____________ ______  ____________. ___________  ____________
     ._\    ______/(______)_\    __     |_\    _____/_.\_______   /_.
     |      ___/   |      |      \______|\_______     |      /      |
     |       \     |      |       \     |      /      |     /       |
 - --|________\----|______|________\----|_____________|p!--/________|-- -
      ___|_   |____     .____.____  _______  ____  ________. ________.
    ._\  __   (____)____|_   (____)_\  ___/_(____)_\  __   |_\  __   |
    |     /   |    |     /   |    |\_____   |    |     /   |     /   |
    |    /    |    |    /    |    |    /    |    |    /    |    /    |
- --|_________|____|\________|____|_________|____|_________|___/_____|-- -
- -- -------------------------------------------------------FDIVAD--------- -
   After 5 years offline, the ultimate hideout is back. The place where 
     firendship still rulez, First Division. All accounts are intact.
      - Amiga Elite - The Worlds Largest /X Conf. - DayDream Utils -
          - GBA - PC - Golden Games and Utils - Modules - Demo -
        Royal Swedish HQ - DC Scandinavian HQ - Uprough Swedish HQ
                  Crude European HQ - Moods European HQ
                - Running DD/Linux with FTP/FXP Support -
            -* First Division - Not just a regular hangover *-

                     tHIS fILE pASSED oNE of tHE lAST!

                     _______     _ _________ _________ _
                    _\ ____(___ _\\\____   /_\ ______///_
                    |  \        |     |/    \_________  |
                    |         _ |     '     | _     \/  |
                    |        \\\_           _///        |
                    ¯\_         |           |         _/¯

                          L·O·S  E·N·D·O·S  B·B·S
         _________ _ _ _________ _ _________ _ _________ _________ _
        _\ ______///_\\\  _    /_\\\____   /_\\\____   /_\ ______///_
        |     _)    |     |     |     `/    |     |/    \_________  |
        |         _ |     |     |     /     |     `     | _     \/  |
        |        \\\_     |     |   _/      |           _///        |
        ¯\_         |     |     |   \       |           |         _/¯

                          started in 1992........

  __      |                                                        |
 /_/\  ___|__¦______ ______________¦_______________________  _ _/\_|______
 \_\/  \·    |     /_\______  /·   |    \_______   _ /    /_________    o/
  +:    \\   |    /    ______//          \     /   //    /    /    /   //
  :o     \_______/______|   /______|______\________/________ /________ /
  .·      |                        ¦                       \/      | \/
          |                                                        |
  .       | U   P   H   O   L   D        T   H   E       L   A   W |
          |                                                        |
 ______/\_|_______¦____    __________     _____     _____   _____ /\ _____
 \ _ o     _ /    |   ·\  /  ___    /    /    /____/o   /___\ _  /  \    /
  \//      \/          \\/    _____/    /    /    //   /\    \\ /    \  /
  /_________\_____|______\_______ /    /________ /____________\___/\___/
          |       ¦             \/             \/                  |Sk¡n 

                         dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:

        aMiGa · pC · c64 · sPecCY · mAC · cONSoLe · aRCHiMEdEs · aScII

                  ReMeDy wHQ (Amiga)  ·  U.D.O. wHQ (Amiga)

       rEAsOn wHQ (Amiga)  ·  sCArAB wHQ (Amiga)  ·  pHAnTaSY gHQ (8Bit)

           aERoSol gHQ (ASCII)  ·  nUAnCe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga)

               Node 1 :             sYSOp:           Node 2 & 3 :
           USR V.90 I-Modem                           Euro  ISDN 
          +49-(0)30-44730311        rAMSes        +49-(0)30-44730312
             Node 4,5,6 :          CosYSOp:             oR tRy
              24h Telnet                          remedy.dnsalias.org
            utl.dyndns.org      gHANdY & bARocK      remedy.yi.org
                              -- nO RaTiOs !!! --

