@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ_______ ____._______ _ ___________ _________ ._\_ |_ /__.______ \_. e^D- | |/____/ | / | -1996 ______|_______________|_____________|_______ . . : gozz/epsilon design presents : : : : c o l l e c t i o n 65 ascii-logos : : for the demo groups in a textfile! : · · with some other logos included for traders --------------------------------------------@END_FILE_ID.DIZ vote for me! gozz / epsilon design g o Z z __________ ____________\ __/________ __________ ________ _________ \ _ \ \_ _ / _ _ / \_ /___\_ / \/ \____ / \ / \ / \ / _______ _ _ rX/jA! /_______/\_________/\___________\___________\ / . o f __ _________ ......... ___ /\_\ __ ____________________ :_) :.......: \/_//_/\ (_: | ......... \_\/ ePsIlOn d-sIgN | ... ..... ......:.......:....... | _____ _ :.: :...: :............... : _________ _\____ _ ___________ : : : _ _______ _¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾_ / .___) _____/____¦ : : _)\_ _\_ ___/____¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ / | ___/ | .........' _)\/(_ \ /¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ __/ | / | : _______ _) ·· (_ \ \¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ / |__ / | :_\_ ___/__)__ o (_ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾_¾¾¾ /______ _ \______________| : ________ / /__________`¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾' . ¦ : \ / \ ___/ . | :.......: \ / \ | | _ ___\ _________\ | ______ \/ _______ _ _ _ _\____ \ _______ _______ _ _\____ / \_ ______ _\_ ___/_____ _ _\_ ___/____ / _/ /_\____ \_ ________ / _____ \____ / / / _/ /__\ / \ _____)__ / \ __/ _ ________/ \___/ / \ / \ _/ \ / . \ _\ _________\ .| __________ / __| _ _____________\ \/ . ¦| / _ _\ | | || /_____________ __ _ \\/ | | . |_ ·H2o!· |_______| _| : )__________________________________________________( : e p S i l o n d e s i g n ..... : ..:...... :.::: :--------------------------------------: : : c o l l e c t i o n : : : for the demo groups : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOZz/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: : .....: : : -· index ·-----------------------------------:....: in alphabetic order for abyss abyss - small logo newt - small logo for artwork artwork - big logo artwork (atw) - file id artwork - file id generation - big logo for c-lous c-lous - big logo no sense - big logo no sense (2) - big logo for cydonia cydonia - big logo defy - big logo for limited edition limited edition - big logo limited edition - file id for mono mono - file id for ram jam ram jam - big logo ram jam - advert ram jam - file id showtime - big logo for rebels rebels - big logo rebels - advert for scoopex scoopex - big logo scoopex - advert case 78 - big logo for sunshine productions sunshine productions - big logo sunshine productions - advert for other demo-groups desire - big logo nah kolor - big logo zenon - big logo insane - big logo haujobb - big logo jewels - big logo the black lotus - small logo mystic - big logo sapphire - big logo subject - big logo illusion - big logo giants - big logo trsi - small logo balance - big logo neo - small logo bomb - big logo -· other logos ·---------------------· part II ·- for groups crux - small logo hellfire - file id jedi arts - big logo oma - small logo toy factory - big logo for boards raging fire - big logo spaced out - big logo spaced out (2) - big logo the charge - big logo the northern palace - big logo the oase - big logo the slammer - big logo toon town - big logo for others amiga - big logo blitz - big logo boheme - big logo chrombacher - big logo crusader - big logo hyperspace - big logo leontine - big logo msw - small logo peltier - big logo soul fusion - big logo taxi - small logo war-child - big logo ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: artwork - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: __________ __________ _____\ / ./ _. \./ __\ /_ |_ \: _|_ \ \_ \. a r t w o r k /____ : \./_____\ /___/\__|--------------------------- ______ - -------: ____|------------ /\ _____.__________ _______ __ ./ / : .___ / \ __: ./ __/ __| / | / \ \|_ zZ |_ \ \_ /__ |_ \__\/________/ /_____\ ____\ / -/_________\--------------------------\____/- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: artwork - atw, file id : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: __________ _________\ / /\ _____. ./ _. \ /_ .