@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ_______ ____._______ _ ___________ _________
      ._\_  |_     /__.______     \_.
 e^D- |     |/____/   |     /       | -1996
 .                                        .
 :      gozz/epsilon design presents      :
 :                                        :
 :  c o l l e c t i o n   65 ascii-logos  :
 :  for the demo groups   in a textfile!  :
 ·                                        ·
 with some other logos included for traders

                    vote for me!  gozz / epsilon design

                                                          g  o  Z  z

  ____________\      __/________ __________ ________   _________
  \ _          \     \_      _ /   _    _ / \_     /___\_      /
   \/           \____ /      \     /    \         / \         /  _______ _  _
       rX/jA!        /_______/\_________/\___________\___________\

                                                                    o f

        _________ ......... ___ /\_\ __ ____________________
      :_)         :.......:     \/_//_/\                   (_:
      |           .........         \_\/ ePsIlOn d-sIgN      |
  ... ..... ......:.......:.......                           |       _____ _
  :.: :...: :...............      :                      _________  _\____
 _ ___________    :       :       :     _    _______    _¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾_     /
.___)   _____/____¦       :       :    _)\_ _\_ ___/____¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾    /
|      ___/       |      .........'   _)\/(_    \      /¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ __/
|     /           |       : _______  _) ·· (_    \     \¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾  /
|__  /            |       :_\_ ___/__)__ o  (_          ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾_¾¾¾ /______ _
   \______________|       : ________   /     /__________`¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾'
      .           ¦       : \      /   \ ___/                .
      |           :.......:  \    /     \                    |
      |                  _ ___\ _________\                   |
    ______                     \/                        _______ _  _
 _ _\____ \             _______             _______   _ _\____
       /   \_ ______   _\_ ___/_____     _ _\_ ___/____     /
     _/     /_\____ \_  ________   / _____     \____  /    /
           /    _/   /__\      /   \ _____)__     /   \ __/
_ ________/     \___/  / \    /     \      _/          \ /
      .                \ _\ _________\    .| __________ /
    __|  _ _____________\  \/      .      ¦|           /
 _ _\ |                            |      ||          /_____________ __ _
    \\/                            |       |                 .
      |_   ·H2o!·                  |_______|                _|
      : )__________________________________________________( :

                                   e  p  S  i  l  o  n     d  e  s  i  g  n

          : ..:......
          :.:::     :--------------------------------------:
            :       :    c o l l e c t i o n               :
            :       :    for the demo groups               :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOZz/e^D :
                                                      :    :
       -·  index  ·-----------------------------------:....:
                          in alphabetic order
        for abyss
                   abyss                        - small logo
                   newt                         - small logo
        for artwork
                   artwork                      - big logo
                   artwork (atw)                - file id
                   artwork                      - file id
                   generation                   - big logo
        for c-lous
                   c-lous                       - big logo
                   no sense                     - big logo
                   no sense (2)                 - big logo
        for cydonia
                   cydonia                      - big logo
                   defy                         - big logo
        for limited edition
                   limited edition              - big logo
                   limited edition              - file id
        for mono
                   mono                         - file id
        for ram jam
                   ram jam                      - big logo
                   ram jam                      - advert
                   ram jam                      - file id
                   showtime                     - big logo
        for rebels
                   rebels                       - big logo
                   rebels                       - advert
        for scoopex
                   scoopex                      - big logo
                   scoopex                      - advert
                   case 78                      - big logo
        for sunshine productions
                   sunshine productions         - big logo
                   sunshine productions         - advert
        for other demo-groups
                   desire                       - big logo
                   nah kolor                    - big logo
                   zenon                        - big logo
                   insane                       - big logo
                   haujobb                      - big logo
                   jewels                       - big logo
                   the black lotus              - small logo
                   mystic                       - big logo
                   sapphire                     - big logo
                   subject                      - big logo
                   illusion                     - big logo
                   giants                       - big logo
                   trsi                         - small logo
                   balance                      - big logo
                   neo                          - small logo
                   bomb                         - big logo

       -·  other logos  ·---------------------·  part II  ·-

        for groups
                   crux                         - small logo
                   hellfire                     - file id
                   jedi arts                    - big logo
                   oma                          - small logo
                   toy factory                  - big logo
        for boards
                   raging fire                  - big logo
                   spaced out                   - big logo
                   spaced out (2)               - big logo
                   the charge                   - big logo
                   the northern palace          - big logo
                   the oase                     - big logo
                   the slammer                  - big logo
                   toon town                    - big logo
        for others
                   amiga                        - big logo
                   blitz                        - big logo
                   boheme                       - big logo
                   chrombacher                  - big logo
                   crusader                     - big logo
                   hyperspace                   - big logo
                   leontine                     - big logo
                   msw                          - small logo
                   peltier                      - big logo
                   soul fusion                  - big logo
                   taxi                         - small logo
                   war-child                    - big logo

