-- --ũ introduction ũ-- --

  he's around, and not. he's gone but here. he's not inside but everyware.

  some are afraid of this magic warrior in his jeans and t-shirt but i and
  many with me Love keLdon; perfection personified. some caLL him kenneth,
  but we caLL him "the" keLdon". and this my friend, this is for you...

  signed: crL.pioneer design

                           +ĩmwa__ ĩ__
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                     *MŪ"ŊŊ ŊŽ"ī   Ž      wĩýW*Ņæw
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                    _ÆE_       w__      ææĩgwa2Ņ copyright pioneer design 1996
                   _@° ĩæ*m,   _Z°*  ^'___Z5m_ Ž
                  Ē"  á æ= Ž   #Æ  ,w0æ@Ūm*õ°ķ   feeL free to use the featured
                     _Øw_          Fæ" JF  Æ   Logos but remember to incLude
                __w*°3  "°^            ŽÞ=d"  the crL-tag.
             ļĩ*°Ŋ   ķ_p°        w  __,   2
     ____æw*m*ķq_    JĐ       _,    "Ŋ_ĩ#*"  this coLLection contains ascii in
   ĩ*"Ŋ         đ     0Ņ__    P°^^^^°°"Q     ascii in  ___ pure crL-styLe. any
   #                  Žb_5æw_ "Ļ#_____æML            _PŊŊ°x______   simiLarity
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   ŽK_      Ž"Ŋ R"°MŅMe   K   °w_    Þ  Ø#_       ļĩ@đ F  JÞ___ĩøī artists and
    Ž*w        _Æm_   _ķ_ Žð_  J#w__Æwa*īŽ*w_  __æZ #ļ &__P     Ž# i wiLL sue
      ŽŅw  __*°" _JÞ*°""°°*wķæÆķ°NZ   Ø     P°°°" ķ_ ķ_JF"Žķm__ _Ø you.
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                         --ũ --ũ member of ũ-- ũ--

        ________ ___________________________  _________________  _________
      __\___   /_\____/.    _   \______ ___/__\_______________/__\___    /
  .--|    | __/        |_   |    |    |   Ž\     |_)__   |_)____  Ž| ___/---.
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  |     |         /    '    \   Žī    \        |      l  /     |     \p^d   |

                  --ũ --ũ in a coLLection caLLed ũ-- ũ--

      __))                                                      ((__
                   _.  ____     __ _                 ____
                 ._\  \\ .__   \\  |     _.    .__  \\ .__
               |  /-- |  _/__  |    - |  \       /  |  _/__
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                  __/  \\ .__ \\  |     _.//   _.     __
                |  __  |  _/__|    - |  \   |  \   |   /  |
                 ---/__|---___|___---|___---|___--- --/___| p^d

    __                      [ we Love keLdon ]                    __

                           -- --ũ preface ũ-- --

ok, so i overdid it, sorry but i just had to do it. what? you didn't expect me
to do that? do you reaLLy think i care about you? ok, its up to you to beLieve
in that if you want to, but do remember that there is a sLight possibiLity you
might just be aLone. i dont know, how about tuesday? actuaLLy i dont feeL Like
it but you go ahead and do what you have to do. she kept on waLking for what i
know. another beer? i think that you've had your fun, now it's my turn. but if
she's with my mother why even bother. no, its nothing on the teLLy tonight. as
if it was a surprise to you. we had anaL-sex yesterday, think i lie? there are
too much undone. how about that pLan of yours? my neighbour might want to join
you. so it's a mess today, but what about tomorrow? my fan is out of order and
the fucking sun is shining Like heLL. a turkey for thanksgiving or i wiLL die!
used your head-phones yet? don't know how to do it i pressume. you aLways have
to make it harder than it is. everybody wants it, don't you forget that if you
want to make a profit. the new aLbum from boy george? couLd do if i was drunk.
borrowed a threepiece-suite from my uncLe the other day. think that i ought to
Loose weight or reLease a demotape? my car broke down in the roundabout. it is
impossibLe to say due to Lack of confidence. it's a hype, i promise you. youLL
find me in svedaLa next month when we are about to give a concert at the LocaL
maLL. free posters to everybody. party without concious. the naked sun is here
to stay and it's burning Like fire inside my twisted state of abnormaLity.

