. .___________ _|_ ______________________________. | | | : bOONDOCKS · oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE | . _______ __ _|_ ____ ______ ________ : _____ _|_\_ / . | . \_ __ ______\_. \ ______ _\_. /__| ___ / __/__ | / / | : | / \| / l \/ . \ l___/\_ |/ /___ / : \ \______|______/ \ /_________/ | \________/ / _/_______/_ _l______/sc : _/ \____/ \__________/ _/ \___) | | . \_____| \______| | | : | |hELLFiRE & lSD wHQ!·tRISTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC., sUNFLEX iNC. & iLS aMIGA eHQ!| | tRiSTAR & rEDSECTOR iNC. cONSOLE aND gERMAN cONSOLE sYNDICATE wHQ! | | tRiSTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. /X-iNNOVATiON wORLD diSTRiBUTiON sITE | | cLASSIC^qUARTEX hQ! · dREAMCHARTS, dEViOUS dEZiGNS & dATA dIVISION dHQ! | | -g^sTYLE! & tWISTED wHQ! · pRO aRTS & rOADHOGZ eHQ! | | | | mASTERS aRE: | | -·>s/\L-oNE!·mARIO·sECTORCHARGER·aPOLLO·aSTRO·cOLONEL·gAZ P·eCS<·- | | | | rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4ooo wITH a cYBERSTORM o6o/5o mHZ/22 mB! | | 2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP! | | | | +31-(o)-548-54O-653 +31-(o)-548-521-716/521-848 +tEL-NET | | -·>16k8 dUAL<·- -·>33k6 dUALS!<·- 23:30-06:00 gMT +1 | | | l_________._ _ _ _._________| ________ | -·>nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORd!<·- | ________ |________|| ||________| : uPLOADEd bY Topflight oN nODE #04 : . tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: 02:48:46 , 07-10-1996 . å @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ.:_)----------------------------/\--(_: | (c) pIONEER dESIGn 1996 / \ | | from those nice chaps at : / / \ | | p^d comes another great .:.\ \ / | | askeiy-collection.... : \/\/\/\| |.......entitled.... ...by new / / \ |: / kid [bLO]\ \ / |:.> n e h w o n : \ /| |_ / - city of adventure...\/_| : )------/-------------------------( : @END_FILE_ID.DIZ . /:\ : phone me........: she cried out in agony as his throbbing cock exploded in her anus... by god! there was even blood pouring out of her sloppy hole.... this was a good fuck, he tought just before he ? sliced her from ear to ear with his dirty knife.... ? ? _() ()_ ? - don't even ask \___/ ? ? ? æį į JØØļ # ØØØK ØK ØØØ# copyright Pioneer design 1996 #Øį ØØØ# 0Ø# #ØØF ___ ķØØQÆØØ __ĩ*P"Ø" this collection may not be rented JØØØKķ*°Ŋ ĩP hired or sold without the permission ØØØØM" æ" from the author ķØP _Æ _Æ" ,P feel free to use the featured logos ,F ĩZ but remember to include the tags. ,F ĩØ#į F ĩØØØØĩ this collection do not contain any á jØØØØØØŅ__, illegal rip-offs. any similarity to F ,ØØØØØØØØØ# æ other artists are fully coincidental JÞ PŽØØØØØØØØīJQ JL__ á ķØØØØØØ# FÆ æmĩ@"ķ#_F ķØØØØØFJ F ŅØØØŅm_ķL °ØØØØ&FJ ŽķŅØØØNF Žķ@@5 # Ž°ķ@đ crL ØJ Ū# .....................Ø.............. p^d __ /\__ - - ũ] P I O N E E R D E S I G N [ũ-------\/--------- ._____________ ____. ______ .______________ ________ __________ ._____________ | __ /_(____|/ \| __ /________/_ ________/_| _ / | _|/ / | | / / \________/_\________/| |_____/ : \______/________|________|___ / /____________/__________|_____| ... . ___|_______ ____ ___________/______/ _______________:_:___ ___\ _________)(____)(_____________ /___________:_:_______\ _____________:_:___ _____\ _____________________ /_____________:_:_________\ ..: :.. ._\ /_. : : :.. ..: .__|___ ______|__ ________ :.: _____|___ \. ________ _/ _____/__ ____./ ______/___ .______________ ./ ____/ |________/_\________ \. __(____| \_ \| __ / | \| |\________/_ \| |/ | _/ | / / |______\_______|__________/_______| |________|__\__________|___ / / |_ /_//________|. .... ... /______/eD _:/ | ... : ... :.:.. \/ |fTL : :.:.: : ... ...:.: |_ _| :...: :.:.: : : ... . . /_____________________\ :...:..: : :......: p r o u d l y p r e s e n t s ............ ___ _________: _________: __ ___ .------/ | _____/:| /-.----.-.---.---/ \---.------/ | | / | __/-----| ____/ | | | | / \ | / | crL`----/_____|----------^----------|____|-^---^--\____/--^----/_____|p^d ....... : : ............... : :..........: : :..................................: n e h w o n a n o t h e r f a n t a z y c o l l e c t i o n f r o m .................... : __ĩĩ__ : : ĩØ@ķ°°ķŅŅw : Æ° ķ# : JF .