[ (c) pIONEER dESIGn š995 (tm)-beginning-of-originalltext--------cRL/p^D-] @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .----------------------------------. | (c) pIONEER dESIGn (tm) 1995 | |__________ ...... | |\..... / _ : __ : We present the| |:\__/:\_/ / \:/..\: eleventh colly| |:....: /________\ from [c-real!]| | 'and the story continues.' | | Contains almost 3o requests! | `----------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ [ (c) pIONEER dESIGn š995 (tm)-----------------------------------cRL/p^D-] (c) pIONEER dESIGn (tm) š995 This production is protected under international ascii-laws. If you decide to use any of the featured logos in .txts or systems, be sure to include the [cRL]. All ascii-pictures in this collection are written by [c-REAL!] / pIONEER dESIGn (tm) Any similarity to other writers is fully coincidental. This collection contains no rip-offs from other artists. [ (c) pIONEER dESIGn š995 (tm)---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] .............................. : .................... ___:___ ___\ /\_____ : : Ą::ˇ: T::ˇ \ /::\___ T .............. : : | /:\ | \/| ___/ | : : :..................: |_/ ::\:| \ .::| .::| : : `---:---^---\---^-------^[cRL] : .........: :..................... : : _______ ___|___ _\_____ _________/\_____ ___:__\ :...: /__Ą___ Ą::ˇ T::ˇ| T::\____T \::ˇ /::ˇ T::ˇ: \ _ /::ˇ| T | ___ | ! | \___| |\ __/| ___ | : |\ _/| | | |_/.::\ | Ą.::| \::| | \__.::|_/.::\ | :.::| 7.::| |.::| ^---^Ż^---|---^-----\-^ `-------^ ^---^Ż^---:---^---^---^Ż^---^Ż ................: : /\_____ ___Ą___ ___\ /______:_____ ___\ /__|___ /\______________ /::\ T::ˇ| T::ˇ \ /::ˇ :::ˇ T::ˇ \ /::ˇ| /::\____\::ˇ / | \---| | | \ \/| ___ :_____/ \ \/| _!_ | \___|\ ___/| | \::| |.::| \ .::| /.::\ : .::| \ .::| .::| \::| \__.::| `-----\-^---!---^---\---^Ż^---^Ż:-----^---\---^-------^-----\-^-------^ .................................:..... ........ : : : : : . . a n d t h e s t o r y: c o n t i n u e s . . : : : : :......: :.....................................: [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ___ ___ / /\___ /\__\ : /__/ / /\___ / / / ............. : \__\/__/ / /\__\/__/ : : ........: :....... \__\/__/ / /\__\ : : : : : \__\/__/ / /\___ :...... : : : : \__\/__/ / /\___ : :...: : : ........: /\__\/__/ / /\___ : ..: :..........: : / / /\__\/__/ / /\ : : : : :... : \/__/ \__\/__/ / : :.....: .. : : /\__\....: \__\/[cRL] : :...........: :..... / / / : : :...: \/__/ :................: : [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] And the story continues.... This was supposed to be a collection made by we and v-cut/classic, but since he had to join the army for another week of mud-crawling, I had to release it myself. For ones, I'm no going to write through the whole colly, but there is one thing! [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] I have, in this colly, made some 3d-logos. My intention was not to copy anyones style, but IF I accidently did, I ask you to leave me a private mezz on a p^d-system. Please don't call me 'face of lameness' in .txts and on walls.. [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] Signed: [c-REAL!] / pIONEER dESIGN (tm) [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] note: pIONEER dESIGN (tm) is still looking for more members. Don't hesitate to contact us at a p^d-system... [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] /\ /\ \-----------------------------------------------------------. \ \/\ oš arctic cirle šš logoff łš puzzle | \/ \ o˛ blue zone š˛ menu ł˛ ravenation | \/ /\/\ oł blue zone šł nasa łł relief | |\/ / / o4 bulletins š4 no impulse ł4 screaming metal | | \/ /\ o5 conferences š5 no impulse ł5 thunderlight | | \/ \\ o6 grotesticle š6 nup ł6 tropic dreams | | \ \/\o7 imortal š7 offspring ł7 trsi | | \/\/\8 the kestrel š8 osiris ł8 ultimo imperio | | \/\/9 the kestrel š9 planet x ł9 whale | | \/šo kidnix ˛o puzzle | | | `------------------------------------------------------------' [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] g e t r e a d y f o r t h e u l t i m a t e a s c i i - e x p e r i e n c e . . . . ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] aRCTIC cIRCLE : [lINES:] šš \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] nUP : [lOGO: ] oš : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ............... _______:_________\_____ _______ ____ _\_____ .. Ą::ˇ_ T::ˇ_ /::\ T::ˇ T::ˇ T::\ T : ... .....|__/ \__| _/| \___| /\___\____/ \___| : : : | |.::| 7.::| \::|_/.::| | .::| \::| :...: : `---^---^---^---^-----\-^ ^---^ ^----^-----\-^ ..... : _\_____ ___: _________\_____ ___ _\_____ : .......:Ą::\ T::ˇ T::ˇ_ /::\ T::ˇT___T::\____T : : | \___\____/ _/| \___| ! \ \___| : : | \::| .::| 7.::| \::| .::| \::| : : `-----\-^----^---^---^-----\-^-------^-----\-^[cRL] ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] bLUE zONE : [lINES:] o8 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] kIDNIX : [lOGO: ] o˛ : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ................... ..................... : : : : _________/__ :___|___ _\_____ \_________/__Ą___:___\ /\_____ : \::ˇ___ /::ˇT___:::ˇ| T::\____T \::ˇ /::ˇ| T::ˇ \ /::\____T : |\ __/_| ! : | | \___| |\ŻŻ___/| | | \ \/| \___| : | \ .::| .:::\ !.::| \::| | \ .::| |.::| \ .::| \::| : : `--\----^-------:-\-----^-----\-^ `--\----^---!---^---\---^-----\-^ : :.................: :................: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] bLUE zONE [aDD]: [lINES:] š5 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] kIDNIX : [lOGO: ] oł : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ..fILE.pASSED.tHROUGH........... .......................... ____ ____ ____ ____ : ____ ..:___ ____ ____ : /___/\__/___/\__/___/\__/___/\__:_ /___/\_:/___/\__/___/\__/___/\___ : \ \/__\ \/__\ \/__\ \/__:/\\ \/__\ \/__\ \/__\ \/__/\[cRL] \. \ \\ \ \. \ \. \ :\ \\_____ \\ \ \\ ___ \. \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \___\/_\. / \\ \ \\ \ \\ \__\/_ \\ \__ \ˇ \\ \ \\__\/___/\\\ ___\ˇ \ \ˇ \ \\__\/__/\ \____ \____ \____ \____ \ \\____ \___\ \___\ \___ \ \ \___\/ \___\/: \___\/: \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ ...........: :.....................................: -÷> [hOST:] kIDNIX [cOHOST:] [c-REAL!]/p^D <÷- -÷> sUPPORTZ aMIGA ^ pC ^ cOnZOLEZ ^ aSCII ^ o-˛ dAYS <÷- -÷> pIONEER dESIGN (tm) uNIVERSAL hQ <÷- -÷> +46 4o 469˛86 <÷- ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] bULLETINS : [lINES:] o9 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] kIDNIX : [lOGO: ] o4 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ............. ........................ .......... ____ : ____ ____ : ____ ____ ____ : ____ ____ : ____ : /___/\__/___/\__/___/\__/___/\__/___/\__/___/\:_/___/\__/___/\__/___/\ : \. \/__\. \/__\. \/__\. \/__\. \/__\. \/__\___\/__\ \/__\ \ \: \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \___\\ \/__\. \__ \. ___\/\ :\\ \__ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ ___\\__ ___\ \\ _ \\__ \ \ : \_______\____ \_______\_______\___\ \ \ \ \___\ \____\ [cRL\/ :............. \___\/ .... \___\/\___\/ \__\/ \___\/ :....................: :...................... ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] cONFERENCES : [lINES:] o9 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] kIDNIX : [lOGO: ] o5 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ............................................ ___ ___ __ ......:___ ___ __ ___ __ : /__/\____/__/\__/_/\_:_____/__/\____/__/\_____/_/\_/__/\________/_/\ : \. \/__/_\ \/__\ \/_____/_\ \/____\. \/__/__\ \/_\ \/_____/__\_\ \[cRL] \\ \. \. \ \ __\. __\. __ \\ __\. \ \. \. __\. ___\/\: \ \--\\ \ \\ \. __\\ __\\ _ -\ __\\ \\ \--\\ __\\__ \ \ \___ \_____\ \___\\ \ \___ \__\ \_____\ \___\___ \___ \_____\/ \__\/ . \_\/ \___\/...\__\/ \__\/ . \_\/ \__\/ \__\/ : :...........: ...........: :................. ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] gROTESTICLE : [lINES:] š4 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] nUP : [lOGO: ] o6 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] .........:.................. _______ ___________Ą___ _______:_\_____________________ ____ _\_____ Ą::ˇ T::ˇ_ /::ˇ| T::ˇ T::\____\::ˇ ___/::ˇ T::ˇ T::\ T | /ŻŻŻŻ| _/| | | /\___| \___/\__ |___/\ \____/ \___| | \ .::| 7.::| |.::\_/.::| | \::| .::| |.::\__/.::| \::| `---\/--^---^---^---!---^ ^---^ ^-----\-^-------^ ^---^ ^----+---+-\-^ ................. |::ˇ|--\+ : : ........................ | ! \ : ..........: : : | .::| : : : +-----/-+ :...................................: : |::ˇ_/__| | /___| | / .::| [cRL]+-/-----+ ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] iMORTAL : [lINES:] o7 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] yABBA : [lOGO: ] o7 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ........................ ........................ : _____ _______ ___Ą___________________:_______ ___ : : Ą::ˇ T::ˇ ___T::ˇ| \::ˇ_ /::ˇ_ :::ˇ T::ˇT___ : : \_____/ŻŻ\/ | | | _/| / \ : /ŻŻŻ\ | ! \:....: : | .::| \.::| |.::| 7.::| /.::\ :/ |::\| .::| : `-----^----\--^---!---^---^---^Ż^---^Ż:---^---^-------^[cRL] :......................: ........... : ............: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] tHE kESTREL : [lINES:] o8 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] tHE kESTREL : [lOGO: ] o8 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ..................................................... : : t ÷ H ÷ E : : : ___Ą____/\_____ ________/_____\________________ ___Ą : : T::ˇ| /::\____\::ˇ /::ˇ \::ˇ_ /::ˇ_ T::ˇ|___ : : | _ __/| \___|\ ___/| ___ | _/| / \ | ! \ : : | .::\ \::| \__.::| /.::\ | 7.::|_/ |:\_| Ą.::| : : `---!---/-----\-^-------^Ż^---^Ż^---!---^---!---^---|---^[cRL]: :......................................... ...........: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] tHE kESTREL (łD) [lINES:] šo \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] tHE kESTREL : [lOGO: ] o9 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] .......................................................... :____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ :...... ..the/___/\__/___/\__/___/\__/___/\__/___/\__/___/\__/___/\____ : : \. \/__\ \/__\. \/__\ \/__\. \/__\. \/__\ \/___/\[cRL] : \\ \_ \. \___\\ ____\. \\ _____\\ \___\. \ \ \ : : \\ __ \\ \/__\____ \\ / \\ __ _\\ \/__\\ \__ \ \ : : \\ \ \\ \ \ \__/ _\\ \ \\ \\ \ \ : : \___\ \___\___\____ \ \___\/\___\ \___\___\_______\/ : : \___\/ : \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ : :.......................: ..................: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] kIDNIX : [lINES:] o8 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] kIDNIX : [lOGO: ] šo : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ..................................... ....... : : ___: _:___ : ____: : _________ : : : : /___/\__/____/\_:/___/\_____:/____/___/\____: : :.....:.