They suffer in silence ...

      _.     ._____..____.
  .__/_|____ |     ||    |_ ______________
  |    |    \|     |      /     _        /__________.     ____
  |    |     \     |     |_    ._       //          |    /   /
  |_       \_______|______/____|(_______\___________|___/_/ /
    |      ¦     \   \         \  _________________________/
    ¦      |     _\ \ \_________\ \                   / /
    :      ¦     \  /\_____________\                  \_\
    ·      :      \/
..the grey mass above seemed to have no ending to it's pouring torture. He knew
he'd been on the edge for a very long time now but he could never prepare
himself for the actual moment, when everything burst and his mentality snapped.
At first, the anger, the aggression started to boil inside, but instead of the
usual kicking and screaming, he just swallowed. Kept it all inside, and actually
enjoyed the newfound sensation. He slowly turned around, facing his car with
an obscene smile.
    :   The flat tire was easily taken care off, he worked with such a frenzy,
noone knowing him good would ever believe this was the same man. The rain didn't
bother him, nor did the increasing amount of sweat ouzing from his neck and in
his armpits. He was determined, he knew his goal in life and as he smiled at
his newfound light his blue nissan parked outside the gun store.
    :   An hour later, still aroused, close to euphoric, he stoped outside his
house. Inside, his lovely wife awaited him. But there was no way her smile was
ever going to make him return to what he once was.. He answered her call with
the usual "yes" and mumbled with a dull voice, "It's time Anne.. you better
    ·      :    R I D E   T H A T   H O R S E ,
    :      ¦                                              _ _
    ¦      |                                            .()()).
    |      |                                           ))).---.)
    !___   !  _____.        ___.-----.__________     ().-|   |(
   ./__/______\_   |_______/   |     ___    ___/__  )( |.| . | ). ___ _.
   l____       |   /      |    l     |        |    ()( `-l___| ((    \\|
    |  ]       |          |          |        |   ,) )  (_  _ ()()    ·\
    |        __l__        |        __|      __| _____ (____/   . · ____|
    l_______/     \_______l_______/  l_____/bHe        )  \\  ·
    .      .                                          (____\\ .·
    |      |                                                ##
    |      ¦
    ¦      :
    :      .                   _   ..   _
    .                          /(._oo_.)\
           :.                  )_|(__)|_(
___ .      :::...    . .      __)`-YY-'(__
  /_:_____ _____ __..: :.._____\._    _./_________   ___ _________
___ .    /(     )  :.. ..:      :|cybe|:         /  _)__))_      /__________ _
  /_|___        _____: :________ |rgod| _______ /(__\_   :/_____/_      _  /.)
    :.  \_______\    : :       /_`----'_\   _ /_____ /  _/       /_     /   |
    :::... .         : :        )_...._(    //(     /___:_________\_____ .  |
                                 :)::(:     /           :.            /__._ |
                                 ' :: `                              _   :  :
                                   ::                                :   .  |
                                                                     .      :
                                                                     |      ¦
                                                                     :      .
...his feet made a funny sound, as the shoes met the blood soaked carpet. He·
stoped for a couple of seconds, to inhale the wonderfull smell. He knew he'd·
get more of this combined blood and gunpowder odeur. He shrug, as the       ·
adrenaline slowly left his body. His smile showed relief, like someone in a :
desperate need to pee finally got to do what was necessary.          :      ¦
                                                                     ¦      |
                                                                     |      |
                          IN A EPSILON DESIGN SHORTIE                |      |
                                                                     |      ¦
                                                                     ¦      :
                                 . .oO. .                            :      .
   _____________                 . (__) .              :_ __  __ _______:  :· ·
  .\_ __       /      .______._ .:. @@ .:.     :   :   :_\\_)(_//______::  :  :
__|    /______/_______|_ _   |/__:__@@__:____:_:_:_:_:_:____||_________:'  `:_¦_
      ___))____     ____))   |     .  .    . :.:.|.:.: .    '`         :¼¼¼¼:
____  \/       \    \,_     /______:@@:______._:_|_:_._.____.._________:¼¼¼¼:__
   /_____       \_____\------'   :.:@@:.:    : : : : : :__ _||_ _______:.  .:
     fTL\________\eD              .:@@:.     ' :   : ` :_//_)(_\\______::  ::
                                  |'  `|               :                :  :