[begin colly]

                  |%%%%%%|    ___              ___               ___
                  |%%%^   ____\(_______________/_(______________((__)__
                  |%^   __|___                                      _|___
                  |%     \__/                                       ___/
                  |       |   Proudly from the Impure 1940 family..  |
                          ·                                          :
     _\_____  _      ____./_                      ______________   ______  _
_______\_ /---/_______\_ /____      _ _________  __|_______  __|____\_ /---/
 \    __// __/ \ _   __//   /-------/_|      / --\ :     /   \ :   __// __/   _
 /     \  _)-----/    \ ___\\      /  :     /.___ \ ____/    / .    \  _)-----/
/-------\ //____/------\ /________/___|______| /___._\      /--------\ //____/_
                          .                        |___________\\ ozz!imp   /
  oldskool.never.dies!!   |                                          |
                       ___|     # #   d e d c h y l d e  # #       __|___
                       \\_._                                      \\_._/
                  |       |_______________            _______________|
                  |%                    _/------------\_
                  |%%%%%%|             of the legendary

               |___              .:/    ________.-------------.
      _   __ _____//              /     \:.                 .:. pO(imp)
    ______     |  __)\_         __       \______)\____________:  ______)\_
 __)_____(_____. /    /________(__)_______\_______/_     \____|__\___   _//
\\_       _____\/    ____     \____/\______\=======/___  _|____  _______\
  /___  _|=====|_____\==/___  _|iMPURE!aSCii\:.        \(=====/_____|===
      \(       :          .:\(               \             ___.
               .            /                 \           \\_____ __   _
               |           /                   \ ..     ______|
               |:.        /                     `------'

                  |%%%%%%|                 impure ascii 1940
                  |%%%%%%|                    presents...
                  |%%%%%%|                                          ___
                  |%%%%%%|    ____,-------/______     _____     ,,-' _/___
                  |%%%%%%|    \   ,-____\  -  _/--//_/__-_(-------\>_    /
                  |%%%%%%|    //______\  >>___/     __\ )______>>_______<
                  |%%%%%%|           ···     /_______\      ···     ___
                  |%%%%%%|      _____     _______  ____)---,___ ,,-' _/_
                  |%%%%%%|     /__-_(----\\     '--\__     ___/__\>_    /
                  |%%%%%%|        )______/-----/    \/_________________</
                  |%%%%%%|                    `------'dC!
                  |%%%%%%|  _             //___________________           _
                  |%%%%%%|  (/_        ______________________//         _\)
                  |%%%%%%|     |                                       |
                  |%%%%%%|     |                                       |
                  |%%%%%%|     |      his first ascii collection       |
                  |%%%%%%|     |                                       |
                  |%%%%%%|     |              entitled...              |
                  |%%%%%%|     |                                       |
                  |%%%%%%|     |                                       |
                  |%%%%%%|     |                 .<bÖ·._             |
                  |%%%%%%|     |                     `·.           |
                  |%%%%%%|     |__                      ~·,       __|
                  |%%%%%%|        ))      ÖÒÒÒÒÒÒ·         ·    ((
                  |%%%%%%|      _/      Ö½           ·     \_
                  |%%%%%%|     |      Ö·             ·      |
                  |%%%%%%|     |     d·.          ].     |
                  |%%%%%%|     |      `½½ ^·.       ]]     |
                  |%%%%%%|     |         `½     ~^·.    d]     |
                  |%%%%%%|     |                   ~^·,.'     |
                  |%%%%%%|     |                      ~^P       |
                  |%%%%%%|     |         Ö·.           .·,     |
                  |%%%%%%|     |       Ögg.._..··,
                  |%%%%%%|     |     .dC!' `"' ~·,
                  |%%%%%%|     |   Ö½      `½½½^'         ~>
                  |%%%%%%|       .'                           ~`
                  |%%%%%%|      Ö½
                  |%%%%%%|      ½½                                  |
                  |%%%%%%|                                             |
                  |%%%%%%|     |                                       |
                  |%%%%%%|     |      we all need to fuck tha sys...   |
                  |%%%%%%|     |     we all need to fuck tha sys...    |
                  |%%%%%%|     |    we all need to FUCK THA SYS...     |
                  |%%%%%%|     |           wH0RE! ...                  |
                  |%%%%%%|     :                                       :
                  |%%%%%%|     :                                       :
                  |%%%%%%|     .
                  |%%%%%%|                                             |
           ____________         _________                              .
 __________\           \       |        /__              _________
\\           /_________ \______|          ((____________|         | _________
 /       )________(   /        |        _              /|         |/      __/
/___________\       //___              _/     \_______/_|        _(    __/_
                        /______________)                           _       \
      ··· FUCK ···                   /__             )____________|/        \
   :: ............. :::::::::::        ))______________/         // _________\
                            ______________  ___________   ___________
  ________     ··· THA ··· ))__       ___(_|     _  __(___\  __    _(____
__\      (___                  \_     \     _____/        ________ \     \
\      _____/_______  ........  //__________/  //________/       /________\\
 \_______     _   _(____    ________       _______
  //__________\        //___\    __((_____))     /_________ .. ::::::::::::
  _____________)_____|     ________    ___      __  --____(____
  )__        ______________/ /     ____/ /     / /_     \_____/        ____
    /________\  dC!         /______\    /__   /_   )_______ \____\----/    \
                                         //_____|        _/       \  /______\
     ··· SYSTEM! ···        :::: .................. ::   /_________\//
   ]] in stunning technicolor freeflow oldschool style - where available [[

