- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
     __________._____.     _ ___________.
   __\____     |  ___|_______.______    |__.    GENETiC WORLD HEADQUARTER!
  /      /     |  \__        \_    /    |  |
_/      /______|     \        /   /_____|  |    EFFECT DUTCH HEADQUARTER!
\____________/_______|\      /_____________|
|   _______  ._______  ___ _ _________   ________  _______________     \\ |
¦  /       \ |      .___ _           /__/        \ . _______     /___   \ |
: /         \|      |     \______/      \_        \|      _/   _/   /     |
 /           \      |      \_   /        /         \      \        /      |
/_____________\_____________/  /________/___________\______\      /      ø|
- -- --- ---- ----- ----------------------------------------\____/--------'

              * RUNNiNG HYDRA * 2 NODEZ RD! * +31-47-463321! *


|  1.6 GiGS * A2OOO/68O4O/68882 5OMHZ POWER * 2 NODEZ * AMiGA O-DAY ONLY  |

III:::.:.:. . . .::... . .--.  _________      .------------.
II::.. .       __________¦  `- \____   _|:::::::::________ |        ___
I::. ______    \____     |____sF!/      _________________/ `-._/\  /   )______
::.  \   __|_____/__     |     \/       |         \\             \/         \\|
. ____\_______    //     |      \_______            \    +31-70-363.97.60    \|
. \        \/     /______________\:::::'|____________\   +31-70-ISDN sOOn     ¦
   \____         /         .::::::::::' ::::::::::                            ¦
        \_______/         .::::::::::'  ::::::::::      <«tHe mEAN tEAM:¬>    ¦
                        .::::::::::'    ::::::::::        [=zEn=\RDZ\BDZ]     |
. ^%·rOadhOgz WHqÖ%^   .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [Diablo\RDZ\MTH]^[Boldy] |
:  ÓBLADEz '94 EHq½    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  [sATAN'S fIRE\RDZ\TTAB] |
                       :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::    [Inferno\RDZ\Smokey]  |
    [aMi/pC/aZCii]                       :::::::::: __________________        |
:                                        ::::::::::_\     ___________/        :
|       /\                        _______:::::::::\     ______/____ ___________
|______//\\___________  _________ \___________:::/ \     \/     __/_\______   /
|    _//  \\_   _____/__…______  \__/  \________/___\____     __\     _______/_
.     /    \____\\         ___/    /______|             /____/   \     \/
_____/           \         \_________\    |____________/::.       \         ___
|_________.--.    \_________\             : iT'S iN aRT wE TRUST!  \_______/  |
             `----------------- --- - - - ¦                      - --- -------'

 ..............   ..............  .............   ...........:::.
 :::.::::::::::; ::::::::::: ::: `...........::: ::::::::::: :::sF!
 ::: :.........  ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: :::
 ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::;
 ::: ::::::::::: `::::::::::.::' `::::::::::.::; `::::::::::.::'
     ::::::::::; ...
                .:::...........   ..............  ..............  ............
                 ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: `...:::::::::'
   -rOadhOgz-    ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: `::::::::::.:::.::: ..........
  aRt cOURIERs   ::: ::::::::::; ::::::::::: ::: ........... ::: ::: ::::::::::
                 ::: ::::::::::: `::::::::::.::' `::::::::::.::' `::.:::::::::'
                                                         iT'S iN ART WE TRUST!

                     [ =zEn= ]Ö[ sATAN'S FIRe ]Ö[ sAL-1 ]
                Ö[ gML ]Ö[ jABBAh ]Ö[ qUBe ]Ö[ AbRUpt DeCeNt ]
           [ RiGOR MORTiS ]Ö[ jOpiTer ]Ö[ eiNSTEin ]Ö[ THe ReaPeR ]
   [ SkOrpiO ]Ö[ DiABLO ]Ö[ CASTRO ]Ö[ lUCiFUGE ]Ö[ The Doctor ]Ö[ iNFERno ]

 ___  _____________________________ _|_ _______________________________  ___
|___||                               |                                 ||___|
 ____|            .     _______      · Fairlight Swedish Headquarters  |____
|_________________|___ |      /______________.__________________________.___|
|   __________.   |   \|     /  .  \_   __   |   _____.   ____ _    /   |   |
|___.     /   |_  |    \    /   |___/   |/   |   \/   |_  \/   /  _/____.   |
|   l    /    _/  |   \    /    l   \_ _/    |    \_  _/   \_  \   \_   |   |
|_______/     |___l___|\__/|_________/ \___________/__l_____/  |\___/_______|
:      \______|sc/dezign        _/      |              _/      |            .
|____.                          \_______|              \_______|        ____|
 ___ |   Epsilon Design wHQ                iFFTic wHQ                  | ___
|___||______ __________                                ___ ____________||___|

             - ------------------------------------------------- -
   Amiga elite - Snes - Big Ami-Express conference - USR 28.8 V.Everything
       --[+46-31-413181]--> Online Ascii ordering <--[+46-31-413181]--

                          UPLOADED ON: 23-Jun-95

--[ s.o.f ]--------------------------------------------------------------------

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZrequests ¤øµ¤þ𺩺«ø¡¶¡£µµ½¡µ·ø·µµø·ø·¡µµ¸®¤
d E s o t o   o f
                 E p s i l o n ^ d E s i g n
p r E s e n t s :
                 life sucks and thEn you diE
¥¦µ;¶¶¡´ø;ø·µ·¡ø&¦£Ø¦¦£¯µ¯Þ¡·»ø«¶©  95-06-23
[%::::::::::::%] rOadhOgged [%::::::::::::%]
                             ·   ::. [ jäkla fin diz det där! ]

                                             . ...............
                     i'm really sorry that much is written   :
                ·       in swedish in this collection.       .
                :  but you're not missing a thing.. promise!
                :............ .  .


