[-) do not [v] this fiLe. [f] or [r] and [d]. do [u] or [rz] eLseware (-] +ĩmwa__ ĩ__ ______9w "*# °q________ *MŪ"ŊŊ ŊŽ"ī Ž wĩýW*Ņæw _,A* Ž°*, _ÆE_ w__ ææĩgwa2Ņ copyright pioneer design 1996 _@° ĩæ*m, _Z°* ^'___Z5m_ Ž Ē" á æ= Ž #Æ ,w0æ@Ūm*õ°ķ feeL free to use the featured _Øw_ Fæ" JF Æ Logos but remember to incLude __w*°3 "°^ ŽÞ=d" the crL-tag. ļĩ*°Ŋ ķ_p° w __, 2 ____æw*m*ķq_ JĐ _, "Ŋ_ĩ#*" this coLLection contains ascii in ĩ*"Ŋ đ 0Ņ__ P°^^^^°°"Q ascii in ___ pure crL-styLe. any # Žb_5æw_ "Ļ#_____æML _PŊŊ°x______ simiLarity Q ____ĩĩa J °*_ Ŋ ŊŽ"Ŋ # _Ø , ķKŊ Ŋ"Þ to other ŽK_ Ž"Ŋ R"°MŅMe K °w_ Þ Ø#_ ļĩ@đ F JÞ___ĩøī artists and Ž*w _Æm_ _ķ_ Žð_ J#w__Æwa*īŽ*w_ __æZ #ļ &__P Ž# i wiLL sue ŽŅw __*°" _JÞ*°""°°*wķæÆķ°NZ Ø P°°°" ķ_ ķ_JF"Žķm__ _Ø you. Ž*æMŊ_a*°"Ŋ _ JÞ J Ž°mÆ J E # L LŽķ^° JM*" ĩŅwP J __ļ 7 # ķ_&_ JÞ Ø @* K ŽŊ° 7Ē*waaæm#w*°"Ž°°" Q Q ŽŅ_ Ø ķ_ _ J Žw_ °x_ __Z^° # "1 K crL Ž5M==^"°°°Ŋ JL ,ļ Ŋ*w_ P JÞ ī _dđ á ĩML __amP" #__________________w*" &_ĩwæĪ°Ŋ """""""""""""""""Ŋ ........ : : : : __ĩĩ : : _aæØ@Ž2Þ :......: ......_aæ#P" æF.......... ...... : _æØP" _ÆF : : : :_aÆ@" ĩ#ī : : : æØ° _ÆF : : : " æ#" : :....: : _ĩØ" : : _ÆF' __, : _æÞ :_ÆP _ĩÆŅP" : ĩ#" æ@" JL _ĩØP" : ļÆF Æ" Æ' _Æ@" : ......... ĩ@".. JF: # _ÆPŊ : : dF : Ø : JŪØ@" : : _Ø" : # : °" : :.... _Ø .....: Q : : .... Ø' __ø' # :........................: : JL_ĩæØ@' ķL . : Žķķ°Ŋ # :................: crL Ž& Ž&_ Ž#. ķæ. Žķm_ p^d Žķ#m Ž --ũ --ũ member of ũ-- ũ-- ..... ..... ... : ..:.... :t0!:... .... :.:... . . :.:.: :..: :.: : : . ___:___/\ . _/\ . ____:__/\ . _______/\ . ___:___/\ . _______/\ _\\_ _ \__\\__)__\\_ _ \__\\_ _ \__\\_ _ \__\\_ _ \_ / / / / / / / / ______/ ______/ / / _/_ _/_ / _/_ / _/_ / _/_ / / _/_ _______\/_____\/___________\/_____/ \/______ \/______ / \/_____/ :. : ... /_____/ /_____/ . _/_____/\ .: ..:...: : : _\\_ _ \_ ..: :.: .: : / /_____/ :... :.. : _/_ / ..: ...: : \/_____/ :. _/\ :.. : . ____:_/ \. _______/\ . _/\__:__ . _/\ . ____:__/\ . _______/\ _\\_ _ (_\\_ _ \__\\_ ___/____\\__)__\\_ _ \__\\_ _ \_ / / / ______/______ / / / / / / _/_ / _/_ / _/_ / _/_ /______ _/_ / / \/___________\/______ \/___________\/_____/_ _______\/_____/ / .: /_____/ : \/_____/ : /_____/ :... ... .... ..:.. : :. ....: : ...:Ed:..:.: : . . ...:.. :..: :...: :...: :.: --ũ --ũ in a coLLection caLLed ũ-- ũ-- ___ ___ ____\\ \\ ___\\ __\ _. _ \\ __ __\\ ._\ \\ ._ .__ __ \\/ | /-- | / | _/__| / | | | __ unc |__---- ---___|--____ --/___| ---___| __\\ ___ _ _. _ _____ _\\ __ ._/ __\ ._\ \\ ._ .__ _. // //__ | --. | _. | /-- | | / | _/__| \ | //__ ---___ --\___|__---- ---___|--____|---\__| p^d //__ // [ when i saw her ] -- --ũ introduction ũ-- -- have you missed me? right, thought you havent. but now i'm here to provide you with some high-quaLity-oLd-fashioned ascii. the idea of going back into time reaLLy got me thinking. and after some serious thinking i desided it was about time to do it the oLd way; the strict way; the boring way but at this point the onLy and probabLy the best way; return to the cLassics. so, what eLse is new? weLL since you are offering me some of your precious time i might just teLL what is going on in pioneer design these days. as you might know we started as a asciiconstaLLation but today we have expanded and now we aLso cover ground in doorcoding, graphix music etc.but as aLways we do our outmost to provide you with the best, not onLy in ascii but everything eLse signed pioneer design i hereby Leave you free to expLore my coLLection. feeL free to contact us for any reason. our