        A few minutes later, the man scanned through the soda-fridge at a
nearby Seven-Eleven. Bought an energydrink with a far too big bill, and left
rather rapidly. Back again in the car, he zipped his drink, content with how
the evening had change from disaster to victory. But it was no time to celebrate
quite yet. He knew he had a long night ahead of him, more objectives in his
mission. This was finally something he would do right, there was no such thing
as failiure.

                               \               /
                               |               |
                               |               |
                               |               |
         _____          _____ _¦               ¦_ _____          _____
         \    \_________\                             /_________/    /
     _____\                                                         /_____
    /    //_____ ___                                       ___ _____\\    \
    \    \          \  /\    __.               .__    /\  /          /    /
     \    \          \/__\  /  |               |  \  /__\/          /    /
     /_____\           \ \\/   ¦               ¦   \// /           /_____\
                        \ \                         / /
         _               \/                         \/
      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                   ... Schindler                |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                   :                            |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "FJORTIS" ...:                            |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

      ___.    _. ______________. ___________
     /   |     |/   ____.      |/          /__ __ ._____.   __
    | ___|_______  |\___|_.    ´     _ ___________|     |_ /_|. _____
   /|/        __/__|      |_________.      _     \       /    |/    /_____
  /_|        _/    |_     |         |     ._     /      |_    |_____      \
  cG|________|______/_____|_________|_____|(_____\ _ ____/____|    /_______\
                                                  |         |______|eD  .__
                                                  |_______              |

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                   ... Daeron                   |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                   :                            |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "DAERON" ....:                            |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

     .__ _________________________________________     .______\ .____. /.
     | // ________________  ________ __________  /_____|  _ ___ |    |  |
     |  ./         /      \/      _/     _     \ _________.    \|    |  |
     |__|    -    /   _.   \     _/_    ._     //         |     \    |__|

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                       Daeron ......            |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                                   :            |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "SHADOW IN MY BLOODSTREAM" ..:            |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

                   __ __                                        ____ __
       __ ________(                                                    )__
   ___(_               ._____.                                  _         )_
  (_     ______   .____|     | ______   __________ _____ ______/ \_____.  __)
   (__  /     /___|    |     |/      \./         /      \     /   \    |   )_
    (_ _\____     \    .     |   ._   \    -    /   /\   \      /      |    _)
   (_  \___//______\___|     |___|/____\_______/\   \/   /_____/ \_____|   _)
     (______           |_____|                 cG\______/               ___)
           (__    __    .____.                                      _ __)
               ._/_|___ |    |    ____   ______.________.          _)
               |   |   \|    |  ./    \ /      |\       |______
               |   |    \    |  |      \       |_\____  |     /
               |___|__\______|  |____\____/____|_   //________\
                  .__________ |                     (______
 ._________  ___: |         / |  __________.___________   /
 |    _   / /   | | ____________/          |          /  /_.
 |    (    \    |_ /    /      /___________|   -     /     |
 |__________\ ___//_____\__________|    eD|_________/ .____|   ________.
                               .____.                 ¦    ____\       |
                .__  ______   _|    |_ _________  _______ ______  ____ | _____.
                |   /     /___\     ./    _     \/     _//      \/    \ /     |
               _|  _\____      \    |_   ._     /     _/_   _.   \     \      |
               \   \___//_______\____/___|(_____\________\__\|____\__\____/___|
                \____________ .                       .
                            / |_______________________|

