[ sof   --   above this line you will find proof that the bbs scene is alive ]

                      ______                       ______
                     _\ __ |                       | __ /_
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                         | |                       | |
                         | ·                       · |
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                         :                           :

                      .________.                         :.: .............. ...
___________.  ________|       _|____.     ________        ...:            : :
\          |__\_      /_______\     |_____\_    _/_______ :     tribe-    : :
 \_       _|   /     /|        \    -      /    )       /.:            __ : :
  /_______|____\______|       |_____________\____________|:............\/.: :..

                           .                       .
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                         :                           :

                              ________      _____
                            |/__      |____|     \|
                            | `-      ||     _____|
                            |     _____||  |____|
                           .”                      .
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                         : :                       : :

 ________  ___________________________  ____________________________
 \       \/          /                \/          /              __/
  \                                                              | _______
  /______\/         _________  _______\/        _________  _     |/      /
         /__________\        \/       /_________\        \//____________/ t01

                          [· MIMIC AND KILLKRAZED ·]

         ______.            .________ _______
         \_    |____   ___  |       |       | ______________ ___________
          /    _  _/_  \_/__.       |       |              //          /
        _/     |     \  /  /.       |_      |_  KILL      /           /___
        \______|      \_____|________/_______/   KRAZED  /           //   \_
       ______. |_______/   :            _________       /           //_____/
       \_    |____    _____|___ ______  \_      /_____ /___________·
        /    _  _/_ __\__     /_\__.  \__/     //   _/__\____     /
      _/     |     \   _/    /    \|    /     //   _/      |/    /. h7
      \______|      \__\_____\_____|___/___________\______________|
             |_______/     :                       //__________/

                         : :                       : :
                         . :                       : .
                         : .                       . :
                         . ·                       · .
                         : :                       : :

      __       __       __    |  __       __    | __        __       __
   __/ /____._/ /____._/_/____|_/_/____._/_/____|_\ \____._/ /_   ._/_/_____
   ]   \_)__/   \_) /_/_______<       _>/_______<  \ \   |  __/---|       _[
   |-b@-\   |----\___|-----/  |----/_/ |-----/  |---\____|--\_____|----/_/
                              |                 |

                            HIS DEBUT COLLY CALLED:
                       I   LOVE   KATE   BUSH'S   VOICE

                         : :                       : :
                         : :                       : :
                         . :                       : .
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                         | |                       | |
                        _| |                       | |_
                      _ /| |                       | |\ _
                      /____|                       |____\

                             Hello everyone! I've  
                             been drawing for 
                             about a year now and
                             I'm a member in two
                             ascii groups, but I
                             still hadn't released
                             a colly so I thought
                             that now is a good
                             time to finally do
                             it. I'd like to ask
                             all PC users to use
                             AFS.COM or a similiar
                             program unless they
                             wan't to see a few
                             funny chars on their
                             screen and to make
                             the logo's look like
                             they should. This
                             colly has a few brand
                             new logos and a few
                             older ones.

                             You might have
                             already noticed the
                             rather interesting
                             name I gave to this
                             colly (I love Kate
                             Bush's voice). Well
                             there's a pretty
                             simple explanation
                             for it. While I was
                             thinking for a name
                             for this colly I was
                             listening to some
                             Kate Bush and that
                             was the only thing in
                             my mind. If you have
                             never heard anything
                             by Kate Bush I
                             recommend that you go
                             to your local library
                             and borrow an album
                             or two by her.

                             But let's end all this
                             talking and get on
                             with the colly. I hope
                             you like it and please
                             let me know if you do
                             (or don't). I can be
                             contacted on The Yard,
                             IRC (tribe_ on Efnet
                             and Ircnet), and by
                             email. My adress is:

                      ______                       ______
                     _\ __ |                       | __ /_
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                         : :                       : :

