...         _ _                                          _ _     ...
 ::::          \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY ///      ::::
 :::_   .___.    \                                        /        _:::
 :://-- |   |-----\  24h Static Telnet on broadband ADSL /--------// ::
 |. .___.  _:____ _  ___                                             _:
 _ _|   |_ \_   // //  /____   __ _  cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFF/=C64 \:
 \\\_   _/__/  /___  _     /__||///  mACINTOSH/mUSIC/sAMPLES  ____    |
    |_  \_\        \ /____/   _      _____ _      _____     ./  _/    .
 .   /_    \________\________\\    ._)  _ \\______\__  \____|   \_ _ _: _
 :     \______\\t^/lp!        ____ |   _/     /     /   \  _|   _////__\\
                             /   /___  \      \ __ \\  _/__\|   \     :/
  > theyard@graffiti.ag < _ /   / __//__\______\\_\ /_____/ \    \    :
 :     _                  //_____\\:     \      /___|   \_________\  _.
-.----\\-----------------------|   |----- .-----------||-------- ----/:
 | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9603 |_


__            _______ ____. _______ _____ _ /_____ _ ____:_ _ _____ _____ _.
 [.chrombacher]  ____/   _|__    __/_    \_/      \ /   _| ____. __/_    \_|
              __/_   \._/    \__/ ._/   __/        \\    \/    |/ ._/   __/|
             /   /___/|___     _. |___   \_.        \    \/    /  |__    \_.
            /   /    \_.|\______|___|\_____|________/    ||____\___________|
            \__________|                      _ /________|Šnup/p^a  _____  :
                         _.___  ____          //          _____  __/_    \_|
                          |  /____  |   ____   ____.   __/_    \/ ._/   __/Ś
                          : /     \ ř__/_   \_/   _|__/ ._/    /  |___   \_.
                           /       \/   /____/ ._/    \ |_____/Ż\___|\_____|
                          /        /   /    \_.|___    \_._______/         .
                         //_       \__________|__|\______|     __  ___|___ .
                        /___________._\_                      (__)(__ |  / Ś
                          .         Ś             ______________     ___/__
                          |_________|          __/_     __     /____/_     \
                                              /   /     /     /    ._/    //
                                             /   /     /     /|    |______/.
_[.nuori urbaani pösilö]_____________________\__/______\ ______________\___|
                      .                                 \\____
 ____________________ |____ _ ___________________________\ _ /
.\                  /.ř                                    \/
| .in league with  //|:
|     /
|  /
| /
    \/ _  _ _
      (/ /(///____________________________
        /  //                             \________________________________.
        \_//                    ______ /       .                           |
        ._/     _____     _____/      /__  ____: ____ /   _____      ______.
        |    __/_    \ __/_    \_____    \/    |/    /   /   -ř\  __/_     |
        |   / ._/    // ._/    /   /     /.    /    /---/      \\/   /     |
        |  /  |_____/Ż\_|_____/___________|   /    /    \_.      \  /      |
        |  \___________/____\          /ř     \.__________|______/_/_______|
        |     _____.   _____   ______ //       |   _____     ______.       .
        |  __/_    |__/_    \ /      /__       |__/_    \ __/_     |       |
        |_/   /    / ._/    / \_____    \      / ._/____//   /     |_______|
         /   /    /  |_____/Ż\_   /     /.    /  |_     /   /      |.______
         _____________________________________________________________ ____
           \                                                       /
         ___\_    _____   ______        /____      _____  ________/_____ /
      __/_    \ _/_    \_/      \      /     \  __/_    \_\   _         /_
     / ._/    / ._/    _/        \    /       \/ ._/    _/     \ ______   \
    /  |_____/  |___    \_.       \  /        /  |___    \_.    \/   /    /.
    \______\\_____|\______|_______/ //_       \____|\______|_____\ ________|
                 \                 /_____________\           /
                  \                                         /
                   . _____________________________________ .
                   .              ____________             .
                                  \__________/             :
                   .                                       :
                   .         or pRo deSiGn..               |
                   :         ..or ePsiLoN aRtS..           |
                   |         ..or maby pRoePsiLoN..        |
                   |               ..or, deSiGNaRTs        |
                   |                   __                  |
                   |                   \/                  |
                   |             .                        .|
      ____.    ____|   ______.  /|__.    _____. ______.  /||_.     ___.
   ._/ ___|___/ __  \_/  __  |_/  __|___/ __  |/  __  |_/  __|____/ __|___.
   |__ _\  ___  _\   __   \_____ _\   __  \_____   \_____ _\   ___.___   _|
      \____/  \_____/  \___\    \____/  \______ \___\    \____/,  |_____/
                   |                                       |   °š°
                   |         c  o  n  t  e  n  t  s        |
                   |                                       |
             :     |                                       |     :
           ..:     |                                       |     :..
   :.laphroaig.....:.........:.nUP!...................:.sperm whale........
   :.dixieland.....:.........:.nUP!...................:.general lee........
   :.acid slam.....:.........:.nUP!...................:.digiman............
            .......|...                                    |
            :      |__:____________________________________|
            .         :
            .         :... .  .   .
            | ..I've heard that one should have a title for the collection



