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      ˇ [   T h i s   S h o u l d   B e   L i n e   2   I n   C e d   ] ˇ                                      ..Revenge of the hidden messages!!!!!!!

               _______ _   \     \ _____________           ____  ____
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 |   |  __  | ____ .__\_  ______/______ /__________                        |
 |   | _\/_ ||____||    ______/        \_\___     /________    __________  |
 |   | \/\/ |cDr/ed|________|/__________\  _/   _/  ______/__._\____    /__:
 |oO !      |                        /÷----/______\  \       |   _/____/   |
 l__________| _ ____________________/___ _____ _`---.________|--.__________|
                 (Presents My 2:nd collection In 1996 Called)
  ._ /__ _/__ __. ____________/_____________________________________________
  | (____(  /( -'            /                                            _/
  |        /  ŻŻŻ _____.    .                                               |
  |         ______\    |________________  _____________________________     |
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  |____.cRb|     |/    |   \|____/\_.   \/     /   |/    \     \|      |e^Dˇ'
           |     l_ ___|___ l_      |___/     /___ l_     \_____\      |
           |________/      \________|  /_____/    \_______|     |______|


                                                                                   if you can read this, you have more overscan that me (or you're not using CED (like PAS*))



          .                            ˇ. .      .      .    .  . ...
          .       I close my eyes just to wander in darkness        :
          .  to isolate me from You, to protect You from the demon  :
          :  with ice I kill myself when I'm walking in the desert  :
   .  . ..:.. .  .    You're the sun borned with no eyes            :
          :            or have You killed them with lies            :
          :                                                         :.....
          :                      I'm the demon                   ...::.. :
          :  .....             inside me you die                 :  Ś:.:.:
          :..:.. :               I'm the demon                 ..:..|  :
             :.:.:             You're the desert               : :.:|..:
               :                                               :...:Ś
          .....:       I don't want you to figure me out          . :
          :         before I see what feeds these feelings        . :
          :              With ice I try to kill myself        . ..:.:                                                                                   äre nĺn som vet vad lĺten heter(förutom min nästa colly??)
          :                    it makes me look,                  :..
          :              it makes me look so innocent               :
          :    But if I'm a demon why do I try to figure me out     :
          :         before you see what's behind these eyes         :
          :                                         ...... ..... ...: ... .. .
          :                 Sometimes I hate myself :....: :...: :..: :.: :: :
          :                 with my eyes wide open                  :
          :                 but with my eyes closed                 :
          :                          I die                          :
           ˇ   .                                               .   ˇ
                   ˇ                                       ˇ
                       .                               .

                           .                       .

                              .                 .

                                 .           .

                                    .     .

                                      . .


                                  .\__ _   _                                 |                                                                                                  Love to you all..
                                  |            Hi, collection-time again..   |
                                  Ś             Sorry all you waiting people |
               .nnnnnnn.          :   .nnnnnnnn  but I'll soon release a new |
             .############n       ..J###########n collection  containing all |
            .##"'     `""###.    .J##F""      "7#L requests  that I  haven't |
           .#F            `7#L  .##"            `#L published yet. Well, what|
           ]#               7#L.#F'              7# can a guy say in an intro|
           ##                ]##F                ]# How about that the ascii |
           ##                 7#'                ]# scene sucks and  so does |
           ]#                 ]#                 J# ascii gazette. Hopefully |
           ]#[                ŚŚ                 #F a new ascii-mag  will be |
            ##                ::                ]#' released  including good |
            ]#[               ..                #F music, TRUE news, gr8 gfx |
             7#.                               J#' and    maby    a    chart |
             `#L                              .#[ Today I  made a grind-core |
              ]#L                            .#F version  of  "do you really |
               7#.                          .##  want me".  Soon there  will |
                7#.                         J#' be a grindcore demo out from |
                 7#.                       J#' me  and my  group,  Agriocult |
                  7#.                    .J#'  catch   me   to   get   it!.  |               (Though it will NOT be serious)
                   7#n                  .##' Anyway, as I said, it seems like|
                    7#L                .##' the ascii-scene  is getting  big |
                     7#L.             J#F  or something.  But only the known |
                      "##.          .J#F persons and groups seems to get all |
                       `##L        .##' the attention when releasing ( which |
                         7#L      .#F' ofcourse  is a  good  thing in  e^D's |
                          "#L    J#F case). So I guess I'll stop now, I have |
                           `#L  J#F just  borrowed a couple of  Skinny Puppy |
                            `#LJ#F: records from a friend of mine..          |
                             7##F Ś                                          |
                             `##' |      Cheers - Chrombacher, Jonas  _  _ __|
                              ŻŻ  |_________________________________________\