signed: crL.pioneer design - broken but aware of the facts about the imminent
                             death of the vaccumcLeaner which i intended to
                             borrow from my friend the pLummer who wiLL never
                             taLk to me since i caught him having sex with
                             a thirteen year oLd horse named donaLd outside a
                             LocaL minimaLL where a phycic with homoreLated
                             feeLings masturbated infront of nineyear oLd
                             boys who had come to watch the fa-cupmatch on
                             oLd trafford between manchester united and
                             hereford united.

                      -- --ũ tabLe of contents ũ-- --

       due to brainmaLfunction and a gratitude to my friend keLdon,
       here is a coLLection containing handLes of some poor fuckers
       who Like i are friends with keLdon. you may caLL me insane..

     grouer · chewie · ant · pantera · hamLet · axm · fugazi · rooster
    wizard · hawk · raxon · orbit · jummen ·  candyman · payday · cook
subtopia · abaddon · spLatterhead · dvzie · qba · qix · action · the ripper
        trendy deaLer · case seventyeight · cLever · feLix · randy

     xcLuziwe · baLoo · mrk · newt · bernie · oden · sLurry · fishwave
   trasher · goofy · swoop · Loop · darkhawk · crusader · bLaze · growL
   sydan · react · hotstepper · speed deviL · dweeb · fiskerking · punk
     bubba · timer · igor · chriz · ace · maLaki · mj · exL · eLectrip
                     nork · kestreL · cooLio · jacooL

