... _ _ _ _ ... :::: \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY /// :::: :::_ .___. \ / _::: :://-- | |-----\ 24h Static Telnet on broadband ADSL /--------// :: |. .___. _:____ _ ___ _: _ _| |_ \_ // // /____ __ _ cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFF/=C64 \: \\\_ _/__/ /___ _ /__||/// mACINTOSH/mUSIC/sAMPLES ____ | |_ \_\ \ /____/ _ _____ _ _____ ./ _/ . . /_ \________\________\\ ._) _ \\______\__ \____| \_ _ _: _ : \______\\t^/lp! ____ | _/ / / \ _| _////__\\ / /___ \ \ __ \\ _/__\| \ :/ > theyard@graffiti.ag < _ / / __//__\______\\_\ /_____/ \ \ : : _ //_____\\: \ /___| \_________\ _. -.----\\-----------------------| |----- .-----------||-------- ----/: | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9603 |_ -@----------------------------._____.---------------------------------@ [non-relevantinfoabovethislinethisisline01(C)2003nUP/p^A&cRb/e^D"titlegoeshere"] __ _______ ____. _______ _____ _ /_____ _ ____:_ _ _____ _____ _. [.chrombacher] ____/ _|__ __/_ \_/ \ / _| ____. __/_ \_| __/_ \._/ \__/ ._/ __/ \\ \/ |/ ._/ __/| / /___/|___ _. |___ \_. \ \/ / |__ \_. / / \_.|\______|___|\_____|________/ ||____\___________| \__________| _ /________|Šnup/p^a _____ : _.___ ____ // _____ __/_ \_| | /____ | ____ ____. __/_ \/ ._/ __/Ś : / \ ř__/_ \_/ _|__/ ._/ / |___ \_. / \/ /____/ ._/ \ |_____/Ż\___|\_____| / / / \_.|___ \_._______/ . //_ \__________|__|\______| __ ___|___ . /___________._\_ (__)(__ | / Ś . 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Logo....:.:.....:........Artist...................For...:.....:.:....... :.up.rough......:.........:.nUP!...................:.dino............... :.up.rough......:.........:.chRomBacher............:.dino............... :.trueschool....:.........:.nUP!...................:.dmg:............... :.trueschool....:.........:.chRomBacher............:.dmg:............... :.the.yard......:.........:.nUP!...................:.zaner.............. :.stop.that.rain:.........:.nUP!...................:.dipswitch.......... :.sal-one.......:.........:.chRomBacher............:.sal-one............ :.laphroaig.....:.........:.nUP!...................:.sperm whale........ :.jpv/rno.......:.........:.nUP!...................:.jpv:............... :.feeding.the.masses......:.chRomBacher............:.darkus............. :.feed.the.masses.........:.nUP!...................:.darkus............. :.euphoria......:.........:.chRomBacher............:.dino............... :.elend.........:.........:.nUP!...................:.elend.............. :.dmg...........:.........:.chRomBacher............:.dmg:............... :.dixieland.....:.........:.nUP!...................:.general lee........ :.divine.stylers:.........:.chRomBacher............:.dino............... :.dino..........:.........:.chRomBacher............:.dino............... :.darkus........:.........:.chRomBacher............:.darkus............. :.acid slam.....:.........:.nUP!...................:.digiman............ :.abho..........:.........:.chRomBacher............:.abho............... .......|... | : |__:____________________________________| . : . :... . . . : | | | | | | ..I've heard that one should have a title for the collection | | | : : . . . . . : | ..so, in the spirit of good will and democracy we will give | YOU the choise to express YOUR human right and YOU may therefore | give it a name of YOUR choise.. ..well it sounds better than actually admitting that we didn't have a clue of what to call it :) | | | | _ __________:___ _________ ___ /_ ____ \\\ _ /| \ _ // / __/_ \ - t i t l e - \__ / ř \__ / / /--/ / / ._ / Ą \ / / / \_ /___/-\_ _ _____ __ _ __ _ _ ____. | \\_____|_____/ \___\________/________/ _ __ //_//// | . | ŠnUP!