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               !_______/             \____|_____/

     «·---------------:. MEMBERS OF THIS GROUP .:---------------·»

                 +---------------------------------------+. .
             _.·:| [Butcher ] ·Leading, Coding & Design· |:·._
           .:\___¦ [WarpByte] ·Gfx·                      ¦___/_.
           .\____: [Lional  ] ·Coding·                   :____/·.
           .·:\__¦ [Daft    ] ·GFX·                      ¦__/:·.
            . .·:| [Synchron] ·Trading·                  |:·.·
               ··¦ [Vinyl   ] ·Trading·                  ¦ ·

     «·----------------:. CALL ALSO OUR BOARDS! .:--------------·»

            ·NAME·           ·NUMBER·                ·SYSOP·   ·HQ·

       [The Lost Paradise] [+358-2-8417485/21-07]   [Butcher ] [WHQ  ]
       [Warzone          ] [+358-2-8417481/24H]     [WarpByte] [FINHQ]
       [Xavers           ] [+46-13-142274/24H]      [Vinyl   ] [SWEHQ]

     «·-------------------:. PROLAPSI NEWS .:-------------------·»

      If you want to join to this hilarious group, call our boards or
      e-mail to our almighty leader: butcher@sip.fi
        _|¯\     ____   INTELLECT WHQ ^ PROlAPSi SHQ
      _/ l  \_ _ ___ \       ___   _____    ____      _____
     l_  _   _|    _  \ __  /   |_/  \__| _/  \_\_  _/  \_/
     _/ _/   \|   l/   |  \/    |    __|_|   __/ _||\__ _ \_
    |   \     |        |        |    \   |   \__  \|   l/   |
    l____\  _ | _______l_     _/l_       l_   _/   l_       |
         \_/_|          \ __/    \ _____||\__\  _ | \ _____|

DayDream BBS on A123o/5oMHz · Amiga & DayDream · Cd-Rom · +46-(0)13-142274
         Uploaded on 01-Apr-97 at 19:17:38 by Tommy of >HF^DTL^LKR^ALT<.

---- -  -----------    ---------------    ----------   -----------

       wASTED yOUTH  - 3 nDZ rINGDOWN  -    2 nODES tELNET  

                oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN tHE wORLD!!

---- -  ------------  -----------  ----------- ------------- -----

                          «« this file passed »»

          _____ ________     ________       ____ _________ _________
     ____|     |        |- --\___    |-----/    |      __/_\       /__
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    |____|---.-- ________ -/       \-          |- -\         |--------'
             |           |           |           |           |
             |           |           |           |           |
                            p.L.a.n.e.t g.o.L.d
                         Hosted by Kidnix^cLASSiC

                    Amiga - PC - N64 - Modules - Ascii

                    ( You can find me at IRC #KIDNIX )

                           Node1 +46-40-ASK-ME!
                           Node2 -TELNET NODE!-
                           Node3 -TELNET NODE!-

                         *** WE KICK ASS HERE! ***

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                       J_¬__#°*m,,æQ__ __mwmmQ_   so, you think that the
                        ¬°Þ5Z"¶   ¯¬°°°    m,¶   styLe i'm using is
                          ¶_¶     ,*°^a      _Ø   simiLar to yours?
                           ¶w_    ¬°¤°_    _*"
                             °*w__   ¬" _µP"      what to you want me to
                    crL.p^d___æ"¬°^*==*Æ°_        do about it? change the
                       ___JK""°*w*°Mww*°°#        styLe to be unique?
                     ,æ°¯¯¬K  __#__ø _   #*w_
                    jF     `*¤"¯ JÞ  ¬*wd   ¬Ñ_   wake up fuckhead! this
                   ,F            Ø         µ  °w  is my styLe. i've been
                   Ø   Ø         #  Ø      ¬q_ JÞ in scene Longer than you
                  JÞ  J          1  ¸µ       Q_JÞ so if anyone is to compLain
                  JWm*¶          Q  ¬ _       ¯"# it ought to be me.what makes
                 J´   ¬          ¶_  °~         ] you think that you're so
                 Ø                ã&_           ¬L hot in scene that you can
                 Þ    ___________æF ¶w___________# copy my styLe? i shouLd sue
                ¬Þ¢^°°"""""""""""K___Ê___Z"""""""  you, and guess what, i'd
                 ,amw===^^^^^^°°°""¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¬"°°**ç win.
                JÞ              _                ¶
                Æ              JM°^^*Þ           JÞ so fuckhead, get a Life
               J´              Æ    JÞ           ¬L and create something new.
              JE_             d     á             E if you're too Lazy, then
          _µmwaZY^*w_________Ø~     ¶wa____¸_____µ# beat it..
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              met this pretty young stewardess on a non-stop fLight.
              she showed me to my seat and it was Love at first sight.
              now LateLy ive been fLying to aLL kinds of pLaces that i
              never reaLLy wanted to go. cause i'LL do anything just to
              spend a LittLe time with the cutest fLight attendant i know

