__ |_ __ : \\_ | | | | \_ /. \_ /. | | | | | | | | _/__// : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : ..| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |.......: : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : |__. |___. |___. |___. |__. |__. | |___| |___. | : `----': `---' `---' `---' `----' `----'---' `---' `---' :..........: ( b u l l e t i n s m e n u ) . . _\--/_ · in the mouth of madness · __\ ×× /__ · bulletin board design · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | " c o n f e r e n c e " \/ __ \/ l o g o # 1 8 6 | |_______________________________ \\// ____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____| [©hP!] \/ /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ | /\ /| /___| .-. _/\___.:: ::.___/\_ _/\_____/\___ _/\____ _/\___ ___/\_ _/\___ _/\___ __\ ___/_.: :._\__ /.\ _____/ ___/ .\ __ /.\ ___/ ._\__ /.\ ___/_.\ ___/ \_ | |: :| | | ___)| ___)__|_ _ _/_| ___)__|_ | | | | ___)____ | | |: :| | | | | | _/ | | | _/ | | | | | _/ | | |: :| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |: :| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |: :| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__. |: :|___| | | |__. |__| |__. |___| |__. |__. | \ `----': :.. `---'---' `----' `----' `----' `---' `----' `----' \\ ©hP! `:: ::' _ _____ j o i n a c o n f e r e n c e `-' /____________________________ _ . . _\--/_ · bulletin board design · __\ ×× /__ · in the mouth of madness · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | l o g o # 1 8 7 \/ __ \/ " c o n s o l e " | |____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____ \\// _______________________________| /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ \/ [©hP!] | /\ /| /___| __/\____ __/\_____ ____/\__ __/\____ __/\_____ ___. __/\____ .\ _____/_.\ _ /._\___ /.\ ____/_.\ _ /.\ |©hP! .\ ____/ | |/ | | | \| |_\___ | | | _|_____| ___)___. | | | | | | | \| | | | \_ /. |/ | · | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | · | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | · | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | · \| |__. |____. |____| |____. |____. |___. |___. | |/ \ `------' `----' `----' `----' `----' `-----' `-----' / :\___ _ _ ___/: · ·· c o n s o l e e n t e r t a i n m e n t ·· · . . _\--/_ · in the mouth of madness · __\ ×× /__ · bulletin board design · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | " d e m o s " \/ __ \/ l o g o # 1 8 8 | |_______________________________ \\// ____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____| [©hP!] \/ /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ | /\ /| /___| __/\____ __/\____ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____ ._\_____ /.\ ____/ .\__ __/.\ _ /.\ ____/_. | \| | ___)___| \ / | | |_\___ | | | | |/ | Y | | | \| | | | | | | | | | | | | ©hP! | | _ | _ | _ | _ | | _\__ | | | | | | | | | | | __/_ _\ | .__|___. |____| |____. |____. | /_ _) `------' `-----' `----' `----' `----' (_ |_ d e m o s _| /_________________________________________________________\ . . _\--/_ · bulletin board design · __\ ×× /__ · in the mouth of madness · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | l o g o # 1 8 9 \/ __ \/ " d r u g s " | |____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____ \\// _______________________________| /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ \/ [©hP!] | /\ /| /___| __/\____ __/\_____ ____. __/\____ __/\____ ._\_____ /.\ ___ /.\ |/\__.\ _____/_.\ ____/_. | \| | _ _/_| | /. \_ |_\___ | | | | | | | | | | \| | | | | | | | | | | | | ©hP! _| | | | | | | | | | |_ _ __ _\ | | | | | | | | | /_ __ _ \\_\__\__ .