____________ ______ ____________. ___________ ____________ ._\ ______/(______)_\ __ |_\ _____/_.\_______ /_. | ___/ | | \______|\_______ | / | | \ | | \ | / | / | - --|________\----|______|________\----|_____________|p!--/________|-- - .____. ___|_ |____ .____.____ _______ ____ ________. ________. ._\ __ (____)____|_ (____)_\ ___/_(____)_\ __ |_\ __ | | / | | / | |\_____ | | / | / | | / | | / | | / | | / | / | - --|_________|____|\________|____|_________|____|_________|___/_____|-- - - -- -------------------------------------------------------FDIVAD--------- - After 5 years offline, the ultimate hideout is back. The place where firendship still rulez, First Division. All accounts are intact. - Amiga Elite - The Worlds Largest /X Conf. - DayDream Utils - - GBA - PC - Golden Games and Utils - Modules - Demo - Royal Swedish HQ - DC Scandinavian HQ - Uprough Swedish HQ Crude European HQ - Moods European HQ - Running DD/Linux with FTP/FXP Support - -* First Division - Not just a regular hangover *- tHIS fILE pASSED oNE of tHE lAST! _______ _ _________ _________ _ _\ ____(___ _\\\____ /_\ ______///_ | \ | |/ \_________ | | _ | ' | _ \/ | | \\\_ _/// | ¯\_ | | _/¯ `---------Ç-----------Ç-------dG' L·O·S E·N·D·O·S B·B·S _________ _ _ _________ _ _________ _ _________ _________ _ _\ ______///_\\\ _ /_\\\____ /_\\\____ /_\ ______///_ | _) | | | `/ | |/ \_________ | | _ | | | / | ` | _ \/ | | \\\_ | | _/ | _/// | ¯\_ | | | \ | | _/¯ `m!-------Ç-----|_____|----\______|-----------Ç---------' started in 1992........ .________________________________________________________. __ | | /_/\ ___|__¦______ ______________¦_______________________ _ _/\_|______ \_\/ \· | /_\______ /· | \_______ _ / /_________ o/ +: \\ | / ______// \ / // / / / // :o \_______/______| /______|______\________/________ /________ / .· | ¦ \/ | \/ | | . | U P H O L D T H E L A W | | | ______/\_|_______¦____ __________ _____ _____ _____ /\ _____ \ _ o _ / | ·\ / ___ / / /____/o /___\ _ / \ / \// \/ \\/ _____/ / / // /\ \\ / \ / /_________\_____|______\_______ / /________ /____________\___/\___/ | ¦ \/ \/ |Sk¡n |________________________________________________________| dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for: aMiGa · pC · c64 · sPecCY · mAC · cONSoLe · aRCHiMEdEs · aScII ReMeDy wHQ (Amiga) · U.D.O. wHQ (Amiga) rEAsOn wHQ (Amiga) · sCArAB wHQ (Amiga) · pHAnTaSY gHQ (8Bit) aERoSol gHQ (ASCII) · nUAnCe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga) Node 1 : sYSOp: Node 2 & 3 : USR V.90 I-Modem Euro ISDN +49-(0)30-44730311 rAMSes +49-(0)30-44730312 Node 4,5,6 : CosYSOp: oR tRy 24h Telnet remedy.dnsalias.org utl.dyndns.org gHANdY & bARocK remedy.yi.org -- nO RaTiOs !!! -- [begin colly] ,,----,, |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| ___ ___ ___ |%%%^ ____\(_______________/_(______________((__)__ |%^ __|___ _|___ |% \__/ ___/ | | Proudly from the Impure 1940 family.. | · : _\_____ _ ____./_ ______________ ______ _ _______\_ /---/_______\_ /____ _ _________ __|_______ __|____\_ /---/ \ __// __/ \ _ __// /-------/_| / --\ : / \ : __// __/ _ / \ _)-----/ \ ___\\ / : /.___ \ ____/ / . \ _)-----/ /-------\ //____/------\ /________/___|______| /___._\ /--------\ //____/_ . |___________\\ ozz!imp / oldskool.never.dies!! | | ___| # # d e d c h y l d e # # __|___ \\_._ \\_._/ | |_______________ _______________| |% _/------------\_ |%% |%%%__ |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| of the legendary |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| ^^^^%%| .---------.__________ |___ .:/ ________.-------------. _ __ _____// / \:. .:. pO(imp) ______ | __)\_ __ \______)\____________: ______)\_ __)_____(_____. / /________(__)_______\_______/_ \____|__\___ _// \\_ _____\/ ____ \____/\______\=======/___ _|____ _______\ /___ _|=====|_____\==/___ _|iMPURE!aSCii\:. \(=====/_____|=== \( : .:\( \ ___. . / \ \\_____ __ _ | / \ .. ______| |:. / `------' `----.