____ _ -----\\ sOF __\\---------------------------------------- - -------- -- ------ "Unlike Blood and Spittle, whose origins are purely physical, Tears well from the soul" _________ __ _____ ________ ___ ________ _______ ____ _______ _______ ___\ _/___\ //_ )_\_ //_ // _/ / _ \\ /. cYbERGoD! \ \ \ _/ (__ /____/ _/ / \_ / / //| _______ _/________________\________________\ _____\___________________//_| cDr\/m's From the _ ___ __________ ____ _________. ___________ (/ \_____ _(____\\_ |___________ _ / /_ _______/ (____/_ / | \\\__________ /___ _____///_____\ __/_______ \_____/ \ ____ |\__________/ _ / (___________/ \ ______\ /______/ /____\______/ \__________\ ŠMt ___________ _____ ___ _/ _ /___/ (_______ _____ ______________ _______\ ___ ____/ /_______ \\____)_\ \___________ / (____________ _______ \________ _______ \ \________._____, \__________\ \________/ \ ___) ____/______\ --\------' clan @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ______ ______ - e p s i l o n - _______\ __/____ __\___ /__________________ _ __) // ___/ _ /_______\__________________________________\ | | | t E A R s | :_ a Tribute to ascii artists by _: _\ CYBERGOD!/e^D /_ )_____ _____( -gdm/__________________________________\^lkr @END_FILE_ID.DIZ A shortie, huh? Yeah, well, see it as some kind of prelude of what to come. In the future that is. Still, Tribal Warfare, in untouched style, is on the drawing board. Together with lot's of other wierd stuff. :) If you're an artist, and not on the list below, do not worry, you'll be included in another tear. As I've got a short memory, full of holes, I can't keep all of you in my head at the same time. PLEASE, try to understand. My intentions are nothing but good. And so is my soul. Pure, and peacefull. If it comes out in another way, it's just one of my ignorant masks, that I might be wearing that very day. Now, scan through this one quickly. Take care, Love peace and eternal ascii, Cybergod / Epsilon ^ Design ˇ Delight ˇ TF^T Gdm, Fatal, Folar, Boheme, Treach, Misfit, Manta, Gozz, Red Demon, Hotwire, Mark Ryder Wise-K, Trivial, Ramone, Mortimer Twang, 2fast Here's to you mates! ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : Gdm /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : Russian Power. Greets m8! ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - ________ ___________ ____ ____________ _ / ___/________\ \ /_\ \ / \\/ / /_ ./ \ Y | cG\_______________|___________\ ____\_/____________|eD ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : Fatal /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : Greets, Oh great leader:) ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - .___________ _______.____________ ______._____. | ____/_______) | __//________) _|_ | _________ | _|_/ _ ___ | _ // |/ / cG|_______|\______________\ \________|\________________| ___//________(eD \/ ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : Folar /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : Drunk in Public! ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - .___________ _ ___. _____._____________ | ____/________ | _________________) | __ / | _|_/ - / |/ / _ _Ś_ (_ /_ cG|_______|__________|___//________(\____________\ \_____Ś\_____\eD ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : Boheme /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : Drunk everywhere! :) ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - .__________ _____ _______ ___. ____ ________. ___. | . /_________ _)_ (./ _|__ ____._\ \ / |/ _|__ ____. | | / - / ___ Ś __// | Y | __// | cG_________\ _______|______(______|____)_______|_____\_/________|____)_______eD ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : Treach /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : Slow, but 1 of the best! ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - .___________ _ _________ ___. ____._______ ___ _______ | ___/// _ // _|__ ____._______) // ___/__ _)_ (. | | (_ /_ __// | _ | ) ___ Ś cG|________| ______Ś\_____\ __)_______|\__________|_____________(______|eD ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : Misfit /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : Lo Tor, cold up there? :) ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - _____ ________.___Ś_____ _ ____________Ś_ _________ _ ._\ \ / | | _/___ ____/ | ___/// | Y | |___ \ _|_/ | | cG|______\_/________|___| )______\ ____| _ __| _______|eD ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : Misfit /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : Lo Tor, cold up there? :) ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - _____ _________. _____.