_ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
    · _____________ _    c!|______|mSS|____| |______ _  _ _____________ ·
 _ _:_\              ____       ____      _____      ____             /_:_ _
    |             ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_              |
    |            _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__            |
    |           /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /            |
    |           \___       \_____/    \____\     \__   \   \            |
    |             \  _______\   /______\    \  ___\ \_______\           |
    |              \/                        \/                         |
    |                                                                   |
    |             ÷  THE YARD BULLETiN BOARD SYSTEM 2k! ÷               |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                       WORLD HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |         AEROHOLiCS (GRAFFiTi) ÷ DiSCiPLES OF AGEEMA (MUSiC)       |
    |      ARCADE (ASCii) ÷ AEROSOL (ASCii) ÷ DREAM THEATRE (ASCii)     |
    |          SOUL SURViVORZ (MP3) ÷ THE ASCii CHARTS (ASCii)          |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      GERMAN HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |       LOW PROFiLE (ASCii) ÷ SiCK OF iT ALL (GRAFFiTi/DRUGS)       |
    |       OMEN (GRAFFiTi) ÷ TEQUiLA (MUSiC) ÷ PUNGAS (DAYDREAM)       |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                CONSOLES/AMiGA/ASCii/LiNUX/DAYDREAM                |
    |             GRAFFiTi/DRUGS/CLASSiCS/MP3/MOD/CHiPTUNES             |
    |                                                                   |
    |           2 NODES 33k6 / 2 NODES iSDN / 4 NODES TELNET            |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      [ THEYARD.DARKTECH.ORG ]                     |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      [ 49-ASKTHERiGHTPEOPLE ]                     |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
 _ _|__   " THE iDEA OF STYLE iS THE KEY TO ALL FORMS OF ROCKiNG "    __|_ _
    · /_______________________________________________________________\ ·

                                 __  ._   __
                                 (__ | ) (_/__
      _________________..::::.                        _ _________  _________
  .___\       /    .:::·· .::·__________        ________.____  ./__\       /
  |    \     /  |     .  .::·          /___.  _/   _____|  _/ _/  \_\     /
  |  \  \   /   '  __::.:::_\__   _ __/_   |__\___ __l__.  \       / \   /
  |   \    /_______/ ::::· \____    ___/   |     / \ '  |___\_____/\    /
  l____\  /[rLf]    .::::::.   \____/\___  .  __/_______|    oS!l___\  /
        \/            :  ··::::...      \__|__/                      \/
                      ·      ····
                           p  a  l  a  c  e
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                           * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ  *
                              * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                              * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                            * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                               *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                            tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn
                         <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0>

                           Wed Sep 13 20:07:47 1995

      ... _ _ __    _ _____ ________
------: :  \\\\//\______   \\__     \_  _
 14/5 : :______/ePSILOn/_____/dESIGn!///
------: _\_____       /   ___ _     //
-1995-:/    __/      /    \      __//
   _ _/     \_______/_     \      \_ __ _
    \\  /____________/_____________//
  -÷ fRAMe / c-LOUs  /  ePSILOn dESIGn ÷-
  presents a new ASCII collection called:
  -÷  o  p  e  n   --   d  o  o  r  s  ÷-

           - --÷×X  l U G n   s O m   e N   f I L B U N K e  X×÷-- -

                           ÷ Read this, or don't ÷

 Warning,  this  collection does not consists of any top quality ascii logos

 but  I haven't been very active when it comes to do ascii's.  I have mostly

 been  working on some "real" grafix and designing work in Deluxe Paint.  So

 I  am now mostly not doing any ascii logos at all except the most important

 ones for C-Lous, to my self or maybe some to my friends...

 Take  me  for the one I am and dont ask too much before your open your eyes

 for  trying enjoying this lame and serious ascii collection.  I am just the

 one  I  am,  sorry  for that.  (How can you be sorry for some one you don't

 know, like  or love?)  Be squared!  Find the secret of the security,  in my

 not so beloved  a s s !

     - --÷×  E  v  e  r  y  t  h  i  n  g   i  s   w  r  o  n  G  ×÷-- -

 A  short message to the fregments in my mind, Chrombacher and Fatal.  Well,

 I didn't see that cooperation collection so I started by my self to compose

 and  produce  my  5:th collection, hope you guys don't mind!  I don't think

 so..  My brain is feeling a bit ravin', so I'll go to bed now...

    frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame,
    frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame,
    frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame,
    and me....