\. \/__\____\/__\ \/______\____\. \/___/\[cRL]: : : \\ \ /\/___\. ___ \. ____ \/___\\ \ \.\....: : : \\ \. \\\____ \\ \ \. \\ : : :.....:....\___\ \\___\\ ___\\ \___\\ \___\ : : \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \____\/ \_:.....: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] lOGOFF : [lINES:] o9 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] kIDNIX : [lOGO: ] šš : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ......................................... ....... ____ ____ ____ ____ : ____ ____ : : /___/\__/___/\__/___/\__/___/\__/___/\__/___/\___ : : ....\. \/__\. \/__\. \/__\. \/__\. \/__\. \/__/\ : : : : \\ \ \\ \\ _____\\ \\ _____\\ ____\ \ :...: : : \ˇ \__ \ˇ \ \ˇ\___ \ˇ \ \ˇ ____\ˇ ___\/ ...... : :...\____ \____ \____ \____ \___ \ \\___ \ \ : : : \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ :\___\/ \_\/ \_\/[cRL] : :.........................: ......: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] mENU : [lINES:] šš \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] kIDNIX : [lOGO: ] š˛ : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ................................ ............ _______ ______ :...: _______ :.... /______/\ ____________/_____/\_________/______/____ ........ \ \ \/______/_____\ \/_________\ /____/\ : : :\\ \/ __ \ \__ \. / / \ \ :......: : \\ __ / \\ \___\\ / / / \ \ \ : : \ˇ \___/ \ˇ ______\/ / // \ \ \ : : \______\ \_____\ \________/ˇ \__ \ \ : : \________\/ : \______\/ : \____________\/[cRL]: :........................: :......................: ...........: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] nASA (fILE.iD) : [lINES:] šš \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] hERCULES : [lOGO: ] š4 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] .---------------------------------------. | ___\ /___/___________/\_____cRL | | T::ˇ \ /::ˇ/ \::ˇ /::\_ T | | | \ \/|__/ \__|\ ___/|__/ \__| | | | \ .::| |.::| \__.::| |.::| | | ^---\---^---^---^-------^---^---^ | | .-----------------------+-----. | | | .---. add txt here | | | | | | | | | | | | `---' | | | `----^-----------------------^-----^----' ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] nO iMPULSE : [lINES:] o7 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] rAYBAN/p^D/pGS : [lOGO: ] šł : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ................. ..................................... . ___\___ ___Ą___ : ____ ______\________ ___|___ ___ : _________/\_____ :T::ˇ \ T::ˇ| T :/::ˇ \::ˇ \::ˇ ___T::ˇ| T::ˇT_:_\::ˇ____/::\____T :| \ \ | | | :\____/ŻŻ\ /ŻŻ|\ / | _!_ | ! : \\___ | \___| :| \ .::| |.::| :| .::| |.::| \ \.::| .::| .::| .::| \::| :`---\---^---!---^ :`----^---^---^--\-^ŻŻ^-------^-----:-^-------^[cRL]\-^ :......: :.............: :........... ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] nO iMPULSE (łD): [lINES:] šo \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] rAYBAN/p^D/pGS : [lOGO: ] š5 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ....................... .................. :___ ___ _____:___ ___ ___ ___ : ___ ___ : /__/\_/__/\___ /____/:__/\__/__/\_/__/\_/__/\:/__/\_/__/\___ : \ \/_\. \/__/\ \____\: \/__\ \/_\ \/_\ \/_\ \/_\ \/__/\[cRL] :\. \\ \ \ /___:. \ \ _ \ \ \. \ \. \ \ \__\/_: : \\ ___\\ \ \ \ \. :\\ \ \. \ \._\_ \\ \_ \\ ___\. _\//: : \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ : \\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \___ \\ \ \:\ : \__\ \___ \ \ \_:__\__\ \__\\ __\\ __\_____\ __\__\__:/ : \__\/ \__\/ : \_\/ \__\/ \__\/ : \__\/ : :.....................: :................: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] nUP : [lINES:] o6 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] nUP : [lOGO: ] š6 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] .............................. __\____ ___|___ _______ :.... .....Ą::ˇ\ T::ˇ| T::ˇ T : : : | \ \ | _!_ | \ - | :...: : | \ .::| .::| \_.::| ... :....`---\---^-------^---^ŻŻŻ[cRL] ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] oFFSPRING : [lINES:] šš \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] rEL!EF / oF! : [lOGO: ] š7 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] .................. .......:........... : __ __ __ : __ __ __ __ __ __ : __/_/\__/_/\__/_/\__/_/\__/_/\__/_/\__/_/\__/_/\__/_/\ : /__\ \/__\ \/__\ \/__\ \/__\ \/__\ \/__\ \/__\ \/__\ \ \ : ....\ \ \ \ __\ \ \_____\ \ \ \/\ : : : \. \ \\ __\ __\__ \ \ \ \ _\/____\ \ \ /ŻŻ\ \ : : : \\ \ \ˇ ___\\ ___\. \. ___\. _ \. \\\ \\ \ \ : : :.. \ ___\ _\/\ˇ _\/\\ ___\\ _\/\\ \__\\ ___\ˇ\___\ˇ ___\/ : : \_\/ \_\/ \_\/ \_\/ :\_\/ \_\/ \_\/ \_\/ \_\/ [cRL] : : :. :..........................: :........................: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] oSIRIS : [lINES:] o7 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] pOLARIS : [lOGO: ] š8 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ..................................... .... : ___Ą___________ ____ ____________:_______ : : Ą |ˇ::\ ˇ::T ˇ::T____ˇ::/ ˇ::T ˇ::T : : | | |\___ŻŻŻ\____/ _/\____/\___ŻŻŻ| : : |::.| |::. |::. |::.7 |::. |::. | : : `---!---:-------^----^---^---^----:-------^[cRL]: :...........: :.............: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] pLANET x (aDD) : [lINES:] šł \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] kIDNIX : [lOGO: ] š9 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ............. : ____ ..............: .......... :....:T:::.T :.............: ......: ______|____|_ _____________\_____/_______ _____________ : _________/_____ \:::. /_\:::._ :::.\ /:::. T:::. / : \:::. / / T ŻŻTŻŻ / \ / \ / \_/| \ _____| /\ __ / : \ / ___/: | |___/! |_/ | \_| | \_____|__/ T/ . /\_/ /\ | : |.:::| .:::| |:::| \ .:::| \.:::| / .:::| / /.:::\ | : !----^--------^---!---^---\----^----\---^ \-------![cRL] \---/------\! : ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] pUZZLE : [lINES:] o7 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] rEL!EF / oS! : [lOGO: ] ˛o : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ........ ........................... : : _______ ___|___ _____/_ _____/_ ___ __/\___ : : : Ą::ˇ__ T::ˇ| T::ˇ / T::ˇ / T::ˇT___T:/:_\__T: :......: | / | !_ |ŻŻŻ/___|ŻŻŻ/___| ! \/ __\_|: : | \_.::| .::| / .::| / .::| .::| .:\| : .. `----^ŻŻ^-------:-/-----^-/-----^---------------\[cRL] :..................: :...............:.... ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] pUZZLE (łD) : [lINES:] šo \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] rEL!EF / oS! : [lOGO: ] ˛š : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ............................ .......................... : ____ ____ ____ : ____ : ____ ____ : : /___/\__/___/\__/___/\:_/___/\__/___/\__/___/\____[cRL].:.. ..:.. \ \/__\ \/__\ \/:_\ \/__\ \/__\ \/___/\ : : \. __ \ \ \ \: \ \ \ \ \ \___\/_ : : \\ \ \ _\_ \___: \____ \ \ \ \_/__/\ : : \\ _\ \ \ :____\ ____\ \_ \ \ \ \ : : \ ___\____ \_:_ \___ \_______\___\ \ \...: : \___\/ \___\: \____\/ \____\/: \___\/ : :............................: :................: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] rAVENATION : [lINES:] o7 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] hERCULES : [lOGO: ] ˛˛ : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] .................. ................................ : ___:____________ ___:___ _\_____ ___\ : /______ _______ _____ ___\[cRL] : \::ˇ_ /::ˇ__ T::ˇ| T::\____T::ˇ \: /::ˇ__ T::ˇ T::ˇ T::ˇ \ / : |\ _/| / \ | | | \___| \ \/| / \ | _ \_____/ \ \/| : | 7.::|/ |::\\ !.::| \::| \ .::|/ |::\| _/ \::| .::| \ .::| : `---^---^---^---^\___---^-----\-^---\---^---^---^Ż^---^Ż^-----^---\---^ :......................: ...............:......................: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] rEL!EF : [lINES:] o7 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] rEL!EF / oS! : [lOGO: ] ˛ł : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ..................... :...... ________/\_____ ___: ____ _/\____ _______ : : Ą _.::/ \ .::T :___T .::T/ \.::T .::T : :.: | _/| \ŻŻŻ| :.::\____/ \ŻŻ| ____| : |::.7 |::. \ŻŻ|::.: |::. |::. Ż\Ż|::.____| : ......`---^---^-----\-^---:---^----^------\^----^ :........: ...........: ......................... ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] sCREAMING mETAL: [lINES:] š4 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] aCID kID / wL! : [lOGO: ] ˛4 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ............................. : : ................... : _________/\______________/.\____ _______ ___|___ _____:___\___ _______ : : \::ˇ __/::\ \::ˇ_ /::ˇ\___T::ˇ_ T::ˇ! T::ˇ T::ˇ \ T::ˇ____T : : |\ / | \___|\ _/| :__\__| / \__|__ __\_____/ \ \ | \_ | : : | \__.::| \::| 7.::| : :\:|_/ |.::| \ /::| .::| \ .::| .::| : : `-------^-----\-^---^---^-:----\^---^---^---^---^-----^---\---^-------^ : : ___|___ _\:____ _______ _______ ___ :.................: : Ą::ˇ! T:::____T::ˇ T::ˇ_ T::ˇT___ : : |__ __| :\___| ___ | / \__| ! \ : : | \ /::| : \::|_/.::\_|_/ |.::| .::| : : `---^---^--:--\-^ ^---^ ^---^---^-------^[cRL] : :...........................: : : :........: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] tHUNDERLIGHT : [lINES:] šš \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] cEREAL kILLER / p^D [lOGO: ] ˛5 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ..................... _______ ___|___ ___|___ ___\___ _____:__/\______________ : Ą::ˇ T::ˇ| T::ˇ| T::ˇ \ T::ˇ___ /::\____\::ˇ_ / : .....| ___ | ! | _!_ | \ \ | ____/ | \___| _/| : : | /.::\ | Ą.::| .::| \ .::|/ .::| \::| 7.::| : : Ż^---^Ż^---|---^-------^---\---/-----:-^-----\-^---^---^ : :......:.....:___|___ _____ _______ /__|___:_______ : : : Ą::ˇ|___T::ˇ T::ˇ____/::ˇ| T::ˇ T ....... : : : | ! \_____/ \_ | ! | ____/| : : :......:.....| .::| .::| .::| Ą.::| / .::| : : `-------^-----^-------^---|---^Ż^---^Ż^[cRL]:.....: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] tROPIC dREAMS : [lINES:] š4 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] rEL!EF / oF! : [lOGO: ] ˛6 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] .......... : :................. ..... ______\____________Ą___ _______ ____ _/\____ : : :... Ą::ˇ \::ˇ_ /::ˇ| T::ˇ ___T::ˇ T/::\ T : : : | |\ _/| | | / \____/ \__| : : : |___ .::| 7.::| |.::| \.::| .::| :\:| : :......: ^---^Ż^---^---^---!