[-) do not [v] this fiLe. [f] or [r] and [d]. do [u] or [rz] eLseware (-]

                                                     :      :
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                   JL_ĩæØ@'   ķL             .                :
                   Žķķ°Ŋ       #             :................:
                        crL    Ž&
                                    Žķm_   p^d

                                 member of

         _ __/\______/\___/\_____/\______/\______/\______/\____
          ___  ___ ________    __ __  ___ _ _____ _ _____ ___  \
      _ ___/   ____/    /   /  /   /   /   ____/   ____/      _/\
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                              pioneer design
                               _æ#°Ŋ   ŽK
            ................ _Æ@"...    #
            :                Æ"    :    #
            :                Ø     :   JÞ
            :                #     :   Ø
            :............... ķK_ ..:  JÞ
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                     :           ·æ" ķm_        _æ#"   :
                     :           æ"   Ž#ĩ      ĩØ°     :
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                     :        jF :     : _æ@#w         :
                     :        @  :     _æ#" `ķŅ_       :
                     :       Æ   :   _æ#"     Žķm_     :
                     :...... K ..: _æØ°         Ž#į    :
                            JF  _aæ#"  :.........."....:
                            Ž#æMŅP'                   p^d

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           .                                                .
         ..:... ____ .. ______ ._____ ...  ______     __ ...:..
           :   |    |--|   __/ .\   /__.  |     /-.--\\ --. :
           :   |____|------------------'  `---------------' :
           :         __   ____    ______  ______            :
           :     .--\\_--|    |--|   __/ |   __/ .____.--.  :
           :     `-------|____|------------------|____|--'  :
      _____:     _            ______  _____   ______  ______: _______
     .\   /__.--/ \--.---____|   __/ .\   /__|     /-|   __/ |  _   /.
           :                                                :

                  L e t  u s  s L e e p  t o g e t h e r

                               p r e f a c e


                     signed: crL.pioneer design.define

                      t a b L e  o f  c o n t e n t s

                part one ..... compLete coLLection styLE ..
                part two ..... compLete asciigroup styLe ..

                               s u b m e n u

                                 part one
              c o m p L e t e  c o L L e c t i o n  s t y L e

                       introduction ...............
                       member of ..................
                       and ........................
                       present ....................
                       presents ...................
                       a coLLection named .........
                       a coLLection caLLed ........
                       tabLe of contents ..........
                       preface ....................
                       sufface ....................
                       most artwork by ............
                       additionaL artwork by ......
                       guestartists ...............
                       greetings ..................
                       respect ....................
                       greetings and respect to ...
                       messages ...................
                       history ....................

                                 part two
              c o m p L e t e  a s c i i g r o u p  s t y L e

                       arcLite ....................
                       ascii norge ................
                       art ........................
                       arte .......................
                       artcore ....................
                       assauLt ....................
                       atre .......................
                       azkiness ...................
                       contra .....................
                       castLe of iLLusion .........
                       caustic styLe ..............
                       da hood ....................
                       destiny ....................
                       dezign .....................
                       divine styLers .............
                       dreamphase .................
                       dzain  .....................
                       epsiLon design .............
                       fire & ice .................
                       g^styLe ....................
                       head .......................
                       house of styLe .............
                       immortaL arts ..............
                       inferno grafitti ...........
                       jedi arts ..................
                       katharsis ascii ............
                       Lingo ......................
                       Looker house ...............
                       megastyLe ..................
                       mo'souL ....................
                       offspring ..................
                       pioneer design .............
                       proarts ....................
                       protest ....................
                       save our souLs .............
                       sixcrew ....................
                       styLe ......................
                       sukmas .....................
                       trank ascii ................
                       twisted ....................
                       tz design ..................
                       unique arts ................
                       united ascii artists .......
                       unreaL .....................
                       uppercLass .................
                       whaLe ......................
                       wiLd styLe .................

                  t o t a L  a m o u n t  o f  L o g o s

                                    6 5

                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

   ___      _ ___   _____   _    ____ ____  __    ___    ___    _       _
 .-\ /-.---/ |\ /__| _  /.-/ \-.-\   |   /-.\ ---.\ /__.-\ /-.-/ \-.---/ |
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