                           _ __ _ __ _ V _ __  _ __ _
                  ._____ _     \\\\    :    ////     _ _____.
     _ ____ _  __ ':                                       :` __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/__:  ÷ fRAMe / c-LOUs ^ ePSILOn dESIGn ÷  :__\//\\/ _ __
      \_______ \/  :                                       :  \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____  gives you a new azq-I collection  ____     \_ _ __ _

                               \  (_____ _ __ _
   .............................\... __////
   :            _ ______ _       \ :  \_____ _
   :         ________   \//\______ .   ________     ________     ________
   :  ______/       /____/       /____/       /__ _/       /____/       /
   : _\____        /_____       /  __        /   Y        /____        /
   :/      \______/  _ _/    __/    l__   __/   \_/    __/  __/       /
  _/       ____/      \\      \_   ___/    \_    |      \_  \________/_ _ __ _
  \________|  _ ________\______/____l____\  /____l_______/____________////
   :                                      \/fRM/e^d
   :    ·

                            simpel, that's me!

            :::··                             :
            :·    ____   ____|  ____   ____   :   |__    |____   ____
     - ÷  (____l (    l (____l (___/_ |    '  :   l____, |    ) (___/_  ÷ -

                                           :    :            .---- - -  ._____.
    ______________ _ ___________ _ ________:  ._:____. _ ____|__ _ ____ |     |
.__/   __        /   __        /    ______/:_ | :    |          \    _ \|     |
|       /_______/__   /_______/_______     : \| :    |_____ o    \_   \ \     |
|_________________/_____|  _ _ ____________:__\_:_________/_______/    \ \_   |
         ......... ______________ _ _______: _ _:________ _ _|__ |      \_____|
   ......:...  ._:/   __        /    ______:__  :  _____/__     \|      |
  :     ....:  | :     /_______/_______    :  \ :  \____   \_  _ \      |
  :      :     |_:_______________/_________:___\:___________/___\ \_    |
  ·..............: splat/e^d               :    :        ..::|   \      |
                                           :...::  - --------'    \_____|

                           ,                     ,
                   - ÷ 3 p ) i l o n ÷  -  ÷ ð 3 ) i g n ÷ -

                       :::··             :
                     | :·    ____  |____ : ____  |
           - --÷ -÷  l____, (____l |____):(___/_ l____, ÷- ÷-- -

            with deep feelings and psychedelic mind experiences

            together with primordial secrets for you, entitled..

        .....................                         ____ _
        :.fRm/e^d. ________ :    ________      _____ _\ _    ________ _ __ _
        :  _______/       /_____/       /_____/  _ ___ \\ ._/       ////
        : _\_  __        /    __       /    __       /  \\|        //
        :/     \      __/    __/      /  _ __/      /    \\_    __/
 _ _ _ _/       \      \_    \_______/    \\_______/_     \_     \
    \\\\________________/_____|  _ _________________/_____|       \_
        :   ___________                                   l________/
  ......:...\__       /     ________      ________      ________      ________
  :  ___:____/_      /_____/       /_____/       /_____/       /_____/       /
  : _\_ : ____/     /   __        /   __        /_____        /   __        /
  :/    · \      __/    \      __/    \      __/    _/     __/    \________/
 _/     ·  \      \_     \      \_     \      \_    \       \__________   \_

         - --÷¤°~¯  ø · ¶ · 3 · n      ð · ø · ø · r · $  ¯~°¤÷-- -

                     Ohh, lord.. give me your clothes.

                         I would like to eat 'em.