____/ |%%%__ |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| impure ascii 1940 |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| presents... |%%%%%%| ___ |%%%%%%| ____,-------/______ _____ ,,-' _/___ |%%%%%%| \ ,-____\ - _/--//_/__-_(-------\>_ / |%%%%%%| //______\ >>___/ __\ )______>>_______< |%%%%%%| ··· /_______\ ··· ___ |%%%%%%| _____ _______ ____)---,___ ,,-' _/_ |%%%%%%| /__-_(----\\ '--\__ ___/__\>_ / |%%%%%%| )______/-----/ \/_________________</ |%%%%%%| `------'dC! |%%%%%%| _ //___________________ _ |%%%%%%| (/_ ______________________// _\) |%%%%%%| | | |%%%%%%| | | |%%%%%%| | his first ascii collection | |%%%%%%| | | |%%%%%%| | entitled... | |%%%%%%| | | |%%%%%%| | | |%%%%%%| | .<bÖ·._ | |%%%%%%| | `·. | |%%%%%%| |__ ~·, __| |%%%%%%| )) ÖÒÒÒÒÒÒ· · (( |%%%%%%| _/ Ö½ · \_ |%%%%%%| | Ö· · | |%%%%%%| | d·. ]. | |%%%%%%| | `½½ ^·. ]] | |%%%%%%| | `½ ~^·. d] | |%%%%%%| | ~^·,.' | |%%%%%%| | ~^P | |%%%%%%| | Ö·. .·, | |%%%%%%| | Ögg.._..··, |%%%%%%| | .dC!' `"' ~·, |%%%%%%| | Ö½ `½½½^' ~> |%%%%%%| .' ~` |%%%%%%| Ö½ |%%%%%%| ½½ | |%%%%%%| | |%%%%%%| | | |%%%%%%| | we all need to fuck tha sys... | |%%%%%%| | we all need to fuck tha sys... | |%%%%%%| | we all need to FUCK THA SYS... | |%%%%%%| | wH0RE! ... | |%%%%%%| : : |%%%%%%| : : |%%%%%%| . |%%%%%%| | ^^%%| ____________ _________ . __________\ \ | /__ _________ \\ /_________ \______| ((____________| | _________ / )________( / | _ /| |/ __/ /___________\ //___ _/ \_______/_| _( __/_ /______________) _ \ ··· FUCK ··· /__ )____________|/ \ :: ............. ::::::::::: ))______________/ // _________\ ______________ ___________ ___________ ________ ··· THA ··· ))__ ___(_| _ __(___\ __ _(____ __\ (___ \_ \ _____/ ________ \ \ \ _____/_______ ........ //__________/ //________/ /________\\ \_______ _ _(____ ________ _______ //__________\ //___\ __((_____)) /_________ .. :::::::::::: _____________)_____| ________ ___ __ --____(____ )__ ______________/ / ____/ / / /_ \_____/ ____ /________\ dC! /______\ /__ /_ )_______ \____\----/ \ //_____| _/ \ /______\ ··· SYSTEM! ··· :::: .................. :: /_________\// ( ]] in stunning technicolor freeflow oldschool style - where available [[ |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| i've been walking through your streets, |%%%%%%| where all your money's earning, |%%%%%%| where all your building's crying, |%%%%%%| and clueless neckties working, |%%%%%%| revolving fake lawn houses, |%%%%%%| housing all your fears, |%%%%%%| desensitized by tv, |%%%%%%| overbearing advertising, |%%%%%%| god of consumerism, |%%%%%%| and all your crooked pictures, |%%%%%%| looking good, mirrorism, |%%%%%%| filtering information, |%%%%%%| for the public eye, |%%%%%%| designed for profiteering, |%%%%%%| your neighboor, what a guy. |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| modern globalization, |%%%%%%| coupled with condemnations, |%%%%%%| unnecessary death, |%%%%%%| matador corporations, |%%%%%%| puppeting your frustrations, |%%%%%%| with the blinded flag, |%%%%%%| manufacturing consent |%%%%%%| is the name of the game, |%%%%%%| the bottom line is money, |%%%%%%| nobody gives a fuck. |%%%%%%| 4000 hungry children die per hour, |%%%%%%| from starvation, |%%%%%%| while billions spent on bombs, |%%%%%%| create death showers. |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| (( b00m! )) |%%%%%%| (( b00m! )) |%%%%%%| (( b00m! )) |%%%%%%| (( b00m! )) |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| - system of a down |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| _________________________ |%%%%%%| _________)) ((___ |%%%%%%| \\ //_ |%^^^^ ________ | ________ ____) /___ ________________ _|_ ________ ________\ (_\__ _____((_____ \ _ ((_ ))______/___\\ \ / / - _(___)__ / | /______\__________\ /_______/ )____________\\_ |__________ \ dC! ¯¯¯¯¯ _/__ /_ ¯¯ /______________\\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _ _ _)______\ ))______| _| _%%| //________________ ________________\\ |%%%%%%| // \\ ____|^^^^^^|______________________// \\___ __))_______________________________________________((__ //_______________________________________________________\\ | _____ _____ | | _______// introduction //_______________ | | | | dedchylde here, with my first