III:::.:.:. . . .::... . .--.  _________      .------------.
II::.. .       __________Ś  `- \____   _|:::::::::________ |        ___
I::. ______    \____     |____sF!/      _________________/ `-._/\  /   )______
::.  \   __|_____/__     |     \/       |         \\             \/         \\|
. ____\_______    //     |      \_______            \    +31-70-363.97.60    \|
. \        \/     /______________\:::::'|____________\   +31-70-ISDN sOOn     Ś
   \____         /         .::::::::::' ::::::::::                            Ś
        \_______/         .::::::::::'  ::::::::::      <ŤtHe mEAN tEAM:Ź>    Ś
                        .::::::::::'    ::::::::::        [=zEn=\RDZ\BDZ]     |
. ^%ˇrOadhOgz WHqÖ%^   .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [Diablo\RDZ\MTH]^[Boldy] |
:  ÓBLADEz '94 EHq˝    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  [sATAN'S fIRE\RDZ\TTAB] |
                       :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::      [Inferno\Smokey]    |
    [aMi/pC/aZCii]                       :::::::::: __________________        |
:                                        ::::::::::_\     ___________/        :
|       /\                        _______:::::::::\     ______/____ ___________
|______//\\___________  _________ \___________:::/ \     \/     __/_\______   /
|    _//  \\_   _____/__…______  \__/  \________/___\____     __\     _______/_
.     /    \____\\         ___/    /______|             /____/   \     \/
_____/           \         \_________\    |____________/::.       \         ___
|_________.--.    \_________\             : iT'S iN aRT wE TRUST!  \_______/  |
             `----------------- --- - - - Ś                      - --- -------'

 ___  _____________________________ _|_ _______________________________  ___
|___||                               |                                 ||___|
 ____|            .     _______      ˇ Fairlight Swedish Headquarters  |____
|_________________|___ |      /______________.__________________________.___|
|   __________.   |   \|     /  .  \_   __   |   _____.   ____ _    /   |   |
|___.     /   |_  |    \    /   |___/   |/   |   \/   |_  \/   /  _/____.   |
|   l    /    _/  |   \    /    l   \_ _/    |    \_  _/   \_  \   \_   |   |
|_______/     |___l___|\__/|_________/ \___________/__l_____/  |\___/_______|
:      \______|sc/dezign        _/      |              _/      |            .
|____.                          \_______|              \_______|        ____|
 ___ |   Epsilon Design wHQ                iFFTic wHQ                  | ___
|___||______ __________                                ___ ____________||___|

             - ------------------------------------------------- -
   Amiga elite - Snes - Big Ami-Express conference - USR 28.8 V.Everything
       --[+46-31-413181]--> Online Ascii ordering <--[+46-31-413181]--

                          UPLOADED ON: 06-Jun-95

   .-------------------------------------------------------------ť -\/---.
   |Ą_________ _________        _____   ___:_          .____  ______  ___|__
_____\_____  .|\   ____/_______|    /._/   |___________|    \_\_____\/_____/__
\      ___/  || \______  \ /   \_    |     Ś     :  /  Ś      :     \/       /
 \____________|___________/______    l___________l_/__________|_____/       /
___|___ _______________\_____________|_____________________________/_______/__
   :aC!                                              \/\/                |
  [cO4:bIOTECH/iTC! cO5:dESOTO/e^D! cO6:dEVIL&rAVEN/tRSI^pSG cO7:mARIO/tRSI!]
                        [cO8:sNIPER/iNS cO9:mAGMA/iTC!]
 [nODE.1 +46-31-eLITEˇkNOWS!] aSK aNY eLITE dOODE [nODE.2 +46-31-eLITEˇkNOWS!]

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ.------- -____________   _________- -------.
:ePSILOn._\_____     /_._\______  \_ePSILOn:
:dESIGn!|   __/_____/  :       /   /dESIGn!:
:  __                                  __  :
: _\/_   - [  C R U S A D E R  ] -    _\/_ :
: \/\/                                \/\/ :
:   a new crew, a new style, a new colly   :
:                                          :
:_     his 9th colly called: sleeping!    _:
[%::::::::::::%] rOadhOgged [%::::::::::::%]

   "If you can't learn to do it well, learn to enjoy doing it badly."

                                               - Ashleigh Brilliant -


 :                                  .---.
 `- -------[ a new style! ]---------:---'
                                          `--[ a new crew! ]--------.
                    :                                               `--'
                    `----[ a new colly! ]----------.



   _______    ____/\   __ /\_     /\_____...:::  ___/\  ________  ____/\
  _\_ ___/__ _\_____\_|  / _/_   / _____/: :::: _\____\_\_ ____/ _\_____\_
 /    l     |    _ __/_  \    \_/____  \:: ::::/     | \   __|__/    _ __/_
/___________|____|     \_____\_\________\:.::::.________\_______|____|     \
     |       w^s |______\              `::::::::               tsar1 |______\
     `----------.      - you can't get funkier -
                `---------------------------- ---- -->

                  f r


                             t h
                                       f a
                                                  ! !

                                           :    :            .---- - -  ._____.
    ______________ _ ___________ _ ________:  ._:____. _ ____|__ _ ____ |     |
.__/   __        /   __        /    ______/:_ | :    |          \    _ \|     |
|       /_______/__   /_______/_______     : \| :    |_____ o    \_   \ \     |
|_________________/_____|  _ _ ____________:__\_:_________/_______/    \ \_   |
         ......... ______________ _ _______: _ _:________ _ _|__ |      \_____|
   ......:...  ._:/   __        /    ______:__  :  _____/__     \|      |
  :     ....:  | :     /_______/_______    :  \ :  \____   \_  _ \      |
  :      :     |_:_______________/_________:___\:___________/___\ \_    |
  ˇ..............: splat/e^d               :    :        ..::|   \      |
                                           :...::  - --------'    \_____|



                       :__            :__          :__
              ___/\____| Ź\__   /\____| Ź\_________| Ź\______
              \__  \____    Ź\_/  \_  |ˇ   Ź\_______________/-c0!
              _/ \_    |ˇ     Ź\      |:     Ź\_        Ź\_
              \ř       !ˇ    ˇ  \_    !ˇ       /          Ź\_ˇ
               \ ____________:__ /___________ /_____       ř/ˇ
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             __:             :__            :__    :     \/  :__
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        _/    .|_____/  \_____    Ź\_/  \  /Ż\   Ź\_/  \   __________/
      _/      :|    Ź\_      Ż      Ź\    / Ą \_   Ź\_________    Ź\_
      \ř      ˇ|      Ź\_    Tˇ       \_    |ˇ       \_      !      Ź\_
       \ _______        /____|:        /____|:        /_______       ř/
      ÷%\/÷%÷%÷|______ /÷%÷%÷|_______ /÷%÷%÷|_______ /÷%÷%÷%÷|______ /%÷
               :     \/      :      \/      :      \/        :     \/

                                a  n

          :    _ _____ _       :                _ _____ _
          :   ________\//\___  : ________    ________  \//\______    ________
      _______/       /_/    /___/       /_._/   _ __/___/       /___/       /
     _\_  _         /      /  __ _     / _|    _ __/____       /  __       /
    /    _\________/   ___/   \__   __/  _\_    __/   /  _____/   \_______/
  _/     \____    \_     \_  ___/    \_   \_     \_ _/     \________     \_
  \_____________\  /______/___l_______/___l_______/_\  /__________________/
          :      \/            :                    \\/ˇfRm/e^Dˇ
          :          ÷gIANTs÷  :

                  ___   ___  ____    __  ____   ___  _|_    __
                 |___) l    (___/_ __)  (___/_ l   )  l__ __)

                                _________\___  /___  \____
                          ______\____  /  _/__/_ /____/_ /._______   .......
                    ______\_  /_. _/__/_-------/----:  \/ |  \  _/___:_    :
                  _/ ___/_  _/  |------/            `-----' \ \   /___/_   :
                  `----.  \-----'                       `----\___/ \_   \  :
   Z   z         /-cDr-----\             //////////////_        `----e^d-\ :
          Z   O              __\\\\@   //^^        _-    \///////    :--^--:
       Z    z   o      _____((_     \-/ ____/ /   <   < \\       >   :.....:
burp!             o   0__________\\\---//____/----//__|-^\\\\\\\\

                          -[ s l e e p i n g ! ]-

                         _ _:_  /\_ _  _ _/\  _:_ _
                            : \/            \/ :
                        ____:____            __:________
                       _\ ______/_. _________\________  \_
                     _/  \/    ___|_\__  ______/   \/    /
                     \_____    \_ |_ \ \_ ___/-:--._____/
                          `-:-/---'/  \ /  \e^d:
                            :/____/    X----\  :
                            :-cDr/____/        :
                         - -÷------------------÷- -
                            : - iNFORMATIOn! - :
                         - -÷------------------÷- -
                 ÷----------'                  `----------÷
                 : This is my first colly under the mighty:
                 : Epsilon design label! Im glad that now :
                 : finally after 8 collys released people :
                 : starts to open their eyes and see my   :
                 : qualifications, thank you all Epsilon  :
                 : designers around the globe(Sweden) for :
                 : for letting me into this crew! I hope  :
                 : youll be satisfied with me:) This colly:
                 : contains mainly of group logos for the :
                 : main cracker/trader groups around, but :
                 : as always there are a few demogroups   :
                 : included aswell.. Before we start i    :
                 : just have to say congratulations to the:
                 : Finnish Ice-hockey team for finally    :
                 : getting us Finns our first gold!!! :)  :
                 : Den glider in.. hehee! Ok, enuff about :
                 : that, now the fun starts..             :
                 :                                        :
                 : signed:                                :
                 : Crusader/Outlaws^Giants^Epsilon design :
              - -÷----------------------------------------÷- -
                 :                                        :

                                          - [ m e n u ] -

                              2000 Ad.6 crew.Access.Alpha flight.Anthox
   __________ /\_________     Arclite.Artcore.Ascii rated.Bonzai brothers
   \         /_         /     Castle of illusion.Classic.Crystal.Delight
    \       \/_________/      Dezign.Doodles^shock.Dual crew shining
     \_______\  ____/______   Epsilon design.Eremation.Flying cows inc
       _/     ___)        /   Hardcore design.Heavy cool cracks.Hellfire
       \_________________/    Hoodlum.Humane & vanity.Insane.Legend
       __\________      \_    Limited edition.Lsd.Melon design.Moment 22
    ___\         /       /    Mystic.Origin.Outlaws.Over the top.Paradox
    \   \_______/       /     Pwa.Prestige.Razor1911.Rebels.Rednex.Religion
     \        \/  Mo!  /      Royal.Sanity.Scoopex.Skidrow.Space balls
      \       /       /       Static bytes.Stellar.Suburban base
       \_____________/        Sunshine productions.The jormas.The vikings
                              Trsi.Upperclass.Virtual dreams.Wildstyle

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: 2000 ad            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

               __________\_________   \__________   \___________
             ._\_______ \_      \/     /      \/     /_______   \_
             |  .--------'------._____/------.______/     \/     /
             `---------cDr-\ _____________________`-e^d--.______/
                           ._\_______ `-._______  \_
                           |        `-  |      /   /

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: 6crew              |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                            |   __:_____
                            |   \_____  \_
                            |      \/    /      _________
                 _________  `-cDr-._____/  .____\__     /
               ._\_ _____/_________________:_     /   _/
               |    \     \_____   \_ ______/__  /\     \
               `-e^d-----:-\  _/   _/ ____/   /---\______\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Access             |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                  ___________\_ _______/  ______/_________
         _________\_ _______/    \      \ ____/   / _____/__________
       ._\______ `-.  \      \-----------\-------/------.  \  _____/_
       |       `-  |----------\                `------------\-----.  \
       `-cDr---\___|                                      `-------e^d-\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Alpha flight       |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                         ________\_____  \___.----.
                _________\_    /__.  /____/ _|    |_______
              ._\______ `-.  _/   |-----\   \.    |______ `-.
              |       `-  |-------'    `-----l____|     `-  |
              `-cDr---\___|                     `-------\___|
           _________         -[ aLPHa fLIGHt ]-         ____/\____
         ._\_ _____/___                     _____.----._\ ______ /
         |   ____/    /__.__________________\_  _|    |  \/    \/
         `-----'    _/   |______ /. ______/_    \.    |-e^d-----\
              `--------:-'     \/ | \_      \----l____|

