_( sof )_ _______________________ __ \ // / ___\ // / WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS ALL OVER... \ \\ .____ . //_/ \ .| /_:_ /__________________________________________ _____________\ :| | /_____ ) :| | Ö| | [Ö] L E I T M O T I V 3 0 3 [Ö] :| |. :| |: | |: ____ _____ | |Ö ____ __ ___. ______. ____ _ ____ ._\\ /_._/ _ //_| |_\\ /_ ._\\ \/ |_\\ _ |_\\ /_ ._\\|_._\\ /__. | / | \_/ | | __/_| \/ | / | __/_| | / | | / | | | ) |_____\ | / | ) | | / | |__/____|_________|_____|________| /_____|________|________| |________| | |: ................ ................ ................ .| |: ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: :| |: ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: :| | ...:::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: ...:::::::: :| | ......... :::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: ......... :::::::: :| | ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: Öl | ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: |__ | `::::::::.:::::::' `::::::::.:::::::' `::::::::.:::::::' : /___|tGØ __ __ /______________________\_________ ___ _______________________________________\ \ \\ \ __\________\\_\ (OR, "PERKELE SUOMI") \ \ ___ _____ ________ \_\\ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \__\\____\\ \ \ \ \ \ _____________\ \ / _______________\ / / _/ /_ _____________ __ / // // /_________ I N F A M O U S /__________//____________//_// / _____ . /________/ ____ _____ /__ _|______________ ____________ _ __________|_ | _/ _/____ / \ \_ / _ /__\_ ›/ _/____ _ / _/ | \ \ /_____ \_ ›/ / ›/___/_ _/ /_ ) / \ / \ | \_______/__________/______/_________( \_____(_______/______/_________| -uMn/_____|aL-_________ ________________ / / \ _//________/ \ \ _____\ \ \ \\____________\ \ \ _____ \____\\ \ \____\ ___ \ \ ___________\ \ \__________\ \\__\ \ _________\ \___________\ __________ _________ ___ __) __ /__________) ______/____/ ______ _______________________ \ __/____/ ________\_________ ___ \_ / _) ________ ________ / \ \ ____ \ / ____ / \ / / \ \ / \ / / \ \ \ / _\____/ \ / / \/ / ___\ \ / \ / /_ _ \ \ / /\\_______/\ \ / /\ _ / \ \ \ / /\ \ / / _||_| \ \/ / _\ \ ___\ \/ / \ \ /____\ \ \/ / \ \/ / \ \ ________\ / / \ /___________________\ /______/ /__ \ \ / / / \ / _ _____ \ /rN!-LP/________ \ \/ / /____ \/_______ ____) \/ _____________/ __ /__\______ (_______________ ______________ \ _____________/__/_ _________/ _ ______/ ________ / \ \ / \ ____ \ ____ \ \ ____ \ / / \ \ / \ \ / \ \ / \ \ \ / \ / /_ _ _ \ \ / /\ \ / /\ \ / /\ \ \ / /\ \ / / _||_||_| \ \/ / \ \/ / \ \/ / \\_ \ \/ / \ \/ / \ \____/ \____/ \ / \______\ /______/ /_ \ \ / \ / /_________\ \/ \/ ____ ____ \ \ ____ ____ / / \___\\ /__/ \__\ //___/ _______\ /_______ / /___ This is the point at which I ___\ \ /______// / must decide if I should do a \ \\______\ Ö\__\ serious introduction, or just /__/Ö . ∂ the same old bullocks I ∂ . : | usually write. The result? A | : | | deformed hybrid.. | | | | | | | | The last year has passed with | | | | a tremendous speed. Weeks go | | | | by like days, and it has | | | | already been about 10 months | | | | since I joined forces with the | | | | honest, but still hardhitting | | | | ascii crew - epsilon | | | | desumption. erh. design :P I | | | | managed to waste this year | | | | totally, atleast if you're | | | | considering the life beyond | | | | computers and such. I'm not | | | | even sure if I should leave | | | | all this behind, and go for | | | | the education, and the | | | | education alone. What's | | | | holding me back? Doh. All | | | | the friends I've made | | | | ofcourse. It's basically red | | | | demon who triggered this | | | | internal question, after | | | | asking me if I was about to | | ____ | | quit, as someone else had told | | ____ \ \| | him :) Not that could "blame" | |/ / / /| | anyone, why the hell should | |\ \ / / | | I?, it's just that he made me | | \ \ \ \ ∂ ! think... .cybergod/ed ! ∂ / / \___\ ___________ ______ ___________ /___/ / / __ / \ __ \ \ /__________/ / / / \ \ \ \__________\ /_/ /__________\ \_\ To tribute b!/dcs - ___ .___. ._ __/\__ _. ______\__\ SUPER INFAMOUS! | | __ _____________ | \ \ / / | __\ \__ _______ __ _ ._ _| | /___________ |_/ /_ _\ \_| _\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ | \\ | LOGO: B(ee) /________\/___ \\\_\\______\\__ \\_\ | \\ | / /__. ___ _\____\ |___\\__| ______________________ /__ // | LOGO no.o1 \__\ /____/__________//___| _____ __ ___/ \___ __ / // .^. \\ \ /_// .-{_ _}-. \\_\ _____\ /_.{óóó}._\ /_____ \_ {ÿÿÿ} _/ _____( ®Vÿ )_____ \ .__________ ________ ________ / | | _ / / _/ / _/ | | | _ \ _/ / _/ | | |___________\_______\\________\ | |_________________________________| To tribute Folar/Style - ___ .___. ._ __/\__ _. ______\__\ SUPER INFAMOUS! | | __ _____________ | \ \ / / | __\ \__ _______ __ _ ._ _| | /___________ |_/ /_ _\ \_| _\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ | \\ | LOGO: Folar /________\/___ \\\_\\______\\__ \\_\ | \\ | / /__. ___ _\____\ |___\\__| ______________________ /__ // | LOGO no.o2 \__\ /____/__________//___| .----. ______ _______ ______ ._________ |_ _®| ./ ._/_________ \ / ____ / \| _ \ /_É,É _\ | |_| _ \ / /_/ // ._ \ ._ / \\ÿ®ÿÿ// | |/|_________\\___//_____\____|/____\__|(____\ \\ÿÿ// |____| 'ÿÿ` To tribute Boheme/Style - ___ .___. ._ __/\__ _. ______\__\ SUPER INFAMOUS! | | __ _____________ | \ \ / / | __\ \__ _______ __ _ ._ _| | /___________ |_/ /_ _\ \_| _\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ | \\ | LOGO: Boheme /________\/___ \\\_\\______\\__ \\_\ | \\ | / /__. ___ _\____\ |___\\__| ______________________ /__ // | LOGO no.o3 \__\ /____/__________//___| ._____. "PERKELE, NU KLEV JAG I SKITEN" ._________ ._____| | ________ ____ _____. ________ | _ / ._________| | |/ _// \ / |/ _/ | _ \| _ \ . | _// \ | _/ |__________\__________\____| |________\____\___/____|________\ _|_____|_ /®potta®\ \_______/ To tribute Shock-g/Jedi Arts - ___ .___. ._ __/\__ _. ______\__\ SUPER INFAMOUS! | | __ _____________ | \ \ / / | __\ \__ _______ __ _ ._ _| | /___________ |_/ /_ _\ \_| _\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ | \\ | LOGO: Shock-g /________\/___ \\\_\\______\\__ \\_\ | \\ | / /__. ___ _\____\ |___\\__| ______________________ /__ // | LOGO no.o4 \__\ /____/__________//___| ._____. ______ ._____| | ____________. _______ __________ / /___| | |_________ / / |/ / \ _ / \____ \ . | _ \/ /| _ / ___\___ \ /___//______\____| |__________\_______\|____|\_____\ \ ______\ |_____| \____\ To tribute Ranx/Jedi Arts - ___ .___. ._ __/\__ _. ______\__\ SUPER INFAMOUS! | | __ _____________ | \ \ / / | __\ \__ _______ __ _ ._ _| | /___________ |_/ /_ _\ \_| _\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ | \\ | LOGO: B(ee) /________\/___ \\\_\\______\\__ \\_\ | \\ | / /__. ___ _\____\ |___\\__| ______________________ /__ // | LOGO no.o5 \__\ /____/__________//___| .____. _______ .___________ ________ _____ | |_______ / / | _ \/ \/ \| |\ \/ / | ._ / ._ \ \ | \ \ \ |____|(_____\____|/_____\___\______| /______/\ \ \______\ To tribute Zeus/Mystic - ___ .