/p^A ____ _______ ____ /__/__ | \.| __/_ \__/ _ \_/ __/__// ___/____- g o e s - | \\ / /___/. // / ____/_\____ \ | \\ / /_ | / / // // __/_ ___ __ : |\\ \___ _ ____ / _ _ _/ / / // // / ..:.. | .\ \_____|_/ __/___________________/___//__//_/ :.: : | . _ / /_____ /__/_ ________ ____ : : ... - - - --// __ \__/ __/____/ __ \__/ __/___ : :.:.: - h e r e - / // / ______/_ _// /_ _____/____.__ ___ __ : _ __ __/ / / // \ // / // // / :...... . . \\\ \\ \ / / \ / / // // / \\\_\\__\_/ ___________________\_______________/___//__//_/ /______/ /__ _ _ ... /__ _ _ . ..cRb/e^D...:.: : . ˇˇ Blabla back in '93 blabla two boys blabla started blabla ˇˇ ascii blabla now '03 blabla collection. blablabla 10 year blabla anniversary bla.. bla? ..MAKAAAAAA BLAAAAAAAAAAA? ..blablablalblaletsstarttheshow.. _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP! : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: up rough : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: dino : :.:..........................: . ___. ____ ____ _____ ___. ____ ___. / |---, __/_ \__/_ \/ \ / |---, __/_ \ / |___ / | \/ / / / _/ . \/ | \/ /___// / \ / | \ /___/ /_ \__ \ | / /_ / /_ \_ \__________/____\ \____|\___ /______/________\___ \_____|\____/ / Šnup\__________|_ : : ˇˇ up the ass, rough! ˇˇ _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: up rough : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: dino : :.:..........................: . ____ ___ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ ___ ____ / // // /// / / /// // // / _______/_ //__//_/// / / ///_//__// / _____/ _ __/___ / / / / ___ _ \ / / / / / _// / / / __ _/ / __ __/ _______/ _ __ _ _ / /___ __ _ \ \ // \ \\ // // //// / // // /// \_\_______\__\\__//__//_////___ _ ________ _ _ _ /___//__//_/// ____/ _/ ________ _____/ _____ / /______ _/ _ \_/ _ \_/ / _/ ___/____/ _ __ \ / _// // / / / /__ // / __ __/ \ __/ /_ ___/ /__ ___/ //__ ___ / / \ \\ \ \ \ /\ \\ // \ \\ / \ \\ / __/ __ _ \_\\__\___\__\_______\_\\________\_\\_________\_\\__/ / // /// / / .cRB/e^D./ /_____/__//_/// /___/ /___/ _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP! : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: trueschool : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: dmg : :.:..........................: . ŠnUP!/p^A _________ _____ :___ ____ \ _ /__/_ \---| \ __/_ \ :_____\\_ / / / _/ | \/ / /__________ | \ / / /_ \_ | / /___/-, / | \___\____|\____/_______\ ________\ / | _________ ____ ___. ___\ _ ____ ___ / | / __ /_/_ \/ |___/ \\ / \ / / |___\___ \/ /___/ / \ \/ \ /--, / / \ / \_ /_ \_ \ \ / \_ \________/________/___|\____/____/_______/______/ _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: trueschool : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: dmg : :.:..........................: . _ _ _ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ / / / . t r u e s c h o o l . / _ _ __ /___ ________ / /// /___ ________ _____/ __/___ / / ____/__/ _ \ / / __ __/___ / / // _// /___/ / / _____/____/ ___ __ _ _ _ __ ___ ___/ /__ ______\ ___/ /_ ___/ // // // /// \ \\\ \\ \\ / \ \\ _\___ \ //\ \\ / __//__//_/// \ \\\_\\__\\________\_\\___/ /___\_______\_\\_____________// _____/ _______ / /_____ __________ _________ /____ / ___/_____/ ___/_/___ _ \ _ \/ _ \/ /________ __ __\____ // /// / // / // / / // / _ _/ // ___/ / ______/ /__ ___/ _/__ ___/ / / / ___//_/ / \ / \ / \ \\ \\\ \\ / / // /__ _ _ _ _ _________\__________\____/ \_\\ ___\\\_\\______________________/// / .cRb/_________/e^D. / _ __/__ _ _ _ _ ________ _ _ _ _ _ __/__ _ _ _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP! : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: the yard : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: zaner : :.:..........................: . ŠnUP!/p^A .____________________ /__. _________ ___| ____ ______// _|______ ____ ____. \ _ // |___ __/_ \ \ / \ ____ \ __/_ \__/_ | \_ / / / \/ / / \____ \/ _ \/ / _/ / | / / /_ \_ /___/-, // / \ \ /_ \_ / | \___\_____|\____/_______\ / \_____\________/ |\___/______| |______________ ř_ \_____| / _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP! : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: stop that rain : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: dipswitch : :.:..........................: . __ _____ /_______._______ ____ ____ |__|| / __ : _ // \ __/_ \ ___| _ \___ \___/ ř \/ / / blablablablablablablabla | / / \ / / \ /___/ blablablablablablablabla | \_________/ \____\ _______/____\p^a blablablablablablablabla | _________ ___._\ _______ _________ | \ _ // | \ ___ \\ _ / blablablablablablablabla | \__/ / _ \/ _ \ \__/ blablablablablablablabla | / / | / \ \ \ blablablablablablablabla | \ __\_____| \________/___/ blablablablablablablabla | ____\ ______ | \ ____. | __/_ \___ \| \__/_ | blablablablablablablabla | / / _/ _ \ / / | blablablablablablablabla |____ / /_ \_ \ \ _/ / | blablablablablablablabla Šnup\\____|\____/_______/____\___/_____| _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: sal-one : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: sal-one : :.:..........................: . . . ..:. . . . . . . ... .. ... ... ... ........ .. . . ..:.: : :: :.: :.: :.: :..: : : ____ : ____ ____ ________ _ ______ _:___: :_/ __/___:__ __ ___\__ \_/ /_______ _ _ __/_ _ \ _ \/ ___/:__ _:\_____ ____ / __ ________/ // // ______/___ / // // // //_____// / / // / /_____________/\__________/\__________/ \____________/ /\___________/ :. . . ..|.. .cRb/______/e^D. : : |_:_______ _ _ _ _ _ . . . ....:...: : . _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP! : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: laphroaig : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: sperm whale : :.:..........................: . ˇˇ la pläärgh ˇˇ _ /___ \ ___ ____ ___. ____ /___ ____ ___. ____ // / __\ \ __/_ \/ _|_ __/_ \/ \ __\ \ / |__/_ \ / /--/ _ \/ / / / \/ / _/ \/ _ \/ / /___/. / / \_ \ \ /___/ /_ \_ /_ \_ \ \ / / /_ | \________/_______/____\ \____\____/ |\___/______/_______\ ___\___ | \_____|ŠnUP!/p^A \ \_____| _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: nuP! : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: jpv/rno : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: jpv : :.:..........................: . _______________ .__ \ ____ / ˇjpvrnoˇ _____. /___ | \ _\/_ \ / _____ __/_ |/ \ -/--| \/ / / /_/_ \/ / / \ / | \ /___/ / / _/ / / \ \________/____\ ____/ /_ \__/ \._______/ \ \____|\____//_______|Šnup! : _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: feeding the masses : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: darkus : :.:..........................: . ____ / / _________ ____ ______ / /______ ____ _/ ___/ __/___/ __/___/ _ \/ _/ _ \_/ __/__ _ _/_ ____ ____/ _____/_ // / / // __/_ /__ \ _ _ __.cRb/e^D.