                       t o t a L  a m o u n t : 5 5

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                      _______    _    ______  ______  _______
             .---____| __   /.--/ \--|     /-|   __/_| __   /.
                              --ũ grouer ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
              ___     _______  _____            ___   ______
             .\  ----|      /-|  __/_.__.-.--.--\_/--|   __/_.
                              --ũ chewie ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                            _____      __ ____
                         .--\__  |----/  |\  /___.
                                --ũ ant ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                    _____      __ ____    ______  _______   _____
         .___.---.--\__  |----/  |\  /___|   __/_| __   /.--\__  |
                              --ũ pantera ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
              ______    _____ _____   ____    ______ _____
             |     /-.--\__  |\    \_|    |--|   __/_\   /___.
                              --ũ hamLet ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                            _____ ___ ___ _____
                         .--\__  |\  |  /.\    \_.
                                --ũ axm ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                      ______            _____   __      ___
             .______ |     /-.---____.--\__  |-- //--.--\ /--.
                              --ũ fugazi ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
          _______    _       _       __  _____    ______  _______
         | __   /.--/ \--.--/ \--.--\\ --\   /___|   __/_| __   /.
                              --ũ rooster ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                        ___     __      _____ _______   _____
             .--.-.--.--\ /--.-- //--.--\__  | __   /.--\    |
                              --ũ wizard ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                      ______    _____         ____ __
                     |     /-.--\__  |___.-.-|    | /.
                               --ũ hawk ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                  _______   _____ ___ ___    _         __
                 | __   /.--\__  |\  |  /.--/ \--.----/  |
                               --ũ raxon ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                     _    _______ ______    ___  _____
                 .--/ \--| __   /|     /_.--\ /--\   /___.
                               --ũ orbit ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                 ____ ______  _____   _____   ______       __
             .___\   |     /-.\    \_.\    \_|   __/_.----/  |
                              --ũ jummen ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
              ___    ____     _  ____  ___  ___    ____     _
             .\_ --.-\_  |---/ |-\   |-\  \.\  \_.-\_  |---/ |
                             --ũ candyman ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                        _____   ___     _____   _____   ___
             .___.---.--\__  |--\  \_.--\    |--\__  |--\  \_.
                              --ũ payday ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                      ____       _       _    ___ ___
                     .\__ ---.--/ \--.--/ \--|   |  /.
                               --ũ cook ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
         __   ______  ______ _____       _              ___     _____
     .--\\ --|     /-|     /_\   /___.--/ \--.___.---.--\ /--.--\__  |
                             --ũ subtopia ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
            _____ ______    _____   _____   _____    _         __
         .--\__  |     /_.--\__  |--\    |--\    |--/ \--.----/  |
                              --ũ abaddon ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
   __        ___    ____ ___   ___   ____  _____ ____  ____   ____  ____
.-\\ -.__.--|   |-.-\_  |\ /__.\ /__|  _/_|__  /|   /_|  _/_.-\_  |-\   |
                           --ũ spLatterhead ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                    _____           ___     __    ______
                 .--\    |____.--.--\ /--.-- //--|   __/_.
                               --ũ dvize ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                             _    ______    _____
                         .--/ \--|     /_.--\__  |
                                --ũ qba ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                             _      ___   ___ ___
                         .--/ \--.--\ /--.\  |  /.
                                --ũ qix ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                _____ ____   _____      ___      _         __
             .--\__  |\__----\   /___.--\ /--.--/ \--.----/  |
                              --ũ action ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
       ____   ____  ____        _____  ___              ____  _____
       \  /__|   /_|  _/_.     |__  /.-\ /-.__.--.__.--|  _/_|__  /.
       `-----------------'     `-\___\-----|__|--|__|----------\___\crL
                            --ũ the ripper ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
 ____   _____ ____      _  ____  ___    ____ ____   ____ ___   ____  _____
 \  /__|__  /|  _/_.---/ |-\   |-\  \..-\   |  _/_.-\_  |   |-|  _/_|__  /.
` -------\___\-------/___|---\_|---\_|`---\_|-------------crL---------\___\
                           --ũ trendy deaLer ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                      ____      _____    __   _____
                     .\__----.--\__  |--\\ --|   __/_.
    __  ____        ____      _ ___     __  ____   ___        ____ ____
 .-\\ -|  _/_.__.--|  _/_.---/ |\ /__.--\ \|  _/_.-\ /-.--___|   /-\  /__.
 `-----------|__|----------/___|--------- \|---------------\_|-----------'
                              --ũ case 78 ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
              ____    ____    ______          ______  _______
             .\__----|    |--|   __/_.___.---|   __/_| __   /.
                              --ũ cLever ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                          ______  ____      ___   ___ ___
                 ._____  |  ___/_|    |--.--\ /--.\  |  /.
                               --ũ feLix ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                 _____  _____
            _____)          (_____
            )                    (
                  _______   _____      __   _____   ____
                 | __   /.--\__  |----/  |--\    |--\   \.
                               --ũ randy ũ--
            )____            ____(
                 )____  ____(

                                p a r t  2

   since the whoLe worLd is totaLLy fucked up you might just do it to
   yourseLf instead of cLaiming access to other peopLes privacy. in case
   you missed the headLines in todays news;


   the horny Lesbian hippopotamus which escaped from London zoo was seen
   near berLin. it is impossibLe to say wether she was kidnapped by aLiens
   and teLeported to berLin or if she hitched with jean pauL gauLtier in
   his bLue Lotus esprit.


   hiLLary cLinton; first Lady of the us was seen sunbathing topLess on
   a beach near the summerresident of the bLack star o.j simpson. mr simpson
   who was charged or first degree murder earLier this year reacted with
   his usuaL caLmness: a pair of titties have never kiLLed noone..


   the artist formLy known as john Lennon have reincarnated. he is now
   resting after a hard period of personaL probLems on s:t monica hospitaL
   in zaire. his newfound mother, the 21 years oLd mwuinga cuntiné says
   in a first statement that she is happy john chose her to breastfeed
   him. we have desperatLy and without succes seeked yoko ono for a comment

