____ ____ ____\ /____ .__) (__. this coLLection is dedicated to ebba bLitz `------/\\\____ ' __ æ***'" "`***#_ Æ" ķļ JÞ F JL F J& ÆF JMK J F JÞŽĩ æī F JÞ Ž#ĩĩæææmĩ_Æ F -== bLue ribbon; worth fighting for ==- JL ķĩ _d" Þ # Ž## Æ ŽK °æ_ J crL Žĩ ķ&_æī a## °b_ _æ@Ŋ Ž#_ °#w_ _aøP ķĩ Ž*m_ __ø@" Ž#_ °#w_ ķ" _#ī°æ_ ŽķQ JÞ _" ķ&_ JÞ L a#" ķæ_ 7 L _æ@Ŋ °#w_ 7 JÞ _aøP Ž*m_ L p^d J_ø@" °#wJÞ °" Žķ# in a worLd where information is considered a human right there are some who wants to change it -== bLue ribbon; worth fighting for ==- note:) the 'bLue ribbon'-ascii campain started 24.o4.96. join us for a open society. incLude the ribbon in your .txt ___ ___ _____) (_____ __) (__ )))))) [f] or [r] this fiLe instead of [v] it ( do [u] or [rz] on another board to gain credits )__ __(((((( )_____ _____( )___ ___( copyright pioneer design 1996 ŊŊ ŊŊ ŊŊ ŊŊŊŊŊŊ ŊŊŊŊ Ŋ ŊŊŊŊ this coLLection may not be used for any commerciaL use without permission from the author crL.p^d ŊŊŊ feeL free to use the featured Logos, but do remember to incLude the crL-tag ŊŊŊ we in pioneer design do not intend to start any quarreLs or hostiLity. therefore it is important to note that this coLLection do not contain any iLLegaL rip-offs. any simiLarity to other artists are fuLLy coincidentaL ........ : : : : __ĩĩ : : _aæØ@Ž2Þ :......: ......_aæ#P" æF.......... ...... : _æØP" _ÆF : : : :_aÆ@" ĩ#ī : : : æØ° _ÆF : : : " æ#" : :....: : _ĩØ" : : _ÆF' __, : _æÞ :_ÆP _ĩÆŅP" : ĩ#" æ@" JL _ĩØP" : ļÆF Æ" Æ' _Æ@" : ......... ĩ@".. 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Ŋ\/Ŋ | |ĶOo. -'| ŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊ:ŊŊŊŊŊŊŊ ŊŊ Ŋ Ŋ ŊŊ ŊŊŊŊŊL -':ŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊ : _ _ ŊŊŊŊ: _ _ __ _____ ___:____ ) ( ____:___ _____ __ _ _ bLZ: )__________________________( : :....................................: ...................................... ..:_______________ __ __ ________..: :_/ _____/ _ /_/ \/ \_/ ______/: :\______ \ \\ Ŋ\ \/ / ______/: .....:\_________\______/___/ /________/:........... .....:_________________________/____/___ ________...: : __/______ /______/ _ / ______ / \_____/ ______/: :..\ \______/ ______/ \\ Ŋ\\______/ \ / ______/: : \____\ \________/_______/___\ \_________\______/: :............ _______ ________ ___ ____ ......... :. :_/ _____// _ // l / :. :....: ..:\______ \ _ Ŋ\______ Ŋ\ :StR : \_________\___\ \________\:..... :.................\____\.............: [ .. s o m e p e o p l e s a y .. ] introduction ŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊ some peopLe say that Life is eternaL and everything is going to be fine. and even the cLouds have their sun if the onLy knew that i've been there some peopLe say that the egg came before the hen. and it is the other way. and they are aLL wrong if the onLy knew that i've been there some peopLe say that they are better than you, and the others don't know a shit. some peopLe say things they shouLdn't say, and they shouLd've said Long time ago if the onLy knew that i've been there / geraLd wiLLiams -96 preface ŊŊŊŊŊŊ weLcome to this coLLection which i first pLanned to caLL Lassie since shes aLso a coLLie, but i decided not to... friends, another crL-reLease at the system. hurry to spread before some deLetehungry sysop removes it aLL it has aLways been the same; its hard for artists to breakthrough in a worLd where art-haters ruLes. most of the art-haters are sysops who think that they are some kind of über-eLite. 'do not upLoad coLLections' are their message in [u]-screen. 'ascii are banned', '1o times credit taken for ascii-coLLections'. who the f-ck do you think you are? über-eLite right, but what do you think 'LL happen to the scene if aLL sysops rejected ascii-coLLections? you wouLd have to do the ascii yourseLf! try that!! you see, there are Loads off systems around and they aLL need designers and to get the right Logos sysops requests them from various artists or downLoad a boardstyLe-coLLection. when they 've aLL the needed Logos and after a whiLe when users are starting to trade, then they rejects coLLections. 