            | ..so,  in  the spirit of good will  and democracy we  will  give
            | YOU the choise to express YOUR human right and YOU may therefore
            | give it a name of YOUR choise..                                                                                                                                                                     ..well it sounds better than actually admitting that we didn't have a clue of what to call it :)
_ __________:___ _________ ___ /_   ____
\\\     _  /|   \     _  //   /  __/_   \   -   t  i  t  l  e   -
   \__ /    ř    \__ /   /   /--/   /   /
   ._ /     Ą     \ /   /   /   \_ /___/-\_  _ _____ __ _ __ _    _ ____.
   | \\_____|_____/ \___\________/________/ _ __   //_////              |
.  |    ŠnUP!/p^A     ____    _______   ____   /__/__                   |
 \.|               __/_   \__/   _   \_/ __/__// ___/____- g  o  e  s - |
  \\              /   /___/.    //   /   ____/_\____     \              |
   \\            /   /_    |    /   /   //        //   __/_ ___ __      :
   |\\           \___   _ ____ /  _ _ _/          /   /   //  // /    ..:..
   | .\              \_____|_/ __/___________________/___//__//_/     :.: :
   |   .                  _ /   /_____   /__/_     ________    ____       :
   : ...       -   -  - --//   __     \__/ __/____/  __    \__/ __/___    :
   :.:.: - h  e  r  e -   /    //      /  ______/_  _//    /_   _____/____.__ ___ __
     :            _ __ __/     /      /  //         \          //       /   //  // /
     :...... .  . \\\ \\  \   /          /           \         /       /   //  // /
                   \\\_\\__\_/     ___________________\_______________/___//__//_/
                            /______/  /__ _  _               ...
                                  /__ _  _     . ..cRb/e^D...:.:

       ˇˇ Blabla back in '93 blabla two boys blabla started blabla ˇˇ
                   ascii blabla now '03 blabla collection.
                  blablabla 10 year blabla anniversary bla..

                                 bla?                                                                                                                                                        ..MAKAAAAAA BLAAAAAAAAAAA?


                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP!               :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: up rough             :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: dino                  :

       ___.        ____    ____  _____    ___.        ____   ___.
      /   |---, __/_   \__/_   \/     \  /   |---, __/_   \ /   |___
     /    |   \/   /   /   /  _/   .   \/    |   \/   /___//    /   \
    /     |    \  /___/   /_   \__      \    |   /   /_   /    /_    \_
    \__________/____\ \____|\___ /______/________\___     \_____|\____/
                                /                Šnup\__________|_
                       ˇˇ up the ass, rough! ˇˇ