___ /// / / // // / / / / / / / // / ______ / ///__/___\_______________________/ /___/ /_/_/_______/ / / / / ___ / / /____/ /___/ / / _/ /__ / /___ ____ . f e e d i n g / / / / ____/_/ _ \_/ __/__ . t h e . / / / / _/ // / _____/_ m a s s e s . / / /___ / // / / // \ / / / / \______/_____/ ____________/ / / /___/__ ____ ___/ _/__ ____ ____ ____ ____/ /___________ _ _ _/ _ //_ \___\__ \_ __/___/ __/____/ __/__/ __/___ _ __ _/_ / / / ___/__/____ _\___ \ _____/\____ _\_ __ _ /// // / / / / // // // / // // / // /// ///_//__/_/__/ __________________________/_____________/__//_/// /___/ / / / /____/ _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP! : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: feed the masses : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: darkus : :.:..........................: . ˇˇ feed them dumbasses ˇˇ ______ ____ ____ ____. __/_ //_ \ __/_ \ __/_ | / /___/ / / / / / / / | / __/ /___/-/ /___/-/ / | \_____\\_________\ ________\__._____| ____ __\ _ // | \ __/_ \ _ __\\_\\__/ / _ \/ / / / / | / /___/-, ___:_ / \____|___\_________\ _______ / |______ ____ / _____ : ____ _________ \ ___ / | ___ \/ /_ / /_ __/_ \ / ___ / \/ \ |/ _ \___ \\___ \/ / /.\___ \/ _/ \/ / \ \ / \ / \ /___/ : / \ \_____|| \________/______/_______/________ř________/ |_____/ŠnUP!/p^A'03 : _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: euphoria : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: dino : :.:..........................: . . . / _________________ _ _______ _ _ _____ _ ____________________ _ / /_ _______ _____ _____/ _____/ /_____ ________ ________ / / _____ / __/__/ / ___ __ \ _ \ _ \ _ \/ _ _/___\__ \_ / ____/_ / / // / // / // / _// /_ / __ / __/ // / __ _/_ ________/ / __ ___/ / / \ ___ __ // __ ___ \\ \ / // \ \\ \\ \ / \ \\ / / \ \ \\ \ / / // / \\__\_____________\_\\__\\___\__/ \_\\_______________\___ \__\\_\___/_//__/ _________________________ _ .cRb/_______/e^D . _ ______ _ / /_ ______________ . / . _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP! : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: elend : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: elend : :.:..........................: . ____ ____ ____ ____. ____. ˇˇE L E N D __/_ \ / / __/_ \ __/_ | __/_ | D N E L Eˇˇ ._____________ // / / / /--/ / / / / |/ / |.__________ _. | // /___/-/ / \_ /___/-/ / / / |: \\| | \_________\________/_______\__/_____\________| \. : : .\ elend. here. lala. wroom. | |\\______________________________________________________________Šnup/p^a_| _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: dmg : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: dmg : :.:..........................: . . . .d.M.G.. . . . .. . . .. ... ........... :.....: : : : :: :.: :..: : _______ ___ ___ _____ : : ... ........_/ ___ \__/ _ /_ \__/ ___/_...:......:.... :.: ... .... ... .. :.: / // / // // / /____ \_ :.. ..: : : : : : :: : / / / / / / // / : : : : : : : :: : _/ / _/ / / _/ / / : : : : : : : :: : \ / \ / / \ / / : : : : : : : :: :.. \ / / \/\ / / \ / / ..: :.. : : : : : :: :.:...\ /.....\/ /...