    _____(_______/                      ·             ________
    \           /            ·           \__________ /     __/   ©dwf
    /          /____________/      _______\        //     __/______  _______
   /____________           /_______\       \        _________      \/      /
               /_____/    /       //             ___\       /              \
           ·        /____________________________/         /_______/\_______\
          _|                                              /
           |                                             ·       ·
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |__
           |   ···   SAYS                           made for     |
           |                                                     |
           |   #01   sewer system                   baki         |
           |   #02   handheld                       anyone       |
           |   #03   under the m-plant              raver        |
           |   #04   udm                            rave-n       |
           |   #05   think                          arcanez      |
           |   #06   xball                          xball        |
           |   #07   monster warez                  momiggins    |
           |   #08   dwarf                          dwarf        |
           |   #09   digital mind menu              inphusion    |
           |   #10   main menu                      bbs sysops   |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |  ·                                               ·  |
          _|__|                                               |__|_
           |  |__                                           __|_ ·
           ·  · //._______________________________________.\\ |

                         : :                       : :
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                         . :                       : .
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                         : ·                       · :
                         : :                       : :
                         . ·                       . ·
                         : :                       : :

  \01||     ________  _____________  ____________                          |
   \ ||     \       \/             \/         __/           sewer system   |
    \||  t01 \                                | _______         for baki   |
      |_____ /______\/       ______\/         |/      / ___________________|
                    /________\     /_________________/

  _______        ....:..................................:....
  \    _/       .:   :                                  :   :. 
   \   |_________:_____________        _____________________:______________
    \___             /         \_______\            /             __       \
    __ |                 /\_           /\               /\_       |/      _/
    \ \|                /__/                           /__/       |\      \ 
     \                  _______________/\__________    ___________| \______\
      \____________/\_______\                      \_______\: 
_______          :         _______                          :   t01[mMC]
\    _/          :         \    _/         _____            : 
 \   |___________:____  ____\   |__________\    \___   _____:______  _________
  \___                \ |    \___          /     __/  /            \/        /
  __ |                 \|    __ |         /     /____/   /\_                /
  \ \|            /\____     \ \|              /        /__/    ___\/      /
   \             /     |______\          \___________    ______/   /_______\
    \___________/:             \____________/        \_______\     
                 :   .                                  .   :
                 :   .                                  .   : 
               ..:...:. .                            . .:...:..
                 :.. :    sewer system     +o [baki]    : ..:
                   :.: . ............................ . :.:

  \02||     ________  _____________  ____________                          |
   \ ||     \       \/             \/         __/               handheld   |
    \||  t01 \                                | _______       for anyone   |
      |_____ /______\/       ______\/         |/      / ___________________|
                    /________\     /_________________/

  ______              _________                               ________
  \_    \_____________\___     \   __________________________/       /
   /     _       \      _|      \_(      __          /    __/       /--.
   \     \\       \     \|       \       \/         /     |/       /   |
    \_____\\       \______________\_______\        /______________/    |
       |    \_______\                   /_________/                    |
       |                                                               |
       |        [ GB  -  GBC  -  NGP  -  NGPC  -  LYNX  -  GG ]        |
       |      ______                                                   |
       |      \_    \________    ________ _______            ________  |
       |       /     _       \  /        \\_     \   _______/       /  |
       `-------\     \\       \/   /\_    \/     /--/    __/       /---'
            t01 \_____\\       \  /__/    /     /__/     |/       /
                        \_______\  ______/     /  /______________/
                               \______\  \____________/

  \03||     ________  _____________  ____________                          |
   \ ||     \       \/             \/         __/       under the m-plant  |
    \||  t01 \                                | _______         for raver  |
      |_____ /______\/       ______\/         |/      / ___________________|
                    /________\     /_________________/

               _ ___________________________________________ _
               //                                           \\
________  ______|_____           UNDER THE                  |
\       \/    _______/__________        ____________________|_________
 \            |    __      \    \ ______\___    \     __         \    \___ 
 /______\/    |    |/      /    / \       _|     \    \/         /     __/ t01
        /_____|    _______/    /___\___   \|      \____\        /     /_______
              |____|    /     /       /____________\ /_________/     /       /
                |       \____________/                      |  \____________/
                |                                           | 
                |          [· UNDER THE M-PLANT ·]          |
                |                                           |
                |       PHANTASY WHQ  -  BLAHBLAH WHQ       |
                |       BLAHBLAH WHQ  -  BLAHBLAH WHQ       |
                |                                           |
                |                                           |