              you set my ever-Lovin heart on fire, airLine amy. teLL me
              i'm your favorite  frequent fLier, airLine amy. found a LittLe
              piece of heaven, on a 747, and no one eLse can take me higher
              than airLine amy.

              everyone of our dates is at thirtythousend feet. she aLways
              points out the exits to me, she's so sweet. you know she gets
              my headphones for free, refiLLs my coffiecup whenever i ask.
              and you got to admit my baby Looks pretty hot, when she's
              wearing that oxygen mask.

              amy, darLin don't you know you drive me nuts every time
              you're handing out those honeyroasted peanuts. airLine amy,
              this is my mission,.gotta get you in a upright Locked position.
              / aL yankovic  .:· .. ·:.
                           .:· .::::. ·:.
                         .:· .:· :: ·:. ·:.
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        b.a.c.k.g.r.o.u.n.d v.o.c.a.L.s j.e.s.s.i.c.a f.o.L.c.k.e.r

          see the show, cause baby aLL your friends wiLL go
          to find out what we'LL do for you. and no one's feeLing bLue
          free our mind oh baby Leave it aL behind. if you are to
          appriciate the meaning of it aLL. indications of what you'LL become
          aLL over smaLL town.

          here at the freak show. freaks are what we are. do we go too far?
          oh, is it a creep show? if it shouLd be so do we want to know? no.

          take the chance a better way to find romance
          is one of the adavantages that we wiLL mean to you.
          Love affairs requires a LittLe extra care. it takes some
          things to get you there so baby cut your hair.
          we know aLL about what's reaLLy you, much more than you do.

          you don't have to sign no dotted Line. aLL you have to do
          is faLL in Line

          / grass-show

                               s.u.r.f.s u.p

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                          )  (

   name: storm [membersign]    design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
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  name: dimension of eternity    design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
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                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
  ______  _____  _____   ______      ___   ___    _____    ___       ___
.-\     |-\   /- \    \_|   __/_ ---/   |-\\  -- -\   /- -/   \- ---/   |
|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
|  _____|_______|_______|_______|_   ___|_______|_______|_____  |       |
.-/                               \-|                      __/__________'
|                                   |                                  crL.p^d
 _______  ______   _______  ________      ___  ______  ______     _____
|    __/_ \    /__|    __/_|  __   / ----/   |-\    /- \    /__ --\    \
|        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
|        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
                   d.i.m.e.n.s.i.o.n o.f e.t.e.r.n.i.t.y
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

        name: aquaruim    design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
    _______   ____   _______   _______ ________  ______  _______  ______
  .-\___   |-/    \_|      /- -\___   |  ___  / -\    /-|      /- \     \
 |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

   name: heLix [membersign]    design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
     ___________  ___________  _________     __________  ______ _____
    |          /_|       ___/_|         |-- -\        /- \     \    /.
    |            |            |            |            |            |
    |            |            |            |            |            |
                    h.e.L.i.x^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

   name: unceen [membersign]    design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
___________          ____  ________    ___________  ___________          ____
          /- -------/    |-\       ---|       ___/_|       ___/_ -------/
            |            |            |            |            |
            |            |            |            |            |
                    u.n.c.e.e.n^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

   name: meLfis [membersign]    design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
  _________   __________  ________    __________   _________     _____
 .\        \ |        _/ |        |--|       __/  -\       /- --\\    ---.
 |           |           |           |           |           |           |
 |           |           |           |           |           |           |
                   m.e.L.f.i.s^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

   name: deamo [membersign]    design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
      ___________ ___________    __________ ___________    ________
    .-\          |       ___/_ --\____     |\          \ -/        \-.
    |            |            |            |            |            |
    |            |            |            |            |            |
                    d.e.a.m.o^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