                           _ __ _ ___________ _ __ _
                  ._____ _     \\\\         ////     _ _____.
     _ ____ _  __ ':           _  _  _  _ .__ ,            :` __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/__:        ÷ (_,| '(/_|_)||_,) ÷          :__\//\\/ _ __
      \_______ \/  :                                       :  \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____     squeezing ascii's done by:      ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/f:                                       :e\______////
                   :   ÷ f r a m e / c ! s  /  e ^ D ÷     :
                   :                                       :
                   :     epsilon design logo done by:      :
                   :                                       :
                   :              splat/e^D                :
                   :                                       :
                   :              that's it                :
                   :                                       :
                   :         - --÷-÷-÷-÷-÷-÷-- -           :
                   :        _  _  _  _ __ . _  _ ,         :
                   :     ÷ (_|| '(/_(/_l_,|| )(_|) ÷       :
                   :         '                  '          :
                   :             not it, it's              :
                   :                                       :
                   :           Chaos! / Desire             :
                   :           Yaffle / Insane             :
                   :           Slash / Citron.             :
                   :        Fatal / Obscene & E^D          :
                   :     Chrombacher / Obscene & E^D       :
                   :           Nemesis / Zenon             :
                   :           Radavi / Effect             :
                   :           Slime / Rebels              :
                   :        Beholder / Diffusion           :
                   :           Zenit / Compact             :
                   :           Adder / Infect              :
                   :        Mindphaser / Freezers          :
                   :       Spalatterhead / Analog          :
                   :          Hacksaw / Chrome             :
                   :        Suhu / Banal Projects          :
                   :           Trooper / Lego              :
                   :           Eightball / S!P             :
                   :           Falcon / Legacy             :
                   :           Decoy / Passion             :
                   :               Kestrel                 :
                   :           Darkhawk / Iris             :
                   :           MDB / Alcatraz              :
                   :           Virtue / Legacy             :
                   :         Immortal / Freezers           :
                   :       Dick / Damones & 6Crew          :
                   :            Swerx / Føda               :
                   :             Mass / S!P                :
                   :         Decadence / Vision            :
                   :           Fugazi / Taurus             :
                   :          Dr.Poison / Vixen            :
                   :             Raivo / Gac               :
                   :          Miklesz / Damage             :
                   :        Tsar1 / Balance & W^S          :
                   :     Crusader / Giants & Outlaws       :
                   :         Hysteric / Ram Jam            :
                   :          Helloween / Bronx            :
                   :           Wizard / Infect             :
                   :         Siriax / Fairlight            :
                   :         Rod / Banana Dezign           :
                   :          Chimera / Cadaver            :
                   :          Al Bundy / Jewels            :
                   :          Payday / Freezers            :
                   :      Darren / Balance & Scoopex       :
                   :           Pearl / Passion             :
                   :    2Fast / Avantgarde & aRTCORe       :
                   :           Sugar Ray / S!P             :
                   :            Jinx / Nebula              :
                   :         Limbo / Razor 1911            :
                   :          Cesium / Session             :
                   :            Nop / Saints               :
                   :          Acid / D-Version             :
                   :            Norby / TRSI               :
                   :          Oden / Razor 1911            :
                   :         Snuffy / Earthbound           :
                   :   Noodle / Facet's pussy / Desire     :
                   :           Cyryx / Excess              :
                   :         Kr'33 / Spaceballs            :
                   :          Wolfman / Balance            :
                   :     Gno / Obsession & Sardonyx        :
                   :           Rascal / Speedy             :
                   :             TMX / Jelly               :
                   :         Electron / Citron.            :
                   :          Lussar'n / Rebels            :
                   :       Colorbird / Razor 1911          :
                   :          Gangsta / Scoopex            :
                   :              Owl / Mns                :
                   :           Dvize / Devious             :
                   :          Devistator / Neo             :
                   :          Jeckbuzz/Y-Front             :
                   :            Vinzi/Yodel                :
                   :.. .       Pride / Stellar         . ..:

                   plus alle de andre jej bryker helse til...

                     coursie some gnejs to my fellas (?!)
                        in da Epsilon Design crew...
                               :             :
                               :    fATAl    :
                               : cHROMBACHEr :
                               :    jUAn     :
                               :   sANDMAn   :
                               :   hARPOOn   :
                               :    sPLAt    :
                           ....:    cRAZy    :....
                           :   :    sTASh    :   :
                           :   :.............:   :
                           :                     :
                         ..:.                   .:..
                         :     If you belive in    :
                         :   God then dont belive  :
                         :     those c-looser's    :
                         :                         :
                         : P  r  o  s   p  e  c  t :
                         : O    r    i     g     o :                                                     
                         : F    r    a     m     e :
                         : P      o      z       z :
                         : C      l      a       w :
                         : M  r .   M   y   g    g :
                         : C   r   a   z   y     D :
                         : S   t  a  r  d  u  s  t :

                          ÷ Never trust an animal! ÷

                          ÷ När det susar i säven! ÷


                           ÷ w A R M I N g   u P  ÷

  Humbidum..   I  was  thinking  of  it...   I  have never included any ascii

  respects to anyone in any of my collections.  Why, you might ask?  The real

  truth  is  that I don't have any respect for other ascii'ans..  NOOOOOOOOO!

  just kidding.  Damn funny, Aren't I?

  Well,  The real truth is that I'm not is very skilled when it comes to name

  the best.  The absolutely best ascii graphican is Vinzi of Yodel (?). He is

  the   only  one  who  makes  collections  that  you  can enjoy  while you'r

  watching,  there  is  some  kind of linking between the logos.  Other ascii

  makers  makes  their  collys  soo  booring,  it  is just houndreds of logos

  collected  into  one  file..  Hmm, That is the point of making a collection

  isn't it?   But anyway, I prefer watching collections from Vinzi instead of

  another  ones...   It  very  sad  that he dosen't makes any collections any


   The truth collected without any linkings between the lines of perfection.