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                       Daeron ....              |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                                 :              |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "TROPIC!ASCII".............:              |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

         _ ______                        ________ ___
      ._____.   /_______________ .______/  __   //__/
     _|     |_ _ ______  _____  \|      ._/_| ________
     \.     ./    _    \/  _  \_________|_  |/       /
    _ |     |_   ._    /  / \  \    _    /  |      _/_          ._____ _
   .\ |______/___|(____\  \_/  /   .____/___|_________\  \______|  __  __
   |                 .cG\_____/____| ______   ______     _________/_|_/_|
   |_________________|\__________   /      \ /     /___ /       /   |   |
                                /  /   ._   \\____     \      _/_   |   |
                               /  /____|/____\ _//______\ _______\__|___|

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                       Progge ....              |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                                 :              |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "EARTH CRISIS".............:              |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

                                 ____________ _______________
  ______________________ ______ _\  ._____. //  ._____._    /
  \   ________  ______ .____________|     |_____|     |/   /____
  |  /      _/ /      \|     _      /     ./    |     |   //   /
  | /      _/__.  ._   \    ._     /|     |_    .     |__//   /
  | \_____     |__|/____\___|(_____\|______/____|     |  /___/
  |___  /______|                           __ cG|_____|    __ _ ______
     /__________   __________ ____________/_|  ______   ._/_| ______ /______
               /  /         /     _      /  | /     /___|   |/     /____   /
              /_//        _/.    ._     /   |_\____      \  |\____      \  |
                 \_____     |____|(_____\___|\___//_______\_|___//_______\ |
                \_____ \____| ._                  __________________ _ ____|

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                       UMAN&MOfO..              |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                                 :              |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "ARCLITE"...giftpoop.......:              |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

      \    ____     \                                    __________________
  _ ___\   \   \____ \_________________________________ /   _______.      /__
     _______\__     \_____________________ ________   // ._/_|     |_ _______
     \      _       /    _      /        //       /  ____|_  |     .//     _/
   ___\     \\     /    ._     /       _/.       /_ /     /  |     |      _/__.
   \  \\     \     \____|(_____\____     |________//______\__|_____//___      |
 /|_\ \_____________\  ._           \____|                           cG|______|
/      \    ___________|/____________
\  _____\   \

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                    ...CRANE\SoS..              |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                 ...:.....                      |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "HMMM".....:  :....:                      |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

   |       ._______. /______.
  _|.______|       | ______ | ______. ____   ___________. _________   ____.
  \ |      |       |/      \¦/      |/    \ /           |/         \ /    |
    |      .       |        \       |      \            |           \     |
    |______|       |______\____/____|____\____/_________|_________\____/__|
         cG|_______|eD      ¦¦     /____

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                ...Hasssshhhhhhh                |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                :..................             |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "·DKB·".....................:             |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

                                    _.                                _____
      ______________________________.¦______________ ________________/___ /
     /                    /         |/             //          _       / /
  ._|        __          /                        /          _//      /_/
  | |        //         /                         \         __        \\
  | |:cG:              /                           \_        \\        \
  | |_________________/_ ___        \_______________\\__________________\
 ||_____|                  \\_______|           \\____\\
 |--                       -\-----

___________ _______________________________ ___.
\                                              ¦
¯                                              .
 Penetrating steel, confused laughter.         ·  :
                                               ¦  ¦
   Killers with accuracy. Can you feel?        |  |
                                               |  |
           You won't hereafter.                |  |
._________. ______________                     |__|_
  ______  |/  .____.____. \                    (__)\
  \    / ____ |    |    |________ _ __________ /_ _________________________  _
  |    |     \|    |    ./     _/     _      /                              (()
  |    |      \    |    |     _/.    ._     /                                ¯
  /____\ ___\______|____/__     |____|(_____\              __            .____.
:___________________  _____\____|__._/_| _____    _____ ._/_|     ._____ |    |
                 __/ |     \ /     |   |/    /___/    /_|_  |_____|_.   \|    |
               \(__) |      \      |   |\__      \__      \ |       |    \    |
               ¯|  | |____\___/____|___|_//_______\/_______\|_______|__\______|
                |  |                                                          .
                |  |  Hinter deinen <A>ugen                                   |
                |  |        Hinter deiner <S>tirn                             |
                ¦  ¦    Dein eigenes <R>eich                                  |
                :  .           ------------ -> Und <DU> mittendrin            ¦
                   ·                                                          _
                   ¦   | <E>rik Dannenberg |                           ___ ___\

