-·- introduction -·-

            hello there once again all asciilovers out there.
            it's me MELFIS of PIONEER DESIGN once again im
            proud to present to you my asciiwork.
            this time it is under true love.   i have maybe 
            finally found my real true love.
            so this time im really in a good mood of releasing
            a collection.    this collection is a continue process
            of my first part called "PASTED LOVE".
            this collection is the second part.
            also the nice weather gives me enough of insperation.
            it's almost tropical sunshine and im real hot.
            im feeling very very ok!      there for i decided to
            release this little collection , Now.
            i guess its better to release it than wait.
            ok, there will be some new new's of my group last in
            this collection so please read it all.
            my mind has been cleared...
            see you all in some other great collection from (MELFIS).

                           +ĩmwa__ ĩ__
                       ______9w  "*# °q________
                     *MŪ"ŊŊ ŊŽ"ī   Ž      wĩýW*Ņæw
                      _,A*                 Ž°*,
                    _ÆE_       w__      ææĩgwa2Ņ copyright pioneer design 1996
                   _@° ĩæ*m,   _Z°*  ^'___Z5m_ Ž
                  Ē"  á æ= Ž   #Æ  ,w0æ@Ūm*õ°ķ   feeL free to use the featured
                     _Øw_          Fæ" JF  Æ   Logos but remember to incLude
                __w*°3  "°^            ŽÞ=d"  the mf!-tag.
             ļĩ*°Ŋ   ķ_p°        w  __,   2
     ____æw*m*ķq_    JĐ       _,    "Ŋ_ĩ#*"  this coLLection contains ascii in
   ĩ*"Ŋ         đ     0Ņ__    P°^^^^°°"Q     ascii in  ___ pure mf!-styLe. any
   #                  Žb_5æw_ "Ļ#_____æML            _PŊŊ°x______   simiLarity
   Q         ____ĩĩa     J  °*_ Ŋ ŊŽ"Ŋ  #           _Ø ,  ķKŊ  Ŋ"Þ  to other
   ŽK_      Ž"Ŋ R"°MŅMe   K   °w_    Þ  Ø#_       ļĩ@đ F  JÞ___ĩøī artists and
    Ž*w        _Æm_   _ķ_ Žð_  J#w__Æwa*īŽ*w_  __æZ #ļ &__P     Ž# i wiLL sue
      ŽŅw  __*°" _JÞ*°""°°*wķæÆķ°NZ   Ø     P°°°" ķ_ ķ_JF"Žķm__ _Ø you.
        Ž*æMŊ_a*°"Ŋ      _ JÞ  J  Ž°mÆ     J       E  # L   LŽķ^°
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           Ž5M==^"°°°Ŋ           JL ,ļ      Ŋ*w_
            P                    JÞ  ī       _dđ
           á                    ĩML     __amP"
          #__________________w*" &_ĩwæĪ°Ŋ

                                __                       __
                         __     \/                      _\/_
       .-----------------\/-----------------   ---------\/\/-----------.
       .        _______ _______  _____   _______ ______ _______        .
       |        \ _ _ /_\_   _/__\_  /___\_ ___/_\____/_\_ ___/        |
       `--    _/   Y   \_   ___/_   /   \_  ____/      \______ \_    --'
           mf!\____l____/_______/________/   | \________/_______/p^d
                         .:melfis:.     \____|

                         --ũ --ũ member of ũ-- ũ--

        ________ ___________________________  _________________  _________
      __\___   /_\____/.    _   \______ ___/__\_______________/__\___    /
  .--|    | __/        |_   |    |    |   Ž\     |_)__   |_)____  Ž| ___/---.
  |  |      Ž\         _/   |    |    |     \    |    \  |     /      Ž\    |
  |  l________\________|_________|____|______\_________\_______\___|____\   |
  |    __________   _________ ________   ______ _____________________       |
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  |     |  ____/  \    |_)__   \___ Ž\         |    \___ |/    |   Ž\       |
  |     |         /    '    \   Žī    \        |      l  /     |     \p^d   |

                  --ũ --ũ in a coLLection caLLed ũ-- ũ--

      __))                                                      ((__

          .---------------   -----------\/\/-------------------.
                _______ _______ _______ ________
                \_ _ _/_\_ - _/_\_ ___/_\_ ____/
              _/   \___/   T   \_____  \_     \_
          .   \    |   \___|    /_______/______/               .
          |    \___!       l___/                               |
          `--           ______   _______ ___ ___ _______     --'
                 mf!    \_   /___\_ _ _/_\_ Y _/_\_  __/_ p^d
                      _/    /   \_  l   \_  !   \_   ___/_
                         .:past love:.