     - --÷×  E  v  e  r  y  t  h  i  n  g   i  s   w  r  o  n  G  ×÷-- -

                                  _   | _    ,
                               ÷ (_,- l(_)(_|) ÷

                            · vi bringer dej acid ·

                           _ __ _ ___________ _ __ _
                  ._____ _     \\\\         ////     _ _____.
     _ ____ _  __ ':       .........................       :` __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/__:       :                       :       :__\//\\/ _ __
      \_______ \/  :       : c-lous is searching a :       :  \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____      : fuckin living board.. :      ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/f:       : contact me if you are :       :e\______////
                   :.......: intersted in any way. :.......:
                           : contact me via mail   :
                           : or phone(voice) sorry :
                           :                       :
 .......                   : We will ofcourse give :
.::::...... .....   .....  : you'r board thousands : .... .... ...   ........
 ::::      ::::  .....:::: : of BBS-intros! belive : ::::·::::·:::: ::::..::::
 ::::      :::: ::::..:::· :                       : :::: :::: :::: ·:::..
                           : ÷ Joakim Bengtsson ÷  :
                           :    Fjällsippev.14     :
                           :  S-31133 Falkenberg   :
                           ¦     S W E D E N       ¦
                   ........¦                       ¦........
                   :       | Tel. +46-(0)346/80703 |       :
                   :       |_______________________|       :
                   :                                       :
                   :   That thing above is probably also   :
                   :   for some mailtrading or some lazy   :
                   :   ascii ordering...    Do Not think   :
                   :   anything, belive it!  (Tumbelina)   :
                   :   Hej Matte, Michael, Janne, Patrik   :

                                  _   | _    ,
                               ÷ (_,- l(_)(_|) ÷

                               · cosmic  glide ·

                            some one is calling me...

                            mOBy is a fan of jesus!

                           _ __ _ ___________ _ __ _
                  ._____ _     \\\\         ////     _ _____.
     _ ____ _  __ ':                                       :` __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/__:    let's begin this soul-freezing     :__\//\\/ _ __
      \_______ \/  :    collection with some quite old     :  \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____   logos done by ME (ofcourse!!).    ____     \_ _ __ _
                           ,                     ,
                   - ÷ 3 p ) i l o n ÷  -  ÷ ð 3 ) i g n ÷ -

                           _ __ _ ___________ _ __ _
                  ._____ _     \\\\         ////     _ _____.
     _ ____ _  __ ':       .........................       :` __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/__:       :                       :       :__\//\\/ _ __
      \_______ \/  :       : If you'r looking for  :       :  \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____      : any special logo(s),  :      ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/f:       : I've wroted 'em down  :       :e\______////
                   :.......: here.. spank me!      :.......:
                           :                       :
                           :                       :
                           :     o1. Asciis        :
                           :     o2. Amiga         :
                           :     o3. Chat          :
                           :     o4. Comment       :
                           :     o5. Confs         :
                           :     o6. Console       :
                           :     o7. Demo          :
                           :     o8. Files         :
                           :     o9. Good Bye      :
                           :     1o. Join          :
                           :     11. Leech         :
                           :     12. Logoff        :
                           :     13. Menu          :
                           :     14. New User      :
                           :     15. News          :
                           :     16. Pc            :
                           :     17. Pd            :
                           :     18. Snes          :
                           :     19. Upload        :
                           :     2o. Last 10       :
                           :     21. Rebels        :
                           :     22. Polka B.      :
                           :     23. Pozz          :
                           :     24. Lost Carrier  :
                           :     25. Nuance        :
                           :     26. Gangsta       :
                           :     27. Scoopex       :
                           :     28. Pride         :
                           :     29. Lego          :
                           :     3o. Modules       :
                           :     31. Origo         :
                           :                       :
                           :     32. Fatal         :
                           :     33. Chrombacher   :
                           :     34. Juan          :
                           :     35. Sandman       :
                           :     36. Harpoon       :
                           :     37. Splat         :
                           :     ... Splat 2
                           :     38. Crazy         :
                           :     39. Stash         :

                        _   _   _       _  , __   _   _|
              - --÷×X  | ' (/_ (_| (_) (/_ ) l_, (/_ (_l  X×÷-- -
                           :                       :
                           :     39. Session       :
                           :     4o. Giants        :
                           :     41. Outlaws       :
                           :     42. Neo           :
                           :     43. Tsar1         :
                           :     44. Crusader      :

                          just search for the number.

                     They stinks but please don't hate me!

    If you have seen any of the logos before, then don't mind watching 'em!

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .o1  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _   ÷ a s c i i s ÷   _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

          ._______________ _ _  _   _
          |      _________    _________    _____________._____:    _________
       ___:_____/fRm/e^D /___/        /___/       ____  l___  ¦___/        /
 ______\__________ _    / __         / __         /     ·     | __        /____
 \__  ___    ____ _  __/   \________/   \________/|     :     |  \_______/  __/
  ·\  \/  .   \/      \_________   \_    \      \_|     ¦   _________   \/  /
 . ·::::::|
  . ··::::|  __/\  __   . ...a..s..c..i..i..s.... .
     · ·::l____/\\/__ _  _

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .o2  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _    ÷ a m i g a ÷    _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