ever ascii | | collection, and also my first release with | | the infamous impure 1940 family. | | | | there's not much to say, except that there | | are a lot of varying styles in this colly. | | some of this art is older stuff that's | | been laying around for a while, some of it | | is newer stuff from #oscompo competitions. | | i'm still working on a style of my own, | | so i apologize if i've inadvertantly done | | something that's already been done before. | | | | -dC!imp1940 | | | _________________________________________________________ \\_______________________________________________________// ))___ ____________________________________(( |xxxxxx| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| circumventing circuses, |%%%%%%| lamenting in protest, |%%%%%%| to visible police, |%%%%%%| presence sponsored fear, |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| battalions of riot police, |%%%%%%| with rubber bullet kisses, |%%%%%%| baton courtesy, |%%%%%%| service with a smile |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| beyond the staples center you can see america, |%%%%%%| with its tired, poor, avenging disgrace, |%%%%%%| peaceful, loving youth against the brutality, |%%%%%%| of plastic existence. |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| pushing little children, |%%%%%%| with their fully automatics, |%%%%%%| they like to push the weak around, |%%%%%%| pushing little children, |%%%%%%| with their fully automatics, |%%%%%%| they like to push the weak around. |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| a rush of words, |%%%%%%| pleading to disperse, |%%%%%%| upon your naked walls, alive, |%%%%%%| a political call, |%%%%%%| the fall guy accord, |%%%%%%| we can't afford to be neutral on a moving train! |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| - more system of a down :) |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%^^^ ________ ' _________ _ ____________ __\______((_ i n d e x _))_ | ))____ / _______ / _|___________ _________\ _|_____________ _ \ \/ / / \ _ /_____\ _ __\ \ /_ __ ((___/ / /_________\_______/ /_____________________/ _______/\ \ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ··· /__________/ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ··· /__________/ Ä·dC! \ \ __________________________________________________________________/ _\ _\\ _______ __ _ _ _ _ __ _______ //_ | ¿¿¿¿¿ ((______\( board logos )/______)) ¿¿¿¿¿ | | | | ## it says... for... | | ----------------------------------- | | 01 piranha #oscompo | | 02 sector7 g00r00 | | 03 cocteau ozzeth | |_________________ ___________________ _________________| |%%%%%%| \\ \\ _______________|%%%%%%|____________________\\ \\____________ _\\ _______ __ _ _ _ _ __ _______ //_ | ¿¿¿¿¿ ((______\( group/people logos ]] )/______)) ¿¿¿¿¿ | | | | 04 mo'soul #oscompo | | 05 deez'nuts poise | | 06 poise poise | | 07 hiro protagonist #oscompo | | 08 secular #1 poise | | 09 secular #2 poise | | 10 k0re kempy | | 11 trsi #oscompo | | 12 kempy kempy | | 13 deez'nuts myself | | 14 impure the impure crew | | 15 remorse ascii remorse - you guys alive?! | |__ _| )))_____________ _________________________________ (( |%%%%%%| // // _______________|%%%%%%|_______________________________// //__ _\\ _______ __ _ _ _ _ __ _______ //_ | ¿¿¿¿¿ ((______\( file_id logos )/______)) ¿¿¿¿¿ | | | | 16 empathy.diz radman | | 17 k0re.diz kempy | |__ 18 impure.diz myself _| )))_____________ _______________________________________________(( |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| ``----'' g0! _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [01] says 'piranha' for #oscompo | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' _________ ________________________________________)) | ____________________)) | | | | ___________ _____ _______ _______ ___\ __ _ /_)___//___________ ______)__ /_______________ ______)__ / \ \_______ __ - __(_\ _ __ _ _ __(__\_ _ __/ \________\ / \____/ _______/ /_____/ /____, _______/ | | /__________\ /________\ /_______\ /_____/ | | | | >> pIRANHA - +o cAP_hOOD! << rUNNING pCBOARD 15.3 | | iCE aNSI / oBV/X / fUBAR / pLF / sENSE / aCID '95 | |__ tELNET to pIRANHA.zAPTO.oRG NOW!