                    ____:_ ____________      ______  ______:_
  ________ ._____  /    |__\_____     /__.___\_    \_      |_____. ________
 |        ||     \/     |     _/_____/   |    /     /      |     ||        |
 |________||_____\/     |--._____________|___/     /--.__________||________|
        - -|-----/______|----------------cDr/_____/e^d-----------|- -
           |                                                     |
           `----------------. Amiga Wares....... .---------------'
                            | Ascii............. |
                            | Bulletins......... |
                            | Conferences....... |
                            | Console Wares..... |
                            | Comment........... |
                            | Doors............. |
                            | Download.......... |
                            | Elite Conference.. |
                            | Files............. |
                            | Goodbye........... |
                            | Last 10........... |
                            | Leech............. |
                            | Logoff............ |
                            | Menu.............. |
                            | New Users......... |
                            | PC................ |
                            | Pictures.......... |
                            | Private........... |
                            | Request........... |
                            | Upload............ |
                            |                    |
                            | Total....21 Logos _|                                    - Mmmmm, det var en god vätska.- Men jag som trodde att du bara drack vätskor frĺn din egen kropp.- Men det är ju det jag gör!

                              .LeT's sTaRT tHeN.

                                        . .                     #"7L
  .__________ _  _   _  _ ___ .____________\___________________.[  `L.n. ___.
  |                          \|             \. .                L   #"""#.  |
  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : A m i g a   W a r e s                            `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |
                                                       .     ˇ
                                                       .     .
     .____    ___ ____ _______ ____.         .___ _\ _____._____ /_
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                                        . .                     #"7L
  .__________ _  _   _  _ ___ .____________\___________________.[  `L.n. ___.
  |                          \|             \. .                L   #"""#.  |
  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : A s c i i i i ! !                                `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |

                      ._____.______.  ______.  ______ _____
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                  |    l/ __|___ l/    |_ \     |____|_____|  ::::::
              .cRb|______/      \______| \______|e^D.        ::::::ˇ

                                        . .                     #"7L
  .__________ _  _   _  _ ___ .____________\___________________.[  `L.n. ___.
  |                          \|             \. .                L   #"""#.  |
  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : B u l l e t i n s                                `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |

             _ ___.                          _.
        ________  |______.   ___.   ______._/ |__. ____ __________.
 ._.cRb.\____ \_  |  _._ | __\_ | _____.  |\_ .__|_. _/. _.  \_ __|___.e^D._.
 |     l_  _. _/. |   |  |/  _. |/  _/\|__|_  |/   |   | \|  \____.   |     |
 |       \ \|   | l_  |_ l_   | l_   | l_   \ l_   |___|\_|   \  \|   |     |
 |        \_____|\____| \_____|\_____|\______\_____|      |____\______|     |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

                                        . .                     #"7L
  .__________ _  _   _  _ ___ .____________\___________________.[  `L.n. ___.
  |                          \|             \. .                L   #"""#.  |
  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : C o n f e r e n c e                              `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |

  .....                                                                .....
  : ..:................................................................:.. :
  :.:.:                                                                :.:.:
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  \ l_   | l_  |\_|   |__|   \ l_   |_\    | l_   |_|   |\ l_   | l_   \  \|  |
   \_____|\____|_ |___|       \_____|__\___|\_____| |___| \_____|\_____ \_____|
    :                                                                    :
    :                                                                    :

                                        . .                     #"7L
  .__________ _  _   _  _ ___ .____________\___________________.[  `L.n. ___.
  |                          \|             \. .                L   #"""#.  |
  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |                                               ..Den som gapar över galen fĺgel mister oftast hela tuvan om och om igen!!!
  :  L o g o : C o n s o l e                                    `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |

                                _   _ ___ˇ_        _.__ _   _
                                         .          .
                    ....        _  _ ____:_        _.___ _   _
                 ...:..:                 Ś          :
             ....:..::.:                 |          Ś
             :   :.:.:                   |          |
          ...:.....:                     |          |
        __:___:   _______ ________ ______|   _______|____.    ________.
       .\_ _._|___. _.   \. _.  _/.\_ ___|___. _.   \\_  | ___\_ _.   |
       |   \|     | \|    | \|    |____._    | \|    |   |/   _/.\|___|_.
   .cRb|___ \     |_ l_   |__|    |___ l/    |_ l_   |__ l_     | l_    |
           \______| \_____|  Ś____|   \______| \_____|  \_______|\______|e^D.
                     :     ..:..         |     _ _  |  ._   __  __   _
                     :.....:.: :         |       (  : |l_\ |_/_(_  .(__
                           :...:         |       )_/\_||  )|  //___l___)
                   _   _ __ _ __ ___ ____|__        Ś

                                        . .                     #"7L
  .__________ _  _   _  _ ___ .____________\___________________.[  `L.n. ___.
  |                          \|             \. .                L   #"""#.  |
  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : C o m m e n t                                    `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |


              ˇ           .   . ...
              :   (nO)  .    . .:::::.           ....... .  .  .
              ::.                   ˇ::.      .::::::::       _.
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      |   \|     |\|    |   \/    /   \/    / \|___|_.\|    |  |/     |
  .cRb|___ \     | l_   |___/    /\___/    /__ l_    |_|    |_ l_     |e^D.
          \______|\_____|  /____/    /____/::ˇ\______| |____| \_______|
               ˇ::::.              .:::::::ˇ
                ˇ:::::.          .:::::::ˇ.
                  ˇ:::::..    ..:::::::ˇ :::
                    ˇˇ:::::::::::::ˇˇ     :::.
                        ˇˇ:::::ˇˇ          ˇ:::.. .  .
                                             ˇˇ:::. .  .

                                        . .                     #"7L
  .__________ _  _   _  _ ___ .____________\___________________.[  `L.n. ___.
  |                          \|             \. .                L   #"""#.  |
  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : D o o r s                                        `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |

                                  ... .. ...
                    .......... .  .:.    .:.  . ..........
                ....: ____.        :......:              :....
             ...:___:_\   |______  ______ _______________:   :...
          ...:  :\_  ._   |  ._  \.  ._  \\_ ._   /\_ ___Ś___:  :...
          :  :  Ś    l/   |  |/   |  |/   |  l/ _/_|___._    Ś  :  :
          :..:..|    l_ __|_ l_   |_ l_   |__\    _.__ l/    |..:..:
            .cRb|______/    \_____| \_____|   \____|  \______|e^D.

                                        . .                     #"7L
  .__________ _  _   _  _ ___ .____________\___________________.[  `L.n. ___.
  |                          \|             \. .                L   #"""#.  |
  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : D o w n l o a d                                  `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |

                                  :        .
      ____.       _ ____.         Ś        :                            ____.
 _____\   | ______ .    |.____ ___|________Ś     ______     ._____._____\   |
.\_  ._   |/  ._  \|    ||  _/.\_ ._  _/.  | ___/_ ._  \.___|___  |\_  ._   |
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|______/     \_____|___/  -cRb/e^DŚ_____| \_______|_____|______/  |______/
                                  :        Ś
                                  .        :
                            .. .  .        .  . ..
                             :.   .            .:
                              :.           .  .:
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                                        . .                     #"7L
  .__________ _  _   _  _ ___ .____________\___________________.[  `L.n. ___.
  |                          \|             \. .                L   #"""#.  |
  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : E l i t e   W a r e s                            `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |

                   .         .
                   :         .
                   Ś         :           _.
              _____|__.____. Ś    ______/ |___. ________.
             .\_ _.   |\_  | |____.  _/._ .___|.\_ _.   |::::.:. .   .
            .|   \|___|__. |/   _/|    |  |/   |   \|___|::::::.:. .    .
          .::|___ l_     | l_     |____|_ l_   |_._ l_     |
         ::::::ˇ \_______|\_______|      \_______| \_______| .cRb/e^D.
        :::::ˇ     |         |  __ ___..___ __ __ .__  __ .___ __  __
        :::::      Ś         | .)  \  ||  /(_ (_  |_/_(_  |  /.)  (_
        ˇ:::::.    :         Ś l___ \_|| / /  /___|  //___| / l___/___
         ˇ::::::.. .         :
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             ˇˇ::::::::::::::::.:. .   .