---^----^ŻŻ^----^------\^ : ..: ________________/\_____ _______ ________________ : Ą::ˇ___ /::ˇ_ /::\ ___T::ˇ_ T::ˇ \::ˇ ___/ : | / | _/| \___| / \ |__ __|\__ | ...... : | _/::| 7.::| \::|_/ |:\:| \ /::| .::| : : `-------^---^---^-----\-^---^---^---^---^-------^[cRL] : :..........................................................: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] tRSI : [lINES:] o6 \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] pOLARIS : [lOGO: ] ˛7 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ................ ............... :_____________________________ : ...........T::ˇ \::ˇ_ /::ˇ____/::ˇ \ : : : : | ___ | _/\___ \_____/ : : : : |_/.::\_| 7.::| .::| .::| :......: : :.....^---^-^---^---^-------^-----^[cRL] ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] uLTIMO iMPERIO : [lINES:] šł \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] břřTH / uLT : [lOGO: ] ˛8 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ..................... ............................ : ___|___ ___ : _____\_ _____ _______ ___Ą___ : : Ą::ˇ| T::ˇT___T::ˇ \T::ˇ T::ˇ __T::ˇ| T : : | _!_ | ! \ ___ \_____/ŻŻ\ / | | | : : : | .::| .::| /.::\ | .::| |.::| |.::| :....: `-------^-------^Ż^---^Ż^-----^---^---^---!---^ _____ _______ _______ /\___________________ ___Ą___ /::ˇ \::ˇ __T::ˇ____/::\____\::ˇ_ /::ˇ \::ˇ| T \_____/ŻŻ\ / | / | \___|\ _/\_____/ | | : : | .::| |.::| \_.::| \::| 7.::| .::| |.::| : : `-----^---!---^----^ŻŻ^-----\-^---^---^-----^---!---^[cRL] : .... : :......................................................: ___ /\__\ . . . . . . ..... ___ \/__/------------------------:.---------------------------/\__\\\ : [nAME:] wHALE : [lINES:] š˛ \/__/// :[rEQUEST bY:] aCID kID / wL! : [lOGO: ] ˛9 : `-----------------------------:-----------------------------' :....... . . . . . . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] ............ .................. : ___ ___: ____ ____ : ____ : :/__/\_/__/\_\/___/\_\/___/\____ :/___/\____ : :\:.\/_\ \/__\ \/__\ \/___/\:\:. \/___/\ : : \: \ \ \:. \ \:. \__ \:. \ :_\: ____\/_ : : \ \ \ \: \_ \:_____ \: \:__\ \/ /\ : : \ \ \::\ __::\ \ ::\ : \ ŻŻŻŻŻ\ \ : : \___ \__\ \___\___\___\__: ::\ \ \ \ : ... : \__\/ \___\/ \ \ :\____\__\ ::\ \: : : : \ \ : \cRL/p^D\____\/: : :..........: : :...: :................: [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] -÷> A complete greetinglist from [c-real!] <÷- -÷> Greets in random order to: <÷- .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. randy/p^d.no$tro/p^d.v-cut!/clc.cereal killer/p^d.rayban/p^d/pgs | czar.polar!s/trsi.delta.břřth/ult.xtc/ryl/wbr.pioneer.nup!.conda | | blue lightning.rel!ef/os!.coca.yoda.-^miracle.oxidy.topflight/tns/jwl | | manta/wl!.norad/l^e.harpoon/e^d.laserman.recall/mst/pls/ihs/lsd | | xcluziwe/sos.chilli sauce/wl!.wozzy/sdr.kidnix.fuzz/l^e.pomac.scroud | killer dwarf.shade.asp/ult.acid kid/wl!.hercules.stoopid.d-fekt.stimpy linkan/oni.predator.trivial/ryl/ds!.annika.sealapex.popeye.yabba : and all you users on 'blue zone' and the other p^d-systems . : -÷> Also greetings to these groups <÷- : : inhumans.whale.ultimo imperio.devine stylerz royal.offspring.save our souls.trsi.classic : . [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] -÷> Special greetings from [c-real!] <÷- We in pIONEER dESIGN (tm) would like to welcome these persons who have decided to join us. creal killer (swedish ascii-writer) (ex. independent) rayban (swedish ascii-writer) (ex. cfe, member