                                                              _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher        :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: up rough             :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: dino                  :
                      ____ ___ __ _  __ _   _  _ __  _ __ ___ ____
                     /   //  // /// /             / /// //  //   /
             _______/_  //__//_/// /             / ///_//__//   /
       _____/      _ __/___                                /   /
      /    /     ___  _    \                              /   /
     /    /      /  _//    /                             /   /
__ _/    / __ __/  _______/ _ __ _  _                   /   /___ __ _
\ \    // \  \\    //  // ////                         /   //  // ///
 \_\_______\__\\__//__//_////___ _  ________ _  _   _ /___//__//_///
         ____/  _/ ________   _____/       _____     /   /______
       _/  _    \_/   _    \_/    /      _/ ___/____/ _ __      \
      /  _//         //     /    /      /  /__          //      /
__ __/   \   __/     /_ ___/    /__ ___/    //__ ___   /       /
\ \\  \   \  \      /\ \\     // \ \\      /  \ \\    /     __/ __ _
 \_\\__\___\__\_______\_\\________\_\\_________\_\\__/     /  // ///
       /   /                           .cRB/e^D./   /_____/__//_///
      /___/                                    /___/

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP!               :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: trueschool           :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: dmg                   :

 ŠnUP!/p^A _________   _____    :___      ____
           \    _  /__/_    \---|   \  __/_   \
     :_____\\_ /   /   /   _/   |    \/   /   /__________
     |      \ /   /   /_    \_  |    /   /___/-,        /
     |        \___\____|\____/_______\ ________\       /
     |    _________  ____  ___.    ___\ _  ____   ___ /
     |   /    __  /_/_   \/   |___/    \\ /    \ /   /
     |___\___   \/   /___/    /   \     \/      \   /--,
        /   /    \  /    \_  /_    \_    \       \ /   \_

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher        :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: trueschool           :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: dmg                   :

         _   _  _ ______ _  _   _    _   _  _ ______ _  _   _    _  _ ____ _  _
                     /                                                  /
                    /           . t r u e s c h o o l .                /
           _  _ __ /___                          ________             /
                ///   /___   ________      _____/     __/___         /
                 /   ____/__/   _    \    /    /    __   __/___     /
                /   //        _//    /___/    /     /    _____/____/ ___ __ _
_  _ __ ___ ___/    /__ ______\      ___/    /_ ___/    //         //  // ///
 \ \\\ \\  \\      / \ \\     _\___  \     //\ \\      /        __//__//_///
  \ \\\_\\__\\________\_\\___/    /___\_______\_\\_____________//
       _____/      _______  /    /_____ __________  _________  /____
      /  ___/_____/   ___/_/___ _      \    _     \/    _    \/    /________ __
    __\____          //       ///      /   //     /    //    /    /        // /
_ _/     // ___/    /  ______/ /__ ___/  _/__ ___/    /     /    /     ___//_/
        /   \      /   \      / \ \\     \\\ \\      /     /    //     /__ _  _
_ _ _________\__________\____/   \_\\  ___\\\_\\______________________///
      /                 .cRb/_________/e^D.              /
 _ __/__ _      _   _  _ ________ _  _   _       _  _ __/__ _  _

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP!               :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: the yard             :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: zaner                 :

 ŠnUP!/p^A    .____________________ /__.
 _________ ___|        ____  ______// _|______      ____    ____.
 \    _  //   |___  __/_   \ \     /  \ ____  \  __/_   \__/_   |
  \_ /   /    /   \/   /   /  \____    \/   _  \/   /  _/   /   |
    /   /    /_    \_ /___/-,   //     /    \   \  /_   \_ /    |
    \___\_____|\____/_______\  / \_____\________/   |\___/______|
              |______________ ř_              \_____|

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP!               :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: stop that rain       :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: dipswitch             :

 __  _____ /_______._______ ____      ____
|__||     /    __  :  _   //    \  __/_   \
 ___|   _ \___   \___/    ř      \/   /   /   blablablablablablablabla
|       /    /    \ /    /        \  /___/    blablablablablablablabla
|       \_________/ \____\ _______/____\p^a   blablablablablablablabla
|          _________ ___._\ _______ _________
|          \    _  //   |  \  ___  \\  _    / blablablablablablablabla
|           \__/   /    _   \/   _  \   \__/  blablablablablablablabla
|             /   /     |   /    \   \   \    blablablablablablablabla
|             \ __\_____|   \________/___/    blablablablablablablabla
|          ____\ ______ |      \    ____.
|       __/_    \___   \|       \__/_   |     blablablablablablablabla
|      /   /   _/   _   \       /   /   |     blablablablablablablabla
|____ /   /_    \_  \    \    _/   /    |     blablablablablablablabla

