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I close my eyes just to wander in darkness : . to isolate me from You, to protect You from the demon : : with ice I kill myself when I'm walking in the desert : . . ..:.. . . You're the sun borned with no eyes : : or have You killed them with lies : : :..... : I'm the demon ...::.. : : ..... inside me you die : Ś:.:.: :..:.. : I'm the demon ..:..| : :.:.: You're the desert : :.:|..: : :...:Ś .....: I don't want you to figure me out . : : before I see what feeds these feelings . : : With ice I try to kill myself . ..:.: äre nĺn som vet vad lĺten heter(förutom min nästa colly??) : it makes me look, :.. : it makes me look so innocent : : But if I'm a demon why do I try to figure me out : : before you see what's behind these eyes : : ...... ..... ...: ... .. . : Sometimes I hate myself :....: :...: :..: :.: :: : : with my eyes wide open : : but with my eyes closed : : I die : ˇ . . ˇ ˇ ˇ . . . . . . . . . . . . . __________________________________________. .\__ _ _ | Love to you all.. | Hi, collection-time again.. | Ś Sorry all you waiting people | .nnnnnnn. : .nnnnnnnn but I'll soon release a new | .############n ..J###########n collection containing all | .##"' `""###. .J##F"" "7#L requests that I haven't | .#F `7#L .##" `#L published yet. Well, what| ]# 7#L.#F' 7# can a guy say in an intro| ## ]##F ]# How about that the ascii | ## 7#' ]# scene sucks and so does | ]# ]# J# ascii gazette. Hopefully | ]#[ ŚŚ #F a new ascii-mag will be | ## :: ]#' released including good | ]#[ .. #F music, TRUE news, gr8 gfx | 7#. J#' and maby a chart | `#L .#[ Today I made a grind-core | ]#L .#F version of "do you really | 7#. .## want me". Soon there will | 7#. J#' be a grindcore demo out from | 7#. J#' me and my group, Agriocult | 7#. .J#' catch me to get it!. | (Though it will NOT be serious) 7#n .##' Anyway, as I said, it seems like| 7#L .##' the ascii-scene is getting big | 7#L. J#F or something. But only the known | "##. .J#F persons and groups seems to get all | `##L .##' the attention when releasing ( which | 7#L .#F' ofcourse is a good thing in e^D's | "#L J#F case). So I guess I'll stop now, I have | `#L J#F just borrowed a couple of Skinny Puppy | `#LJ#F: records from a friend of mine.. | 7##F Ś | `##' | Cheers - Chrombacher, Jonas _ _ __| ŻŻ |_________________________________________\ ____:_ ____________ ______ ______:_ ________ ._____ / |__\_____ /__.___\_ \_ |_____. ________ | || \/ | _/_____/ | / / | || | |________||_____\/ |--._____________|___/ /--.__________||________| - -|-----/______|----------------cDr/_____/e^d-----------|- - | | `----------------. Amiga Wares....... .---------------' | Ascii............. | | Bulletins......... | | Conferences....... | | Console Wares..... | | Comment........... | | Doors............. | | Download.......... | | Elite Conference.. | | Files............. | | Goodbye........... | | Last 10........... | | Leech............. | | Logoff............ | | Menu.............. | | New Users......... | | PC................ | | Pictures.......... | | Private........... | | Request........... | | Upload............ | | | | Total....21 Logos _| - Mmmmm, det var en god vätska.- Men jag som trodde att du bara drack vätskor frĺn din egen kropp.- Men det är ju det jag gör! |____________________\ .LeT's sTaRT tHeN. n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . L #"""#. | Ś \__ _ _ 7 `L | : L o g o : A m i g a W a r e s `L J[ | . 7. .JF | Ś_______________________________________________________________L.n#"'____| ]F' . ˇ . ˇ . . ____Ś_____:____ .