   name: jägarn [membersign]    design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
      ________  ___.___.__              __________ ___________         ____
  .---\       |-\____     |------_____ -\____     |  ___     / -------/    |
  |           |           |           |           |           |            |
  |           |           |           |           |                        |
                   j.ä.g.a.r.n^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

   name: razid [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
     ____________   __________     ______    __________   ___________
    |  ____     /_--\____     | ---     //- -\        /- -\          |
    |            |            |            |            |            |
    |            |            |            |            |            |
                    r.a.z.i.d^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

   name: doom [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
         _____________   __________     __________   ____________
       .-\            |-/          \- -/          \- \           \ .
       |              |              |              |              |
       |              |              |              |              |
                     d.o.o.m^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

          name: pada     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
             _________   ____________  _____________   ____________
        ____|         |--\_____      |-\            |--\_____      |
       |              |              |              |              |
       |              |              |              |              |
                     p.a.d.a^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

    name: xtc [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
             ______  ______  ____________      _________
           .-\            /- \          /____ -\        ------.
           |                |                |                |
           |                |                |                |
                      x.t.c^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

   name: grief [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
                  ___________   __________  ___________  _________
    .-----_______|  ____    /  -\        /-|       ___/_|      __/
    |            |            |            |            |            |
    |            |            |            |            |            |
                    g.r.i.e.f^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

    name: crL [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
            ___________      ________________ _____________
           .\          -----|   _____       /|             |--.
           |                |                |                |
           |                |                |                |
                      c.r.L^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

 name: bLockman [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
  _______  ______     ____   _____    _____ __ ______    _______       __
 |      /_|      |- -/    \- \    ---|    /  / \     \  -\__    |-----/  |
 |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
                 b.L.o.c.k.m.a.n^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

 name: big mama [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
            _______________   ______________
           |              /_ -\            /- -------_________
        __ | _______     __ | _______ ______ | ___     ______ | ___
       .\           \  --\_____      |\           \  --\_____      |
       |              |              |              |              |
       |              |              |              |              |
                  b.i.g m.a.m.a^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

 name: monodude [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
  ______     ____         __   ____    _______ _______   _______ _______
 .\     \  -/    \- -----/  |-/    \- -\      |      /- -\      |   ___/_
 |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
                 m.o.n.o.d.u.d.e^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

    name: ten [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
            ____________     _______________            ______
           .\          /____|           ___/_ ---------/      |
           |                |                |                |
           |                |                |                |
                      t.e.n^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

 name: spaceman [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
    ____       ____  _______ _____    _______  ______    _______       __
 .-\\   -- ___|    |-\___   |\    ---|   ___/_ \     \  -\__    |-----/  |
 |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
                 s.p.a.c.e.m.a.n^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

    name: who [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
                 ______ ____ _______________    ____________
            ____|      |    |              /_ -/            \-.
           |                |                |                |
           |                |                |                |
                      w.h.o^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

 name: minor threat [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
          ________    ________        ____   ______   __________
         .\       \  -\      /- -----/    |-/      \-|   __    /.
         |          |          |          |          |          |
     ____|___   ____|____  ____|_____ ____|____    __|_____ ____|___
    .\      /__|        /_|  ___    /|    ____/_ --\____   |\      /__
    |          |          |          |          |          |          |
    |          |          |          |          |          |          |
              m.i.n.o.r t.h.r.e.a.t^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

        name: Last inn     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
                ________    _________   _____    ________
               |        |- -\____    |-\\    --- \      /__
               |          |          |          |          |
             __|__________|          |  _____   |       ___|__
           .-\            /- ----------/     |---------/      |
           |                |                |                |
           |                |                |                |
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

  name: houdini [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
      _______    ____   _______   _______  ______        __  ______
     |      /_ -/    \-|      /- -\      |-\    /- -----/  |-\    /-.
     |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
     |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
                  h.o.u.d.i.n.i^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

         name: stimpy     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
    ______    _________    _________  _________        ______    _______
 .-\\     --- \       /__ -\       /- \        \  ____|      |---\      \.
 |           |           |           |           |           |           |
 |           |           |           |           |           |           |
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

 name: spectraL [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
    ____       ____ _______  _____    ______   ________  _______ ______
 .-\\   -- ___|    |   ___/_|\    --- \    /__|  ___  / -\__    |      |-.
 |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
                 s.p.e.c.t.r.a.L^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