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher        :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: sal-one              :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: sal-one               :


             ..:. .  .   .    .     .    . ...    ..   ...  ...  ... ........
   .. .  . ..:.:                             :    ::   :.:  :.:  :.: :..:   :
   :  ____   :         ____   ____                 ________  _ ______  _:___:
   :_/ __/___:__ __ ___\__ \_/   /_______ _  _  __/_   _   \   _     \/ ___/:__
  _:\_____            ____      /      __ ________/   //      //        ______/___
 /      //           //        //      //_____//      /      /         //        /
/_____________/\__________/\__________/        \____________/      /\___________/
   :. .  . ..|..                                       .cRb/______/e^D. :   :
             |_:_______ _  _   _    _     _                .   .  . ....:...:

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP!               :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: laphroaig            :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: sperm whale           :

                              ˇˇ la pläärgh ˇˇ

  _ /___   \ ___      ____  ___.      ____  /___     ____    ___.   ____
  //   /  __\   \  __/_   \/  _|_  __/_   \/    \  __\   \  /   |__/_   \
  /   /--/   _   \/   /   /  /   \/   /  _/      \/   _   \/    /   /___/.
 /   /   \_  \    \  /___/  /_    \_ /_   \_      \   \   /    /   /_    |
 \________/_______/____\ \____\____/  |\___/______/_______\ ___\___      |
                                \_____|ŠnUP!/p^A           \       \_____|

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: nuP!               :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: jpv/rno              :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: jpv                   :

              .__   \  ____       / ˇjpvrnoˇ _____. /___
              |  \  _\/_   \     / _____  __/_    |/    \
          -/--|   \/   /   /    /_/_    \/   /    /      \
          /   |    \  /___/    /   /   _/   /    /        \
          \________/____\ ____/   /_    \__/     \._______/
                         \    \____|\____//_______|Šnup!

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher        :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: feeding the masses   :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: darkus                :

                                      /   /
        _________    ____    ______  /   /______   ____
      _/ ___/ __/___/ __/___/  _   \/   _/  _   \_/ __/__
  _ _/_  ____ ____/  _____/_  //   /   /   // __/_ /__   \ _  _ __.cRb/e^D.___
 ///  /  /   //     //        /   /   /   /  / / / //    /           ______  /
///__/___\_______________________/   /___/  /_/_/_______/             /   / /
         /              ___     /   /   /____/                       /___/ /
        /             _/  /__  /   /___   ____  . f e e d i n g         / /
       /             /  ____/_/   _    \_/ __/__       . t h e .         /
      /             /   /   _/   //    /  _____/_       m a s s e s .   /
     / /___        /   //  /     /        //     \                     /
    / /   /        \______/_____/    ____________/                    /
   / /___/__           ____ ___/   _/__  ____    ____     ____   ____/
  /___________ _  _  _/ _ //_  \___\__ \_ __/___/ __/____/ __/__/ __/___
              _ __ _/_  /  /   /  ___/__/____  _\___    \ _____/\____  _\_ __ _
             /// //  / /  /   /   //       //     //    / //       // /  // ///
            ///_//__/_/__/   __________________________/_____________/__//_///
                        /___/  /
                         /    /

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP!               :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: feed the masses      :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: darkus                :

                      ˇˇ feed them dumbasses ˇˇ
                   ______ ____      ____      ____.
                __/_    //_   \  __/_   \  __/_   |
               /   /___/  /   / /   /   / /   /   |
              /    __/   /___/-/   /___/-/   /    |
              \_____\\_________\ ________\__._____|  ____
                              __\    _  //  |  \  __/_   \
                         _ __\\_\\__/   /   _   \/   /   /
                                   /   /    |   /   /___/-,
                ___:_             /    \____|___\_________\
       _______ /   |______  ____ /  _____   :  ____   _________
       \ ___  /    | ___  \/    /_ /    /_  __/_   \ /    ___ /
        \/  \      |/   _  \___   \\___   \/   /   /.\___   \/
       _/    \/    /    \   \ /    \  /    \  /___/ :   /    \
       \_____||    \________/______/_______/________ř________/
              |_____/ŠnUP!/p^A'03                   :