'not eLite' they cLaim. so dear sysops: what's eLite? pubLic domain-wares from aminet? fortunateLLy aren't aLL sysops Like this, respect to those! some've figured out that asciicoLLections are probabLy the best things to trade.mainLy because you can spread a message but aLso for fun peopLe need to reLax and Looking at reaLLy good art can be one heLL of an experience. signed: crL.pioneer design.define ŊŊŊ btw:> you did not forget to downLoad the soundtrack? tabLe of contents ŊŊŊŊŊ ŊŊ ŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊ name request by ŊŊŊŊ ŊŊ ŊŊŊŊ Ŋ pioneer design ten! uLtimo imperio bøøth epsiLon design tommy rapid design joyce house of styLe red demon save our souLs wise-k future entrance vitaL swedens drunkstation hardsequencer citydump xtc dragonLance daLamar fast connection kidnix Lookers house tommy giants keLdon bob keLdon keLdon keLdon immortaL arts dino nighttrain no:1 keLdon euphoria dino define bjørne vicious art no$tro the return no$tro ascii gazette xcLuziwe sinister sinister house of kicks sinister disaster area ten! redhead redhead beLzebub beLzebub minor threat minor threat the Last inn topfLight trooper trooper beLoved beLoved digitaL vision beLoved factor beLzebub xtc xtc nighttrain no:2 keLdon issue keLdon totaL amount of Logos: ŊŊŊŊŊ ŊŊŊŊŊŊ ŊŊ ŊŊ ŊŊŊ 3 6 _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: pioneer design )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( _____________/ \_____________ \ ___ ._____ ___ ____ .____ ____. _____ ______ ___ / --| | ___)__ ( - )| | -_)_ -_)_ - _) |-- |___)(__ (______)__.__)______)______) .___\ p i o n e e r d e s i g n ___ ____ ____ ____ __ ____ ____ ___ --| |_ | -_)_ _ ---. (__) (_- | | |-- /______ (_____)______)_____)(____)_____)__.__)crL_____\ \ / _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: uLtimo imperio )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ____ ____ _) .__ __.___ _____ __ ___ ____ ( ( | | | |_(__ __)(__) | ' | ( - ) ) \\__/ (_____(______(____(____)_(_)_)______)crL\__// u L t i m o i m p e r i o __ __ ___ ._____ ____ _____ __ ____ __ // \ (__) | || ___) -_)_ - _) __) - ) / \\ ( (____)_(_)_)___) (______) .___\ ___)_____) ) )____ ___( _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: epsiLon design )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ____ /\\ ____ ___) ____ ._____ ____ _ .___ ____ .____ (___ ) | -_)_| ___)__---._(_)_| )__ ( - )| | ( (_______)___) ______)_____)______)______)__.__)crL e p s i L o n d e s i g n ____ ____ ____ __ ____ ____ |_ | -_)_ _ ---. (__) (_- | | )__ (_____)______)_____)(____)_____)__.__) __( )___ ___( \// _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: rapid design )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( /(__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __)\ _/ .______ ____ ______ _ ____ \_ / | - _)__(_ ) ___)_(_)_ _|_ | \ __) |__.___\ ______|____) ______) _____)crL (__ r a p i d d e s i g n __ ____ ____ ____ __ ____ ____ __ ) |_ | -_)_ _ ---. (__) (_- | | ( \_ (_____)______)_____)(____)_____)__.__) _/ \ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ / \( )/ _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: house of styLe )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ____ ____ __) (__ _) .__ __ ____ .__ __ _____ ____ ____ ____ (_ | ! |( - )| | |__----. - _)_ ( - ) ___) |__.__(______)_____(______)______) (______)___) h o u s e o f s t y L e _____ ______ ______ ____ _____ _ |__----(_ _)___ | |__ - _)_ _ )__ (______)(____) (____(_______)______)crL __( )___ ___( _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: save our souLs )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( __ __ / \\- - - - ---- - --- - - - - - - - - - \\ \ __/ ._____ ___,_____ _____ ____ .__ __._____ \__ \ |__----.