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Anthrox            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                            _ _   .____.----.
                         ______\__:_  _|    |______
              ___________\ _______ /  \.    |____  \_________   ________
      ________\_   \   _/_\/     \/----l____|  _/  _/______  \__\      /
    ._\_____ `-.  \ \     /-------\       `----\_____\  \/    /  \   _/
    |      `-  |---\_____/                         `---._____/         \
    `-cDr--\___|                                           `-e^d-/______\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Arclite            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                        __________\______   \_________
                      ._\______ `-.    _/   _/ ______/_
            ÷-cDr-----|       `-  |----\______\ \      \-------e^d-÷
            :         `-------\___|         `-----------\          :
            :      ________               _ __     __________      :
            :    ._\_     /__.________________\____\_ ______/__    :
            ÷----|      _/   |_______ /._________ /   ____/   /----÷
                 `---------:-'      \/ |        \/-----------/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Artcore            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                            ÷- ----[ aRTCORe! ]---- -÷
                            :  ___________     _ __  :
                    ________:__\_______   \________\_:__
                  ._\_______ `-.     _/   _/__________ /
                  |        `-  |-----\______\        \/
                  `-cDr----\___|          `-------e^d-\
              ____________  :                     ___:_______
            ._\_ ________/__:_____________________\______    \_
            |     \       \________  \________   \_   _/______/_
            `------------:-\    \/    /     _/   _/--:---------/
                         `--:--._____/------\______\ :
                            :                        :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Ascii rated        |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                      _________\_ _______/____________
          ___________/ ______/_    \      \_________ /.__________
        ._\_______ `-.------.  \-----------\       \/ |________ /.
        |        `-  |----------\        `------------'       \/ |
        `-cDr----\___|                              `--------e^d-'
          _________                                    _________
        ._\_____   \__________      _ _      __________\______  \_
        |     _/   _/________ `-.______\_____\_ _____/__     /   /
        `-----\______\      `-  |_________ /   ____/   /--------/
                    `-------\___|        \/-----------/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Bonzai brothers    |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                            ___________   _______
                 ___________\_   \   _/___\_____ \_________
         ________\_______  \_   \ \     / .-------'_______ `-.________
        _\___ _/__    \/    /----\_____/---------:--\    `-  |______ /.
       /    (___  \--._____/                     `-------\___|     \/ |
      /-cDr--------\                                       `------e^d-'
    _______                  -[ bONZAi bROTHERs ]-                _______
   _\___ _/________                                      ________/ _____/_
  /    (__  \____  \_________  _ _              _________\____  \_-----.  \
 /-----------\ _/  _/______  \____\______.----._\_ ____/__  _/  _/---------\
          `----\_____\  \/    /______ / _|    |   ___/   /--\_____\
                   `---._____/      \/  \.    |---------/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Castle of illusion |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                                          _ __
                  ___________/ _______/__________ /_______
        __________\_______ `-.------.  \        \/       /__.________
      ._\_ _____/        `-  |----------\------:-\     _/   | ______/__
      |    \     \-------\___|                 `----------:-' ____/   /
      `-cDr-------\                ___   ___              `----------/
    ________                      (___) l--                    __________
  ._\_____ /._____                                    _________\_  \   _/__
  |      \/ |    /__._____                   _________\______ \_  \ \     /
  `-------:-'  _/   |    /__.__ _____________\_____ /.    \/   /---\_____/
          `-------:-'  _/   |  Y  _/  _____/_     \/ |---.____/
                  `-------:-'  l    \-----.  \---e^d-'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Classic            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                       _________/ ______/__________
              .________\______ `-.-----.  \  _____/__________
       _______:_     /__.    `-  |---------\-----.  \______ /._______
     ._\_ _____/_  _/   |----\___|       `---------:-\    \/ | _____/_
     |    \      \------'                          `-------.-' \      \
     `-cDr--------\                                        `-------e^d-\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Crystal            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                                    _______   _ _
                     ______ _______/ _____/______\____
               ______\_    Y    _/_------.  \_______ /_______
     __________\_____  \______, __/--------:-\     \/_______ `-._______
   ._\_ _____/     _/  _/-------'          `---------\     `-  |      /__.
   |    \     \----\_____\                         `-------\___|    _/   |
   `-cDr-------\                                              `----------'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Delight            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                         ________\_______ /._______
               __________\_    /__.     \/ | _____/______.----.  _ _
      _________\_ _____/__   _/   |------.-' \_     \   _|    |_____\____
    ._\_____  \_  ___/   /--------'      `---------:-\  \.    |________ /
    |      /   /--------/                          `-----l____|       \/
    `-cDr-----/                                             `------e^d-\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Dezign
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                 _ _:_    /\__ _            _ __/\    _:_ _
                    : \  /                        \  / :
                    :  \/   ____________________   \/  :
                  __:_______\______  \________ /.______:_
        __________\_ _____/__ .-------'      \/ | ______/__________
      ._\______  \_ ____/   /----------+--------' \_     \   \   _/__
      |       /   /-.------/                  `--------.--\ \ \     /
      `-cDr------/  :  ___|  ____  __   ˇ  ___   ___   :`----\_____/
                    : (___l (___/_  (__ l (___| l   )  :e^d
                    :                         l        :
                    ÷- ------------------------------ -÷

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Doodles^shock      |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                          _________\_____  \______
                 _________\______ \_    /   /    /__._______
         ________\______ \_   \/   /-------/   _/   | _____/________
       ._\____  \_   \/   /--.____/      `----------'____/   / ____/_
       |     /   /--.____/                        `---------/-----.  \
       `-cDr----/           -[ dOODLEs ^ sHOCk ]-         `-------e^d-\
              _______                               _____. _____
            _/ _____/______.----.         __________\_  _|/    /
            `------.  \   _|    |_________\_ _____/_    \.   _/
           /-----------\  \.    |______  \_   \     \----l_____\
                     `-----l____|   \/    /----------\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Dual crew shining  |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                ___________\_    |    _/________ `-._______
              ._\______   \_     l      \      `-  |      /__.
              |       /    /-------------\-----\___|    _/   |
              `-cDr-------/ ___   ___  ____      `-----------'
     _______               (____ l    (___/_ (__|__)           _________
   _/ _____/_____.----.                             ___________\_ _____/_
   `------.  \  _|    |________           __________\_  \   _/__  \_     \
  /-----------\ \.    |______ /.__________\______ /.   \ \     /------e^d-\
            `----l____|     \/ |   \   _/__     \/ |----\_____/
                    `----------'  \ \     /--------'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Epsilon design     |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                          _________\______ /.______
               __________/ ______/       \/ |     /__.________
     __________\_____   \_------. \-------.-'   _/   |______  \_________
   ._\_ _____/__   /_____/---------\      `--------:-'   \/    /  \   _/__
   |   ____/   /------\    __                 __   `----._____/  \ \     /
   `-cDr------/           _\/_ epsilon  -^-  _\/_           `-e^d-\_____/
         ________         \/\/   -^-  design \/\/      ___________
       ._\_____  \________                    _________\_   \   _/__
       |      /   / _____/_________ __________\_ _____/_   \ \     /
       `-------:-/ ____/   / _____/_\______ /.   \_     \---\_____/
               `----------/-----.  \      \/ |-----------\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Eremation          |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                           ____._____\____ `-._/\____
                   ________\_  !  _/     `-  |_____ /____
            _______\_ ___/__  \_/   \----\___|    \/___ /.______
    ________\___  \_ __/   /---l_____\      `------\  \/ |_____ \_______
  ._\_ ___/__ _/  _/------/                      `-----:-'  \/   / \  _/__
  |   __/   /-\_____\                                  `---.____/ \ \    /
  `----cDr-/                                                  `----\____/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Fairlight          |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                            ______|     /__._____
                    ________\____  \_ _/   |___ /.______
            ________\_____ /.  _/  _/------'  \/ | ____/_____.----.
    ________\_____ `-.   \/ |--\_____\   `-----:-' \_    \  _|    |__/\____
  ._\_ _____/    `-  |------'                  `--------:-\ \.    |______ /
  |    ___/------.___|                                  `----l____|     \/
  `-cDr-'                  -[ wHEn dREAMs cOMe tRUe ]-           `---e^d-\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Flying cows inc.   |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

               .______\_    l    _/________ /._________
          _____:____   /__.___,   _/      \/ |   \   _/________
        ._\_ ______/ _/   |-------'--------.-'  \ \     /_____/_
        |    ____/--------' .  ___   ___   `-----\_____/ \_     \
        `------'            l l   ) (____ .          `-----------\
              ___________                          _________
            ._\_ _______/_________________________/ _______/_
            |     \       \________  \_   \    _/`-------.   \
            `-cDr--------:-\    \/    /   /\     \--------e^d-\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Hardcore design    |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                      _________\_____  \_ _____/_________
              ________\_____  \_    /   / \     \______  \______
    ____.----.\_____ `-.  _/  _/-------/-------:-\  \/    /___  \_________
   _\_ _|    |     `-  |--\_____\              `---._____/  _/  _/  _____/__
  /    \.    |-----\___|                               `----\_____\ ___/   /
 /-cDr--l____|               -[ hARDCORe dESIGn ]-              `---------/
          ________                                      ___________
        ._\_____  \________                    _________\_   \   _/__
        |      /   / _____/_________ __________\_ _____/_   \ \     /
        `-------:-/ ____/   / _____/_\______ /.   \_     \---\_____/
                `----------/-----.  \      \/ |-------e^d-\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Heavy cool cracks  |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                       __________\_______ `-.___ _____    _________
           _____.----._\_ _____/__      `-  |   Y   _/____\       /
         ._\_  _|    |   ____/   /------\___|   l     \    \    _/_
         |     \.    |----------/         `------------\______,  _/
         `------l____|      ___   ___   ___  |        `----------'
      _________            (____ (___) (___) l__,            ________
    ._\_ _____/__________                       _____. _____/ ______/_
    |     \     \______  \______________________\_  _|/    /------.   \
    `-cDr--------\   _/  _/_______ `-. _______/     \.   _/--------e^d-\
               `-----\_____\     `-  |  \      \-----l_____\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Hellfire           |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                  ____.----._\_ _____/__     /__.______
                ._\_ _|    |   ____/   /   _/   |     /__.
                |    \.    |----------/-------:-'   _/   |
                `-cDr-l____|                  `------e^d-'
                    _________                _________
                  ._\_ _____/________________\_ _____/__
                  |   ____/______ /.______  \_ ____/   /
                  `----.-\      \/ |    _/  _/--------/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Hoodlum            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                         __________\______  \______     .________
                _________\______  \_     /   /    /__.__|       /
      ____.----.\______  \_  \/    /------:-/   _/   |  |      /__  /\
     _\_ _|    |    \/    /--.____/       `--------:-'  l     /   \/  \
    /    \.    |---._____/                         `-------:-/    \/   \
   /-cDr--l____|                                           `-e^d--/_____\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Humane & Vanity    |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                             _____  /\___________
                 _____.______\_   \/  \_________ `-.__________
      ____.----._\_   |   _/      \/   \       `-  |    \   _/_________
    ._\_ _|    |      !     \-----/_____\------\___|   \ \     / _____/__
    |    \.    |-------------\                    `-----\_____/ ____/   /
    `-cDr-l____|             _____   ____   ____|           `----------/
  ___________               (____(_ l    ) (____l                _________
  \         /__.                                    _ _      ____\       /
   \       /   |________                        _______\_____\_   \    _/_
    \     /    |_______ `-._____________________\ ________ /_________.  _/
     \-------:-'      `-  |   \   _/_________ /. \/      \/-------------'
             `--------\___|  \ \     /      \/ |------e^d-\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Insane             |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                ____________/ _____/_________ `-._________
      __________\_   \   _/__-----.  \      `-  |   \   _/__________
    ._\______ /.    \ \     /---------\-----\___|  \ \     / ______/__
    |       \/ |-----\_____/                   `----\_____/  ____/   /
    `-cDr------'                                        `-----------/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Legend             |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                 ___________\_ ______/  ______/__________
        _________\_ ______/__  \_     \ ____/   /  \   _/__________
      ._\_     /__  ____/   /----------\-----:-/  \ \     /______  \_
      |      _/   \--------/                 `-----\_____/      /   /
      `-cDr--------\     -*- tHE wILL oF gOD -*-       `-e^d-------/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Limited edition    |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                         ____  _____\______ /.__/\_____
               __________\_  \/  _/_      \/ |_______ /______
       ________\______ /.    \/     \------:-'      \/ _____/_________
     ._\_    /__.    \/ |----/_______\     `-------:-\ ___/   /_____  \_
     |     _/   |-------'                          `-------:-/     /   /
     `-cDr------'                                          `-e^d------/
    _________                                                ___________
  ._\_ _____/_________                             __________\_   \   _/__
  |    ___/   /_____  \_________          _________\______  \_   \ \     /
  `--------.-/     /   /______ /.___/\____\_____ /.    \/    /----\_____/
           `--------:-/      \/ |_______ /     \/ |---._____/
                    `---------:-'      \/---------'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Lsd                |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                          :      _________       :
                       ___:_____/ _______/_______:____
                     ._\_     /__------.   \_______   \_
                     |      _/   \--------:-\     /    /
                     `----:-------\  __   `-----------/
                          :    __   _\/_   __    :
                          :   _\/_  \/\/  _\/_   :
                          :   \/\/        \/\/   :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Melon design       |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                      .________:_      /__.________
              ____  __:_  ______/__  _/   |______  \_________
            ._\_  \/  _/_ ____/   /-----:-'   \/    /  \   _/__
            |     \/     \-------/      `----._____/  \ \     /
            `-----/_______\                      `-----\_____/
          ________           -[ mELOn dESIGn ]-        .___________
        ._\_____  \_________                   ________:_    \   _/__
        |      /   / ______/___________________\_ ______/_  \ \     /
        `-cDr---:-/  ____/   / ______/_________ /. \_     \--\_____/
                `-----------/-------.  \      \/ |-----e^d-\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Moment 22          |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                           ____  /\__________
                 __________\_  \/  \  ______/__________   _ __
        ____  /\_\______  \_   \/   \ ____/   /  \   _/_______\____
      ._\_  \/  \    \/    /---/_____\-------/  \ \     /________ /
      |     \/   \--._____/_______  ________`----\_____/        \/
      `-cDr-/_____\       _\_____ \_\______ \_       `-------e^d-\
                         /  .------': .------'_