                  |%%%%%%|       i've been walking through your streets,
                  |%%%%%%|           where all your money's earning,
                  |%%%%%%|          where all your building's crying,
                  |%%%%%%|           and clueless neckties working,
                  |%%%%%%|             revolving fake lawn houses,
                  |%%%%%%|               housing all your fears,
                  |%%%%%%|                 desensitized by tv,
                  |%%%%%%|              overbearing advertising,
                  |%%%%%%|                 god of consumerism,
                  |%%%%%%|           and all your crooked pictures,
                  |%%%%%%|              looking good, mirrorism,
                  |%%%%%%|               filtering information,
                  |%%%%%%|                 for the public eye,
                  |%%%%%%|             designed for profiteering,
                  |%%%%%%|             your neighboor, what a guy.
                  |%%%%%%|                modern globalization,
                  |%%%%%%|             coupled with condemnations,
                  |%%%%%%|                 unnecessary death,
                  |%%%%%%|                matador corporations,
                  |%%%%%%|            puppeting your frustrations,
                  |%%%%%%|               with the blinded flag,
                  |%%%%%%|                manufacturing consent
                  |%%%%%%|              is the name of the game,
                  |%%%%%%|              the bottom line is money,
                  |%%%%%%|                nobody gives a fuck.
                  |%%%%%%|         4000 hungry children die per hour,
                  |%%%%%%|                  from starvation,
                  |%%%%%%|           while billions spent on bombs,
                  |%%%%%%|                create death showers.
                  |%%%%%%|                  ((   b00m!   ))
                  |%%%%%%|                   ((   b00m!   ))
                  |%%%%%%|                    ((   b00m!   ))
                  |%%%%%%|                     ((   b00m!   ))
                  |%%%%%%|                             - system of a down
                  |%%%%%%|                  _________________________
                  |%%%%%%|       _________))                         ((___
                  |%%%%%%|      \\                                       //_
                  |%^^^^             ________                               |
                        ________ ____)      /___       ________________    _|_
    ________    ________\      (_\__      _____((_____ \  _           ((_
   ))______/___\\        \         /     /    -    _(___)__             /
     |           /______\__________\    /_______/          )____________\\_
     |__________    \ dC! ¯¯¯¯¯ _/__     /_ ¯¯ /______________\\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯   _ _
             _)______\             ))______|                               _|
                      _%%|      //________________        ________________\\
                  |%%%%%%|                       //      \\
              ____|^^^^^^|______________________//        \\___