         name: dLite     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
      ___________ __________    __________  __________   ___________
    .-\          |          |- -\        /- \        /__|       ___/_
    |            |            |            |            |            |
    |            |            |            |            |            |
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

  name: redhead [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
      ________ _______   _______ _______  _______    ______  _______
     |  ___  /|   ___/_ -\      |      /_|   ___/_ --\___  |-\      |
     |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
     |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
                  r.e.d.h.e.a.d^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

         name: tommy     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
     _________      ________   __________   __________      ________
    .\       /___ -/        \- \         \  \         \  ---\       \.
    |            |            |            |            |            |
    |            |            |            |            |            |
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

      name: the junction     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
            _____________    _______________  _______________
           .\           /---|              /_|        ______/_
    ______ |______       ___|_____    ______ |  ______    ____|       ___
 .--\     |      /  ----/   |\    --- \    /__ -\    /- -/    \- ----/   |
 |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
                           t.h.e j.u.n.c.t.i.o.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

      name: dragonLance     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
   __________ ___________   _________               _______         _____
 .-\         |  ____    / --\_____   |-----______ -/       \- -----/     |
 |   ________|_     _____|____       |_____ _____|__     ____|______     |
 |  |          |- --\____     |-----/      |\       --- |      ____/_    |
 `--|            |            |            |            |            |---'
    |            |            |            |            |            |
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

  name: daLamar [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
       _______   ______ ______     ______ ______     ______ ________
     .-\      |--\___  |      |- --\___  |\     \  --\___  |  ___  /.
     |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
     |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
                  d.a.L.a.m.a.r^p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

      name: cyber design     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
          _______      _______  _________  _________  __________
         .\      ------\      \|        /-|     ___/ |   __    /.
         |          |          |          |          |          |
      ___|_____ ____|____    __|___    ___|____  ____|___       | ____
    .-\        |     ___/ .-\\     ----\      /--\       --------/    |
    |          |          |          |          |          |          |
    |          |          |          |          |          |          |
                           c.y.b.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

         name: xzibt     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
      _____ ____     _______    __________  ___________  __________
    .-\    \   /- ---      //- -\        /-|          /_ \        /__.
    |            |            |            |            |            |
    |            |            |            |            |            |
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

         name: kidnix     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
  ______ ____  _________   __________         ___  _________   ____ ____
 |     /    / -\       /- -\         |-------/   |-\       /- -\   \   /-.
 |           |           |           |           |           |           |
 |           |           |           |           |           |           |
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

        name: sheLter     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
        ____   _______  _______  ______   ______   _______  ________
     .-\\   --|      /_|   ___/_|      |- \    /__|   ___/_|  ___  /.
     |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
     |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
 _  _  __ ______________) _                      _ (________ _____ __ _  _
                          )  (

 name: sLapshot [membersign]     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
                               ___      ___
                         ______\          /______
                     ___\\                      //___
             _______\\                              //_______
        ___\\\                                              ///___
    ____   ______    _______     ____   ____   _______    ____|  ______
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        name: citydump     design:crL.pioneer design^digitaL vision
                          _                      _
 _  _  __ ______________  )  (  ________ _____ __ _  _
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                   crL . pioneer design . digitaL vision

                   a.d.d.i.t.i.o.n.a.L a.r.t.w.o.r.k b.y

                  handLe     group           tag    Logo
                  ¯¯¯¯¯¯      ¯¯¯            ¯¯     ¯¯ ¯
                  tommy      epsiLon design  t0!    pioneer design
                  storm      pioneer design  stm    backing vocaLs
                                                    jessica foLcker

              the separator between each Logo are inspired by
               beLzebub^[r.i.p],the ex pioneer design-member


                   crL . pioneer design . digitaL vision

                  a.d.d.i.t.i.o.n.a.L t.e.x.t.w.o.r.k b.y

                    'airLine amy' by weird aL yankovic

             taken from the cd 'off the deep end'
                   (c) 1992 scotti bros. industries inc

                 'freak show' by grass-show (kineLL/ågen)

             taken from the cd something smeLLs in stinkviLLe
                           (1996 emi svenska ab

                              n.e.w. o.n.e.s

                                  - heLix
                       weLcome to our asciidivision
                           and as dist-site no:1