@#* | ))________________ dC!| ))_________________________________________________(( _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [02] says 'sector 7' for g00r00 | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' ______ _______ __________ _\\ ___/______ ________ ____) /___________) _ __/___ ____ __\__ \ __/___ / ____(_/____ __ _ _ _ \ \|__ (_ /__________ __/_/___________\\/ / /_________/-------/ \dC!/ / /_____________/ /__ /__ /_________\ /__/ ---------------------------------- |_____| ------------------------------- _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [03] says 'cocteau' for ozzeth | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' ______________________ ___)) ((___ | | ______ | ________) /______ __________ ______) .___ ___ / __) _ \___________) _ _\ / /,--' -'----,______________ ,-----, ) /______) _ __\ /______) / /____ /-______,----, _, (---\ _| '---------\ '-------` '---------\ /_ /__dC!'-------\ )________\__,_______\ . |_____| | | | welcome to cocteau... | |___ ___| ))______________________(( login: dedc! password: _ _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [04] says 'mo'soul' for #oscompo | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' úúúúúúú úúúúúúú ______________________________________ úúúúúúú //______________ úúúúúúú _________________ | _______________ / _/________________________ | \\ /_ / _ / | \_____________\/________________/ ___ ___/ | úúúúúúú /________________________\ | úúúúúúú | ____________ __________ | ______\ __(__ ________\ /________ \ _\ \___________________________/ \ / \_________________ ___ _ / ________________/ úúúúúúú /_________________/____________________/ úúúúúúú ____| úúúúúúú __________________________________________________\\dC! úúúúúúú draw in three minutes for #oscompo. i'll never enter a compo late again. _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [05] says 'deez'nuts' for poise | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' _________________________ >>_____________________\\ //___________________ ______ | __________ _____________ _____________ ________ /_____/ | _________) /___)___ _______/____)___ _______/_____)__ /_____ . | | _ __ \ _ \ _ / | | | |________________/___________________/________________/________________| | | ________ _______________________ ___________ | | __________\ |_______\ )___ ____/________\_____ ---(dC! | | | \ _ \ _ \ _ | | | |________,_________/_________________/________________/________________| | |______________________ _________________________<< //_______________________\\ _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [06] says 'poise' for poise | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' ________________ _____ ________ ________ ___\ __ _ _ (_|____//_\___ --(__) - __/___ _ __ ___ \ \____/_______ _____________ / ___ __ _ _ \\ \_\ \__\ \______\ dC! // \ /______/ /__/ /_/ // _ >>------------------------- //____________\ -----------------------------<< _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [07] says 'hiro protagonist' for #oscompo | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' _____________________ _ ________ \\ //___________________________________ | \\ /_ ___________ ________________ //_) | \ _\_______ __)_________//_ _________\ //___ | | _\ _ \/ ___|___\ \__ -- / | \ /_________/ /_____________\ _\\ /_______/______________/ | | /_________\ \___________\ | | ____________ _________ ________ _________ | | ____\ _ _ /_\ /(_________)_ /_____)___ __/_________ | | \ \_ /_____/ /_____/ __ ___ ___ _ ' \ _ /(_ | | \\________\ /_______\ /_________/ / / //___________\_____ // | | //__ /__ ________/ / | | ··························· |______| |_____________/ ···· | | _________ ______ _________ __________ | | ____________) /____)____//_______)___ ---/_____) /___ | | / __ __ / _ / ___ ____// | | //)_______/_______/ /__ ________/_______________/ / / | | /_________\ dC! /__ /____ | | |__________\\ | |_ hIRO fUCKIN pR0TAGoNIST!