            |         _____                 _____               |
            |      _______// introduction //_______________     |
            |                                                   |
            |      dedchylde here, with my first ever ascii     |
            |     collection, and also my first release with    |
            |          the infamous impure 1940 family.         |
            |                                                   |
            |     there's not much to say, except that there    |
            |     are a lot of varying styles in this colly.    |
            |      some of this art is older stuff that's       |
            |     been laying around for a while, some of it    |
            |     is newer stuff from #oscompo competitions.    |
            |       i'm still working on a style of my own,     |
            |      so i apologize if i've inadvertantly done    |
            |     something that's already been done before.    |
            |                                                   |
            |                                   -dC!imp1940     |
            |                                                   |
             ))___        ____________________________________((
                  |%%%%%%|                circumventing circuses,
                  |%%%%%%|                 lamenting in protest,
                  |%%%%%%|                  to visible police,
                  |%%%%%%|               presence sponsored fear,
                  |%%%%%%|              battalions of riot police,
                  |%%%%%%|              with rubber bullet kisses,
                  |%%%%%%|                    baton courtesy,
                  |%%%%%%|                 service with a smile
                  |%%%%%%|    beyond the staples center you can see america,
                  |%%%%%%|       with its tired, poor, avenging disgrace,
                  |%%%%%%|     peaceful, loving youth against the brutality,
                  |%%%%%%|                 of plastic existence.
                  |%%%%%%|               pushing little children,
                  |%%%%%%|             with their fully automatics,
                  |%%%%%%|          they like to push the weak around,
                  |%%%%%%|               pushing little children,
                  |%%%%%%|             with their fully automatics,
                  |%%%%%%|          they like to push the weak around.
                  |%%%%%%|                   a rush of words,
                  |%%%%%%|                 pleading to disperse,
                  |%%%%%%|             upon your naked walls, alive,
                  |%%%%%%|                   a political call,
                  |%%%%%%|                 the fall guy accord,
                  |%%%%%%|   we can't afford to be neutral on a moving train!
                  |%%%%%%|                        - more system of a down :)
     ________     '               _________           _ ____________
   __\______((_    i n d e x    _))_       |           ))____      / _______
  /      _|___________     _________\     _|_____________ _  \     \/      /
 /       \        _  /_____\ _     __\    \   /_    __  ((___/            /
/_________\_______/          /_____________________/        _______/\     \
  ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ··· /__________/ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ··· /__________/ Ä·dC! \     \
   __________________________________________________________________/     _\
 _\\          _______  __ _ _               _ _ __  _______              //_
|             ¿¿¿¿¿ ((______\( board logos )/______)) ¿¿¿¿¿                 |
|                                                                           |
|                   ##  it says...           for...                         |
|                   -----------------------------------                     |
|                   01  piranha              #oscompo                       |
|                   02  sector7              g00r00                         |
|                   03  cocteau              ozzeth                         |
|_________________        ___________________              _________________|
                  |%%%%%%|                   \\           \\
   _______________|%%%%%%|____________________\\           \\____________
 _\\      _______  __ _ _                         _ _ __  _______        //_
|         ¿¿¿¿¿ ((______\( group/people logos ]] )/______)) ¿¿¿¿¿           |
|                                                                           |
|                   04  mo'soul              #oscompo                       |
|                   05  deez'nuts            poise                          |
|                   06  poise                poise                          |
|                   07  hiro protagonist     #oscompo                       |
|                   08  secular #1           poise                          |
|                   09  secular #2           poise                          |
|                   10  k0re                 kempy                          |
|                   11  trsi                 #oscompo                       |
|                   12  kempy                kempy                          |
|                   13  deez'nuts            myself                         |
|                   14  impure               the impure crew                |
|                   15  remorse ascii        remorse - you guys alive?!     |
|__                                                                        _|
  )))_____________        _________________________________              ((
                  |%%%%%%|                                //           //
   _______________|%%%%%%|_______________________________//           //__
 _\\         _______  __ _ _                 _ _ __  _______             //_
|            ¿¿¿¿¿ ((______\( file_id logos )/______)) ¿¿¿¿¿                |
|                                                                           |
|                   16  empathy.diz          radman                         |
|                   17  k0re.diz             kempy                          |
|__                 18  impure.diz           myself                        _|
  )))_____________        _______________________________________________((


     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [01] says 'piranha'           for #oscompo |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

                         ________________________________________))         |
   ____________________))                                                   |
  |                                                                         |
  | ___________ _____                   _______                       _______
 ___\ __ _    /_)___//___________ ______)__   /_______________  ______)__   /
 \    \_______       __ -     __(_\    _  __     _    _    __(__\_    _  __/
  \________\ /        \____/      _______/ /_____/    /____,     _______/   |
 |          /__________\  /________\            /_______\ /_____/           |
 |                                                                          |
 |      >> pIRANHA - +o cAP_hOOD! <<            rUNNING pCBOARD 15.3        |
 |            iCE aNSI / oBV/X / fUBAR / pLF / sENSE / aCID '95             |
 |__                 tELNET to pIRANHA.zAPTO.oRG NOW!@#*                    |
    ))________________                                                   dC!|

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [02] says 'sector 7'            for g00r00 |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