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                   Trivial......                |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                           ....:...             |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "DIZ me UP BITCH". ..:   :..:             |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

   ________/_|   ______    .___   ___________ _______   ____.
  /         /|___\     \   |   \ /          //     _/  /    |_____ .__________
 |    -    / |     ____/_  |    \                 _/. /     |     \|    _    /
 |________/__|_____\\___/  |___\__/_________ __     | \_____|______\    .___/
                                               \____|            cG|____|
                           ¦   ._ ___.               .________.
                .__________|   |     |_ _____________|        |
                |   _     /_   |     .//       /     |        |
                |    _     \   |     |       _/.     .        |
                |___________\  |_____/____     |_____|        |
                           |   |         \_____|   eD|________|

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                   Newt.........                |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                           ....:...             |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "TRSI / LIGHTFORCE"..:   :..:             |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

      _ ____                      ______.
 .______.  /__________ ______ _  /  __  |
_|      |_ __________________  |/._/_|  ¦
\.      ./    _       /     /____|_  |  :
 |      |    ._      /\____       /  |  ¦
 |______/____|(______\___//______/___|  |____
_____ ____      __            ._____.____.  /_  ______ __ _
/  ___. |/   ._/_|___.   .____|     |    |_  /__\   .__________________________
  /   |   ___|_  |  _|___|__  |     |    ./_________|__.  _     /      /     _/
 /    |_ /    /  |  \_     /  .     |    |    __/      | ._    /     _/_    _/.
/______//_____\__|___/_____\__|     |____/   ./________|_|(____\________\     |
                          _ cG|_____|eD |____|  ______ _               ._\____|
                          /________ ____ _______\                    __|/___ _

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                Asphynx............             |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                                  :             |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "Abstract Hallucinations"...:             |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

        ______.              _____________              _________________.
       / ____ |              \.  ._____. /              \  ______________¦
      /_/    \ _________ ____.¦ _|     |_ _________  _____/        /     |_
     //       \        /     |__\_      /         /_/    \       _/.      /
     /         \  /   /___       /     |    _    //       \__      |     |
   //___________\_____\\ /______/__    |___|/____\         \ \_____|_    |
  /_____ _______________\          \___|        /___________\     _  \___|
                                    .-----.                       /______|
                                   ( o°  o )
                                  ( o °o°o o)
                                 (_° °o ° °o_)
                                   cG¦   ¦:
     .______.  ____ .___________ ____.¯¯¯··_________
.____|      |_/    \|     /    //    |____/        /_. _ ______
|    |              \    /    /      |    \      _//_|///     / _______ ____
|                    \  /_   /_      |     \_        | /  /  /__\   ___\\___\
|____|      ._________\__/____/______|______\\____   |/__/\__\\_____\
     |______|    ______ ._____.  ____  ._____.  _|___|_______ .____. ____.
__ ___  ______   \     \|     |_/    \_|     |_/_|/     \    \|    |/    |____
\_\\  \/     /___|      \             \       /  |       \    \              /
   /  /  /__//__/|____\                \     |   |       /__\  \   .__      /
  /_____/              \________________\    |___|\_____/    \_____| /_____/

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                 Druggy..  ....                 |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                        :..:..:                 |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "The Nuthouse".......:                    |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