____ ___ ____ _______ ____. .___ _\ _____._____ /_ _____|___.\. / _ Y _ \ _ __//____|_________|___.\ \\ | // / \__ .__| |/ \ / \. \. \_.__ __\__ .__| \ \\ O|o // / ./ |/ | Y | | |/ \./ |/ |\ \\_|_// / | | | | | | | | | | \ _____ / | | | | | | | | | | \ \źźź/ / | l_ | | | | l_ | l_ | \_____/ |__________|_____|_____|_____|__________|__________| : Ś _ _ ._ _: __ _. ( |l_\ |_/_(_ .(__ )_/\_|| )| //___l___) . . n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . L #"""#. | Ś \__ _ _ 7 `L | : L o g o : A s c i i i i ! ! `L J[ | . 7. .JF | Ś_______________________________________________________________L.n#"'____| ]F' ._____.______. ______. ______ _____ . . . .:.:::::.___|___ :\_ ___|__\_ _._|___. _/. _/.::::.. . . .:.::::::| .__ Ś____._ | \| | | |:::::::. | l/ __|___ l/ |_ \ |____|_____| :::::: .cRb|______/ \______| \______|e^D. ::::::ˇ .:::::ˇ .::::ˇ .:::ˇ .::ˇ .:ˇ .ˇ n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . L #"""#. | Ś \__ _ _ 7 `L | : L o g o : B u l l e t i n s `L J[ | . 7. .JF | Ś_______________________________________________________________L.n#"'____| ]F' _ ___. _. ________ |______. ___. ______._/ |__. ____ __________. ._.cRb.\____ \_ | _._ | __\_ | _____. |\_ .__|_. _/. _. \_ __|___.e^D._. | l_ _. _/. | | |/ _. |/ _/\|__|_ |/ | | \| \____. | | | \ \| | l_ |_ l_ | l_ | l_ \ l_ |___|\_| \ \| | | | \_____|\____| \_____|\_____|\______\_____| |____\______| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__________________________________________________________________________| n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . L #"""#. | Ś \__ _ _ 7 `L | : L o g o : C o n f e r e n c e `L J[ | . 7. .JF | Ś_______________________________________________________________L.n#"'____| ]F' ..... ..... : ..:................................................................:.. : :.:.: :.:.: : : ____:_.____________________._________________________________.___________:. \_ _._|\_._. \. _. \. ___|_._. \_ ._ \_ _. \_ _. \. _._|\_._. \_ __|___. |_ \| |\| | \| | \____|\|__|_ l/ /_.\|__|_.\| | \| |\|__\_____. | \ l_ | l_ |\_| |__| \ l_ |_\ | l_ |_| |\ l_ | l_ \ \| | \_____|\____|_ |___| \_____|__\___|\_____| |___| \_____|\_____ \_____| : : : : :.cRb............................................................e^D.: n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . L #"""#. | Ś \__ _ _ 7 `L | ..Den som gapar över galen fĺgel mister oftast hela tuvan om och om igen!!! : L o g o : C o n s o l e `L J[ | . 7. .JF | Ś_______________________________________________________________L.n#"'____| ]F' _ _ ___ˇ_ _.__ _ _ . . . .... _ _ ____:_ _.___ _ _ ...:..: Ś : ....:..::.: | Ś : :.:.: | | ...:.....: | | __:___: _______ ________ ______| _______|____. ________. .\_ _._|___. _. \. _. _/.\_ ___|___. _. \\_ | ___\_ _. | | \| | \| | \| |____._ | \| | |/ _/.\|___|_. .cRb|___ \ |_ l_ |__| |___ l/ |_ l_ |__ l_ | l_ | \______| \_____| Ś____| \______| \_____| \_______|\______|e^D. : ..:.. | _ _ | ._ __ __ _ :.....:.: : | ( : |l_\ |_/_(_ .(__ :...: | )_/\_|| )| //___l___) _ _ __ _ __ ___ ____|__ Ś ////_//__//______/________| n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . L #"""#. | Ś \__ _ _ 7 `L | : L o g o : C o m m e n t `L J[ | . 7. .JF | Ś_______________________________________________________________L.n#"'____| ]F' . ˇ . . ... : (nO) . . .:::::. ....... . . . ::. ˇ::. .:::::::: _. ______.::::_____ ____ ________::____.::::::::ˇ_______/ |___. .\_ _._|___._. \. _\/_ / _\/_ /_. | _. _/\_ .___|__. | \| |\| | \/ / \/ / \|___|_.