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher        :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: euphoria             :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: dino                  :
                                                                  .    /
_________________ _ _______ _  _  _____ _ ____________________ _ /    /_ _______
      _____   _____/        _____/    /_____ ________ ________  /    /  _____
     /  __/__/    /    ___  __    \  _      \   _    \   _    \/ _ _/___\__  \_
    /   ____/_   /     /    //    / //      /  //    / _//    /_   /    __    /
 __/   //       / __ _/_ ________/ / __ ___/   /    /  \     ___ __    // __ ___
\\  \ /        // \ \\  \\   \    /  \ \\     /    /    \    \  \\ \   / / //  /
 \\__\_____________\_\\__\\___\__/    \_\\_______________\___ \__\\_\___/_//__/
_________________________ _ .cRb/_______/e^D . _ ______ _ /    /_ ______________
                                                         .    /

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP!               :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: elend                :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: elend                 :
                    ____    ____     ____      ____.    ____.
ˇˇE L E N D      __/_   \  /   /  __/_   \  __/_   | __/_   |   D N E L Eˇˇ
._____________ //   /   / /   /--/   /   / /   /   |/   /   |.__________ _.
|             //   /___/-/   /   \_ /___/-/   /    /   /    |:          \\|
|              \_________\________/_______\__/_____\________|            \.
:                                                                         :
.\                       elend. here. lala. wroom.                        |

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher        :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: dmg                  :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: dmg                   :
.d.M.G.. .   .    . ..    .  . .. ... ...........
:.....:              :    :  : :: :.: :..:      :
          _______    ___ ___    _____    :      :     ...
........_/ ___   \__/ _ /_  \__/ ___/_...:......:.... :.: ... .... ... ..
:.:    /   //     /  // //   /  /____ \_            :.. ..: : :  : : : ::
:     /    /     /  /   /   /    //    /              : :   : :  : : : ::
:   _/    /    _/  /   /  _/    /     /               : :   : :  : : : ::
:   \    /     \  /   /   \    /     /                : :   : :  : : : ::
:..  \  /     / \/\  /   / \  /     /               ..: :.. : :  : : : ::
:.:...\      /.....\/   /...\      /..cRb/e^D.......: ... :.: :..: :.: ::
       \    /      /   /     \    /      :      :     :.:
        \  /       \  /       \  /       :      :... ... .. .  .    .
         \/         \/         \/        :......:..: :.: :: :  :    :

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: nUP!               :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: dixieland            :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: general lee           :
                      Where Dixies meet at night. ...
      ____.  _____ ____ /__     ____    ____   ____    __/_   |   ____.
   __/_   |__\    /    /   | __/_   \  /   /  _\_  \  /   /   |__/_   |
  /   /   /   \_ /   _/    |/   /   / /   /--/   _  \/   /    /   /   |
 /   /   /   _/  \    \_   /   /___/-/   /   \_  \   \__/____/   /    |
 \______/    \____\____/___\ ________\________/______/       \________|
       _\ ____|ŠnUP!/p^A    \

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher        :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: divine stylers       :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: dino                  :

                           .             .
                          /    .        /    .
                         /    /        /    /
                    ____/_ __/____    /    /
             ______/_ / //       /___/    /________   ____
      ______/    __  /_//___ _  /   \_   _/   _    \_/ __/__ __.cRb/e^D.____
     /     /    //   /    /    /     /  /    //    /  _____/__             /
    /__ __/     /   /___ /    /    _/_ /    / __ _/_  //     _\_ __ _     /
   /\  \\      /     \  \\   //   /  //    / / //  / /      /  // ///    /
  /  \__\\________ _ _\__\\______/__//____/ /_//__/________/__//_///    .
 /    _____      /    /_  _____/    /__ _/_____/_____    ________  _____
.    / ___/_____/   ___/_/    /    _/   /      _/ __/___/   _    \/ ___/____
    _\_____    /   //   /    /_   /    /______/  _____/__ _//    /\_____    \
_ _/__   //  _/    /   _\_____  _/__  /     ___  // \ \\  \           //  __/___
//   /  /         /        //  /   / //    /  /  /   \_\\__\         /   / //  /
/___/_______ ____ ________ _ _/___/_______/__/______________\___________/_//__/
           /    /        /    /
          /    .        /    /
         .             /    .