\ /..cRb/e^D.......: ... :.: :..: :.: :: \ / / / \ / : : :.: \ / \ / \ / : :... ... .. . . . \/ \/ \/ :......:..: :.: :: : : : _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP! : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: dixieland : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: general lee : :.:..........................: . Where Dixies meet at night. ... ____. ____. _____ ____ /__ ____ ____ ____ __/_ | ____. __/_ |__\ / / | __/_ \ / / _\_ \ / / |__/_ | / / / \_ / _/ |/ / / / /--/ _ \/ / / / | / / / _/ \ \_ / /___/-/ / \_ \ \__/____/ / | \______/ \____\____/___\ ________\________/______/ \________| _\ ____|ŠnUP!/p^A \ \\ _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: divine stylers : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: dino : :.:..........................: . . . / . / . / / / / ____/_ __/____ / / ______/_ / // /___/ /________ ____ ______/ __ /_//___ _ / \_ _/ _ \_/ __/__ __.cRb/e^D.____ / / // / / / / / // / _____/__ / /__ __/ / /___ / / _/_ / / __ _/_ // _\_ __ _ / /\ \\ / \ \\ // / // / / // / / / // /// / / \__\\________ _ _\__\\______/__//____/ /_//__/________/__//_/// . / _____ / /_ _____/ /__ _/_____/_____ ________ _____ . / ___/_____/ ___/_/ / _/ / _/ __/___/ _ \/ ___/____ _\_____ / // / /_ / /______/ _____/__ _// /\_____ \ _ _/__ // _/ / _\_____ _/__ / ___ // \ \\ \ // __/___ // / / / // / / // / / / \_\\__\ / / // / /___/_______ ____ ________ _ _/___/_______/__/______________\___________/_//__/ / / / / / . / / . / . . _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: dino : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: dino : :.:..........................: . . . / . ____ ___ __/ /_ ___ ____ _ __ ___ /___ /___//__//_/ _ __/_//__//___/ ///_//__// / _____/ / /_________ _________ /___/__ _ / __ / _/ _ \_/ _ \ / / // . / // / // / . __ ___/ / __ ___/ /__ ___/ / /__ __ \ \\ / .\ \\ / \ \\ / // / \_\\________/ _\_\\____/ \_\\ _____________//_/ -cRb/e^D/ / /_____ _ _/_//__//___/ / . . .[ d i N O ]. _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: darkus : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: darkus : :.:..........................: . . _____ . _ _ ___/__ _ _ _ _ __/ / _ _ __/__ _ _ _/__ / / /______ ___ __ __ _ _____/_ /_ _ ____ _________/ _ _/_____ _ _/ _/__/_/_/ // / __ ______\__ \_/ _ \ / / _/ ___/_____ / // __ _ / _// / __/ ___ _ / __\_____ \ __ __/ /_ __ //_ __/_ \ ___ _ \_ ___ \ /__ __/ // /__ __ \ \\ /\ \\ /\ \\ \ \ \ \\\// \ \ // \ \\ \ / // / \_\\_______\_\\_______\_\\___\__\_\__\/ \__\_____\_\\__\_ ___________//_/ _ __/__ _ _ __/ /______/__/__ _ _ / / / / . ..d a r k u s.. . / .cRb/____/e^D. / . . _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: nuP! : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: acid slam : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: digiman : :.:..........................: . _________________________________ ___ ____\ ____ ___. ____. ____ /_ ____ ____\ _____ / | _\ \ __/_ \/ | __/_ |/ /_ / / _\ \ ___ \/ | / _ \/ /___/ |/ / |\___ \/ /--/ _ \/ \ . / \ / / ř / / . / \ / \_ \ \ \/ | \________\ ______\_____\________|________/_______/_______/___|| | \_______________________/ŠnUP!/p^A |____|_ : _ __ - t i t l e g o e s h e r e - ____ /_ _ _ .