__|___| |____. |___. |____. __/__/_// `------' `-----' `----' `-----' `----' ·· d r u g s ·· . . _\--/_ · in the mouth of madness · __\ ×× /__ · bulletin board design · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | " e l i t e " \/ __ \/ l o g o # 1 9 0 | |_______________________________ \\// ____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____| [©hP!] \/ /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ | /\ /| /___| __/\____ ___. _/\_ __/\_ __/\____ .\ ____/ .\ |©hP! .\ .\ _/___ .\ ____/ ___________ _ | ___)___| _|_____| · | ____/_| ___)___. _ ___________ \\____ | |/ | \_ /. | |/ | |/ | ____// \__ _ _____| | | | | | | | | |_____ _ __/ __ _\ ________ | _ | _ _ | _ | ________ /_ __ \\__\_\/ | | | | | | | | | | \/_/__// |___. |___. | |___. |___. | `-----' `-----'----' `-----' `-----' ·· e l i t e a r e a ·· . . _\--/_ · bulletin board design · __\ ×× /__ · in the mouth of madness · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | l o g o # 1 9 1 \/ __ \/ " f i l e s " | |____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____ \\// _______________________________| /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ \/ [©hP!] | /\ /| /___| __/\______/\_ ___. __/\____ __/\____ .\ ______/ .\ |©hP! .\ ____/ \ ____/_. | ___) | · | _|_____| ___)___._\___ | | | | | \_ /. |/ | \| | : :: | | | | | | | | | | :: : | | | | | | | | | | __ | | _ | | | | | | | | __ _\ | | | |___. |___. |____. | /_ | `----' `----' `-----' `-----' `----' | ( ((_ (1) - new uploads (2) - good stuff _)) ) | (3) - bad stuff (4) - weird stuff | !___________________________________________________! . . _\--/_ · in the mouth of madness · __\ ×× /__ · bulletin board design · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | " g o o d b y e " \/ __ \/ l o g o # 1 9 2 | |_______________________________ \\// ____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____| [©hP!] \/ /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ | /\ /| /___| __/\____ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\_____ .___ __/\____ .\ _____/_.\ _ /.\ _ /._\_____ /.\ ___ / __/\_| /.\ ____/ ©hP! | \_ | | | | | \| | _ _/_.\ | | ___)___. | | | | | | | | | | |_\____ | |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _| | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | |_ _\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | /_ \\ ____. |____. |____. | .__|___. | .___|___. _ // .\/ `-----' `----' `----'------' `-----'-----' `-----\/. | c a l l o u r f r i e n d s . . . | | | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx-xxx-xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx | : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx-xxx-xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx : \ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx-xxx-xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx / \\ // . . _\--/_ · bulletin board design · __\ ×× /__ · in the mouth of madness · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | l o g o # 1 9 3 \/ __ \/ " h / p / a / v " | |____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____ \\// _______________________________| /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ \/ [©hP!] | /\ /| /___| ................... ___ _ ...... ___ _ ...... ___ _ ............... : ____. \\_ __/\____ \\_ __/\_____ \\_ .____ : : .\ |/\__ /.\____ \_ /.\ _\_ /. / __/\| /. : : · | | /. / | _/ / / | _ | / .\ | | · : :.. · | | _ | / | \____/ / | | | / | | | | · ..: __\| | | |/ /| | / /| | |/ /| | | |/__ ( ((____ | | | / | |©hP!