contactsources are featured in the end of the coLLection. peace, Love and respect... signed: crL.pioneer design -- --ũ tabLe of contents ũ-- -- --ũ requests ũ-- -> bLaze -ũ freak -) fLoppy -> backsLash -ũ overLoaded -) tabasco -> apathy -ũ jägarn -) monodude -> unceen -ũ sanctuary -) mozze -> v-cut -ũ cLassic -) citydump -> soLid motion -ũ deamo -) digitaL vision -> invisibLe -ũ xcLuziwe -) dweeb -> feedback -ũ impLant -) meLfis -> sharp -ũ anadune --ũ bonuspart ũ-- -> sweden -ũ norway -) finLand -> denmark -ũ iceLand -) russia -> estonia -ũ Latvia -) germany -> hoLLand -ũ beLgium -) poLand -> engLand -ũ scotLand -) waLes -> france -ũ spain -) portugaL -> monaco -ũ italy -) greece -> sLovakia -ũ bosnia -) croatia ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: bLaze __ __ requested by: bLaze | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ______ ____ _____ __ ______ | /_| |__.--\__ |-- //--| __/ . `-------|____|-----\____|---------------'crL -- --ũ bLaze ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: freak __ __ requested by: keLdon | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _______ ______ _____ _____ _______| _ /| __/ .--\__ |--/ / |____|-----\____\----------\____|---.___\crL -- --ũ freak ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: fLoppy __ __ requested by: keLdon | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ____ _ ___ ______ | |--.--/ \--.___,---.___.---.--\ \_. |___|---|____|----\___/-|___|---|___|--------\__| crL -- --ũ fLoppy ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: backsLash __ __ requested by: meLfis | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ______ _____ ___ ___ ___ __ ____ _____ __ ____ | /-.--\_ |\ ----| |/ /--\\_--| |--.--\_ |--\\_--| |--. `___/------\____|-----------------------|____|-----\____|---------crL---' -- --ũ backsLash ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: overLoaded __ __ requested by: meLfis | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _ ____ _____ ___ _ ___ ____ ____ ____ .-/ \-.___.-| _/ | _ /| |-.-/ \-.--\_ |-\ | _/ .-\ | `\___/--------------\__\|___|--\___/---\__|---\_|---------\_|crL -- --ũ overLoaded ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: tabasco __ __ requested by: meLfis | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _____ _____ ______ _____ __ ___ _ .\ /__.--\__ | /_.--\__ |--\\_--.\ ----.--/ \--. `----------\____|----------\____|-----------------\___/-'crL -- --ũ tabasco ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: apathy __ __ requested by: dweeb | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ______ ______ _______ ________ ___ ___ .---\__ |_____.---.---\__ |\ /__| /-.---\ / `---\_____|_____|-------\_____|-----------------------------'crL -- --ũ apathy ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: jägarn __ __ requested by: jägarn | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _____ .___. _____ _______ ___ .--\ |--\_ |---____.--\_ | _ /----/ | `----------\____|----\__|--\____|---\___\-/_____|crL -- --ũ jägarn ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: monodude __ __ requested by: monodude | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _____ _ __ _ _____ ______ _____ ______ .\ \_.--/ \--.----/ |--/ \--.--\ | /-.--\ | __/_. `--\/-----\___/----/____|-\___/------\__|------------\__|-------'crL -- --ũ monodude ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: unceen __ __ requested by: unceen | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ______ __ ____ ______ ______ __ | /-.