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Mystic             |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                                         _ __
                 _____._______/ _____/__________ /_______
        _____  __\_   l    _/_------.  \       \/______ /.________
      ._\_   \/  _/______,  _/----------\-----:-\     \/ | ______/_
      |      \/     \-------'                 `----------'  \      \
      `-cDr--/_______\                                 `--------e^d-\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Origin             |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                   __________\_______ /.  ______/__________
        ___________\_____   \_      \/ |  \_     \_______ /._________
      ._\_______  \_   _/   _/---------'--------:-\     \/ |   \   _/__
      |      \/    /---\______\                 `--------.-'  \ \     /
      `-cDr-._____/                                      `-e^d-\_____/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Outlaws            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                             _ _     _______
                          ______\____\_    /__.______    ________
                ____._____\ _______ /    _/   |_____ `-._\__    /
     ___________\_  |  _/  \/     \/--------:-'    `-  |   /  _/________
   ._\_______  \_   l    \---------\        `------\___|  /\    \  ____/_
   |      \/    /---------\                          `-----\_____\----.  \
   `-cDr-._____/             -[ fRIENDs iN cRIMe ]-            `-e^d------\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Over the top       |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                            _____ ______________
                  __________\_   Y   _/  ______/________
                ._\______  \_    l     \ ____/   /____  \_
                |     \/    /-----------\-------/   _/  _/
                `----._____/  _|_  |___   ____`-e^d-\_____\
                               l__ l   ) (___/_
                      _____/\_____         _________
                    ._\ ________ /_________\_____   \_
                    |  \/      \/_______  \_   /_____/
                    `-cDr-----:-\    \/    /------\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Paradox            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                       __________\______ `-.________
              _________\______  \_     `-  |_____   \________   ________
     _________\______ `-.   _/  _/-----\___|    /    /_____  \__\      /
   ._\____   \_     `-  |---\_____\      `-e^d----:-/   \/    /  \   _/
   |    /_____/-----\___|                         `----._____/         \
   `-cDr--'                                                 `----/______\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: P.W.A              |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                         ________\______ `-.___/\____
               __________\____  \_     `-  | ______ /_______
      _________\______ /.   _/  _/-----\___|\/    \/ ______/_________
    ._\____   \_     \/ |---\_____\      `-------:-\ ____/   / _____/_
    |    /_____/--------'                        `----------/------.  \
    `-cDr---\                     ˇ  _|_   |___           `-e^d--------\
   ______                  (_|_)  l_  l_,  l   )                  ______
 ._\____ `-.___/\____                                   .________/ ____/_
 |     `-  | ______ /_/\____                     _______:  _____/_----.  \
 `-----\___|\/    \/______ /______       _____ __\_____  \_ __/   /-------\
         `-------:-\     \/_____ /.___/\_\__  Y  _/   /   /------/
                 `------:-\    \/ | ______ /  l    \-----/
                        `-------:-'\/    \/---------\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Polka brothers     |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                       ________:_      /__.___. _____
              _________\_______  \_  _/   |  _|/    /_______
            ._\____   \_    \/    /-----:-'  \.   _/_______ `-.
            |    /_____/---._____/      `-----l_____\     `-  |
    _______ `-cDr---'                              `------\___|   _______
   _\___ _/________          -[ pOLKa bROTHERs ]-        ________/ _____/_
  /    (__  \____  \_________  _ _              _________\____  \_-----.  \
 /--------.--\ _/  _/______  \____\______.----._\_ ____/__  _/  _/-e^d-----\
          `----\_____\  \/    /______ / _|    |   ___/   /--\_____\
                   `---._____/      \/  \.    |---------/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Prestige           |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                                        _ __
                    _________/ ______/_________ /______
            ________\____   \_-----.  \       \/_____ /._______
    ________\____  \_ _/_____/_--------\-----:-\    \/ | _____/_________
  ._\___   \_  _/  _/---------/              `-----e^d-' \_    \_____   \_
  |   /_____/--\_____\                               `--------.-\ _/_____/_
  `-cDr-'                 -[ tHe mIGHTy mONGOLs ]-            `-----------/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Prodigy            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                         __________\_____  \_______
                 ________\______  \_    /   /____ /._______     ________
        _________\____  \_   \/    /-----:-/    \/ | _____/_____\      /
      ._\____   \_  _/  _/--._____/      `-------.-' \_     \    \   _/_
      |    /_____/--\_____\                      `------e^d--\_____,  _/
      `-cDr---\                                             `---------'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Razor 1911         |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                       _________\______  \___________
              _________\______ `-. .------'________  \_______
            ._\_____  \_     `-  |--------.-\   \/    /____  \_
            |     _/  _/-----\___|        `----._____/   _/  _/
            `-----\_____\                          `-----\_____\
                  _________                   _________
                  \___._   \__________._______\___._   \_
                  -cDr|     |  _____  |___._   \_ |     |
                      `-----'_ ____/  |e^d|     | `-----'
                                `-----'   `-----'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Rebels             |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                ______________\___ __/_______     /_______
      __________\______     /    (___  \  _/_____/       /__._________
    ._\_____   \_   _/_____/------------\---------\    _/   | _______/_
    |     _/   _/-----------\                   `---------:-'-------.  \
    `-cDr-\______\                                        `-e^d---------\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Rednex             |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                 __________\_____  \_   \   _/_________    ________
        _________\_ _____/__    /   /  \ \     / _____/____\      /
      ._\_____  \_  ___/   /-------/----\_____/ ____/   /   \   _/
      |     _/  _/--------/                 `----------/          \
      `-cDr-\_____\                                  `-e^d--/______\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Religion           |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                      ________\_____ /. _____/________
             _________\_    /__.   \/ | \_    \_____ /.______
     ________\_ ____/__   _/   |-cDr--'------:-\   \/ |_____ \_________
   ._\____  \_ ___/   /--------'             `-e^d----'  \/   /  \   _/__
   |    _/  _/-------/                              `---.____/  \ \     /
   `----\_____\                                             `----\_____/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Royal              |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                             ._____\        /
                    _________:_     \     _/________
          __________\________  \_______,   _/______ `-._______
        ._\_____   \_     \/    /--------:-'      `-  |      /___.
        |     _/   _/----._____/         `--------\___|     /    |
        `-cDr-\______\                               `-------e^d-'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Sanity             |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                          ______________________    _ _
               ___________\_   \   _/_________ /.______\____   _________
      _________\_______ `-.   \ \     /      \/ |_________ /___\       /
    _/ ______/_       `-  |----\_____/--------:-'        \/     \    _/_
    `-------.  \------\___|                   `-------e^d-\________,  _/
   /-cDr--------\            -[ dEMo oR dIe! ]-          `------------'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Scoopex            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                         __________\______  \_______
              ___________\______  \_   \/    /___   \______   ________
         _____\_ ______/_    \/    /--._____/  /_____/____/___\      /
       _/ _____/_ \      \--._____/       `-------'  ___/   /  \   _/
       `------.  \--------\                      `-------.-/         \
      /-cDr-------\        -*- gENERATIONs aHEAd -*-     `-e^d--\_____\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Skidrow            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                       __________\______  \_______
           _____. _____\______ /.      /   /____  \__________   _________
    _______\_  _|/    /      \/ |-------.-/   _/  _/_______  \__\__     /
  _/ _____/_   \.   _/----------'       `-----\_____\   \/    /   /   _/
  `------.  \---l_____\                           `----._____/   /\     \
 /-cDr-------\                                             `-e^d--\______\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Spaceballs         |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                     ___________\_______ `-.________
               ______\______   \_      `-  | ______/__________
             _/ ______/_  /_____/------\___| \       \  _____/__
             `------.   \----'           `----------.-\ ___/   /
            /-cDr--------\                          `---------/
              ________        -[ sPACEBALLs ]-        ________
            ._\___  _/____________          _________/ ______/_
            |    (____  \________ `-._______\_     /__-------. \
            `----------:-\      `-  |     /__.   _/   |-e^d-----\
                       `--------\___|   _/   |--------'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Static bytes       |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                                            _ __
                      _ __      ________________\____
                   _______\_____\______ `-.________ /_______
          _________\ ________ /       `-  |       \/______ /.________
        _/ ______/_ \/      \/--------\___|------:-\     \/ | ______/_
        `-------.  \---------\                   `--------:-'  \      \
       /-cDr--------\          -[ sTATIc bYTEs ]-         `------------\
             ________                                   ________
            _\___  _/_______.______  _ __   .__________/ ______/_
           /    (___   \    l    _/______\__:_ ______/__------.  \
          /-----------.-\_____,   _/________ / ____/   /-e^d------\
                      `---------:-'        \/---------/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Stellar            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                         ________\_     /__._____
               ____/\____\_ ____/__   _/   |    /__.______
        _______\ ______ /  ___/   /------:-'  _/   |_____ `-.______
      _/ _____/_\/    \/---------/       `-------:-'    `-  |____  \_
      `------.  \------\                         `--e^d-\___|  _/  _/
     /-cDr-------\                                        `----\_____\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Suburban base      |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                      _______\_  / _/_____  \_______
             _________\__ _/__  /    \  _/  _/___ _/__________
      _______\_  / _/   (___  \-------\-\_____\ (___  \______ `-.________
    _/ ____/_   /    \---------\            `--------:-\    `-  |  \   _/__
    `-----.  \--------\                              `--e^d-\___| \ \     /
   /-cDr------\    _______                      ________      `----\_____/
                 ._\___ _/______________________\____   \_
                 |    (___  \______ `-. ______/_  _/_____/_
                 `---------:-\    `-  |------.  \----------\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name:Sunshine productions|
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                    ___________/ _____/   _|    |_______
           _____.___\_   \  _/__----.  \  \.    |_____ /._______
      _____\_   |   _/  \ \    /--------\--l____|    \/ |  \  _/________
    _/ _____/   l     \--\____/               `-e^d---:-' \ \    /_____/__
    `------. \---------\                              `----\____/ ___/   /
   /-cDr------\                                               `---------/
   ______                                                            _____
 ._\___  \____                                             _________/ ___/
 |   /____/__ \_____                                _______\_  \  _/_---. \
 `-----'   _/ _/ __ \_____                     _____\____ \_  \ \   /------\
       `---\____\\/  /___ \__.___      ___/\___\___ /. \/  /---\___/
               \____/   /  / | _/______\ ____ /   \/ |____/
                   `------/  l   \ ___/ \/  \/-------'
                         `------.-\\   \-----\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: The jormas         |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