 :.han har en jättepung,...
                          :.å den ä multitung,..
                                               :..för han ä så jävvla ung!...
        :                                          :::::
        :                                         :::::     :::::::
        :                                        :::::     :::::::
        :                                       :::::     :::::::
        :                          ....:::::::.          :::::::
        :                      .:::::···
        :                      ·
        :                       ..:::::::::....
        :                    .:::::::::::::::::::..
        :                   ::::::::··         ··:::.
        :                 .::::::·                 ·::
        :                ::::::·                     ·:
        :               ··::::·                       ::
        :                   ·:                         :
        :                                             :·
        :                                            :·
        :                                          .:·
        :                                          ·
              .                                     __                 :
           _ _:____   .______   _____      ._______/  \____  .___      :
           ___|_   \__|_____/ _/  __/_  ___|_  \ __    __ /__|_  \     :
     ...../   l/    \ |___/---\__     \/   |/   \/      \/   |/   \....:
     :  _/    /      \l/        /      \_  l\    \       \_  l\    \
     :  \____________/___ _ _/\  _ _ ___/________/        /________/
     :    - ------------------÷\/÷------ - ----÷\________/nUP!
     :        . o f .
     :                                               .......
     :                                               :     :
     :                                               :     :
                     .                               :             .
  ©nUp! .____     _ _:____     ____   ____    _____  :  .____   _ _:____
     ___|_   \_ _____¦_   \_ _/  _/_ (____)  /    / _:__|_   \  ___¦_   \  _o
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  _/    /____/   \_  /____/     /    \_ _   \_  /    \_ l\     \   /      \_
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    /   l/    \/   l/    /-\___   \j    ¬\/  _l/___/   l/    \
  _/    /      \   /____/     /    \_     \_ \_    \_  /      \_ _ _ _
  \____________/____ _ _  /\_ _ ____/______/__.     /_/________////
                        \/                    `----/-:-
                                                  ·  :
                  :                                  :         :
                  :                                  :..       :
                  :                                    :       :
                  :               . p r e s e n t s .  :       :
                  :                                    :       :
                  :          . a n o t h e r.          :       :
                  :                                    :       :
                  :       . m i n d b e n d i n g .    :       :
                  :                                    :       :
                  :      . p a c k .                   :       :
                  :                            ........:       :
                  :        .  o f .            :               :
                  :                            :       ........:
                  :          . p u r e .       :       :
                  :                            :...    :
                  :            . t e x t .        :    :
                  :                               :    :
                  :             . c a l l e d .   :    :
                  :                               :    :
                  :                               :    :
                  :                               :    :
                  :...............................:    :
                ..........                                  :
                :        :                                  :
  ._____.   :___:__._____:___:_________     ______.  :____ _:__._____ _____.
  |     |   |______|     ____| _____  /    /  ____|__¦    Y    |     Y     |
  |     |___|      |     ___|| \_____/    :\______   |    |    >---     ---<
  |     l   \      |     |   |    \   \   |     l/   |    |    !     |     |
  |__________\_____|_____|   |_________\  |__________l_________|_____|_____|
    ________.___: .____. :_______   .____:   .____:____.____:___:____ .____.
  ._\___  _/¦    \|    |_\___  _/_. |    |_. |    |    | ____  /|    \|    |
  |  ___    |     \    |    |     | |    __|_|    _    | \____/_|     \    |
  |   l/    |   \      |    |     | |    l   \    |    |    \   |   \      |
  |_________|____\_____|__________| |_________\___|____|________|____\_____|
  .____.____. __:____ .__:_ ____.   ________ .______._______:_.____________:
  |    |    :/  ___  \¦    Y    | ._\___  _/_|______| _____  /|            |
  l_____    |    l/   |    |    | |    |     |      | \_____/ |            |
  |   /     |    /    |    |    | |    |     |      |    \   \|            |
  |_________l_________l_________| |__________|______|_________\__________jN!
                :        :                                  :
                :        :..................................:     .
                :                                               .:::.
                :                                             .:::::::.
                :                                                :::
                :                                                :::
                :                                                :::
                :                               [ den har juan gjort åt mig, ]
                :                                  [ visst är han för go'! ]
          i don't get it...    ...............             :
                               :             :             :
       -  how can someone called czar get respects?        :..................
       -  where does all the new ascii-groups:come from?                     :
       -  how can someone release a faked ascii-collection and involve both  :
          e^d and grimlock?    :             :                               :
       -  how can a lame guy be:"elite"?     :                               :
       -  why do people order the same logos from 15 different artists?      :
       -  why is the ascii-scene so big in sweden?                           :
       -  why is juan so concerned about getting this one released?          :
       -  why is it so damn cold in here?    :             ..................:
       -  why am i sitting here:listening to papa dee?     :
       -  why am i writing this:shit???????? :             :
                               :             :.............:
                    :  [ rapping har jag väldigt svårt för... ]
                               :              .............
                               :              :           :
                               :              :           :
                               :..............:    .______:_____.
                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: a state of mind
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: shapechanger
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
. ....  /\
     : /  \             .......
     :/    \       ..:::::::::::.          ..............
     /      \     :::::··   :::::          :            :........ .   .
    //\      \   :::::·    ::::: _________ :  /\          .___________________
   //: \______\ ::::::.   :::::______    /_:_/  \ ________|___    __         /
     :           ::::::::..        /        /  /_\_____      /___  /        /
     :            ·:::::::::.     /        /      \  /          / /________/_
 ....:.......        ··::::::    /        //\      \/          /_____________\
 :...:      :         .:::::    /       __/: \_______ _       /dto/e^d
            :    .  .:::::·    /________/  :      /          /
____________:_   ·::::··   ___   ___       :     /__________/    .....
\             \   :·      (___) (-  _ _____:___           .  ..:::::::::.
 \             \  _______________              \ _____..:::.::··_  ··::::.
  \           \ \/          .___/__ _           \      :::::·   /    ·::::
   \___________\  /         |  /               \ \      :::::  /      ::::
            :   \/          | /      __ ________\ \      :::: /       :::
            :   /___________|/             :     \________::::       :::
            :               | a  s t a t e :o f  m i n d . :::     .::·
      ......:............   |___ _         :               :::  ..::·
      :.....:           :                  :               ·::::::·
                        :..................:            ..:::::·
                                                         ··  :·

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: arctic circle.
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: nup
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
 ·                                                                 ...... .  .
 :      /\  _ _____________ ..:::::::::..  ___________      _ _____:_____ __ _
 :     /  \      __       /:::::·    :::::_______    /__       __       //
 :..../    \      /      /:::::     .:::·      /    .__/_.     \/______/__
     //\    \    /__    /_:::::      ·        /     | /  |      \        //
    //  \____\ ___|/      /:::::..           /______|/ _ _______________//__ _
           :      /______/  ··:::::::::::::::·:.·.·.|              : dto/e^d
  _________:______   _ ____________ _ ____________  |__ _  _ ______:_________
  \     __       /.__ _  __       /     __       /_________     __          /
  _\    \/______/_|       /      /      \/______/__       /      /         /
  \      \        |      /__    /__      \        /      /      /_________/__
   \_____________/|  _ ___|/      /______________/      /____ _______________\
           :....  |    .  /______/  ....      /_____________/      :
               :  |____|            :..:...........................:
               :.......................:[ a r c t i c  c i r c l e ]