___ / \ __: |_ \: _\_ \| / \ \ /____ : \./_______|_ zZ \__\ aRTwORK -·-----: ____|---------/_________\--------·- : pRESeNTS -·----------------------------------------·- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: artwork - file id : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ________ ____ _____ ___\___ _ //\ ____________ _./ / ./ /_./ ___// // \ _ __/__| / |_ :/ |_ \ \_ / \ / \ \_ /__ /__: /____\ /_ zZ \________\ __\ / ----: ____|------/___ _ ------------\__/- __ : p r e s e n t s . . . __ ·\/·|_ g e n e r a t i o n, issue #23 _|·\/· /________________________________\ ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: ram jam - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ________ _________ _____ _____ ./ ___/ _. \.\____\/_ /. |_ \ |_ \: _|_ \/ _| r A M /_____\ /____ : \./___ / zZ \.__. J A m -----------------: ____|----/_____ :_. __________ _____ _____ : .____\__ |/ _. \.\____\/_ /. |_ / |_ \: _|_ \/ _| /__________|/____ : \./___ / \. -------------------: ____|----/_______|-- : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: ram jam - advert : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ________ _________ _____ _____ ./ __/ _. \.\____\/_ /. |_ \ \: _|_ \/ _| /______\ ____ : \./___ / \. ----------------: ____| /_______|- : contact pAYdAY / rAM·JAm ______. \ :. __________ _____ _____ .___\__ |/ _. \.\____\/_ /. |_ / |_ \: _|_ \/ _| /________|/____ : \./___ / zZ \. -----------------: ____|----/_______| : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: ram jam - file id : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ________ ___________ _____ _____ ./ __/ _. \.\____\/_ /. |_ \ zZ \: _|_ \/ _| /______\ _____ : \./___ / \.rAM·JAm ______. : _____| /_______|------- \ :_.·____________ _____ _____ .____\__ |/ _. \.\____\/_ /. |_ / |_ \: _|_ \/ _| /__________|/_____ : \./___ / \. -----------------------: _____|----/_______| sHOWtIME #4 - tHE mAG · ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: abyss - small one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ._______ _______ |_ __/___ _____ _____ _____ ./ /__ ./ \_ \/ /___./ /__./ /___ |_ zZ :/ \: / / /_ l____ l____ \ /____: :__________\_____ _| /______\ /______\ ------: _____|-----------/_______\-------------------- : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: newt - small one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: __________ ._____ _____ /\ _\ / ._____:_ ._\__ \.___.___ / \ \ /_ : :/ |_ /___| | / \ \_ \. :_____/_____/__________|_ zZ \__/_______| nEWt/cRUX&aBYSS -------------------------/_________\--------------------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: nah kolor - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _________ .________ ____________ _\ /_____. .______:_ ./ _. \. __/ _| : :/ |_ \: _| \ \. :______/______/ /_____ : \._____/________| -----------------------: _____|--------------- _ ___ ______ : \ ______ ./ /________ _______ _________ _______ \/ __| / ./ /___./ ./ __/ _ _ \_ /__ |_ / |_ zZ |_ \ \ _______\ /________/___________/_________/_____\ \/ \____/ ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: showtime - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ________ _____ ._\ /____. ___________ /\ _____. ./ /___|_ __/ _|/ ._/_ / \ __: l____ ./ \ \._ zZ | / \ \ /_____|_____/_______|/________|_ \__\ rAM JAm pRESENTs ---------------------------____/ ____\----------------------------- \ / . . __ _____ s H o w \ /_ : :_____\/_____._\__ \.___. t i m e ! \_ \: |_ \/ _|_ /___| | /_______| :/___ / \./__________| -------------· [issue #04] ·--------· :----/_______|------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: desire - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _______. ____\__ _| ________ _____ : . ________________ ./ _/ \._\__ /__./ /___ : :/ __.____ /__. |_ zZ \ |_ /___/ l____ \: |_ \ |_ /___/ | /___________:/_____________ /______: :/_____\ /__________| ------------------------------------· :-------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: mono - file id : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: __ _________ ._____ _________ ._____\/____./ ._/___:_ ./ / |_ \/ _|_ zZ : :/ |_ / /___ / \./______:_____/_____/______/ .