                                        . .                     #"7L
  .__________ _  _   _  _ ___ .____________\___________________.[  `L.n. ___.
  |                          \|             \. .                L   #"""#.  |
  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : F i l e s                                        `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |

                   .::::ˇ  ::::: [ˇ F i L E s ˇ]
                  ::::ˇ _.:::::ˇ_.    ________.______.
            ___.::::::::.  _/.\_ | __.\_ _.   |\_ ___|___.________
            \    ::::: |     |   |/  _/. \|___||___._    |       /
         .cRb\__ _:::::|_____|__ l_    |_ l_   _._ l/    | _ ___/e^D.
                   :::::.       \______| \______| \______|

                                        . .                     #"7L
  .__________ _  _   _  _ ___ .____________\___________________.[  `L.n. ___.
  |                          \|             \. .                L   #"""#.  |
  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : G o o d b y e                                    `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |

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  .                                                              7.   .JF   |
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  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : L e e c h                                        `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |

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  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
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  .                                                              7.   .JF   |

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  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : N e w   U s e r s                                `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |

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  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : P i c t u r e s                                  `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |

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  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : P r i v a t e                                    `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |

           .                                                          .
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  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : R e q u e s t                                    `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |

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                                        . .                     #"7L
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  Ś                           \__ _  _                          7       `L  |
  :  L o g o : U p l o a d                                      `L      J[  |
  .                                                              7.   .JF   |
       .                                                                     .
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                                  .dAS eNDE.


         _ ___ ____.::::.:. .  .   . .  .::
             //\___\:'_ _____            `:
ˇChrombacherˇ/ /___/_______ Ź\-EPSiLON--->:
   Presents / /\/\  Ź\    /   \ `:::::::::'
    a BBs-  \  /  \___\  /     \_-DESiGN-->
 dEsiGn-Colly\    /   /__       /         .
   cALLe^D:   \  /   /__\______/HrP/e^D.  :
  tHE dEMoN. ..\/___//:.:..   .  .        Ś
     aNd.. .:.:::::::::::::.:.ˇ ˇ32.96.60ˇ'


[] Min Engelskalärarinnas kompis har blivit uppraggad av Loket. Grejen är []
            [] den att hennes kompis är en kille. Där ser man []

                                             ...... .  .  ..
                                             :.:           :
                            .________________:_____        .
                _ _.        |                .   _/
              _(ř)Ź,),______|_________________    |        .
             `-._ ˇ '\,                      /    |
            ˇ-._/Żˇ-._; ePsiLoN^dEsiGn hAs bEEn aNd iS (*) :
        . ˇˇ-._/Źˇ-.                       /      |        .
       . Źˇ-._/Źˇ-._     Ajax             /       |        .
        Źˇ-._/Źˇ-._     Chrombacher (*)  /        |        .
       Źˇ-._/Źˇ-._ Ź   Cenobite         /         |        :
       ˇ-._/Źˇ-._ Ź   Crazy            /       ___|_ ____ _:_ __ _ __ _
       -._/Źˇ-.      Crusader (*)     /        \__._\\___\\__\\_\\\\
   .dto__/Źˇ-       Dale             /            |        :
 ..--ˇˇ ,Źˇ_       Desoto           /             |    ....:
   ŻŻŹˇˇ-.._×.    Fatal (*)        /              Ś    : ..:..
      /m'S. ŻŹ   Frame (*)        /     .  .  . ..:....:.:.: :
     /          Grimlock (*)     /                Ś      :...:
    /______    Harpoon (*)      /                 Ś
         /    Juan             /                  :
        /    Manta         ___/_ ____ ___ __ _ __   _
       /    Mammoth       /    //   //  // ////
      /    Pace          /____//___//__//_////    .
     /    Sandman          /|                     |
    /    Stash (*)        / |                     |
   /    Terminal Silence /  |                     |
  /    Tommy (*)        /   |                     |           ....
 /    Twister          /  Total: 2o aScii-wiZARds.|           : .:...
/__   _   _  _ _______/  Currently: 8 aScii-wiZARds.          :.::..:...
                            |                     |             :.:.:  :
     iF yOU'D LiKE tO bE a paRT oF tHiS LisT tHeN aPPLy foR meMBeRsHiP aT:
                            |                     |               :....:
                            |                _____\__ _
    ______     _ __/____    |      ______    \     \
 _ /     /__  ___ /    / _________/     /_   /     /__  ______________________
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|/     \     \    \     \    \     \  \     \    \     \   \_____/\    /____/
/_______\_____\____\     \____\____/___\_____\____\     \____\_____\_____\|
|                   \_____\  ______                \_____\          \     |
|                           /     / ______                                |
|                          /     / /     /_   __________________          |
|                          \     \/    ___/__/   ___    /    _  \    .----'
|                          /      \    \     \   \_____/\ ___/   \   ||ŻŻŻ|
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                            |    /                kRm/_____/
                            |                     |
                  ˇ[* ePSiLON^dESiGN wORLD hEADQUARTERS  *]ˇ
           .....            |                     |
           : ..:....        |.[ +46-21-33.09.75 ].|
           :.:.:   :        |                     |
             :  .__:________|    Sysop: FATAL     l____________
             :..|..:         Online Ascii-Ordering           _/
                |  F r o m   3 0   a s c i i - a r t i s t s  |
                |___________.                    _.___________|
                            |  The Worlds  First  |
                            |  ascii - ONLY  BBS  |
                            |                     |
                            |_                 ...|...
                            /__________________:__|  :
                                               :   ..:..
                                               :...:.: :