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: artwork - big one         :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

        __________   _____\        /
      ./    _.    \./    __\      /_
      |_    \:    _|_    \  \_      \.    a  r  t  w  o  r  k
       /____ :    \./_____\  /___/\__|--------------------------- ______
    - -------: ____|------------ /\ _____.__________ _______ __ ./     /
             :             .___ /  \   __:         ./    __/  __|     /
                           |   /    \  \|_   zZ    |_    \    \_     /__
                           |_        \__\/________/ /_____\ ____\      /

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: artwork - atw, file id    :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

          _________\        /       /\ _____.
        ./    _.    \      /_ .___ /  \   __:
        |_    \:    _\_      \|   /    \  \
         /____ :    \./_______|_    zZ  \__\ aRTwORK
        -·-----: ____|---------/_________\--------·-
               :                            pRESeNTS

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: artwork - file id         :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

                     ________                   ____
          _____   ___\___ _ //\ ____________ _./   /
        ./    /_./   ___// //  \    _    __/__|   /
        |_  :/  |_   \ \_  /    \   /    \  \_   /__
         /__:    /____\ /_   zZ  \________\ __\    /
        ----: ____|------/___ _    ------------\__/-
         __ :       p r e s e n t s .  .       . __
        ·\/·|_ g e n e r a t i o n, issue #23 _|·\/·

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: ram jam - big one         :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

      ________ _________  _____  _____
    ./    ___/    _.    \.\____\/_   /.
    |_    \ |_    \:    _|_    \/    _|        r  A  M
     /_____\ /____ :    \./___ /  zZ \.__.          J  A  m
  -----------------: ____|----/_____     :_. __________  _____  _____
                   :           .____\__    |/    _.    \.\____\/_   /.
                               |_     /    |_    \:    _|_    \/    _|
                                /__________|/____ :    \./___ /     \.
                               -------------------: ____|----/_______|--

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: ram jam - advert          :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

           ________ _________  _____  _____
         ./     __/    _.    \.\____\/_   /.
         |_     \      \:    _|_    \/    _|
          /______\ ____ :    \./___ /     \.
        ----------------: ____|    /_______|-


                   pAYdAY / rAM·JAm
           \     :. __________  _____  _____
        .___\__   |/    _.    \.\____\/_   /.
        |_    /   |_    \:    _|_    \/    _|
         /________|/____ :    \./___ /  zZ \.
        -----------------: ____|----/_______|

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: ram jam - file id         :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

          ________ ___________  _____  _____
        ./     __/     _.     \.\____\/_   /.
        |_     \   zZ  \:     _|_    \/    _|
         /______\ _____ :     \./___ /     \.rAM·JAm
               ______.  : _____|    /_______|-------
               \     :_.·____________  _____  _____
           .____\__    |/     _.     \.\____\/_   /.
           |_     /    |_     \:     _|_    \/    _|
            /__________|/_____ :     \./___ /     \.
        -----------------------: _____|----/_______|
         sHOWtIME #4 - tHE mAG ·

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: abyss - small one         :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

            _______   |_   __/___  _____     _____    _____
          ./      /__ ./   \_    \/    /___./    /__./    /___
          |_ zZ :/   \:     /    /    /_   l____    l____     \
           /____:     :__________\_____    _|  /______\ /______\
          ------: _____|-----------/_______\--------------------

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: newt - small one          :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

          ._____ _____           /\ _\        /
    ._____:_   ._\__  \.___.___ /  \  \      /_
    :     :/   |_  /___|   |   /    \  \_      \.
    :_____/_____/__________|_    zZ  \__/_______|    nEWt/cRUX&aBYSS

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: nah kolor - big one       :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

                     .________ ____________ _\       /_____.
              .______:_      ./     _.     \.     __/     _|
              :      :/      |_     \:     _|     \       \.
              :______/______/ /_____ :     \._____/________|
              -----------------------: _____|---------------
     _ ___            ______         :
          \  ______ ./     /________ _______     _________ _______
           \/     __|     /        ./      /___./        ./    __/
       _ _        \_     /__       |_     /    |_   zZ   |_    \
          \  _______\      /________/___________/_________/_____\
           \/        \____/

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: showtime - big one        :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

    _____   ._\      /____. ___________   /\ _____.
  ./    /___|_    __/    _|/        ._/_ /  \   __:
  l____     ./    \      \._   zZ   |   /    \  \
      /_____|_____/_______|/________|_        \__\     rAM JAm   pRESENTs
      ---------------------------____/     ____\-----------------------------
                                 \        / .     .     __       _____
         s  H  o  w               \      /_ :     :_____\/_____._\__  \.___.
                  t  i  m  e  !    \_      \:     |_    \/    _|_  /___|   |
                                    /_______|     :/___ /     \./__________|
      -------------·  [issue #04]  ·--------·     :----/_______|-------------