            __          ÷---------------------------÷          __
           _\/_         :   _|_   |____   _____     :         _\/_
         __\/\/__       :    l__, l    ) (____/_    :       __\/\/__
        _\/_  _\/_      :                           :      _\/_  _\/_
        \/\/  \/\/      :     _____________  /\     :      \/\/  \/\/
                   _____:_____\_____  \_   \/  \____:___
            _______\_______  \_   _/  _/   \/   \______ `-._______
    _ __ ___\___  \_    \/    /---\_____\--/_____\    `-  | _____/_ __ _
       //      /   /---._____/                 `----:-\___|-----.  \\
      //-cDr------/     :                           :    `-e^d------\\
                        :                           :
                        ÷--------[ pRESENTs ]-------÷

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: The vikings        |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                          _ __    _____.-----.
                      ________\__|_   _|     |_________
                    ._\ _________ /   \.     | _______/__
                    |  \/       \/-----l_____| _____/   /
     ____ _____     `------------\          `----------/        _______
    _\_  Y   _/_________                              _________/ _____/_
   /     l     \______ /.___. _____        ___________\_ _____/------.  \
  /-cDr-------:-\    \/ |  _|/    /________\_  \   _/__  \_    \---------\
              `-------:-'  \.   _/______ /.   \ \     /-----e^d-\
                      `-----l_____\    \/ |----\_____/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Trsi               |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                                   _______  _ __
                         _________/ _____/______\____
        _ _      ________\_____ /.------.  \_______ /_____
      _____\_____\____  \_    \/ |--------.-\     \/_____ `-.______
    ._\ ______ /    _/  _/-------'        `------:-\    `-  |____  \_
    |  \/    \/-----\_____\                      `------\___|  _/  _/
    `-cDr-----\              ____   ___   ___|            `----\_____\
   _____                    (___(_ l   ) (___l_                   _______
 ._\___ \________                                          _______\_____ \_
 |   _/ _/ _____/_______                         ____/\____\_____ \_  _/ _/
 `---\____\ __/   /____ \______          ________\ ______ /   \/   /--\____\
        `------:-/    /  /____/__________\_ ____/ \/    \/---.____/
               `--------/----.  \ _____/__  \    \-------\
                      `--------:-\ __/   /----e^d-\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Upperclass         |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                        _________\_____   \________
            _____.______\____   \_   /_____/______/_________
          ._\_   |   _/    /_____/------\  _____/   /____   \_
          |      !     \------\     __ `---------:-/   _/   _/
          `-------------\          _\/_          `-----\______\
          ___________         _ _/\\/\//\_ _           _________
        ._\_ _______/_________              __________/ _______/_
        |     \      \       /__.__________/ _______/_--------.  \
        `-cDr-------:-\    _/   |_______ `-.-------.  \-------e^d-\
                    `---------:-'      `-  |-----------\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Virtual dreams     |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                                     _ __
                          ________\ ________ /__._____
                __________\____  \_\/      \/   |   _/________
      ____ _____\______ /.   _/  _/-------:-\   l     \______ `-.______
    ._\_  Y   _/      \/ |---\_____\      `----------:-\    `-  |     /__
    |     l     \--------'                           `------\___|   _/   \
    `------------\                                            `-----------\
          ________      -[ vIRTUAL dREAMS oF fAIRLIGHT ]-   _______
        ._\_____  \_______                     _____  _____/ _____/_
        |      /   /____  \_________  _________\_   \/  _/`------.  \
        `-cDr---.-/   _/  _/  _____/__\______ `-.   \/    \-e^d------\
                `-----\_____\ ___/   /      `-  |---/______\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Wildstyle          |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: None!           |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                      ________ _________ _____
                   ___\      /_\_____ /.     /__. _______
                 ._\_  \   _/       \/ |   _/   |_\____  \_
                 |     /\    \---------'------.-'     /   /
                 `-cDr--\_____\               `-e^d------/
               _______          - wILDSTYLe -       _________
             _/ _____/_  ____/\____ ________ _______\_ _____/__
             `-----.   \_\ ______ /_\      /_\_   /__. ___/   /
            /---------:-\ \/    \/   \   _/_    _/   |-------/
                      `--------._______, __/---------'


                `--[ a reminder :) ]--.

                             -[ SUOMI - FINLAND ]-
                _____\__      /__._______________  /\___________
              _/ ______/     /   |_______ _/     \/  \________ /.
              `------.  \   /    |    _/    \    \/   \      \/ |
      _\_ _____/_____ /.   \   _/__    /________ `-.   \   _/________  \_
     /   ____/      \/ |  \ \     /  _/   /    `-  |  \ \     /     /   /

                        -[ ICEHOCKEY RULERS OF 1995 ]-

                           o w

                                  t o

                                 s o

                                      o r

                                i n
                                   t r e
                                          ! !

  _____                   \_  _/_____         ________
  \  _/______      ______/__  \    _/________/__ ____/_
  .\ ____   /     .\______  \_ \    _\_____ `--/----.  \___/\__________
  : \/ _/ _/______:____\/   _/-----:--\ _/____/_---.____\______ / ____/_
  `-.--\    \_____`---/-._____\    `-----------/      .       \/______  \_
    ŚcDr\--:-\ _/____/_                               `----e^d-\   _/    /
    l____ _`----------/_ __  /\_ r e q u e s t s _/\  _____ __ _ _______/
                           \/                       \/

                          - [ r e q u e s t s ] -

           A Pack of surprises!.Ambrosia-Psycho p.Arctic circle
           Beatless desc . Bts desc.Beatless . Bizarre arts.
           Blackys kneipe . Bouncing bytes . Decoy of Passion
           Devious desc.Domestic subway.Dzain.Fender of Giants
           For sale . Galiano.Hysteric-ram jam.Infect . Kinky
           Lucifer.Nine design . No escape.Nup!.Olympos.Picco
           Point of no return . Pro^arts desc.Pro^arts.Ram jam
           Riot.Scraby.Sony playstation.Special s.m.s.Technoking!
           Technology.Terra firma.The laughting a . TS!.Tsar 1
           World is crazy . Xclusiwe . Xlnt

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: A pack of surprises|
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: General lee/s!p |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                                 :  _____  :
                                 : (____(_ :
                  __________\_______ `-. ________/_____. ______
                ._\_____   \_      `-  |  \       \   _|/     /
                |     /_____/----:-\___|---:-----:-\  \.    _/
       _____    `-cDr----\       :         :     `-e^d-l______\   _____
     _/ ___/____.---.            :___    ____            ________/ ___/_
     `----.  \  |   |_____      (____)  l---       ______\_ ___/__---.  \
    /---------\ l   |___  \______:       __:______/ ___/_  __/   /-------\
            `-----.-' _/  _/____  \______\_____ /.----.  \------/
                  `---\_____\ /____/__  \_    \/ |--------\
                          `------\  _/  _/-:-----'
                                 :         :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name:Ambrosia - Psycho p.|
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Drac/Ambrosia   |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                     ________\____  \________ \________
           _____  /\_\___ _/__  _/  _/    \/   / _____/__________
   ________\_   \/  \   (__   \-\_____\--.____/------.  \______ /.______
 ._\_____ `-.   \/   \---------\             `---------:-\    \/ |_____ `-.
 |      `-  |---/_____\                                `-------:-'    `-  |
 `-cDr--\___|                                                  `-e^d--\___|
             ___    __   ____     __   ____    ___   _|_    __
            |___)  l    (___/_  __)   (___/_  l   )   l_  __)

                         .___\       /_________
                    _____:_   \    _/_ _______/_____.----.
          _________/ _____/______,  _/  \      \   _|    |________
        ._\____   \_-----.  \-------'---------:-\  \.    |______  \_
        |    /_____/---------\                `-----l____|   \/    /
        `-------\                                      `----._____/
                 ________                     _____. _____
               ._\____   \____________________\_  _|/    /
               |    /_____/_____ `-. _______/     \.   _/
               `-cDr---\       `-  |  \      \-e^d-l_____\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Arctic circle      |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Nup/Pro^arts    |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                   ________:_  ______/      _.__/_____
             ______\_______  \_\      \      |______ /._________
            _\_____ `-.  _/  _/--------\---:-'     \/ | _______/
           /      `-  |--\_____\           `--------.-' \       \
          /-cDr---\___|                             `--------e^d-\
                       - a r c t i c   c i r c l e -
            _________                                 .__________
           _\_ _____/_________                 _______:_  ______/__
          /    \     \______ /_________________\__     /_ ____/   /
         /---------.--\    \/ \______   \_ ______/   _/  \-------/
                   `----------+    _/   _/ \      \-------\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Beatless desc.     |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by:Skiathos/Beatless|
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

.- -           __/\_______              - -.
: bEATLESs ____\_____ /  /_.____ pRESENTs! :
     ._____\___`-.  \/ _/  |___/____
_____: ___/_  `- |---\-----'_/  /__/______
\__ _/ _/  /--\__|  __   `-----/--. \ ___/
| (__ \---/      _ _\/_ _     `------\--. \
`------\ - -cDr- -\\/\//- --e^d-- - `------\

      t  e  x  t
                     h  e  r  e  !
:                                          :
`- -                                    - -'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Bts desc.          |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by:Skiathos/Beatless|
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

.-------- --- -_ _- ----- -----------------.
: bEATLESs _______\____                    :
:  ________\_________ /_______             :
:._\___ _/__        \/ ______/_            :
:|    (___  \--------\------.  \           :
:`-cDr-------\     `-e^d--------\          :
:                                          :
:        t     e     x     t               :
:                                          :
:          h    e    r    e    !           :
:                                          :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Beatless 1         |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Fugazi^Skiathos |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                      _______\_ ____/_______ `-.__/\____
                    ._\__ _/__ ___/   /    `-  |______ /
                    |   (___  \------/-----\___|     \/
                    `----------\             `----e^d-\
                      ______                   ______
                    ._\_   /__._______________/ ____/_
                    |    _/   | ____/__ ____/_-----.  \
                    `-cDr---:-'___/   /----.  \--------\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Beatless 2         |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Fugazi^Skiathos |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                  _ _:_  /\___ _ bEATLESs! _ ___/\  _:_ _
                     : \/        _ _              \/ :
                     :        ______\_________       :
                     :________\________ /    /__.____:___
          ___________\_____ `-.       \/   _/   |____   /_______
   _______\_____   /      `-  |--------\--------' _/___/_ _____/_________
 ._\__ _/__  _/___/_-:----\___|               `------.--/-----.  \  ____/_
 |   (___  \-------/ :                               : `----------\----.  \
 `-cDr------\        : __  __ ___  __ ___  __ _|_  __:          `-e^d------\
                     :|__)l  (__/__) (__/_l  ) l___) :
                     :l                              :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Bizarre arts 1     |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Rave/Bizarre a. |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