                    .__________ _ ._____. _ _______.
                    |  ._____.____|     | _______  |
                   _| _|     |_   |     |/      /  |_
                   \  \.     ./   .     |   /  /_   /
                   | cG|_____|____|_____|_______/   |
    ______________.|                                |._________
____\ .____.      || .____.    ._____.              ||        /_________
.____ |    | ___..___|    |____|     | _____  ___..___ _____ //   ______
|    \|    |/   ||   \    ./   |     |/ _ _ \/   ||   \    /_____/    _/
|     \    |    ||    \   |    .     |  ___  \   ||    \__      /    _/.
|___\______|____||_____\__|____|     |  \_/  /___||_____\/_____/__     |
_ ____________________________ |_____|\_____/ ___________ _______ \____|
                             /________________\                 /_______

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                   ..Druggy                     |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                   :.....                       |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "The Jungle"......:                       |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

                       ._____.____|     | _______
                      _|     |_   |     |/      /
                      \.     ./   .     |   /  /_

        .______                   .____|
        |     / ____|.____ ._____ |    | ____.   _______        ________
________|_    |/    ||    \|     \|    |/   _|___\.    /  _____/      _/
\        /    |     ||     \      \    |    \_    |   /_ /    /      _/.
/________     |_____||______\___\______|___       |____//_____\___     |
         \____|                            \______|             cG\____|

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                   ..Hash                       |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                   :.....                       |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "Last 12".........:                       |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

            ________/     \  _____      .______.        ___.  ____
           /       /       \/    /______|_     |_      /   |  \   \
          /       /_  _.    \___         /     ./      |   | __\_  \
         /_        /__\|_____\ /________/_     |       |   |/     _/
           \______/                     cG\____|       |___|\_______\

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                           ...                  /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                   Druggy.:.:..                 |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                          :.:.:                 |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "Axiom"...............:                   |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

     _______/             :
     \__     ______       |         ___
       /  __/      \______:      ._/__|  ________ ______    ___________
      /  /          \     \  ____|_   | /        \      \  /          /
     /  /            \     \/     /   |/   O  O   \      \/          /
    /  /______________\          /    |\_        _/   \      /      /
   /_____________   /            \____|cG\______/ _____\____/|_____/
                /  /______/\______\           _ __\

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                   Druggy......                 |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                              :                 |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "Phobos Anamoly"........:                 |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

                               _____             _____
             _________________/     \______     /     \__________
_____________\____    |      /       \    /____/_      \       _/___
\       _        /           \       /         \/      /\__         \
 \     .________/_____|_______\_____/_    /    /\_____/   /__________\
  \____|                             /________/
      _________          ______. ___          ___________._______
______\_       \    _____\_    |/   \  ______/     \     |      /____.
\               \ ._\___       |     \/     /       \    |     /     |
 \    -          \|    / -    /|            \       /    |_____      |
  \__________\        /______/_|___\    /____\_____/|_____/  \_______|
            cG\______/              \__/

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                   Speed>DEVIL<....             |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                                  :             |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "Freddy the kinder shark"...:             |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

                  ._______________________ ________________________.
      ____________|_     _       /      _//         /         /    |_____.
      \          __/     _      /      _/.         /         /     |     |
      /        ._/______|/______\___     |________/|________/______      |
     /_________|                    \____|                       \_______|

__________________._____. _______
\             /   |     |/     _/
 \___|       /    |           _/.
     |_______\    .      _      |  __
            |_____|_____|_\_____|_/_|_____      _______________________________
                  /    |/       /   |     \ .__/          /      _/  _        /
                 /             /|   |      \|            /      _/.  _       /
                /_____\        \|___|       \           /\__      |_|/_______\
                       \________\   |____\       ______/  cG\_____|

                                   /\\\ \
         __________ ._____._______/  \\\                ____. ________
         \       _/_|     |      /    \________________/    |/       /
          \__             |                   _       /             /
            /             .      OO           _      /_____\        \
           /______________|_____ vvvvv    ___|/______\      \________\