          [] Tut i Luren Fick Sven-Ĺke, Alla Andra Fick En Turbo []

       ˇ  [  M  e  s  s  a  g  e  s  ]  ˇ
|                                           |
| Fatal    - JAWOHL! Den sauerkraut-fabrikante aus münchen, ja ??? Förresten
|            min skjorta.. MAJS IST NAJSEST!|
| Nurgle   - Jaha, sorry för att jag inte kunde lyssna pĺ Mol och dricka
|            piggelin, men JAG VILL HA MIN BREACH-SKIVA!
| Cybergod - Äre' nĺ ql i lumpen dĺ ? trodde|väl inte det, HAHAHA! en annan
|            slapp ju!                      |
| Exocet   - Seems like the e-Mail server I'm on has crashed. Dunno when it
|            will be up. But I gladly would like to mailswap with you. Get
|            my adress in the end if you're interested.
| Orlingo  - Well, just take a look at the message to Exocet, if you'd like
|            to, I then can send you some plastic-bags!  >)
| Danzig   - Hopppas att man fĺr loggorna eller nĺt, vore fint :)
| Elfin    - Well as I said, the E-mail server is down. So I guess I won't be
|            hearing from you either (if you|wouldn't like to swap by snail-
|            mail that is)                  |
| Grimlock - Argh! Akkurat och du haer ingen|lina gĺr det rykten om, stackare!
|            BTW, grattis! And while I'm at it, why not send a letter to
|            Fatal or me (or anyone in e^D) instead of calling from phone-
|            booths to keep in contact. (cheaper, better!)
| All      - Nu har jag faen inte tid att göra nĺn ascii, för nu sk jag göra
|            special arbete!                |

                   |                                     _/.
                   |                                       |                                                                                                  Stor Harring..
                  As I kneel down here under the wait of love
                   |  You're inside my head all the time   |
                But|I feel My distance try to stay out of reach
                Because I can't ever make you mine, No I can't
                   |                                       |
                You're so gordeus child you shine like the sun,
                 Atleast in my head that's what you seem to|do
                   |                                       |
                   |  I feel so beautiful I can't control  |
                   | So I don't dare getting close to you  |
                   |           No I don't dare.            |
                   |                                       |
            Because|my feelings are dream until the day is furfill
                  And I could give light to just another day
                   |                                       |
               I didn't reach you but still you keep me thrilled
                   |       So I won't let you go away      |
                   |                                       |
                   |__  That's what I feel, I'm chained    |