@*( recognize. _| //____________________________>>_________ _________\\ //______________________\\ _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [08] says 'secular' #1 for poise | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' __________________________________________________________________________ > ______ ________ > | \ _(___________ _________ ______| _/____ _____________ | | __\__ _ -- __(_\ __(_\_ | _ |____)__ / - _(___ | | )________/____/ _____ ___________/_________ _ _____ \dC!| `=[ secular ]= /_____/ = /_____/ ================= /________/ = /_______\ =' _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [09] says 'secular' #2 for poise | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' _______ ___________ ______ ____| | ______________ ___\ __ - _(_) __(_\ | / |__\_ _ - _(_ :: \ \\_____( /____________________/___)______^__/___/ \ :: - -- -->>-------------------------->>------ ^ --- /______\ ---. ______ _____________ ____ ____ dC! | :: ___\_ /_\ ___ __(__|___/_ |___/_ | :: )_____^_______\ /________ \_| \_ | ^ /________________\\ \ | - -- ---<<------------------------------------------<<---' _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [10] says 'k0re' for kempy | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' ,------------------, || :::::::::::::::: ||________________________________________________ ______________ ::::::: // \\ | __________ ____________ __________ _______ \ _|/ / __) _ //___) _ __//_____)) __/____ \ \/ / _ _ ___/___ /__ |\ \_____________/________/ /________________/ //_________| \__________\ /________// dC! ________________________________________________\\ || :::::::::::::::: || `------------------' _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [11] says 'trsi' for #oscompo | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' ________________________________________________ _______\\ //_______ __________ __ _ _______ /__ __________ __)____//_ _______ __________ _______________ / _ -- _(___/ \_\___--(_\__ ___\__)__ _ -- _(_ / ____/____/ _ \_________/ \/________/____/ \__ _ /______/_____________\ /________\ /________ _ aND _ ________ __________ _________ _ __ -- _(_____\ -- ___(_________\ / /___/ ________,________ _ \ /__ _ /_________\ \_____________ _ _________ _ __\___ --(____________ ________ ___________________________ _ ____________ -- ___(_ / _____(_\\_ ___( _ _ - __(_ /______\__________\______/ ________/_____/ \__ _ /_______\ dC! /_________ _ iNCORPORATED! ________________________________________________ _______\\ //_______ _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [12] says 'kempy' for kempy | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' .----------------------. | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% | _______ _______ %%%%%%%%% __________ ________ | /_____ _)) ____/____ / /_ ___________) //___ |_ / _/_/ _\__ _ /_____--/ __/__\ _ ___ / /_ //___\ ___________\_______\/___________ \_ /______//______ | dC! \________\ \_________\ _______/ | | %%% k E M P Y ! %%% | \\____________\ `----------------------' _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [13] says 'deez'nuts ascii' for myself | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' ________________________________ __________________ __\\ __________ //_______________\\ // ______\\ /___________ _ ______________ _ ___________ / \\ _ __\ _____ /_ __((___\ __ /_ __((___________\__ / /__ / ______/ /______\ / /______\ ___ ____/____ | _/__________\_ \______// \______/ //________ / | __ ____________ /_______// | / ___) / _ __________________ __________ __| //_ úúúú / _ /_____\ __ ___(_\_ _(________ \\ | úúúú //_____/ _ \ /___ \ _____ // __\ __| _/________/_____________/ |_________ \ ___/ | \\ ___________ /___________\ | _____\\__ /____________ _____________ _____ ________ |___ _\ _ __/ _____ __(____\_ ___(________\\__ )_)_____/__ // \ _____/ \ /_______ ___ \ ____ | \_ / \_________\ dC!