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: desire - big one          :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

         ____\__   _| ________    _____    :     . ________________
       ./     _/   \._\__    /__./    /___ :     :/    __.____    /__.
       |_  zZ \     |_  /___/   l____     \:     |_    \ |_  /___/   |
        /___________:/_____________ /______:     :/_____\ /__________|
       ------------------------------------·     :--------------------

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: mono - file id            :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

               __      _________   ._____ _________
         ._____\/____./      ._/___:_   ./        /
         |_    \/   _|_  zZ  :     :/   |_       /
          /___ /    \./______:_____/_____/______/
        |[MOD#XX]  => "            " <=  [XX/XX/XX]|

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: scoopex - big one         :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

  _____    _______    ________ ________ ___________ ________    ___\      /
./    /__./    __/__./       ./       ./     _    ._\__    /__._\   \_   /_
l____    |    /     |_   zZ  |_       |_    _/    |_  /___/   |_    _/     \
    /____l__________ /________/________/    \______/__________ /    \_______\

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: scoopex - advert          :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

          _____     _______    ____\      /
        ./    /___./    __/__._\    \_   /_
        l____     |    /     |_     _/     \
            /_____l___________/  zZ \_______\
         :                                 :
         :      cASE 78  /  sCOOPEX        :
         :                                 :
          gREeTS to: aRTWORk.rAM JAm.bLAHAh

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: sunshine - advert         :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

          ___   ___   ______ __________  __
        ./  /_./  /_./   _  \.         \/  \.
        l___  l___  |_  _/   : sunshine     |
           /____ /___/  \____: productions  |
        ·-----------/ zZ   \----------------·
         |                                 |
         |       rooster / sunshine        |
         |        Anders Lindqvist         |
         |          Ängsvägen 16           |
         |        820 75 Harmånger         |
         |             SWEDEN              |
         |     speed devil / sunshine      |
         |       Morten Martinussen        |
         |        Sandsliveien 263         |
         |          5049 Sandsli           |
         |              NORGE              |

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: case 78 - big one         :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

                                                .........  ........
        _______     __________   _____     _____:        :      .  :
      ./    __/___./    _.    \./    /___._\__  :.....   :..:.  :  :..
      |    /      |_    \:    _l____     |_  /___/ ..:.     :    .    :
      l____________/____ : zZ \.   /______/__________:      :    :    :
      -------------------: ____|---------------------:......:.........:

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: zenon - big one           :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

               _______ ________        ._____ ___________   .________
          _____\     ._\__    /__._____:_   ./        ._/___:_      /
          \      ____|_  /___/   :     :/   |_   zZ   :     :/     /
           \_____\    /__________:_____/_____/________:_____/_____/

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: insane - big one          :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

      .     .     ._______ _____     __________       ._____ ________
      :     :_____:_     ./    /___./    _.    \._____:_   ._\__    /__.
      :     :     :/     l____     |_    \:    _|     :/   |_  /___/   |
      :     :_____/_____/    /______/____ : zZ \._____/_____/__________|
      :     ·-----------------------------: ____|-----------------------

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: haujobb - big one         :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

    ________                                          ___ _
  ._\      /____. ____________   _______ __________  /
  |_    __/    _|/     _.     \./       /          \/
  ./    \      \._     \:     _|_      /_             ·
  |_____/_______|/_____ :     \./__________________  /
  --------------------- :_     |_. ----------- .___\/___     .________
                        : \      :_. __________|_  \/__/____ |_    __/____
                      .____\__     |/          ./    \_     \./    \_     \.
                      |_     /     |_    zZ    :      /     _:      /     _:

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: cydonia - big one         :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

  _______    _____      ___\__   _| ___________   .______._    . __________
./    __/__ /    /____./    _/   \./        ._/___:_     :/    :/    _.    \.
|    /     /    /_    |_    \     |_   zZ   :     :/     :     |_    \:    _|
l__________\_____    _|/__________:/________:_____/_____/:     :/____ :    \.
-------------/_______\-----------------------------------·     :------: ____|

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: sunshine - big one        :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

  ____    ____ ____.     ._____ ____  ._\     /____.     .    .____________
./   /__./    /    :.____:_   ./   /__|_   __/    _|     :____:_  .____   /__.
l____   |_   /_     :    :/   l____   ./   \  zZ  \.     :    :/  |_  /__/   |
    /____/__________:____/____/   /___|____/_______|     :____/____/_________|

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: jewels - big one          :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

      \     :_. ________      /\ _______________    _______    _____
  .____\__    |_\__    /____ /  \   __.____    /__./      /___/    /___
  |_     /    ._  /___/     /    \  \ |_  /___/   |_     /     ___     \
   /__________|/__________    zZ  \__\ /__________ /___________\ /______\

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: c-lous - big one          :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