     ______                          _______           __________
   _\\ ___/______      ________  ____)     /___________) _    __/___    ____
 __\__     \  __/___  /   ____(_/____     __ _       _       _      \ \|__ (_
/__________      __/_/___________\\/     / /_________/-------/       \dC!/  /
          /_____________/         /__   /__                 /_________\ /__/
 ----------------------------------  |_____|  -------------------------------

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [03] says 'cocteau'             for ozzeth |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

   ___))                      ((___
  |                                |   ______
  |                            ________)    /______
   __________            ______)  .___     ___    /
 __) _       \___________) _      _\ /    /,--' -'----,______________  ,-----,
 )   /______) _     __\    /______) /    /____  /-______,----,   _, (---\   _|
'---------\ '-------` '---------\  /_   /__dC!'-------\ )________\__,_______\
  .                                  |_____|
  |                                |
  |     welcome to cocteau...      |
  |___                          ___|

login: dedc!
password: _

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [04] says 'mo'soul'           for #oscompo |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

         úúúúúúú  ______________________________________
         úúúúúúú                                        //______________
         úúúúúúú          _________________                             |
      _______________    /               _/________________________     |
      \\            /_  /               _                         /     |
        \_____________\/________________/  ___                ___/      |
         úúúúúúú                     /________________________\         |
         úúúúúúú                                                        |
       ____________                                       __________    |
 ______\        __(__                             ________\        /________
 \     _\            \___________________________/                 \       /
  \_________________  ___            _          /         ________________/
         úúúúúúú   /_________________/____________________/
         úúúúúúú                                                    ____|
         úúúúúúú __________________________________________________\\dC!

   draw in three minutes for #oscompo. i'll never enter a compo late again.

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [05] says 'deez'nuts'            for poise |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

 >>_____________________\\                       //___________________ ______
 |           __________   _____________    _____________     ________ /_____/
 |  _________)        /___)___ _______/____)___ _______/_____)__    /_____  .
 | |           _    __         \        _       \        _         /      | |
 | |________________/___________________/________________/________________| |
 |            ________        _______________________        ___________    |
 |  __________\       |_______\       )___      ____/________\_____ ---(dC! |
 | |           \      _        \        _       \        _                | |
 | |________,_________/_________________/________________/________________| |
 |______________________                          _________________________<<

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [06] says 'poise'                for poise |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

                 ________________  _____  ________  ________
              ___\ __   _ _     (_|____//_\___ --(__) -  __/___
   _  __  ___ \    \____/_______          _____________       / ___  __  _
 _ \\ \_\ \__\ \______\  dC!  //          \           /______/ /__/ /_/ // _
 >>------------------------- //____________\ -----------------------------<<

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [07] says 'hiro protagonist'  for #oscompo |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

 _   ________    \\                   //___________________________________
|   \\      /_            ___________               ________________      //_)
|     \      _\_______  __)_________//_    _________\              //___     |
|     _\       _      \/            ___|___\         \__ --            /     |
\    /_________/      /_____________\     _\\  /_______/______________/      |
|             /_________\            \___________\                           |
|      ____________ _________          ________     _________                |
|  ____\   _ _    /_\       /(_________)_     /_____)___  __/_________       |
|  \    \_ /_____/   /_____/ __    ___       ___  _    '  \  _       /(_     |
|  \\________\ /_______\ /_________/ /      / //___________\_____      //    |
|                                  //__    /__          ________/     /      |
|   ···························        |______|        |_____________/  ···· |
|                  _________    ______        _________     __________       |
|      ____________)       /____)____//_______)___ ---/_____)        /___    |
|     / __    __             /          _        /      ___         ____//   |
|   //)_______/_______/     /__ ________/_______________/ /        /         |
|                    /_________\                     dC! /__      /____      |
|                                                           |__________\\    |
|_           hIRO fUCKIN pR0TAGoNIST!@*(     recognize.                     _|
 //____________________________>>_________                        _________\\

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [08] says 'secular' #1           for poise |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

 >  ______                             ________                             >
 |  \   _(___________ _________ ______|      _/____     _____________       |
 | __\__    _ --  __(_\     __(_\_    |     _      |____)__  / -   _(___    |
 | )________/____/    _____     ___________/_________  _     _____      \dC!|
 `=[ secular ]= /_____/ = /_____/ ================= /________/ = /_______\ ='