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: bomb squad   .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: zephyr&cruz
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
          .:.      .  . ...................
        .::::::::..                       :                               ...
     ..:::::···:::::        _ __________  :..b  o  m  b   s  q  u  a  d...:.:
 ..:::·::::     :::·_ _________         \    _______________              :
      ::::   ..:::·            \         \  /              /________.   ..:
     :::::.::::::..             \       \ \/ /            /    _____|___:__
    :::::    ·::::::             \ ______\  /            /     \__      :  \
   ::::::      ::::: ____________/dto/e^d \/    _ ______/         \     .   \
  ::::::      :::::      ___ ___       /_  ___|        _ ____________________\
.::::::: ...:::::·   _ __)  (__.)(___l/  \(___l
  ··:::    ·:··                `

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: delight      .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: demax^agressor
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
                                        :.....: ____________       .....
        ._______.           _ ______.   .......     _______/__     :   :
   _____|___    | ______________    |   :     :     \   ._____\__. :..::
  /        /    |   __         /  __|___:__   :     _\  |        |___________
 /     ·  /_    |    /        /   \     :  \  : ________|        __    ...  /
/______:________|   /________/__ _______:___\ :         |         /    :.: /
       :      _ _______________/dto/e^d :    ::         ¦________/        /
   ....:                                :...:::         :  _ __ /    _ __/
   :   ___| __ |  ·   ___ |___|_      ......... . .   .       /        /__
   :  (___l|_  l__l__(___||  /l___ _  :  ...                 /     ______/___
   :....   `---        --'            :..:.:                /      \         \
       :.................................:             _ __/__________________\

   [ jag har en svensk flagga i mitt rum, så jag måste ju vara rasist... ]

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: dial hard    .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: fury
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
  cRUX wHQ · mOTION cH-hQ · aNTHROX cH-hQ · mYTH cH-hQ · aRTCORE! cH-hQ
     :              _________   .
     :.... .________\_______/  .:. ________.  .  . .............
   ______:_|_____   |       | .:::.        |                   :
  /             /   |       |.:: ·:.     __|________ ___ _     :
 /   d i a l   /_   |_______.::    :.    \          \\         :
/___________________|      .::·     ·._______________\\_    :..:.......:.
         :                .:::       ·.dto/e^d              :  :       :
    :....:......... . .  .:::::.. .    .                   .:..:       :
    :    :.________.                     _ ___________________         .
    :    :|        |___________ ____________     __          /   .________.
   .:....:|       __          /             \     /         /____|____    |
          |        /         /               \   /__       /__       /    |
          |_______/         /    h  a  r  d   \ ___|__________\     /_    |
                 /_________/___________________\       /__________________|

                   /\NTIFAST/pRESTIGE · sNAKE & dELBOY/pRESTIGE/cRUX/mYTH

a4oooT·cYBERSTORM-o4o/4o·22mB rAM·fASTLANE-z3·3gIG hD sPACE·bSC iSDN mASTER
             2x gVP i/O-eXTENDER·aLL nODES lOCKED aT 1152oobPS
        cD-rOM wITH 4 cD'S wITH eVERY mAJOR gAME sINCE 1986! oNLINE!

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: disorder     .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: bandido
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
     ·                        .:................ ..  .
     :  .___ _  ________       :         .  .                        ._______.
     ¦  |       \______/_______:____  .:::· ·::. ________________    |       |
   __|__|___    |      |\     _____/_:::·     :::     __        /____|___    |
  /        /    |      |_\_______   ::::       :::     /       /        /    |
 /        /__   |      |       /    ·:::.     .:::    /__     /__      /__   |
/_______________|______|_____________·:::.. ..:::·______l_______/____________|
     |                         :       ··::::::··__________ ________________
     |                         :               __         /    __          /
     |:..                      :                /        /      /         /
     `---dto/e^d---------------:--- -  -       /________/__    /__       /__
                  .  . ........:      _  _ _______________/______l_________/

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: fastnet      .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: shark
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
   ________________/\  __________  _ ___________
 __\     _________/  \ \   _____/___ _______   /__
 \        _____/ /    \ \_______    \   /        /·
  \        |    //\    \      /      \ /        //   [ . f a s t n e t . ]
   \_______|   //  \    \ ____________\ _______//_______________ __  _   _
                    \    \  _ __________                  _ ________________
                     \    \             \ ____________________ _____       /__
                      ·    \             \       __          /    /          /
                            \           \ \       /         /    /          /
     _   _  __ ______________\___________\       /_________/__  /__________/

                                        ·::::::: [ den blev fin tycker jag ]

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: final impact .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: u-man
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
.  . ..............                          .      :.
             .....:          ....:.   .     ::      :::  . .................
 ............:       ....:::::::··    ::   ::::.    :::                    :
 :            ...:::::::····  .  .:  .::  .::·:::.  ::: ....:::·           :
 :      ...::::···::    .:. ::: ::::.:::  ::   ·:::.::::::···    ..........:
 :  .:::::··      ::..:::·· ::: :::::::: :::·::::::::.           :.........
 : ·····:::::::...:::··     ::: ::: ·::: ::        ·:                     :
 :           ···::::        ::: :::   ·  ·             f   i   n   a   l  :
 :.......... .   :::        ::· :·                  .  i  m  p  a  c  t.  :
_________         ::        ·                  .     .                    :
\_______/ ________::         _ _______________.:_    :. ______________    .
|       |         ·\  ____________   __      .: /     :.      _______/__
|       |         \ \/           /    /_____.:_/      ::.    ._______.  \
|_______|__________\  /         /________| .::.      ::::. __|       |___\__
                    \/_________/dto/e^d   .::::::..:::::::.  |       ______/__

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: first division
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: hamlet
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
                .......                  ...
                :.....:                  :.:
                .......         ......              .   . .. ...............
  _ ____________:___  : _ ______:____:____             _ _________.        :
         _______:__/  :     __  :...::   /________________        |______  :
:        _____/ :     :      /          /\       ________/__     _______/__:_
¦         |     :     :     /___       /__\_________        \     \          \
|_________|     :: _ _:________|__________\       /          \ _______________\
  :             :::...:                 _ ____________________\dto/e^d     :
  :                                  .:::::...                             :
  :   ____|     o              o     :::. ·:·   o       ____       ____    :
  :  (____l     l_    \  /     l_     ··:::.    l_     (____)     |    )   .
  :                    \/           .:   :::                               .
  :................................  ·::::·
                                  :............ . .   .     .