                   .-----------÷ Asciiography: ÷-----------.
                   |                                       |
              .____`-- Name:            Size:      Year: --'____.
              |                                                 |
              |        CRB_ACOLL.TXT    17687       -93         |
              |        CRBCOLL2.TXT     44000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL3.TXT     48000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL4.TXT     52000       -94         |
              |        MIGHTBE.TXT     120000       -94         |
              |        CRB^BDZ.txt      28000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL6.TXT     60000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL7.TXT     55000       -94         |
              |        CRB^A2G.TXT      25000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL8.TXT     66666       -94         |
              |        CRB^TRiB.TXT     37000       -94         |
              |        CRB^SML.TXT      26000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL9.TXT     56000       -94         |
              |        CRB^SWE.TXT     160000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL5.TXT     60000       -94         |
              |        CRB^C2.TXT        9020       -94         |
              |        CRB^NCF.TXT      65000       -94         |
              |        CRB^GNR.TXT      40000       -95         |
              |        E^D-PREV.TXT     11111       -95         |
              |        E^D-MAJS.TXT     70000       -95         |
              |        E^D-NAJS.TXT     80000       -95         |
              |        E^D-NAME.TXT     50000       -95         |
              |        E^D-JOF.TXT      68000       -95         |
              |        E^D-PAL.TXT      63000       -95         |
              |        E^D-2M.TXT       30000       -95         |
              |        E^D-III.TXT       5555       -95         |
              |        E^D-CYP.TXT      70000       -95         |
              |        E^D-P9OS.TXT     30600       -95         |
              |        E^D-SI!.TXT     212121       -95         |
              |        E^D-DUH!.TXT      6000       -95         |
              |_______ E^D-HEAD.TXT     56000       -96 ________|
                       E^D-TDA.TXT      60000       -96

                               Total: 1719760 Bytes

      :                                                            :
   - -÷-_-______      _________  _________     _________  ______- -÷- -
  ___ |_\_ ____/___.__\__    ˇ/__\___   ˇ/__.__\___   ˇ/__\___ ˇ/__| _ ____
 |cDr||     \      |   _/   _/    _/____/   |     /   /  .-----/   ||   e^d|
   - -÷------------------------------------------------------------÷- -
      :        ______________________________________________.     :
      :      __\_                                            |.....:
      :....._)                                               Ś
           |                                                 :
           | Main Ascii .. Chrombacher/Epsilon^Design/Obscene/G-Force!
           | Guest Art .................. Karma/Arclite/Ashes/G-Force!
           |           ................ Crusader/Epsilon^Design/Giants
           |           ............... Harpoon/Epsilon^Design/Skid Row
           |           ............................. Shock-G/Jedi-Arts
           |           ................................ Treach/Contra!
           |           ......................... Desoto/Mo'Soul/Capcom
           | Music Support .................................. Big Fish
           |               ................................. Front 242
           |               ...............................Skinny Puppy                                                    ..They Rule!
           |               ..................................... Sober
           |               .................................... Breach
           |               ................................. Doughnuts
           |               ................................. Wiped out
           |               ......................... No Use For A Name
           | E-Mail ............................... jcn93@elev.vasa.se
           | Instrument ....................................... Guitar
           | Respects ..... Exocet,Mogue,Gozz,Cybergod,Styles,Paszczak
           |          ..... Danzig,Mortimer Twang,Misfit,u-Man,H2o,911
           |          ..... Desoto, Mark Ryder,Behemoth, Boheme,Treach
           |          ..... Elvis, Nup,Shapechanger, Java,Karma, Tsar1
           |          ..... Tango, Count Zer0, Trivial, Neptune, Phase
           |          ..... tBM, Shock-G, Ranx,Elvis, Zombie, Biscrock
           | Role Playing Games ................... Drakar och Demoner
           |                    ............................... Galaxy
           |                    ................................. Kult
           |                    ................................. MERP
           |                    ........................... Space 1889                                                                                            ..and defenitly NOT "Mutant Chronicles"
           | Tabletop Games .......................... Warhammer 40000
           |                ................. Warhammer Fantasy Battle
           | Release Date ................................... 96.03.30
           | Original Size/Number of Lines ................ 60000/1180
           | Adress (if anyone'd like to snail-mail me)... Chrombacher
           |        ..................................... Degelugnsv.3
           |        .................................. s-732 33 ARBOGA
           |        ........................................... SWEDEN
           | Irc ................................ #amielite,#amigascne

      This Is The End of "The Demon And.." Š1996 Chrombacher/řßs/e^D/gF!

               Published under the label of Epsilon Design Š1996

                       " Hardhitting Honest Ascii-style " Ž

   ˇ [   T h i s   S h o u l d   B e   L i n e   1 1 8 0   I n   C e d   ] ˇ

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                   ťˇ tONS oF cEWL uPLOADS eVERY dAY ˇŤ
          ťˇ aMIGA ^ pC-sCENE ^ aSCII ^ mUSIC ^ rEQUESTS ^ /X ˇŤ
         ťˇ aLL rUNNING oN a cEWL cOMMODORE 2000/030 28k8 poWER ˇŤ

                            28k8 V.34 / V.fast
                         ťˇ +31-[0]-30-6067278 ˇŤ