        _______          _______     ________ _____ _____. _____
      ./    __/___  __../      /___./       ./     /     :/    /___
      |    /      \.\_||_     /    |_   zZ  |_    /_     l____     \
      l____________:    /___________/________/____________|  /______\

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: the black lotus - smaller :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

                 __________  |_    __/____   _______
                 \        /_ ./    \_     \./      /___
                  \__       \:      / zZ  _|_     /    \
                    /________:____________\ /___________\

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: mystic - big one          :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

         _____  _____ _____     _____  ________  .     . _______
        .\____\/_   //    /___./    /__\      /_ :     :/    __/__.
        |_    \/    /    /_   l____     \_      \:     |    /     |
         /___ /  zZ \_____    _|  /______/_______|     l__________|

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: neo - small one           :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

        ._____ ________    ___________
  ._____:_   ._\__    /__./          /·------------------------------------·
  :     :/   |_  /___/   |_   zZ    /
  :_____/_____/__________ /________/·--------------------------------------·

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: subject - big one         :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

                                           .......................... : ..
                                           :                          :
                                           :  swap with:              :
                                           :         xxxxxx/subject   :
                                           :                          :
                                           :                          :
                                           :                          :
                      ._______        _____:                     . ...:
  _____    _____ _____|_   __/___     \    ::. ________    ______  ________
./    /__./     /     ./   \_    \.____\__   |_\__    /__./   __/__\      /_
l____    |_    /_  zZ :     /    _|_     /   |_  /___/   |   /      \_      \.
    /_____/___________:__________\ /_________|/__________l___________/_______|

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: illusion - big one        :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

.    . ______    ______    _____ ____  _____    .    . __________   .________
:    :/     /__./     /__./     /    ./    /___ :    :/       ._/___:_      /
:    |_    /   |_    /   |_    /_    l____     \:    :_   zZ  :     :/     /
:    :/_________/_________/____________  /______:    :/_______:_____/_____/
:    ·------------------------------------------·    :-----------------------

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: giants - big one          :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

       _______     .     . __________       ._____\        /  _____
     ./    __/_____:     :/    _.    \______:_            /__/    /___
     l__   \_      :     ._    \:    __     :/ zZ  /\_       .___     \
       /____/______.     :/____ :    \._____/_____/  /_______|  /______\
     --------------·------------: ____|---------------------------------

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: trsi - smaller            :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

   ________   ________ ___   .     .
   \      /_./    _._//  /___:     :---------------------------------------
    \_ zZ   |_    \l____     :     :
     /_______/_____\   /_____:     :

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: balance - big one         :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

|_   __/___  __________   ______   __________      .______ ______   _______
./   \_    \/    _.    \./     /__/    _.    \.____:_    ./   __/___\__   /__.
:  zZ /    __    \:    _|_    /        \:    _|    :/    |   /    __  /__/   |
:__________\/____ :    \./_____________ :    \.____/_____l________\/_________|
------------------: ____|---------------: ____|-------------------------------
                  :                     :

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: rebels - big one          :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

       ________________  |_   __/___   ________    ______     _____
     ./    __.____    /__./   \_    \._\__    /__./     /___./    /___
     |_    \ |_  /___/   :     / zZ _|_  /___/   |_    /    l____     \
      /_____\ /__________:__________\ /___________/__________\  /______\

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: rebels - advert           :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

            ______|_   __/___   _____
          ./    __./   \_    \./    /___
          |_    \ :     / zZ _l____     \

           swapper / rebels
           xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx  [xxxxxxxxx, xxx]
           xxxxxxxxxxxxx xx  [xxxx, xxxxxxxx]
           xxx xx xxxxxxxxx  [xxxxxxxx, xxxx]
           xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  [xxxxx, xxxxxxx]


          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: sapphire - big one        :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

  _____    _______     ___________________._\      /____.     _____________
./    /__./      /__ ./    _   _.    _   _|_    __/    _|   ./    __.____  \.__.
l____    |_    :/   \|_   _/   \|   _/   \./    \  zZ  \.   |_    \ |_  /___|  |
    /_____/____:     ./   \_____    \_____|_____/_______|    /_____\ /_________|
---------------: ____|_______\-/_______\----------------:     .-----------------
               :                                        ·     :

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: bomb - big one            :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

           .________                               .________
           |_    __/____   ________________  ______|_    __/____
           ./    \_     \./        _.______\/_    /./    \_     \.
           :      /     _|_    zZ   |_     \/     _|      /     _:
           :____________\ /__________/____ /      \.____________\

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: no sense - big one        :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

           ._______ _______________
   ._______:_     ./              /---------------------------------------
   :       :/     |_     zZ      /         n  o     s  e  n  s  e
   :_______/_______/    _____   /____        .______ _____     ________
   --------------./    /___._\__    /__._____:_    ./    /___._\__    /__.
                 l____     |_  /___/   :     :/    l____     |_  /___/   |
      issue #3       /______/__________:_____/_____/   /______/__________|