__(_ | | ) -_)_ ( - )| | | - _) / \_ (______(______)____/ _______) (______)_____|__.__\ _/ _) (_ ) s a v e o u r s o u L s ( (_ _____ ____ .__ __.____ _____ _) _) |__----.( - )| | | |__|__----. (_ / (______(______)_____(_______)_______)crL \ /_ _\ \ / \__\\- - - - - -- --- - - - - - - ---\\__/ _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: future entrance )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( _____ _____ ____\ ._____.__ __ ______.__ __._____ _____ /____ \___ | ___) | (_ _) | | - _) -_)_ ___/ __\__ crL|____)(_____|(____)(_____|__.__\ ______) __/__ \ .____ _____ ______ ____ ____ _____ ___ .____ / | -_)_| (_ _) - _)--(_ | | _)_| -_)_ /_ (______)__.__)(____)__.__\ ______)__.__)_____)______)_\ __/_ _\__ \_____ f u t u r e e n t r a n c e _____/ _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: swedens drunkstation )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ______________ ______________ _) _____ .__ _ _ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ (_ ___) |__----| ( ) | -_)_ |_ | -_)_| ||__----. (___ ))) (______)______(_______(_____)______)__.__)______) ((( s w e d e n s d r u n k s t a t i o n ____._____ .__ __ ____ ___ __ |_ | - _)| | | | ( ) (_____)__.__\(_____(__.__)__.__| crL _____ ______ ____ ______ _ ____ ____ )))__ |__----.(_ _)__(_ (_ _)_(_)_ ( - )| | __((( )(______) (____)(_______|(____)(_____(______)__.__)_( )_____________ ____________( _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: citydump )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ____ ____ __) (__ _) (_ ____ _ ______ ______ ____ .__ __ ___ ._____ | _)_ __(_)__(_ _)___ ||_ || | || || ___) (______(_______)(____) (____(______)_____(_(_)_|___) crL _ _ )__ c i t y d u m p __( )___ ___( _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: dragonLance )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ _____) (___ ) d r a g o n L a n c e ( ____ _____ ___ ____ ____ ____ .____ ___ ____ ___ .____ |_ | - )__(_ |(_ - |( - )| || |_ __(_ || || _)_| -_)_ (_____|__.__\______)_____(______)__.__)______)_______)__.__)_____)______) )___ crL ___( )_____ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _____( in a miLLion of voices ten Letters, few choises i did my best, so don't disagree so who are you to caLL me wannabee author: unknown _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: fast connection )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ______ _/\\_____ _ _ _ ______ ____\ ._____ ____ _____ ______ /____ .__\ | ___)--(_ |__----(_ _) /__. | |____) _______(______)(____) crL | | | ____ | ____ .____ .____ .____ ____ ______ _ ____ .____ | _)_ ( - )| || || -_)_| _)_(_ _)_(_)__ ( - )| | (______(______)__.__)__.__) _____) ______(____) ______(______)__.__) |___ f a s t c o n n e c t i o n ___| ! /___ ___\ ! /___ _ _ _ _ ____//\_ ______\ _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: Lookers house )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( __\\ //__ ____ ( . ) ( . ) ___ ___).____ ____ ____ .___ __ ____ ._____ _____ (___ ___) | |_ ( - ) ( - )| ( ) -_)_| - _)__----. (___ (______(______)______) __.__(______)__.__\ ______) __ //\__ \\/ L o o k e r s h o u s e ___ .__ __ ____ .__ __ _____ ____ ___ )__ | ! |( - )| | |__----. - _)_ __( )__ |__.__(______)_____(______)______) crL __( _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: giants )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ______ ______ ___) (___ ____\ /____ _____ __ ____.____ ______ _____ __(_ - |_(__)_,--(__ | |(_ _)__----. (________(______)_______(__.__)(____)|_______)crL _____ _____ /__ g i a n t s __\ )_____ _____( _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: bob )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( __ __ ___\ /___ .______) (______. | .____ ____ .____ | | | _|_ ( - )| _|_ | |______(______)______) crL b o b _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: keLdon )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( __________ ,ž ///\_________ ____) ,ž' (____ ) .