                                  - storm
                       weLcome to our asciidivision
                          and as swedish hQ-sysop

                                - sLapshot
                         weLcome as germanhQ-sysop

                           r.e.s.t i.n p.e.a.c.e

                  - why wouLd anyone Leave pioneer design

                       s.p.e.c.i.a.L m.e.s.s.a.g.e.s

       - jessica foLker.. you know that i'LL aLways stand by your side
                          you know that what we've got is stronger than pride
                          you know there's nothing i wouLdn't do
                          i'LL aLways stay with you

       - fredrika mattson.. when we sat in your hoteLroom in karLstad, sipping
                            our cans of something, i knew that it wouLd be
                            impossibLe to forget your existence. you'LL
                            aLways be a part of my fantasies, aLthough you're
                            a tvättex-girL.

       - unceen..   ok måns, nu får du skärpa dig... så kass är du inte så
                    att du inte kan sLäppa något. nicea pics jag fick

       - kidnix..   ok, so you are as Lame as can be, but thanks anyway for
                    the heLp

       - beLoved..  how about that remix you promised me..

       - sLapshot.. contact me asap!!

       - heLix.. ok heLix.. two weeks then a coLLection from you.
                 that's an order:) but seriousLy.. come on now..

       - keLdon..   hang on in there keLdon. the best is yet to come.

                      p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n a.r.e

                       founder: crL · organizer: xtc

                   [ pioneer design ascii-division are ]

              crL · bLockman · ten! · unceen · jägarn · deamo
             meLfis · hudini · grief · spaceman · heLix · storm

                   [ also greets to the other members ]
                       razid · pada · redhead · xtc
               doom · spectraL · monodude · who? · big mama

                           [ and our hQ-sysops ]

                        xtc^worLdheadquarter at citydump [swe]
             daLamar^european headquarter at dragonLance [swe]
               storm^swedish headquarter at cyber design [swe]
              ten!^norwegan headquarter at disaster area [nor]
                   minor threat^dutch headquarter at tnt [hoL]
             sLapshot^german headquarter at the junction [ger]

           heLix^dist-site no:1 at dimention of eternity [swe]

                             |              |

                       [ greets to our ex-ascii-members ]
             no$tro · randy · strauss · tix · anthrax · fLare
                cereal killer · sinister · keLdon · beLzebub

                             |              |
                             |              |

                   s  .  e  .  e  .  k  .  i  .  n  .  g

     pioneer design are Looking for different sites and hQ's. we have
    some which we find interesting, but perhaps you can offer us more.

              we are Looking for: dist. sites aLL over europe
                               uk hQ, us hQ

                             contact us today


                          appLy for membership at

                       pioneer design whQ 'citydump'
                        +46 4358o354 sysop: xtC.p^d

                   ] the one who hesitates masturbates [

                or e-maiL me for ordering, joining or other


                  crL_pdesign@hotmaiL.com ; vir@numera.se

                               aLso support

                    worLd hQ   'citydump'       no teLnet   xtc
                 european hQ   'dragonLance'    teLnet      daLamar

                  swedish hQ   'cyber design'   teLnet      storm
                 norwegan hQ   'disaster area'  teLnet      ten!
                    dutch hQ   't.n.t'          no teLnet   minor threat
                   german hQ   'the junction'   teLnet      sLapshot

                   site no:1   'dimention
                                of eternity'    no teLnet   heLix