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: no sense - big one        :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

                              ._______ _______________
                      ._______:_     ./              /
                      :       :/     |_     zZ      /
           _____     _____           ._____ _____     _____
         ./    /___._\__  \.___._____:_   ./    /___._\__  \.___.
         l____     |_  /___|   :     :/   l____     |_  /___|   |
             /______/__________:_____/_____/  /______/__________|


          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: generation - big one      :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

    _______       ________        ._____ ________
  ./    __/_____._\__    /__._____:_   ._\__    /__. __.
  l__   \_      |_  /___/   :     :/   |_  /___/   | \_|
    /____/______:/__________:_____/   __/__________|
             _________ _______ __/    \  .     . ___________   .________
           ./    __._//  _.    \      /_ :     :/        ._/___:_      /
           |_    \ |_    \:    _\_      \:     :_   zZ   :     :/     /
            /_____\ /____ :    \./_______:     :/________:_____/_____/
           ---------------: ____|--------·     ·------------------------
                          :                       g e n e r a t i o n
      issue # X X

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: defy - big one            :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

     ___\__   _| _____        ___ ____________
   ./    _/   \._\__  \.___. _\  \\__.__     /____.    cydonia presents ..
   |_ zZ \     :_  /___|   |/     ___| /    /_    |---------------------------
    /__________:/__________|______\    \_____    _|  d e f y, i s s u e # XX

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: limited edition - file id :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

                _______     _____       ___\__   _|
              ./      /___._\__  \.___./    _/   \.
          o9  |_     /    |_  /___|   |_    \  zZ :
         :           LIMITED EDITION PRESENTS     :
         :                MIND TRAVELLER          :

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: limited edition - big one :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

                                       __._______                  _______.
     _______    .     ._____  _____    \ :      /  ________    ____\__   _|
   ./      /___ :     :\____\/_   /.    \:     /_._\__    /__./     _/   \.
   |_     /    \:     |_    \/    _|     :_      |_  /___/   |_     \     :
    /___________:     :/___ /  zZ \.     :/_______/__________ /___________:
   -------------·     _____/ .___  |_______--------------------------------
      ________    ____\__   _|   \ :      / .     . __________   .________
    ._\__    /__./     _/   \.    \:     /_ :     :/       ._/___:_      /
    |_  /___/   |_     \     :     :_      \:     |_       :     :/     /
     /__________ /___________:     :/_______|     :/_______:_____/_____/
   --------------------------·     ·--------·     ·------------------------

                    :::::::::::             :::::::::::
                    :::::::::::             :::::::::::
                    :::::::::::             :::::::::::

            - -------------------------------------------------.
               __                 part II                  __  |
          - --·\/·----------------------------------------·\/·-'

                    :::::::::::             :::::::::::
                    :::::::::::             :::::::::::
                    :::::::::::             :::::::::::

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: hellfire - file id        :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

        ._\   /_ ___ ____   ____  _____ . _______
        |_  _/   \_ \.  /_./   /_\\_._/ :/  ____ \._
        ./  \  zZ /__| /  |_  /   __|   |_  \  /__|
        |   /______________/______\ :   :/___\ _____
        |  ·------------------------·   :-----------
        |       Lost On Parrot Island -aGA/eCS [nFO]
        |                         (c)1996 Frank Otto

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: amiga - big one           :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

    __                                                               __
  ._\/____ _______        __     .      _______      _______ ________\/_.
  | \/   ./      /__._____\/_____:    ./    __/____./      /__       \/ |
  |_     |_    :/   |_    \/    _|    l__   \_     |_    :/   \        _|
  ./      /____:     /___ /  zZ \.     :/____/______/____:     \.      \.
  |       -----: _____|--/_______|     :-----------------: _____|       |
  |            :                                         :              |
  |                       . a   m   i   g   a .                         |
  |_                               __                                  _|

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: blitz - big one           :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

        .________                     __________
        |_    __/___   _______   :    \.       /     ________
     .__./    \_    \./      /___:     :      /______\      /
     |_ :  zZ  /    _|_     /    :     :\_             ____/_____________.
     ./ :___________\ /__________:     : /_____________\                _|
     |  -------------------------·     :------------------------       \\.
     |                                                                   |
     ·                                                                   ·

     .                                                                   .
     . __                                                             _ _.

