_ (_)._________ . __| _\ _____ . _ _____ _____ _________ __\ | /___) /_____ ____(_) o ___) _ /_ _______) _ /_ ___\ / ___\ . _ _ (_ _\ _/______\ _.__/ _ _.__/ _____\ \ __|______\_____`-'____ \____._ _\|________\___\|__________\ . /____\ __________ `---'_ /_________|/_______\_ _______________ __ o ---- /_________/ --- /_/ ----------------- (_) .- \______________\ \_\ --.-- This lil' piece of art went through Hosee, the channelbot of #ascii on ircnet [STAFF] Behemoth ÷ Cybergod ÷ Exile ÷ Fatal ÷ Red Demon [STAFF] _ __ __ _ /_______________________________________________________________________\ e^d-htgt.txt was uploaded by cg at 15:13 on 18 May 1998 -Recycleable- " imagine a race who say they're the most intelligent " .___.._____. __________ _______\ __________ | || -o|_/ _ / \ _ \ _/ _ / | || /ą| /____/__/ _/ \ /____/____ | || | _)/ / __/ _)/ / t |___|| |\______________\ \_.\_____________\ O / | ____ \_____| +sD+ d H T |_/ . \_. _____ ______ /___. ____. /\ e ___| |__ | .o| \\_ \_ _/ \_ / |/ | y R \ | _|_/ | __|__ / \/ / \\______ | E \/| | | \ : // // /_\ \ / _| |_____| l_ /_________ /\______\\_____________\ |________| / _______ . \ ___)________ /______ _____ ____________ / /_ / \_ \_ \_ / _ / g () N e. \_ / // /\ _\ __ / \_. /____/___. \____________/ /_ \ \ / | _)/ | /_____________ / |\_____________| _________ ľ ____ /___ ____ _| __\ /__/____ :___\ / \ /___. _____ ________\ _____ \ / \| ¬\\//\__.__/\\//Ż |/ \_ \ _ \ / \_ \/\\ /\/ /\ T\ \/ | \/ /| /\ \ / _/ \ /\ \ _/\\o- / /_ \ | \ || | || / | /_ \ \ / __/ /__\ \ \\ /___________.__\ ||____|____|| | ____________\ \_ //_//____\ / |____| |____| \_____|/ /____ / _/ / / · .t () M M o R O \/\/ .__ / /\ \ |_//____//\\____\ /__\ Whats the flavour? Can I borrow? _____ ___ __ _ _ _ __\\ __________________________ ______\ /______ _____\ /_____ | " c y b e r g o d " | _ ______| ___ __ __ ______ ______ ______ ______ | __ _ __/./ ___/|/ _| \/ |___./ ._ \/ ._ \/ _. \/ ._ \|___| \. | \| \| ._ \ |/ |/ \| |/ / _. | | \____ |/ ____/ |___/\____ \| | Ż\______/ \/____/\______/\____\ |___| / / /____/\______/\______/Ż \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\/__/\/_/ / / / / / bHm \_____\/ \____\/\_____\/\____\/\___\ /____/\/_____/\/_____/ /\T | | |______ ______| \ /______ ______\ / \___\ /________________________\ /___/ \____\ /____/ \______________________/ __ _ _ _ __ ___ _____// ___________ / ___________ \ // \ // \_ / \ _/ / / _______ \ \ / / / _ _ \ \ \ \ \ / / \ \ / / \\_____\ \ ŻTŻ / /_____// .. ____ \__ \ ______\_ ^ _/______ / __/ ____ .. : / \ ....... / \\ // \ ....... / \ : : / \ : ... : ____\\ flavour of the //____ : ... : / \ : :_:/ \:_ : : : : \ \\_______________// / : : : : _:/ \:_: :\ / : : : : _\ \ / /_ : : : : \ /: : :__________: :...: : \______\ w e a k ? /______/ : :...: :__________: : : : :........: :........: : : : : : : : : Im so scared Im prepared, it makes no difference : : :.: :.: " I was very suprised - and happy - today when I saw that Mo'Soul is back. One of the best groups back is exactly what