     _____   ______  _____   ______  ______  _______      _
    .\    \_|   __/ .\    \_|     /_|   __/ |  _   /. .--/ \--._____  .
 crL`--\/--------------\/----------------------\____\ `-\___/-|____|--'
                                -member of-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                            _____      __   _____
                         .--\__  |----/  |--\    |
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                  _______ ______     __   ______       __ _____
         .____.--|  _   /|   __/ .--\\ --|   __/ .----/  |\   /__.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

              _______ ______     __   ______       __ _____      __
     .____.--|  _   /|   __/ .--\\ --|   __/ .----/  |\   /__.--\\ --.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

      ___   __      _   ___   ___   ____  __    ___    ___    _       _
   .--\_ | .\ ---.-/ \-|   |-|   |-|  _/ .\_---.\ /__.-\ /-.-/ \-.---/ |
   `--\__| `------\___/|___|-|___|--------------------------\___/--/___|
                       __   _____ _____   ______    _____
                 .----/  |--\__  |\    \_|   __/ .--\    |
                           -a coLLection named-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

      ___   __      _   ___   ___   ____  __    ___    ___    _       _
   .--\_ | .\ ---.-/ \-|   |-|   |-|  _/ .\_---.\ /__.-\ /-.-/ \-.---/ |
   `--\__| `------\___/|___|-|___|--------------------------\___/--/___|crL
              ___       _____ ____    ____    ______    _____
             .\__----.--\__  |    |--|    |--|   __/ .--\    |
                           -a coLLection caLLed-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

         _____     _____ ______  ____    ______       _
        .\   /__.--\__  |     /_|    |--|   __/ . .--/ \--._____  .
        `----------\____|-------|____|----------' `-\___/-|____|--'
      ___        _         __ _____   ______       __ _____      __
     .\__----.--/ \--.----/  |\   /__|   __/ .----/  |\   /__.--\\_--.
                            -tabLe of contents-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                  _______ ______            _____ ___     ______
         .____.--|  _   /|   __/ .______ .--\__  |\  ----|   __/ .
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

             __   ______                    _____ ___     ______
         .--\\ --|     /-.______ .______ .--\__  |\  ----|   __/ .
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                          ___     _     __  ___
                         .\  \_.-/ \-.-\\ -.\ /__.
            ___ _____ ___           _   _____   ____ _____   __
         .--\_ | _  /.\ /__._.-.-.-/ \-| _  /.-/   /|    /_.-\ \_.
                             -most artwork by-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

          ___  ____  ____  ___  ___    ___    _       _   ___ ___
       .--\_ |-\   |-\   |-\ /-.\ /__.-\ /-.-/ \-.---/ |--\_ |   |-.
            ___ _____ ___           _   _____   ____ _____   __
         .--\_ | _  /.\ /__._.-.-.-/ \-| _  /.-/   /|    /_.-\ \_.
                          -additionaL artwork by-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

        ____  ____    __  ___     ___ _____ ___    ___    __  ___     __
 .--___|   /-|  _/ .-\\_-.\ /__.--\_ | _  /.\ /__.-\ /-.-\\_-.\ /__.-\\_-.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                _____ ____  ____  ___    ___      _         __
         .--___| _  /|  _/ |  _/ .\ /__.-\ /-.---/ |--___.-\\ -.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                _____ ____    __        ____  ___   ___
               | _  /|  _/-.-\\ -.___.-|  _/ .\  --.\ /__.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

       _____ ____  ____  ___    ___      _         __      ___     _  ____
.--___| _  /|  _/ |  _/ .\ /__.-\ /-.---/ |--___.-\\ -. .--\_ |---/ |-\   |
`---\_|-\___\-------------------------/___|---\_|-----' `--\__|-/___|---\_|
          _____ ____    __        ____  ___   ___     ___     _
         | _  /|  _/-.-\\ -.___.-|  _/ .\  --.\ /__. .\ /__.-/ \-.
         `-\___\-----------|___|-------------------' `------\___/'crL
                        -greetings and respect to-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