of pegasus) [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] -÷> Special messages from [c-real!] <÷- [creal killer / p^D].. Well mate.. I must confess I don't like your handle that much. I do would appriciate if you would consider changing it.. [acid kid / wL!].. I did your orders. Now do mine.. [břřth / ult].. strange way to getting to know eachother, but all ways are good but the bad ones.. [v-cut! / clc].. you should have been in this too... [nup!].. please. contact me.. I've been looking all over for you.. [wozzy / sdr].. Sorry I haven't called you for some time.. I hope my accound is still validated [trivial / ryl / ds!].. hello m8, nice meetin' you in Malmoe... [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] -÷> Especially to all ascii-writers <÷- I, (c-real) would like you to design these logos to me.. pIONEER dESIGN (tm) (file_id).pIONEER dESIGN (tm).c-REAL.bLUE zONE -÷> Especially to all ascii-writers <÷- [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] -÷> Contact me! <÷- If you are an ascii-writer who wants to join a growing force of other? Then do consider joining pIONEER dESIGN (tm)! If you want to join, or order ascii from me, please call one of the systems below. For very fast [r], or even a chat-time, please call our universal hq 'bLUE zONE'. You are also welcome to call the other systems, but then have patience when ordering. note: On the other sysops you'll find all the other members of p^D. Be sure to order from them too... ___/\ _______________________________ \ ................. \ / \ : : \______/\ / \____:__ : ..........\...... / _________:_____ : : \____:__________/ / :.....\.........: : : / \ : : / \/ŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ :...............: /_____________________________\[cRL] p + I + O + N + E + E + R d + E + S + I + G + n yOU'LL fIND uS oN tHESE p^D-sYSTEMS uNIVERSAL hQ: bLUE zONE +46 4o469˛86 [hOST:] kIDNIX [c-REAL!] wORLD hQ: iLLUSION +46 6š˛łoošł [hOST:] pOLARIS eUROPEAN hQ: nO iMPULSE +46 45šš˛˛š8 [hOST:] rAYBAN +46 45šš˛8ł5 nORWEGAN hQ: eVERYWARE +47 -?dOWN?- [hOST:] sHADE sWEDISH hQ: cITYDUMP +46 4ł58oł54 [hOST:] xTC dANISH hQ: mETAL cONNEXTION +45 -?dOWN?- [hOST:] wOZZY ....also call these great systems.... aCES hIGH.. elite tHE lAST iNN.. knows nO iMPULSE.. number tHUNDERLIGHT.. !!!!! [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] -÷> Release-facts <÷- Originalname..... And the story continues... Originallength... 47134 bytes Releasedate...... september, šo th š995 Musicsupport..... Bombazo mix, Radio Nrj Moralsupport..... Annika Text written by.. [c-REAL!] / pIONEER dESIGN (tm) [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 ---------------------------------- cRL/p^D ] -÷> Index over ascii-collections made by [c-real!] <÷- -> re-ascoš.txt -> ˛˛856 -> o7th of july -> real mystory -> re-asco˛.txt -> ł4šł8 -> š˛th of july -> real pleasure -> re-ascoł.txt -> 44556 -> ˛˛nd of july -> is this really real -> re-asco4.txt -> ˛ł57o -> ˛4th of july -> real personalities -> re-asco5.txt -> łš884 -> łšst of july -> plainful memories vol š -> pls-dott.txt -> ł8454 -> ołrd of aug. -> dotties place -> pls-hof!.txt -> 4˛444 -> ššth of aug. -> hall of fame -> p^d-sis!.txt -> 45ooo -> ˛łrd of aug. -> surviving in scene -> p^d-kmw!.txt -> ło9oo -> łšst of aug. -> keeping my word -> p^d-jlal.txt -> 7oooo -> šoth of sept -> just like a legend -> p^d-atsc.txt -> 47134 -> šoth of sept -> and the story continues [ (c) pIONEER dESIGN (tm) š995 -end-of-original-file------------- cRL/p^D ]