____._ ____ _________ _ _____. ._\ \ / |_______) Ś_ \| \ / Ś/ ___///____) Ś_ | Y | _ // \ Y | | _ // cG|______\_/_________|\___________|____|\_____| _______|\____________|eD ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : Gozz /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : Waiting for a new colly! ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - _______ _______ _______ / ___/_______ _____________\_ /___\_ / / /_ ./ - /\ __/ __/ \_____________||_________| \_____( \______( ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : Red Demon /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : Greets mate, gimme one!:) ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - ._______________. __________ | __ / _|__ ____.\ \// | (_ /_ __// | \. cG|_____Ś\_____\__)_______|__________\ ______________. ____ ________. |___._ __._ .\ \/ _|__ ____.\ \ / |________Ś \| \ / Ś/ | \ __// | Y | / \ Y | |___________\ _)_______|____\_/________|________|___|\_____|eD ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : Hotwire /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : How about doing me one?:) ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - _____ __________ _ _________ _ _____.___._ _________ ___. | _)_ Ś/_________ ___///___/\_) | Ś __ // _|__ ____. | ___ | / | / \ | | (_ /_ __// | cG______(_______|_________|_______|\______/\______|___|____Ś\_____\___)_______eD ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : Mark Ryder /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : Keep it up dude! ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - ____ _______. _____. _ __________ ____. ______ ._\ \ / _|_______) Ś_ _ / _Ś/ / | Y \| _ // (_ /_ \| \ cG|_____\_/_______\____________|______Ś\_____\ ___|_______\ _______________________ __________ ___. _ ___________ | _ /\ /___.\ \// _|__ ____. _ / | (_ /_ \___ / | \ __// | (_ /_ |______Ś\______\ )________|__________\___)_______|______Ś\______\eD ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : Wise-K /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : Love your cG logo! ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - _____.___._____ ___. ____. ______ _______/\) | Ś _/____ / _|__ ____. | _Ś/ / \ / \ | |___ \ __// | | \| \ cG\_____/\_____|___| )_______\ __)_______| |____|_______\eD ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : Trivial /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : Hugs and Kisses Kim! :) ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - .__________ _ ________ ___.___._____ __._ _____.____. | ___/// _ / Ś | / Ś______) Ś_ | ______ | | (_ /_ | | / | _ // |/ ( cG|_______| _ ___Ś\_____\ __|\______\ ___|\__________|___//_______\eD ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : Ramone /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : Ignorant Bastard. Wuv ya! ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - .____________ _____.____ ________. ____._ __._ ___. | _ /_______/ |\ \ / |_________ \Ś \ / Ś// _|__ ____. | (_ /_ _ | Y | / \ Y | __// | cG_____Ś\_____\____________|____\_/________|________|___|\_____|_____)_______eD ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : Mortimer Twang /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : THE Best. Good luck in dK ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - ____ ______. _ _________ _______ _ _.___ _________. __________ .\ \ / |________ _ / ___/// Ś\ \ / / _|__ ___| _ / | Y | / (_ /_ | | Y / __// (_ /_ |____\_/______|_______|____Ś\____\____| _ __|___\_/____\____)___________Ś\____\ .__________ _ ______. _____.____._ __._ _____ | ___///___/\) |_______) Ś_ \Ś \ / Ś/ ___/______ | | / \ \ _ // \ Y | /_ ./ cG|_______|\______/\_______\___________|____|\_____|___________|eD ˇ. -_----- :: - ---------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - -- \ \ .:::. ______ ____ _____ _____. _____ Logo : 2fAST /_/ :::::: \___\ \_//_ \___\\ \__\ `__\__\ Msg : Du blöte Mädchen! :) ----- ˇ:::ˇ - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- -- - ___________ \_ _/ | .-. | | | | | .___________ _____.______ _ _________ _ | | | | | ____/_______) Ś_ _/_____ ___/// | | | | | _|_/ _ //___ \ | _| `-' |_ |_______| \_____________| )________\ _______|eD cG\_________/ Epilogue Tears was performed and directed by Sajbuhgawd of the eternal e^D spirit. Any complaints, suggestions etc can be delivered to me personally on the IRC in either #amielite or #ascii. Where I promise not to be ignorant towards anyone, who doesn't deserve it. As I'm known (?!) to be very helpfull (ehrm) and eager to do your requests and/or whatever. Greets to all my mates, especially MightyMuz, Arcane/SR, Zoltrix, Iggy, Mortal, Fatal and Reactor. Respects goes out to everyone doing this, and enjoying (uh) it as much as I do. Oh, Btw, I'm probably the worlds greatest liar. :) Cheers! ____ _ -----\\ eOF __\\---------------------------------------- - -------- -- ------