     _\___ _/________ /._______ \________ `-._____  \______  \_ ______/__
    /    \__  \     \/ | .-------'      `-  |   _/  _/   _/  _/ ____/   /
              _ ___ _\______ `-.______  \_     _.__/ _____/_ ___ _
               cDr//       `-  |    _/  _/      |--------.  \\e^d

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Bizarre arts 2     |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Rave/Bizarre a. |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                     __________\______ `-._______
            _________\______ \_      `-  |_____  \_________
      ______\_____ /_ .-------'-.----\___|   _/  _/______  \_________
    ._\___ )__   \/  \_---------'       `----\_____\   _/  _/  _____/__
    |   (___  )-------/                           `----\_____\ ___/   /
    `--------/              -[ bIZARRe aRTs ]-             `---------/
                   ______                       _______
                .__\____ `-.___________________/ _____/_
                |      `-  |_____  \__     _._/------.  \
                `-cDr--\___|   _/  _/       |--------e^d-\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Blackys kneipe 1   |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Technoking/Unl. |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

       _____________________________________. ______\       /_______
 _ __ _\___ _/__    /__._____ `-. _____/   _|/    /  \_   _/_ _____/_ __ _
    //    \__   \ _/   |    `-  | \     \  \.   _/______,  _/-----.  \\
         ____. ____________________________________________________
   _ __ _\_ _|/    /    \   _/__ _____/________ /._____   \_ _____/__
      //    \.   _/    \ \     /____/   /     \/ |   /_____/____/   /

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Blacky kneipe 2    |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Technoking/Unl. |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                    _________\_ ______/______. _____
          ._________\______ `-.  \      \   _|/    /___._____
     _____:_     /__.     `-  |--------:-\  \.   _/    l   _/________
    _\___ _/__ _/   |-----\___|        `-----l_____\_____,  _/ _____/_
   /    (___  \-----'                            `----------'------.  \
  /-cDr--------\           -[ blackys kneipe ]-            /-----------\
       _____. _____                                    .__________
     ._\_  _|/    /__________                 _________:_  ______/__
     |     \.   _/     \   _/_________________\_______   \_ ___/   /
     `------l_____\   \ \     / _____/________ /.   /_____/-------/
                 `-----\_____/ ____/   /     \/ |------'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Bouncing bytes     |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Sonikk/Riot^Thg |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                   ____._____\_  \  _/__ _____/_________
          _________\_  |  _/    \ \    / \     \______ /.________
   _______\______ \_   l    \----\____/-------:-\    \/ |  \   _/________
 ._\__ _/__   \/   /---------\                `-------.-' \ \     /_____/
 |   (___  \--.___/                                   `----\_____/ \     \
 `-cDr------\                                                  `----------\
             ______                                    ________
           ._\__ _/_______ _____   _ _      __________/ ______/_
           |   (___  \    Y   _/______\_____\_ _____/__------.  \
           `----------\_____,  _/________ /   ____/   /-e^d------\
                    `----------'        \/-----------/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Decoy of Passion   |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Decoy/Psn (gift)|
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                        _ _:_  /\_ _\__/_ _/\  _:_ _
                           : \/  __________  \/ :
                       ____:_____\_ ______/_____:____
             __________\_ _____/__  \      \_______  \____._____
           ._\______  \_ ____/   /--------:-\   \/    /   l   _/_
           |       /   /---.----/         `-----.____/______,  _/
           `-cDr------/    :      ___   ___     :   `----------'
        _______            :     (___) l--      :         ___________
      ._\____  \_____      :                    :_________\_   \   _/__
      |    /____/___ `-.___:___          _______:\______ \_   \ \     /
      `------'     `-  | _____/__________\_____ /.   \/   /----\_____/
            `-e^d--\___|-----.  \  _____/_    \/ |--.____/
                      `----:-----\-----.  \-----:'
                           :    `----------\    :
                       __  :                    :  __
                      _\/_ :  DECOY / PASSION   : _\/_
                      \/\/ :    Danni Hansen    : \/\/
                           :    Ekkodalen 17    :
                           :    6000 Kolding    :
                           :      Denmark       :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Devious desc.1     |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Felon/Devious d.|
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

.                           _______
:   _____________ __.----.__\_    /_.____
Ś  _\__ \_ ___/_ Y  |-^--| __ \_ /  | __/_
| /   /  /__/  / !  | e^d| \/  //   |--.  \
|/-cDr--/-----/-----'_ __|----/-----'------\
|                                          |
|      t    e    x    t                    |
|                                          |
|                h    e    r    e    !     :
|                                          |
|                                          |

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Devious desc.2     |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Felon/Devious d.|
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

.- _____________ ________________._______ -.
: _\_ \____  /  Y _/___ /.___ \_ |  | __/_ :
 /  /  /_/__/_  !   \ \/ | \/  / !  |---. \
  _\_ \____  /__ \____ /. __/   \  _/ __/_
 /  /  /_/__/_.---'  \/ | \_ \ \ \  \---. \

       t  e  x  t
:                   h  e  r  e  !          :
`-- -                                  - --'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Devious desc.3     |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Felon/Devious d.|
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

  _ ___| ____\  / . ___      c__ _      _
.-((___l(___/_\/ ( (___)(___)___))-cDr-\/--.
|                                          |
|                                          |
|                                          |
|                                          |
|                                          |
|                                          |
|                                          |
| _      _ ___| ____ __   . ___  ___ c__ _ |
`-\/-e^d-((___l(___/_ (__( (___|l   )___))-'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Domestic subway 1  |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Galiano/?!?     |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                              ._________________   _ _
                       ____  _:  _____/__ _____/______\____
             __________\_  \/  \ ___/   /----.  \________ /______
    _________\______  \_   \/   \------/-------.-\      \/_____ /._______
  ._\_____  \_   \/    /---/_____\             `-------:-\    \/ | _____/
  |      /   /--._____/                                `-------:-' \     \
  `-cDr-----/                                                  `------e^d-\
        _______                                          _____.______
      _/ _____/______._____      __________     _________\_   |    _/_
      `------.  \    |   _/______\_     __/_____\______ `-._____,   _/
     /---------:-\   !     \____ _/__   \    _/       `-  |---------'
               `----------:-\  (___  \  /\     \------\___|

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Domestic subway 2  |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Galiano/?!?     |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

    ______________  /\________________/\_______________
   _\__  \____ \_ \/  \_____ (_ ___/______ /____/  ___/
  /    )  ) \/  / \/   \ _/___/---.  )   \/      ) )   )
   _/ __/   |   )___ _/_   \   _/______ `-.   !    _/_
   `--.  )  !  /   (__  )  /\    \    `-  |_____,  __/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Dzain              |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Xclusiwe/Dzain? |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                  .                                          .
                  |                                          |
               - -÷------------------------------------------÷- -
                  :            ______________                :
                  : ___________\________   _/____________    :
        __________:_\________ \_       `-    \_________ /.___:_______
      ._\_______   \_ .--------'------\_______\       \/ |    \    _/__
      |        /    /-----.______\           `---------:-'   \ \      /
      `-cDr-.______/                                   `-e^d-:\______/
                  :_                                        _:
                 _\/_    ____|  ___     _____   .  ____    _\/_
                 \/\/   (____l_   (___ (____(_ (  l    )   \/\/
                  :                                          :
               - -÷------------------------------------------÷- -
                  !                                          !

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Fender of Giants   |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Fender/Giants   |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

               .__________\_   \   _/________  \________
        _______:_ ______/__   \ \     /     /   /______/_________
      ._\_ _____/ ____/   /----\_____/-------:-/ ____/   /____   \_
      |    ___/----------/                   `--------:-/   _/   _/
      `-----'                  ____   ____            `-----\______\
        _________             (____) l---         _ __       _______
      ._\_ _____/__________                     ______\_____/ _____/_
      |    \_    \_______ /.____________________\ _______ /`------.  \
      `-cDr-----:-\     \/ |______ `-.   \   _/__\/     \/-e^d--------\
                `--------:-'     `-  |  \ \     /--------\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: For sale 1         |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Technoking/Unl. |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

         _______/_ \_________         ________________________________
   _ __ _\_ _____/  \______  \_     _/ _____/_______ `-.    /_.  ____/__
      //   ____/     \   _/  _/     `-----.  \     `-  |  _/  | ___/   /
     //-cDr--'_ ______\--\_____\   /----------\----\___|------'---e^d-/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: For sale 2         |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Technoking/Unl. |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

             :                _______/_ \_________               :
          - -÷------------- -_\_ _____/  \______  \_- -----------÷- -
             : !fOr sALe!   /   ____/     \   _/  _/  !fOr sALe! :
             :  __         /------'_ ______\--\_____\        __  :
             : _\/_   _______                    _________  _\/_ :
             : \/\/ _/ _____/____________________\_ _____/__\/\/ :
          - -÷--- - `------.  \_______ `-.     /__. ___/   /-----÷- -
             :     /-cDr-----:-\     `-  |   _/   |---e^d-/      :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Galiano            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Galiano/?!?     |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                        _________\_______ /.______
               _________\_     /__.     \/ |_____ `-._________
     __________\______ `-.   _/   |------:-'    `-  |   \   _/__________
   ._\_ _____/       `-  |--------'      `-e^d--\___|  \ \     /______  \_
   |    \_    \------\___|                         `----\_____/    \/    /
   `-cDr-------\         -[ gALIANo - cOMINg oNLINe! ]-     `----.______/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Hysteric - Ramjam  |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Hysteric/Ramjam |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                              ____/\____ ________
          ________     _______\ ______ /_\_ ____/_______
          \    __/____/ _____/ \/    \/    ___/   /___  \________
     ____.-X--.\    _/_----.  \-------\--------.-/  _/  _/_____ /.______
   ._\_ _|    |___,  _/--------\               `----\_____\   \/ | ____/_
   |    \.    |------'        Lopez Jean-Francis       `-------:-' \     \
   `-cDr-l____|           58, Cite du Chateau d'eau            `------e^d-\
                          629 70 Courcelles les lens
         ______                    France                   ____  /\
       ._\___  \_ _______                        ___________\_  \/  \
       |   _/  _/_\_____ `-. _____  /\    _______\______ `-.    \/   \
       `---\_____\     `-  |_\_   \/  \___\___  \_     `-  |----/_____\
                `------\___|      \/   \     /   /-----\___|