----/ |\ ---| __/_| __/_.----/ | `----------/____|--------------------------/____|crL -- --ũ unceen ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: sanctuary __ __ requested by: bLockman | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / __ _____ __ ___ _____ _____ _____ ______ ___ .--\\ --.--\_ |----/ |\_ ---.\ /__| /-.--\_ | _ /.--\ \_. `----------\____|--/____|------------------------\____|--\___\----\__|crL -- --ũ sanctuary ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: mozze __ __ requested by: mozze | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _____ _ ____ ____ ______ \ \_.--/ \--.---- /_ ----_/_| __/_ `--\/-----\___/- -----------------------'crL -- --ũ mozze ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: v-cut __ __ requested by: v-cut | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ___ ______ _____ ____.--. _ \ ----| _/-\ /___ |____|--' `-----------------------'crL -- --ũ v-cut ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: cLassic __ __ requested by: v-cut | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ___ ___ _____ __ __ ___ ___ .\ -----| |---.--\__ |--\\ --.--\\ --.--\ /--.\ ----. `-------|___|------\____|-------------------------------'crL -- --ũ cLassic ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: citydump __ __ requested by: xtc | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ___ ___ _____ ___ _____ ______ _____ .\ ----.--\ /--.\ /__.--\ \_.--\ | /_.\ \_.____.--. `----------------------------\__|----\__|----------\/---|____|--'crL -- --ũ citydump ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: soLid motion __ __ requested by: deamo | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / __ _ ____ ___ _____ .--\\ --.--/ \--| |--.--\ /--.--\ | `---------\___/-|____|---------------\__| _____ _ _____ ___ _ __ .\ \_.--/ \--.\ /__.--\ /--.--/ \--.----/ | `--\/-----\___/-------------------\___/----/____|crL -- --ũ soLid motion ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: deamo __ __ requested by: deamo | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _____ ______ _____ _____ _ .--\ | __/_.--\__ |\ \_.--/ \--. `----\__|----------\____|--\/-----\___/-'crL -- --ũ deamo ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: digital vision __ __ requested by: b-Loved | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _____ ___ ___ _____ _____ ____ .--\ |--\ /--.---____.--\ /--.\ /__.--\__ | |--. `----\__|------------\__|------------------\____|____|--'crL ___ __ ___ _ __ ___,---.--\ /--.--\\ --.--\ /--.--/ \--.----/ | |___|-----------------------------\___/----/____| -- --ũ digitaL vision ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: invisibLe __ __ requested by: crL&bLD | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ___ __ ___ __ ___ _____ ____ ______ .--\ /--.----/ |___.---.--\ /--.--\\ --.--\ /--| /--| |--| __/_. `----------/____|___|-----------------------------------|____|-crL------' -- --ũ invisibLe ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: xcLuziwe __ __ requested by: gift | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ___ ___ ___ ____ ______ __ ___ ______ .\ | /.\ ----| |--| /-.-- //--.--\ /--.--.-.--| __/_. `---------------|____|--------------------------|__|------------'crL -- --ũ xcLuziwe ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: dweeb __ __ requested by: dweeb | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _____ ______ ______ _____ .--\ |--.-.