------------------------------------\ sOF \------------------------------------- \_________:______:_____________._______ ___: _ \__ __/| _ / _/ _ _/| _ | |_____ _ | / | / /. | )_ \ _ | \ / | | / \_____\____|___|____) \___/ |_______/ | | /______| /________\ _____| | . ..((| zS! mST |)).. . | _____: ___:_____________:_______:__________: _______/ | | _/ _|__ | _/ _ /| _ / _/ _|__ ___/_. | |_ \__ / ˇ \ \ /. / /. |\_ / ___/ | _| /______/________\ \___|___\____|___|_______/__ \ | _______\ \_____| The wardrums got silent, victory was a fact. Time to build it all up again. A request+gift collection. After this, Im going to take a shorter break. Im not always, what I seem to be. Sometimes, Im worse... In other words, welcome to yet another Collection (ascii-pack, for you US+PC people who might've got some problems understanding the terms we're using :)). Ascii wars are silly. Even more silly than the wars between other people/groups. Something that Rob/Classic seemed to be missing from the glory old days. Ok, so some of them Nemesis, Skid Row, Ministry and Paradox etc etc fights were kinda amusing. But is that something to build up a scene around? uh, you can get a thrilling competition without backstabbing. Im sure.. The friendlier atmosphere isn't the reason why the scene (ami) is dying. It's the lack of support from the companies that does it all. Ok, since Im not a wellknown scener, nor respected, and since I only realease an occasional ascii collection now and then, I guess I should just shut up.. cause after all, what the fuck do I know? You know where to find me.. +++ Cybergod (For respect and status, not fun :Ţ) |_________________ _________________. _|__ _ _______ _____ _____.____ | .___________ /_) |-| Ś \-____. \// _/____. /-- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | | | \) | \ __/ | \ | | \ /________ | |__|__\ |_______\___)_____|___.____\ | |_________\______ \ ___| \_____\ _ __ ___ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ //_//__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD %00000001 Rhythm Nation %00000010 Ignition %00000011 Stahlwerk... %00000100 Shake your... %00000101 Trelli Ikojenia %00000110 Middle East %00000111 Death Row %00001000 Seven Seas %00001001 Infusion %00001010 Bad Karma %00001011 So What %00001100 A Normal ... %00001101 Index %00001110 Blood Bath %00001111 Remorse %00010000 Omi %00010001 Acid %00010010 Art Bomb %00010011 Krixxor Kraxxor %00010100 Rebel Empire %00010101 Real Solution %00010110 Epsilon Design %00010111 Epsilon Design %00011000 Welsh Coast %00011001 Crew %00011010 Psx %00011011 N64 %00011100 Out of Bounds %00011101 Trash City %00011110 Lightforce %00011111 WallaceGromit %00100000 Team666 %00100001 Saints %00100010 Stoopid (Diz) %00100011 Monastery of ... %00100100 Nemesis _ ____________________________________________________________________[xx/36]__ |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #1 Entitled: Rhythm Nation . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Squale \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD ______________. |____________________ _ ______________\ .______. |____________| ._____. (__________ _ __ ._____________ ___| | _ ____ _ _________ ___| | ____ _______. | _. / | |_____. /___. ___/ | |_\ \ / | | |_ /_ . | |_ / | | . | Y | |______|\____/____|------'______/______|_____._|_ ____|-----'__ __\_/_______| _ _ .____ ____.__________ ___|_ _ ____ __ _ /_ | \ _______________) | ___/ Ś_________ \ _________| \ | | \) \ _ | | | - \ \) | | | |____\_________\__________|_______| _ __|\_________\ __\__________| | cG|_______________________________________. _______| |________________________\eD | |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #2 Entitled: Ignition . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Leson \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD __________________. ___________ ___. ________ .___\ | \ (______/ |____ / / .____. | .___|________ .___ |_____| __|_ _ _____ __|_ // _ ___ /_______| . | | | Ś/ ___/_| \ _______| Ś ___/ Ś__________ \ _________| | | | | /_ \) | | | | - \ \) | | |cG|___|_____________\________|___|______| _ __|\_________\__\__________|eD| |_______________ \___| ________________________________ \___| __________| \_ __. _\ /_ __. _/ \_| \_| |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #3 Entitled: Stahlwerk... . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Fatal \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD _______________ _____________ __________|_ |_________________\ .____. // (____/ Ś _____ Ś _ ______ ____.