___ ,ž'____ .____ ____ ____ .____ ( | žž | -_)_| |_ |_ |( - )| | |___`žž ______(______(_____(______)__.__)crL )___ `žž ___( )___///\_ `žž k e L d o n _________( _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: immortaL arts )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ______ //\______ __\ __ .___ .___ ____ ._____ _____ ___.____ /__ .___\ (__) | | | | ( - )| - (_ _)--(_ | |_ /___. | (____)_(_)_)_(_)_(______)__.__\(___) ______(______) | /\\ | | i m m o r t a L a r t s \\/ !____ ___._____ _____ ____ ____! /__ .-(_ | _ (_ _)__---. __\ /_____//\ (______|__.__\(___)(______) crL _____\ _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: nighttrain no:1 )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( _______//\ ///\ _______ _____\ \__ \____\ /_____ _____\ ______ __ __ ____ /_____ .___\ (_ _) ! | -_)_ /___. | (____)|__.__|______) crL | .____ __ ____.__ __ ______ ______._____ ___. __ .____ | | _(__)_ (_ - | ! (_ _)(_ _) - _)--(_ |_(__)_| | |__.__)______)_____|__.__|(____) (____)|__.__\ _____(______)__.__) | t h e n i g h t t r a i n | |____ ____| ! /____________________ ____________________\ ! _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: euphoria )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ____ ____ ___) (___ .) ____ .__ __._____ __ __ ____ ._____ _ ___ (. | | -_)_| | | ___) ! |( - )| - )_(_)_,--(_ | | | (______)_____(___) |__.__(______)__.__\ ____)______(crL| )__ __( )___ e u p h o r i a ___( _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: define )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ____ ____ __________\ /__________ -_\ ____ ____ ._____ _ .____ ____ /_- | |_ | -_)_| ___)_(_)_| || -_)_ | | crL(_____(______|____) _____)__.__)______) | | d e f i n e //\____ //\_______ _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: vicious art )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ______ // ______ ___\ \/ /___ ._\ ._____ __ ____ __ ____ .__ __ ____ /_. | | | )_(__)_| _)_ _(__)_ ( - )| | |__---. | | |____/_______)______)______)______)_____(______) | | | | v i c i o u s a r t | | ____ _____ ______ | |__ ,--(_ | - (_ _) __| ! /___ (_______(__.__\(____) crL / ___\ ! /_____ //\_____\ so, i am a Looser; what eLse is new by the way, who are you to speak with your big mouth spitting more words than ever; think of what you are saying i Let you be you if you accept you i mean me, and not onLy me but aLL there is no right, no wrong there is no wrong but right there in the middLe we must meet / geraLd wiLLiams -96 _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: the return )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ___ ______ __ __ ____ ___ __) (_ _) ! | -_)_ (__ __) (____)|__.__|______) (__ .) (. | t h e r e t u r n ((( ))) ._____ ____ ______.__ __._____ ____ | |_ | - ) -_)(_ _) | | - ) | _| )_ |__.__\ _____(____)|_____(__.__\__.__) _( )__ __( _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: ascii gazette )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ____ ____ ____\ ___ ____ ___ _ _ /____ .__\ ,--(_ |__---.| _)_ _(_)_ _(_)_ /__. | (______(______(_____)_____)_____) crL | | a s c i i g a z e t t e | ____ ___ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ | __(_ - |--(_ |---__| -_)_(_ _)_ _) -_)_ | (_______(______(_____)______)(___) (___)|______) |__ __| | /_____________________ _____________________\ _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: sinister )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( _____ /\\ _____ ____) / (____ .__) (__. ____ _ .____ _ ____ ______ ____ ._____ |__----._(_)_| | _(_)_|__----(_ _) -_)_| - ) (______(_____)__.__)_____)_______(____)_______)__.__\crL __ __ | s i n i s t e r | .| |. `--------------------------------------------' _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: house of kicks )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( /\\ __ .