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [09] says 'secular' #2           for poise |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

              ___________ ______ ____|       |  ______________
           ___\   __ - _(_)  __(_\   |   /   |__\_    _ -   _(_  ::
        \ \\_____( /____________________/___)______^__/___/    \  ::
       - -- -->>-------------------------->>------ ^ --- /______\ ---.
                       ______ _____________   ____    ____ dC!       |
                ::  ___\_   /_\   ___   __(__|___/_  |___/_          |
               ::   )_____^_______\ /________      \_|     \_        |
                          ^                 /________________\\ \    |
            - -- ---<<------------------------------------------<<---'

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [10] says 'k0re'                 for kempy |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

     || :::::::::::::::: ||________________________________________________
 ______________  :::::::                                                   //
\\             | __________   ____________    __________       _______
  \           _|/         / __)     _    //___)  _   __//_____))   __/____
   \                      \/        /    _                 _          ___/___
   /__         |\          \_____________/________/        /________________/
    //_________| \__________\                    /________// dC!
     || :::::::::::::::: ||

       _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [11] says 'trsi'              for #oscompo |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

       _______\\                                                //_______

    __________ __  _      _______
   /__     __________   __)____//_  _______ __________   _______________
      /    _  --   _(___/         \_\___--(_\__    ___\__)__  _ --    _(_
     / ____/____/     _            \_________/      \/________/____/     \__ _
               /______/_____________\       /________\            /________ _
    _ ________     __________         _________
 _ __  --   _(_____\ --  ___(_________\       /
    /___/       ________,________  _   \     /__ _
       /_________\               \_____________ _
     _ __\___  --(____________   ________  ___________________________
      _ ____________ --   ___(_ /  _____(_\\_   ___( _    _ -      __(_
                   /______\__________\______/     ________/_____/      \__ _
                                           /_______\ dC!       /_________ _
       _______\\                                                //_______

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [12] says 'kempy'                for kempy |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

                   | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
 _______         _______  %%%%%%%%%  __________              ________
|      /_____  _)) ____/____        /         /_  ___________)      //___
|_    /    _/_/    _\__  _ /_____--/         __/__\    _    ___     /   /_
//___\        ___________\_______\/___________     \_ /______//______     |
  dC! \________\                              \_________\    _______/     |
                   | %%%  k E M P Y ! %%% |                 \\____________\

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [13] says 'deez'nuts ascii'     for myself |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

      ________________________________                   __________________
   __\\   __________                  //_______________\\                  //
   ______\\        /___________ _  ______________ _         ___________   /
  \\   _ __\     _____ /_   __((___\  __ /_   __((___________\__      /  /__
   /       ______/   /______\        / /______\       ___        ____/____  |
 _/__________\_              \______//         \______/ //________       /  |
   __             ____________                                  /_______//  |
    /           ___)         /  _ __________________ __________           __|
  //_   úúúú   /    _       /_____\     __      ___(_\_     _(________   \\
     |  úúúú //_____/       _      \     /___   \      _____         //  __\
   __|            _/________/_____________/  |_________ \        ___/   |
  \\    ___________                                  /___________\      |
  _____\\__      /____________   _____________        _____  ________   |___
 _\   _ __/     _____     __(____\_      ___(________\\__  )_)_____/__     //
 \        _____/ \ /_______      ___      \       ____      |         \_  /
  \_________\ dC!/          ____/ \______     ____/ /       |_         / /_
                /_____________\\        //______\  /__       /  ______/    |
    ___                                            _ )___________\\ _    __|
      /                                                                __\
    //___      DEEZ'NUTZ FUCKING ASCII MADNESS ...                 ___|

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [14] says 'impure'     for the impure crew |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

    ____    ªªªªªªªªªªª
  _)____//_________--_____________________    ______ ________  __________
 \        _ _______\/      ___     _ _  _/----\     |_  -  _/__\ -   _  /____
  \________|  /_______/  /   /_____ __________________       ___\______/
                         dC! /______|  |______\ 
            ©©©©©©©©©©©         impure ascii 1940. refreshing.