___| |__. // ____ ____ _ _________ __. _____ \ /____ ___/__) Ś_ | | | _____/\) / _/____. _. / _Ś/ / \___ \ | _ // . | |/ / \ __/ | |_ /_ \| \ cG)_____\___|\_______|___|----'__/______/\_______)_____|___|\___/___|______\ . .__________ _|_ _____ ___. _ _________ . Ś___ | ____/ Ś / _/______. | _____. \/ ____Ś / | __/ |/ __/ | |/ | \ \ /_. |______| ___|\____)_______|__ /______|_________\ \ | .__________ __________ __|_ ___________ ____\ |_____ | ___/ _. / Ś _ / / | | | |_ /_ | _.____/ / | |_______| _____|\____/___|______ĄeD ./ |_________________________________________| |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #4 Entitled: Shake your Mind . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Hrafnin \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD ________________ \ .--. .--. / _) |.-| |-.| (_ ) |`-| |-'| ( \ `--'_,`--' / \ __ ___ / _______.______ _\__________/_ ______._______ \ \ Ś / /____ ____\ \ Ś / / .___ ___________\___\_|_/__/_ //______\\ _\__\_|_/___/_________. | /___/ \___\ | | .______. |_ _____. _| __________ ._______| | _____.______. ______ _____ (/ | \ \ /____| | |________) Ś_ _|/ // _/______. | _\ \_____ \ . | _ // \Ś \ __/ | | \\\_ cG)________\______|------'\____________|_ ____|_______\___)_______| | ._/ __________ _____. _ ____________ | Ś \ /_____.____________ / |_________ _. / .____| | \____ / | - \/ | ./ |_ /_ | |______ )__________|\___________\______________|________|\____/ | / ___ /___________. __|_ __ _ __________ | / ._\ \ / | Ś \ _______. \/ | / | Y | | \) | \ _____| /____ |____\_/____________|___|____\ |_ ________\ \ _ |______________________________ \________\eD _______\\\\ \___________________\ |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #5 Entitled: Trelli Ikojenia . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Snike \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD .___________ _____ ___. ___. | ___/_________/ _/_____| | _____| | ______._ _|_ | | _. / __/ |/ | |/ | Ś cG|________| |_ /_____)__________/______|___/_______| | |_____|\____/ |___| .___|_ ___| _____ .___| ____ ___ ___|_ ____. | Ś _|/ /________ .____ | |/ _/____. \ ____. Ś_____) Ś_ | | \Ś \ - \| \| | __/ | \) | | _ // |___|_____|______\________\_____\___|___)_____|__\ |_ _|\________| \_____\eD |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #6 Entitled: Middle East . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Octoplex \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD _____ _________________. _______________________\ /____________________. / | \ ____ _________. __|_ ____ _______ ___. |/ _____ | ._\ _\ \ / | Ś \/ \/ | _____/ _/______. | | | Y | | \ \ |/ __/ | | | cG|_____\_/_________|___|________\_______\ __/__________)_______| | |____ _____ ____. ______ _ __________ ___| / / _/________.________) Ś_ /_______ ___/ \. / / __/ | _ //____ \ | | \ \____)_________|\___________| )__________\______|eD | \____________________________________________. | |_________________| |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #7 Entitled: Death Row . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Shadower \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD _ _ .____________. .______________________\ W E L C O M E T O /__________| ._______. | | .___________ _____ \\ _____.____________ ___| | | | | \// _/_______.________) Ś_ ___/ | | | | | \ __/ | _ // | . | | |cG|___________\___)________|\____________|_________|______|-------' | | ._________________ _____________. _| |___. | _. /_____________________/\) | \. | | |_ /_ \ / \ | | | |_________|\_____/_____________\_______/\_____________|eD | |____ __ __ ________| //_/ ENJOY YOUR STAY, 'CAUSE IT WILL BE YOUR LAST! \_\\ You're placed in cell # [nd] |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #8 Entitled: Seven Seas . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: James West \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD ___________________ --\_ ____ _ ._/-________- ----- _____---------- - _____.______- --------- \ \ / /Ś | | Ś \ /_______/ _/______.______) | /_______ \ \/ / | | | | \____ \ __/ | _ |____ \ ___\ /__| l_| |_ cG)__________\__)_______|\__________| eD)__________\ --/_________________\------------------------------------------------------- -- |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #9 Entitled: Infusion . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Infusion \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD .______ |__________________________ ____| \ ._______Ś (________________ \ . __|_ __ \______| _________ _. _ ____ __|_ _ ___ /______ _ | | Ś \ _______. ____/ |______ /___ Ś_________ \ ______. | | | \) | __/ | ./___ \| | \ \) | | |___|____\ |_____|__________| )______\___|\_________\___\ |_ |________ cG\________\ .