__ __ ____ .__ __ _____ ____ / ____ ____ __ __\ | ! |( - )| | |__----. - _)_ / ( - ) ___) /__ _\ |__.__(______)_____(______)______) (______)___) /_ ))) h o u s e o f k i c k s ((( __ .___ ,ž' _ ____ .___ ,ž _____ __ /__ | žž _(_)_| _)_| žž |__----. __\ /_ |___`žž(_____)______)__.`žž(______) crL / _\ `žž `žž / `žž `žž ///\/ _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: distaster area )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ____ ///\ __ ____ .____\ \/ /____. ____ _ _____ ____ ____ ______ ____ ._____ |_ |_(_)_|__----.--(_ |__----(_ _) -_)_| - ) (_____(_____)______)_______(______)(____)(______)__.__\crL d i s a s t e r a r e a ____._____ ____ ____ | ,--(__ | - ) -_)_,--(__ | | | (_______(__.__\ _____)_______| | | | `----------------------------------' _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: redhead )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( __ /\\_ ___) / (___ _____) (_____ ._____ ____ ____.__ __ ____ ___ ____ | - ) -_)_ |_ | ! ( -_)_,--(_ ||_ | |__.__\ _____(_____|__.__|______)______(_____|crL r e d h e a d _____ _____ )__ /\\ __( )/ _( _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: beLzebub )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( _______ _______ .____\ (____ ____) /____. | (XX) | .____ ____ .____ ___. ____ .____ .__ __.____ | _|_| -_)_| |_,---__| -_)_| _|_| | | _|_ |______(______(______(_____________(______)_____(______)crL b e L z e b u b | ___ _________| `-//\__________(XX) \\/ ! _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: minor threat )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( .____ ____. | /__ __ __ ___\ | | \_______( )_______/ | .___ _ .___ ___ .____ _____ __ _.____ ___ __ _____ | | _(_)_| | ( - )| - ) (_ _) ! | - ) -_)_,--(_ (_ _) (_(_)_)_____)__._)_____)__._\ (___)|__._|__._\ ____)______(___)crL m i n o r t h r e a t | | `---------------///\____ --------/\\\\ _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: the Last inn )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( _____ _____ \_ _._ .____ ___ _/ .______) (_____ ( ) (_____ (______. .____ ____ _____ ______ __ .____ .____ | )_,--(__ |__---(_ _) _(__)_| || | |______)_______(______(____) (______)__.__)__.__)crL t h e L a s t i n n | __________________| `-------///\___ \\/ _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: trooper )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ____ ____ ____( )____ ) ______._____ ____ ____ .______ _____ ._____ ( (_ _) - )( - ) ( - )| ___) -_)_| - ) (____)|__.__(______)______)___) |_______)__.__\crL )___ t r o o p e r ___( (____ ____) i have my feet to carry me home at night guitar hanging from my neck girLfriend right beside me and gun inside my jacket i'm not a fan of cars, but waLking rockstar, just a Looser pLaytoy, i've got feeLings rebeL, i'm just a man / geraLd wiLLiams -96 _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: beLoved )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( _____ _____ \_ /___ _______ _______ ___\ _/ | /____) ( ) (____\ | .____ ____ .____ ____ __ ____ ___ ____. | _|_| -_)_| |_ ( - ) | / -_)_ |_ | |______)______(______(______)____(|______(_____|crL b e L o v e d | ____ | \\\/ //\___| _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: digitaL vision )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ______ ______ ___\ /___ .____\ /____. ____ __ ____ __ ______ ___.____ |_ |_(__)___(_- |_(__)_(_ _)--(_ | |_ (_____(______)______(______)(____)(______(______)crL | d i g i t a L v i s i o n | | _____ __ ___ __ ____ .____ | | | | /(__)_|__--. _(__)_ ( - )| | | _/\\ |___(______)_____)______(______)__.__) //\__ _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: factor )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( .___ ___. | /_______ _______\ | | ) ( | ._____ __ ____ _____ ____ ._____ | ___)--(_ | __)(_ _)( - )| - ) |___)(______(______(___)(______)__.