[»<->«][»<->«][»<->«][»<->«][»<->«][»<->«][»<->«][»<->«][»<->«][»<->«] ._______ ._______ .____________ /\_ /_ /\_ /_____/\_ ______/ / __/ / / / ____/__ -------> /_____/ _ / / / ------- ---- --- -- -> --- --/ / / / / _/ ------- --- -- -> /_____________/_______/_____/____________/ ._____________.____________._____________.____________ /\______ /\_____ / _______/\ ______/ <- -- ----- / / _ _\______ / ____/__ ____ / / / / / / / / / \ // / / / / _/ / _/ / \//_____________/______/_____/_____________/____________/ pRD! - -- ---( t h e o a s e )--- -- - ( +31-[0]3060-67278 ) ^ ( Ascii Paradise! ) [»<->«][»<->«][»<->«][»<->«][»<->«][»<->«][»<->«][»<->«][»<->«][»<->«] -« rOAD-aDDER V1.0 »- [SOSS] -------------------------------------------------------------> Line 1/400 @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _________.__________________________________ . : . _ _ ___ _ `. ... .' `--.|-' |- |- || /`-| .:::::::. /__||__\|__\|__\|| //__| .:::::::::. _ ___ ``` ::::::::::: ''' `--. / || / ::::::::: /__|/__|| / . ``:::'' . .' . `. © 961018 21:00 Tommy/e^D ---------:---------------------------------- @END_FILE_ID.DIZ _ _ ___ _________//_ //_ ___ __________________ _ _____ _ / _/_____/ _ / _/_____/ _/______\_/_/ / _ /_ _____ _ ///____////__ / _______/ / / / / /_/ /__ ////____/// /______/__/ /________/________/____/ /______/ /______/ ___ ________________ _ _____________________ _ / _/_______/ / /_ _____________________ _ ///____________________////__ / / /_/ ////____________________/// /______/________/ /______/ _ |--.`--| _ |__|/__| ______________________________ | | __________. | ______________ !©Mt _________ \ |_!__________/ /________ ______\ | \ __l__ ____\_____\ / ____\_________ / \ __l__ _____ /____//__________\ \_____/ /___/__________ /____/ /_____| /__ __\_____\ / _______| ¡ .-------------------¡----. \______________\ |__________!___________________| | `------------------------' __ __ _ | ||- ' _ |__|| ________ _________._____ . : ______ _________ ._______ ._\__ /_./ _ .: /___ : :/ /__./ _ /_.____:_ / |_ /___/ |_ _/ l____ \: |_ / |_ / : :/ / /__________/ \_____\ /______: :/_________/__________: /____/ -----------/_______\------------· :--------------------_: :_------ _______. \ / ___\__ _| ________ ._____ : . _______ \. /___ ./ _/ \._\__ /_.: /___ : :/ __/____.____:_ · / |_ zZ \ |_ /___/ l____ \: l__ \_ : :/ / /__________:/__________ _ /______: : /____/_____:____/____/ -------------------------------------: ·----------------------------- _ ___ _ .--|| /.--| _ |__|| / |__| _______________ \ / |¯ ¯| _________ l o o k e r h o u s e ! ____|__ | \ /__________ __________ ____ / /_______ __|________ / /( _ /( _ / _/ / __/___( _ / _/ /_ / /_ / /_ \ /_ _/ / (/ /_ \--------/----------/----------/-----\______/----\_____\----/______/ _________ ________| · | \ /______ __________ ___\_ ___/|___/_ _______ | _\ _ /( _ / / \ /___( __/_|_ -sg/jA! \ (/ /. / /_ / \_ / _/ / /-----/_______|----------/----------/_______\----\_____\ / | | · |_ _| _ ___ /_____________\ _ .--|| /.