the scene needs since most of the quality artists seems to be on a break. " - tommy /ex.pro/\rts in "perkele" Im deeply hurt, I hope you can sense my despair :( :) If you're looking for a sophisticated intro, a well written story or even some design - you're OBVIOUSLY browsing through the wrong collection. Sorry dude, this is the way it is, have been and always will be. Im of few words, other than when spoken to. - cybergookszx :.... ....: ... : : ... :o:.: e p s i l o n :.:o: : d e s i g n : : : : : Radicator, LaShawn, Weapon-X, Folar, Stezotehic, LSD Crew, Letharic, DA LGM Bird, Carnifex, Ice-D, _diZZ_ They're comming down - you're one of them. :.... ... ............... : :...... . " universe " .............: . : :... Radicator ...: ..:: : : :: : ::.. : :: .: ___ ____ _____/ / \ \__. __________ _________ \ _____/ _ __ ___ \ ___| _____ _____/_____ //_____ / / \ |______\__\ \.\ /|\ / /________\\ /___/______/__/_ / / | / \\|____|_ | \ / /_ _/ \ // \ / _/ / / | / \| / | \ // / \_ /_\ \___/ / /__ \ poop this/___\ \ \__| //__ |____|/____\ \ _ | /__\_________\___ \________\ \_____/____\_____| / /_________\ \______| ____ / //__ \ \________\\ \ _ /___ / /___//__/ \____\ /____\\\ /______/ :.... ... ............... : :...... . " south central ".........: . : :... La Shawn. ...: ..:: : : :: : ::.. : :: .: .· ___________ .________. * ______ ____ _____ _\__ /____| | .* ._. .._____. _ / \ __/__/ // / | | | ||_|o| ||o oo | _._______./ ___\ \/ / \_ // \ | | | (_)____)^|_____| \| | / \ / \ \ |______| | °¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤ | |/____________/ /____\_____/____| |________|_____ | | \______/ / \ | | _________ _______ ____ _______________/______\__\_______ | | / / _ _/_\ \ |__\___ .\ / /\ / \ / / _| :|_ / /./ /. \| / | \ / / / \ / \ :.//___ | | \ \ | \_ /_ /_\ \ / \\ / \______|_________|____\ \____|__|/_____\ \____\ \\ / \_________\ /________________\ \___/ :.... ... ............... : :...... . " weapon-x"...............: . : :... weapon-X. ...: ..:: : : :: : ::.. : :: .: .. _ .. _:_______\.________:_ ¬\: \|/ :/ ______________ \ : / _____ _/ / _ /\ \ ___________ _\ . / \ \ ____ / // /__\_\ \ _________/ ____ / \___________|\ / \/ /___ _/__ / _ \ / / / / \ \ ________ X / / / / / \_ \/\ \ / / / / /_/ / |\ \ \ |/ /_______/ / \\______\ \_______/ _____/ /_____/____| \ \ \ /________\ \__\ /______/ \___\ \ / : \ /________/|\_______\ :.... ... ............... : :...... "2 days the greatest"........: . : :... folar ... ...: ..:: : : :: : ::.. : :: .: ______ _______________ . ______/__ /___________ ______ _____ : :: ::\_. ._/::· / / \ /______. / _\\ /: :: : : :: ::::| .