    __                 [ Past Love Part Two!!!     ]              __

                      __                                    __
                     _\/_                            __     \/
      .--------------\/\/-----------   --------------\/---------------.
            _______ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______  _______
            \_ _ _/_\___/_\_ _ _/_\___ _/_\_  __/_\_  __/__\_ ___/
          _/   \___/     \_  l   \_  |   \_   ___/_   ___/    l_) \_
          \    |  \_______/_______/__|    /_______/_______/____l___/
      .    \___!                     l___/                            .
      |             _____                                             |
      `--        ___|   /_______ _______ ______ _______ _______     --'
                 \_ ___/_\_  __/_\_ ___/_\____/_\_ ___/_\___ _/
               _/   l_) \_   ___/_____  \_     \_  \_  \_  |   \_
               \_________/_______/_______/______/_______/__|    /
                            .:pioneer design:.             l___/

                      -- --ũ tabLe of contents ũ-- --

   -- --- ----- .-                                         -. ----- --- --
                |                                           |

                        o41. News
                        o42. Nemo
                        o43. Night Train
                        o44. Ngc
                        o45. Nevermind
                        o46. Nail (pc)
                        o47. Polka Brothers
                        o48. Pioneer Design
                        o49. Passion
                        o50. Picco
                        o51. Royal
                        o52. Rage
                        o53. Rebels
                        o54. Razor
                        o55. Sante
                        o56. Strife
                        o57. Slide
                        o58. Scoopex
                        o59. Starion
                        o60. Subspace

                |                                          |
   -- --- ----- `--                                       -' ----- --- --

               the collection is about to be viewed!

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 41    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: News          /

                .---------   ----------------/\_(--------------.
                .       _______ _______ ___  ___ _______       .
                |       \___ _/_\_  __/_\_ YY _/_\_ ___/       |
                `--   _/   |   \_   ___/_  ll   \_____  \_   --'
                   mf!\____|    /_______/________/_______/p^d
                           l___/  .:news:.

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 42    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Nemo          /

               .---------   ----\/---------------------------.
               .       _______ _______ _______ _______       .
               |       \___ _/_\_  __/_\ _ _ /_\_ _ _/       |
               `--   _/   |   \_   ___/_  Y   \_  l   \_   --'
                  mf!\____|    /_______/__l____/_______/p^d
                          l___/  .:nemo:.

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 43    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Night Train   /

                        __                           __
                       /\_\                          \/
           .-----------\/_/------------------   -----------------.
                    _______ ______ _______ ___ ___ ________
                    \___ _/_\____/_\_ ___/_\_ Y _/_\_ ____/
           .      _/   |   \_     \_  \_  \_  _   \_     \_      .
           |      \____l____/______/_______/__l____/______/      |
           `-- mf!  _______________ _______ ______ _______ p^d --'
                    \_ ____/\_ ___/_\_ - _/_\____/_\___ _/
                  _/      \_   l_) \_  T   \_     \_  |   \_
                  \________/____l___/  |____/______/__l____/
                                   \___!.:night train:.

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 44    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Ngc           /

                                 __       \/
                 .---------   ---\/--------------------.
                 .       _______ _______ _______       .
                 |       \___ _/_\_ ___/_\_ ___/       |
                 `--   _/   |   \_  \_  \_  l   \_   --'
                    mf!\____|    /_______/_______/p^d
                            l___/ .:ngc:.

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 45    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Nevermind     /

                   ___                     __
                   )\_\                   _\/_
.------------------\/_(-------------------\/\/---------------   -------------.
.   _______ _______ ___ ___ _______ _______ _______ ______ _______ ___|   /  .
|   \___ _/_\_  __/_\_ Y _/_\_  __/_\_ ___/_\ _ _ /_\____/_\___ _/_\_ ___/   |
`-_/   |   \_   ___/_  !   \_   ___/_  l_) \_  Y   \_     \_  |   \_  l_) \_-'
  \____|    /_______/_______/_______/___l___/  |____/______/  |____/_______/
       l___/ .:nevermind:.                 \___!          \___!

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 46    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Nail          /

                    // \
                    \\ /
              .------\/----------   --------------------------.
              .        _______ _______ ______ ______          .
              |        \___ _/_\_ - _/_\____/_\_   /__        |
              `--    _/   |   \_  T   \_     \_   /   \_    --'
                  mf!\____|    /__l____/______/________/p^d
                          l___/ .:nail:.