--| __/_| __/_| /--. `----\__|__|--------------------|__/----'crL -- --ũ dweeb ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: feedback __ __ requested by: keLdon | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ ___ ____ __ _______| __/_| __/_.--\ | /--.--\__ |\ ----| / . |____|-----------------------\__|____/-----\____|---------------'crL -- --ũ feedback ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: impLant __ __ requested by: keLdon | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ___ _____ ____ _____ __ _____ .--\ /--.\ \_.___.---| |--.--\__ |----/ |\ /__. `----------\/---|___|---|____|-----\____|--/____|-------'crL -- --ũ impLant ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: meLfis __ __ requested by: meLfis | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _____ ______ ____ ___ __ .\ \_| __/_| |--.______ .--\ /--.--\\ --. `--\/-----------|____|--|____|------------------'crL -- --ũ meLfis ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: sharp __ __ requested by: sharp | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / __ ______ _____ _______ .--\\ --| /-.--\__ | _ /.___.---. `------------------\____|--\____\___|---'crL -- --ũ sharp ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: anadune __ __ requested by: sharp | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _____ __ _____ _____ ______ __ ______ .--\__ |----/ |--\__ |--\ | /_.----/ | __/_. `--\____|--/____|--\____|----\__|----------/____|-------'crL -- --ũ anadune ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ -- --ũ bonuspart ũ-- -- `-._ __ _æømw_ w*"___ ØŊ ļ ķ ,#"ŊŽķį ķ__Ŋ_Æ ÆL ° ļ# ___ĩĩ___ ____ ŽķØ°Ŋ ķæwø@ __ĩØ°"Ŋ"__Ø@æw_ _ææØM°°°q__ 0 ____æF_aĩ*P°Ø æmwæKŽ"#ŽK°K ĩ#"J&æm_a Ø#**mwwæØ#ķ°""°ķÆ°Ŋ _æ@W_ __Æ' Q Ž#_ JF ŽØL___æ@ķm ļØīļ_ _Ž#_ _ØØ°°ķ*4P" # ķ, Ø QŊ"""ŊķxŽ#_Ø a##mwwm#°*Ž#*MWP ķ 0 JF 0 °m Ø 0m@" ]L JL Ø JL ŽŅ# 0 Æ Q # & Q 0 ĩ# 0 JF Ž# 0 ___ 0 æP 0 7F Žb ŽK aZ"° 0 _ÆK Æ Æ Ž& 0 Z"_ļ Ø ĒÆ_ Ø Ø ŽK JL ""ŊŊ JK Ž°ķķ***mgæF 0 __æK ķ_ æP ,_____ _ĩø*M° ÆWĩ__ĩĩm@P" _ ãmwĩĩĩĩø#Z Æ"°°°°ķÞ __æPŊ ŽķÄZ_ __ĩæ@ķ, ĩP ķwJ@ _ØÞm**P°Ŋ Ž°*wJØ"Ŋ 0_ æK Ž#____øP Ž#_ ķÆ" Ž°°°" crL Ž°*wwæ#P note: just had to incLude my dirty oLd Lobster (snuskhummer) aLL you guys reading this Lives in a country. yeah, im a originaL smarthead you know. anyway, here is a small amount of "countryLogos" from europe. if you Live in a country not featured, then have pacience. it'LL come.. ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: sweden __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / __ ______ _____ ______ __ .--\\ --.--.-.--| __/_.--\ | __/_.----/ | `-------|__|-----------------\__|----------/____|crL -- --ũ sweden ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: norway __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / __ _ _______ _____ ____ .----/ |--/ \--| __ /.__.-.--.--\__ |--\ \. `--/____|-\___/----\____\__|-------\____|--\____|crL -- --ũ norway ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: finLand __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ___ __ ____ _____ __ _____ .______ .--\ /--.----/ | |--.--\__ |----/ |--\ | |____|-------------/____|____|-----\____|--/____|----\__|crL -- --ũ finLand ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: denmark __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _____ ______ __ _____ _____ _______ ____ .--\ | __/_.----/ |\ \_.--\__ | __ /.--| /. `----\__|----------/____|--\/------\____|--\____\-------'crL -- --ũ denmark ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: iceLand __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ____ ___ ______ ____ _____ __ _____ .