-----/______|-----------------------------. |[MOD#XX] => " " <= [XX/XX/XX]| |--[XXXBPM, XX.XX - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]--| |[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]| `------------------------------------------' ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: scoopex - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ________ _____ _______ ________ ________ ___________ ________ ___\ / ./ /__./ __/__./ ./ ./ _ ._\__ /__._\ \_ /_ l____ | / |_ zZ |_ |_ _/ |_ /___/ |_ _/ \ /____l__________ /________/________/ \______/__________ / \_______\ --------------------------------------/________\--------------/_______\------ ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: scoopex - advert : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ________ _____ _______ ____\ / ./ /___./ __/__._\ \_ /_ l____ | / |_ _/ \ /_____l___________/ zZ \_______\ ---------------------/________\------ : : : cASE 78 / sCOOPEX : : : ------------------------------------- gREeTS to: aRTWORk.rAM JAm.bLAHAh ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: sunshine - advert : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ___ ___ ______ __________ __ ./ /_./ /_./ _ \. \/ \. l___ l___ |_ _/ : sunshine | /____ /___/ \____: productions | ·-----------/ zZ \----------------· | | | rooster / sunshine | | Anders Lindqvist | | Ängsvägen 16 | | 820 75 Harmånger | | SWEDEN | +---------------------------------+ | speed devil / sunshine | | Morten Martinussen | | Sandsliveien 263 | | 5049 Sandsli | | NORGE | ·-----------------------------------· ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: case 78 - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ......... ........ _______ __________ _____ _____: : . : ./ __/___./ _. \./ /___._\__ :..... :..:. : :.. | / |_ \: _l____ |_ /___/ ..:. : . : l____________/____ : zZ \. /______/__________: : : : -------------------: ____|---------------------:......:.........: : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: zenon - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _______ ________ ._____ ___________ .________ _____\ ._\__ /__._____:_ ./ ._/___:_ / \ ____|_ /___/ : :/ |_ zZ : :/ / \_____\ /__________:_____/_____/________:_____/_____/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: insane - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: . . ._______ _____ __________ ._____ ________ : :_____:_ ./ /___./ _. \._____:_ ._\__ /__. : : :/ l____ |_ \: _| :/ |_ /___/ | : :_____/_____/ /______/____ : zZ \._____/_____/__________| : ·-----------------------------: ____|----------------------- : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: haujobb - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ________ ___ _ ._\ /____. ____________ _______ __________ / |_ __/ _|/ _. \./ / \/ ./ \ \._ \: _|_ /_ · |_____/_______|/_____ : \./__________________ / --------------------- :_ |_. ----------- .___\/___ .________ : \ :_. __________|_ \/__/____ |_ __/____ .____\__ |/ ./ \_ \./ \_ \. |_ / |_ zZ : / _: / _: /___________|/__________:____________\:____________\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: cydonia - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _______. _______ _____ ___\__ _| ___________ .______._ . __________ ./ __/__ / /____./ _/ \./ ._/___:_ :/ :/ _. \. | / / /_ |_ \ |_ zZ : :/ : |_ \: _| l__________\_____ _|/__________:/________:_____/_____/: :/____ : \. -------------/_______\-----------------------------------· :------: ____| : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: sunshine - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _______ ____ ____ ____. ._____ ____ ._\ /____. . .____________ ./ /__./ / :.____:_ ./ /__|_ __/ _| :____:_ .____ /__. l____ |_ /_ : :/ l____ ./ \ zZ \. : :/ |_ /__/ | /____/__________:____/____/ /___|____/_______| :____/____/_________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: jewels - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ______. \ :_. ________ /\ _______________ _______ _____ .____\__ |_\__ /____ / \ __.____ /__./ /___/ /___ |_ / ._ /___/ / \ \ |_ /___/ |_ / ___ \ /__________|/__________ zZ \__\ /__________ /___________\ /______\ -----------------------/_________\------------------------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: c-lous - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _______ _______ ________ _____ _____. _____ ./ __/___ __../ /___./ ./ / :/ /___ | / \.\_||_ / |_ zZ |_ /_ l____ \ l____________: /___________/________/____________| /______\ --------------------------------------------------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: the black lotus - smaller : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: .