___. ._ __/\__ _. ______\__\ SUPER INFAMOUS! | | __ _____________ | \ \ / / | __\ \__ _______ __ _ ._ _| | /___________ |_/ /_ _\ \_| _\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ | \\ | LOGO: Zeus /________\/___ \\\_\\______\\__ \\_\ | \\ | / /__. ___ _\____\ |___\\__| ______________________ /__ // | LOGO no.o6 \__\ /____/__________//___| ___ \ \\____________ ________ ____. ______ \__\\_ // _/ / |_____ / /____ / // _/ / | \_\____ \ / / \________\\_____|______\___//_______\ / /__ ___ /___________// / //__/ To tribute Trooper/suomi-bastards - ___ .___. ._ __/\__ _. ______\__\ SUPER INFAMOUS! | | __ _____________ | \ \ / / | __\ \__ _______ __ _ ._ _| | /___________ |_/ /_ _\ \_| _\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ | \\ | LOGO: Trooper /________\/___ \\\_\\______\\__ \\_\ | \\ | / /__. ___ _\____\ |___\\__| ______________________ /__ // | LOGO no.o7 \__\ /____/__________//___| ._____. _| |_ _________ .__________ ________ _________ \ / _ \___________| _ \ ___________/ _/ _ \ | | ._ /| _ \___________\/ _ / _/ ._ / | | ___|(_____\|___________\ | ._____/\________\___|(_____\ |_____| |____| To tribute the finns in Jedi Arts - ___ .___. ._ __/\__ _. ______\__\ SUPER INFAMOUS! | | __ _____________ | \ \ / / | __\ \__ _______ __ _ ._ _| | /___________ |_/ /_ _\ \_| _\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ | \\ | LOGO: Jedi Arts /________\/___ \\\_\\______\\__ \\_\ | \\ | / /__. ___ _\____\ |___\\__| ______________________ /__ // | LOGO no.o8 \__\ /____/__________//___| .____. .____. | | _______ __________| ______ .___________| |_______ | |/ _/ / | / \| _ \ / /___ ____| | _/ / | / ._ \ ._ /| |\____ \ \_ | |_______\ _____/|___| /____|/____\___|(____\| |___//______\ /_______| |____| To tribute the finns in Style (i.e almost the lot) - ___ .___. ._ __/\__ _. ______\__\ SUPER INFAMOUS! | | __ _____________ | \ \ / / | __\ \__ _______ __ _ ._ _| | /___________ |_/ /_ _\ \_| _\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ | \\ | LOGO: Style /________\/___ \\\_\\______\\__ \\_\ | \\ | / /__. ___ _\____\ |___\\__| ______________________ /__ // | LOGO no.o9 \__\ /____/__________//___| .____. ______ _| |______. ___. ________ / /__\ ./ |____./ | ______/ _/ _\____ \ |\ | | |_/ / _/ \___//______\ |_\____|____|____________\________\ |____|\____\ Boheme: Like, uhm.. uhuh.. are we supposed to say something here..? uh huhuhu huh.. Folar: Shut up Boheme.. eheuhe. huhuuhehuhUUH. Boheme: Uhm.. huh.. alright. Buttmunch. Folar: Uhh.. huuh.. huhuhu.. swede! Boheme: Shut up Folar!.. liar!! liar liar liar!! liar liar huHEuhu.. huh.. huhhuh. @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ________ ________ ______\ / -sg/jA! Ö _\ __/___ _ /_ _ . .....:.. . _ _/ _/ / \) //(_____________ )\\------\_____\-----------\ / : | ÿ| . .: | ÖLÖEÖIÖTÖMÖOÖTÖIÖVÖ Ö3Ö0Ö3Ö | : |_ _| . /__________________________________\ @END_FILE_ID.DIZ The small tribute to our neighbours in the east is over. I must say that the frequent releasing from Style, still containing quality have been giving me inspiration for a long time. Also a big -hellO?- to Mogue in Germany, who probably can be considered grand 'ol dad of the new generation ascii artists on the scene. Guidance, inspiration, you've got the lot. ..greets, or whatever... epsilon design, style, lowprofile, arclite, jedi arts [x]( meep )[x] remorse1981, serial {{ poing }} delight, mystic, quartex, trsi, hellfire, bk!+crux, digital corruption _( eof )_