__ ___________ eD\_______\ \______________| / Im one MEAN MUTHA!! | \____________ _ /__________________________| |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #10 Entitled: Bad Karma . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Infusion \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD |_________________________ ____ __ _ _______________ | //___//_/// / \ ________ /_____Ś _____.____________ _ / | | _ /__________) Ś_ \/ / | | ( \ _ // \ /eD | |_________\_____________|___________\ \_______________________|\___________ |_____ _______. ______ _____._____________ ___ _______. /| _____. / _/ | _|/ /_______) | _. /_\ \ / _|_____) Ś_ / _ __\ | \Ś \ _ | |_ /_ Y \ _ // Ś \\\ \\ |_______|_______\___________|______|\____/____\_/_______\__________| | \\\_\\_____________. _________________________________| cG|_______________________\\__\\_\ \\ \ |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #11 Entitled: So What . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Infusion \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD _ _ ___________ ._______________ /_ _| __________ /_______________________. ___ \ \ /_______________________ |____________ /__ _ \ \_______ \ - \ ///_/// / \______ )__________\______________\ ._______. /_____________________ _ __ cG\ _______._____| | _____.____________ / /___ ___________/\) | | |_______) Ś_ ___/ / / \_\\\ / \ | . | _ // | / /______ \_________/\_______|_____|-------'\___________|_________| | \____________________________________ ______| \_________________\eD |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #12 Entitled: A normal Irc... . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Javis \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD _____. .___ _ __________ ___ _____. ____.___. _______) Ś_ | \ ______.________ _. /_\ \ / _|___) | | ___. \ _ // | \) | - \ |_ /_ Y \| _ | |/ | \__________\ |___\ |_ _______\___|\____/____\_/_____\_______|___/____| cG\_______\ __|_ _________________ ________ ____._________ | Ś _. / ___/_____| | \/______) Ś\ /___. | | |_ /_ Y | | \ _ //\___ / | |___|_ ___|\____/____________| |________\_________| )________|eD |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #13 Entitled: Index . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Whodini \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD _____ Ś________________ _____\ /________ | (_______________ _ _____________ \ ___|_ ____ /___| _ __________ _______ _ ____.________ / | | Ś \ _______. \// _/_______. / / | | | \) | \ __/ | / / |cG|___|______\ |_ _________\_____)________|_____.______\ \ |_____________ \________\ _________________. \ /_______. \eD |____________\ |_________________\ | |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #14 Entitled: Blood Bath . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Polymorph \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD _____ |__________________\ (______ |____________________________ | __________ _____| /_______| ___________ _ _______ / | | _ /_( | _______._________\ - \ \/ / _| | ( \ |/ | - \__________\ \ \ _ __\ cG|___________\_____/________|\__________\ |___________\ \ \\\\_\\___. ._______. .____\ | ._________ _____. _ __________ ____| | | | | _ /_________) Ś_ ___/ | | | | | ( \ _ // | . |eD| | |__________\____________| _________|_______|-------' _| /________________________________. \ ___ __ _ |_______________________\\__\\_\\\\ |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #15 Entitled: Remorse . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Them \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD ___________________| _ ____ _____________\ |__________________________________ _________________ \\ ___ _______. _________________ _ ____ /___ _ \ _. / _/______\ \ / |________ _. / /___ _/_____. | |_ /_ __/ Y | \ |_ /____ \ __/ | cG_____|\____/__)__________\_/_______|\________\___|\____/ )______\_)______eD _____________________ _ .______________________________ / 1 9 8 1 | /_________ /_________________| |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #16 Entitled: oMi . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: oMi \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD .______________ _ ___. ___ __ _ |____________________| /______/ \\ |/__//_/// / | _____ ____________. ___|_ _ | _| \______________ _\ \ / | Ś | \ \ - \ Y | | | _ __ ___\ cG\_____________\____\_/____________|____|eD | \ \\\_\\__\\________________ \ _____________| \________________\() |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #17 Entitled: Acid . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Them \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD |______ ______________________ ___| /_____________. .________\ _ _____. ________ // __|_ __________ | | _________\\\_ |/ ___/______| Ś \/eD | | \ _ | Y | | \ _| | cG\______________|_______________|___|____________\ \. |____________________________ . | /_____/|___________________| | |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #18 Entitled: Art BOMB . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: The Cru \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD _ _________ ______._____________ __________ _ / __________) Ś_ _. / ___/// / \ _ // |_ /_ | /_____________________| cG\______________|______|\____/________| | ___________ _ _________ ____ _________.________ ./ | _ /_____________\ \ / | _ /eD | | ( \ \ Y | ( \ | |__________\___________\___\_/_________|______.__\ |__________________________________________________Ś |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #19 Entitled: Krixxor Kraxxor . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Wraith \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD .______. ______ __________ __|_ ___._______ ____._______ _ __________ | _|/ / _. / Ś / /_______ _. / | \Ś \ |_ /_ | / / - \ |_ /_ cG______|_______\___|\____/___|_____._____\ _____._____\_________\___|\____/ .______. ______ __________ _____. ___._______ ___.______ _ __________ | _|/ / _. /_____) Ś_ / /_______ _. / | \Ś \ |_ /_ _ // / / - \ |_ /_ eD_____|_______\___|\____/__________|____._____\ ____.____\_________\___|\____/ |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #20 Entitled: Rebel Empire . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Leson \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD |_____________________ ._________________________ /\______________| (__. | ___________________ // _ _______ _____ _ __. | | | _. / _/_______. _ / / _/________. | ______. | _| | |_ /_ __/ | ( \ __/ | |/ | | \ |______|\_____/___)________|_________\___)_________|___/_______| |_ ._\ _____ ___ _______.___________ __|_ __________ ____ /__. | / _/______._\ \ / | _ / Ś _. / _/______. | _| / __/ | Y | _.___/ | |_ /_ __/ | | \ \____)_______|____\_/_______|_____Ą _ __|______|\____/___)_______|eD| \_______________________________ _______________| cG/_____________. \ |_____________\ |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #21 Entitled: Real Solution . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Uhm. Someone \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD .____________ ____ ____.____. | _. / _/_____.______) Ś_ | _____. | |_ /_ __/ | _ // |/ | cG|_____|\____/___)______|\_________|____/______| _______ .____. ____. _ ________ __|_ _ ___ \ /_____________| | _____./ |________ ___/ Ś_______ \ _____. \____ \ \ |/ | | ./ | | \ \) | )______\________\ __/______|___________|_______| _ __|\_______\__\ |_ eD\______\ |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #22 Entitled: The Junction . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Slapshot \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD |________________________ Ś / |______________| ._______. /___. ___ __ _ | .___________ __| | ______ |/__//_/// / | | ___/ | |/ _/_______. | _| | | . | __/ | |_ _____________\cG|________|_ ___|-------\_____)________| \____________ _ _\ .____. ___. _ ___ ______ _ ______ __|_ _ _ (__ __ ______ | |/ |______ \ _____./ __/___| ___/ Ś________ \ _____. \\ \| | | ./ \) | Y | | | \ \) | /_______\____|_________|___\ |_ ________|______| _ __|\________\_\ |_ ___________________________ \______\ ____________ \______\ /______. \eD /_________ _ __ ___ |_________________________\ \ \\\_\\__\| |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #23 Entitled: Epsilon Design . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: All e^D'ers \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD ___ľ._ _ľŘŘŘŘŘŘm_ .ĆŘ@°~śŘŘŘŘQ _____________ ___|____. _ ___ ĆŘF ŘŘŘŘŘ, / /____| Ś | ______.________ \ _____. OŘŘćmľľŘŘŘŘŘš _.___/___ \ | |/ | \ \) | ś#_ "°°°°"__ __Ą cG)_______\ _|____/___ ___|\________\___\ |_ Ż"`_________ ______ _ _____ ___|_______ _ ____ \______\ | \// _/_______. /____| Ś/ ___/_____ \ _____. | \ __/ |___ \ | /_ ./ \) | |__________\_____________| )_______\___|__________|____\ |_ eD\______\ |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #24 Entitled: Welsh Coast . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Zoltrix \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD __________________________________ Ś_________________________________\ ._______. / __________| _______. _____ _ __. ______ ._____| | / \ ________/\) |/ _/______. | _____. /_____| | | / \ \ / \ | __/ | |/ |____ \ . | /_. \ cG\______/\_______|____)_______|___/______| )_______\____|-------' | \ _______ _____._______ _ ___________ _ | / / ___/___|______________________) Ś_ _/______ ___/// | ./ / Y | \ _ //____ \ | | | /____________|\___________\______________| )_________\ _______|eD __| |___________________________________________. \ |_____________________________\ |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #25 Entitled: Crew . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Dezert ?? \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD Ś________________________ ____ _______________________| (_____ .___\ ________ _____________ _____ ________. /_ | / ___/_____| _. / _/_________/\_) | | | / Y |_ /_ __/ / \ | | |cG/_____________________|\_____/____)__________/\_________|eD | |_______________________________. ______| |________________________\ |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #26 Entitled: PSX . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Dezert ??? \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD _______________ Ś_________\ \_______________________ | ._____________ _____ _ _____.________ / | | _ / _/________ / | _| | _.____/_____ \ / | \ cG|______Ą )___________\____.______\eD | \_____________ __________________| \_______________\ |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #27 Entitled: N64 . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Everyone \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD _________________________ _( )_ .____________\ WHEN 32BITS AINT ENOUGH /___________. | ._______ ______ ._______ ____. | | | \ ________. / / ____| /| Ś_ | | | \) | _ \_____ |/ | | |_____\ |_ \ / / /| | |___ cG\__________\ \_________/ /______/eD ___| /__________. .________\ |__________________________| |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #28 Entitled: Out of Bounds . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Wasted \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD _____. _ __________ _ _ ________ \____________/ |________ ___/// ___________ ____/ \ - \ | ./ | \ - \ __/ cG\___________\___________|_________| \__________\____| _________ _____. _____ __________ ______ | _ /___________/ |________ \ _______. \/ _/_____ | ( \ - \ | ./ \) | \_____ \ |__________\__________\___________|_____\ |_ ________\ )________\ \________\eD |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #29 Entitled: Trash City . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Ramis \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD Ś_______________________ | /_____. .__________________________________ _______| .______. | | .____________ _ ___________ \\ _____._______ .______| | | | | ___/// _. /________) Ś_ _/_____| | | | | | | |_ /_ _ //____ \ . | | |cG|_________| _ _____|\_____/__.__________| )________\_____|------' | |___________ ________ __Ś_ _________ _ _ _____ ______| / / ___/____| | ___///_____. /______. \. / / Y | | | |_ / | | ./ /______________|____|________| _ _______/_________|eD | |__________________________________. | |_______________________| |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #30 Entitled: Lightforce . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Zoltrix \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD . ˇ _/ _/ \_ \_ _______/ /_________ Ś___________ .____ __________________\ (___| .______. /__________ ____ | .______. __|_ ________ _______| |_ __________ _ / | | | _________. Ś / ___//_______ | | ___/// /. | | |/ | | /_ ./ . | | | |cG|______/__________|____| _______________|_______|------'_________| .___| |__. .___________ _____________ ________ _____ | | | ____/________ _. // ___/_____|/ _/_______. | _| | __/ - \ |_ /_ Y | __/ | | \ |______| \___________\_____|\____/______________|____)________|eD| /___________________________ ____________________________________| /_ /_ \_ \_ / / ˇ ˇ |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #31 Entitled: Wallace Gromit . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Baffle \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD ____. ____.___. ___. ____. _____ ____ ______/\_) __|___) Ś_ | ____. | ____.____) Ś_ __/___/ _/____. \ / \ \ _ // |/ | |/ \| _ // Y __/ | cG\____/\____\________|___/_____|___/_____\________|____________)_____| ______ _ _________ ___ ____. __|_ _______ _ / ___/____ _. /________\ \ / | Ś ___/// / /_ ./ |_ /_ - \ Y | | | \_________|____|\___/\_______\__\_/____|___|______|eD |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #32 Entitled: Team666 . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Trance \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD ___________________________________________________________________________ __\ ______ ___________ _ ___ ____. ___ ____. ______ /__ / /____ | ___/// _/_____._____) Ś_\ \ / | / /____ _ \ | | __/ \| _ // Y | _ \ \ \ / |________| _ ___)______\_________|____\_/____| \ \ / __ \________/ ______ \________/ __ cG/_________________________ __ / /____ __ ___________________________\eD _ \ \ \ / \________/ |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #33 Entitled: Saints . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Trance \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD __ __ \ \__ ____ __/ / _\ \ \ \ / / / /_ __ _____________ \ \ \ \_ _( )_ _/ / / / _____________________ _ ___ __________ ( \___ _____. __|____ ___/ ) _ _________ _ ______ /_____ \ _/_______________) Ś_ Ś \ ______. ___/// _/______ \______ \ _ // | \) | | \_____ \ cG)_________\____________| ___|____\ |_ ______| eD)_________\ ________________ \_______\ __________________________ _ /_________________________________\ |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #34 Entitled: Stoopid . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Etrigan \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD _______ _ ______ _______ ________ _|_ ____ \ _/__ ___///\ - \ _ / Ś \/ \___ \ | - \_____\ _.__/ | \ _cG)_____\___|\_____\ |____ĄeD|___|______\ -\\------------------------------[97/xx/xx]- |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #35 Entitled: Monastery of... . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Fungus \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD _ ________ .________________________________________________. \\\ \___| |______________ ___ /___. _ _ ____. ____ _ ___________ _ _______ _ ____ // \ \ / |______ \ ____.___) Ś_ _/__ ___/ _/____. _. /__. /__. | Y | - \ \) | _ //__ \ | __/ | |_ /_ |_ / | |___\_/____|\______\_\ |_ _____| )_____\___|__ _)_____|___|\___/___/_____| _________Ś cG\_____\ Ś__________ __ __\ ._________ ._______ ___. ___. _ __________ /__ __ _________| ____/ | _ / | ____./ |______ _. / _ ____ \ - \ __/ | ( \ |/ | | ./ |_ /_ ____ _ /_ \________\___| |________\ _/_____|_________| ____|\____/ _\ \_________________________________________________________________/ |_________________ _________________. | .___________ /_) |-- -- -------------------------------- ---- | | __/_____ s u n r i s e | Logo #36 Entitled: Nemesis . | | \ /________ | ___ _Ś | |_________\______ \ ___| For: Zoltrix \_____ | t r i b a l )_________\ \ /__/ |__________________. \--------------- - - ---------------------- - cG|_______________\eD ____ _____ ____ _____. _____ _ _____ _ _|_ ___ | \ ______. / _/_____._\ \ / |/ _/_____. _/____ Ś _/____ | \) | __/ | Y | __/ |___ \ |___ \ |____\ |_ ___)______|_____\_/_____|____)______| )_______\_|eD)_______\ cG\_______\ cg@emails.com A BIG SHOUT GOES OUT TO -JAVA/e^D- 'CAUSE HE WAS NOT INCLUDED IN MY TP6 LIST UNHEALTHY THANKS TO -ZEUS/MST- FOR THE LOGO AND -REDDEMON- FOR THE OTHER LOGO RESPECTS TO -GOzZ/e^D- FOR HIS IDEA OF DESIGN MARIO/ECS/JAVIS/TENTACLE/SKINNY/MFM/WRAITH/ETRIGAN/ZOLTRIX/SCARFACE/GRYZOR/VITAL CYBER/CYBERLIFE/AGONY/RADIOSITY/SNIKE/CESSPOOL/FUNGUS/RECALL/SKYWALKER/ACIDFLASH JUPITER8/TRANCE/TRIVIAL/BOHEME/FOLAR/STEZOTEHIC/WISE-K/FATAL/CHROMBACHER/ENERGY/ MANTA/MARK RYDER/EXILE/FLOZZY/SHANE/SCREEM/RAMIS/NES/CHELSEA/IGGY/U-MAN/ARTICCAT ETC, ETC AT EURONET HAPPIS/GRANTEX/HANDO/BLACKER/DANSTER/OMI/WHODINI/[FEAR]/SPY^QTX/NECROMANCER ETC, ETC AT EFFNET ZERO/SHAG-RAT/SAL-ONE AT GALAXYNET AND OFCOURSE, TO EVERY DELIGHT'ER, PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ -----------------------------------------/-- Tribal Sunrise - // \\ - CyberGod/Epsilon^Design --\----------------------------------------- @END_FILE_ID.DIZ : _ : ./--------|- / | . _____ rDm. | . | _-_ . _____ _ . . _\\ /__ _\-----//_ _\--//-/_ _\\ /-/_ _\------/_ _\---//_ _\ _ __/__\ -/____/_\ /_\ _ /_\ - /_\ _ /___ _ _ )---(______(--(_______(---------(----(_____(----(_____(---(______((_)))-ˇ . _______ . | _ . |______ . . _-_ . _______ . _\\ _ /_ _\----///_ _\-\ _ /_ _\-----//_ _\--//-/_ _\\ _ /_ _\-----//_ _\__ /---/_\ / /_\ / /_\ -/____/_\ /_\__ /---/_\ -/____/_ )_______)--(----------/----(_____(--(_______(---------(_______)--(----------( | | | / ˇ T R i B A L S U N R i S E ˇ -|--------/ˇ : ------------------------------------\ eOF \-------------------------------------