\| | |/ | .cRb|___ \ | l_ |___/ /\___/ /__ l_ |_| |_ l_ |e^D. \______|\_____| /____/ /____/::ˇ\______| |____| \_______| ˇ::::. .:::::::ˇ ˇ:::::. .:::::::ˇ. ˇ:::::.. ..:::::::ˇ ::: ˇˇ:::::::::::::ˇˇ :::. ˇˇ:::::ˇˇ ˇ:::.. . . ˇˇ:::. . . n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . L #"""#. | Ś \__ _ _ 7 `L | : L o g o : D o o r s `L J[ | . 7. .JF | Ś_______________________________________________________________L.n#"'____| ]F' ... .. ... :.:....:.: .......... . .:. .:. . .......... ....: ____. :......: :.... ...:___:_\ |______ ______ _______________: :... ...: :\_ ._ | ._ \. ._ \\_ ._ /\_ ___Ś___: :... : : Ś l/ | |/ | |/ | l/ _/_|___._ Ś : : :..:..| l_ __|_ l_ |_ l_ |__\ _.__ l/ |..:..: .cRb|______/ \_____| \_____| \____| \______|e^D. n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . L #"""#. | Ś \__ _ _ 7 `L | : L o g o : D o w n l o a d `L J[ | . 7. .JF | Ś_______________________________________________________________L.n#"'____| ]F' . . : . ____. _ ____. Ś : ____. _____\ | ______ . |.____ ___|________Ś ______ ._____._____\ | .\_ ._ |/ ._ \| || _/.\_ ._ _/. | ___/_ ._ \.___|___ |\_ ._ | | l/ | |/ | /\ | |/ | |/ _/.|/ | .__ | l/ | | l_ __|__ l_ | _//\____|___| |_ l |l_ | l/ __| l_ __| |______/ \_____|___/ -cRb/e^DŚ_____| \_______|_____|______/ |______/ : Ś . : .. . . . . .. :. . .: :. . .: :. ˇ .: :.: :.: :: :: :. .: ::....:: :::::: :::: :: n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . L #"""#. | Ś \__ _ _ 7 `L | : L o g o : E l i t e W a r e s `L J[ | . 7. .JF | Ś_______________________________________________________________L.n#"'____| ]F' . . . : . Ś : _. _____|__.____. Ś ______/ |___. ________. .\_ _. |\_ | |____. _/._ .___|.\_ _. |::::.:. . . .| \|___|__. |/ _/| | |/ | \|___|::::::.:. . . .::|___ l_ | l_ |____|_ l_ |_._ l_ | ::::::ˇ \_______|\_______| \_______| \_______| .cRb/e^D. :::::ˇ | | __ ___..___ __ __ .__ __ .___ __ __ ::::: Ś | .) \ || /(_ (_ |_/_(_ | /.) (_ ˇ:::::. : Ś l___ \_|| / / /___| //___| / l___/___ ˇ::::::.. . : ˇ:::::::::......... . . . ˇˇ::::::::::::::::.:. . . . . n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . L #"""#. | Ś \__ _ _ 7 `L | : L o g o : F i l e s `L J[ | . 7. .JF | Ś_______________________________________________________________L.n#"'____| ]F' ..::::::::. .::::ˇ ::::: [ˇ F i L E s ˇ] ::::ˇ _.:::::ˇ_. ________.______. ___.::::::::. _/.\_ | __.\_ _. |\_ ___|___.________ \ ::::: | | |/ _/. \|___||___._ | / .cRb\__ _:::::|_____|__ l_ |_ l_ _._ l/ | _ ___/e^D. :::::. \______| \______| \______| :::::: n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . L #"""#. | Ś \__ _ _ 7 `L | : L o g o : G o o d b y e `L J[ | . 7. .JF | Ś_______________________________________________________________L.n#"'____| ]F' ..:::::::.:. . . . .:::::::::.:. . . . .::::::ˇ .::::::ˇ . . ...... .... ..... .:::::ˇ : : :: :.: :..: : ..:.... :::::: . :.:.: : :::::: . . : : :::::: ____.____ _ :________ . :.....: ______. ::::::___ _______ _____\_ | _/_____Ś__ /_:________. .\_ ___|___. _. \. _. \.\_ ._ | _. _ ._ _/_ Ś\_ _. | | \._ | \| | \| | |/ | \| |____.__/ | \|___|__. .cRb|___ l/ |_ l_ |_ l_ | l_ __|__ l_ | l/ __|___ l_ |e^D. \______| \_____|.\_____|______/ \______|______/ | \_______| ˇ:::::. | | ˇ::::: | | ::. :::::: .::_ _ _____________Ś |___ _ _ :::::::::::: : | :::::::::: . | :::::::: : | ::::::_ _ _________________Ś |____ _ _ :::: | | :: | | ' ` n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . L #"""#. | Ś \__ _ _ 7 `L | : L o g o : L a s t š ° `L J[ | . 7. .JF | Ś_______________________________________________________________L.n#"'____| ]F' _. .......___............_____.______...._/ |___........