      _____   ______     __      __     _____         ______     __
     .\    \_|   __/ .--\\ --.--\\ --.--\__  |---____|   __/ .--\\ --.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

          ______   _____     __   _____      _    _______   ___
         |     /-.-\   /-.--\\ --.\   /__.--/ \--|  _   /.--\  \_.

                                 b r e a k

                           _Æ@"           °ķæ_
                         ĩØ°                ŽķŅ_
                       ,ÆK                    Žķm_
                       Ø'                       Ž#_
                     ,Æ'                         Ž#w
                    ,Æ'                            0_
                   ,#copyright  pioneer design 1996Ž#ļ
                   ØWæ#***æĩ_               _ĩæ***æmÆ#
                  *@"      °#w      _      ĩ#"      "ķÞ
                          __æØ     ØM#     #m__
           this coLLectionæmay notábeķused foræany commerciaL
             use without°permission from the author  crL.p^d
                    æ#"           Ø   Ø           °#
         feeL free to use the featuredØLogos, but do remember to
                 ,#        incLude#theØcrL-tag       Ž#
                 Ø                #   Ø               ķE
        we in pioneer design do not intend to start any quarreLs
          or hostiLity. therefore it is important to note that
          this coLLection do not contain any iLLegaL rip-offs.
                ØÞ                # . Ø                 Ø
         any simiLarity to other artists are fuLLy coincidentaL
                Ž#_               #   Ø               _Ø
                 Ž#_              #   Ø              _Øī
                  ŽŅm_            #   Ø            _æ@
                    Žķæw_         #   Ø         _ Æ@
                      Ž°Ņæw__     #   Ø     __ĩÆ@°
                          Ž°@ŅæwĩJ#   Ø_ĩĩæŅ@°Ŋ
                               ŊŽ°°   °""Ŋ

                             Æ"             ķļ
                            JÞ               F
                            JL               F
                            J&              ÆF
                            JMK            J F
                            JÞŽĩ          æī F
                            JÞ Ž#ĩĩæææmĩ_Æ   F
                            JÞ  Ž#_    j@    F
                            JL    ķĩ _d"     Þ
                             #     Ž##      Æ
                             ŽK      °æ_   J
                       crL    Žĩ       ķ&_æī
                              a##        °b_
                           _æ@Ŋ Ž#_        °#w_
                        _aøP      ķĩ         Ž*m_
                     __ø@"         Ž#_          °#w_
                     ķ"           _#ī°æ_          ŽķQ
                     JÞ         _"    ķ&_         JÞ
                      L       a#"        ķæ_       7
                      L    _æ@Ŋ            °#w_    7
                     JÞ _aøP  |              Ž*m_  l   p^d
                     J_ø@"    |            |    °#wJÞ
                     °"       |            |      Žķ#

                     blue ribbon; worth fighting for

                         note:) thanks to xcz.sos

                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

            _____ _______ ___     ____     _____  _____   ______
         .--\__  |  _   /.\  ----|    |--.-\   /-.\   /__|   __/ .
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                    _____    __   ___      _____   _____
                 .--\__  |--\\ --.\  ----.-\   /-.-\   /-.
                       __    _    _______         ______
                 .----/  |--/ \--|  _   /.---____|   __/ .
                               -ascii norge-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                            _____ _______ _____
                         .--\__  |  _   /.\   /__
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                        _____ _______ _____   ______
                     .--\__  |  _   /.\   /__|   __/-.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

            _____ _______ _____   ___        _    _______ ______
         .--\__  |  _   /.\   /__.\  ----.--/ \--|  _   /|   __/ .
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

            _____    __      __     _____ ______  ____    _____
         .--\__  |--\\ --.--\\ --.--\__  |   __/-|    |--.\   /__
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                        _____ _____   _______ ______
                     .--\__  |\   /__|  _   /|   __/ .
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