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Infect             |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Anti/Infect     |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                  ____________\_ ______/____     /__________   _ __
       ___________\_   \   _/__  ____/  __/_____/_ ________/_______\____
     ._\_______ /.    \ \     /-----\----------.-/  \       \_________ /
     |        \/ |-----\-----/                 `-----------:-\       \/
     `-cDr-------'     -[ tHEREs nO mEDICINe aGAINSt ]-    `------e^d-\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Kinky              |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by:Danny kane/Kinky |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                    .........                                 __
     .-- ->____. ___:_      :  <- --- ------------------------\/---------.
    _:__ __\_ _|/    /      :                                            |
     |  \\    \_   _/       :  _ ___                                     |
     |   \\____|     \     _:_ ____/__                                   |
     |     -cDrl______\   _\_   \__   \_                                 |
     |              :.....\.:    /     /__. ______                       |_
     |_                    \____/     /  _|/     /    _____________     _:/
    _:/                        /_____/   \_    _/     \           /     \/
    \/                             _ _____|      \_____\         /       |
     |                                    l_______\     \      _/_ _     |
     |   __                                 _ __\__________,   __//-e^d--'
     `---\/---------------------------- --- -\\_________________\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Lucifer            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Lucifer/Thg     |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                           _________\______ /.________
                _____._____\_ _____/      \/ | ______/_____
         _______\_   |   _/   \     \------:-' ____) _____/________
       ._\_    /__.  l     \---------\     `-----:  ____/   /____  \_
       |     _/   |---------\                    `---------/   _/  _/
       `-cDr------'                                      `-e^d-\_____\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Nine design 1      |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Suicider/9design|
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                 ___________\______ /.   \   _/_________
               ._\_  \   _/__     \/ |  \ \     / _____/__
               |    \ \     /--------'---\_____/ ____/   /
       ________`-----\_____/                 `----------/__________
     ._\_____  \________                     ____________\_ ______/
     |      /   / _____/_____________________\_   \   _/__  \_     \
     `-cDr---:-/ ____/   / ______/________ /.    \ \     /------e^d-\
             `----------/-------. \      \/ |-----\_____/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Nine design 2      |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Suicider/9design|
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                          .----- -___________- ------.
                          :       \    ___   |       :
                          :        \_____/   |       :
                          :         cDr:_____|       :
                         _:_|  ____    __ .   ___   _:_
                        (___l (___/_ __)  l_ (___| l . )
                          :                      l   :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: No escape 1        |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Xclusiwe/Dzain? |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                   _ ___ _\_   \   _/________  _/ ___ _
                       //     \ \     /   _/     \\
   _ __ _\_ _____/__ _____/_  ______/________ `-._____   \_ _____/__
      //   ____/   /-----.  \ \      \      `-  |   /_____/____/   /

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: No escape 2        |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Xclusiwe/Dzain? |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                __      ____________   ____________      __
               _\/_   ._\_   \    _/___\________   \_   _\/_
               \/\/   |     \ \      /       \/     /   \/\/
        _________     `------\______/-------.______/    .__________
      ._\_ _____/__________                     ________:_   _____/__
      |   ____/   / ______/_____________________\______   \_ ___/   /
      `-cDr------/-------.  \  ______/_________ `-.  /_____/---e^d-/
               `-----------.-\ \       \      `-  |-----'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Nup! 1             |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Nup!/Pro^arts   |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                            ___________           .________.
                 ___________\_        /___._______|_       |
          _ __ __\_    \    _/__     /    |_____    \_     |
              \\      \ \      /    /     |   /______/--^--|

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Nup! 2             |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Nup!/Pro^arts   |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                      _ _:_  /\__ _ \__/ _ __/\  _:_ _
                         : \/       _______    \/ :
                         :      ____\    _/       :
                    _____:______\_   \     \______:______
                  ._\_   \   _/__     \     \______     /
                  |     \ \     /-e^d------:-\   /_____/
                  `-cDr--\_____/           `-------'
                         : nuori urbaani pöösilö  :
                      - -÷------------------------÷- -
                         :                        :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Olympos 1          |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Xlnt/?!?        |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

       ______________\_    __/________  /\___________________________
 _ __ _\____  _/      /__  \    _/_   \/  \_____   \_____  _/ ______/_ __ _
    //     /    \   _/   \____,  _/   \/   \  /_____/   /    \------. \\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Olympos 2          |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Xlnt/?!?        |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                      __________    .--------------------------------.
        ______________\_     __/____:___  /\                         :
     .__\_  __  \_     /__.  \     \_   \/  \                        :
     |       /   |   _/   |____,    /   \/   \                       :
     l_____      |___     |________/.___/     \                      :
          `-cDr--'  `-e^d-'         :  /_______\                     :
         _______   ________   ______:_                               :
      .__\___   \__\_  __  \__\_ ____/__.                            :
      |    /_____/      /   |--------.  |                            :
      l_______|______       |______     |                            :
                    `-------'     `-:---'                            :
                                    :                                :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Olympos 3          |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Xlnt/?!?        |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                        :                           :
                     - -÷---------------------------÷- -
                        :                           :
                     ___:_____     ____  /\         :
                     \       /_____\_  \/  \________:
               .______\_    /   _/_    \/   \______  \_______
         ______:_      /__.___,  _/----/___._\   /____/____  \_______
        _\_____  \_  _/   |------'         `------.'     \/   | ____/_
       /     \/   |-----:-'                       `-:------.--'----.  \
      /-cDr-------'     :                           :      `-e^d-------\
                     - -÷---------------------------÷- -
                        :                           :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Picco              |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Scraby/Picco    |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                     _ _:___/\  _ _\/_ _  /\___:_ _
                        :     \/  \/\/  \/     :
                        :      ____________    :
                   _____:______\_ ________/____:_______
        ___________\________ /.   \        \  ________/___________
      ._\_____    \_       \/ |-----------:-\  \       \________  \_
      |     /______/----:-----'           `----:------:-\    \/    /
      `-cDr----'        :          __          :      `-e^d-._____/
                     _ _:___  /\_ _\/_ _/\  ___:_ _
                        :   \/    \/\/    \/   :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Point of no return |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Sonikk/Riot^Thg |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                     ___________\________ /._________    _ _
         ____________\______   \_       \/ |   \   _/_______\____
       ._\____     /     \/     /--------:-'  \ \     /________ /
       |    /_____/-----.______/         `-----\_____/        \/
       `-cDr---'       ____   ____                 `-------e^d-\
                      (____) l---     ____   ____
       _________                     l    ) (____)       ___________
     ._\_____   \__________    _ _               ________\_   \   _/__
     |     _/   _/  ______/_______\_______.______\____  \_   \ \     /
     `-----\______\ ____/   /________ /   |   _/    _/  _/----\_____/
                `--------:-/        \/    l     \---\_____\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Pro^arts desc.1    |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Nup!/Pro^arts   |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

.  ____  _____  ____
:._\__ \_\__  \_\__ \- -- -----------------.
Ś|  (___)  _) _)  )  )  pRo^aRTs pRESENTs: |
|`----'----\____\---/                      |
|  ______  _____  ___/\___  _____  t e x t |
|._\__  (__\__  \_\  _ _  )_\ __(_         |
||   `-  |   _) _) \/   \/-----.  )h e r e |
|`---.___|---\____\-cDr--\-e^d---/         |

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Pro^arts desc.2    |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Nup!/Pro^arts   |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

    ____   ___  ____ _
.- |____) l    (____))-----------------cDr-.
|  l                                       |
|                                          |
|      t   e   x   t                       |
|                                          |
|                                          |
|              h   e   r   e   !           |
|                                          |
|                                          |
|                _ _____   ___ _|_   c__ _ |
`-e^d------------((____(_ l     l__, ___))-'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Pro^arts desc.3    |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Nup!/Pro^arts   |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

  .------ - _____ - --------.          - --.
  :  _______\___ \________  :              :
  :._\___  \_ _/ _/______ \_:      t
  :|   /____/-\____\  \/   /:       e
  :`-cDr-'        `--.____/ :        x
  :____                  ___:_        t
._\____`-._______/\_____/ ___/_  h
|     `- |___ \______ /`----.  \  e
`-:---\__| _/ _/    \/-e^d--.---\  r
  :     `--\____\----\      :       e
  :                         :        !     :
  `-------[ pRo^aRTs ]------'          - --'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Pro^arts 1         |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Nup!/Pro^arts   |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                     _\____   \______   \________ _/_
                    /    /_____/   _/   _/    _/     \
                  _\______ `-._____   \_     _._/ _____/_
                 /       `-  |   _/   _/      |-------.  \

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Pro^arts 2         |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Nup!/Pro^arts   |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

   ___________________ /  \         ______________________/\____________
   \ _____    )___    )    \       _\_ __   (_____    )         / _____/_
  _/\/  /_.__/  _/  _/      \    _/    ./    /  _/  _/\_/    \_/______   \_
  \_______:_____\     \      \   \_____:____/___\     \/______\___________/
             -cDr\_____\      \               e^d\_____\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Pro^arts 3         |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Nup!/Pro^arts   |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                     ÷---------[ pRo^aRTs ]---------÷
                     :         __________           :
                    _:_________\______   \_ ________:__
                  ._\_____    \_    _/   _/_\________  \_
            __    |     /______/----\______\      \/    /    __
           _\/_   `--:-----'              `-----.______/    _\/_
           \/\/  ____:____              _ __       _:______ \/\/
               ._\_______ `-._______________\_____/ ______/_
               |        `-  |_____  \__________ /--------.  \
               `-cDr-:--\___|   _/  _/        \/----:-e^d----\
                     :    `-----\_____\--------\    :
                     :                              :
                     ÷------[ tHe aRt fAMILy ]------÷

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Ram jam            |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Hysteric/Ramjam |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                                /\                                  /\
  ___/\______________/\______  /  \        ______________/\______  /  \
  \_______    /_____   __/   \/    \   ____\__   \______   __/   \/    \
   /    (/  _/    (/    \    \/     \  \     /    /   (/    \    \/     \
  /-----/_____\---/______\---/       \  \---.____/----/______\---/       \
                        -cDr/_________\                      e^d/_________\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Riot               |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Sonikk/Riot^Thg |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                                 _ _ /\ _ _
      _ _:____  /\_____ ___ _     \\/  \//    _ ___ _____/\  ____:_ _
         :    \/          _______________________    _ __  \/    :
         :      __________\_________ /.________  \_______\____   :
         :    ._\_____   \_        \/ |     \/    /_________ /   :
      - -÷----|     _/   _/-----------'----._____/         \/----÷- -
         :    `-cDr-\______\                   `--------e^d-\    :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Scraby             |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Scraby/Picco    |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                   _ _:___/\  __ _       _ __/\  ___:_ _
                      :     \/                 \/   :
                      :    ___________________      :
               _______:____\____   \_________ `-.___:___      _________
       ________\_ _______/    _/   _/       `-  |____ _/______\       /
     _/ _____/_    \      \---\______\--e^d-\___|   (___  \    \    _/_
     `------.  \------:----\                   `----.------\______,  _/
    /-cDr-------\     :                             :    `-----------'
                      :                             :
                   - -÷-----------------------------÷- -
                      :                             :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Sony playstation   |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Technoking/Unl. |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

              _____________________________________\       /               .
 .-------- -_/ _______/________  _/     \    _/__   \    _/_ /\__ _ _____ _:
 |          `-------.  \    _/     \   \ \      /_____,   _//              Ś
 |         /-cDr--------\-------e^d-\---\______/----------'                |
 |                     _______                                             |
 |   __________________\     /___________________________________________  |
 |  _\__ \_  /_.___ `-. \  _/_ ___/   _._/__ `-.  _._/__ /.___ _/   \  _/__|
 | /  /___/_/  |  `-  |___, _/---. \   |   `-  |   |   \/ |  /   \ \ \    /|
 |/-----'------'--\___|-----'-------\--'---\___|---'------'-------\-\____/ |

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Special s.m.s.     |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Technoking/Unl. |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                       __________\_ ______/_________
              _________\_ _____/__  \      \______ /._______
      ________\____   \_  ___/   /--------:-\    \/ |______ `-._______
    _/ _____/_   (_____/--------/         `-------:-'     `-  |      /__.
    `------.  \-----\                             `-------\___|    _/   |
   /-cDr-------\                                             `-e^d------'
                     __  ___  ___ _|_        ____  __  ____
                -  __)  (___)l--   l__,(_|_)(___(_l   (___/_  -
    ___  /\                                                        _____
  ._\_ \/  \_______                                       _________\___ \_
  |    \/   \_____ `-.______                       _______\_ ____/_  _/ _/
  `----/_____\   `-  |____ /._____          _______\____ \_ ___/  /--\____\
           `-----\___|   \/ |    /__._______\____ \_   /  /------/
                   `------:-'  _/   |_____ \_  _/ _/-----/
                          `-------:-'  \/   /--\____\