__\crL f a c t o r | | | (_________________________________) _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: xtc )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( __ ______\\\/ /______ .___\ ____ ___ _______ _____ /___. | \_ | _(_ _) __)_ | | (___.___)(_____)(_______) crL| _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: nighttrain no:2 )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ___ __ ___ _______\ \\/ /_______ _______) (_______ _O__) ___ ___ ______ ___ ___ (__O_ | _______/\__\ /\ \ __/__ ___/\__\ ___/\__\ | ! /\ ___/ / /_\ \__\ /\___\\ / / //\ / / / ! \ \ \/ / //\_\/__/ \/_ / \ /__/ \ \______\ \ \ / / // / / \_____\/ \ \_____ \/______/ \ \\/__// / / \/_____/ \/____ / / / / crL\/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/_//_____/ (((-))) n i g h t t r a i n (((-))) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___/\__\ ___/\__\ __/\__\ /\ \ ____/\__\ /\ / / / __ / //\_\/ /_\ \__\ __/ / / \ \____/_\ / / / \/_ //\_\/__/ \/ / / \/______/ \/__/ \___\ // / / \ / / / Ą / / / / \__\ \/___/// / / \ \\/__/ Ą _|__ \/_____/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ p^d __|_ O )______ ______( O )______ _______( /__//\__ __\ _________ /\\\ _________ ____) (___ _) (_ name: issue )___ ___( )________ \\\/ _________( ___ ___ /\ \ ___ _______ ___ _____/\__\ _\ \__\ _/__ ___/__ \ ___ __ / /_ /\_\/__//\___\ /\___\ /\__\ \/__/__\ / / / \_____ / \_____ / / / / /_/ / / / / / \/____// \/____// \_/__/\____/ / \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__//__/crL.p^d m o s t a r t w o r k b y crL . pioneer design.define a d d i t i o n a L a r t w o r k b y handLe group tag Logo ŊŊŊŊŊŊ ŊŊŊ ŊŊ ŊŊ Ŋ $Laß save our souLs $Laß of meLfis focus art mf! pioneer design beLzebub factor bLz define sinister doodLe^shock str some peopLe say p o e m s b y geraLd wiLLiams a L L t i m e g r e e t i n g s a n d r e s p e c t t o [random order] xtc.keLdon.ank-n.who.bLockman.redhead spectraL.minor threat.beLzebub.no$tro ghost rider.anthrax.dino.arcane.orion ten.hardsequencer.strauss.anthrax.tix daLamar.zcandaLer.cereaL kiLLer.randy route 66.Lazer.v-cut.vitaL.tommy.pada bastard.fuze.scroud.drakar.sLaß.deLta kidnix.migrän.dixy.shade.shaman.bøøth sonic.vietcong.hawk.rayban.Lobo.sharp fLare.riot.rape.oxidy.ed&joe.crossair kestreL.pioneer.intruder.fataL.recaLL wozzy.java.mr jets.dr secret.nebraska boozo.kain.topfLight.why.triviaL.draw wraith.paszczak.xcLuziwe.manta.strife tango.juan.java.bubba.razid.heLLhound coca.juan.doom.Lord.bLack beard.norad bjørne.behemoth.bLack maiL.grimripper reanimator.trooper.trajan.sinister. beLoved.geraLd wiLLiams.meLfis if you are not incLuded, there must be something wrong note:) this List consists BOTH greetings and respects. the persons shouLd know under what titeL they are mentioned. __ __ Ž° p i o n e e r d e s i g n a r e °Ŋ founder: crL organizer: xtc crL .......... asciiartist, musician ............. ten .......... asciiartist, sysop (norwegan hQ) .. tix .......... asciiartist ....................... fLare ........ asciiartist ....................... bLockman ..... asciiartist, trader ............... razid ........ trader ............................ pada ......... trader ............................ redhead ...... trader ............................ Lobo ......... coder ............................. xtc .......... coder, sysop (whQ) ................ doom ......... coder, musician ................... spectraL ..... musician .......................... who? ......... graphicmaker ...................... reanimator ... graphicmaker ...................... rayban ....... sysop (swe hQ) .................... daLamar ...... sysop (euro hQ) ................... minor threat . sysop (dutch hQ) .................. norad ........ sysop (swe dist) .................. m e m b e r s h i p appLy for membership at pioneer design whQ 'citydump' +46 4358o354 sysop: xtC or maiL me for ordering, joining or other g - m a i L crL.pioneer design.define c/o vidde reimann bruksv. 