-. |:::: / //\ \ / |__\ \ ___/:: :: : : :: ::::| |:| |:::: / // \ \____ / | \:::::: :: : : :: ::::| |:| |::::. ______//____\ \ /____________|__________\::::: :: : _| l_| |_ · /______________\ /_____________\ ______________ ._________. \ /_____| | _________ | | | | _ _/ | | | |/ /. |______|________| | | |_________|__________| ______ ___________ _______/ /___________ _______ ____________ ____________ __\\ /_ _/ \\ /_ _/ _____\_____ / \ ____/__. \ // /. /\ \ | | / /./ _\\ / | \ \ | \_ / | / \ \| | |\ \ ___/ | \_____| |___|/____\ _____/__|/____\ \_____| ________| \ |_____| /________| /______________\ /_________/ :.... ... ............... : :...... "condition 76 (54)". ........: . : :... stezotehic ..: ..:: : : :: : ::.. : :: .: _________ ______ ____ ________|__ _. / // \\ \ |______ | / | / /. / \| / |/ | /__ | / \ \ / | \_ _____|_____/_____\ \____ _/|____| ·\\.: \_________\ ..\\· ____\\_____|__ _. _______ ____ ·://·. \ / |/ \_\ \ |_//____ | | | / \| / | | | / \ \ |______| __ _|______/ _____\ \ __\\_______ ___ \_ ________\ \___ / _/___ .//. __/ / _ \//:· \ _/ |\ \) ./ / |/ / |______|\_________/ :.... ... ............... : :...... "LSD" File_ID.Diz. ..........: . : :... the crew!? ..: ..:: : : :: : ::.. : :: .: _\/ _______ _____ _____ __________ /+-/ / // \ // / -\_/\_____/ /_\ \___// /__ \ o o/ / \o./ /o \ \_.o/________\_________\|_________/_. o/ poop?-|_/ |_/- :.... ... ............... : :...... "Valley of Darkness". .......: . : :... Letharic . ..: ..:: : : :: : ::.. : :: .: _______ ______ _____/ _/ _______ _______ _____________. \ \ / / \ // // /_ _/ |______ \_ \/ _/ /\ \/ // // /. | / \ \ / / \ \ /_ /_ |\_____ / \____\_/ /_ _\ \_____/_______/________| /______/ /______\ \_____\ _______ O F __________/ _/ _____________. _______ ______ ________ ________ |/ / \ _\\ / | / / \ |____. _ _// // / | / /\ \ \ / |/ / \| |/ /. /___/__ /___/__ | / / \ \ \_ / \ \ \ | |\__ /__ / |_______/ /_ _\ \__|/____\ ___|\_____\_\ |_______| _____/ _____/ /______\ \_____\ \______| \___\ \___\ :.... ... ............... : :...... "LSD" File_id 2 . ...........: . : :... the LGM! . ..: ..:: : : :: : ::.. : :: .: °\_/° bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla . <oo > ................................... /__/. fjfjsdjfjfdfjföfaffsfwpjvpaocĺawdpovx (__/ | apwovkbörl0paorä,cmvkw99vöwĺsovkc,b<ĺ |_(| ____. _____ _____ _________ |_)`.______/ |/ \ / /_ `. (__) __ |\_ \___/ /__\ `. (_( |_ \ /(__)\ (LGM) ) __________/_______\|________/__ ,/ '98 | | | | | L S D G I R A F F E M A F I A |(| :.... ... ............... : :...... "Bird" .......... ...........: . : :... .Bird .......: ..:: : : :: : ::.. : :: .: __________|_ _. ____________ ___________ ./ / |_\\ / / \/__ | / / | \ / / ___ ( oo_) | \ \ | \_ /| / \\\\.//` |____________\ _|____|/_____\|_________/ }(__ '_) tweEp? `` ` :.... ... ............... : :...... "Carnifex". .................: . : :... Carnifex . ..: ..:: : : :: : ::.. : :: .: _______ / _/ ______. _________/ \ ____________ _ .___|________ _____\_ |______ / / /\ \__\\ / \ |____|_ | _/_ _/ | / / /. / \ \ \ / \| / | _// /. / /___ | / \ \ \_ / \ \ | | | . \ \______|/_ ____\ \__|/_____\___\ \_|____| _ _______|___/| \ /______\\________\ \_________\ |______\ :.... ... ............... : :...... "Burger Bar". ...............: . : :... Ice-D . .....: ..:: : : :: : ::.. : :: .: __. / |____________. ___________________ ________ ____________ / _ / |_______ __\\ / ____/___. _ _/_\\ / / |/ / |\ \ \ / \ |/ /. \ / /_ / \ | \ \_ /_____| | | \_ / |___________\____|________/____|/_____\ /_________|_________|____|/_____\ __.