          ._______________ _ _  _   _
          |      _________    _____________.      _________    _________
       ___:_____/fRm/e^D /__ /        /__  l_____/        /___/        /
 ______\__________ _    /__ Y        /     ·   __        /______     _/____
 \__  ___    ____ _  __/   \_/   ___/|     :   _\_______/    __    ___  __/
  ·\  \/      \/      \_    |      \_|     ¦   \___    \_    \/     \/  /
 . ·::::::|
  . ··::::|  __/\  __   . ...a..m..i..g..a... .
     · ·::l____/\\/__ _  _

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .o3  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _     ÷ c h a t ÷     _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

             ·    /\_
             : /_/fRm/e^D          _ _____ _
             ¦//  ________     ________   \//\______      ________
           __|___/       /__._/       /____/       /_____/       /
          _\___         /   |        /   _        /____         /
         /     \_______/  _ |     __/  __|     __/   /     ____/
       _/       \     \_  \___     \_  \___     \_ ////     \_
       \_______________/____|_______/____|_______/ ///_______/
                                             _ ___////

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .o4  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _  ÷ c o m m e n t ÷  _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

                            _ __ _____ _                  ·
          _______   _______   _______ \//\_____   _______ : _______    _______
     ____/      /__/      /_ /      /_ /      /__/      / |/      /___/      /
    _\_        / __ _    /  Y      /  Y      /______   / \|      /____      /
   /   \______/  \   ___/  \_/  __/  \_/  __/ \_______/  _\_  __/  /   ____/
 _/     \    \_   \    \_   |    \_   |    \_  /     \_   \_   \ //     \_
 \____________/_________/___l_____/___l_____/_________/___l____\\ /______/

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .o5  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _   ÷ c o n f ' s ÷   _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

                                        _ _____ _
                ________   ________ · ________ \//\______   ________
         ______/       /__/       / ¦/       /__/       /__/       /
        _\__          /  ___ _   / \|       /__        /          /
       /    \________/   \  _ __/  _\_   __/   \______/ \________/
     _/      \      \_    \    \_   \_    \_   ____/_________   \_
     \_______________/__________/___l___\  /____|fRm/e^D _ ______/

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .o6  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _  ÷ c o n s o l e ÷  _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

                            ·  _ _____ _                  ·
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      :  _______/      /_/|_/      /____/      /____/      /__ _/      /
      : _\___         / __|       / _ __      /  __ _     /   Y       /
 .....:/     \_______/  \___   __/   __/   __/   \     __/   \_/   __/
 : _ _/       \     \_    |     \_   \      \_    \     \_    |     \_ _ __ _
 :  \\_______________/____|______/____\______/___________/____l______////
 :÷fRm/e^D÷ _______     _______     _______  .  _______     _______     _______
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 : _\______      /  __       /__         / __|       /   __      /  ___      /
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 :                                                :
- -÷× cHROMBACHEr / oBSCENe  /  ePSILOn dESIGn ×÷- -

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .33  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _     ÷ j u a n ÷     _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

                        _ _____ _          :         _____ _ _
                    /\______ : \//\______  :  _______\ __ _ /(______ _ __ _
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         \  /____________/____________/____|_______/_____l____\  //\__ _
          \/÷fRm/e^D÷        :             :                   \///\
                             : ÷ j U A n ÷ :

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .34  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _  ÷ s a n d m a n ÷  _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

                          ____ _   _ ___ _________     _ _____ _   ____ _
 ......... . ______    ___\ _ _  ______ \\__     /  _______   \//\_\ _ _  ______
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·fRm/e^D\________/                :         \/
 :                                :
 : -÷× sANDMAn / fAIRLIGHt  /  ePSILOn dESIGn ×÷-

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .35  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _  ÷ h a r p o o n ÷  _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

   :       _ ____ _                  :                   __
   :     ._______\//\______  ________: ________  ________\//\______  ._______
   :  __/|      /_/       /_/       /_/       /_/       /_/       /_/|      /
   : _\ _|   __/  __   __/  __     /  __     /  __   __/  __   __/  _|   __/
   :/   \__   \  __/    \  __/  __/  __/    /   \     \   \     \   _\_   \
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 \\______|______/__|______/__|___\  /__|     _ _________/_________/__|___\  /_
   :                              \/÷fRm/e^D÷                             \//
   : ÷ hARPOOn / sKId rOw  /  e^D ÷  :

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .36  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _    ÷ s p l a t ÷    _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

   ......................................   ___ _
   :            _ ______ _              :  /____ _
   :         _________  \//\______   .  /\//           ________      ________
   :  ______/        /___/       /__/| //\/    _______/       /_____/       /
   : _\   ____      /  __       /  __|_________\_   _        /____         /
   :/  \  \________/  __/      /   \___    __/    __/     __/   /    _____/
  _/    \_____    \_  \_______/      /      \_    \___     \_ _/      \_
  \________________/____|    \_______________/______|____\  / \________/
   :                                    :        ÷fRm/e^D÷\/
   : --÷× sPLAt / dD sTYLe  /  e^D ×÷-- :

               .   ·
         ..    :/\   \:·
      .:::     /  \___\:
    .::::      \  /   /
   :: ::        \/___/
  ::  ::                           :::     _ _______ _                    ....
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   ::.   ..::::. ·  \________/:::      ::::.:. .  \___     \_        ·::.
    ··:::::··_·________|     ::::.......::::·_______|_______/    . ...:::..