________ __________ |_ __/____ _______ \ /_ ./ \_ \./ /___ \__ \: / zZ _|_ / \ /________:____________\ /___________\ ---------------------------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: mystic - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _____ _____ _____ _____ ________ . . _______ .\____\/_ // /___./ /__\ /_ : :/ __/__. |_ \/ / /_ l____ \_ \: | / | /___ / zZ \_____ _| /______/_______| l__________| -----/_______|/_______\------------------------------------ ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: neo - small one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ._____ ________ ___________ ._____:_ ._\__ /__./ /·------------------------------------· : :/ |_ /___/ |_ zZ / :_____/_____/__________ /________/·--------------------------------------· ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: subject - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: . .......................... : .. : : : swap with: : : xxxxxx/subject : : : : : : : ._______ _____: . ...: _____ _____ _____|_ __/___ \ ::. ________ ______ ________ ./ /__./ / ./ \_ \.____\__ |_\__ /__./ __/__\ /_ l____ |_ /_ zZ : / _|_ / |_ /___/ | / \_ \. /_____/___________:__________\ /_________|/__________l___________/_______| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: illusion - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: . . ______ ______ _____ ____ _____ . . __________ .________ : :/ /__./ /__./ / ./ /___ : :/ ._/___:_ / : |_ / |_ / |_ /_ l____ \: :_ zZ : :/ / : :/_________/_________/____________ /______: :/_______:_____/_____/ : ·------------------------------------------· :----------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: giants - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: __________ _______ . . __________ ._____\ / _____ ./ __/_____: :/ _. \______:_ /__/ /___ l__ \_ : ._ \: __ :/ zZ /\_ .___ \ /____/______. :/____ : \._____/_____/ /_______| /______\ --------------·------------: ____|--------------------------------- : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: trsi - smaller : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ________ ________ ___ . . \ /_./ _._// /___: :--------------------------------------- \_ zZ |_ \l____ : : /_______/_____\ /_____: : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: balance - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ._______ |_ __/___ __________ ______ __________ .______ ______ _______ ./ \_ \/ _. \./ /__/ _. \.____:_ ./ __/___\__ /__. : zZ / __ \: _|_ / \: _| :/ | / __ /__/ | :__________\/____ : \./_____________ : \.____/_____l________\/_________| ------------------: ____|---------------: ____|------------------------------- : : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: rebels - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ._______ ________________ |_ __/___ ________ ______ _____ ./ __.____ /__./ \_ \._\__ /__./ /___./ /___ |_ \ |_ /___/ : / zZ _|_ /___/ |_ / l____ \ /_____\ /__________:__________\ /___________/__________\ /______\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: rebels - advert : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ._______ ______|_ __/___ _____ ./ __./ \_ \./ /___ |_ \ : / zZ _l____ \ ---/_____\:__________\----/______\--- swapper / rebels greets. xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx [xxxxxxxxx, xxx] xxxxxxxxxxxxx xx [xxxx, xxxxxxxx] xxx xx xxxxxxxxx [xxxxxxxx, xxxx] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [xxxxx, xxxxxxx] ------------------------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: sapphire - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ________ _____ _______ ___________________._\ /____. _____________ ./ /__./ /__ ./ _ _. _ _|_ __/ _| ./ __.____ \.__. l____ |_ :/ \|_ _/ \| _/ \./ \ zZ \. |_ \ |_ /___| | /_____/____: ./ \_____ \_____|_____/_______| /_____\ /_________| ---------------: ____|_______\-/_______\----------------: .----------------- : · : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: bomb - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: .________ .________ |_ __/____ ________________ ______|_ __/____ ./ \_ \./ _.______\/_ /./ \_ \. : / _|_ zZ |_ \/ _| / _: :____________\ /__________/____ / \.____________\ -------------------------------/________|-------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: no sense - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ._______ _______________ ._______:_ ./ /--------------------------------------- : :/ |_ zZ / n o s e n s e :_______/_______/ _____ /____ .