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: boheme - big one          :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

   ._______                ________
   |_   __/___   ________._\      /____. _____         __       _____
   ./   \_    \./        |_    __/    _|_\__  \._______\/_____._\__  \.___.
   :     /    _|_   zZ   ./    \      \|_  /___|       \/    _|_  /___|   |
   :__________\ /________|_____/_______|/_____________ /     \./__________|
     :                                                                  :

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: the charge - big one      :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

       __________   ________
       \        / ._\      /____. _____
        \  zZ  /_ |_    __/    _|_\__  \.___.
         \_      \./    \      \._  /___|   |        gOD: eCs!
          /_______|     /_______|/__________|----------------------------
    _______   ._\      /____. _______    ________ _____       _____
  ./    __/___|_    __/    _|/      /__./    _._//  __/_____._\__  \.___.
  |    /      ./    \      \._    :/   |_    \l__   \_      |_  /___|   |
  l___________|_____/_______|/____:     /_____\ /____/______:/__________|
  --------------------------------: _____|-------------------------------

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: chrombacher - big one     :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

           _______   ._\      /____. _________ _________  __
         ./    __/___|_    __/    _|/    __._//     .__/__\/_____.
       _.|    /      ./    \   zZ \._    \ |_       |_    \/    _|
  _ ___\|l___________|_____/_______|/_____\ /________/___ /     \. _____  _.
  ._______                              ________         /_______|      \/ |
  |_   __/___   _______     _______   ._\      /____. _____       _______  |
  ./   \_    \./      /__ ./    __/___|_    __/    _|_\__  \.___./    __/  |
  :     /    _|_    :/   \|    /      ./    \      \._  /___|   |_    \    |
  :__________\ /____:     l___________|_____/_______|/__________|/_____\  _|
  ------------------: _____|---------------------------------------------\\.
                    :                                                      |
                    .                                                      |
                    |                                                      |
                    |_                                                     |
                    .//                                                    |
                    |    __                                          __  .:|

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: crusader - a friendly one :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

       __ _ _                                                    _ _ __
     ._\////_______________________ _   _ ________________________\\\\/_.
     |                                                                ..|
    _______    _________ ____ ___._____                                :|
  ./    __/__./    ____//   /   _|    /___ ____.        ._____________ _.
  |    /     |_    \ |_    /_   \.____    \\___|_______.|____________//_|
  l__________|/_____\ /__________|___/   __\ ___\__   _| _____       _______
  ------------------------------./      /__./    _/   \._\__  \.___./    __/
    tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tE  |_    :/   |_ zZ \     |_  /___|   |_    \
    tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tE   /____:     /__________:/__________|/_____\
  ------------------------------------: _____|------------------------------
     |                                :                                _|
     |                                                                \\.
     |_   tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE     |
     .//  tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE     |
     |_ ___.                                                      .___ _|
      //___|-·--------------------- -   - ----------------------·-|___\\

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: hyper space - big one     :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

         ._\      /____ _____      ________________       _______
         |_    __/     /    /____./    _   _.____  \.___./    __/
         ./    \      /    /_    |_   _/   \|_  /___|   |_    \
         |_____/______\_____    _|/   \_____\/__________|/_____\

          _____     ___________. _______     _______   _____
        ./    /___./     _    _:/      /__ ./    __/___\__  \.___.
        l____     |_    _/    \|_    :/   \|    /        /___|   |
            /______/ zZ \______\/____:     l_____________________|
        ----------/________\---------: _____|---------------------

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: jedi arts - nice one      :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

      ._ __ ______.                _______.     __ _.
  ---·|_\\//     _| _____       ___\__   _|     \//_|·-------------------
      .____\__   \._\__  \.___./    _/   \.     :
      |_     /    |_  /___|   |_ zZ \     :     :
       /__________|/__________|/__________:  ___:______
                              _______    ____\___ _   /  _____
                            ./      /__./    ___//   /_./    /___
                            |_    :/   |_    \ \_      l____     \ _.
       ._ __                 /____:     /_____\ /_______|  /______\\|
  ----·|_\\/·---------------------: _____|-------------------------------

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: leontine - big one        :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

  ______    _____      __________   .____\       /.     .     ._____ _____
./     /__._\__  \.__./       ._/___:_    \     /_:     :_____:_   ._\__  \.__.
|_    /   |_  /___|  |_   zZ  :     :/     \_     \.    :     :/   |_  /___|  |
 /_________/_________|/_______:_____/_____/ /______|    :_____/_____/_________|
--------------------------------------------------·     :----------------------

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: msw - small one             :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

         _____  __________        /\ _____.
        .\____\/_        /______ /  \   __:
        |_    \/    ____        /    \  \
         /___ /  zZ \. /______        \__\

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: crux - small one          :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

               _______     _________ ____ ___ ____\       /
             ./    __/___./    __._//   /   ._\    \_    /_
             |    /      |_    \ |_    /_   |_     _/ zZ   \
             l___________|/_____\ /__________/     \________\

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: the northern palace - big :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