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                         ... ...Asphynx         |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                         :.:.:                  |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "Selling my Sister"..:                    |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

  ________     _______  ______        ______     ._/_|____        _____.
  \      /____/     _/ /     /  _____/     /  ___|_  |    \ .____/    _|____
   \_        /     _/./     /_ /    /     /_ /    /  |     \|    \    \    /
    /_______/__      |_______//_____\______//_____\__|___\        \___     |
               \_____|                 _______            \________\  \____|
                              ____    /      /______
                             /    \  /             /____.
                            /      \/  /          /     |
                           /_____\    /___________      |
                       __       cG\__/          \_______|
         _______    ._/_|______   _____________ ________ _____________
         \     /____|_  |     /___\__ .       //      _/    _        /
          \_         /  |\_         /_|       \      _/.    _       /
           /________/___| /________/  |________\_      |___|/_______\

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.           Dezibel........                      |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                      ...:                      |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "Dezibel".......:                         |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

    ____________________ _________/_| ___________   _________ ____.
  |/           /      _/_\_      /  |/     _    /__/       _//    |   ______
  |     -     /      _/.       _/   |      _      /       _/.     |_ /     /
  |__________/___      |________/___|____________/____      |______//______\
                 \_____|       /                    cG\_____|

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                         ... ...Dezibel         |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                         :.:.:                  |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "Arcade".............:                    |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

          ______  _______________________   ______   ____________________
       __/      \/    _        /        /__/      \|/          /       _/
      /     |    \   ._       /       _//     |    \          /       _/.
     /____________\__|/_______\________/____________\________/____      |
                                      /                         cG\_____|

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                       Druggy                   |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                    ...:...                     |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "Tar Valon"......:                        |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

                          T A R   V A L O N
         _________________         _______._________________
         \               /_________\_     |\               /
          \___|          \                |/          |___/
              |___________\      -        .___________|

                              _________.             .____
 _______________ _       _____\_.      |   __________|    \
 \       /     __________\_     |      |  /                \ .________
  /     /      \                |      |_/       -          \|       /
 /     /_\      \      -        |_______/________________\          /
/________________\______________|                       cG\________/

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                NUP\B!..                        |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                       :                        |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "Eastern Front"..:                        |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

  _______________________ __ __ ________. _____________________________
  \   ________  _____________ // .____. |/________ ______________     /_____
  /  /      _/_/      \     /____|_   |_ /      _//   _      /   \|______  /
 /  /      _/.    |    \___       /    /.      _/.    _     /     \     /  \
/___\___     |__________\ /______/_     |___     |___|/_____\__\        \___\
      _ \____|  _____           /  \____|   \____|              \________\
      /         /___/  ___________________________         .____.       _
     /_____  _________/   _       /    _     /    \|_______|    |_ _____\
       _   ./      __/   ._      /__________/      \      /      /.   _
       \   |       /_____|/______\      ._ /____\         \|_     |   /
       /   |_______|   _________________|/     cG\_________\ \____|   \
      /________________\                /______________________________\

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                       ..srep crew              |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                       :                        |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "Scene Report"...:                        |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

               _______       /__________________        _______
               \     /______/        /     _/   \|_____/     _/
                \__        /       _/     _/.    \    /     _/.
                 _/       /_____ ___/___    |__\      \___    |
                 \_______/         /    \___|   \______\  \___|
          /__________________            ______     ________________.
         /   _       /     _/___________/      \___/   _       /    |_
        /    _      /     _/.   _      /   oo     /    _      /      /.
       /____|/______\___    |    _____/__________/____|/______\__     |
                      cG\___|____\                               \____|

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                  eqL!..                        |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                       :                        |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "Equality".......:                        |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