                   p.r.e.v.i.o.u.s c.r.L.r.e.L.e.a.s.e.s

   nr  system name   date      bytes   reaL name                         Logos

   o1  re-asco1.txt  o7/o7/95  o22856  reaL mystory ....................  12
   o2  re-asco2.txt  12/o7/95  o34138  reaL pLeasure ...................  2o
   o3  re-asco3.txt  22/o7/95  o44556  is this reaLLy reaL .............  24
   o4  re-asco4.txt  24/o7/95  o2357o  reaL personaLities ..............  17
   o5  re-asco5.txt  31/o7/95  o31884  pLainfuL memories voL 1 .........  25
   o6  pLs-dott.txt  o3/o8/95  o38454  dotties pLace ...................  22
   o7  pLs-hof!.txt  11/o8/95  o42444  haLL of fame ....................  3o
   o8  p^d-sis!.txt  23/o8/95  o45ooo  surviving in scene ..............  25
   o9  p^d-kmw!.txt  31/o8/95  o3o9oo  keeping my word .................  2o
¹  1o  p^d-jLaL.txt  1o/o9/95  o7oooo  just Like a Legend ..............  °
   11  p^d-atsc.txt  1o/o9/95  o49o62  and the story continues .........  39
   12  p^d-mdm!.txt  o9/1o/95  o8882o  miLLion doLLar mouth ............  54
   13  nds-diat.txt  31/1o/95  o87912  deserted isLands & tequiLa ......  37
   14  p^d-!ts!.txt  o6/11/95  o6oooo  the sign ........................  34
   15  nds-tmts.txt  17/11/95  o75674  t minus 12 seconds ..............  37
   16  p^d-acac.txt  24/12/95  o53o2o  a competitive art-coLLection ....  24
   17  p^d-Jawa.txt  o5/o1/96  o595oo  jamie waLters ...................  2o
   18  p^d-mis!.txt  o7/o1/96  o77663  made in sweden ..................  3o
   19  eLt-wtfc.txt  24/o1/96  o4oooo  who the fuck cares ..............  43
   2o  p^d-age!.txt  24/o1/96  15ooo1  ascii goes eLite ................  99
   21  p^d-tdr!.txt  16/o2/96  o87ooo  trebbiano di romagna ............  19
   22  p^d-aiyc.txt  16/o2/96  o34444  as if you cared .................  18
   23  p^d-tsoa.txt  o1/o3/96  o84738  the singLeton of auchroisk ......  49
   24  p^d-bye!.txt  o4/o3/96  o31926  chevaLier montrachet ............  15
   25  p^d-pogå.txt  24/o4/96  o79755  pontus gårdinger ................  29
   26  p^d-Sasc.txt  13/o6/96  o52ooo  sandra scream ...................  22
   27  p^d-abte.txt  1o/o7/96  o8366o  a breathtaking experience .......  38
¹  28  dfn-Lego.txt  o1/o8/96  o55333  Lego my ego .....................  °
   29  p^d-awgh.txt  o3/o8/96  o616oo  amanda wants to go home .........  23
   3o  p^d-tLfs.txt  2o/o8/96  o788oo  tiny Logos for someone ..........  24
   31  p^d-Lust.txt  2o/o8/96  o5465o  Let us sLeep together ...........  65
   32  p^d-sps!.txt  13/o9/96  o595oo  some peopLe say .................  36
   33  p^d-wish.txt  o8/11/96  o57934  when i saw her ..................  5o
   34  p^d-wLk1.txt  3o/11/96  o5oooo  we Love keLdon ..................  55
²  35  dv-ijchi.txt  o5/o1/97  o4oooo  i just cant cant heLp it ........  36
²  36  p^d-kymi.txt  o6/o3/97  o3oooo  kyLie minogue ...................  2o
   37  p^d-fmb!.txt  13/o3/97  o4oooo  fotografia: marta bacardit ......  19
³  38  p^d-bvjf.txt  29/o3/97  o7272o  backing vocaLs jessica foLcker ..  37

                            -- --÷ totaL ÷-- --

            amount of bytes: 218272o, amount of coLLections: 38

                         amount of Logos: 1167

                            ¹ some egoreLeases
                            ² reLeased via maiLcontacts. order them
                              to you via e-maiL.
                            ³ spread mainLy by e-maiL

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ                    JQ
          ___µµµ___  Ø     pioneer design
 ___µµæm@¶^°"¯_µµø@  ¶L     ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯
 @°"¯    __µ*#P"   __ #µ   asciicoLLection
  a__ææ#@°"    _ææ*P¶ _ØÑø
   ¶K"      aæ@°__µæ*@°¯¯  backing vocaLs:
   ¬#      J#æ#@¶°         jessica foLcker
            produced by crL^pioneer design
                            digitaL vision

                          «« this file passed »»

          _____ ________     ________       ____ _________ _________
     ____|     |        |- --\___    |-----/    |      __/_\       /__
    |          |          |          |          |          |          |
    |          |          |  ______  |_________ |  ________|_         |
    |____|---.-- ________ -/       \-          |- -\         |--------'
             |           |           |           |           |
             |           |           |           |           |
                            p.L.a.n.e.t g.o.L.d
                         Hosted by Kidnix^cLASSiC

                    Amiga - PC - N64 - Modules - Ascii

                    ( You can find me at IRC #KIDNIX )

                           Node1 +46-40-ASK-ME!
                           Node2 -TELNET NODE!-
                           Node3 -TELNET NODE!-

                         *** WE KICK ASS HERE! ***

                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.1 By A¡Rcø]

---- -  -----------    ---------------    ----------   -----------

       wASTED yOUTH  - 3 nDZ rINGDOWN  -    2 nODES tELNET  

                oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN tHE wORLD!!