                   I just had too.... Hi e^d:s.........

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .37  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _    ÷ c r a z y ÷    _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

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       /     \_______/    _/    __/  __/     __/______/     /    |     __//  /
     _/       \     \_    \      \_  \___     \_   ________/________    \_
 _ __\  /____________/_____\______/____|_______/_________ _   ________\  /__ _
     \\/     ___    ____   ____  ___    _    _    · _ _______/÷fRm/e^D÷\//
       : -÷ (____, |    ' (____l   /___ \____/ ÷- :.....................:
       :.................................._ /.....:

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .38  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _    ÷ s t a s h ÷    _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

       :        _ ______ _                       :  __
       :    ________    \//\______      ________ :  \//\______      ________
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   /  \  \_______/   /     ____/  __/      __/  \  \_______/  \___     __/
 _/    \____    \_ _/       \_    \___      \_   \____    \_    |       \_
 \_______________/ \______\  /______|________/_____________/____l________/
       :                   \/÷fRm/e^d÷           :
       :                                         :
       : -÷× sTASh / cRAZe  / ePSILOn dESIGn ×÷- :

        :........................            _____
     _____   ______   _____     :     ______ \____'|___     ______   _____| |
    |   : ' (_____/_ (_____| (_____l (_____/_  _ / l_____, (_____/_ (_____l .
 _ ___  /\                -|                   \/
   fRm\/:.\/\............................................ ... .. .  .
           /\\  ______ _
           ¯¯ \/

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .39  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _  ÷ s e s s i o n ÷  _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

                    - --÷×  fOr cESIUm / sESSIOn  ×÷-- -

      _ ____ _       :                   :           _ _____ _
  _ _____ _ \//\____ :  ______    ______ :  ________        \//\____     ______
   __________/     /___/     /___/     /___/  _(____)________/     /_.__/     /
   \     __       /  __     / __      / __    \__  ___   __       / _|       /
   _\    \_______/  __/    /  \______/  \______/    \    \     __/  _\_   __/
 _/  \______    \_  \_____/_____    \_____    \_     \_   \_    \_   \_    \
 \_______________/________________\  /_________/______/__________/___|      \_
                     :             \/    :                  ·fRm/e^D·l_______/
                     : ÷ sESSIOn ÷       :

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .4o  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _   ÷ g i a n t s ÷   _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

               - --÷×  fOr cRUSADEr / gIANTs  /  oUTLAWs  ×÷-- -

          :    _ _____ _       :                _ _____ _
          :   ________\//\___  : ________    ________  \//\______    ________
      _______/       /_/    /___/       /_._/   _ __/___/       /___/       /
     _\_  _         /      /  __ _     / _|    _ __/____       /  __       /
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  _/     \____    \_     \_  ___/    \_   \_     \_ _/     \________     \_
  \_____________\  /______/___l_______/___l_______/_\  /__________________/
          :      \/            :                    \\/·fRm/e^D·
          :          ÷gIANTs÷  :

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .41  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _  ÷ o u t l a w s ÷  _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

               - --÷×  fOr cRUSADEr / gIANTs  /  oUTLAWs  ×÷-- -

  .../\.................................. _ _____ _
  : /  \_  ______    ______    ______   :        \//\____    ______     ______
 _:/ _____/     /_._/     /___/     /_. :  _______/     /_._/     /____/     /
 \/ _\_ _      /  |      /___      /  |____\_  ___     /  |      /  __      /
  :/    \   __/   |   __/  /  ____/   |   __/  \_   __/   |   __/   \______/
 _/      \   \_   |    \_ /    \_     |    \    |    \_  /¯\   \  _____   \_
 \____________/_________//  /___/______     \___|_____/_____    \ /________/
  :                     / \/·fRm/e^D· \______/             \_____/

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .42  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _      ÷ n e o ÷      _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

                      - --÷×  fOr dEVISTATOr / nEo  ×÷-- -

                     ____ _    _ ______ _
                     \ _    ________   \//\______     ________
                    __\\ ._/       /____/       /____/       /
               ___ _\_ \\|        / _ ___      /  __ _      /  ____ _
             __ _//     \\_   ___/   __/      /   \      __/_/ ___
         _ __/_/_/       \_     \    \_______/_    \      \_\___ \_
              \ \________|       \____________/____________/  \_ _

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .43  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _    ÷ t s a r 1 ÷    _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

              - --÷×  fOr tSAR1 / bALANCe  /  wILd sTYLe  ×÷-- -

             :                     :
             : ÷tsar1 / blc / w^s÷ :     _ __ ______ _      _ ______ _
           _________     _________ :    _________   \//\_______     \//\____
 _________/        /____/        /_____/        /____/        /  ____/     /
_\______          /  ______     /   __ _       / _ ___       /___\__    __/___
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 _ _/        \__________      \_    ___/     \_     \      \    _/        \//
  \\___________________________/______\_______/______\      \_  \__________/
             :                                .fRm/e^D\______/
             :......... .. .