/ ____/ \______ ____/ / |_ / /_ /_____________\\ //______\ /__ / ______/ | ___ _ )___________\\ _ __| / __\ //___ DEEZ'NUTZ FUCKING ASCII MADNESS ... ___| |_________________________________________________________\\ _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [14] says 'impure' for the impure crew | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' ªªªªªªªªªªª ªªªªªªªªªªª ____ ªªªªªªªªªªª _)____//_________--_____________________ ______ ________ __________ \ _ _______\/ ___ _ _ _/----\ |_ - _/__\ - _ /____ \________| /_______/ / /_____ __________________ ___\______/ dC! /______| |______\ ©©©©©©©©©©© ©©©©©©©©©©© impure ascii 1940. refreshing. ©©©©©©©©©©© ©©©©©©©©©©© _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [15] says 'remorse ascii' for remorse | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' .----------------------. .-----------------------. | ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ +-------------------+ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ | ________ _______ _____ ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ >__ - '----< - _(___\\____\-/ /> - > - '----<__\__--(< - _(____ `-----\_____\----`----' '-----' `------`------\_____\-------'----`----< dC! » ________ ______ ________ _____ _____ . ... ... . | ¹¹¹ > - '--->__\__--(< ,/___/_;----( ;----( `: :.: :.: `: | Îι '-----|____/---------'--------'|_____\\|_____\\ .:. ..: :.: .:. | ÎÎÎÎËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËË +-------------------+- ËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËËË . `----------------------' remorse ascii '81 `-----------------------' an experiment gone horribly wrong? the ascii, i mean. not the group. :P _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [16] says 'emp.diz' for radman | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' 123456789|123456789|123456789|123456789|12345 x ---------+---------+---------+---------+------<-- ________ ______ ________ | 1 \ - __(__ ______ / /__)__ - / | 2 /____ \ \\_____\_/_____// / ____\ | 3 _))dC! /_____/ ->>--------- /______\ iMP((_ | 4 | | | 5 | Empathy Pack #XXX | | 6 ... expand as needed ... | 7 | | | 8 |__________________________% 12/25/02 %_____| | 9 _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [17] says 'k0.diz' for kempy | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' 123456789|123456789|123456789|123456789| x ---------+---------+---------+---------<-- _________ | 1 \ | _________ _____________ | 2 /_ |/ /_\ __ (__ | 3 )______|\ \\______________/ | 4 ))------dC! \________\ --------------- | 5 | 6 la la la. k0re presents... | 7 | 8 --------------------%% 01/01/03 %%--(( | 9 _____________ _______ ___\\ ___-- //_\___--((__ ,--------------------------------------------. _\ ___(_ ___ \ /_| f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2 | \___\\ / / \________/ --==-------------- ------=-----------------+ --------( /__ /_ )------------+ [18] says 'imp.diz' for myself | dC!imp1940 //____\ `--------------------------------------------' 123456789|123456789|123456789|123456789|12345 x ---------+---------+---------+---------+-----<-- _____ _____ _______ | 1 _\___((______---/ //_\\ _ _ \ | 2 \ ,_____\_/______/ /______\\ | 3 _\\______| >>-----<< //______\ dC! __ | 4 \\ / | 5 \\ impure ascii 1940 pack #33!&# / | 6 / oldschool ascii l33tn3SS, b1tch! \\ | 7 /____________________________________\\ | 8 __________________________________ \\ // __\\ //__ \\ ]] end of colly [[ // \\__ __// /____________________________\ _________________ _______ ©©©©©©©©©©© _) ________ (_\_____(___________ _____ ______ _______ \ `____( /____/ _ /----,_____)_ /_/ / / /____\ \ ___/ ______|-----/ _ _ _ _/ /___________________\ \ / /_______/_______,__()____\ ___________ ____) /__________ ______________________ |_ _ (_--------\__ ___ -__/______ \ ________ __/ //____/ \-________/ / `------, /___\ \ dC! /_____\ /________)) dC! /_ /__ //__________________\ ©©©©©©©©©©©© ____________| ((___________________________ __))_______________________________________________((__ //_______________________________________________________\\ | _____ _____ | | _______// final notes //_______________ | | | | that's it. pretty sad. anyway, feel free to | | criticize or request