                                           __________   ________
-------------------------------------------\        / ._\      /____. ____
 |  mASTERS: zINKO/bLAHA · bLAHA/bLAHA      \      /_ |_    __/    _|_\__ \.___.
 |           bLAHA/bLAHA · bLAHA/bLAHA       \_      \./    \   zZ \.   /__|   |
---------------------- -__________   ________ /_______|_____/_______|__________|
      .____ _______ ____\___ _   / ._\      /___. ____      _________   ._______
._____:_  ./      ./    ___//   /_ |_    __/   _|_\__ \.__./    ____/___:_     /
:     :/  |_      |_    \ \_      \./    \     \.   /__|  |_    \ :     :/    /
:_____/____/_______/_____\ /_______|_____/______|__________/_____\:_____/____/
 |   tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE!  _|
 |   tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE! \\.
 |   tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE!   |
 |   tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE!   |
 |             _________ _______    _______     _______     _______   ____    |
 |_          ./    _   ./      /__./      /___./      /__ ./    __/___\__ \.___.
 .//         |_   _/   |_    :/   |_     /    |_    :/   \|    /        /__|   |
 |            /   \_____/____:     /___________/____:     l____________________|
-------------/_______\-------: _____|---------------: _____|--------------------
                             :                      :

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: oma - small one?          :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

             ____________ ________  ________ ________________
           ./             \_______\/_      //       _.       \.
           |_                     \/                \:       _|
            /____________________ /         ._______ :   zZ  \.
            ---------------------/__________|--------: _______|

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: peltier - big one         :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

    __________________     _______ \        / .     . _____       _______
  ./     _    _.____  \.__/      /__\      /_ :     :_\__  \.___./    __/
  |_    _/    \|_  /___|        /    \_      \:     :_  /___|   |_    \
   / zZ \______\/_____________________/_______:     :/__________|/_____\
 -/________\----------------------------------·     :--------------------

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: raging fire - big one     :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

       _________ _____   _______     .     .     .______ _______
     ./    __._//    /_./    __/_____:     :_____:_    ./    __/_____.
     |_    \ |_    :/  l__   \_      :     :     :/    l__   \_      :
      /_____\ /____:     /____/______:     :_____/_____/ /____/______:
   . --------------: _____|----------·     :-------------------------- .
   |               :                                                  _|
   |                                                                 \\.
   |                                                                   |
   |_               ___ _______     . _____________                    |
   .//             _\  \\__.__/     :/    _______  \.___.              |
   |             ./     ___|  :     |_ zZ \ |_  /___|   |              |
   `-------------|______\-----:     :/_____\-/__________|--------------'
                              ·     :

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: soul fusion - big one     :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

       _____     ________ _______ _____________                    ______ _
     ./    /___./       ./      /             /___ ___________ _  /
     l____     |_   zZ  |_     /_     ._     /    \\            \/
         /______/________/____________|/___________\\___ _     _  ·       _ __.
         -------------------------------------------            \/           _|
 .                                                                           \.
 |                                                                            |
 |_                                                                           |
 ./                                                                           ·
 |          __  ___ _____________ _________    .     . ___________   .________
 |__   _ __ \/ _\  \\__.__/     /         /___ :     :/        ._/___:_      /
           \../     ___||_     /_    .___     \:     :_        :     :/     /
   _ _______||______\    /___________|  /______:     :/________:_____/_____/
             ----------------------------------·     :------------------------

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: spaced out - big one      :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

   _____     _____________________   _______    ________    ____\__   _|
 ./    /___./     _         _.    \./    __/____\__    /__./     _/   \.
 l____     |_    _/         \:    _|    /         /___/   |_     \     :e^D
     /______/    \__________ :    \._______________________/______     :____
     ------/________\--------: ____|-----------________ _____ ____\        /
                             :               ./       ./     /     \      /_
                                             |_   zZ  |_    /_      \_      \.

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: spaced out - big one      :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

    _____     ___________ _______     _______    _____       ___\__   _|
  ./    /___./     _    ./      /__ ./    __/__._\__  \.___./    _/   \.
  l____     |_    _/    |_    :/   \|    /     |_  /___|   |_    \     :
      /_____./ zZ \______/____:     l__________|/__________|/__________:
      ------|________\--------: _____|------------------ - ___________-----
                              :                          ./          /
                                                         |_         /____.
                                                          /____    /_    |
                                                             ./     /   _|
                                                          ___|     /_   \.
                                                          \        ______|
                                                           \      /_
                                                            \_      \.
                                                - -----------/_______|-----

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: taxi - small one?         :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

 __________                   _________
 \        /  __________   ____\       / .     .
  \      /_./    _.    \._\    \_    /_ :     :------· tAXI / sAPPHIRE ·------
   \_      |_    \:    _|_     _/ zZ   \:     :
    /_______/____ :    \./     \________:     :           sAYIN' hI!
    --------------: ____|________\------·     :-------------------------------

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: the oase - big one        :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

       __________   ________
       \        / ._\      /____. _____
        \      /_ |_    __/    _|_\__  \.___.
         \_      \./    \      \._  /___|   |
        - ---------------------------------------------------------------.
                          ________ _______   _____     _____             |
                        ./       ./      /_./    /___._\__  \.___.       |
                        |_   zZ  |_    :/  l____     |_  /___|   |       |
                         /________/____:     \./______/__________|       |
                      - ---------------: _____|--------------------------'