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher        :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: dino                 :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: dino                  :
                     .     /                       .
         ____ ___ __/     /_ ___ ____    _ __ ___ /___
        /___//__//_/ _ __/_//__//___/   ///_//__//   /
         _____/   /     /_________   _________  /___/__ _
        /    __  /     _/   _     \_/   _     \    /
       /    //  .     /    //     /    //     /   .
__ ___/     /  __ ___/    /__ ___/     /     /__ __
\ \\       /  .\ \\      / \ \\       /        // /
 \_\\________/ _\_\\____/   \_\\ _____________//_/
    -cRb/e^D/    /     /_____ _  _/_//__//___/
           /    .
          .            .[   d   i   N   O   ].

                                                              _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher        :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: darkus               :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: darkus                :
                 .                        _____          .
        _  _ ___/__ _  _          _  _ __/    /  _  _ __/__ _  _
              _/__                      /    /         /______ ___  __  __ _
        _____/_  /_ _  ____   _________/ _ _/_____ _ _/      _/__/_/_/ //
       /    __   ______\__ \_/   _    \    /         /     _/  ___/_____
      /    //         __ _  /  _//    / __/   ___ _ /     __\_____      \
__ __/     /_ __     //_ __/_  \  ___ _ \_ ___ \   /__ __/      //      /__ __
\ \\      /\ \\      /\ \\   \  \ \  \\\// \  \  // \ \\  \     /         // /
 \_\\_______\_\\_______\_\\___\__\_\__\/    \__\_____\_\\__\_ ___________//_/
    _ __/__ _                _ __/    /______/__/__ _  _
       /                        /    /         /        . ..d a r k u s.. .
      /                    .cRb/____/e^D.     /
     .                                       .

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: nuP!               :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: acid slam            :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: digiman               :
         _________________________________                        ___
     ____\      ____  ___.    ____. ____ /_  ____   ____\ _____  /   |
    _\    \  __/_   \/   | __/_   |/    /_  /   /  _\    \ ___ \/    |
   /   _   \/   /___/    |/   /   |\___   \/   /--/   _   \/  \      .
  /    \   /   /   ř     /   /    .   /    \  /   \_  \    \   \/    |
  \________\ ______\_____\________|________/_______/_______/___||    |
            \_______________________/ŠnUP!/p^A                  |____|_

                                                             _ __
               - t i t l e   g o e s   h e r e -           ____ /_ _  _
.___/____________________________________________ ________/   /___ _____  ___.
|  //                                           _/  _   \    /   _/ _  _\_ __| _
| //                                           /   //   /   /   /  //    //  //
|//              ___ .  . ..p^A/e^D.. .  .    /   /    /   //  /  ______//__//__
|/  ____  _____ / _/___                  _ __/___/    /\______/___/          |
/ _/ __/_/  _  \  _    \___ __ __ _  _  /// //  /____/                       |
|/  //    _//  / //    /  // ///   _ __///_//__/  ...........................:..
/  /      \      /    /__//_///___________________: Artist: chRomBacher        :
\__________\_________/ __ _  _                    : Logo: abho                 :
               _  _ __/                    .  . ..:.For: abho                  :

__ ________________ ____ _____ ____ _______________________ __ _ __ _  _
\ \\       _____   /  _/____  /  _/_____  __________       \\ \\\\
 \_\\______\__  \_/  __     \/  __      \/    _     \_______\\_\\\\
     /   ____/   /   //     /   //      /    //     /
_ __/    //_ ___/    /_ ___/   _/__ ___/     / __ _/_________ ___ __ _ _
        / \ \\      /\ \\      \\\ \\       /  \ \\          \\  \\ \\\\
_ _________\_\\_______\_\\___ / \\\_\\__________\_\\__________\\__\\_\\\\
                    .cRb/e^D./______  _