______ _____ ________ --------------./ /___._\__ /__._____:_ ./ /___._\__ /__. l____ |_ /___/ : :/ l____ |_ /___/ | issue #3 /______/__________:_____/_____/ /______/__________| --------------------------------------------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: no sense - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: -·----------------------------------------------------·- ._______ _______________ ._______:_ ./ / : :/ |_ zZ / :_______/_______/____________/ _____ _____ ._____ _____ _____ ./ /___._\__ \.___._____:_ ./ /___._\__ \.___. l____ |_ /___| : :/ l____ |_ /___| | /______/__________:_____/_____/ /______/__________| -·----------------------------------------------------·- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: generation - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _______ ________ ._____ ________ ./ __/_____._\__ /__._____:_ ._\__ /__. __. l__ \_ |_ /___/ : :/ |_ /___/ | \_| /____/______:/__________:_____/ __/__________| _________ _______ __/ \ . . ___________ .________ ./ __._// _. \ /_ : :/ ._/___:_ / |_ \ |_ \: _\_ \: :_ zZ : :/ / /_____\ /____ : \./_______: :/________:_____/_____/ ---------------: ____|--------· ·------------------------ : g e n e r a t i o n issue # X X ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: defy - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _______. ___\__ _| _____ ___ ____________ ./ _/ \._\__ \.___. _\ \\__.__ /____. cydonia presents .. |_ zZ \ :_ /___| |/ ___| / /_ |--------------------------- /__________:/__________|______\ \_____ _| d e f y, i s s u e # XX --------------------------------------/_______\---------------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: limited edition - file id : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _______. _______ _____ ___\__ _| ./ /___._\__ \.___./ _/ \. o9 |_ / |_ /___| |_ \ zZ : /___________/__________|/__________: -------------------------------------------- : LIMITED EDITION PRESENTS : : MIND TRAVELLER : -------------------------------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: limited edition - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: __._______ _______. _______ . ._____ _____ \ : / ________ ____\__ _| ./ /___ : :\____\/_ /. \: /_._\__ /__./ _/ \. |_ / \: |_ \/ _| :_ |_ /___/ |_ \ : /___________: :/___ / zZ \. :/_______/__________ /___________: -------------· _____/ .___ |_______-------------------------------- ________ ____\__ _| \ : / . . __________ .________ ._\__ /__./ _/ \. \: /_ : :/ ._/___:_ / |_ /___/ |_ \ : :_ \: |_ : :/ / /__________ /___________: :/_______| :/_______:_____/_____/ --------------------------· ·--------· ·------------------------ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: - -------------------------------------------------. __ part II __ | - --·\/·----------------------------------------·\/·-' ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: hellfire - file id : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _____ ._\ /_ ___ ____ ____ _____ . _______ |_ _/ \_ \. /_./ /_\\_._/ :/ ____ \._ ./ \ zZ /__| / |_ / __| |_ \ /__| | /______________/______\ : :/___\ _____ | ·------------------------· :----------- | Lost On Parrot Island -aGA/eCS [nFO] | (c)1996 Frank Otto `------------------------------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: amiga - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: __ __ ._\/____ _______ __ . _______ _______ ________\/_. | \/ ./ /__._____\/_____: ./ __/____./ /__ \/ | |_ |_ :/ |_ \/ _| l__ \_ |_ :/ \ _| ./ /____: /___ / zZ \. :/____/______/____: \. \. | -----: _____|--/_______| :-----------------: _____| | | : : | | . a m i g a . | |_ __ _| /_______________________________\//\________________________________\ \/ ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: blitz - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: .________ __________ |_ __/___ _______ : \. / ________ .__./ \_ \./ /___: : /______\ / |_ : zZ / _|_ / : :\_ ____/_____________. ./ :___________\ /__________: : /_____________\ _| | -------------------------· :------------------------ \\. | | · · . . . __ _ _. |_\//\___________________________________________________________\\\| \/ ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: boheme - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ._______ ________ |_ __/___ ________._\ /____. _____ __ _____ ./ \_ \./ |_ __/ _|_\__ \._______\/_____._\__ \.