
            ._______      ._______      .____________
           /\_     /_    /\_     /_____/\_    ______/
          /       __/   /       /     /     ____/__
    ------->     /_____/      _      /       /    / ------- ---- ---  --  ->
  --- --/       /     /       /     /      _/   ------- ---  --  ->
                    /\______      /\_____      /      _______/\     ______/
          <- -- -----      /     /     _      _\______      /     ____/__
             ____ /       /     /      /     /       /     /       /    /
             \  //       /     /      /     /      _/     /      _/    /
              \//_____________/______/_____/_____________/____________/ pRD!

                  - --  ---(  t h e   o a s e  )---  -- -

                ( +31-[0]3060-67278 ) ^ ( Ascii Paradise! )


                                                        -« rOAD-aDDER V1.0 »-

[SOSS] -------------------------------------------------------------> Line 1/400

  .      :      .    _   _            ___ _
   `.   ...   .'    `--.|-' |-  |-  ||  /`-|
     .:::::::.      /__||__\|__\|__\|| //__|
    .:::::::::.            _       ___
``` ::::::::::: '''       `--. / ||  /
     :::::::::            /__|/__|| /
    . ``:::'' .
  .'     .     `.   © 961018 21:00 Tommy/e^D

                               _        _
            ___      _________//_      //_      ___  __________________
 _ _____ _ / _/_____/ _      / _/_____/ _/______\_/_/        / _      /_ _____ _
///____////__      / _______/ /      / /      /    /_/      /__      ////____///
           /______/__/     /________/________/____/ /______/ /______/
                            ___        ________________
 _ _____________________ _ / _/_______/      /        /_ _____________________ _
///____________________////__      / /      /_/      ////____________________///
                           /______/________/ /______/

                                  _ |--.`--| _

             |                              |
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 \         |_!__________/             /________               ______\       |
  \      __l__           ____\_____\ /     ____\_________    /       \    __l__
 _____  /____//__________\          \_____/             /___/__________  /____/
     /_____|                             /__ __\_____\ /             _______|
             ¡          .-------------------¡----.    \______________\
             |__________!___________________|    |
                                     __  __
                                  _ |  ||- ' _

     ________   _________._____    .     : ______    _________      ._______
   ._\__    /_./    _   .:    /___ :     :/     /__./    _   /_.____:_     /
   |_  /___/  |_   _/   l____     \:     |_    /   |_    /     :    :/    /
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           _______.                                           \      /
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   -------------------------------------:     ·-----------------------------
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                                _ .--||  /.--| _
                                  |__|| / |__|    _______________
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        _________   l o o k e r h o u s e !  ____|__             |
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        /      /(   _     /(   _     /    _/      /     __/___(    _     /
      _/      /_    /    /_    /    /_    \      /_    _/    /    (/    /_
           _________                     ________|    ·          |
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   -sg/jA! \     (/     /.    /    /_    /    \_       /    _/    /
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         .                        |__|| / |__|
         |_______ -uMn/aL·
 __ _____|      /___________ ______ _________ _____  _______ _______ _____
|   \   _|     /_\_    /   /_\__  /_\__  _  /_____(__\_    /_\_    /      |
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|_ /_____|___/_________(_______\______\_____\_____/___\____(_______( _____|

...............................          .
.. .                    . .. ::         /_   .______.
:                          :_::__________/___|_     l_         ________________
. introintrOintRointROin ._(___)__  ___ /     /      /    _____\__    __      /
  TroinTrOinTRoinTROiNtr |       /---/ .     /       |___\\_     /___        /
. oiNtrOiNtRoiNtROiNTro! l______/   /_______/________     \   __/\  /-------/
:. .                    . .: ::                  -rLF/-----/_______\-T!

    it's friday afternoon and i've just bought the chemical brothers' latest
    single "setting sun". very cool, indeed. i released a respect collection
    2 days ago and i'm not supposed to release anything until december (well