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
      ___ ___ ____    ____    ______     __     ___           ______
     .\_ | _/.\  ----|    |--|     /-.--\\ --.--\ /--.---..--|   __/_.
                             --ũ xcLuziwe ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                  ______    _____ ____       _       _
                 |     /_.--\__  |    |--.--/ \--.--/ \--.
                               --ũ baLoo ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                          _____   _______ ____ __
                         .\    \_| __   /|   /  /.
                             --ũ mrk ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                           __ ______         _____
                     .----/  |   __/_.___.-.-\   /___.
                             --ũ newt ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
              ______  ______  _______      __   ___   ______
             |     /-|   __/_| __   /.----/  |--\ /--|   __/_.
                              --ũ bernie ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                         _      _____ ______       __
                     .--/ \--.--\    |   __/_.----/  |
                               --ũ oden ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                 __   ____    ______  _______ _______   ____
             .--\\ --|    |--|     /-| __   /| __   /.--\   \.
                              --ũ sLurry ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                ___      __   ______            _____         ______
     .______ .--\ /--.--\\ --|     /_.___.-.-.--\__  |_____.-|   __/_.
                             --ũ fishwave ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
         _____    _______   _____    __   ______  ______  _______
         \   /___| __   /.--\__  |--\\ --|     /_|   __/_| __   /.
                              --ũ trasher ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                             _       _              ____
                 .---____.--/ \--.--/ \--.______ .--\   \.
                               --ũ goofy ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                     __              _       _
                 .--\\ --.---..--.--/ \--.--/ \--.___.---.
                               --ũ swoop ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                      ____       _       _
                     |    |--.--/ \--.--/ \--.___.---.
                               --ũ Loop ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
        _____   _____ _______ ____ __ ______    _____         ____ __
     .--\    |--\__  | __   /|   /  /|     /_.--\__  |____..-|   /  /.
                             --ũ darkhawk ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
             ___    _____ ____    __   ____  ____ ____  _____
             \  ---|__  /|   /-.-\\ -.-\_  |-\   |  _/_|__  /.
                             --ũ crusader ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                  ______  ____      _____   __    ______
                 |     /_|    |--.--\__  |-- //--|   __/_.
                               --ũ bLaze ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                          _______    _            ____
                 .---____| __   /.--/ \--.____..-|    |--.
                             --ũ growL ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                     __     ____    _____   _____      __
                 .--\\ --.--\   \.--\    |--\__  |----/  |
                               --ũ  sydan ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                  _______ ______    _____ ___    _____
                 | __   /|   __/_.--\__  |\  ----\   /___.
                               --ũ react ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
        ____    _  ____     __ ____   ____              ____  _____
       |   /_.-/ \-\  /__.-\\ -\  /__|  _/_.___.-.___.-|  _/_|__  /
                            --ũ hotstepper ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
         __        ____  ____   ____    ____ ____         __   ___
      .-\\ -.___.-|  _/_|  _/_.-\   | .-\   |  _/_.__.--.-\/--|   |-.
      `-----|___|-------------------' `-----------|__|--------------'crL
                            --ũ speed deviL ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                    _____         ______  ______  ______
                 .--\    |____..-|   __/_|   __/_|     /_.
                               --ũ dweeb ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
               ___    __  ____  ____  _____ ___ _  ___      _
       .____ .-\ /-.-\\ -|   /_|  _/_|__  /|  / /.-\ /-.---/ |--___.
                            --ũ fisherking ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                              ______       __ ____ __
                     .____.--|     /-.----/  |   /  /.
                               --ũ punk ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                  ______  ______  ______  ______    _____
                 |     /_|     /-|     /_|     /_.--\__  |
                               --ũ bubba ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                 _____      ___   _____   ______  _______
                 \   /___.--\ /--.\    \_|   __/_| __   /
                               --ũ timer ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                  _______               ______   __________
               .--\     /-.----______.-/      \-| ____    /.
                               --ũ igor ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                  ____    ______  _______   ___     __
                 .\  ----|     /_| __   /.--\ /--.-- //--.
                               --ũ chriz ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                       ________ _____      _________
                    .--\___    |\   ------|      __/_.
                                --ũ ace ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
              _____     _____ ____      _____ ____ __   ___
             .\    \_.--\__  |    |--.--\__  |   /  /.--\ /--.
                              --ũ maLaki ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                    _______________         ___________
                   .\              \_.______\__        |
                                --ũ mj ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                     _________  _____ ____ ________
                    |     ___/_.\    |   /|        |-.
                                --ũ exL ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
              ____  ___   ____  ___  ____   _____  ___
             |  _/_|   |-|  _/_.\ ---\  /__|__  /.-\ /-.__.--.
                             --ũ eLectrip ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                           __    _    _______ ____ __
                     .----/  |--/ \--| __   /|   /  /.
                               --ũ nork ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
          ____ __ ______     __  _____    _______ ______  ____
         |   /  /|   __/_.--\\ --\   /___| __   /|   __/_|    |--.
                              --ũ kestreL ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
              ___        _       _    ____      ___      _
             .\  ----.--/ \--.--/ \--|    |--.--\ /--.--/ \--.
                              --ũ cooLio ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                  ____     ____
              ___\\           //___
                 _____  _____ ___        _       _    ____
             .___\   |--\__  |\  ----.--/ \--.--/ \--|    |--.
                              --ũ jacooL ũ--
              ____             ____
                 //___     ___\\