___. : / _|_ zZ ./ \ \|_ /___| \/ _|_ /___| | :__________\ /________|_____/_______|/_____________ / \./__________| ---------------------------------------------------/_______|------------ : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: the charge - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: __________ ________ \ / ._\ /____. _____ \ zZ /_ |_ __/ _|_\__ \.___. \_ \./ \ \._ /___| | gOD: eCs! /_______| /_______|/__________|---------------------------- _______ ._\ /____. _______ ________ _____ _____ ./ __/___|_ __/ _|/ /__./ _._// __/_____._\__ \.___. | / ./ \ \._ :/ |_ \l__ \_ |_ /___| | l___________|_____/_______|/____: /_____\ /____/______:/__________| --------------------------------: _____|------------------------------- : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: chrombacher - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ________ _______ ._\ /____. _________ _________ __ ./ __/___|_ __/ _|/ __._// .__/__\/_____. _.| / ./ \ zZ \._ \ |_ |_ \/ _| _ ___\|l___________|_____/_______|/_____\ /________/___ / \. _____ _. ._______ ________ /_______| \/ | |_ __/___ _______ _______ ._\ /____. _____ _______ | ./ \_ \./ /__ ./ __/___|_ __/ _|_\__ \.___./ __/ | : / _|_ :/ \| / ./ \ \._ /___| |_ \ | :__________\ /____: l___________|_____/_______|/__________|/_____\ _| ------------------: _____|---------------------------------------------\\. : | . | | | |_ | .// | | __ __ .:| `---·\/·----------------------------------------·\/·---' ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: crusader - a friendly one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: __ _ _ _ _ __ ._\////_______________________ _ _ ________________________\\\\/_. | ..| _______ _________ ____ ___._____ :| ./ __/__./ ____// / _| /___ ____. ._____________ _. | / |_ \ |_ /_ \.____ \\___|_______.|____________//_| l__________|/_____\ /__________|___/ __\ ___\__ _| _____ _______ ------------------------------./ /__./ _/ \._\__ \.___./ __/ tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tE |_ :/ |_ zZ \ |_ /___| |_ \ tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tE /____: /__________:/__________|/_____\ ------------------------------------: _____|------------------------------ | : _| | \\. |_ tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE | .// tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE | |_ ___. .___ _| //___|-·--------------------- - - ----------------------·-|___\\ ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: hyper space - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ________ ._\ /____ _____ ________________ _______ |_ __/ / /____./ _ _.____ \.___./ __/ ./ \ / /_ |_ _/ \|_ /___| |_ \ |_____/______\_____ _|/ \_____\/__________|/_____\ ----------------/_______\/_______\------------------------ _____ ___________. _______ _______ _____ ./ /___./ _ _:/ /__ ./ __/___\__ \.___. l____ |_ _/ \|_ :/ \| / /___| | /______/ zZ \______\/____: l_____________________| ----------/________\---------: _____|--------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: jedi arts - nice one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ._ __ ______. _______. __ _. ---·|_\\// _| _____ ___\__ _| \//_|·------------------- .____\__ \._\__ \.___./ _/ \. : |_ / |_ /___| |_ zZ \ : : /__________|/__________|/__________: ___:______ _______ ____\___ _ / _____ ./ /__./ ___// /_./ /___ |_ :/ |_ \ \_ l____ \ _. ._ __ /____: /_____\ /_______| /______\\| ----·|_\\/·---------------------: _____|------------------------------- : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: leontine - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _________ ______ _____ __________ .____\ /. . ._____ _____ ./ /__._\__ \.__./ ._/___:_ \ /_: :_____:_ ._\__ \.__. |_ / |_ /___| |_ zZ : :/ \_ \. : :/ |_ /___| | /_________/_________|/_______:_____/_____/ /______| :_____/_____/_________| --------------------------------------------------· :---------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: msw - small one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _____ __________ /\ _____. .\____\/_ /______ / \ __: |_ \/ ____ / \ \ /___ / zZ \. /______ \__\ -----/_______|-------/_________\--- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: crux - small one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _________ _______ _________ ____ ___ ____\ / ./ __/___./ __._// / ._\ \_ /_ | / |_ \ |_ /_ |_ _/ zZ \ l___________|/_____\ /__________/ \________\ -------------------------------/________\------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: the northern palace - big : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: __________ ________ -------------------------------------------\ / ._\ /____. ____ | mASTERS: zINKO/bLAHA · bLAHA/bLAHA \ /_ |_ __/ _|_\__ \.