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: freezers     .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: phase
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
    .     .:::::···                                      ................
  .::: .::::··                                    . ...: :              :   ...
 ·:::::::·      .  . ....................................:              :...:.:
  ·:::::     .  _________________ __________________ _ ________________     :
 .:::::::  .::·     __          /    __            /     __           /     :..
·:·  :::::::·        /         /      /           /       /  ________/______  :
·     :::::         /__       /__    /___________/__     /___\_________    /  :
    .:::::::  _ ______|_________/ _________________/_________ _   ________/__ .
      ·  ·:::  _ _________________ ____________________   /       /          \
           :::    __             /     __             /  /__...:::::::._______\
     ·      ·:·    /            /       /            /   .:::::·· ·:::::·
     :            /____________/__     /__          /__ ::::::     :::·
    _: __ _______________________/ ______|____________/::::::::...···
     :       dto/e^d                                    ··::::::::::.
     :................................... .. .  .      ..:     ·::::::
                                                   ··::::::.  .::::::·

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: grimlock     .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: grimlock
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
      .  . ..............                               .................  ...
  _ ______________      :              _ __________     :               :..:.:
          _______/__ ___:________________ ________/ ____:____ ____ _  _    :
          \         \      __           /         |          \\            :
          ·\         \      /          /          |           \\ __________:___
_ ________:___________\    /___       /__ ________|          \ \/          :  /
          :dto/e^d _ _________|_______...\.     _ ____________\  /         . /
·         :             :.....     .:::::::::           :      \/           /
:         :     _ ___________:__  :::::·· ·:::  _ ______:____. /___________/
:.        :                     \::::·    ::·                |___________
::.       :.......       o       ::::    ··      ..··       __        __/_____
·::::............:               ::::.        .::·           /               /
                 _ _______________::::..   ..::· _ _________/               /
                             :     ··:::::::··          :  /_______________/

                [ frank krasar i sig strömmingshuvuden ]

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: hoodlum      .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: nightprowler
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
.________.           ....      ....         .________.    ...
|        |________.:::::::: .::::::::.  ____|____    |    :.:............ .  .
|       __       .:::::::: .::::::::::./        /    |      :
|        /       ::::::::: ::::::::::::        /_    |  [ . h o o d l u m . ]
|__.____/        ·:::::::: ·::::::::::·______________|      :
   :   /________/ ·:::::::: ·::::::::·dto/e^d .____         :
   :                 ····.__ _ ····      _____|    \ _______:__
   :                     |        :     /     |     \          \  ____________
...:...................  |        ¦    /      ¦      \          \/           /
:..:                  :  |        |___/_      :       \        \  /         /
                      :  |_____________/_______________\ _______\/         /
                      :.....................................:   /_________/

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: internet     .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: shark
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
     ______ ________       ______________  _ ______________ _______________
     \____/         \ _____\_______     /__     __        / .   __        /
    /     /          \           /        /      /       /.::    /       /...
   /     /          \ \         /        /      /_______/:::·   /__     /__ :
  /_____/ ___________\ \       /    ... /__..::::::. ____:::_..:__/       / :
             :dto/e^d \___ _ ::::.::::::  .:::·  ·:::    :::::·  /__.____/  :
             :               :::::·  ·::: ::::   .::·   .:::·     .::   ....:
             :               ::::     ::: ::::::::··   .·:::. ..:::·    :
   [ . i n t e r n e t . ]  ::::     :::  ·:::.    ..::· :::::::··      :
             :              ::::     :::   ··:::::::··    ····          :
             :         ...  ::::     :::          ......................:
             :.........:.:  ::::     ·            :
                       :    :·                    :

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: new order    .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: nightprowler
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
  .  . . .........                                    _______:___   :
  _ ___ _________:____                _  _ ___________\__    :...\.::
      //              \ ______________________          /         \    ...
     //                \        __           /         /\          \   :.:
    ·/                \ \        /          /         /  \          \
 _ _/__________________\ \      /__________/_ _________/\____________\
   /             :dto/ed\____________________\    ____
                 :               ______ _______ __\___\ _______ _______
              ...:............../      \   _  /_  ___/ \   -__/    _  /_...
              :  :              \______/___/   /_______\ ______\ __/   /  :
              :..:                        /___/                   /___/   :
                                                 .    .  . ...............:

                  [ undra om juan har fallskärmsavtal? ]

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: nup          .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: nup
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
   ___________ __  _   _
  |                                  ·                       -  - ----dto/e^d
   ___________________________ _     :         ______________________________
  |               ...      /         ¦          \                           /
  |         __    :.:     /          |           \        __               /
  |          /           /           |            \        /              / ·
  |__ _     /           /__________________________\  ... /______________/  :
   ____    ·     ____  ___ _               ......   \ :.:                   ¦
  |    ) (____) |____) )_______ __ _  _    :    :    ·          _  _ _______|
                |                          :...::

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: nup          .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: nup
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
__________________                  _  _ _______________________________
\                 \ _______________                 __                 /
·\                 \               \                 /                /-------.
: \               \ \     ::::      ·   ::::        /________________/        |
:  \_______________\ \    ::::       ___::::____________|                     |
:            dto/e^d\_____::::________\ ::::            .: n  u  o  r  i      |
:...............          ::::          ::::          .::: u r b a a n i      |
             ..:......... ·:::::::::::::::::        .::::: p ö s i l ö .      ¦
             :.:        :..... . .   .                                        :