        _____   __    ___  ___ _____       __ ______     __      __
     .--\__  |-- //--|   |/  /-\   /-.----/  |   __/ .--\\ --.--\\ --.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

              ___        _         __ _____   _______   _____
             .\  ----.--/ \--.----/  |\   /__|  _   /.--\__  |
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

              ___       _____    __   _____   ____    ______
             .\  ----.--\__  |--\\ --.\   /__|    |--|     / .
                             .--/ \--.______
       _____  ____    ____    ______     __    _____     _         __
     .-\   /-|    |--|    |--|     /-.--\\ --.-\   /-.--/ \--.----/  |
                           -castLe of iLLusion-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

          ___       _____ ______     __   _____    _____  ___
         .\  ----.--\__  |     /-.--\\ --.\   /--.-\   /-.\  ----.
                     __   _____     ___   ____    ______
                 .--\\ --.\   /__.--\  \_|    |--|   __/-.
                              -caustic styLe-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

               _____   _____   ______     _       _      _____
            .--\    |--\__  | |     /-.--/ \--.--/ \--.--\    |
         crL`----\__|--\____| `---------\___/---\___/------\__|
                                 -da hood-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

            _____ ______     __   _____    _____       __   ___
         .--\    |   __/ .--\\ --.\   /__.-\   /-.----/  |--\  \_.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                _____ ______    __     _____               __
             .--\    |   __/ .-- //--.-\   /-.---____.----/  |
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                _____  _____           _____       __ _____
             .--\    |-\   /-.____.--.-\   /-.----/  |   __/ .
              __   _____     ___   ____    ______  _______    __
          .--\\ --.\   /__.--\  \_|    |--|   __/-|  _   /.--\\ --.
                             -divine  styLers-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

   _____ ______ ______    _____ _____           _____    _____    __   _____
.--\    |  _  /|   __/-.--\__  |\    \_.___.---|    /-.--\__  |--\\ --|  __/
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                    _____   __      _____  _____       __
                 .--\    |-- //--.--\__  |-\   /-.----/  |
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

          ______             __    _____  ____       _         __
         |   __/  ___.---.--\\ --.-\   /-|    |--.--/ \--.----/  |
                _____ ______     __    _____               __
             .--\    |   __/ .--\\ --.-\   /-.---____.----/  |
                             -epsiLon design-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                               _____  _______ ______
                      ______ .-\   /-|  _   /|   __/ .
                            _____      __   _____
                         .--\__  |----/  |--\    |
                           _____  ___     ______
                         .-\   /-.\  ----|   __/-.
                              -fire and ice-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                          __   _____     ___   ____    ______
            .---____  .--\\ --.\   /__.--\  \_|    |--|   __/-.
         crL`----\__| `-------^-------^----\__|____|----------'
                                 -g styLe-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                      ______  ______    _____   _____
                     |     /-|   __/ .--\__  |--\    |
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                  ______     _    ______     __   ______
                 |     /-.--/ \--|     /-.--\\ --|   __/-.
                             .--/ \--.______
                     __   _____     ___   ____    ______
                 .--\\ --.\   /__.--\  \_|    |--|   __/-.
                             -house of styLe-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

       _____  _____   _____      _    _______ _____     _____ ____
     .-\   /-.\    \_.\    \_.--/ \--|  _   /.\   /__.--\__  |    |--.
                        _____ _______ _____      __
                     .--\__  |  _   /.\   /__.--\\ --.
                              -immortaL arts-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

           _____       __         ______  _______      __    _
         .-\   /-.----/  |______ |   __/-|  _   /.----/  |--/ \--.
              _______   _____          _____  _____   _____    _____
     .---____|  _   /.--\__  |----___.-\   /-.\   /__.\   /__.-\   /-.
                            -inferno grafitti-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

       _____ ______    _____  ______     _____ _______ _____      __
    .--\    |   __/ .--\    |-\    /. .--\__  |  _   /.\   /__.--\\ --.
 crL`--------------------\__|-------' `--\____|--\____\---------------'
                                -jedi arts-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