--\ /--.\ ---| __/_| |--.--\__ |----/ |--\ | `-----------------------|____|-----\____|--/____|----\__|crL -- --ũ iceLand ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: russia __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _______ ______ __ __ ___ _____ | __ /| /-.--\\ --.--\\ --.--\ /--.--\__ | `--\____\----------------------------------\____|crL -- --ũ russia ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: estonia __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ______ __ _____ _ __ ___ _____ | __/_.--\\ --.\ /__.--/ \--.----/ |--\ /--.--\__ | `-------------------------\___/----/____|----------\____|crL -- --ũ estonia ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: Latvia __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ____ _____ _____ ___ _____ | |--.--\__ |\ /__.____.--.--\ /--.--\__ | |____|-----\____--------|____|-------------\____|crL -- --ũ Latvia ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: germany __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ______ _______ _____ _____ __ ____ .---____| __/_| __ /.\ \_.--\__ |----/ |--\ \. `----\__|----------\____\--\/------\____|--/____|--\____|crL -- --ũ germany ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: hoLLand __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _______ _ ____ ____ _____ __ _____ | /-.--/ \--| |--| |--.--\__ |----/ |--\ | `----------\___/-|____|--|____|-----\____|--/____|----\__|crL -- --ũ hoLLand ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: beLgium __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ______ ______ ____ ___ ______ _____ | /-| __/_| |--.---____.--\ /--| /_.\ \_. `---------------|____|-------\__|------------------\/---'crL -- --ũ beLgium ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: poLand __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _ ____ _____ __ _____ .___.---.--/ \--| |--.--\__ |----/ |--\ | |___|-----\___/-|____|-----\____|--/____|----\__|crL -- --ũ poLand ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: engLand __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ______ __ ____ _____ __ _____ | __/_.----/ |---____| |--.--\__ |----/ |--\ | `----------/____|----\__|____|-----\____|--/____|----\__|crL -- --ũ engLand ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: scotLand __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / __ ___ _ _____ ____ _____ __ _____ .--\\ --.\ ----.--/ \--.\ /__| |--.--\__ |----/ |--\ | `-----------------\___/---------|____|-----\____|--/____|----\__|crL -- --ũ scotLand ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: waLes __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _____ ____ ______ __ .--.-.--.--\__ | |--| __/_.--\\ --. |__|------------|____|------------------'crL -- --ũ waLes ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: france __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _______ _____ __ ___ ______ .______ | __ /.--\__ |----/ |\ ----| __/_. |____|-----\____\--\____|--/____|---------------'crL -- --ũ france ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: spain __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / __ _____ ___ __ .--\\ --.____.--.--\__ |--\ /--.----/ | `-------|____|-----\____|----------/____|crL -- --ũ spain ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: portugaL __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _ _______ _____ ______ _____ ____ .____.