---- -  ------------  -----------  ----------- ------------- -----
                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]

        · file (P^D-BVJF.TXT) uploaded by (Tommy          ) ·

         _|¯\     ____    INTELLECT WHQ ^ PROlAPSi SHQ
       _/ l  \_ _ ___ \       ___   _____    ____      _____
      l_  _   _|    _  \ __  /   |_/  \__| _/  \_\_  _/  \_/
      _/ _/   \|   l/   |  \/    |    __|_|   __/ _||\__ _ \_
     |   \     |        |        |    \   |   \__  \|   l/   |
     l____\  _ | _______l_     _/l_       l_   _/   l_       |
           \_/_|          \ __/    \ _____||\__\  _ | \ _____|

         daydreaming on A123O/5Omhz/34mb/2.1gb/v34/hydra
      Amiga Wares · request's · DayDream · Internet · Cd-Rom                                                            .:¦
      [01.04.97]-- - --> +46-(0)13-142274 <-- - --[19:17:38]

     ____________           .______.                   ___________
    _\______    /     ______|_     |        __________/___       /_________
   /    ___/   /_____/___     \    ¦____.___\________    / |____/_________/
 _/     \_____/_\___    /___   \   :    |____ \  ___/   /____     \      |
 \________ |     __/   /\  /    \  .    | | /  \ \_____/     \     \_    |
     !_____!     \____/__\/     /_______! |/    \_  |\______________/    |
         \________      /______/    \     _      /__!     -hB!    !______!
               !_______/             \____|_____/

     «·---------------:. MEMBERS OF THIS GROUP .:---------------·»

                 +---------------------------------------+. .
             _.·:| [Butcher ] ·Leading, Coding & Design· |:·._
           .:\___¦ [WarpByte] ·Gfx·                      ¦___/_.
           .\____: [Lional  ] ·Coding·                   :____/·.
           .·:\__¦ [Daft    ] ·GFX·                      ¦__/:·.
            . .·:| [Synchron] ·Trading·                  |:·.·
               ··¦ [Vinyl   ] ·Trading·                  ¦ ·

     «·----------------:. CALL ALSO OUR BOARDS! .:--------------·»

            ·NAME·           ·NUMBER·                ·SYSOP·   ·HQ·

       [The Lost Paradise] [+358-2-8417485/21-07]   [Butcher ] [WHQ  ]
       [Warzone          ] [+358-2-8417481/24H]     [WarpByte] [FINHQ]
       [Xavers           ] [+46-13-142274/24H]      [Vinyl   ] [SWEHQ]

     «·-------------------:. PROLAPSI NEWS .:-------------------·»

      If you want to join to this hilarious group, call our boards or
      e-mail to our almighty leader: butcher@sip.fi
    _________________________________________                             ·
   (                                        /         t H E   y A R D     :
 ::|  .the yard proudly serving the elite. /// / /\_______________________|_
   |                                      /____ /                         |
 __|__/\____                             /    //   · 1 9 9 6 - 2 0 0 9 ·  |
\\_|_    __/_.     __/\____        _____·__  //    ____   _______         |\___
   |/    \   |____(_  ____/____    \      /__/_____\_  \__\_    / ________|   /
   /     /   |    _/  _)       )____\    /   (     _    /  _  _/_(       _   /
  /    _/    _    \   |       (      \_     _|     |   /   |      \      |  //
 (_____\_____|     \___       |           __\_______.__\___|      /_________\
   |                                   /                                  |
   | Amiga/Ascii - Gameboy Advance -  // gbc/n64 - Graffiti Videos/eBooks | 
   | Nintendo Gamecube - Commodore64 ·/  Apple Macintosh - Pc Games/Apps  |
   |                                 /                                    |
   '-«< tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEY 2 aLL fORMS oF rOCKiNG - TY 96O9+ >»-'