______.________....... Ś .\_ | _________|___ :\_ ___|___\_ .___|__. \._ | ._ _/. Ś | | |/ _/ .__ Ś____._ | |/ | | | |/ | | |_.cRb|__ l_ | l/ __|___ l/ |_ l_ |_____|____|________|e^D._| \_______|______/ \______| \_______| n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . L #"""#. | Ś \__ _ _ 7 `L | : L o g o : L e e c h `L J[ | . 7. .JF | Ś_______________________________________________________________L.n#"'____| ]F' .____ .______ ____. __ ________________.______. | /______ ______. ...: .\_ | ___\_ _. \_ _. |\_ _._|_|_. _. _/. :... ..: : | |/ _/.\|___|_.\|___|_. \| | \| | : :.. .:.:..:__.cRb|___ l_ | l_ | l_ |_ \ |__| |e^D.__:..:.:. \_______|\______|\______| \______| |_____| n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . L #"""#. | Ś \__ _ _ 7 `L | : L o g o : L o g o f f `L J[ | . 7. .JF | Ś_______________________________________________________________L.n#"'____| ]F' _. ____. __. ____.____.____. ./ |___./ . |/ _|__./ . | ___| ___| .__l_ l_ l_ l_ l_ \_ l_ l_ l__- l__-____. .cRb| \____| \___| \____| \___| |e^D. | | |_________________________________________| n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . L #"""#. | Ś \__ _ _ 7 `L | : L o g o : M e n u `L J[ | . 7. .JF | Ś_______________________________________________________________L.n#"'____| ]F' ...... .____________________________________________ _. | ______ :::::: | _______| ____________________________ / /___ ...... | \ _\/_ / ._ \ _. _/./ / \ :....: | \ \/ / |/___/\__ \| | /| \ ...... | \ \____/|__ l_ \___\ |_____________\: : | \_____\cRb/e^D\__________\ |_____|: : : : : : | | : :: :.: :..: :.........: | |___________________________________________________| n . . #"7L .__________ _ _ _ _ ___ .____________\___________________.[ `L.n. ___. | \| \. . 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Ś aNd.. .:.:::::::::::::.:.ˇ ˇ32.96.60ˇ' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ --------------------------------^(@FiLE_iD)^---------------------------------- [] Min Engelskalärarinnas kompis har blivit uppraggad av Loket. Grejen är [] [] den att hennes kompis är en kille. Där ser man [] ...... . . .. :.: : .________________:_____ . _ _. | . _/ _(ř)Ź,),______|_________________ | . `-._ ˇ '\, / | ˇ-._/Żˇ-._; ePsiLoN^dEsiGn hAs bEEn aNd iS (*) : . ˇˇ-._/Źˇ-. / | . . Źˇ-._/Źˇ-._ Ajax / | . Źˇ-._/Źˇ-._ Chrombacher (*) / | . Źˇ-._/Źˇ-._ Ź Cenobite / | : ˇ-._/Źˇ-._ Ź Crazy / ___|_ ____ _:_ __ _ __ _ -._/Źˇ-. Crusader (*) / \__._\\___\\__\\_\\\\ .dto__/Źˇ- Dale / | : ..--ˇˇ ,Źˇ_ Desoto / | ....: ŻŻŹˇˇ-.._×. Fatal (*) / Ś : ..:.. /m'S. ŻŹ Frame (*) / . . . ..:....:.:.: : / Grimlock (*) / Ś :...: /______ Harpoon (*) / Ś / Juan / : / Manta ___/_ ____ ___ __ _ __ _ / Mammoth / // // // //// / Pace /____//___//__//_//// . / Sandman /| | / Stash (*) / | | / Terminal Silence / | | / Tommy (*) / | | .... / Twister / Total: 2o aScii-wiZARds.| : .:... /__ _ _ _ _______/ Currently: 8 aScii-wiZARds. :.::..:... | | :.:.: : iF yOU'D LiKE tO bE a paRT oF tHiS LisT tHeN aPPLy foR meMBeRsHiP aT: | | :....: | _____\__ _ ______ _ __/____ | ______ \ \ _ / /__ ___ / / _________/ /_ / /__ ______________________ | / _/ \/ \ \/ _ \ ___/__/ _/ \/ ___ / _ / |/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_____/\ /____/ /_______\_____\____\ \____\____/___\_____\____\ \____\_____\_____\| | \_____\ ______ \_____\ \ | | / / ______ | | / / / /_ __________________ | | \ \/ ___/__/ ___ / _ \ .----' | / \ \ \ \_____/\ ___/ \ ||ŻŻŻ| l_________________________/ /_____\_____\____\_____\\______/___|: : | / kRm/_____/ | | ˇ[* ePSiLON^dESiGN wORLD hEADQUARTERS *]ˇ ..... | | : ..:.... |.