___. | bLAHA/bLAHA · bLAHA/bLAHA \_ \./ \ zZ \. /__| | ---------------------- -__________ ________ /_______|_____/_______|__________| .____ _______ ____\___ _ / ._\ /___. ____ _________ ._______ ._____:_ ./ ./ ___// /_ |_ __/ _|_\__ \.__./ ____/___:_ / : :/ |_ |_ \ \_ \./ \ \. /__| |_ \ : :/ / :_____/____/_______/_____\ /_______|_____/______|__________/_____\:_____/____/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE! _| | tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE! \\. | tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE! | | tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE · tEXT hERE! | | _________ _______ _______ _______ _______ ____ | |_ ./ _ ./ /__./ /___./ /__ ./ __/___\__ \.___. .// |_ _/ |_ :/ |_ / |_ :/ \| / /__| | | / \_____/____: /___________/____: l____________________| -------------/_______\-------: _____|---------------: _____|-------------------- : : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: oma - small one? : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ____________ ________ ________ ________________ ./ \_______\/_ // _. \. |_ \/ \: _| /____________________ / ._______ : zZ \. ---------------------/__________|--------: _______| : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: peltier - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: __________ __________________ _______ \ / . . _____ _______ ./ _ _.____ \.__/ /__\ /_ : :_\__ \.___./ __/ |_ _/ \|_ /___| / \_ \: :_ /___| |_ \ / zZ \______\/_____________________/_______: :/__________|/_____\ -/________\----------------------------------· :-------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: raging fire - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _________ _____ _______ . . .______ _______ ./ __._// /_./ __/_____: :_____:_ ./ __/_____. |_ \ |_ :/ l__ \_ : : :/ l__ \_ : /_____\ /____: /____/______: :_____/_____/ /____/______: . --------------: _____|----------· :-------------------------- . | : _| | \\. | | |_ ___ _______ . _____________ | .// _\ \\__.__/ :/ _______ \.___. | | ./ ___| : |_ zZ \ |_ /___| | | `-------------|______\-----: :/_____\-/__________|--------------' · : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: soul fusion - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _____ ________ _______ _____________ ______ _ ./ /___./ ./ / /___ ___________ _ / l____ |_ zZ |_ /_ ._ / \\ \/ /______/________/____________|/___________\\___ _ _ · _ __. ------------------------------------------- \/ _| . \. | | |_ | ./ · | __ ___ _____________ _________ . . ___________ .________ |__ _ __ \/ _\ \\__.__/ / /___ : :/ ._/___:_ / \../ ___||_ /_ .___ \: :_ : :/ / _ _______||______\ /___________| /______: :/________:_____/_____/ ----------------------------------· :------------------------ ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: spaced out - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _______. _____ _____________________ _______ ________ ____\__ _| ./ /___./ _ _. \./ __/____\__ /__./ _/ \. l____ |_ _/ \: _| / /___/ |_ \ :e^D /______/ \__________ : \._______________________/______ :____ ------/________\--------: ____|-----------________ _____ ____\ / : ./ ./ / \ /_ |_ zZ |_ /_ \_ \. /________/____________|/_______| -------------------------------- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: spaced out - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: _______. _____ ___________ _______ _______ _____ ___\__ _| ./ /___./ _ ./ /__ ./ __/__._\__ \.___./ _/ \. l____ |_ _/ |_ :/ \| / |_ /___| |_ \ : /_____./ zZ \______/____: l__________|/__________|/__________: ------|________\--------: _____|------------------ - ___________----- : ./ / |_ /____. /____ /_ | ./ / _| ___| /_ \. \ ______| \ /_ \_ \. - -----------/_______|----- ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: taxi - small one? : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: __________ _________ \ / __________ ____\ / . . \ /_./ _. \._\ \_ /_ : :------· tAXI / sAPPHIRE ·------ \_ |_ \: _|_ _/ zZ \: : /_______/____ : \./ \________: : sAYIN' hI! --------------: ____|________\------· :------------------------------- : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: the oase - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: __________ ________ \ / ._\ /____. _____ \ /_ |_ __/ _|_\__ \.