  ___  ___  _____ _____   ______    _____ _______    __    _____     __
 |   |/  /--\__  |\   /__|     /-.--\__  |  _   /.--\\ --.-\   /-.--\\ --.
                    _____    __   ___      _____   _____
                 .--\__  |--\\ --.\  ----.-\   /-.-\   /-.
                             -katharsis ascii-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                  ____     _____       __            _
                 |    |--.-\   /-.----/  |---____.--/ \--.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

          ____       _       _    ___  ___ _____  _______    __
         |    |--.--/ \--.--/ \--|   |/  /   __/ |  _   /.--\\ --.
                  ______     _    ______     __   ______
                 |     /-.--/ \--|     /-.--\\ --|   __/-.
                              -Lookers house-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

  _____   ______            _____    __   _____     ___   ____    ______
 .\    \_|   __/ .---____.--\__  |--\\ --.\   /__.--\  \_|    |--|   __/-.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

             _____      _         __      _    ______  ____
            .\    \_.--/ \--. .--\\ --.--/ \--|     /-|    |--.
         crL`--\/-----\___/-' `-------^-\___/-^-------|____|--'
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

     _                       __           _______  _____       __
 .--/ \--._____  ._____  .--\\ --.___.---|  _   /.-\   /-.----/  |---____.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                   _____     _         __ ______  ______  _______
          ___.---.-\   /-.--/ \--.----/  |   __/ |   __/ | _    /

                _____ ______     __    _____               __
             .--\    |   __/ .--\\ --.-\   /-.---____.----/  |
                             -pioneer design-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                  _______    _      _____ _______ _____      __
          ___.---|  _   /.--/ \--.--\__  |  _   /.\   /__.--\\ --.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                  _______    _    _____   ______     __   _____
          ___.---|  _   /.--/ \--.\   /__|   __/ .--\\ --.\   /__.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                         __     _____         ______
                     .--\\ --.--\__  |____.--|     / .
                             _    ______  _______
                         .--/ \--|     /-|  _   /.
                     __      _    ______  ____       __
                 .--\\ --.--/ \--|     /-|    |--.--\\---.
                             -save our souLs!-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

             __    _____  ___.___ ___     _______ ______
         .--\\ --.-\   /-.\  |  /.\  ----|  _   /|   __/  __.-.--.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                     __   _____     ___   ____    ______
                 .--\\ --.\   /__.--\  \_|    |--|   __/-.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                 __   ______  ___  ________     _____    __
             .--\\ --|     /-|   |/  /\    \_.--\__  |--\\ --.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                  _____   _______   _____      __ ___  ___
                 .\   /__|  _   /.--\__  |----/  |   |/  /
                    _____    __   ___      _____   _____
                 .--\__  |--\\ --.\  ----.-\   /-.-\   /-.
                               -trank ascii-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

          _____            _____     __   _____   ______    _____
         .\   /__.__.-.--.-\   /-.--\\ --.\   /__|   __/ .--\    |
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                              _____     __
                             .\   /__.-- //--.
                _____ ______     __    _____               __
             .--\    |   __/ .--\\ --.-\   /-.---____.----/  |
                                -tz design-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

              ______       __  _____     _    ______  ______
             |     /-.----/  |-\   /-.--/ |--|     /-|   __/-.
                        _____ _______ _____      __
                     .--\__  |  _   /.\   /__.--\\ --.
                               -unique arts-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

              ______       __  _____  _____   ______    _____
             |     /-.----/  |-\   /-.\   /__|   __/ .--\    |
                    _____    __   ___      _____   _____
                 .--\__  |--\\ --.\  ----.-\   /-.-\   /-.
            _____ _______ _____    _____     __   _____      __
         .--\__  |  _   /.\   /__.-\   /-.--\\ --.\   /__.--\\ --.
                          -united ascii artists!-
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

              ______       __ _______ ______    _____ ____
             |     /-.----/  |  _   /|   __/ .--\__  |    |--.

                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6
 _____                  ______  ______ ___     ____      ____    __      __
|    /-.___.---.___.---|   __/ |  _  /.\  ----|    |--.--\__ |--\\ --.--\\ --.
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