     _ ____ _  __                                             __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/_____________________________________________\//\\/ _ __
 .44  \_______ \/                                             \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____ __ _  _ ÷ c r u s a d e r ÷ _  _ __ ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/ :.......................................: \______////

               - --÷×  fOr cRUSADEr / gIANTs  /  oUTLAWs  ×÷-- -

                 :            _ ___:_          _ ____ _________
          ______ : ______   ______ \//\____   ______ \\__     /  ______   ______
  _______/     /__/     /_./     /__/     /__/     /___/_    /__/     /__/     /
 _\____       / __     /  |     / _      /  _     / ____/   / __     / __     /
/    \_______/  _/  __/   |  __/  \_____/  _/  __/   \   __/  _/    /  _/  __/
      \     \   \    \_   |   \______  \_  \_   \_    \   \_  \____/_  \    \_
_______      \___\____/_____\  /________/___|____/_________/________/___\_\  /_
      \_______/  :           \/÷fRm/e^D÷                                   \//
                 : ÷cRUSADER÷      :

 I'm  sorry for the lack of design in this quite bad ascii collection, but I

 does not feel for the moment to change anything.

 for  the  moment  I  feel like fuck to change my style but I don't have the

 propotions  for  getting  my eye's in the right position.  eat my ground to

 get  your hands of my pants  and let my mind get mobed,  moved and circled.

 I  think I will end this quite "less of logos" collection.  See other logos

 from  me  in  another  ascii  collection  by  me  or in personal letters or

 somewere else...  Be there!

                                  _   | _    ,
                               ÷ (_,- l(_)(_|) ÷

                            · vi bringer dej acid ·
                      · tillsammens suser vi dei i säden ·

                           _ __ _ ___________ _ __ _
                  ._____ _     \\\\         ////     _ _____.
     _ ____ _  __ ':       .........................       :` __  _ ____ _
      __ _ \//\\/__:       :                       :       :__\//\\/ _ __
      \_______ \/  :       :                       :       :  \/ _______/
   _ __ _ _/     ____      :  mine ende tekksten   :      ____     \_ _ __ _
       \\\\______/f:       :                       :       :e\______////
                   :.......:  isch komming uppen   :.......:
                           :                       :
                           :  whilen minen soule   :
           german!         :                       :
                           :  etter mine bittres   :
                tyska!     :                       :     tyskasnastika!
                           :  sorges ine runtine   :
    tysklys!               :                       :            germaniska!

                           ð o n t  y a  t h ¡ n k ?

 Schloubb  kgroubb  schlouss  - c-lous in yar travelling brain washed heart.

 So, the end is taking the globing truth together with my cykled inlfuence.

 It is now going to be some words about some different thoughts by me, first

 about  the  C-Lous  intro's  and  then  some  poetic  words  about "normal"


 Before you'r reading this you should know that I'm not only a ascii gfx:er.

 I am also a mailtrader and an IFF graphican !!

 Well, If you think we are releasing too much shit then you thinks quite ok.

 Actually that's our point of view, is'nt it Origo?  Talking about him..  He

 is  the  only  coder  I  know  who loves to make the most simpel, unserious

 things.  Well, the numerous of intros is not his fault, it is mine I think.

 In  my  most  innest minds I loves to send own production, they aren't very

 good  but  it  is  ofcource better to send an own bad production instead of

 sending a good production that everyone allready has for weeks ago..  Ain't

 I'm saying the right things?

 Well,  this  text was mostly pointed to the thousands of swappers out there

 who  dosen't  have  anything to send.  Join a group with some active coders

 and  start  to  design  by your self.  If your group doesn't consist of any

 cool graphican's ofcource.  There is a difference between "COOL" graphicans

 and "GOOD" graphicans when it comes to the pixeling and thinking.  A really

 cool  graphican  for an  example is with no doubt  W A L T  of  M E L O N .

 Also  Sunny  and  Pixie  are cool filosofers.  I don't say that I am a cool

 graphican  because  I  aren't!!!  A "good" graphican in my point of view is

 Cougar of Sanity, Electron of Citron,  and a lots of other master machines.

 Personal Styles are very important!

 Well,  If  you  have  another  point  of viewing then write an article in a

 diskmag  or  anything...   I would really like to hear other people talking

 about this different subject...

 Stay cool, then you'll be good. (Shit, this line destroyed my hole article.)