                        __   ____   ___       .  ___   ____
                   -  __)   (___/_ |    \_/  (  (____ (___/_  -

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Technoking!        |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Technoking/Unl. |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                                :         :
            _ _      __________\_ _____/   _|    |_________
        _______\_____\____    /   \     \  \.    |   \   _/_________
      ._\ ________ /   _/____/_-:--------\:-l____|  \ \     /_____  \_
      |  \/      \/-----------/ :         :     `----\_____/   \/    /
      `-----------\             :         :              `-----.____/
                _____. _____    :         :     __________
              ._\_  _|/    /____:_________:_____\_ ______/
              |     \.   _/________ /.   \   _/__  \_     \
              `-cDr--l_____\      \/ |  \ \     /------e^d-\
                                :         :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Technology         |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Sonikk/Riot^Thg |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                        ___.---:   \  _/_____ \____
                 ______|_ _|   |  \ \   /  \/  /  /_._____
           _____|_ _____/ \.   |---\___/--.___/ _/  |____ \______  _______
  ____/\__|_ ____/__\    \-l___|            `-------'  \/  /____/__\     /
  \ ______ / __/   /------\                        `--.___/ \_   \  \  _/_
   \/    \/-------/                                     `-e^d-----\___, _/
   /-cDr--\                                                      `------'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Terra firma 1      |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Felon/Devious d.|
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                                               __ /\\/
        _ _                                 Ś                            |_
     ______\________________________________:_____                      _:/
   ._\ _______ / _____/______  \______  \________ `-.                   \/
   |  \/     \/ ____/   /  _/  _/   _/  _/      `-  |                    |
   `-cDr------\--------/---\_____\--\_____\-:---\___|                    |
                                            Ś                            |
     ______________________________  /\_____:____                        |
   ._\_  _____/_____ /._____  \_   \/  \________ `-.                     |
   |    ____/      \/ |   _/  _/   \/   \      `-  |                     |
   `------'-e^d-------'---\_____\--/_____\--:--\___|                     |
                                            Ś                            |
                                            |                            |
                                            | __                         |

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Terra firma 2      |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Felon/Devious d.|
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                _ __   .________\_______   \__________
             _______\__:_  ______/__  _/   _/______   \_________
           ._\ ________ /  ____/   /--\______\   _/   _/_______ `-.
           |  \/      \/----------/        `-----\______\     `-  |
           `-cDr-------\                              `-------\___|
               __________                            _________
             ._\_ ______/_____          _____  ______\_______ `-.
             |    ____/_____ /._________\_   \/   _/        `-  |
             `------'      \/ |_____   \_    \/     \-e^d---\___|
                  `---------:-'   _/   _/----/_______\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: The laughting a.   |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: General lee/s!p |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                                _|_  |___   ____
                                 l__ l   ) (___/_

                                   ____.---.  _
                          _________\_ _|   |___\____
                _____.____\_ ____/    \.   |______ /______
         _______\_   |  _/   \_   \----l___|     \/_____ /._______
   ______\_____ `-.  l    \--------\     `--------\    \/ |  \  _/________
 ._\_   /__.  `-  |--------\                     `------:-' \ \    /_____/
 |    _/   |--\___|                                     `----\____/ \_    \
 `-cDr-----'                                                    `------e^d-\
    ________                                                ____\       /
  ._\______ `-.________                              ____  /\    \    _/_
  |       `-  | ______/________            __________\_  \/  \______,  _/
  `-------\___| \      \______ `-._________\_ _____/__   \/   \--------'
            `---------.-\    `-  |______  \_ ____/   /---/_____\
                      `------\___|     /   /--------/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Ts!                |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Ts! (gift!)     |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                                            _ __
            _ __ ____     ___                  /
                \\  /----'_ _`-._____________\//\_____
                 \\/ ________\____ __________\/.-----.`-.
                  | _\ _________ /_\_ ______/__|     |  |_ __ _
               .--'/  \/       \/----------.   |     | _://
               |  /_____________\________      :--^--: \//
               `-----------------------.`------'-----'  |
                -[ terminal silence ]- `-cDr--------e^d-'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Tsar 1             |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by:Tsar1/Blc^Ws(gift)
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                         _ _:_  /\_ __ _/\  _:_ _
                            : \/   _\/_   \/ :
                            :      \/\/      :
                  _ __     _:_______  _______:__
               _______\___/  ______/__\________ `-.________
             ._\ ________ /-------.  \        `-  |_____   \_
             |  \/      \/--:---------\-------\___|   _/   _/
             `-cDr-------\  :   ________     :  `-e^d-\______\
                            :   \____   \_   :
                            :      /     /   :
                            :     /_____/    :
                         - -÷----------------÷- -
                            :                :

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: World is crazy 1   |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Hysteric/Ramjam |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                                                    __ /\ __
                                           .------ -\//__\\/- ------------.
            .______. /\                    |  wORLd iS cRAZy [rAMJAm fHq] |_
       _____|_     |/  \___________________Ś________                     _:/
 _ __ _\_    /     |    \_____    /     /________   \_                   \/
    //      /\     |     \  _/  _/    _/   |    /    /                    Ś
   //-cDr----\_____|      \-\_____\___     |--------/                     :
 ˇ    __        /__________\ _______ `-----+      ._______                Ś
 l_ __)______________________\____  \______Ś______|      /                |
 _ __ _\_ _____/______    /    __/   |_______\_   |     /                 !_
    //    \     \   _/  _/_____      | .------'   |   _/                  \/
   //______      \--\_____\   `------'-----:---+      |                   Ą
          `---e^d-\                        Ś   `------'                   |
                                           |                              |
                                           |  _                           |

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: World is crazy 2   |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Hysteric/Ramjam |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                  ________________\______  \_______
               ___\__    /______ _/.   _/  _/     /__._______
              _\_   /  _/    _/    |---\_____\  _/   |_____  \_
             /     /\    \---------'       `-------:-'    /   /
            /-cDr---\_____\        .  c__          `-e^d-----/
                                   l_ ___)              _________
            _________                              _____\       /
           _\_ _____/__________            ________\     \    _/_
          /     \     \______  \___________\_______ \______,   _/
         /-----------.-\   _/  _/_______ `-. .-------'---------'
                     `-----\_____\     `-  |-----------\

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Xclusiwe 1         |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Xclusiwe/Dzain? |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

          _______   _________                 _________
       ___\     /___\_      /__.______________\__   __/____________
      _\_  \  _/     /__.  /   | ______/_______ /.  \   _/  ______/__
     /     _    \  _/   | /    |-----.  \     \/ |  /\    \ ____/   /

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Xclusiwe 2         |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Xclusiwe/Dzain? |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                    __                 _\/_
                :  \/\/      ____.___________       :
                :     _______\_  |  _/______ \______:__  ________
  _______    ___:_____\_   /__.  l    \ .-----'______ /._\      /
  \   __/____\_ ____/    _/   |--------\--------\   \/ |  \   _/  ________
   \_ \   _/    \    \--------'               `-----:--'  /\    \_\_ ____/__
  /         \---:-----\                             : `----\_____\  ___/   /
 /----/______\  :                                  _:           `---------/
                : \_/ __ |        __   ˇ       ___ \:_
               _: / \(___l__,(__)  (__ l_(_|_)(__/_ \/     __/\__
               \/                                   :     (_(oo)_)
                ÷-----------------------------------÷        \/

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Xlnt 1             |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Xlnt/?!?        |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

           ____\__     /________________________________ _ _
    _ ___ _\_    /   _/    ___/__.   \    _/__     _.__////- --------.
        //      _      \   \     |  \ \      /      | .------------ -:-- -.
       //-cDr---\_______\--------'---\______/---e^d-' `--------------'

  .     __________             __________
 _:___ _\_ ______/_____________\______   \_ - ----- -----------------------.
  Ś  //    \       \_______   \_    _/   _/  logo name: Xlnt 2             |
  | //------------:-\     /    /----\______\ requested by: Xlnt/?!?        |
  `----------- -÷ `-----------/ ÷- ----- ----------------------------------'

                           _ _:_  _ _\/_ _  _:_ _
                              : \/  \/\/  \/ :
                 ______.     _:______________:_   _ _
                 \     |_____\_    /_.   \   _/______\____
                ._\_   |  _/     _/  |  \ \     /_______ /
                |           \-:------'---\_____/       \/
                `-e^d-/______\:              :------e^d-\
                              :      __      :
                           _ _:_/\_ _\/_ _/\_:_ _
                              :     \/\/     :

                                  n o

                                     h e

                                      c r


                                       g r
                                              t s


                                        m e
                                           s s
                                                   s !

        ____________     _________            - [ c r e d i t s ] -
        \     _____/_____\___     \
       /      /      /     l/    _/     Main asciis...............Crusader
      /_____________/______/      \_    "Crusader".ascii.............tsar1
        \    _____/____  __\_______/    "Epsilon design".ascii......Splatt
       /    __)    ___/_|_   _|______   "Outlaws".ascii..........Countzero
     _/___________/     _/ _ _|______)  "Giants".ascii...............Frame
     \        _  /  Mo! |     |      \_ "Menu"&"Credits".ascii.......Mogue
      \_______\  \____________l_______/ "Greets".ascii..............Exocet
            |     \     _/_______       "Messages".ascii......Shapechanger
            l_____/\______      /       Spreading with modem........Cyco's
                 /_____________/        Released..................june1995

  .:ˇ   ..............      :    ......    ........    ....:    ......:ˇ
  :     ::     ::  ..:   ..:'    ....::... ....::...     .:`.....     ::
  :     ::      :   ˇ.    ˇ..    `:      : `:      :     :     ::      :
  :     ::      :.....ˇ.....:............:.........:.....:     ::      :
  :     ::      :                                        :     ::   __ :
  :     ::      : frame ˇ mr.king ˇ reval ˇ norby ˇ hyde :     ::   \/ :
  :     ::      : zenit ˇ trasher ˇ fashion ˇ ace ˇ drac :     ::      :
  :     ::      : tsar 1 ˇ pearl ˇ nighthawk ˇ skindiver :     ::      :
  :     ::      : steady ˇ condor ˇ messenger ˇ hysteric :     ::      :
  :     ::      : mike ˇ flynn ˇ opel ˇ noodle ˇ trooper :     ::      :
  :     ::      : dodger ˇ karpow ˇ adonis ˇ brainwasher :     ::      :
  :     ::   __ : pantera ˇ aquarius ˇ gangsta ˇ steffen :     ::      :
. :     ::   \/ : terminal silence! ˇ hunter ˇ pseudonym :     ::      : .
 \:     ::      : amon ˇ obelix ˇ jazy ˇ x-poole ˇ cycos :     ::      :/
.\\     ::      : trendy dealer ˇ hawk ˇ sonikk ˇ cordey : ÷e÷ ::      //.
 \\\    `:      : diogenes ˇ rave ˇ fiction ˇ tuke ˇ tos :     `:     ///
  :\\..........:' + my brother candyman and all members  `:..........//:
    ˇ\                   of outlaws and giants!                      /ˇ

            :                                               :
         - -÷------ [  a s c i i   r e s p e c t s  ] ------÷- -
            :                                               :
            : shapechanger ˇ nup! ˇ mogue ˇ treach ˇ exocet :
            : stezotehic ˇ countzero ˇ rapid ˇ uman ˇ karma :
            : elvis ˇ skindiver ˇ danzig ˇ terminal silence :
            : h2o ˇ manta ˇ crazy ˇ fate ˇ gangsta ˇ dragon :
            : biscrok ˇ tsar ˇ pride ˇ axblade ˇ gozz ˇ ppx :
         - -÷-----------------------------------------------÷- -
            :                                               :

                        big hellos to my groupmates

             .:::::::.                              ::::::::.
             :::: :::: chrombacher - desoto - fatal :::: ::::
             ::::.:::'   frame - harpoon - juan     :::: ::::
             ::::.....      sandman - stash         :::: ::::
             `::::::::                              ::::::::'