                          ______    _____ ____    ______
                  __.-.--|     /-.--\__  |    |--|     / .
                           __________ __________
                           \    ____/ \____    /
                      (:-----_____/     \_____-----:)
                    p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  1 9 9 6

           _____  ____      _____    __   _____     ___   ____    ______
  __.-.--.-\   /-|    |--.--\    |--\\ --.\   /__.--\  \_|    |--|   __/-.
                               -wiLd styLe-

                                 b r e a k

                            _ææŅM°"Ŋ    ŊŽ°ķŅ#m_
                         _æØ@"       ÆK       Žķ#m_
                        æØ°         ÆØØÞ         Ž#m
                      _Æ°          ÆØØF            _ĩ_
                     _Øī          ÆØØF  Æ#      _ĩÆØP"_
                     Øī          ķØØØ  ÆØØ#  _ĩÆØP"  Ž#_
                    JF            ķØØ&ÆØØP_ĩÆØP"      ]Q
                    ØÞ         ĩ_  ķØØP_ĩÆØP_          Ø
                    Ø         ūØ#_  _ĩÆ#°"-ØØī         Ø
                    ØÞ        Ž#P_ĩØ#°_æ&  ķī          Ø
                    ķQ        _ĩØ#°_æFķØØ&            J#
                     #_    _ĩØ#°ŊæØØF  ķØØ#          _Ø
                     Ž# _ĩØ#°Ŋ   Ž#F  ,ØØØ          _Øī
                       #Ņ°Ŋ       Ž  ,ØØØ          ĩØī
                        ·#w_         #ØØ         _ÆP
                          ķ#m__      Ž#       _ĩØP
                            ŽķŅæw__________ĩæŅP" crL

                        m o s t  a r t w o r k  b y

                        crL . pioneer design.define

                   a d d i t i o n a L  a r t w o r k  b y

               handLe     group           tag    Logo

               randy      save our souLs  randy  pioneer design
               beLzebub   factor          bLz    define

               g r e e t i n g s  a n d  r e s p e c t  t o

                   spectraL.minor threat.nebraska.trajan
                   ghost rider.anthrax.hawk.arcane.orion
                   route 66.Lazer.v-cut.vitaL.tommy.pada
                   daLamar.zcandaLer.cereaL kiLLer.randy
                   wozzy.java.mr jets.dr secret.beLzebub
                   coca.juan.doom.Lord.bLack beard.norad
                   bjørne.behemoth.bLack maiL.grimripper

                     if you are not incLuded, maiL me

                 note:) this List consists BOTH greetings
                        and respects. the persons shouLd know
                        under what titeL they are mentioned.

                  __                                   __
                  Ž° p i o n e e r  d e s i g n  a r e °Ŋ

                                founder: crL
                              organizer: xtc

            crL .......... asciiartist, musician .............
            ten .......... asciiartist, sysop (norwegan hQ) ..
            tix .......... asciiartist .......................
            fLare ........ asciiartist .......................
            bLockman ..... asciiartist, trader ...............
            razid ........ trader ............................
            pada ......... trader ............................
            redhead ...... trader ............................
            Lobo ......... coder .............................
            xtc .......... coder, sysop (whQ) ................
            doom ......... coder, musician ...................
            spectraL ..... musician ..........................
            who? ......... graphicmaker ......................
            reanimator ... graphicmaker ......................

            rayban ....... sysop (swe hQ) ....................
            daLamar ...... sysop (euro hQ) ...................
            minor threat . sysop (dutch hQ) ..................
            norad ........ sysop (swe dist) ..................