/ / | | | / | | | ____)) ) : | | | / | | / / | | | / | | _| : · |____| |/ | | / / |____| |/ 7____. \ · `----'// `----' / /// `----'// `----\ /___\ /___\ /___\ · ··· hack / phreak / anarchy / virus ··· . . _\--/_ · in the mouth of madness · __\ ×× /__ · bulletin board design · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | " i b m - p c " \/ __ \/ l o g o # 1 9 4 | |_______________________________ \\// ____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____| [©hP!] \/ /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ | /\ /| /___| _/\_ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____ .\ .\ ___ /.\__ __/. .\____ \_ _____/_. | · | _ _/_| \ / | | _/ / |/ | ©hP! | | | | Y | | \____/ | | ___ | | | | | | _ | | _ | | | ___ \ _| | | | | | | | | | |_ / \\ \_ | | | | | | | | | _/ // \ | |___. |____| | | | |__. | / `----' `-----' `----' `----' `------' _ ·· i b m - p c s u p p o r t ·· _ /_____________________________________________\ . . _\--/_ · bulletin board design · __\ ×× /__ · in the mouth of madness · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | l o g o # 1 9 5 \/ __ \/ " l a m e r l a n d " | |____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____ \\// _______________________________| /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ \/ [©hP!] | /\ /| /___| ___. _/\____ _/\____ _/\___ _/\____ ___. _/\____ ___/\_ _/\___ .\ _|___ \ _\_ /.\_ _/.\ ___/ \ __ / .\ _|___ \ _\_ /._\__ /._\___ /. ·| \_ /. _ | \ / | ___)__. _ _/_. | \_ /. _ | | | | |· | | | | | Y | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ·| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |· .| | | | | | | | | | |_| | | | | | | | |. .| | | | | | | | | | ( ((_)) )| | | | | | | |. :|___. |___| |___| |__. |__| | |___. |___| |___| | .__|: _:_ `---' `---' `---' `----' `----'©hP! `---' `---' `---'----' _:_ (_) You're trapped in Lamer Land until you send a messy to the SysOp! (_) |_ Include some good user refs or else you won't be validated. _| /___ _ _ ___\ . . _\--/_ · in the mouth of madness · __\ ×× /__ · bulletin board design · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | " m e n u " \/ __ \/ l o g o # 1 9 6 | |_______________________________ \\// ____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____| [©hP!] \/ /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ | /\ /| /___| __/\\________ __/\\______ _______//\__ ______. .\____ ____/.\ _____/ ._\_____ /.\ |/\\___ | \ / | ____)____| | | | /. ©hP! _ __ __| Y | | | | | | |__ __ _ .-((_(__(___ | __|_ | __|_ | __|_ | ___)__)_))-. | | | _ __ | _ __ | _ __ | | | | _ | | | | | | | | | _ | +--///-- - l______| l_____. l______| l______. | - --\\\--+ | ¯ × ××××××××××`------'×××××`-------'××××××`------'××××××`------'××× × ¯ | | | | A · Alter Flagged Files L · List Users W · Write User Settings | | B · Bulletins M · Color [On/Off] X · Expert [On/Off] | | C · Comment To Staff N · New Files Z · Zippy File Search | | D · Download Files O · Page SysOp FR · Reverse File List | | E · Enter a Message R · Read Messages RL · Re-Logon | | F · File Listings S · User Statistics OLM · Online Message | | G · Goodbye [Logoff] T · Local Time WHO · Who is Online | | I · Desire Info U · Upload Files CHAT · Multinode Chat | | J · Join a Conference V · View a Textfile OPEN · External Doors | | _ _ | `---\\\-------[ ·· m a i n m e n u ·· ]-------///---' ¯ ¯ . . _\--/_ · bulletin board design · __\ ×× /__ · in the mouth of madness · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | l o g o # 1 9 7 \/ __ \/ " n e w u s e r " | |____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____ \\// _______________________________| /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ \/ [©hP!] | /\ /| /___| ____/\__ __/\____ .____ ____. __/\____ __/\____ __/\_____ ___\___ /.\ ____/ __/\| /.\ |/\__ \ ____/_.\ ____/ .\ ___ / ©hP! 