___. \_ \./ \ \._ /___| | /_______|_____/_______|/__________| - ---------------------------------------------------------------. ________ _______ _____ _____ | ./ ./ /_./ /___._\__ \.___. | |_ zZ |_ :/ l____ |_ /___| | | /________/____: \./______/__________| | - ---------------: _____|--------------------------' : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: the slammer - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: ____. .____ _\___|-·----------------------------------------------·-|___/_ ._\ distler\jrm · qen\ssp /_. | ________ | | ________ ._\ /___. _____ | | \ /_ |_ __/ _|_\__ \.___. | | \_ \./ \ \. /___| | | | ---------------/_______|_____/______|___________|------------- | | | | +46-8-6231366 [ a so cool multinode system ] +46-8-6230196 | | | _____ ______ _______ __ __ _____ _______ ./ /__./ /__./ /__._____\/_____._____\/_____._\__ \.___./ __/ l____ |_ zZ / |_ :/ |_ \/ _|_ \/ _|_ /___| |_ \ /_____/_________/____: /___ / \./___ / \./__________|/_____\ ----------------------: _____|--/_______|----/_______|-------------------- | : | | | | fast amiga · magic pc elite · quality ascii | |_ ____. da jormas swedish one .____ _| //____|-·----------------------------------------------·-|____\\ telnet available · check #amielite ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: toon town - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: __________ info here info here info here \ / ________ ___________ .________ --------------------------------\ /_./ ./ ._/___:_ / info here info here info h \_ |_ |_ : :/ / ere info here info here in ______/ ____/________/__/\____:_____/_____/ fo here info here info her \ / ___________ /\ _____. .________ e info here info here info \ /_./ ._/_ / \ ._:___:_ / here info here info here i \_ |_ zZ | / \ : :/ / nfo here info here info he /_______/________|_ \_:_____/_____/ -------------------------------------------------/_________\--------------- info here info here info here info here info he re info here! ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: toy factory - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: __________ \ / _________ _____ \ /_./ / /____. \_ |_ zZ / /_ | /_______/________\_____ |______ -----------------------------/____ /--------------------------- ___ _______ ______ _______ \ / ________ ________ ___ _\ \\__.__// /__ ./ __/__\ /_./ ./ ___// /____. ./ ___| ./ :/ \| / \_ |_ |_ \/ /_ | |______\ |_____: l____________/_______/________/_____\_____ _| ------------------: _____|------------------------------------/_______\- : ..... :::::...... ::: :--------------------------------------: : : logo: war-child - big one : : :::::: : :....:::::: artist: gOzZ/e^D : ::::::------------------------------------: /\ ___________ _______ .___ / \ . /__./ __/ | / \ :/ |_ \ |_ zZ \______: /_____\ -/_________\-----: ______\--------------------------------------- : _________ _______. _______ ._\ /____. . _______ ___\__ _| ./ __/__|_ __/ _| :/ /___./ _/ \. | / ./ \ \. :_ / |_ \ : l__________|______/_______| :/___________/__________: --------------------------· :------------------------ ___________. ./ _ : ________ |_ _/ :____ . ._\__ /__/ \____. /_:_ . gozz, character-artist |_ /___/ .______\ l____ \ : of epsilon design ------------/___________|------------/______\ _:_____ : ./ /___ fatal |_ / _\_________ /_______./ / frame · gozz · tommy |_ zZ /______ grimlock · cybergod · rasta · java /_._____._ / _______. harpoon · chrombacher · cenobite · stash : :/ / ____\__ _| __: /_____/ ./ _/ \. permanent vacation · monastery of blur \ · :__ |_ \ :____ domestic subway · zillion hours \ / /______.____ /___. raveland · another step \\ / |_ /___/ |___ . ._____\\ / /________. /___. :_______ ._____:_ \ / l____ : ./ __/___: :/ /\/ /_____: l__ \_ .___/_____/ - ------: :/____/______|---------------------- - this was supposed to be a demo/swapper collection only, but I failed! shoot me. I hope you'll get some use for your logo! to request any other logos from me, contact qen/ssp via e-mail and he will announce it to me. e-mail: qen@canit.se otherwise you can call the slammer at: +46-8-6231366 and/or +46-8-6230196 and give a message to 'gozz' ---------------------------------------------- file id by: misfit gozz by: ranx epsilon design by: h2o other ascii by: gozz ---------------------------------------------- look out for the fatal & gozz co-op coming soon! vote for me! gozz / epsilon design