  \04||     ________  _____________  ____________                          |
   \ ||     \       \/             \/         __/                     udm  |
    \||  t01 \                                | _______        for rave-n  |
      |_____ /______\/       ______\/         |/      / ___________________|
                    /________\     /_________________/

                   _ ___________________________________ _
                   //                                   \\
                   _|________         ________          |
           ________\         \_______/       /_____  ___|________
           \       /         /    __/       /      \/           /
           /      /         /     |/       /                   /
          /________________/______________/________\/         /t01
                    |                    +o rave-n /__________\
                    |                                   | 

  \05||     ________  _____________  ____________                          |
   \ ||     \       \/             \/         __/                   think  |
    \||  t01 \                                | _______       for arcanez  |
      |_____ /______\/       ______\/         |/      / ___________________|
                    /________\     /_________________/

    ______  ______                                                 ________
    \     \_\_    \________  ____________________________________ /       /
    /      __/     _       \/         _(      __           /    |/       /
   /      /__\     \\       \         \       \/          /     _        \
  /      /    \_____\\       \______  /\_______\         /______|\        \
  \_____________/     \_______\     \/       /__________/      t01\________\

                                                           Think Productions

  \06||     ________  _____________  ____________                          |
   \ ||     \       \/             \/         __/                   xball  |
    \||  t01 \                                | _______         for xball  |
      |_____ /______\/       ______\/         |/      / ___________________|
                    /________\     /_________________/

                  ____________          _________ ______   ______
         ______  /           |__________\___     \\_    \  \_    \
         \     \/            __      \    _|      \/    /   /    / t01
         /                   |/           \|           /___/    /______
        /______/\         _______________________     /        /      /
                 \________\                      \___________________/

  \07||     ________  _____________  ____________                          |
   \ ||     \       \/             \/         __/           monster warez  |
    \||  t01 \                                | _______     for momiggins  |
      |_____ /______\/       ______\/         |/      / ___________________|
                    /________\     /_________________/

                .:   :             _______              :   :. 
                 :                 \    _/      ____        :    
_______  ________:__________________\   |_______\   \___   _:________________
\      \/            __       __     \___       /    __/  /          __      \
 \                   |/       \/     __ |      /    /____/   /\_     |/     _/
 /_____\/        ______________\     \ \|          /        /__/     |\     \
       /_________\           /________\       \__________    ________| \_____\
                 :                     \__________/      \_______\    ______
                 :   ____________     ________  ____________:__________\    \
              ___:___\          /_____\___    \/     __                ______\
              \      /\                 _|           |/        /\_     \_____
          t01 /                         \|           |\       /__/      \   /
             /_______/\______________________________| \___    _____________\
                 :   .                                  .  \_______\
                 :   .                                  .   : 
               ..:...:. .                            . .:...:..
                 :.. :           Monster Warez          : ..:
                   :.: . ............................ . :.:

  \08||     ________  _____________  ____________                          |
   \ ||     \       \/             \/         __/                   dwarf  |
    \||  t01 \                                | _______         for dwarf  |
      |_____ /______\/       ______\/         |/      / ___________________|
                    /________\     /_________________/

           ________    ____________     ________  ____________________________
   _______/     __/____\          /_____\___    \/     __       \     ___    /
  /    __/      \      /\         \       _|     \     |/      _/     |_(___/
 /     |/       /                  \      \|      \    |\      \      _/
/______________/_______/\___________\______________\___| \______\_____|  t01

  \09||     ________  _____________  ____________                          |
   \ ||     \       \/             \/         __/        digital mind menu |
    \||  t01 \                                | _______      for inphusion |
      |_____ /______\/       ______\/         |/      / ___________________|
                    /________\     /_________________/

        _______/       /_____  ____________
   t01 /    __/       /      \/           /
      /     |/       /                   /  digital mind        +o inphusion
     /______________/________\/         /    
  (x) command    (x) command     (x) command     (c) command    (c) command
  (x) command    (x) command     (x) command     (c) command    (c) command
  (x) command    (x) command     (x) command     (c) command    (c) command
  (x) command    (x) command     (x) command     (c) command    (c) command
  (x) command    (x) command     (x) command     (c) command    (c) command
  (x) command    (x) command     (x) command     (c) command    (c) command
  (x) command    (x) command     (x) command     (c) command    (c) command
  (x) command    (x) command     (x) command     (c) command    (c) command
  (x) command    (x) command     (x) command     (c) command    (c) command