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: the slammer - big one     :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

         ____.                                                  .____
      ._\                    distler\jrm · qen\ssp                   /_.
      |                          ________                              |
      |              ________  ._\      /___. _____                    |
      |              \      /_ |_    __/   _|_\__  \.___.              |
      |               \_      \./    \     \.   /___|   |              |
      | ---------------/_______|_____/______|___________|------------- |
      |                                                                |
      |  +46-8-6231366  [ a so cool multinode system ]  +46-8-6230196  |
      |                                                                |
   _____    ______    _______        __           __       _____       _______
 ./    /__./     /__./      /__._____\/_____._____\/_____._\__  \.___./    __/
 l____    |_ zZ /   |_    :/   |_    \/    _|_    \/    _|_  /___|   |_    \
     /_____/_________/____:     /___ /     \./___ /     \./__________|/_____\
    ----------------------: _____|--/_______|----/_______|--------------------
      |                   :                                            |
      |                                                                |
      |       fast amiga   ·   magic pc elite   ·   quality ascii      |
      |_ ____.               da jormas swedish one              .____ _|
                      telnet available · check #amielite

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: toon town - big one       :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

  info here info here info here \        /  ________ ___________   .________
 --------------------------------\      /_./       ./        ._/___:_      /
  info here info here info h      \_      |_       |_        :     :/     /
  ere info here info here in ______/   ____/________/__/\____:_____/_____/
  fo here info here info her \        /  ___________   /\ _____.   .________
  e info here info here info  \      /_./        ._/_ /  \   ._:___:_      /
  here info here info here i   \_      |_   zZ   |   /    \  :     :/     /
  nfo here info here info he    /_______/________|_        \_:_____/_____/
  info here info here info here info here info he             re info here!

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: toy factory - big one     :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

        \        /  _________ _____
         \      /_./         /    /____.
          \_      |_   zZ   /    /_    |
           /_______/________\_____     |______
 -----------------------------/____          /---------------------------
    ___ _______ ______     _______ \        /  ________ ________ ___
   _\  \\__.__//     /__ ./    __/__\      /_./       ./    ___//  /____.
 ./     ___| ./    :/   \|    /      \_      |_       |_    \/    /_    |
 |______\    |_____:     l____________/_______/________/_____\_____    _|
 ------------------: _____|------------------------------------/_______\-

          :::       :--------------------------------------:
            :       :      logo: war-child - big one       :
            :    ::::::                                    :
            :....::::::                   artist: gOzZ/e^D :

           /\ ___________    _______
     .___ /  \        . /__./    __/
     |   /    \       :/   |_    \
     |_    zZ  \______:     /_____\
     -/_________\-----: ______\---------------------------------------
                      :   _________                           _______.
               _______  ._\       /____.     . _______     ___\__   _|
             ./    __/__|_     __/    _|     :/      /___./    _/   \.
             |    /     ./     \      \.     :_     /    |_    \     :
             l__________|______/_______|     :/___________/__________:
             --------------------------·     :------------------------

                        ./     _     :
               ________ |_    _/     :____         .
             ._\__    /__/    \____.     /_:_      .   gozz, character-artist
             |_  /___/    .______\ l____     \     :        of epsilon design
  ------------/___________|------------/______\   _:_____
                                           :    ./      /___
                                  fatal         |_     /   _\_________
                                                 /_______./          /
                           frame · gozz · tommy          |_   zZ    /______
                    grimlock · cybergod · rasta · java    /_._____._      /
        _______. harpoon · chrombacher · cenobite · stash   :     :/     /
    ____\__   _|                                          __:     /_____/
  ./     _/   \.  permanent vacation · monastery of blur  \ ·     :__
  |_     \     :____ domestic subway · zillion hours       \        /
   /______.____    /___. raveland · another step            \\     /
          |_  /___/    |___           .                ._____\\   /
           /________.     /___.       :_______   ._____:_     \  /
                    l____     :      ./    __/___:     :/     /\/
                        /_____:      l__   \_      .___/_____/
                      - ------:       :/____/______|---------------------- -

          this was supposed to be a demo/swapper collection only,
                          but I failed! shoot me.

                 I hope you'll get some use for your logo!

        to request any other logos from me, contact qen/ssp via e-mail
                        and he will announce it to me.

                             e-mail: qen@canit.se

                    otherwise you can call the slammer at:

                      +46-8-6231366 and/or +46-8-6230196

                       and give a message to 'gozz'

                file id by:                             misfit
                gozz by:                                  ranx
                epsilon design by:                         h2o
                other ascii by:                           gozz
               look out for the fatal & gozz co-op coming soon!

                    vote for me!  gozz / epsilon design