                    - [ e p s i l o n  d e s i g n ] -

                      ..        ..
    ____  ______ _  .:ˇˇ:. _  .:ˇˇ:._ ___________ _ __________________
    \_  \/   _ _   ::   :'_  ::   :' _ ____.   __  ___   _    /  ____/___
     /       \     `ˇ:...    `ˇ:...    /  _|   \     /   _)__/_____     /
  s_/  \  /   \ E .ˇ    ::. .ˇ    ::. /   \_    \_G_/    l   \_   l    /s
  c\____\/     \_::.   .:::::.   .:::/     l_____/ \__________/_______/ c
`------ -l______/`ˇ::::::ˇ `ˇ::::::ˇ\______|- -----------------------------.
.                                                                          :
ˇ                                                                          :
:                           m e s s a g e s  t o :                         :
:                                                                          :
:TSAR 1 / BALANCE ^ WILDSTYLE: Ive found an asciigroup now! Fuck the post  :
:                              and my brother!                             :
:                                                                          :
:AQUARIUS / OUTLAWS: Vad har hänt med dig dĺ??? Har inte fĺtt nĺra brev pĺ :
:                    nĺra mĺnader nu! Har du inte fĺtt mina brev??         :
:                    Skicka nĺgot snabbt!!!                                :
:                                                                          :
:FRAME / C-LOUS^EPSILON DESIGN: Heh, nu är vi i samma grupp! e^d rulezz..! :
:                                                                          :
:OPEL / LSD^HELLFIRE: Whats up with the trading? still calling around the  :
:                     world?:) Nice chat we had, but where are the         :
:                     promissed sendings?                                  :
:                                                                          :
:NUP! / PRO^ARTS: Sorry for this delay! But i had to finnish this colly and:
:                 i usually put all requests in it! Hope youre satisfied   :
:                 with these long awaited logos:) Keep on doing your       :
:                 amazing ascii's! Ps. Det glider in! :)                   :
:                                                                          :
:MIKE / MYSTIC: Olit oikeassa!Pääsin tässä(vihdoinkin) mukaan asciigruppin!:
:                                                                          :
:PRIDE / STELLAR: Keep on doing your ascii's, they get better and better   :
:                 for each colly! Enjoy this colly of mine:)               :
:                                                                          :
:GANGSTA / SCOOPEX: Whats up? No sendings for a while now, send send send..:
:                                                                          :
:TROOPER / LEGO: No more collys from you? How about one with a new style?  :
:                                                                          :
:FATE / OUTLAWS ^ OVERLORDS: Where are my ascii's?                         :
:                                                                          :
:RAVE / BIZARRE ARTS: Sorry i wont build any asciigroup, ive got e^d :)    :
:                                                                          :
:TERMINAL SILENCE / SESSION: Nice "unfaked" ascii's from you:) How about   :
:                            joining e^d?! Youre welcome!                  :
:                                                                          :
:PANTERA / GODS: VVVVVMM GUUUUUUUULLLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                      :
:                                                                          :
:HYSTERIC / RAM JAM: How about those CD's?                                 :
:                                                                          :
:DEVISTATOR / NEO: Colly, when? soon?                                      :
:                                                                          :
:DIOGENES / SKIDROW: Are there still problems in Skidrow?? When youre in   :
:                    need of any new ascii's, you know what to do:)        :
:                                                                          :

            `--[ never forget this! ]--.

     fUCkĄN NAZĄS !             __aľćććŃŃŃŃććmľ___
    fĄGHt AGAĄNSt         aćŘŘŘŘŘ@°"Ż __    ŻŹ"śM#ŘŘŘŘm_
    FASCĄSM.           _ćŘŘŘŘ@"     _ĆŘŘm_        Ź°ŃŘŘŘŃw_
                      ľŘŘŘ#°      _ćŘŘŘŘŘŘp          Źś#ŘŘŃw
                     ĆŘŘŘ"      _ĆŘŘŘŘŘŘ#"       _ć#_   śŘŘŘm
                   _ĆŘŘ@      ,dŘŘŘŘŘŘ#"       _ĆŘŘŘP_ćŘŘŘŘŘŘŃ_
                   ŘŘŘF        śŘŘŘŘŘ#_      _ĆŘŃ°aćŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ#ŘŘ&
                  ĆŘŘ@          °#ŘŘŘŘ#w   _ř@5ľĆŘŘŘŘŘŘŃś_ Ź#ŘŘK
                 JŘŘŘ             śŘŘŘŘŘŃw¤ÇľĆŘŘŘŘŘŘ@5ćĆŘ#w ŹŘŘŘ
                 áŘŘ#     _        ŹśŘ#ś5ćŘŘŘŘŘŘŘP"  śŘŘŘŘŘŃ #ŘŘL
                 ŘŘŘF  _aĆŘm_       _ľćŘŘŘŘŘŘŃ°Ż      ŹŃŘŘP  0ŘŘQ
                 ŘŘŘL  #ŘŘŘŘŃ_   _ľĆŘŘŘŘŘŘ@5ćĆŃ_        °    ĆŘŘ#
                 ĆŘŘE   śŘŘŘ#M_ľŘŘŘŘŘŘŘP" ĆŘŘŘŘŘm_           ŘŘŘF
                 JŘŘ#    ŹŽľćŘŘŘŘŘŘŃśŽć"   Ź#ŘŘŘŘŘm_        JŘŘŘŢ
                  0ŘŘK _ľĆŘŘŘŘŘŘ@ŽľĆ#"       °ŘŘŘŘŘŘm       ĆŘŘ#
                  Ź#ŘŘĆŘŘŘŘŘŘM5ćŘŘ#"        ľŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ"      ćŘŘŘ
                   ŹŘŘŘŘŘŃ°Ż  °##"        ľĆŘŘŘŘŘŘP       dŘŘŘ´
                    Ź#ŘŘb_     Ź        _ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘP       _ŘŘŘ#
                      śŘŘŘm_          aĆŘŘŘŘŘŘK       _ĆŘŘŘP
                       ŹŃŘŘŘćľ_       Ź#ŘŘŘŘPŻ     _ľĆŘŘŘ@´
 fRĄENDShĄP RUlEZ...     Źś#ŘŘŘŃm___    °#°   __ľćŘŘŘŘŘP"
   WORlDWĄDE !!             "śŃŘŘŘŘŘŘMŃććććŃĆŘŘŘŘŘŘŘP"
                                "°ś#ŃŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ#@°"   [?]

                ___________      _ ___/\____           _ ___/\____
   .--- -_______\_______ __\______________ / .__________________ /
   :   ._\_ _____/_.  \/ \_ /    \_   ___\/__|   _____/_.      \/
   :   |     \     :--._/__/ /    /-.-\_____  \_  \     :-------\
   :   `-cDr-._____:   /____/    /  |      `-  |-.______:
   l____________ _____ __  _ ___/   `-e^d--\___|            i ˇ n ˇ f ˇ o

  I dont have any modem, but still im reachable at the boards, that's via
  my friend who is a trader! So if youre in need of ascii's, you can leave
  a messy through him and he will forward the messy to me! Simple right..!
  His handle is Cyco's, he can be found on the majorboards!

                  yOu cAn rEACh cYCO's aT tHESe bOARDs:

            iNTERCHANGE ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [3nDz]
               eAST BBS ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [3nDz]
         iNFINITE pOWER ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [5nDz]
             uNDERCOVER ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [2nDz]
               dARKROOM ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [2nDz]
                 aSYLUM ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [2nDz]

  And for those unfortunate ones, who dont have any modem(like me!), heres
  my adress so you can write to me and request ascii's! Im also intrested
  in getting in contact with other asciiartist via mail, since i have no
  modem to call with..! Also Pure Elite traders can contact me for some
  quality swapping!

                       Crusader/Outlaws^Giants^Epsilon design
                                    Janne Kotta
                                   Arbygatan  1A
                                 633 45 Eskilstuna
                               Voice: +46-ASK-ELITE:)

                     dont forget to call these e^d boards:

                    _ _:_  /\_ s a n c t u a r y _/\  _:_ _
                       : \/        ____/\____       \/ :
                       :   ________\ ______ /_.____    :
                 ______:___\_ ____/ \/    \/  |  _/____:_
         ________\_  \  _/__  \    \-e^d---\  !    \____ `-._____
    _____\____ `-.  \ \    /--------\    `----------\  `-  |___  \____ ____
  _/ __/_    `-  |---\____/                       `----\___| _/  _/   Y  _/_
  `---.  \---\___|     :                               : `---\_____\___,  _/
 /-cDr----\            :     - epsilon design whq -    :         `--------'
                       :       - fairlight shq -       :
                       :                               :
                       :            sysop:             :
                       :                               :
                       :   sandman / fairlight & e^d   :
                       :                               :
                    - -÷-------------------------------÷- -
                       :                               :

                                     o r

                    _ _:_  /\_ _ a S Y L U m  _ _/\  _:_ _
                       : \/                        \/ :
                       :       _____ _____________    :
                      _:_______\_   Y    _/_     /__._:_.______
           __________/ ______/_________,  _/   _/   |   |     /__  /\
         ._\______ `-.------.  \----------'-------:-'   !    /   \/  \
         |       `-  |-:--------\                 `---:---:-/    \/   \
         `-cDr---\___| :                              :   `-e^d--/_____\
                       :    - epsilon design shq -    :
                       :         - trsi shq -         :
                       :                              :
                       :           sysop:             :
                       :      juan / trsi & e^d       :
                       :                              :
                    - -÷------------------------------÷- -
                       :                              :

                        - [ ePSILOn dESIGn 1995 ] -

                                .____.              :    ˇ
 _ _ __________  _______________|    |_____.  ______Ś_   :____    /\___ _ _
  \\\\__   .   \/   _________   \    \__   |  \__    /  ____  \  /  __////
      /    |___ \______   \/    /_   |/    |___/_.  /    |/  \ \/ /  \
    _/    ____/  \_  _\    \_____   _/   __/     | /_   _/    \  /    \_
 dZG\______|______/_________/   |   \____________|______\______\/______/G'S
                                :    :
             [-sYSOP: jUAN/tRSI/iNSANE/dUPLO/ePSILON^dEZIGN-]

             [-oNE gIGABYTE oF fRESHWAREZ fOR yOUR pLEASURE!-]
        [nODE.1 +46-31-eLITEˇkNOWS!] [nODE.2 +46-31-eLITEˇkNOWS!]
              W h e r e   t h e   w a r e z   c o m e   f r o m              
   ______________   __ __  _______________ ___ ___ _______   __________ ____
  (______/\____  \ |  \  |/ ____/)__   __(|   !   |\____  \ |   __/)__ Y __(
 /______)  (___\__\|___\_|\_____\  l___|  l_______| (___\__\|___)    l___|
-------> F A i R L i G H T   S W E D i S H   H E A D Q U A R T E R S <-- ----
                                                     [AĄRaDDer v3.1 By AĄRcř]

-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%] iT'S iN aRT wE tRUST! [%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-

         _______   ___.___ _ _________    :. ::        +31-70-3639760
       __\_._   \_/   |   \___ ______/    :: ::        +31-70-ISDN sOOn
      /    l/   _/_   |    \/ \/   \    .:::.::.
    _/     /       \_ !     \_      \_       ::                =zEn=\RDZ\BDZ ]%
.---\_______________//\______/_______/       :'               Inferno\Smokey ]%
|    \         /____/  \nUp!                 :     Satan's Fire\RDZ\TAF\TTAB ]%
|     \       /    /    \    _______   _______   _____       Diablo\RDZ\MYTH ]%
|      \     /    /      \___\_._   \_/  ____/ _/ ___/__           Boldy\SLT ]%
`-------\-- /\   /       \\    l/   _/_  __/---\____- --\--------------.
         \  /\__/__ _     ˇ\   /       \_\         /     \_            |
    ......\..._/            \_/_________/__ _ _/\  _ _ ___/_ _ __/\__  |
    :         \______________/                   \/           \\    /  |
    :                                 - -----------------------/_  _\--'
    : Ó[% rOadhOgz aRt cOURIERs WHQ %]˝                          \/
    :      Ó[% BLADEz '94 EHQ %]˝
    :.............................. ... .. .  .   .

%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%] bUt^4^wAREz = 0-dAy aZCii\PCx\s/X [%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%