  \10||     ________  _____________  ____________                          |
   \ ||     \       \/             \/         __/                main menu |
    \||  t01 \                                | _______     for bbs sysops |
      |_____ /______\/       ______\/         |/      / ___________________|
                    /________\     /_________________/

   ________  ____________ _________  ______________________________
   \       \/           /_\___     \/          /     __           /
[- -\                  /    _|      \         /      \/          /--------- -]
    /______\/         /     \|       \_____  /\_______\         / t01        
           /__________\_______________\    \/       /__________/             
    (c) command        (c) command         (c) command       (c) command     
    (c) command        (c) command         (c) command       (c) command     
    (c) command        (c) command         (c) command       (c) command     
    (c) command        (c) command         (c) command       (c) command     
    (c) command        (c) command         (c) command       (c) command     
    (c) command        (c) command         (c) command       (c) command     
        ________  ________________________________________    __________   
        \       \/           /        \     __           /____\         \  
[- ------\                  /   /\_    \    \/          /     /         /-- -]
         /______\/         /   /__/    /_____\         /     /         /
                /__________\   _______/    /__________/_______________/ 

                         : :                       : :
                         . :                       : .
                         : .                       . :
                         . ·                       · .
                         : :                       : :

                         guest stars in this colly : "tribe" by avenger
                                                     "of" by azzar0
                                                     "killkrazed" by h7
                                                     "presents" by bull
                                                     "index" by dwarf
                                                     file_id.diz by dipswitch

         musical inspiration : aphex twin . kate bush . lee "scratch" perry
                               medenski, martin and wood .  nightmares on wax
                               tangerine dream . the clash . the roots

                               i'm sure you'll agree that that is a wide
                               selection of musical styles! :)

                         : :                       : :
                         : :                       : :
                         . :                       : .
                         : :                       : :
                         : ·                       · :
                         : :                       : :
                         . ·                       . ·
                         : :                       : :
                         : .                       . :
                         : :                       : :
                         . :                       . :
                         | ·                       · |
                         | |                       | |
                         | |                       | |
                        _| |                       | |_
                      _ /| |                       | |\ _
                      /____|                       |____\

                             I must apoligise for
                             the fact that this
                             colly is a big mess
                             and very small.
                             The reason for this
                             is that I left the
                             making of this colly
                             to the last night and
                             I had other things to
                             do also. Big thanks
                             to everyone who made
                             logos for me for this
                             pack and greets to
                             the following people:  

                 dipswitch zaner avenger cru don warder mooler
                 h7 riven phz dwarf boheme repe dartagnan bdcs
                 nasone elemental azzar0 bull raver cro insect
                 jaw aeternam blackjack t-bob case fletch xzip
                 pogue darkus dKoira elnino rickymartin wayout
                 mortimertwang acorn unseenfate sycotic dallas
                  zinko geniuz amperorr prst skybax simonking

                       And everyone i forgot to mention!

                         : :                       : :
                         : :                       : :
                         . :                       : .
                         : :                       : :
                         : ·                       · :
                         : :                       : :
                         . ·                       . ·
                         : :                       : :
                         : .                       . :
                         : :                       : :
                         . :                       . :
                         | ·                       · |
                         | |                       | |
                         | |                       | |
                        _| |                       | |_
                      _ /| |                       | |\ _
                      /____|                       |____\

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   __  __         __  __
 _\\_\/_/_    _  _\_\/_//_    _  _ ___ ____.
_)   \/  (_ _\\)_   \/   (_ _(//_    _/    |
\    ||   //    (_  ||    //    (_   \     |
/____||___\      /__||____\      /____\____|
<-diP----_ ______\------_ _______\-----dTR->

tribe of mimic presents:
                    i love kate bush's voice

[ eof   --   below this line you will find proof that the bbs scene is alive ]