___/____________________________________________ ________/ /___ _____ ___. | // _/ _ \ / _/ _ _\_ __| _ | // / // / / / // // // |// ___ . . ..p^A/e^D.. . . / / / // / ______//__//__ |/ ____ _____ / _/___ _ __/___/ /\______/___/ | / _/ __/_/ _ \ _ \___ __ __ _ _ /// // /____/ | |/ // _// / // / // /// _ __///_//__/ ...........................:.. / / \ / /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher : \__________\_________/ __ _ _ : Logo: abho : _ _ __/ . . ..:.For: abho : :.:..........................: . __ ________________ ____ _____ ____ _______________________ __ _ __ _ _ \ \\ _____ / _/____ / _/_____ __________ \\ \\\\ \_\\______\__ \_/ __ \/ __ \/ _ \_______\\_\\\\ / ____/ / // / // / // / _ __/ //_ ___/ /_ ___/ _/__ ___/ / __ _/_________ ___ __ _ _ / \ \\ /\ \\ \\\ \\ / \ \\ \\ \\ \\\\ _ _________\_\\_______\_\\___ / \\\_\\__________\_\\__________\\__\\_\\\\ .cRb/e^D./______ _ . _____ _____ _____|___ __________ ____ ____ __/_ \___/_ \ __/_ | \ .\ _ / /_ __/_ \/ ._/ __/ ._/ // / | \| \ _______ \ . _ / /___/ |__ \_.|_____/Ż\_ / | \ \\_. / /..______\___. \// / \_.__\______|_________/_______| \_.____|_________|| \\ | \__________|Šnup/p^a |________| \\| : \\ ˇoriginal artists: jon/\s & ilmari (hahaa!) |\ - http://home.swipnet.se/nettwerk for you who don't get this joke :) ˇoriginal size: 51000 bytes . | . ˇoriginal release: 2003-09-13 | ˇoriginal title: 'title goes here' . | ..before YOU changed it into something silly ofcourse :) ˇoriginal division: 6th | ___ _____________________________________ _______ _____ ______________ _ __|_ |___|| ____. _____ /____ / / ______ _______ | .____| / _|__ __/_ \ / / / /---/ \/ /_ ř | / ._/ \/ ._/ // /---/ / \_. \_____ \: | ._/ |__ \_|_____/Ż\_ / \_._________| \ / /. | |______\_______|________/_________| \__________/________| |____________________________________________________________________________ | frĺn ilmari: | | #?p^Aˇ#?dcsˇ#?mygroupsˇshellboxes.bizˇallmymates,allmyloveˇ#?inasciiscene | #?peoplefromthepastˇ#?peoplefromthepresentˇ#?peoplefromthefutureˇpeaceout | | frĺn jonas: | | #?e^Dˇ#asciiˇshellboxes.bizˇeveryoneelsethatI'velostcontactwithinthescene | #?obscene&g^force#?ˇ#?nettwerkˇthatsitforallthepeopleIknowthat'llreadthis___| | ___ _ _ _ _____________________________________________________________||___| @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _________ ______ .--_/ _ / \/ _ \-p^A.--------------. | / __// /_/\_ _// / .nUP!. | _/ \_____/ / \__ / .pRo^aRTs. ___| \____/ \___/___/ ____ __ _____/_ / | _/ __/__/ \ ___/ /| | .chRomBacheR. / _____/_/\_\ // / | |.ePsiLoN^deSiGN. / // // / / | ˇ------------------\________/ \_______/---ˇ in a new collection called: title goes here @END_FILE_ID.DIZ - - - ------------------------------------------------------[End of the line] Ą fOR pLEASURE sINCE 1996 >> Ą -------------------------------------- - |. - ----------------------- - .| w o r l d h e a d q u a t e r s || || bad karma - phantasy - up rough !| _ |! divine stylers - dtr - ageema blues | ; | aeroholics - black maiden - mvp | _ | | ; 7 g e r m a n + e u r o p e a n h q's | : lightforce - oldskool - rising sun | Ą supplex - royal - soia - low profile | _ | drunken - 1oo% - true school - asl | "...dON't pLAY uS cHEAP!" ; | ! | amiga/ascii/graffiti/handheld consoles ___. ______. drn\lp! | n64/snes/gb/gba/sgb/gg/ngp/wsc archive \\ !___ \ !__ _ _ ________ | apple macintosh/pc audio-gfx apps/dd \\ .__/--\\ ._ \ / ._ / | =c64/atari/speccy/sample soundbank _\ ;/ \ !/ \ !/____/_ | /___/ _____/ __ / __\ _! daydreaming on 5 telnet nodes. 24h/day. `----' `----' `----' \\; . ______ ___ _ _ _________ _______ Ą \ !/ __ /___\_ \ / _ __ /___\_ // t h E y A R d _______,| _\ _/ \ / _ / / \ / / /______________________\ ____|_ /_____); ______ ) __ \ ______ /_ ___,_________________________\ ! ,_____\ `----' `----\ `----' theyard@graffiti.ag