[ +46-21-33.09.75 ].| :.:.: : | | : .__:________| Sysop: FATAL l____________ :..|..: Online Ascii-Ordering _/ | F r o m 3 0 a s c i i - a r t i s t s | |___________. _.___________| | The Worlds First | | ascii - ONLY BBS | | | |_ ...|... /__________________:__| : : ..:.. :...:.: : :...: [] Tut i Luren Fick Sven-Ĺke, Alla Andra Fick En Turbo [] ˇ [ M e s s a g e s ] ˇ .___________________________________________. | | | Fatal - JAWOHL! Den sauerkraut-fabrikante aus münchen, ja ??? Förresten | min skjorta.. MAJS IST NAJSEST!| | Nurgle - Jaha, sorry för att jag inte kunde lyssna pĺ Mol och dricka | piggelin, men JAG VILL HA MIN BREACH-SKIVA! | Cybergod - Äre' nĺ ql i lumpen dĺ ? trodde|väl inte det, HAHAHA! en annan | slapp ju! | | Exocet - Seems like the e-Mail server I'm on has crashed. Dunno when it | will be up. But I gladly would like to mailswap with you. Get | my adress in the end if you're interested. | Orlingo - Well, just take a look at the message to Exocet, if you'd like | to, I then can send you some plastic-bags! >) | Danzig - Hopppas att man fĺr loggorna eller nĺt, vore fint :) | Elfin - Well as I said, the E-mail server is down. So I guess I won't be | hearing from you either (if you|wouldn't like to swap by snail- | mail that is) | | Grimlock - Argh! Akkurat och du haer ingen|lina gĺr det rykten om, stackare! | BTW, grattis! And while I'm at it, why not send a letter to | Fatal or me (or anyone in e^D) instead of calling from phone- | booths to keep in contact. (cheaper, better!) | All - Nu har jag faen inte tid att göra nĺn ascii, för nu sk jag göra | special arbete! | l___________________________________________| ._______________________________________ | _/. | | Stor Harring.. As I kneel down here under the wait of love | You're inside my head all the time | But|I feel My distance try to stay out of reach Because I can't ever make you mine, No I can't | | You're so gordeus child you shine like the sun, Atleast in my head that's what you seem to|do | | | I feel so beautiful I can't control | | So I don't dare getting close to you | | No I don't dare. | | | Because|my feelings are dream until the day is furfill And I could give light to just another day | | I didn't reach you but still you keep me thrilled | So I won't let you go away | | | |__ That's what I feel, I'm chained | ˇ/______________________________________| .-----------÷ Asciiography: ÷-----------. | | .____`-- Name: Size: Year: --'____. | | | CRB_ACOLL.TXT 17687 -93 | | CRBCOLL2.TXT 44000 -94 | | CRBCOLL3.TXT 48000 -94 | | CRBCOLL4.TXT 52000 -94 | | MIGHTBE.TXT 120000 -94 | | CRB^BDZ.txt 28000 -94 | | CRBCOLL6.TXT 60000 -94 | | CRBCOLL7.TXT 55000 -94 | | CRB^A2G.TXT 25000 -94 | | CRBCOLL8.TXT 66666 -94 | | CRB^TRiB.TXT 37000 -94 | | CRB^SML.TXT 26000 -94 | | CRBCOLL9.TXT 56000 -94 | | CRB^SWE.TXT 160000 -94 | | CRBCOLL5.TXT 60000 -94 | | CRB^C2.TXT 9020 -94 | | CRB^NCF.TXT 65000 -94 | | CRB^GNR.TXT 40000 -95 | | E^D-PREV.TXT 11111 -95 | | E^D-MAJS.TXT 70000 -95 | | E^D-NAJS.TXT 80000 -95 | | E^D-NAME.TXT 50000 -95 | | E^D-JOF.TXT 68000 -95 | | E^D-PAL.TXT 63000 -95 | | E^D-2M.TXT 30000 -95 | | E^D-III.TXT 5555 -95 | | E^D-CYP.TXT 70000 -95 | | E^D-P9OS.TXT 30600 -95 | | E^D-SI!.TXT 212121 -95 | | E^D-DUH!.TXT 6000 -95 | |_______ E^D-HEAD.TXT 56000 -96 ________| E^D-TDA.TXT 60000 -96 Total: 1719760 Bytes : : - -÷-_-______ _________ _________ _________ ______- -÷- - ___ |_\_ ____/___.__\__ ˇ/__\___ ˇ/__.__\___ ˇ/__\___ ˇ/__| _ ____ |cDr|| \ | _/ _/ _/____/ | / / .-----/ || e^d| |___|:--._________|---/______\-.