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: offspring    .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: vietcong
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
     .  .                       ...::::::::. . ......................  ...
  .:::· ·::. _ ______________.:::::···::::::                        :..:.:
 :::·    ·:::      _________/::::·   ·.:::·                  ..........:
::::      ::::     ______/  :::::             _  _ __________:_____
:::::....:::::      | _______:::::___ ________________ __         /__________
 :::::::::::: ______|     ____:::::_/    __          /  /        / \        /
  ··::::::··              ______::::      /         /  /__      /__ \______/
.......... . .   .         |     ::::    /_________/_____|_________\|      |
:                _ ________| .· .::: _______|dto/e^d         :      |      |
:                            ·:::··                          :..    |______|
¦                       _  _ ______________           _ _______:_________
|                                          \ ____________       ________/__
`-[ o  f  f  s  p  r  i  n  g ]-- -   -     \            \      \          \
                                           \ \            \     _\          \
                             _ _____________\ \            \ ________________\
                                             \______________\  :

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: phase        .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: phase
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
                                 . ....
  .  . .............................. :      ·                   ...
                                ... : :    .·    .               :.:   ......
 ._____________________ ______. :.: : .   .·      . ________________   :    :
 |     __             /       |_____:____.:___    :.\       _______/__ :...::
 |      /            /       __         .:   /     :.\_________       \
 |     /____________/         /        .::. /      ::.       /  _ _____\_______
 |___________|     _ ________/        .:::::::...:::::. __·      __           /
                            /_____________/dto/e^d        :       /          /
                                    :                     ¦      /__________/__
                                    :............ ..  .   |___________________/

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: phase        .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: phase
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
    . .:::··    ·:::          ........................
 ..::::·        :::           :                      :
  ::::        .::·  . ........: _ _/__________\__    :          ..::::::::..
.::::::     .::·________.         /            \     :         ::::··   ··:::
:·  :::: .:::·          |________/___           \ ___:________::::·       ·:::
     :::::·            __      ·    /            \\     _____/::::     .  .:::
    .:::::.             /     /__  /______________\\______    ::::. ..::::::·
    :· ·::::. _ _______/          /dto/e^d         \    /      ::::..
        ·::·          /__________/             _ _______________··::::::::··
         ·                                           :
                                    .   .. ..........:

            [ när jag kom hem idag hade någon skitit i smöret ]

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: rage         .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: yogi
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦

                          ·                    ......:.
                         ·           __         :    :
-  - ------------------·:      ------\/---------:----'
._____________________·:       ·  ______________:____ ________________________
|       __           /:·        ·          _________/__        __            /
|        /          /·.         ·:         \           \        /           /
|       /__        /__           ·:         \           \      /___________/__
l_________l__________/            ·:  __________.________\ __________________/
          dto/e^d.:::..            ·:.          :
                .:::::::::... .  ..:::.         :................  ..  .   .

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: rape         .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: rape
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
.  .. ...........               .::::.. _______________________
                :              .:::::: |       __             /
  ._____________:________     .::·:::  |        /            //
  |       __            /    .::· :::: |       /____________//__ _  _
  |        /           /    :::·  :::: |____________|  _ ___________________
  |       /__         /__  :::    ::::                      __             /
  |_________|___________/.::· ...::::::::::· ..... .. .      /            /
                :dto/e^d::::::::···::::··    :              /____________/__
                :     .:::··       ·::::     :  _  __ _____________________/
                :   .::·            ::::     :
             . .:................:  ·::::    :
                :                :   :·      :

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: royal        .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: demax^agressor
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
   .................                                /\       :.:........
   :   ____________:_____     _______.       _ ___ /  \ _ _____:____   :
   : __\     __         /__  /      _|__________  /  __\ ___       /_  :
   : \        /        /(__)/       \          / /      \ /         /  :... .
...:  \      /__      /__  /__      _\        /_//\      \         /______
       \______|/        /    /______________    /  \______\ _____________/
              /________/dto/e^d  _ ____________/               :
                                         ·::::::: [ ganska mystifik stil... ]

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: silvermine   .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: sandman
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
. ......           .__ _                       .
   ____:__________ |       · ··::::::..       :::..
   \      _______/_|___         ·::::::.     ::::::::·· ·               ....
  __\__________    |   \ ________.:::::::   :::::::·                    :  :
 /           /     |    \        | ::::::: :::::::  . . ................:..:
/__________________|_____\     __|__::::::::::::: _______________       :
       :           |__         \     ·.·.·\:::::   __           /_______:_____
_______:________ __ _    _ ________________\:::     /          /   __        /
\               \\                     :::::::     /__________/__   /       /
 \               \\        .____ _      :::::____________________\ /__     /__
  \               \· ______|_______      :::                _ _______|________\
   \_____________\ \/      |      /       ·                             :..
       :   dto/e^d\  /     |     /_________   -[ s i l v e r · m i n e ]- :
 ....  :           \/      |    /          \ __________________ _         .
 :..:..:           /_______|___/            \               /________________
    :                      |               \ \             /     __         /
    :                      |__ _   _ _______\ \           ·       /        /
    :                                        \____________ _     /________/__
    :                                                   /____________________\
    :........ . .   .     .

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: sirius       .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: sirius
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
                                  ...... .  ........
                     ........     :         :......: . ..............
 __________________  :......:     :         ........                :  ...
 \        ________/__........ ____:_________:____  :                :..:.:
  \_________         :      :        __     :   /  :                   :
       .  /          :\     :         /     :  /   :  _________________:_/__ _
_ _____._____________:_\   ::        /__    : /__  :  \         ________/__
  .....:             :....::: _________|____:____\ :   \__________         \
  :                               ·      ___:___.__:_____       /           \
  :  s    i    r    i    u    s   :     /   :...|..:     \ __________________\
  :...............................:    /        |         \dto/e^d     :
                                      /         |          \           :... .
                                    _/______________________\__ _
                                    /                        \

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: skize        .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: skize
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
 \          __________/__ _____________:__________
  \____________          \             |      ___/___         ·           ·
     .       /            \           __     ......./..   :   :   :   :   :
 _ __._____________________\           /     :...../..:   s   k   i   z   e
     :                 _ _____________/      ...../....   :   :   :   :   :
     : ....                   dto/e^d/_______:___/    :   .           .
     : :  :    ...                       ____:________:___ __________________
     : :..:    :.:                     __\___:____    :  /     __           /
     :......                          /      : _______:_/       /          /
         ..:................ .  .  . /       .  \     :        /__________/__
         :.:                        /_________________:_ _  _ _______________\

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: sniper       .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: sniper
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
          .........                 .....
     ..::::::::::::::.              :...:...................
    :::::::·   ··::::::..·              :                  :
    ::::::::.     ·::::·                :                  :
     ::::::::::..  :·· .  . ............:  ........        .
       ·::::::::::. __________             :......: _ ______________________
     .·  ·:::::::::           \ ___________........      __                /
   .:·   .::::::::             \           :  \   :       /               /
  ::::..::::::::·             \ \          :   \  :      /_______________/
 ::::::::::::··________________\           .    \ : ___________|dto/e^d
 ·:::::···                      \________________\:  _ ______________________
  . ..............          _  _ _________________:____      __             /
                 :                      __        .   /       /            /
       s   n   i : p   e   r ..... .  .  /           /       /__          /__
                 :           :          /___________/__ _______/            /
                 :...........:  _   _ _________________\      /____________/

           [ nu är klockan 5:33 och jag känner mig lite sliten...]