    that's what i thought, atleast). but since i've got some spare hours <--
    and i got inspired by the chemical bros music, i made this... eeehmmm...
    thing... or something... in about 2 hours (max). if you're looking 1+1+2
    logos you've requested you can look as much as you want, 'cause you will
    not find them in here. i haven't made them yet. hehehe... [exit]
                                                                     - tommy

                            logos for the e^D posse:

* ha r  p    o      o                n
                                  __   __        __
                       |__|  /\  |__) |__)  __  (__) |\ |
                       |  | /¯¯\ |  \ |    (__)      | \|

* fa t  a    l
                               __     ___
                              |_ ' /\  |  /\  |
                              |   /¯¯\ | /¯¯\ |__,

* ch r  o    m        b                a                                c  h er
                        __   __        __                  __   __
              __  |__| |__) (__) |\/| |__)  /\   __  |__| |_ ' |__)
             (__, |  | |  \      |  | |__) /¯¯\ (__, |  | |__, |  \

* fr a  m    e
                             __   __             __
                            |_ ' |__)  /\  |\/| |_ '
                            |    |  \ /¯¯\ |  | |__,

* st a  s    h
                              __  ___      __
                             (__'  |  /\  (__' |__|
                             ,__)  | /¯¯\ ,__) |  |

* ce n  o    b        i                t                                e
                            __        __   __    ___  __
                       __  |_ ' |\ | (__) |__) |  |  |_ '
                      (__, |__, | \|      |__) |  |  |__,

* to m  m    y
                              |  __  |\/| |\/| (__|
                              | (__) |  | |  | ,__|

* gr i  m    l        o                c                                k
                       __   __                    __
                      | _' |__) | |\/| |     __  (__, |__/
                      |__) |  \ | |  | |__, (__)      |  \

* ja v  a

                                  |  /\ \  / /\
                               (__| /¯¯\ \/ /¯¯\

* ra s  t    a
                              __        __  ___
                             |__)  /\  (__'  |  /\
                             |  \ /¯¯\ ,__)  | /¯¯\

* go z  z
                               __        __   __
                              | _'  __  `__) `__)
                              |__) (__) (__, (__,

* cy b  e    r        g                o                                d
                               __   __   __   __   __
                     __  (__| |__) |_ ' |__) | _' (__)  __
                    (__, ,__| |__) |__, |  \ |__)      |__)

    great style, eh? i've worked really hard on it, and i'm really satisfied
    with it. make sure to use those high quality logos in your collections!!

                                      :-)                                                                                                     filling up space!

                                but seriously...

[ harpoon ]
              .)  |__  _____ ____/\ ____/\ ______ ______ ____/\
              |   _  \_\__  \)  _  \)  _  \)  _  \)  _  \)  _  \
       ____ _ |   |      _      |___   /      \      \      |   \ _ ____
       \___\\||___|   __________|eD|   _____________________|___////___/
                  `---'            |   |t0!
                                   |   |
                                _\_|   |_/_
                                  \ _   /
                                   \\  /
                                    \ /
[ fatal ]

                  (just got a logo in my respect collection!)

[ chrombacher ]
                    _             ___.
                   _|__ _   /\___.)  |__ ____/\ ______ ___ /\
                   \|      /  __/|   _  \)  _  \)  _  \)  Y  \
            ________|__ _ /   \      |      |___   \     \ /  \
            \__________\\\\__________|   ___|eD\__________Y___/
                 ___|                |   |
                .)  |__  _____  /\___|   |__  _____ ____/\
                |   _  \_\__  \/  __/|   _  \/  _  \)  _  \_ _ ____
                |   /      _      \      |      ___/   |___////___/
                |________________________|   __________|t0!
[ frame ]
                               |             |
                        /\_____|/\  _____ ___|/\ ______
                       /  ___  _  \_\__  \)  Y  \)  _  \
               ____ _ /   _/   |___   _     \ /     ___/_ _ ____
               \___\\\\___|\___|eD\__________Y   _______////___/
                               |          t0!|---'

[ stash ]
                               _._______________________ _
