   [t^/lp!]    |        -  T  H  E  -  Y  A  R  D  -        | 6 nODEZ!
  ______ ____  |      _________  ____          ___     _____|__     _____
 _\    /_   /__|_____/  _     / /   /__________\_ \____\_     /_____\    \
 \      /   _       /   /____/ /   /    /   _      \    /    /      _\    \
 /______\__//______/________\ /______  /____\_______\   \___________\______\
 dKB / dOPE /  |               /______/            l_____|  | aMIGA.cONSOLES
 wX / sOIA /   |                                            | gRAFFITI.aSCII
 hEADQUATERS   |____________________________________________| hIPhOP.lINUX
                eMAIL -aRTcOREcREW@yAHOO.cOM- oR aSK oN iRC!

                    ^ ^ ^ SPONSORED BY SOZIALAMT ^ ^ ^ 
*cough cough*


Ok, thank you. Now take a look at the logo below:

   Bd! |        |
       |        |                                                      ľćr
       | ._______  _______  _____.    _____  ______      _______  qm  _#
     .___l__    /._\  _  / .\    |____\    \.\  _  \_.__(___   /   0_ľŘ´
     |    |/   / |  ____/  |     _/   /\    |   \    |    _/  /__ ľĆŘM_ #_
     |____|______|_________|_____|__________|________|____\_____/ ŻăP°śŃŽ#
       |        |                                                  #    Źśš
  Lš24 |        |

Recognise any different styles there?

Yeah Im sure you do, who (apart from those not beeing a part in the "ascii-
scene" for a longer time) wouldn't? I bet each and one of these letters were
ripped from various artists. *RESPECT TO THOSE WHO WERE FIRST*

A giant hairy throbbing manhood up LINK123456789etc's asses.

I've had enough. Seeing this and just realizing I accidently deleted my last
collection that was still in morphosis made me choke in my own vomit.

A big thank you to link-lamers123445566783525 whatever for bringing another
spirit down. Im out of the SO CALLED scene. Thats it, and thats that. No more
requests, no more logos. No nothing. Exceptions might be made for close friends
and for old times. But thats just a MIGHT. Otherwise, ppl involved should know
that Im still reachable on the internet and in conection with the sceneš in
general. Accept the limits of ascii, do the thing you're good at NOW and dont
ABANDON it cause some other wannabe is lurking around the corner, just waiting
for an oportunity to use your old style for own profit.

Now I could go on for kb's ranting over certain people and groups, but that
would be unnecessary. I think puking all over it makes a statement enough.

Enormous respect to the handfull of guys who started the masshysteria years back
and also to the ones who managed to develop their skills into something unique.
Also to all the friends I have who're still in torment.

An excuse to those who requested logos and were hoping to get some. I deleted it
I suck. And I just cant find the motivation (thanks again link384232 and others)
to continue doing it.

Trends come and go, but the inside remains the same.

Hugs, cybergod / epsilon designer in memoria, lsd, ramjam and delight

Footnote1: read "any other scene"

cybergod/epsilon design. - ----------------.
`--------------- - it's the end of the start

                   -gERMANY's gRAFFITI bOARD nUMBER oNE!-
   [t^/lp!]    |        -  T  H  E  -  Y  A  R  D  -        | 6 nODEZ!
  ______ ____  |      _________  ____          ___     _____|__     _____
 _\    /_   /__|_____/  _     / /   /__________\_ \____\_     /_____\    \
 \      /   _       /   /____/ /   /    /   _      \    /    /      _\    \
 /______\__//______/________\ /______  /____\_______\   \___________\______\
 dKB / dOPE /  |               /______/            l_____|  | aMIGA.cONSOLES
 wX / sOIA /   |                                            | gRAFFITI.aSCII
 hEADQUATERS   |____________________________________________| hIPhOP.lINUX
                eMAIL -aRTcOREcREW@yAHOO.cOM- oR aSK oN iRC!