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: state 69     .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: phase
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
. ......................                                       :.:    .....
  _____________ _______:_.      _ _/_________  _ ______.    _  _ _____:___:____
  \      _____/__        |_____   /          \         |_____      __ :..::   /
   \________     \     _______/__/          : \      _______/___    /        /
          /  _    \    \        /  \__ _    ¦  \     \          \  /________/__
_  _ ____ _`{ö},___\ __________/________________\ __........:.___\ _......____/
            _O,        :dto/e^d\ __ _  _       ..::::::::::::·  ..::::::::::.
  .....................:        \\          .:::::···          ::::·     ·:::.
  :                              ·         :::::· ...:::::::. ::::.    ..:::::
  :                                       ::::::::····    ::::·::::::::::·.:::
  :                                       ·:::::.......::::::·   ······  .:::
..:............................. .. .   .   ···::::::::::··            .:::·
:.:                                                                 .::::·

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: stylez       .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: stylez
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
                  _  _ ______.             :::::
 _________________    ...    |_____ .....  :::::          __________________
 \       ________/__  :.:   ______/_:___:  ::::: _  _ ___|_______           |
  \_________        \       \       :..::\ :::::     __       .::::::::::::::·
          /          \ ________ _         \·::::::::  /        /    .::::::·|
  ____________________\       \        ____\______   /________/__ .::::::·  |
((____                        ·\       \         /_____________ .::::::·    |
     _))  s  t  y  l  e  z  !  \\       \       //            .::::::·      |
   ((___ __ _   _     _   _ ____\\________     //           .::::::::::::::::.
                       _  __ _______________dto/e^d____ _   _          _ ___|

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: u-man        .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: u-man
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
           .:.    ..           __
  .------ :::    ::: ----------\/--dto/e^d--.
  |      :::     :::  :::.                  |                     ...
  |      :::.   .:::                        ¦    ...     .....    :.:
  |       ··:::::··             .:::..      :   :::::    :   :
  ¦       .          .::.     .:::·:::.     .  ::· :::   :..::
  :     .:::       .:::::    :::·   ·::.      ::·   ::.              .
  .    .:::::     .::·:::  .::·      ·::.    .::     ::            .::·
      .::·:::.   ::·   :: .::·      ..:::::::::      ·::         .::·
     .::·  :::. ::·    ::.::    ..:::··::    ::       :::      .::·
    .::·    :::::·     ::::   ·::··    ·::   ::        :::....::·
   .::·     ·:::·     ::::      ·       ::   ::         ·::::··
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  ·   :    :                __ __  /_  ___  |::... . __
      :...::    ...(___) · |  )  )/  \|   ) `--------\/---- -- -  -   -

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: x3m          .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: x3m
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
 .  . .......                .......  ...:::.
            :         ...:::::::::::::::::::::                        ...
         ...:       ·::::::::::::::::::::::::::  .  . ................:.:
         :           ·:::::::·      ·:::::::::::                      :
    _____:_______ _   ·:::::·        ::::::::::·_________\__ _        :
    \           ______.::::·       .::::::::::·           \    _______:_______
 ____\__      _/     .:::·      .::::::::::::..            \  /       :      /
 \          __         ·__   .    ··:::::::::::::         \ \/ /      .     /
  \         \/           /.:::·     ·::::::::::::: ________\  / [ x 3 m ]  /·
   \_________\         .:::::       ::::::::::::::   dto/e^d\/            //
         : /________.:::::::      .::::::::::::::           /____________//__
         :       .:::::::::   ...::::::::::::::·
    .....:     .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::··
    :        .:::::::::::::. ···::::::··
    :         :::::::::::·····
    :   ...    ·:::···    ...... . .   .
    :...:.:      ·        :
                         ·::::::: [ fatal tyckte om den 3:an! ]

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: zcandaler    .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: zcandaler
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
. ............                    __________
     ________:__ _     ......    /          \     ................ .  .
   __\________    ..::::::::::. /            \ ___:______
  /    .   ______:::::··   ::· /              \          \ ___________
 /   .:·    \   :::::·     ·  /____.·__________\          \           \
/___::::________:::::.          ..:·                     \ \           \
     ::::    :   :::::..    ..:::·       _ _______________\ \           \
      ::::   :    ··:::::::::··                   : dto/e^d\_____________\
       ::::  :.......                             :
  .:::.::::    _____:____   [ z c a n d a l e r ] :
 :::::·:::::  /          \ ______.   _ ___________:_______
::::·   :::: /            \      |           __          /
::::     ::::.:            \   __|________    /         / ________________
::::    :::::·_ ____________\  \          \  /_________/__    __         /
::::. .::·:·        :  _ __________________\ _____________\    /        /
·::::::·            :                             :           /__      /__
 ·:::·              :.............................:   __________/        /

        :                          .........l...
        :                          :       a   :
        :..........................:      i    :
                                         t     :
                                        n      :
                                       e       :
                      s               m   z    :
                     w               i   i     :
                    o               r   d   e  :
               e   l   e   d       e   e   l   :
              r   l   m   n   ....p...l...y....:
             e   o   o   i   f:  x   i   t
            h   f   s   k   o : e   f   s   .   .   .
                              :                    .____________.
                              :  _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\   :  \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\__:___\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: artcore      .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: none
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
.----- -  _______
| /\ _____\____ /_ ____ _____ _______ ______
|/  \   _  /_/   /  __/_     \   _  /_  -__/
//\__\ _/   /___/_______\ ___/ __/   /_____/
|      /___/                    /___/dto/ed
:                                          ·
.                                          :
                                       __  |
                                -  - --\/--'