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 47    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Polka Brothers/

           .-------/\_\--------------------   -----------------.
                   \/_/                      _____
                 _______________ ______  ___|    /________
                 \_ _ _ /\_ _ _/ \_   /__\_ l___/ \_  - _/
               _/   \___/   l   \_   /   \_  |   \_   T   \_
            mf!\     | \_________/________/  |____/___l____/p^d
           .    \____!_____               \__!                 .
           |          \   l____ ________ _______ _______       |
           `--         \_ ____/ \_ ____/_\_ _ _/ \_ ___/     --'
                     _/   l_)  \_  \_)  /_  l   \_____  \_
                              .:polka brothers:.

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 48    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Pioneer Design/

                      __                                    __
                     _\/_                            __     \/
      .--------------\/\/-----------   --------------\/---------------.
            _______ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______  _______
            \_ _ _/_\___/_\_ _ _/_\___ _/_\_  __/_\_  __/__\_ ___/
          _/   \___/     \_  l   \_  |   \_   ___/_   ___/    l_) \_
          \    |  \_______/_______/__|    /_______/_______/____l___/
      .    \___!                     l___/                            .
      |             _____                                             |
      `--        ___|   /_______ _______ ______ _______ _______     --'
                 \_ ___/_\_  __/_\_ ___/_\____/_\_ ___/_\___ _/
               _/   l_) \_   ___/_____  \_     \_  \_  \_  |   \_
               \_________/_______/_______/______/_______/__|    /
                            .:pioneer design:.             l___/

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 49    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Passion       /

    .-----------------   -----------\/\/---------------------------------.
    .       _______ _______ _______ _______ ______ _______ _______       .
    |       \_   _/_\_ - _/_\_ ___/_\_ ___/_\____/_\_ _ _/_\___ _/       |
    `--   _/   \___/   T   \_____  \_____  \_     \_  l   \_  |   \_   --'
       mf!\    |  \____|    /_______/_______/______/_______/__l____/p^d
           \___!       l___/   .:passion:.

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 50    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Picco         /

                       \ \/                     /\
             .----------\/------------   -------\/----------------.
             .       _______ ______ _______ _______ _______       .
             |       \_ __ /_\____/_\_ ___/_\_ ___/_\_ _ _/       |
             `--   _/   \___/      \_  l   \_  l   \_  l   \_   --'
                mf!\    |  \________/_______/_______/_______/p^d
                    \___!    .:picco:.

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 51    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Royal         /

                     __                                   __
           .---------\/--------------   ------------------\/-------.
           .       _______ _______ ___ ___ _______ ______          .
           |       \_ ___/_\_ _ _/_\_ Y _/_\_ - _/_\_   /__        |
           `--   _/   l_) \_  l   \_  |   \_  T   \_   /   \_    --'
              mf!\_____l___/_______/__|    /__l____/________/p^d

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 52    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Rage          /

                          __                \/
               .----------\/-----   -------------------------.
               .       _______ _______ _______ _______       .
               |       \_ ___/_\_ - _/_\_ ___/_\_  __/_      |
               `--   _/   l_) \_  T   \_  \_  \_   ___/_   --'
                  mf!\     |___/__|    /_______/_______/p^d
                      \____!      l___/ .:rage:.

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 53    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Rebels        /

       .-------------------------   ----\/_/-------------------------.
       .       _______ _______\   |___ _______ ______  _______       .
       |       \_ ___/_\_  __/_\_ ___/_\_  __/_\_   /__\_ ___/       |
       `--   _/   l_) \_   ___/_  l_) \_   ___/_   /   \____  \_   --'
          mf!\_____|   /_______/_______/_______/________/______/p^d
                   l__/   .:rebels:.

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 54    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Razor         /

          .-----------------   ---------------------------------.
          .       _______ _______ _______ _______ _______       .
          |       \_ ___/_\_ - _/_\___ _/_\_ _ _/_\_ ___/       |
          `--   _/   l_) \_  T   \_  ____/_  l   \_  l_) \_   --'
             mf!\_____l___/  |____/_______/_______/___l___/p^d
                         \___!     .:razor:.

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 55    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Sante         /

      .----------------------   ------------------\/_/---------------.

      .          ________ ________ ________ _________________        .
      |         _\_  ___/ \_  - _/ \___  _/ \_  ____/\_    _/_       |
      `--      _\______  \_   T   \_  |    \_      \_     ___/_    --'
            mf!\__________/___|    /__l_____/_______/_________/p^d
                              l___/ .:sante:.

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 56    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Strife        /

      .----------------------------   -------\/\/----------------------.

      .        _______ _________________ ______ _______ ______         .
      |        \_ ___/ \_ _____/\_ ____/ \____/ \_ ___/_\_  _/_        |
      `--    _/_____  \_      \_   \_)  \_     \_  ____/   ___/_     --'
          mf!\_________/_______/____l____/______/   | \________/p^d!
                         .:strife:.            \____!