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__\___ | ____/_| _ | ____/_| · |: :| \| | | ( (((_ \| | |/ | | | |/ | |: :| | | | | | | | | | | | | |: :| | | `-------------- | | | | | | | | | __|:_:|_ | | | | | | | | | | | ________ | | |____. |___. |____| |___. | |: :|____| | `----' `-----' `----' `-----'----': :.. `----' `:: ::' `-' . . _\--/_ · in the mouth of madness · __\ ×× /__ · bulletin board design · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | " p r i v a t e " \/ __ \/ l o g o # 2 0 0 | |_______________________________ \\// ____ .___ _._ .___ __ ____| [©hP!] \/ /_ |__/__/|\_|__/_\__. _\ | /\ /| /___| __/\\___ __/\\____ _/\\. .____ __/\\____ _/\\_ __/\\___ .\___ \_\ ___ /.\ |_/\\| /.\ _\_ /.\ _/___ .\ ____/ | _/ / _ _/_| · .\ | | _ | ____/_| ___)___. | \_____/| | | | | | | | | | | | · | | | | | | | | | | | | | | THIS IS A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PRIVATE · | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BBS · | _|____|_ | _|_ _|_ | _|_ | _|_ | _|_ | _|___________:_ | \\______/ | \\_/ \\_/ | \\_/ | \\_/ | \\_/ | \\_____________/ | |©hP!| | | | | | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | _| | | | | | | · | |¾¾¾¾|___| | 7____. \_____| |___. |___. |¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾ · `----' `-----'----' `----\ `----' `-----' `-----' · · . . _\--/_ · bulletin board design · __\ ×× /__ · in the mouth of madness · ____________________________ \ x\ /x / ____________________________ _\ .\ /\/\ /. /_ | l o g o # 2 0 1 \/ __ \/ "p u b l i c d o m . 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Scene respects go to Jedi Arts, Save Our Souls, Legends Never Die, Twilight (PC), X-Roads, and FOOD.. y'all are hip. .-:::::. : :::::: _._____ _._____|\____ _______ _______|\____ _____ . . ...: ::::::| | /_ | /_ ___//_ _____._| .____/_ ___//__\ _/__ : ......| | | | | | |_ | | | | | \_ | : ::::::|_|_____| | ____|_|______/____|_|_|_____|_|________/____| : :::::::: |/ | | ©hP! :_:::::::' c o :n t a: c t s ! : · · · i n t e r n e t e m a i l hiro@ambient.ops.best.com or hiro@erupt.thenet.net i n t e r n e t r e l a y c h a t nick: hIRO or hIRO_ channels: #ascii #acid #razor b u l l e t i n b o a r d +1-306-652-4359 (ModemLand - no NUP) v o i c e m a i l b o x still looking for a new one, stay tuned @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ __________ ___ _____ ______ ______ _\__ \_ | |_\__ \_\___ \_ _\____ \_ .| | | | | | | _|_|_ /____/. :| |-. | | | | | | /____/ \_.:: i|___1. \|_______| |___|_______| |_____/iii =======\/=====wH0|___|======================= Leftovers from In the Mouth of Madness! starring Hiro Protagonist ===========[ 24 BBS DESIGN LOGOS ]=========== @END_FILE_ID.DIZ _ ______ . ____________________ . ____wH0/rMRs\___ o.__ _._|__ __ _ _ _ _._|__ _ .__ /_. · || ) | | )(_/_ ( ' )(.)(_) | | ) (_)|- | |_ _ _ __. __|.__ __ __ __ · /______________ _ ( ' )(__|(__|| )(_/__) '__) ' its like i'm fighting the metal.. and so far the metal is winning yeah.. its really... uhh.. powerful [ the madness will never end · line o88o ] SAUCE00bbs design collection hiro protagonist quad-p 199702 1¢����������������������������������� · · _ __\ /__ _ _ _)\\ \ / //(_ _ -\ __\° X °/__ /- _ __ ___ ___) \/_\/ (___ ___ __ _ -\\\_\\__\\__ _ /¦\ _ __//__//_///- · _. \__)_¯_¯_(__/ ._ · _/ \|_ | | | | | _|/ \_ __\ ___ _/\____\/__ __ _| | | | |_ __ __\/____/\_ ___ /__ _/ \ (_) \ \/ /_/\\| |_|_| |//\_\ \/ / (_) / \_ | \_\/ | | | | | \/_/ | _| __ | | | | | __ _ _ _|_ \|_ _ _ \/_| | | | |_\/ |/ | · _) ¯_¯_¯ (_ · | | ·H2o!· \\___ \ / ___// | ¯\_______________________ _) Y (_ _______________________/¯ _ \___ ___/ _ \_ LOS ENDOS BBS <<- (_) ->> LOS ENDOS BBS _/