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: delight      .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: demax^agressor
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
.-- - ___      ___  _        ___    ___
| ____|_|______| | (_)_______| |____| |___        .
|/  ___/|  -__/| | | |\  __ /_  _   /  __/_     .::.....
/_______|______l_l_l_l_\__/  /__/  /l______\   ·:::::::::
|p  r  e  s  e  n  t  s /___/  /__/dto/e^d       ·:   :::
¦                                          ·          :::
:                                          :
.                                          ¦ [ not really proud of this one,
                                          :| but to lazy to make another one ]
                                   __  ..::|
                         -  - - ---\/------'

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: delight      .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: demax^agressor
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
   ___     ___ _O_      ___   ___ . ........
 __| | ____| | | | _____| |___| |_         :
(_o  l(_ o/l_l_|_|(_o  || o _/l_|_, dto/ed :
- ---------------------'      ...          :
 b r i n g s   y o u :        :.:    ...   :
                                     :.:   :
                                       : ...
                            .  . .. .....:

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: tdc          .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: dalamar
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
....___ t h e              .  . ............
: __\__\ ______ ______ /\ ____  ___________:
:/  __/ \  _  /_  -__//  \    \/           /
/_______\__/   /______/\__\___\/_  #.XX   /:
: ______  /   /___/\ ____\_____ /_......./ :
:/  ___/_·  _    /  \   _  /_/   /  ....:  :
/________\__/   //\__\__/   /___/·.....  : :
: ...      /___/dto/e^d/___/ . ..........· :
:.:.:                                      :
  :                                        :
  .                                . .....::

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: e^d          .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: allan ballan???
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
o.  ..... . . ........  _____  .....    ...
__O_:_________ /\ ___:__\___ \ :.  :....:.:
\  .o  -_____/__ /   : ____/  \ :.... ..:...
 \______________\ _____________\dto :.: :  :
...e:p s i l o n ^ d e s i g n . p r e s:e :
:.:.:                                   .n :
__:                                      t :
\/:                                      s :
\/:                                        :
\/::                                       :

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: hoodlum      .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: nightprowler
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
.. ____              ___   ___
: /   /__ ___ ____ __\__\ /  /_____ _  _____
:/  _   /    \    \  __/ \  /_ /  /  \/    /
/___/  /_____/____/______\___/___/___\/   /
:  /__/dto/e^d                       /___/
: ...
:.:.:                                      ·
  :                                        :
  :                                        :
  .                                        :
                        .  . ..............:

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: insane       .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: juan
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
   ____                _    .  . . .........
   \__/_______....... / \   _______ ______ :
  /   /  _   /  ....:/   \ /  _   /  -___/_:
 /___/___/  /......  :____/___/  /________/:
        /__/.........·dto/e^d/__/      ... :
·                                          :
:                                          .
:...... . .  .

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: led          .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: dalamar
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
   ___ ___          _________dto/e^d  ___
.-/  / \_/ __  _____\_/\___ /_ _______\__\-.
|/  /_/  /   \/    /  /  /   /  -__/  __/ \|
/_____/_/____\/  _/__/__/___/_______\_____\|
|_______ ____/_  \_/\___ /_\_/_____ _______|
\   -__/   ___/_/  /  /   /  /     \   _   /
|\______\______\__/  /___/__/\_____/___/  /|
|                                     /__/ |
|                                          |
|                                    __    |

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: offspring    .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: vietcong
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
o__f__f__ ___________ _____:__:_____  . ....
\   ____/__  __     / _    : /:     \ ____ :
 \______   \  /____/  /__  :/_:    \ \    \:
____________\ __| _ ____|__:__: ____\______\
                           :  :    _____/_ :
·                          ·  :    \      \:
:                             :____________\
:                             ·     dto/e^d:
:                             ......       :
:                             :  ..:.......:
:.............................:  :.:

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: paradox      .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: none
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
............. .  .       ___       ___
:_______/\ _______  /\ __\__\ _____\  \ ___
\  _   /  \   _  /_/  \  __/ \      \  /  /
\  /__//\__\ _/   /____\ ____\ _____/__\  \
:\__\dto/e^d /___/                      \__\
:  ...
:..:.:                                     ·
   :                                       :
   .                                       :
                               .  . .......:

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: prestige     .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: none
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
........... . .   .    ______ ___
:__________________ ...\.__ /_\_/__________
\  _   /  _ /_ -__/: ..../   /  / __ /_-__/_
\  /__/___/  /_____·...  :__/__/___/  /____/
|\__\    /__/dto/ed......·      /____/
:  ...
   :............ . .   .

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: proarts      .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: none
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |
                                                   .            ¦
.---------- -  -               ______
|_______ ______ _____  /\ _____\___ /_......
\  _   /   _  /_     \/  \   _  /_  ./ ....
\  /__/_ __/   /_____//\__\ _/   /__·....  :
|\__\     /___/dto/e^d      /___/  ........·
:                                          ·
.                                          :
                                     __    |
                        -  - - ------\/----'