ķL : ÆL :JF : #_ _Ø ø : Žķæĩ____ĩÆ@ . 0 ........................ŽØ@@@M°Ŋ.......... : JL _Ø" : : # ,_ _ÆP : : ķÞ `# æ@ : :..ŽQ ............ŽQ..,Ø"....................: 0 __ĩææm ķL,@ . JL _ æØ@°"ŊŊ]L ŅP :crL.p^d #æÆŅ°Ŋ Ø Ž : ...... _ĩÆŅF ...... ļØ ........... : : @" ŽK ĩ@ : : : : # _æP : : : : ķÞ ĩØ" :..................: : Q _ÆP : : ķW#" : :........ ĩØE ..................: Ø° V i h o p e y o u w i l l e n j o y t h e r i d e . . . . her skin grew more silvery still - scaly silvery - and her elfin face narrowed and her green eyes swam apart, while from her head and back shoulders, and along the backs of her legs and her hands and arms, razor-sharp spines erected themselves in crests... - from "The Mer She" _/\______/\______/\______/\__ __/\______/\_______ \____ \____ \ / \ /\/ \____ \____ /\ / / / /___/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ____/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /\/ / / / / / /___/___/_______/___/___/_______/_______/___/___/ / \___\___\_______\_______\_______\_______\___\___\/ ============================================[bLO]== - wORLD oF aDVENTURE - mASTERPIECES iN tHIS cOLLY aRE aS fOLLOWS: nR: iMAGE: aRTIST: @1 classic [bLO] @2 skidrow [bLO] @3 prestige [bLO] @4 napalm [bLO] @5 fairlight [bLO] @6 hellfire [bLO] @7 quartex [bLO] @8 outlaws [bLO] @9 mystic [bLO] 1@ trsi [bLO] @1 lsd [bLO] @2 acces [bLO] @3 equinox [bLO] @4 ministry [bLO] @5 royal [bLO] @6 trams inc. [bLO] @7 profile [bLO] @8 paradox [bLO] @9 honey [bLO] 2@ substance [bLO] t h i s c o l l y i s d e d i c a d e d t o a l l t h e g r o u p s w h o i s k i c k i n g i n t h e s c e n e r i g h t n o w ! : : : :..........................k e e p k i c k i n g ! . But the sounds lived on, and after a long while it began to grow louder again. Then i knew that my cunning had been in vain. I had killed (the hounds') bodies, but not their ghosts, and soon they would gain enough power to return and slay me, as they had always intended... Closer and closer they came, and sometimes I seemed to catch my father's and brother's voices, almost lost among the howling... - from "The Howling Tower" . _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ o1 o1 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) classic: _/\______/\___ _/\______/\______/\______/\__/\_______ \____ \ /\ \____ \____ \____ \_ \____ /\ / / / / / / / / /__ / /__ / / / / / / /___/ /_/_/ /___ /___ / / /___/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /_______/_______/___/___/_______/_______/___/_______/ / \_______\_______\___\___\_______\_______\___\_______\/ ================================================[bLO]== _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ o2 o2 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) skidrow: _/\______/\______/\__/\______/\______/\______/\__ ___ \____ \ / \_ \____ \____ \____ \ /\/ /\ / /__ / / _/ / / / / _/ / / / / / / /___ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /\/ / / /_______/___/___/___/_______/___/___/_______/_______/ / \_______\___\___\___\_______\___\___\_______\_______\/ ================================================[bLO]== _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ o3 o3 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) prestige: _/\______/\______/\______/\______/\______/\__/\______/\_______ \ \____ \____ \____ \ \_ \ \____ /\ / / / / _/ /___/ /__ /\__/ / / /___/ /___/ / / _____/ / ____/___ / /\/ / / / / ____/\/ / /\__/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /\/ /___/ / /___/___/_______/_______/ / /___/___/_______/_______/ / \___\/ \___\___\_______\_______\/ \___\___\_______\_______\/ =========================================================[bLO]== _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ o4 o4 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) napalm: _/\______/\______/\______/\______/\___ _/\_______ \____ \____ \ \____ \ /\ \ /\ / / / / / / / / / / / / \ _ / / / / / / _____/ / /_/_/ \/ / / / / / / / /\__/ / / / / / / / /___/___/___/___/___/ / /___/___/_______/___/___/ / \___\___\___\___\___\/ \___\___\_______\___\___\/ ============================================[bLO]== _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ o5 o5 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) fairlight: _/\______/\______/\__/\______/\___ _/\__/\______/\______/\_______ \____ \____ \_ \____ \ /\ \_ \ \ / \ /\ / /___/ / / / / _/ / / / / /___/ / /\__/ / / / _____/ / / / /_/_/ / / / / /\/ / / / /\__/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /___/ / /___/___/___/___/___/_______/___/_______/___/___/ / /___/ / \___\/ \___\___\___\___\___\_______\___\_______\___\___\/ \___\/ ============================================================[bLO]== The two creatures which emerged in the gathering dusk held enormity even for the Mouser's drugged mind. Shambling things, erect like men but taller, with reptilian heads boned and crested like helmets, feet clawed like a lizard's, shoulders topped with bony spikes, forelimbs terminating in a single yard-long claw. In the semidarkness they seemed like hideous caricatures of fighting men, armored and bearing swords. dusk did not hide the yellow of their blinking eyes... - from "The Bleak Shore" _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ o6 o6 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) hellfire: _/\______/\______/\___ _/\___ _/\______/\__/\______/\_______ \ / \____ \ /\ \ /\ \____ \_ \____ \____ /\ / / / /___/ / / / / / / /___/ / / _/ /___/ / / / ____/ /_/_/ /_/_/ _____/ / / ____/\/ / / / / / / / / / /\__/ / / / / /\/ /___/___/_______/_______/_______/___/ / /___/___/___/_______/ / \___\___\_______\_______\_______\___\/ \___\___\___\_______\/ ========================================================[bLO]== _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ o7 o7 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) quartex: _/\______/\______/\______/\______/\______/\______/\_______ \ \ / \____ \____ \ \____ \ / /\ / / / / / / / / _/\__/ / /___/_ / __/ / / / / / / / / /\/ / ____/ / / / / __/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /_____/_/_______/___/___/___/___/ / /___/_______/___/___/ / \_____\/\_______\___\___\___\___\/ \___\_______\___\___\/ ====================================================[bLO]== _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ o8 o8 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) outlaws: _/\______/\______/\______/\___ _/\______/\__ __/\_______ \____ \ / \ \ /\ \____ \ /\/ \____ /\ / / / / /\__/ / / / / / / / / / /___/ / / / / / / /\/ / /_/_/ / / / /___ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /\/ / / / / /_______/_______/ / /___/_______/___/___/_______/_______/ / \_______\_______\/ \___\_______\___\___\_______\_______\/ ===================================================[bLO]=== _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ o9 o9 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) mystic: _/\______/\______/\______/\______/\__/\_______ \ \ \____ \ \_ \____ /\ / /\ / / /___/\__/ / / / / / / \/ / /\/ /___ / /\/ / / /___/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /___/___/ / /___/_______/ / /___/___/_______/ / \___\___\/ \___\_______\/ \___\___\_______\/ =========================================[bLO]=== _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ 1o 1o / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) trsi: _/\______/\______/\______/\___ \ \____ \____ \_ /\ \__/ / / _/ /___/ / / \/ / /___ / / / / / / / / / / / /___/___/___/_______/___/ / \___\___\___\_______\___\/ ====================[bLO]=== Without more warning than that, a long snowbank between that step and the next above reared up its nearest white end a dozen feet and hissed fearsomely, showing it to be a huge serpent with head as big as an elk's, all covered with shaggy snow-white fur. Its great violet eyes glared like those of a mad horse and its jaws gaped to show slashing-teeth lika a shark's and two great fangs jetting a mist of pale ichor... - from "Stardock" _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ 11 11 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) lsd: _/\___ _/\______/\_______ \ /\ \____ \____ /\ / / / / /___/ / / / / /_/_/___ / / / / / / / / / / / / /_______/_______/_______/ / \_______\_______\_______\/ ===================[bLO]=== _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ 12 12 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) acces: _/\______/\______/\______/\______/\_______ \____ \____ \____ \____ \____ /\ / / / / / / / /___/ /___/ / / / /___/ /___/ ____/___ / / / / / / / / / / / / /___/___/_______/_______/_______/_______/ / \___\___\_______\_______\_______\_______\/ ===================================[bLO]=== _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ 13 13 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) EQUINOX: _/\______/\______/\______/\__/\______/\______/\_______ \____ \ \ / \_ \____ \____ \ / /\ / /___/ / / / / / / / / /_ / __/ / / ____/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / __/ / / / / / / / / / /_______/_____/_/_______/___/___/___/_______/___/___/ / \_______\_____\/\_______\___\___\___\_______\___\___\/ ================================================[bLO]=== _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ 14 14 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) ministry: _/\______/\__/\______/\__/\______/\______/\______/\_______ \ \_ \____ \_ \____ \ \____ \ /\ / \ / / / / / /__ /\__/ / / _/\ / / / / \/ / / / / /___ / /\/ / / /\/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /___/___/___/___/___/___/_______/ / /___/___/___/ / /___/ / \___\___\___\___\___\___\_______\/ \___\___\___\/ \___\/ ====================================================[bLO]==== _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ 15 15 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) royal: _/\______/\______/\______/\______/\___ \____ \____ \ \____ \ /\ / / _/ / /\ / / / / / / / / / / /\/ / / /_/_ / / / / / / / / / / /\ /___/___/_______/ / /___/___/___/_______/ / \___\___\_______\/ \___\___\___\_______\/ ====================================[bLO]=== With black-gloved left paw the other whipped off his silver-trimmed mask, revealing upstanding oval ears and long furry black face and huge, protuberant, wide-spaced black eyes. Baring his great white incisors in a lordly smirk and bringing his mask across his chest in a curt, sardonic bow, he finished: "Svivomilo, at your service"... - from "Swords Of Lankhmar" _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ 16 16 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) trams inc.: _/\______/\______/\______/\______/\_______ _/\__________/\_______ \ \____ \____ \ \____ /\ \_ \____ \____ /\ \__/ / / _/ / / \ / /___/ / / / / / / / / \/ / / / \/ /___ / / / / / / /___/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ___ /___/___/___/___/___/___/___/_______/ / /___/___/___/_______/ / /__/\ \___\___\___\___\___\_______\_______\/ \___\___\___\_______\/ \__\/ ===========================================================[bLO]========= _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ 17 17 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) profile: _/\______/\______/\______/\______/\__/\__ _/\_______ \ \____ \____ \____ \_ \ /\ \____ /\ / / / / _/ / / /___/ / / / / /___/ / / _____/ / / / _____/ / /_/__/ ____/\/ / /\__/ / / / / /\__/ / / / / /\/ /___/ / /___/___/_______/___/ / /___/_______/_______/ / \___\/ \___\___\_______\___\/ \___\_______\_______\/ =================================================[bLO]=== _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? \ \ / `---'/ /\ \^ . . . . .o ...\. . . ^/ oO \ \ \ -/_ / ./__\. \^ . . l ... \ . ^/ *-<>-* \/ \____/__________\________/__________\______/_________/\ 18 18 / \: . ./ \ : ./ \/ \/ \ . :/ \: / \: / _ __\/ \/ __ __) paradox: _/\______/\______/\______/\______/\______/\______/\_______ \ \____ \____ \____ \____ \____ \ / /\ / / / / / / _/ / / / / / /_ / __/ / / _____/ / / / / / / / / / / /\__/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /___/ / /___/___/___/___/___/___/_______/_______/___/___/ / \___\/ \___\___\___\___\___\___\_______\_______\___\___\/ ====================================================[bLO]=== _ _ __ __ __ _ __) _ _ __) ________/\____________________________________/\__ / ... / \theactionneverstopswheneverbLOison/ ?\ \ / o O / .. \^ . . . g o. ... ...^/ ? 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