                      -ũ  m o s t  a r t w o r k  b y

                           crL . pioneer design

                -ũ  a d d i t i o n a L  a r t w o r k  b y

               handLe     group           tag    Logo
               ŊŊŊŊŊŊ      ŊŊŊ            ŊŊ     ŊŊ Ŋ
               jägarn     pioneer design  jgn    pioneer design
               unceen     pioneer design  unc    we Love keLdon

      -ũ a L L  t i m e  g r e e t i n g s  a n d  r e s p e c t  t o

                              [random order]

                   spectraL.minor threat.beLzebub.no$tro
                   ghost rider.anthrax.dino.arcane.orion
                   daLamar.zcandaLer.cereaL kiLLer.randy
                   route 66.Lazer.v-cut.vitaL.tommy.pada
                   wozzy.java.mr jets.dr secret.nebraska
                   coca.juan.doom.Lord.bLack beard.norad
                   meLfis.behemoth.bLack maiL.grimripper
                   geraLd wiLLiams.trooper.tarjan.bLoved

          if you are not incLuded, there must be something wrong

                   -ũ p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  a r e

                                founder: crL
                              organizer: xtc
           _____       _____
        ___\               /___
        \                     /    [ pioneer design ascii-division are ]

    crL · ten! · deamo · jägarn · blockman · belzebub · unceen · melfis

                       [ greets to our ex-ascii-members ]
                 no$tro · randy · strauss · tix · anthrax
                 cereal killer · flare · sinister · keLdon

                   [ also greets to the other members ]
     razid · pada · redhead · xtc · doom · spectral · monodude · who?

                           [ and our hQ-sysops ]
                 xtc - whQ · rayban - shQ · dalamar - euhQ
             minor threat - nlhQ · ten! - nhQ · kidnix - crLhQ

        /___               ___\
           /____       ____\

                          -ũ m e m b e r s h i p

                          appLy for membership at

                       pioneer design whQ 'citydump'
                       +46 4358o354      sysop: xtC

                         crL hQ 'fast connection'
                      +46 4o466372      sysop: kidnix

                or maiL me for ordering, joining or other

                              -ũ g - m a i L

                            crL.pioneer design
                             c/o vidde reimann
                    bruksv. 55, 235 92 veLLinge, sweden

                               aLso support

                  european hQ   'dragonLance'     4nodez
                   swedish hQ   'no impuLse'      2nodez
                     dutch hQ   't.n.t'           1node
                  norwegan hQ   'disaster area'   1node

                       crL hQ   'fast connection' 1node

                            -ũ h o m e p a g e

   due to chances of a major lawsuit against our group from pioneer inc.
   the Leaders of pioneer design have decided not to provide you with a
   homepage. its aLso my job to inform you that a change of name probabLy
   wiLL take pLace in the near future.