at dedchylde@hotmail.com | | as i said, i'm still working on my own style, | | so hopefully the next colly will be a lot more | | fluid and ... stylish. | | | | greets go out to all the impure!194o guys | | for being as supportive as possible and | | always hooking me up with art when i need | | it. also to the other oldschool artists | | whose works i've enjoyed over the years, | | especially biogenesis, phreak klass, and | | dwarf. and to poise/dzn... looking forward | | to doing that joint colly with ya.... | | | | - dedc!imp194o | _________________________________________________________ \\_______________________________________________________// ))___ ____________________________________(( |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| ______________ ^^^%%| __________ __) __ / __________ _________ _______\ /________ \ /_____/__\ _ __(______) ____/_____\ _\ _/_) ____/___ \\______________ ___ _\ _____________________ (_ · dC! ······ /_______/ / /___________/ ············· /_____________/ ,_ /_______/ |%%x__ ___|%%%%%%|____________________________________ __))_______________________________________________((__ //_______________________________________________________\\ | _____ _____ | | _______// credits //_______________ | | | | dedchylde : ozzeth (impure1940) | | impure : pogue (impure1940) | | file_id.diz : pogue (impure1940) | | | _________________________________________________________ \\_______________________________________________________// ))___ ____________________________________(( |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| and finally... |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| |%%%%%%| ,$oo_ |%%%%%%| Y$PYb |%%%%%%| Y$ Y$. |%%%%%%`------------------' `$[ Y$. |%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%^^^^^^ $b Y$.oooP$$$$Poooo_ |%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,,coooood$P YP'' ''Y$$o |%%%%%% ----------, ;$$i''''' ,odP'' ``----`` ``Y$oo. dC! ,odPP' 'Z$$b o$P' d$P'' YYboo_ _o$P' __....,ooooooooo$$$$o. d$$,oo$P""""""'''''''''`"YP$$$b <$$$"'' `' `' mERRY cHRISTMAS tO aLL yOU aSCII mOTHERfOKKERS! don't expect any more newschool from me anytime soon. @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ____ _____ ____ __ _ _\__/__ _ \ ____ ____|_ /_ _____ ___\ _ __ \/ /__ _ | \ .. | / \ // | _ __ | // :: | \ \__/-\____| // |_/pO! :: | -\\_____\--------|____/-\_____|---------+ . . | | Dedchylde presents his first colly | | entitled "fuck the system". | | . | | :. : .: | `-[iMPURE194O!ASCII]---+---[12.20.2OO2]-' : . @END_FILE_ID.DIZ - 1ooo lines. whatever. .------------------------------------------------------------------\\---. | \\ | | :____. .____. .____. \\ | | | |____ _______ | | ________ | | _______ \\| |__ _ | | |_\__. \| _|___ \___. \| | ._\__. \_ _ _\\ | | | | | | \_ \_ | | | _| | | \ | | | | | | | | | | |__/ | | | | | | | | : | | | | | | / | | | | | | : | .___/| | | : | : | : | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__ _ | | | | | | | | | _ __| | ¯\_______/|____| |____| |\_______/¯\_______/|________/¯ | | |____| | | : : | | .____. .____. .____. | | ________| | _________ | | _______ | | .____. | | _/ | _|___ ._\ _____/ | | ._\__ \_ | | | | | | . | \_ \| __)__ | | _| | | | | | | | |____| | | | | | | |__/ | . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | / | | | | | | | | | | | | : | | : | | | |/\| | | | | | | | | | | | | : : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |____|____| |\_______/¯ ¯\_______/|____| |\____/\____/¯ | | |____| |____|·AbN· | | : : : : | | dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for: | | | | aMiGa · pC · c64 · mAC · cONSoLe · aRCHiMEdEs · aScII ( aTaRi sOOn ) | \ | \\ Node 1 : Node 2 & 3 : Node 4,5,6 : | |\\ USR V.90 I-Modem Euro ISDN 24h Telnet | | \\ +49-(0)30-44730311 +49-(0)30-44730312 utl.dyndns.org | | \\ | `---\\------------------------------------------------------------------' [mULTI-cHECK v1.5 by SieGeL/tRSi] _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ ·/(_____ sIMPLY t0 g00D f0R y0U! 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