                          appLy for membership at
                       pioneer design whQ 'citydump'

                       +46 4358o354      sysop: xtC

                or g-maiL me for ordering, joining or other

                         crL.pioneer design.define
                             c/o vidde reimann
                    bruksv. 55, 235 92 veLLinge, sweden

                               aLso support

                      swedish hQ   'no impuLse'    2nodez
                        dutch hQ   't.n.t'         1node
                     norwegan hQ   'disaster area' 1node

               swedish dist-site   'aces high'     5nodez

                 p r e v i o u s  c r L - r e L e a s e s

   nr  name          date      bytes   name                          nr

   o1  re-asco1.txt  o7/o7/95  o22856  reaL mystory................  o1
   o2  re-asco2.txt  12/o7/95  o34138  reaL pLeasure...............  o2
   o3  re-asco3.txt  22/o7/95  o44556  is this reaLLy reaL.........  o3
   o4  re-asco4.txt  24/o7/95  o2357o  reaL personaLities..........  o4
   o5  re-asco5.txt  31/o7/95  o31884  pLainfuL memories voL 1.....  o5
   o6  pLs-dott.txt  o3/o8/95  o38454  dotties pLace...............  o6
   o7  pLs-hof!.txt  11/o8/95  o42444  haLL of fame................  o7
   o8  p^d-sis!.txt  23/o8/95  o45ooo  surviving in scene..........  o8
   o9  p^d-kmw!.txt  31/o8/95  o3o9oo  keeping my word.............  o9
   1o  p^d-jLaL.txt  1o/o9/95  o7oooo  just Like a Legend..........  1o
   11  p^d-atsc.txt  1o/o9/95  o49o62  and the story continues.....  11
   12  p^d-mdm!.txt  o9/1o/95  o8882o  miLLion doLLar mouth........  12
   13  nds-diat.txt  31/1o/95  o87912  deserted isLands & tequiLa..  13
   14  p^d-!ts!.txt  o6/11/95  o6oooo  the sign....................  14
   15  nds-tmts.txt  17/11/95  o75674  t minus 12 seconds..........  15
   16  p^d-acac.txt  24/12/95  o53o2o  a competitive art-coLLection  16
   17  p^d-Jawa.txt  o5/o1/96  o595oo  jamie waLters...............  17
   18  p^d-mis!.txt  o7/o1/96  o77663  made in sweden..............  18
   19  eLt-wtfc.txt  24/o1/96  o4oooo  who the fuck cares..........  19
   2o  p^d-age!.txt  24/o1/96  15ooo1  ascii goes eLite............  2o
   21  p^d-tdr!.txt  16/o2/96  o87ooo  trebbiano di romagna........  21
   22  p^d-aiyc.txt  16/o2/96  o34444  as if you cared.............  22
   23  p^d-tsoa.txt  o1/o3/96  o84738  the singLeton of auchroisk..  23
   24  p^d-bye!.txt  o4/o3/96  o31926  chevaLier montrachet........  24
   25  p^d-pogå.txt  24/o4/96  o79755  pontus gårdinger............  25
   26  p^d-Sasc.txt  13/o6/96  o52ooo  sandra scream...............  26
   27  p^d-abte.txt  1o/o7/96  o8366o  a breathtaking experience...  27
   28  dfn-Lego.txt  o1/o8/96  o55333  Lego my ego ................  28
   29  p^d-awgh.txt  o3/o8/96  o616oo  amanda wants to go home ....  29
   3o  p^d-tLfs.txt  2o/o8/96  o788oo  tiny Logos for someone .....  3o
   31  p^d-Lust.txt  2o/o8/96  o5465o  Let us sLeep together ......  31

 .-----------------JQ-. .----------------.
 |       ___ĩĩĩ___  Ø | | pioneer design |
___ĩĩæm@ķ^°"Ŋ_ĩĩø@  ķL| |  ŊŊŊŊŊŊ ŊŊŊŊ Ŋ |
@°"Ŋ    __ĩ*#P"   __ #ĩ | 65 Logos       |
 a__ææ#@°"    _ææ*Pķ _ØŅø ŊŊ             |
  ķK"      aæ@°__ĩæ*@°ŊŊ| one artist     |
 |Ž#      J#æ#@ķ°     | | ŊŊŊ            |
 `-ķ-------------crL--' | crL.p^d.dfn    |
 "Let us sLeep together"| ŊŊŊ            |
  (XXX)   citydump  +46 435 8o354   (XXX)  @END_FILE_ID.DIZ