--.--/ \--| __ /.\ /__| /_.---____.--\__ | |--. |____|----\___/----\____\--------------------\__|--\____|____|--'crL -- --ũ portugaL ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: monaco __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _____ _ __ _____ ___ _ .\ \-.--/ \--.----/ |--\__ |\ ----.--/ \--. `--\/-----\___/----/____|--\____|---------\___/-'crL -- --ũ monaco ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: itaLy __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ___ _____ _____ ____ ____ .--\ /--.\ /__.--\__ | |--.--\ \. `------------------\____|____|-----\____|crL -- --ũ itaLy ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: greece __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / _______ ______ ______ ___ ______ .---____| __ /| __/_| __/_.\ ----| __/_. `----\__|--\___\--------------------------------'crL -- --ũ greece ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: sLovakia __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / __ ____ _ _____ __ ___ _____ .--\\ --| |--.--/ \--.____.--.--\__ |----/ |--\ /--.--\__ | `-------|____|----\___/-|____|-----\____|------------------\____|crL -- --ũ sLovakia ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: bosnia __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ______ _ __ __ ___ _____ | /_.--/ \--.--\\ --.----/ |--\ /--.--\__ | `---------\___/------------/____|----------\____|crL -- --ũ bosnia ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ ___ ___ .----------------------------/_ _\----------------------------. | name: croatia __ __ requested by: | `--------------------------__\ /__--------------------------' ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ / ___ _______ _ _____ ____ ___ _____ .\ ----| __ /.--/ \--.--\__ |\ /___.--\ /--.--\__ | `-----------\___\-\___/----\____|------------------\____|crL -- --ũ croatia ũ-- -- /___ ___\ /__ __\ -ũ m o s t a r t w o r k b y crL . pioneer design -ũ a d d i t i o n a L a r t w o r k b y handLe group tag Logo ŊŊŊŊŊŊ ŊŊŊ ŊŊ ŊŊ Ŋ unceen pioneer design unc when i saw her -ũ a L L t i m e g r e e t i n g s a n d r e s p e c t t o [random order] xtc.keLdon.ank-n.who.bLockman.redhead spectraL.minor threat.beLzebub.no$tro ghost rider.anthrax.dino.arcane.orion ten.hardsequencer.strauss.anthrax.tix daLamar.zcandaLer.cereaL kiLLer.randy route 66.Lazer.v-cut.vitaL.tommy.pada bastard.fuze.scroud.drakar.sLaß.deLta kidnix.migrän.dixy.shade.shaman.bøøth sonic.vietcong.hawk.rayban.Lobo.sharp fLare.riot.rape.oxidy.ed&joe.crossair kestreL.pioneer.intruder.fataL.recaLL wozzy.java.mr jets.dr secret.nebraska boozo.kain.topfLight.why.triviaL.draw wraith.paszczak.xcLuziwe.manta.strife tango.juan.java.bubba.razid.heLLhound coca.juan.doom.Lord.bLack beard.norad meLfis.behemoth.bLack maiL.grimripper geraLd wiLLiams.trooper.tarjan.bLoved sinister.monodude.jägarn.timer.unceen deamo.mozze if you are not incLuded, there must be something wrong -ũ p i o n e e r d e s i g n a r e founder: crL organizer: xtc _____ _____ ___\ /___ \ / [ pioneer design ascii-division are ] crL · ten! · deamo · jägarn · blockman · belzebub · unceen · melfis [ greets to our ex-ascii-members ] no$tro · randy · strauss · tix · anthrax cereal killer · flare · sinister · keLdon [ also greets to the other members ] razid · pada · redhead · xtc · doom · spectral · monodude · who? [ and our hQ-sysops ] xtc - whQ · rayban - shQ · dalamar - euhQ · minor threat - nlhQ · ten! - nhQ /___ ___\ /____ ____\ -ũ m e m b e r s h i p appLy for membership at pioneer design whQ 'citydump' +46 4358o354 sysop: xtC or maiL me for ordering, joining or other -ũ g - m a i L crL.pioneer design c/o vidde reimann bruksv. 