   / pioneer design

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    must be frustating

                -ũ p r e v i o u s  c r L - r e L e a s e s

   nr  system name   date      bytes   reaL name                     Logos

   o1  re-asco1.txt  o7/o7/95  o22856  reaL mystory................  12
   o2  re-asco2.txt  12/o7/95  o34138  reaL pLeasure...............  2o
   o3  re-asco3.txt  22/o7/95  o44556  is this reaLLy reaL.........  24
   o4  re-asco4.txt  24/o7/95  o2357o  reaL personaLities..........  17
   o5  re-asco5.txt  31/o7/95  o31884  pLainfuL memories voL 1.....  25
   o6  pLs-dott.txt  o3/o8/95  o38454  dotties pLace...............  22
   o7  pLs-hof!.txt  11/o8/95  o42444  haLL of fame................  3o
   o8  p^d-sis!.txt  23/o8/95  o45ooo  surviving in scene..........  25
   o9  p^d-kmw!.txt  31/o8/95  o3o9oo  keeping my word.............  2o
   1o  p^d-jLaL.txt  1o/o9/95  o7oooo  just Like a Legend..........  °
   11  p^d-atsc.txt  1o/o9/95  o49o62  and the story continues.....  39
   12  p^d-mdm!.txt  o9/1o/95  o8882o  miLLion doLLar mouth........  54
   13  nds-diat.txt  31/1o/95  o87912  deserted isLands & tequiLa..  37
   14  p^d-!ts!.txt  o6/11/95  o6oooo  the sign....................  34
   15  nds-tmts.txt  17/11/95  o75674  t minus 12 seconds..........  37
   16  p^d-acac.txt  24/12/95  o53o2o  a competitive art-coLLection  24
   17  p^d-Jawa.txt  o5/o1/96  o595oo  jamie waLters...............  2o
   18  p^d-mis!.txt  o7/o1/96  o77663  made in sweden..............  3o
   19  eLt-wtfc.txt  24/o1/96  o4oooo  who the fuck cares..........  43
   2o  p^d-age!.txt  24/o1/96  15ooo1  ascii goes eLite............  99
   21  p^d-tdr!.txt  16/o2/96  o87ooo  trebbiano di romagna........  19
   22  p^d-aiyc.txt  16/o2/96  o34444  as if you cared.............  18
   23  p^d-tsoa.txt  o1/o3/96  o84738  the singLeton of auchroisk..  49
   24  p^d-bye!.txt  o4/o3/96  o31926  chevaLier montrachet........  15
   25  p^d-pogå.txt  24/o4/96  o79755  pontus gårdinger............  29
   26  p^d-Sasc.txt  13/o6/96  o52ooo  sandra scream...............  22
   27  p^d-abte.txt  1o/o7/96  o8366o  a breathtaking experience...  38
   28  dfn-Lego.txt  o1/o8/96  o55333  Lego my ego ................  °
   29  p^d-awgh.txt  o3/o8/96  o616oo  amanda wants to go home ....  23
   3o  p^d-tLfs.txt  2o/o8/96  o788oo  tiny Logos for someone .....  24
   31  p^d-Lust.txt  2o/o8/96  o5465o  Let us sLeep together ......  65
   32  p^d-sps!.txt  13/o9/96  o595oo  some peopLe say ............  36
   33  p^d-wish.txt  o8/11/96  o57934  when i saw her .............  5o
   34  p^d-wLk1.txt  3o/11/96  o5oooo  we Love keLdon .............  55

                            -- --ũ totaL ũ-- --

                         amount of bytes: 2oooooo
                         amount of coLLections: 34
                         amount of Logos: 1o55

      note: ° means that this was a historic Look back on my carrer

                                                                                                                                                                                              we aLL need to be egocentric sometimes. question is if i overdo the whoLe thing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       i'ts amazing what you can do with the <tab>-button

                         -ũ f i L e _ i d . d i z


             _   _______
   _____.----.---\      | "we Love keLdon"
  |     |----------\____|
  |     |
  |     | produced by: crL.pioneer design