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [15] says 'remorse ascii'      for remorse |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

     .----------------------.                   .-----------------------.
________     _______    _____   ______ ______ _______       ______ ______
>__ -  '----< -   _(___\\____\-/     /> -    >   -  '----<__\__--(< -  _(____
 `-----\_____\----`----'      '-----' `------`------\_____\-------'----`----<
   dC! »    ________      ______ ________  _____   _____     .  ... ...  .
     | ¹¹¹  >    - '--->__\__--(<  ,/___/_;----(  ;----(    `:  :.: :.: `:
     | Îι '-----|____/---------'--------'|_____\\|_____\\  .:. ..: :.: .:.
     `----------------------' remorse ascii '81 `-----------------------'

    an experiment gone horribly wrong? the ascii, i mean. not the group. :P

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [16] says 'emp.diz'             for radman |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

           123456789|123456789|123456789|123456789|12345   x
               ________             ______  ________     | 1
               \ -  __(__ ______   /     /__)__ -  /     | 2
               /____ \   \\_____\_/_____//   / ____\     | 3
            _))dC! /_____/ ->>--------- /______\ iMP((_  | 4
           |                                           | | 5
           |   Empathy Pack #XXX                       | | 6
                      ... expand as needed ...           | 7
           |                                           | | 8
           |__________________________% 12/25/02 %_____| | 9

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [17] says 'k0.diz'               for kempy |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

           123456789|123456789|123456789|123456789| x
            _________                             | 1
            \        | _________ _____________    | 2
            /_       |/        /_\ __        (__  | 3
              )______|\        \\______________/  | 4
           ))------dC! \________\ --------------- | 5
                                                  | 6
                 la la la. k0re presents...       | 7
                                                  | 8
           --------------------%% 01/01/03 %%--(( | 9

     _____________  _______
 ___\\  ___--    //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------.
_\    ___(_      ___    \    /_| f u c k    t h e    s y s t e m    2 0 0 2 |
  \___\\   /    /  \________/    --==-------------- ------=-----------------+
--------( /__  /_ )------------+ [18] says 'imp.diz'             for myself |
dC!imp1940 //____\             `--------------------------------------------'

           123456789|123456789|123456789|123456789|12345  x
              _____           _____  _______            | 1
             _\___((______---/   //_\\ _ _  \           | 2
             \      ,_____\_/______/  /______\\         | 3
            _\\______| >>-----<< //______\ dC! __       | 4
           \\                                   /       | 5
            \\  impure ascii 1940 pack #33!&#  /        | 6
            / oldschool ascii l33tn3SS, b1tch! \\       | 7
           /____________________________________\\      | 8

                   \\                                //
                  __\\                              //__
                  \\        ]] end of colly [[        //
                   \\__                            __//

               _________________ _______
  ©©©©©©©©©©© _)    ________   (_\_____(___________          _____  ______
    _______   \     `____( /____/        _        /----,_____)_  /_/     /
   /      /____\     \     ___/    ______|-----/      _  _       _     _/
  /___________________\    \       /          /_______/_______,__()____\
    ___________         ____)     /__________        ______________________
   |_    _    (_--------\__      ___     -__/______  \     ________     __/
   //____/      \-________/     /  `------,       /___\    \  dC! /_____\
        /________)) dC!  /_    /__      //__________________\  ©©©©©©©©©©©©
               ____________|     ((___________________________

            |     _____                _____                    |
            |  _______// final notes //_______________          |
            |                                                   |
            |    that's it. pretty sad. anyway, feel free to    |
            |   criticize or request at dedchylde@hotmail.com   |
            |   as i said, i'm still working on my own style,   |
            |   so hopefully the next colly will be a lot more  |
            |             fluid and ... stylish.                |
            |                                                   |
            |     greets go out to all the impure!194o guys     |
            |      for being as supportive as possible and      |
            |     always hooking me up with art when i need     |
            |      it. also to the other oldschool artists      |
            |     whose works i've enjoyed over the years,      |
            |     especially biogenesis, phreak klass, and      |
            |    dwarf. and to poise/dzn... looking forward     |
            |       to doing that joint colly with ya....       |
            |                                                   |
            |        - dedc!imp194o                             |
             ))___        ____________________________________((
  ______________    ^^^%%|                            __________
__)    __      / __________      _________     _______\        /________
\       /_____/__\  _   __(______)   ____/_____\      _\     _/_)  ____/___
\\______________               ___    _\      _____________________       (_
  · dC! ······ /_______/       / /___________/ ············· /_____________/
                  ,_  /_______/