--| _ . |__|| / |__| |_______ -uMn/aL· __ _____| /___________ ______ _________ _____ _______ _______ _____ | \ _| /_\_ / /_\__ /_\__ _ /_____(__\_ /_\_ / | | / \_ / /___/_ \ / \ / /___( / / /_ /___/_ | |_ /_____|___/_________(_______\______\_____\_____/___\____(_______( _____| | · ............................... . .. . . .. :: /_ .______. : :_::__________/___|_ l_ ________________ . introintrOintRointROin ._(___)__ ___ / / / _____\__ __ / TroinTrOinTRoinTROiNtr | /---/ . / |___\\_ /___ / . oiNtrOiNtRoiNtROiNTro! l______/ /_______/________ \ __/\ /-------/ :. . . .: :: -rLF/-----/_______\-T! .............................:: it's friday afternoon and i've just bought the chemical brothers' latest single "setting sun". very cool, indeed. i released a respect collection 2 days ago and i'm not supposed to release anything until december (well that's what i thought, atleast). but since i've got some spare hours <-- and i got inspired by the chemical bros music, i made this... eeehmmm... thing... or something... in about 2 hours (max). if you're looking 1+1+2 logos you've requested you can look as much as you want, 'cause you will not find them in here. i haven't made them yet. hehehe... [exit] - tommy logos for the e^D posse: * ha r p o o n __ __ __ |__| /\ |__) |__) __ (__) |\ | | | /¯¯\ | \ | (__) | \| * fa t a l __ ___ |_ ' /\ | /\ | | /¯¯\ | /¯¯\ |__, * ch r o m b a c h er __ __ __ __ __ __ |__| |__) (__) |\/| |__) /\ __ |__| |_ ' |__) (__, | | | \ | | |__) /¯¯\ (__, | | |__, | \ * fr a m e __ __ __ |_ ' |__) /\ |\/| |_ ' | | \ /¯¯\ | | |__, * st a s h __ ___ __ (__' | /\ (__' |__| ,__) | /¯¯\ ,__) | | * ce n o b i t e __ __ __ ___ __ __ |_ ' |\ | (__) |__) | | |_ ' (__, |__, | \| |__) | | |__, * to m m y ___ | __ |\/| |\/| (__| | (__) | | | | ,__| * gr i m l o c k __ __ __ | _' |__) | |\/| | __ (__, |__/ |__) | \ | | | |__, (__) | \ * ja v a | /\ \ / /\ (__| /¯¯\ \/ /¯¯\ * ra s t a __ __ ___ |__) /\ (__' | /\ | \ /¯¯\ ,__) | /¯¯\ * go z z __ __ __ | _' __ `__) `__) |__) (__) (__, (__, * cy b e r g o d __ __ __ __ __ __ (__| |__) |_ ' |__) | _' (__) __ (__, ,__| |__) |__, | \ |__) |__) great style, eh? i've worked really hard on it, and i'm really satisfied with it. make sure to use those high quality logos in your collections!! :-) filling up space! but seriously... [ harpoon ] ___. .) |__ _____ ____/\ ____/\ ______ ______ ____/\ | _ \_\__ \) _ \) _ \) _ \) _ \) _ \ ____ _ | | _ |___ / \ \ | \ _ ____ \___\\||___| __________|eD| _____________________|___////___/ `---' | |t0! | | _\_| |_/_ \ _ / \\ / \ / Y [ fatal ] (just got a logo in my respect collection!) [ chrombacher ] _ ___. _|__ _ /\___.) |__ ____/\ ______ ___ /\ \| / __/| _ \) _ \) _ \) Y \ ________|__ _ / \ | |___ \ \ / \ \__________\\\\__________| ___|eD\__________Y___/ ___| | | .) |__ _____ /\___| |__ _____ ____/\ | _ \_\__ \/ __/| _ \/ _ \) _ \_ _ ____ | / _ \ | ___/ |___////___/ |________________________| __________|t0! `---' [ frame ] ._____________. | | /\_____|/\ _____ ___|/\ ______ / ___ _ \_\__ \) Y \) _ \ ____ _ / _/ |___ _ \ / ___/_ _ ____ \___\\\\___|\___|eD\__________Y _______////___/ | t0!