   ________________         _____ _
   \   _________  /____ _ _/ ___.       _____  _____.  _.___. _ ____.
__ _\ .\      _/____________/   |______/     \/     |_/_|   |_      |____
      |      _/.      _    /    |    \    |   \     |_  |    /.     |   /
      |___     |______  \_/___     ___\________\_____/__|_    |\___     |
_____ _ _ \____|      \__\  _.\___/                       \___| cG\_____|
        /____________ ______\|_____ _

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                FunkFlex..                      |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                       ..:                      |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "Hitsquad".......:                        |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

    ________________________________          ._________
 _ _\ ._______.  ______.   _____   /___ _   __|  ____. /______
._____|       |_/_|    |_ /    /________________/_   |_____   ____   _________
|     |       |   |     /.\___       /    _      /   |     \_/    \|/        /
|     .       |   |      |/_        /_____\   __/__     ____\  |   \        /
|_____|_______|___|\_____|_.\______/       \__\    \___/cG/_________\______/
_ ________________________\|______________ ______ _

      /   \
 ___ / ° / \____________      ________________________________________________
.\  /___/\              \-o%#                                                /.
|     U·  \              \- -.                     wpx..                      |
|     :    \  )______    /   ·                       ..:                      |
|          || |      '| |    :... . "Porno Creep"....:                        |
|_______ _ || | ____ || | _ __________________________________________________|
           ||_|      ||_|

 ._______________/               /    _        /____            ______________
 |       _      /_______________/    ._       /     \|_________/      _      /
 |     ._______/       _       /_____|/_______\      \        /_____________/
 |_____|      /_______________/              |_____\__________\
        _____________________________________ ____________
       /          /     _        /         _//          _/________________
      /         _/.    ._       /         _/.          _/.       _       /
     /_____       |____|/_______\_____      |_____       |      ._______/
           \______|                 cG\_____|     \______|______|

                               .               .
      _____                    :               :                    _____
     /    /                    ¦               ¦                    \    \
    /    /           __________|               |__________           \    \
   /    /_____       \  _____ _¦               ¦_ _____  /       _____\    \
   \____\\    \_________\                             /_________/    //____/
          \                                                         /
          /_____ ___                                       ___ _____\
                    \  /\    __.               .__    /\  /
                     \/  \  /  |               |  \  /  \/
                          \/   ¦               ¦   \/

...milk, juice and other liquids mixed with the blood and slowly made itself
towards the drain. Flashing lights made an annoying sound. But it still felt
calm compared to the frantic slaughter just seconds earlier. The man turned
his head to the left. One body was still twitching, though her head was partly
missing. He kneeled infront of her and smiled. Further down, close to shelves
where bread was stored, a badly wounded man tried to crawl out of the carnage,
away from this supermarket. Our hero stood up, amazed by the will to survive
most people possesed. A few steps later, he was right behind the man... he
stroke his gun along the wonded's spine, and as he reached the neck he closed
his eyes. Totally relaxed, he pulled the trigger.

               ___________ _________  (§)  __________     ___________
      _ _______\         /_________(_ _____\        /_____\         /
      //       /        /           /      /       /      /________/
     _/        \________\___________\______________\___________\
     \_________|            ______.          __
              .__________. /      |_________ \/- ________ .__________.
             _|          |/      _|        /_____\_      \|          |_
    ·uMn/aL! \_         _/       \_       /       /       \_         _/
    ______.   |_________\_________|_______\_______\________/_________|
 _·/      |_________ _____________     ___________ __________       ___________
 //      _|        /     __      /_____\         /_\        /_______\         /
_/       \_       /      \/     /      /        /   \         /     /________//_
\_________|_______\_____________\      \________\_____________\__________\
                       __    \_________|         ._________
           __________ -\/ _______.         ______|_       /________.
      _____\        /____/      _|________/       /      /         |_ __.
   .__\     \           /       \        /       /_     /          _//  |