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 57    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Slide         /

                        _/  \_
           .------------\ -- /---------------   ------------------.
                         \__/                 _____
           .        _______ _____   ______ ___|   /_______        .
           |        \_ ___/_\_  /___\____/_\_ ___/_\_   _/_       |
           `--    _/_____  \_  /   \_     \_  l_) \_   ___/_    --'

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 58    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Scoopex       /

                          /\       /\
   .----------------------\/----/\-\/---------   -------------------------.
                                \/                         _____
   .       _______ _______ _______ _______ _______________ \   |___       .
   |       \_ ___/_\_ ___/_\_ _ _/_\_ _ _/_\_ _ _ /\_   _/__\__|__/       |
   `--   _/_____  \_  l   \_  l   \_  l   \_  \___/    ___/_   |   \_   --'
      mf!\_________/_______/_______/_______/   | \_________/___|    /p^d
                       .:scoopex:.        \____!               l___/

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 59    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Starion       /

    .-------------\/\/------   --------------------------------------.
    .     _______ _______________ _______ ______ _______ _______     .
    |     \_ ___/_\_ ____/\_ - _/_\_ ___/_\____/_\_ _ _/_\___ _/     |
    `-- _/_____  \_     \_   T   \_  l_) \_     \_  l   \_  |   \_ --' 

      ________________               \/\/
  _  _)              (_ _______________                 _____________________
 \\\ \  logonr: 60    /               /_______________ _)                   (_
      \______________/                                 \ name: Subspace      /

                              / /\
.-----------------------------\/·/-------   --------------------------------.
                      _____    \/  
.      _______ ___ ___\   |___ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______      .
|      \_ ___/_\_ Y _/_\_ ___/_\_ ___/_\_ _ _/_\_ - _/_\_ ___/_\_  __/_     |
`--  _/_____  \_  l   \_  l_) \_____  /_  \___/   T   \_  l   \_   ___/_  --'
  mf!\_________/_______/_______/_______/  |  \____l____/_______/_______/p^d
                      .:subspace:.    \___!

_______                                                             _______
\___  (_____                                                   _____)  ___/
   \_____  (___  ____   ___    __   ___   __    ___   ____  ___)  _____/
        \______\ \___\  \__\   \_\  \_/  /_/   /__/  /___/ /______/

                                   |                |
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                                   |Ķ               |
                                   |:               |
                                   |·               |__
                                   |·             __/\_\\_
                                   |           _ /_/\/_/
                                   |            \\_\/
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   _ __ ___________________ _____________ _________   ___   ____________ __ _
  _ __ __   _  / ____/  __//___/___/  __//     /  /  /  /  /  /  / ______ __ _
        /     /___  /  /  /   /   /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /___  /
       /  /  /   / /     /   /   /     /  /  /  /__/  /__/  /  /   / /
   mf!/__/__/_____/_____/___/___/_____/_____/_____/_____/__/  /_____/p!d
       asciicollys                                        /__/

         ascii's by: KELDON

         iCING'96     bOB-iCNG.txt     100064    [-96-05-27-]   -kD!
         sCC'96       bOB-sCC!.txt      26530    [-96-07-14-]   -kD!
         LiSA         bOB-LiSA.txt      50017    [-96-09-22-]   -kD!
         ascii's by: MELFIS
                   Bob!-rxn·1.txt              66926  
                   Bob!-rxn·2.txt              74237
                   Bob!-rxn·3.txt              109625
                   Bob!-rxn·4.txt              102080
                   Bob!-rxn·5.txt              75851
                   Bob!-rxn·6.txt              88900 
                   Bob!-C!R.Ttc.txt            75882
                   Bob!-mf!·Anst.txt           62665 
                   Bob!-mf!.Estr.txt           64897
                   Bob!-mf!.Fusn.txt           86067
                   Bob_Dump!.txt               72900
                   Bob_Waw!.txt                71027

                 Bob News: - The D have join as a ascii artist.
                           - Bjørne changes his handle to Raxon.
                 Memberlist:  - Keldon  Asciiartist, Founder, Whq
                              - Melfis  Asciiartist
                              - The D   Asciiartist 

                  __                                   __
                  Ž° p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  a r e °Ŋ

                                founder: crL
                              organizer: xtc

            crL .......... asciiartist, musician .............
            ten .......... asciiartist, sysop (norwegan hQ) ..
            deamo ........ asciiartist, coder ................
            jägaren ...... asciiartist, coder ................
            bLockman ..... asciiartist, trader ...............
            beLzebub ..... asciiartist .......................
            meLfis ....... asciiartist .......................
            razid ........ trader ............................
            pada ......... trader ............................
            redhead ...... trader ............................
            xtc .......... coder, sysop (whQ) ................
            doom ......... coder, musician ...................
            spectraL ..... musician ..........................
            who? ......... graphicmaker ......................
            monodude ..... graphicmaker ......................