     - --÷×  E  v  e  r  y  t  h  i  n  g   i  s   w  r  o  n  G  ×÷-- -

 Now  I  should  say something about some comming productions from C-Lous in
 the year of 1995.

 When  you  are  reading  this  line, an intro should be out called "Dildo".
 That  intro  was  planned  by me and I travelled to Origo, Pozz and Claw in
 Gothenburg to start on it.  It is a very little, very unserious intro which
 dosen't mean anything.  It is absoloutley nothing special at all!!

 When  I was there I had painted a backgroundspicture at home in 2 bitplanes
 for  our musicdisk which will be called "HIGH TIMES".  That thing should be
 out  in  a  couple  of  weeks  I  guess.  It consists of modules from our 2
 musicans, Mr.  Mygg and Claw.

 Hmm..   C-Lous  will  ofcource  be  present  at  the big event this year in
 Sweden,   Junction'95   in  Linköping,  held  by  Razor  1911,  VD-FLT  and
 Triton(PC).   We  will  probably  release  2  demos there.  One bigger demo
 filled  with raytraced animations done by Claw in Lightwave.  The demo is a
 science-fiction  story  which Claw have planned for about 2 years.  But the
 work  with  design  and  the rendering has almost beginned.  Let's see what
 we'll get.

 Credits:  Code by Origo, Music, design and rendering by Claw.

 The  2:nd  demo at the Junction will be coded by Prospect.  It will consist
 of  only 3-4 routines I think, but that can ofcource be changed.  That demo
 will  also  include  a raytraced animation by Claw (hopefully).  The design
 will be done by me, it is just some simple design with short animations and
 backgroundpictures by me.

 Credits:  Code by Prospect, Music by Claw, Artwork and design by me (Frame)

 Well,  we haven't planned anything else this year but we will maybe release
 an  INTRO  at  the  Junction'95, but that haven't we spoked about that.  We
 will ofcource release some intros during this year, maybe some packs by me.
 That packmenu is almost finnished, but I don't feel for the moment to start
 all  over  again  to  start  a pack-serie.  It is quite alot of work with a
 project  like  that,  let's  see.  If we'll go to Assembly we will ofcource
 release  something, our (mine) motto is that we must release anything if we
 are  at  a  party.   Let's  if  we will go there, at least me and Claw have
 spoked  about  that  for  a long time ago, I think it was at the ferry home
 from The Party 4.

 So,  I think this was the hole fucking storry about our year, 1995.  I will
 maybe release an ascii collection but I can't promise anything.

 It could be the end here and it is...

     :       _ ____ _                  :                __
     :     ________\//\______  ________: _____  .       \//\______  ._______
     :  __/       /_/       /_/       /_/    /_/|   _ ___/       /_/|      /
     : _\  __    /  __     /  __     / _____/   |____    __   __/  _|   __/
     :/   __/   /  __/    /\  \_____/      \    |    \   \     \   _\_   \
  _ _/    \____/ \_\_____/  \____    \_     \_  |     \_  \     \_  \_    \_
   \\  /__________/__| _ _____________/______/_________/_________/__|___\  /_
     \/fRm/e^D ._______  ________  ________  _____  ________  ._______   \//
     :      ___|__    /_/       /_/       /_/    /_/       /_/|      /
     :     _\  __/ __/   __    /  __     / _____/  _____  /  _|   __/
     :..../    \    \   __/   /\  \_____/      \   \__  \/   _\_   \
 _ __ _ _/      \    \_ \____/__\____    \_     \_   \    \_  \_    \_ _ __ _
     \\\\  /__________/___________________/______/_________/__|___\  ////
        \\/                                                        \//
                         _  _ ,.| _  _     _| _ ,. _  _
               - --÷×X  (/_|_))|l(_)( l - (_l(/_)|(_|( l  X×÷-- -
                           `                        '

                         . still kicking ass in 1995 .

 Jag  måste  tillägga  att "Hockey night gala award" på TV 3 var mycket bra.

 Över  min  förväntan  faktiskt.  Jag trodde att det skulle bli något ganska

 tafatt och tråkigt program men ack, ja, ja.  Tiderna förändras.

 Well,  I  still  haveto write something to complete my inner competition to
 get  the  size  bigger  and  bigger  of my ascii collections each time I'll
 release  them.   My  first  ascii collection was only in the size of 21909.
 That can ofcource be competed by everyone.  I beated that size very easy in
 my secound collection, and by the way, that collection was the lamest ascii
 collection ever released.  I was only in the age of 13 I guess.

 I  have  only 120 bytes left so I guess I haveto end here now..  Wait, some
 more, more, more and more.  Ok, this will be the..

                             Wed Sep 13 20:07:48 1995

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                           p  a  l  a  c  e
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                           * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ  *
                              * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                              * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                            * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                               *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                            tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn
                         <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0>

                         /___________ø_ [%* tHE YARd BBS 2k! *%]
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