                               _|                 ___.
                       /\_____/ |__  _____  /\___.)  |__
                      /  __/\   __/__\__  \/  __/|   _  \
              ____ _ _\___      \      _   \___      |   \ _ ____
                     _ _________|_
[ cenobite ]

                              _ _________________________________ _
                              \\\         ___.        _.
               /\___ ______ ____/\ _______)  |_______/ |__ ______
              /  __/_)  _  \)  _  \)  _  \   _  \___   __/_)  _  \
      ____ _ /   \      ___/   |      \      /         \      ___/_ _ ____
   t0!\___\\\\_________________|   ______________   ______________////___/e^D
                               `---' \ _        `---'
             _ _______________________\\\

[ tommy ]

                                  (that's me!)

[ grimlock ]

                (also just got a logo in my respect collection!)

[ java ]
                         _ __________ _
                             .__  ___/\___________/\
                          ___|  \_\__  \      /\__  \
                  ____ _ /   |      _   \    /   _   \ _ ____
               t0!\___\\\\______________/\  /\_______////___/e^D
                                         \\\________ _

[ rasta ]
                                             _._________ _
                      ____/\  _____  /\_____/ |__  ___/\
                      )  _  \_\__  \/  __/\   __/__\__  \
              ____ _ /   |___   _   \___      \      _   \ _ ____
           t0!\___\\\\___|  \____________________________////___/e^D
                     _ _______________________|_
[ gozz ]

           (that guy also just got a logo in my respect collection!)

[ cybergod ]
                               _           _
                           _ __/___________\__ _
                          ___./             \                    ___.
             /\___  /\____)  |__ ______ ____/\ ____/\ ______  ___)  |
            /  __/_/  \  \   _  \)  _  \)  _  \)  _  \)  _  \/  _   |
    ____ _ /   \      /      /      ___/   |___   /      \      \   | _ ____
 t0!\___\\\\___________   _________________|  \____   ______________||//___/e^D
                    /____/                      /____/
                    _ __/_________________________\__ _
                      _/                           \_

[ epsilon design ]
                      ...:...:.. .
                       `.:   :              ___.
                   ______:___:/\  /\___ ____)  |_____ ____/\
                   )  _  \)  _  \/  __/(___)   /  _  \)  _  \
                _ /   ___/   /   \___      |      \      |   \
            _ __\\\_______   ___________   |   __________|___/e^D
                \\       |   |         `---^---'
                  \    __|   |_____  /\___ _______/\ ____/\
                      /  _   /  _  \/  __/(___)  _  \)  _  \
                     /   \      ___/\___         /      |   \ _
                  t0!\_____________________   ____   ___|___///__ _
                         :   :.           `---'/____/        //
                     . ..:...:.:.                           /
                         '   :

         _____    __|____  ________   _____    ____  ______|__   _____
      ___\  _/____\_    /__\_     /___\_   \_____ /__\_     _/___\  _/____
      \     \     _/   /    /____/     /    /   \/    |     |    _\      /
                    |           Tommy  by  Mortimer Twang  |
                    |  Epsilon Design  by  Gozz            |
                    |    Looker House  by  Shock G         |
                    |        Hellfire  by  U-man           |
                    |           Intro  by  Relief          |
                    |         Credits  by  Crusader        |

                zero minutes spent on designing this collection!

[EOSS] -----------------------------------------------------------> Line 400/400


 _ ___        t      h      e          o      a      s      e        ___ _
.__)                                                                   (__
\) ____/\__  __/\.    __/\_____    __/\___  __/\___  __/\_______/\_____ _/
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 \_    |    \/       \/  __/_____  /   |   \/   |   \/\_____ \/  __/_____\·
 |/    |     \   |    \  \     _/ /    |    \   .    \     /  \  \     _/ ·
 /     |      \__|     \__      \_\____      \__|     \__      \__      \_
·|     l_______/\_______/\___ ___/  sE\_______/\_______/\_______/\__ ____/
 |                          \/                                      \/vC!
 `--------------------------------------------- ------------ -------- --- -

         The Place To Search For All Yar Missed Ascii Collections!
             And Ofcourse Much More - +31-[0]30-6067278 - 28k8


                                                        -« rOAD-aDDER V1.0 »-