|---' |_____________| [ stash ] _._______________________ _ _| ___. /\_____/ |__ _____ /\___.) |__ / __/\ __/__\__ \/ __/| _ \ ____ _ _\___ \ _ \___ | \ _ ____ t0!\___\\\\_______________________________|___////___/e^D _ _________|_ : . [ cenobite ] _ _________________________________ _ \\\ ___. _. /\___ ______ ____/\ _______) |_______/ |__ ______ / __/_) _ \) _ \) _ \ _ \___ __/_) _ \ ____ _ / \ ___/ | \ / \ ___/_ _ ____ t0!\___\\\\_________________| ______________ ______________////___/e^D `---' \ _ `---' _ _______________________\\\ [ tommy ] (that's me!) [ grimlock ] (also just got a logo in my respect collection!) [ java ] _ __________ _ \\\ .__ ___/\___________/\ ___| \_\__ \ /\__ \ ____ _ / | _ \ / _ \ _ ____ t0!\___\\\\______________/\ /\_______////___/e^D _\/ \\\________ _ [ rasta ] _._________ _ _| ____/\ _____ /\_____/ |__ ___/\ ) _ \_\__ \/ __/\ __/__\__ \ ____ _ / |___ _ \___ \ _ \ _ ____ t0!\___\\\\___| \____________________________////___/e^D _ _______________________|_ : . [ gozz ] (that guy also just got a logo in my respect collection!) [ cybergod ] _ _ _ __/___________\__ _ ___./ \ ___. /\___ /\____) |__ ______ ____/\ ____/\ ______ ___) | / __/_/ \ \ _ \) _ \) _ \) _ \) _ \/ _ | ____ _ / \ / / ___/ |___ / \ \ | _ ____ t0!\___\\\\___________ _________________| \____ ______________||//___/e^D /____/ /____/ _ __/_________________________\__ _ _/ \_ [ epsilon design ] . . ...:...:.. . `.: : ___. ______:___:/\ /\___ ____) |_____ ____/\ ) _ \) _ \/ __/(___) / _ \) _ \ _ / ___/ / \___ | \ | \ _ __\\\_______ ___________ | __________|___/e^D \\ | | `---^---' \ __| |_____ /\___ _______/\ ____/\ / _ / _ \/ __/(___) _ \) _ \ / \ ___/\___ / | \ _ t0!\_____________________ ____ ___|___///__ _ : :. `---'/____/ // . ..:...:.:. / ' : . .______________________________________. _____ __|____ ________ _____ ____ ______|__ _____ ___\ _/____\_ /__\_ /___\_ \_____ /__\_ _/___\ _/____ \ \ _/ / /____/ / / \/ | | _\ / /____________\_____\__________________/__________|_____|_____________\ <---------------|--------------------------------------|------cDr/m's--> | Tommy by Mortimer Twang | | Epsilon Design by Gozz | | Looker House by Shock G | | Hellfire by U-man | | Intro by Relief | | Credits by Crusader | |______________________________________| zero minutes spent on designing this collection! [EOSS] -----------------------------------------------------------> Line 400/400 [][·T·R·Y··T·H·I·S··O·N·E··F·R·E·A·K·S·][] _ ___ t h e o a s e ___ _ __)\_____________________________________________________________/(__ .__) (__ \) ____/\__ __/\. __/\_____ __/\___ __/\___ __/\_______/\_____ _/ \: \____ \ \_ |___ \_ ____/ \_ . \ \_ . \ \ ________ ____/ \\ \_ | \/ \/ __/_____ / | \/ | \/\_____ \/ __/_____\· |/ | \ | \ \ _/ / | \ . \ / \ \ _/ · / | \__| \__ \_\____ \__| \__ \__ \_ ·| l_______/\_______/\___ ___/ sE\_______/\_______/\_______/\__ ____/ | \/ \/vC! : `--------------------------------------------- ------------ -------- --- - The Place To Search For All Yar Missed Ascii Collections! And Ofcourse Much More - +31-[0]30-6067278 - 28k8 [][·T·R·Y··T·H·I·S··O·N·E··F·R·E·A·K·S·][] -« rOAD-aDDER V1.0 »-