            rayban ....... sysop (swe hQ) ....................
            daLamar ...... sysop (euro hQ) ...................
            minor threat . sysop (dutch hQ) ..................

              appLy for membership at citydump +46 435 8O354
or maiL: pioneer design, att: vidde, bruksvagen 55, 235 92 veLLinge, sweden

                      _ . _  _  _  _  _  _. _   _. _  _ 
                     |-'``-'` '`-``-`'  `-'`-``-'``-|` 'crl
                             ascii's by: MELFIS

                           p^d-cult.txt     64520 (Cult)
                           p^d-dust.txt     38642 (Dust)
                           p^d-fist.txt     38805 (Fist)
                           p^d-must.txt     65191 (Must)
                           p^d-oofr.txt     77243 (Out Of Rendering)
                           p^d-palv.txt     63152 (Past Love)
                           p^d-pAlv2.txt    36782 (Past Love Part 2)

        _ __ _____________ ___   ___   ____________    ____________ __ _
       _ __ __   /  /  __//  /  /  /  /     / ____/   / ___/     ___ __ _
             /     /  __//  /  /  /  /  /  /___  /   /  / /  /  /
            /  /  /     /  /__/  /__/  /  /   / /   /  / /  /  /
        mf!/__/__/_____/_____/_____/_____/_____/   /__/ /_____/p!d
            hellos to

       Hellraisor/Fun, Dennis Sno, Korball/Dp!, HotStepper, Keldon/Gts,
       Elektron/Citron, Frame/C-lous, Syntax/Sardonyx, MadMan/Factor, 
       Draw/Depth, Growl/vOid^aLIEns, wILDcat/Scania, Trasher/Artwork, 
       The King/Erotic Design, Blaze/Floppy, Badboy/Gts, Hawk/Gts, 
       Pepson/Opium, gOOfy/Nail (pc), Splatterhead/eLTEch, Dodger, 
       Doh/Dreamdealers, Lenny Dee/Planet Core, Dvize/Led^Devious Design,
       Pantera/Balance, Norby/Trsi, Crl/p!d, Rogue/Darkness, mcWIlsh/Gods,
       Mr.Uhu/P303, Trendy Dealer/RamJam, Rolex/Apathy, Dr.Depth/Apollo,
       Edw/Pshycotrope, Swoop/Rebels, Ace/Bad ZOne, Rosque/Bomb,SaNTe/mOt...

       And to the rest i have forgotten......

                         .·° sOMe hOt nEWs aBOUt °·.

                                           /   /
    _ __ ____ ____________________    ____/   /_  ______ _____________ ___ _
   _ __ ____ _   _____/     /_   /   /___/___   \/     // ___/_  ______ ___ _
             / ____/ //  _   /  /___/   /   /   /  ___//____  /____  /
            //  /   // _    // _   //  /  //   // ___//    / /    / /
           //  /   //  /   //  /  //  /  //   //     //   / //   / /
          //  /   /   /   //  /  /   /   /   //     //     //     / 
      mf!/___/   /___/   /______/___/___/   /______/______/______/fAb!
                    /   / .:fabiness:. /___/
                   /   /

     - Group was formed by MELFIS ex.Cider member!
     - Group will excist on both Amiga and PC scene.
     - The group need Coder's,Graphicians,Musicians,Traders
       Sysops,Swappers so to join you can write to this address:
     Melfis           <- Dont write this on envelop!
     Björn Johansson
     Ringgårdsvägen 5
    S-28139 Hässleholm
     Email:  bjornjo@algonet.se

     You can also visit my home page at:
     - We are in deep need of talanted members who wants to work
     - hard to get results and that does not just want to makes
     - money on their products.....
     - Coders should use (C++) , (Assembler) or what you think is best.
     - Graphicians should be able to paint (aga) and on (pc).
     - Musicians - if you makes good techno music's you are welcome.
     - Sysop's your board must have atleast over 50 users.
     - Swapper's i dont really care about but a minimum of 20 contacts.
     - Equipment , thats up to you: A1200a , A500 , A4000 , PC !
     - Use this address:
     Melfis           <- Dont write this on envelop!
     Björn Johansson
     Ringgårdsvägen 5
    S-28139 Hässleholm
     Email:  bjornjo@algonet.se

                          -*- tHe eNd ! -*-