55, 235 92 veLLinge, sweden e - m a i L ?????@???.????.se aLso support european hQ 'dragonLance' 4nodez swedish hQ 'no impuLse' 2nodez dutch hQ 't.n.t' 1node norwegan hQ 'disaster area' 1node swedish dist-site 'aces high' 5nodez h o m e p a g e finaLLy, pioneer design goes internet. visit our homepage and downLoad aLL of our reLeases, sampLes from our graphic-makers and muchmore. feeL weLcome http:://www.xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx.se you can aLso e-maiL to us. at present you can contact handLe e-maiL ŊŊŊŊŊŊ Ŋ ŊŊŊŊ xtc ........... nv95deLa@kLippan.se crL ........... ?????@???.????.se m e s s a g e s stevies and pLanet hoLLywood in LLoret de mar, spain - damn, we had fun! missing you to death - redhead .. how about returning that Letter..) minor threat .. got your address today, expect a Letter someday - - - - - - - bLack maiL .. caLL citydump, get my voiceno: and caLL me.. now! - - - - - - - ank-n .. now i greeted you too who .. if i couLd i wouLd incLude the titLescreen.. so fucking wonderfuLL my friend.. aLL .. - do [d] the soundtrack to this coLLection. at some systems you'LL find it in the moduLeconf, at others in the eLite. anyway, the name is pd-sps!.Lha enjoy it! - make us a pioneer design-screen btw: Looking for another group to join? interested? maiL me p r e v i o u s c r L - r e L e a s e s nr name date bytes name nr o1 re-asco1.txt o7/o7/95 o22856 reaL mystory................ o1 o2 re-asco2.txt 12/o7/95 o34138 reaL pLeasure............... o2 o3 re-asco3.txt 22/o7/95 o44556 is this reaLLy reaL......... o3 o4 re-asco4.txt 24/o7/95 o2357o reaL personaLities.......... o4 o5 re-asco5.txt 31/o7/95 o31884 pLainfuL memories voL 1..... o5 o6 pLs-dott.txt o3/o8/95 o38454 dotties pLace............... o6 o7 pLs-hof!.txt 11/o8/95 o42444 haLL of fame................ o7 o8 p^d-sis!.txt 23/o8/95 o45ooo surviving in scene.......... o8 o9 p^d-kmw!.txt 31/o8/95 o3o9oo keeping my word............. o9 1o p^d-jLaL.txt 1o/o9/95 o7oooo just Like a Legend.......... 1o 11 p^d-atsc.txt 1o/o9/95 o49o62 and the story continues..... 11 12 p^d-mdm!.txt o9/1o/95 o8882o miLLion doLLar mouth........ 12 13 nds-diat.txt 31/1o/95 o87912 deserted isLands & tequiLa.. 13 14 p^d-!ts!.txt o6/11/95 o6oooo the sign.................... 14 15 nds-tmts.txt 17/11/95 o75674 t minus 12 seconds.......... 15 16 p^d-acac.txt 24/12/95 o53o2o a competitive art-coLLection 16 17 p^d-Jawa.txt o5/o1/96 o595oo jamie waLters............... 17 18 p^d-mis!.txt o7/o1/96 o77663 made in sweden.............. 18 19 eLt-wtfc.txt 24/o1/96 o4oooo who the fuck cares.......... 19 2o p^d-age!.txt 24/o1/96 15ooo1 ascii goes eLite............ 2o 21 p^d-tdr!.txt 16/o2/96 o87ooo trebbiano di romagna........ 21 22 p^d-aiyc.txt 16/o2/96 o34444 as if you cared............. 22 23 p^d-tsoa.txt o1/o3/96 o84738 the singLeton of auchroisk.. 23 24 p^d-bye!.txt o4/o3/96 o31926 chevaLier montrachet........ 24 25 p^d-pogå.txt 24/o4/96 o79755 pontus gårdinger............ 25 26 p^d-Sasc.txt 13/o6/96 o52ooo sandra scream............... 26 27 p^d-abte.txt 1o/o7/96 o8366o a breathtaking experience... 27 28 dfn-Lego.txt o1/o8/96 o55333 Lego my ego ................ 28 29 p^d-awgh.txt o3/o8/96 o616oo amanda wants to go home .... 29 3o p^d-tLfs.txt 2o/o8/96 o788oo tiny Logos for someone ..... 3o 31 p^d-Lust.txt 2o/o8/96 o5465o Let us sLeep together ...... 31 32 p^d-sps!.txt 13/o9/96 o595oo some peopLe say ............ 32 @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ * dont miss the soundtrack * .-----------------JQ-. .----------------. | ___ĩĩĩ___ Ø | | pioneer design | ___ĩĩæm@ķ^°"Ŋ_ĩĩø@ ķL| | ŊŊŊŊŊŊ ŊŊŊŊ Ŋ | @°"Ŋ __ĩ*#P" __ #ĩ | new styLe | a__ææ#@°" _ææ*Pķ _ØŅø ŊŊŊ | ķK" aæ@°__ĩæ*@°ŊŊ| 36 requests | |Ž# J#æ#@ķ° | | ŊŊ | `-ķ-------------crL--' | crL.p^d.dfn. | "some peopLe say" | ŊŊŊ | `----------------' (dOb)p^d whQ citydump +46 4358O354(dOb) @END_FILE_ID.DIZ