___________|-.______/_____________||______| - -÷------------------------------------------------------------÷- - : ______________________________________________. : : __\_ |.....: :....._) Ś | : | Main Ascii .. Chrombacher/Epsilon^Design/Obscene/G-Force! | Guest Art .................. Karma/Arclite/Ashes/G-Force! | ................ Crusader/Epsilon^Design/Giants | ............... Harpoon/Epsilon^Design/Skid Row | ............................. Shock-G/Jedi-Arts | ................................ Treach/Contra! | ......................... Desoto/Mo'Soul/Capcom | Music Support .................................. Big Fish | ................................. Front 242 | ...............................Skinny Puppy ..They Rule! | ..................................... Sober | .................................... Breach | ................................. Doughnuts | ................................. Wiped out | ......................... No Use For A Name | E-Mail ............................... jcn93@elev.vasa.se | Instrument ....................................... Guitar | Respects ..... Exocet,Mogue,Gozz,Cybergod,Styles,Paszczak | ..... Danzig,Mortimer Twang,Misfit,u-Man,H2o,911 | ..... Desoto, Mark Ryder,Behemoth, Boheme,Treach | ..... Elvis, Nup,Shapechanger, Java,Karma, Tsar1 | ..... Tango, Count Zer0, Trivial, Neptune, Phase | ..... tBM, Shock-G, Ranx,Elvis, Zombie, Biscrock | Role Playing Games ................... Drakar och Demoner | ............................... Galaxy | ................................. Kult | ................................. MERP | ........................... Space 1889 ..and defenitly NOT "Mutant Chronicles" | Tabletop Games .......................... Warhammer 40000 | ................. Warhammer Fantasy Battle | Release Date ................................... 96.03.30 | Original Size/Number of Lines ................ 60000/1180 | Adress (if anyone'd like to snail-mail me)... Chrombacher | ..................................... Degelugnsv.3 | .................................. s-732 33 ARBOGA | ........................................... SWEDEN | Irc ................................ #amielite,#amigascne |_________________________________________________| This Is The End of "The Demon And.." Š1996 Chrombacher/řßs/e^D/gF! Published under the label of Epsilon Design Š1996 " Hardhitting Honest Ascii-style " Ž ˇ [ T h i s S h o u l d B e L i n e 1 1 8 0 I n C e d ] ˇ [][ˇTˇRˇYˇˇTˇHˇIˇSˇˇOˇNˇEˇˇFˇRˇEˇAˇKˇSˇ][] . . .| [ T ˇ H ˇ E O ˇ A ˇ s ˇ E ] `--------------.|| |___ __________||`-------------..-----------------------------------------. |`---------.| | || dlt | | || | || ----------------------------------------' | || | _______|| ---------------------------------------' `----------'`-| / |`---------/-----------------------------'(__ .------`---.--------' / / / .---------.| l | (________/__________________ / / | || _ .--|-----------------------------------.| _/ / | l || | | | uPLOADER: StImPsOn |||/ / `---------'| | | | lOCATiON: #!# pOWER tRADE #! ||| _________/__ `-| `--|------------------------------------'|____________/ `--------' `-----------' ťˇ eFFECT eQUAL hQ ^ mO[l]EN, WhQ ^ sTOER & nUTTELOOS eUROPEAN hQ ˇŤ ťˇ hYPEROPIA dISTRiBUTION ^ jAMM dISTRiBUTION ^ bLASM dUTCH hQ ˇŤ ťˇ tONS oF cEWL uPLOADS eVERY dAY ˇŤ ťˇ eUROPE'S bIGGEST sTRIPPED aSCII aND /X cONFERENCE ˇŤ ťˇ aMIGA ^ pC-sCENE ^ aSCII ^ mUSIC ^ rEQUESTS ^ /X ˇŤ ťˇ aLL rUNNING oN a cEWL cOMMODORE 2000/030 28k8 poWER ˇŤ 28k8 V.34 / V.fast ťˇ +31-[0]-30-6067278 ˇŤ [][ˇTˇRˇYˇˇTˇHˇIˇSˇˇOˇNˇEˇˇFˇRˇEˇAˇKˇSˇ][]