55, 235 92 veLLinge, sweden -ũ e - m a i L ?????.???????@???.se aLso support european hQ 'dragonLance' 4nodez swedish hQ 'no impuLse' 2nodez dutch hQ 't.n.t' 1node norwegan hQ 'disaster area' 1node -ũ h o m e p a g e finaLLy, pioneer design goes internet. visit our homepage and downLoad aLL of our reLeases, sampLes from our graphic-makers and muchmore. feeL weLcome http:://www.xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx.se its not my fauLt xtc is so Lazy... you can aLso e-maiL to us. at present you can contact handLe e-maiL ŊŊŊŊŊŊ Ŋ ŊŊŊŊ xtc ........... nv95deLa@kLippan.se -ũ p r e v i o u s c r L - r e L e a s e s nr system name date bytes reaL name Logos o1 re-asco1.txt o7/o7/95 o22856 reaL mystory................ 12 o2 re-asco2.txt 12/o7/95 o34138 reaL pLeasure............... 2o o3 re-asco3.txt 22/o7/95 o44556 is this reaLLy reaL......... 24 o4 re-asco4.txt 24/o7/95 o2357o reaL personaLities.......... 17 o5 re-asco5.txt 31/o7/95 o31884 pLainfuL memories voL 1..... 25 o6 pLs-dott.txt o3/o8/95 o38454 dotties pLace............... 22 o7 pLs-hof!.txt 11/o8/95 o42444 haLL of fame................ 3o o8 p^d-sis!.txt 23/o8/95 o45ooo surviving in scene.......... 25 o9 p^d-kmw!.txt 31/o8/95 o3o9oo keeping my word............. 2o 1o p^d-jLaL.txt 1o/o9/95 o7oooo just Like a Legend.......... ° 11 p^d-atsc.txt 1o/o9/95 o49o62 and the story continues..... 39 12 p^d-mdm!.txt o9/1o/95 o8882o miLLion doLLar mouth........ 54 13 nds-diat.txt 31/1o/95 o87912 deserted isLands & tequiLa.. 37 14 p^d-!ts!.txt o6/11/95 o6oooo the sign.................... 34 15 nds-tmts.txt 17/11/95 o75674 t minus 12 seconds.......... 37 16 p^d-acac.txt 24/12/95 o53o2o a competitive art-coLLection 24 17 p^d-Jawa.txt o5/o1/96 o595oo jamie waLters............... 2o 18 p^d-mis!.txt o7/o1/96 o77663 made in sweden.............. 3o 19 eLt-wtfc.txt 24/o1/96 o4oooo who the fuck cares.......... 43 2o p^d-age!.txt 24/o1/96 15ooo1 ascii goes eLite............ 99 21 p^d-tdr!.txt 16/o2/96 o87ooo trebbiano di romagna........ 19 22 p^d-aiyc.txt 16/o2/96 o34444 as if you cared............. 18 23 p^d-tsoa.txt o1/o3/96 o84738 the singLeton of auchroisk.. 49 24 p^d-bye!.txt o4/o3/96 o31926 chevaLier montrachet........ 15 25 p^d-pogå.txt 24/o4/96 o79755 pontus gårdinger............ 29 26 p^d-Sasc.txt 13/o6/96 o52ooo sandra scream............... 22 27 p^d-abte.txt 1o/o7/96 o8366o a breathtaking experience... 38 28 dfn-Lego.txt o1/o8/96 o55333 Lego my ego ................ ° 29 p^d-awgh.txt o3/o8/96 o616oo amanda wants to go home .... 23 3o p^d-tLfs.txt 2o/o8/96 o788oo tiny Logos for someone ..... 24 31 p^d-Lust.txt 2o/o8/96 o5465o Let us sLeep together ...... 65 32 p^d-sps!.txt 13/o9/96 o595oo some peopLe say ............ 36 33 p^d-wish.txt o8/11/96 o57934 when i saw her ............. 5o -- --ũ totaL ũ-- -- amount of bytes: 195oooo amount of coLLections: 33 amount of Logos: 1ooo note: ° means that this was a historic Look back on my carrer we aLL need to be egocentric sometimes. question is if i overdo the whoLe thing i'ts amazing what you can do with the <tab>-button -ũ f i L e _ i d . d i z @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ asciicoLLection from crL.pioneer design _ _______ _____.----.---\ | | |----------\____| "when i saw her" | | | | produced by: crL.pioneer design |_____| asciicoLLection from crL.pioneer design @END_FILE_ID.DIZ