                                 _________         |            |
 ._______________________/\      \        \________|____________|___ __ _  _
 |        __            //\\______\_____   \       .            :
 |         /           /         ______/    ·logo: trsi         .
 |        /___________/__        \__\   req'ed by: juan
 |_______________________\_________________________:____________._____ _  _
                                                   ¦            |
                                                   :            |      .
                                                   .            ¦
                                                                :      .
  _________                      _______
.-\_____  /_ ________............\_____/_--.                           ·
|::::/     /    _   /_  ....... /       /::|                           ·
|:::/_____/ ____/   ·/.....    : ______/:::|                           :
`-dto/e^d--- - /____/..........· - --------'                           :
            :                                     :.:
            :..........   [ some small messages ]
fatal.................:............................a cool partyreport it was :)
juan..................¦.................one of the most respected indeed, hehe!
gozz..................¦..............................just love your collections
czar..................¦.........................................jack the ripper
tompa.................¦..................................k&t productions kicks!
zalo..................¦............................jävla skit det där med hd'n,
......................¦..............ta reda på vem det var så dojjar vi honom!
sandman...............¦................................much work these days? :(
harpoon...............¦........................really nice meeting you at icing
shapechanger..........¦.......................................probably the best
phase.................¦.....................your latest collections were awsome
                         [ some small:greetings ]
                                     zalo juan fatal sandman spite thobe
            stash mad^max chrombacher:
                                     harpoon frame magma hype slash
      flabbergast kandyman zwinx yogi:
                                     easy the^baron citruz gozz the^mask
          u^man hijacker blade double:
                                     tomten acid^kid boheme gravedancer
           treach nup slice zcandaler:
                                     twister sniper qen xtc nike kid^curry
              shapechanger phase omen:
                                     confidence hamlet christ duffe
          [ epsilon^design send a big hello to following groups ]
                                 - artcore...
                                 - pro^arts..
                                 - dezign....
                                 - upperclass
                                 - arclite...
                           ...       :
                          [ some small credits ]
main ascii...................¦...........................................desoto
guest stars..................¦..............................................nup
hardware used................¦............................................amiga
software used................¦..............................................ced
.............................¦...........................................wb 3.o
.............................¦.....................................onkel kånkel
food.........................¦...........how interesting! what did he eat!!??!?
release date.................¦.........................................95 o6 23
original size................¦............................................93459
                             :            ...
                [ you can allways reach us on these boards ]
                              ___   :
 ........ /\ ________ _____  /  /_ _:_____/\ ________ ________/__ _  _
: ...... /  \   _   /  ___/_/  __//_  /  /  \    _  /_   /   /...........
·.....  :/\__\ _/__/________/______/____//\__\ __/   /______/           :
........·                                       /___/                   :
           ..epsilon^design world headquarters - sysop: sandman.........:
             ________                 ____     _ ___                   ____   :
            _\  ____/_   /\  ........|    |______  _|_____/\ _______  /   /__ :
     ....../   __/   /__/  \:  ......|   __     /  \     /  \    __/_/_    _/.:
     :    /___/ /______//\__\.....   :____/    /________//\  \________/_/_____\
     :                     ..........·   /____/            \__ _
     :.........epsilon^design swedish headquarters - sysop: twister.......
           :                     /\  .......______ ____ _ ______ ___  _____
        ...:..................../  \: ...../  /  /_   /__   /  /    \/    /...
        :..:           _  _ ___//\__·....  :___   /_____/_____/_____\/   /   :
                              //   ........· /___/                  /___/    :
  ...................epsilon^design leader hq - sysop: juan..................:









                           [ nu ska jag ta semester!... ]


--[ e.o.f ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
              W h e r e   t h e   w a r e z   c o m e   f r o m              
   ______________   __ __  _______________ ___ ___ _______   __________ ____
  (______/\____  \ |  \  |/ ____/)__   __(|   !   |\____  \ |   __/)__ Y __(
 /______)  (___\__\|___\_|\_____\  l___|  l_______| (___\__\|___)    l___|
-------> F A i R L i G H T   S W E D i S H   H E A D Q U A R T E R S <-- ----
                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.1 By A¡Rcø]

 ..............   ..............  .............   ...........:::.
 :::.::::::::::; ::::::::::: ::: `...........::: ::::::::::: :::sF!
 ::: :.........  ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: :::
 ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::;
 ::: ::::::::::: `::::::::::.::' `::::::::::.::; `::::::::::.::'
     ::::::::::; ...
                .:::...........   ..............  ..............  ............
                 ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: `...:::::::::'
   -rOadhOgz-    ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: `::::::::::.:::.::: ..........
  aRt cOURIERs   ::: ::::::::::; ::::::::::: ::: ........... ::: ::: ::::::::::
                 ::: ::::::::::: `::::::::::.::' `::::::::::.::' `::.:::::::::'
                                                         iT'S iN ART WE TRUST!

                     [ =zEn= ]Ö[ sATAN'S FIRe ]Ö[ sAL-1 ]
                Ö[ gML ]Ö[ jABBAh ]Ö[ qUBe ]Ö[ AbRUpt DeCeNt ]
           [ RiGOR MORTiS ]Ö[ jOpiTer ]Ö[ eiNSTEin ]Ö[ THe ReaPeR ]
   [ SkOrpiO ]Ö[ DiABLO ]Ö[ CASTRO ]Ö[ lUCiFUGE ]Ö[ The Doctor ]Ö[ iNFERno ]

-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%] iT'S iN aRT wE tRUST! [%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-

         _______   ___.___ _ _________    :. ::        +31-70-3639760
       __\_._   \_/   |   \___ ______/    :: ::        +31-70-ISDN sOOn
      /    l/   _/_   |    \/ \/   \    .:::.::.
    _/     /       \_ !     \_      \_       ::                =zEn=\RDZ\BDZ ]%
.---\_______________//\______/_______/       :'           Inferno\RDZ\Smokey ]%
|    \         /____/  \nUp!                 :     sATAN'S FIRe\RDZ\TAF\TTAB ]%
|     \       /    /    \    _______   _______   _____       Diablo\RDZ\MYTH ]%
|      \     /    /      \___\_._   \_/  ____/ _/ ___/__           Boldy\SLT ]%
`-------\-- /\   /       \\    l/   _/_  __/---\____- --\--------------.
         \  /\__/__ _     ·\   /       \_\         /     \_            |
    ......\..._/            \_/_________/__ _ _/\  _ _ ___/_ _ __/\__  |
    :         \______________/                   \/           \\    /  |
    :                                 - -----------------------/_  _\--'
    : Ó[% rOadhOgz aRt cOURIERs WHQ %]½                          \/
    :      Ó[% BLADEz '94 EHQ %]½
    :.............................. ... .. .  .   .

%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%] bUt^4^wAREz = 0-dAy aZCii\PCx\s/X [%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%

        :                                                       .
       _|_______  ______________________________________________:_ _
     ___|_______/\__________           _________   _____________|____
     \___   ___/  /  /  ___/\         /     /  /\ /  ___/    \___   /\
      \_/  /\_/  /  /  ___/\/        /  /  /  /_//  /\_/  /  /  /  / /
       /  / //    //.    /\/        /    ./  /  /  / //    ./    ./ /
      /  / //  / .//    / /        /  / //  /  /  / //  / //  / // /
     /__/ //__/__/_____/ /        /__/__/\____/__/ //__/__/__/__/ /
     \__\/ \__\__\_____\/ [sK!N]  \__\__\/\___\__\/ \__\__\__\__\/
        :                                                       |
              * RUNNiNG HYDRA * 2 NODEZ RD! * +31-47-463321! *



|  1.6 GiGS * A2OOO/68O4O/68882 5OMHZ POWER * 2 NODEZ * AMiGA O-DAY ONLY  |