__.___._._ "yummy yummy yummy, Ive got / . . . . .\ warez in my tummy..." / _____________ \ Ż(%%%%%%%%%%%%%)Ż Drivethru implemented /ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ \_______________/ ©anthrox burger'98 __. ___ _____ / |__________/ _/ _____________ / _ / /\ \ ___\\ / / |/ / / \ \ \ / /__ / \ /____\ \ \_ / |____________\/ \________\____|/______\ :.... ... ............... : :...... "VODKA" . ...................: . : :... _diZz_ . ....: ..:: : : :: : ::.. : :: .: __________/ // _______ / _______ _______ _____ _____________. _______/ _// \ \ / / \|/ / | / / \ \ \/ / \ / |/ / /\ \ \ \ / / / \ \ / \ \ \______\___/ \_______/|________/|____|\_______\/_ __\ \ _ _ /______\\______\\ /_________ _ __\ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _______ _\ ____\ _ __( )_(( .______ __________ _ __\\\ (_Ż_ _| ___/ \_______ \ _) ////·\_ __|____| / \_ . _/ \_ . | \ | _/ / _\\ //_ l___\ l___\ / <==\__ __ _ _ _/=[bHe]=\____|====\___/=> .)_________________(. Ľ here today - gone tomorrow ? / cybergod e^D @END_FILE_ID.DIZ __ __ __ __ | /|| /|·| /|| /| |/ ||/ |·|/ ||/ | ŻŻ ŻŻ ŻŻ ŻŻ ______ _____________ .___ ______________ ______/ /.___. _______ ______ \ / | \ / _/ \ / / /_|__ |/ / / | | | \/ /. / / / / / | / / | | | /___ | / / / | /_ /_ |_______|___|___\__/ /_________| /______/\______/___|______/______/ _____________________ ___________ ____________.___ _______ \ / _/ / _/ \|___/__ / | \|______/ ___/__. | | / /. / /. \ / / | \ / \ | | \ \ | / | \ \ / | \ \_____| | |___________\_______| /__________|__\________\____/|___|__\________\ /_______| __ __ __. | /|.__|·|__|.__| |/ || · || ŻŻ ŻŻ ŻŻ minor D.N.A ........ CYBERGOD/EPSILON DESIGN stud muffins ....... BEHEMOTH/ALIEN TECHNOLOGY (fer the cybergoodie) SPEED DEVIL/PRO ARTS (for the titel print) Love at a platonic level: Fatal, Bird, Chrombacher, Stezotehic, Boheme, Folar, Cesspool, Fungus, Wide, Ice-D, Reactor, Amon, Vital, SpeedDevil, RAMJAM, Talon, Infusion, Exotic, Shadower, Icarus, Lucas, Franky, Crisp, Exeron, Maniac, Nach0-Man, Ventrue, Druggy, [DiZZY], Blakkkkkk, Behemoth, Java, D-VIZE, Devistator, Zinko, Zoltrix, WRAITH, Etrigan, GDM (where are you?), Zeus, Fury, Slutty Sal Uno and probably a whole community more... " imagine this race annihilating themselves " -NonRecycleable- _ (_)._________ . __| _\ _____ . _ _____ _____ _________ __\ | /___) /_____ ____(_) o ___) _ /_ _______) _ /_ ___\ / ___\ . _ _ (_ _\ _/______\ _.__/ _ _.__/ _____\ \ __|______\_____`-'____ \____._ _\|________\___\|__________\ . /____\ __________ `---'_ /_________|/_______\_ _______________ __ o ---- /_________/ --- /_/ ----------------- (_) .- \______________\ \_\ --.-- This lil' piece of art went through Hosee, the channelbot of #ascii on ircnet [STAFF] Behemoth ÷ Cybergod ÷ Exile ÷ Fatal ÷ Red Demon [STAFF] _ __ __ _ /_______________________________________________________________________\