            |             _____            _____                |
            |          _______// credits //_______________      |
            |                                                   |
            |            dedchylde : ozzeth (impure1940)        |
            |               impure : pogue (impure1940)         |
            |          file_id.diz : pogue (impure1940)         |
            |                                                   |
             ))___        ____________________________________((
                  |%%%%%%|                   and finally...
                  |%%%%%%|                   ,$oo_
                  |%%%%%%|                    Y$PYb
                  |%%%%%%|                     Y$ Y$.
                  |%%%%%%`------------------'  `$[ Y$.
                  |%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%^^^^^^  $b  Y$.oooP$$$$Poooo_
                  |%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   ,,coooood$P   YP''        ''Y$$o
                  |%%%%%% ----------, ;$$i'''''                 ,odP''
                  ``----``             ``Y$oo.     dC!      ,odPP'
                                           'Z$$b          o$P'
                                          d$P''           YYboo_
                                       _o$P' __....,ooooooooo$$$$o.
                                     <$$$"''                       `'
                            mERRY cHRISTMAS tO aLL yOU aSCII mOTHERfOKKERS!
                         don't expect any more newschool from me anytime soon.

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ      ____ _____             ____
__ _ _\__/__ _  \  ____ ____|_  /_ _____
  ___\  _ __     \/   /__ _   |   \  .. |
 /    \    //    |  _ __      |  //  :: |
 \     \__/-\____|     //     |_/pO! :: |
.                                     . |
|  Dedchylde presents his first colly   |
|  entitled "fuck the system".          |
|                      .                |
| :.                   :             .: |

- 1ooo lines. whatever.

 |                                                                   \\  |
 |     :____.              .____.              .____.                 \\ |
 |     |    |____  _______ |    |     ________ |    |      _______     \\|
 |__ _ |    |    |_\__.   \|   _|___  \___.   \|    |    ._\__.   \_ _ _\\
 |     |    |    |    |    |   \_   \_    |    |    |   _|    |    |     \
 |     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |__/ |    |    |     |
 |     |    |    |    :    |    |    |    |    |    | /  |    |    |     |
 |     |    :    |    .___/|    |    |    :    |    :    |    :    |     |
 |     |         |    |    |    |    |         |         |         |     |
 |__ _ |         |    |    |    |    |         |         |         | _ __|
 |     ¯\_______/|____|    |____|    |\_______/¯\_______/|________/¯     |
 |                              |____|                                   |
 |                              :    :                                   |
 |           .____.                  .____.              .____.          |
 |   ________|    |      _________   |    |      _______ |    |  .____.  |
 | _/        |   _|___ ._\  _____/   |    |    ._\__    \_    |  |    |  |
 | |    .    |   \_   \|    __)__    |    |   _|    |    |    |  |    |  |
 | |____|    |    |    |    |    |   |    |__/ |    .    |    |  |    |  |
 |      |    |    |    |    |    |   |    | /  |    |    |    |  |    |  |
 |      |    |    |    |    :    |   |    :    |    |    |    |/\|    |  |
 |      |    |    |    |         |   |         |    |    |    :  :    |  |
 |      |    |    |    |         |   |         |    |    |            |  |
 |      |____|____|    |\_______/¯   ¯\_______/|____|    |\____/\____/¯  |
 |                |____|                            |____|·AbN·          |
 |                :    :                            :    :               |
 |                       dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:                       |
 |                                                                       |
 | aMiGa · pC · c64 · mAC · cONSoLe · aRCHiMEdEs · aScII  ( aTaRi sOOn ) |
 \                                                                       |
 \\          Node 1 :             Node 2 & 3 :         Node 4,5,6 :      |
 |\\     USR V.90 I-Modem          Euro  ISDN           24h Telnet       |
 | \\   +49-(0)30-44730311     +49-(0)30-44730312     utl.dyndns.org     |
 |  \\                                                                   |
                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.5 by SieGeL/tRSi]

               _ _  _                                  _  _ _
              /                                              \
             ·/(_____      sIMPLY t0 g00D f0R y0U!     _____)\·
            /                                                  \
                             <-- jUST a BBS -->
            \   _____                                  _____   /
             ·\(           sIMPLY t0 fAST for y0U!          )/·
              \_ _  _                                  _  _ _/