                _____     _____     _____|___   __________ ____
       ____  __/_    \___/_    \ __/_    |   \ .\  _     /    /_
    __/_   \/ ._/   __/ ._/    //   /    |    \|    \ _______   \       .
 _ /   /___/  |__    \_.|_____/Ż\_ /     |     \    \\_.   /    /..______\___.
\//   /    \_.__\______|_________/_______|      \_.____|_________||       \\ |
  \__________|Šnup/p^a                   |________|                        \\|
                                         :                                  \\
  ˇoriginal artists: jon/\s & ilmari (hahaa!)                                |\                                                                                                                                                                          - http://home.swipnet.se/nettwerk for you who don't get this joke :)
  ˇoriginal size: 51000 bytes            .                                   | .
  ˇoriginal release: 2003-09-13                                              |
  ˇoriginal title: 'title goes here'     .                                   |                                                                                                  ..before YOU changed it into something silly ofcourse :)
  ˇoriginal division: 6th                                                    |
 ___  _____________________________________ _______ _____ ______________ _ __|_
|___||                ____.       _____   /____    /    /   ______  _______  |
.____|               /   _|__  __/_    \ /    /   /    /---/      \/      /_ ř
|                   / ._/    \/ ._/    //    /---/    /    \_.     \_____   \:
|                ._/  |__     \_|_____/Ż\_  /    \_._________|      \  /    /.
|                |______\_______|________/_________|     \__________/________|
 frĺn ilmari:                                                                |
 #?p^Aˇ#?dcsˇ#?mygroupsˇshellboxes.bizˇallmymates,allmyloveˇ#?inasciiscene   |
 #?peoplefromthepastˇ#?peoplefromthepresentˇ#?peoplefromthefutureˇpeaceout   |
 frĺn jonas:                                                                 |
 #?e^Dˇ#asciiˇshellboxes.bizˇeveryoneelsethatI'velostcontactwithinthescene   |
                                                                        | ___
  _   _  _ _____________________________________________________________||___|

     _________  ______
.--_/  _   /  \/  _   \-p^A.--------------.
| / __//  /_/\_ _//   /       .nUP!.      |
_/  \_____/ /  \__   /    .pRo^aRTs.   ___|
\____/      \___/___/  ____   __ _____/_  /
|                    _/ __/__/  \   ___/ /|
|   .chRomBacheR.   /  _____/_/\_\ //   / |
|.ePsiLoN^deSiGN.  /   //    //   /    /  |
ˇ------------------\________/ \_______/---ˇ
in a new collection called: title goes here


-   -  - ------------------------------------------------------[End of the line]
                                              Ą    fOR pLEASURE sINCE 1996
>> Ą -------------------------------------- - |. - ----------------------- -
  .|  w  o  r  l  d    h e a d q u a t e r s  ||
  ||     bad karma - phantasy - up rough      !| _
  |!   divine stylers - dtr - ageema blues     | ;
  |      aeroholics - black maiden - mvp       |   _
  |                                            |   ;
  7   g e r m a n  +  e u r o p e a n  h q's   |
  :    lightforce - oldskool - rising sun      |
  Ą   supplex - royal - soia - low profile     |
_ |    drunken - 1oo% - true school - asl      | "...dON't pLAY uS cHEAP!"
; |                                            !
  |   amiga/ascii/graffiti/handheld consoles    ___.     ______.    drn\lp!
  |   n64/snes/gb/gba/sgb/gg/ngp/wsc archive   \\  !___  \     !__ _ _ ________
  |    apple macintosh/pc audio-gfx apps/dd    \\  .__/--\\   ._   \ / ._     /
  |     =c64/atari/speccy/sample soundbank     _\  ;/     \   !/    \  !/____/_
  |                                            /___/     _____/     __ /    __\
 _!   daydreaming on 5 telnet nodes. 24h/day.      `----'     `----'  `----' 
\\;     . ______   ___ _ _ _________   _______                            Ą
 \      !/  __ /___\_  \ /   _  __ /___\_    //   t h E   y A R d _______,|
 _\    _/   \ /     _   /    /  \ /     /    /______________________\ ____|_
 /_____);  ______   )  __    \ ______  /_  ___,_________________________\ !
     ,_____\     `----'  `----\      `----'     theyard@graffiti.ag