      .----.    .----.    .----.    .----.    .----.    .----.    .----.
     (- oO -)  (- oO -)  (- oO -)  (- oO -)  (- oO -)  (- oO -)  (- oO -)
      |----|    |----|    |----|    |----|    |----|    |----|    |----|
      `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'
                    _ __
           ._______ __ /___________________________
           |      //_|_____ .____. _______  ____. /___ _
           |     /   |     \|    |/     _/ /    |._________________
           |    /_   |      \    |     _/./     ||     \          /
         / |_____/___|____\      |__     |______||______\   .____/
        /__ ______________ \_____|  \____| .__ _       |____|

        Live act and decorations ...... Cybergod (Epsilon Design)
        Slut logo ..................... Boheme (Style records)
        CG Logo ....................... Fatal (Epsilon Design)
        E^D Logo ...................... Fatal (Epsilon Design)
        Ride That Horse, Slut ......... U-Man (Arclite DJ-team)
        The Final solution ............ Boheme (Style records)
        Release Label ................. GDM (Looker House decorations)

      .----.    .----.    .----.    .----.    .----.    .----.    .----.
     (- oO -)  (- oO -)  (- oO -)  (- oO -)  (- oO -)  (- oO -)  (- oO -)
      |----|    |----|    |----|    |----|    |----|    |----|    |----|
      `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'


                                   ___________.---. __.
                    _______:       \__   __/  |   |/_ |---.
             ______ \      ¦____ __ |    _|   _   l_\_|   | ______
             \       \     |    \_  l___/ l___|---' \_____|      /
              ________\    |     /___            ________.      /
         .____\_     ______¦____/   .\----.-----(__ \_   |_____·_____.
         |     |     ___/  :   |    | \   |    )     |   /     |     |
         |__   |       |       |    |     |          |         |   __|
         .:/___|      _|      _|    |     |         _l_        |___\:.
               l_____/ l_____/ l____|-----l________/   \_______|
                    \                ______               /_______
        __     ______\.    _.---.____\_   (_____   __    / \     (____
      ./_/____/   \_  |___/ |   __   _______/   \_/ .\--·   \______/_/___.
      l___¸  |    _l_ /  |  `  _|    _|   _|    _|  |   |    |   _l___¸  |
        /____l___/   \___l____/ l___/ l__/ l___/ l__|---'\   l__/   /____|
                    /                             ______  \
            __.  __/.--.___.     __     _.---.____\_   (___\_   __
          ./_ |--\  |   /_ |---./_/---./ |   __   _______/   \_/ .\--.
          l_\_|   > _  <_\_|   l_'    |  `  _|    _|   _|    _|  |   |
            \____l__|---'\_____| \____l____/ l___/ l__/ l___/ l__|---'
               /                                                ____ __  _
              ø        · the final solution is execution ·      \
             /_______.                                  .________\
            ·     bHe|_._        _ __    __ _        _._|sE!      ·
                       |/____________\  /____________\|
                       ·              \/              ·

...Sirens, getting closer. The man smiled, as his mission was almost finnished,
and there was nothing they could do about it. Ever. He had made his statement,
and the speech needed one more thing.. a finnishing touch.

                   His lips enclosed the metal, still warm.

As the first officer went through the door, the shot rang out loud. Producing
a hollow echo. And noone in the force have yet figured any motive out. Leaving
it as a mystery. But somewhere, someday, SOMEONE will pick up the message,
knowing what to do.


                         Greetings to the ones I know.

    Repsect to all of you oposing the "same-style-different-tag"-tendency.

        And for the wankers that havent realized yet, Delight is back.

       ______       ______ - e p s i l o n -
_______\  __/____ __\___ /__________________
_       __)     //  ___/                   _
|                                          |
|                              (gnägg?)    |
:_   Ride that horse, slut!               _:
_\                        :..Cybergod!?   /_
)_____                                _____(

                           ... the fighting goes on.