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I'm looking for this man.. ..to sell him to other man to sell him to other man.. ..to make us rich and famous [ Two - You Break The Line ] ____________ _ _ _ ______ ____ _ _ ______ ._\ (__ .__\ /_) e^D -96 (_____ _ _ _\ /__ _ __| __/_ | \/ \--/ Ś Logo: Contra \ / | . \/ :.. . . . . ..\/ |__ _ _____| ___ __ _ . : Ś _ __\ \\ \\\ __ _ _ Ś___. : \\__\\_\\\\ :.... . . _ _ __| | .. . .. . .. . . ..:_: | Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D | |_______________________________| . . .... ..::::::. ... . . . . .:::ˇ .::::::::::: :::. . . _. .::::ˇ :::::ˇ ______ ______ / l___ _______ ____ .::::: .::::ˇ__/ ._ \_/ _. \__/ _.__/___ _._ \_____\__.\. .___::::: ______ ..... |/ \| |/ _l/ _/_ .__| |___. | ::::: .::::::_ l_ ______| _.__ l_ _._\ l/ __| | | ::::: :::::. \_____| |____| \______| \___________/ | | ::::: ::::: | |_____:::::....:::::ˇ_________________________________________cRb/e^D_| ˇ:::::::::::ˇ ____________ _ _ _ ______ ____ _ _ ______ ._\ (__ .__\ /_) e^D -96 (_____ _ _ _\ /__ _ __| __/_ | \/ \--/ Ś Logo: Contra \ / | . \/ :.. . . . . ..\/ |__ _ _____| ___ __ _ . : Ś _ __\ \\ \\\ __ _ _ Ś___. : \\__\\_\\\\ :.... . . _ _ __| | .. . .. . .. . . ..:_: | Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D | |_______________________________| _ _____ ___. ______ _______ _ _/__. _ ________ .___ _/ __|_____/ _ _ \__/ _ _ \__. ___|____. ____ \______|_. \__. \ \ | \ | \ | \ | ___/ /__. ___| | .cRb\_ \_ |_ \_ |__\ |_ \_ |__\ |_ \_ |e^D. \_______| \_______| \______| \_______| \_______| \_______| ____________ _ _ _ ______ ____ _ _ ______ ._\ (__ .__\ /_) e^D -96 (_____ _ _ _\ /__ _ __| __/_ | \/ \--/ Ś Logo: Cenobite \ / | . \/ :.. . . . . ..\/ |__ _ _____| ___ __ _ . : Ś _ __\ \\ \\\ __ _ _ Ś___. : \\__\\_\\\\ :.... . . _ _ __| | .. . .. . .. . . ..:_: | Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D | |_______________________________| ..... : ..:.... :.:.: : : .__:_________________. :..|..: | | | _. _________._______________|__ ______ ______ | ____/ |__.___________ \ _.__|__. _. / ._ \. ._ \. ___ \_ |/ \. .__|__. _. / \ \| | \|___/_. |/ | |/ | \._ _/_| | |/ | \|___/_. \__ \_ |_ l_ |_| |_ l_ |_ l/ |____|_ l_ |_ l_ | .cRb\______| \______| |_____| \_____| \______|e^D. \______| \______| | | | ...|... |_________________:__| : : ..:.. :...:.: : :...: ____________ _ _ _ ______ ____ _ _ ______ ._\ (__ .__\ /_) e^D -96 (_____ _ _ _\ /__ _ __| __/_ | \/ \--/ Ś Logo: Cenobite \ / | . \/ :.. . . . . ..\/ |__ _ _____| ___ __ _ . : Ś _ __\ \\ \\\ __ _ _ Ś___. : \\__\\_\\\\ :.... . . _ _ __| | .. . .. . .. . . ..:_: | Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D | |_______________________________| _________________ \____ _ __/ | | | | ____ | | ____ \ (___|__ _ _ _ __|___) / ___\___________ ___________/___ ..... )____ (o\ /o) ____( ..... : ..:.... _________\___________Y___________/_________ ....:.. : :.:.:.__:_____\ .___________________________________. /_____:__.:.:.: : | : \_|| Ś : ^ : Ś _||_/ : | : _____:..|..:______. ||____:__ _._____:_____._ ___:__/ ||__. _:..|..: \ ____|____. ___|_|/ ___ \/ ___ \ _____ \_ \ ____|___/ ___|_. \ \/ | _____|__. \/ \ \/ \ \____ /__ \ \/ | ____|___. \ \ | \/ | \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \ | \/ | \__ \_ |__ \_ |___\ \__ \_ \__ \_ \___\_ \_ |___ \_ | \______| \______| . \____\ \_____/ \______/ ||\_____| \______| | ____|| : . : . : ||____ | |_______)_ ||____Ś_____:_____._____:_____Ś____|| _(_______| .cRb\_______________________________________/e^D. ____________ _ _ _ ______ ____ _ _ ______ ._\ (__ .__\ /_) e^D -96 (_____ _ _ _\ /__ _ __| __/_ | \/ \--/ Ś Logo: Stage Dive \ / | . \/ :.. . . . . ..\/ |__ _ _____| ___ __ _ . : Ś _ __\ \\ \\\ __ _ _ Ś___. : \\__\\_\\\\ :.... . . _ _ __| | .. . .. . .. . . ..:_: | Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D | |_______________________________| ... .------------------ :::: ----------------÷cRb/e^D÷---. 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A . S . Z . C . Z . A . k .... : : .....: :..... ..::::::::::.. ...:... : .::::::::::::::::. : :..:.: :::::::'.__`::::::: ________________________________________:__: : ::::::: | ::::::: :..|..: :::::::Ś ::::::: .___ ____. ._________. .____ |___ _. ____ ::::::: ::::::::_|__.\./ ___|_____|___ \ _._|___|___ \____|__.\_/ l/ / ....:::::::..:::::::: .__| |\___._ .____/ \| .____/ .__| _/ _/_. .:::.:::::::::::::::ˇ l/ ______ l/ l/ ____ \_ l/ __._ l/ ____\ | .:::.::::::::::::ˇ______/ .cRb\_________/e^D.\________/ |______/ \_____| ::::::: | ::::::: ________________________________________________| ::::::: : ::::::: : : : :... p . A . S . Z . C . Z . A . k ...: Mess: Well, you wanted me to tell me about your styles.. they're quite nice especially your ascii-men! ____________ _ _ _ ______ ____ _ _ ______ ._\ (__ .__\ /_) e^D -96 (_____ _ _ _\ /__ _ __| __/_ | \/ \--/ Ś Logo: Another Step \ / | . \/ :.. . . . . ..\/ |__ _ _____| ___ __ _ . : Ś _ __\ \\ \\\ __ _ _ Ś___. : \\__\\_\\\\ :.... . . _ _ __| | .. . .. . .. . . ..:_: | Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D | |_______________________________| . . .... . . .::::: ˇ::: . . .... ::: _. _. : :::___ ______ ______ / l__. / l___ ____________ . .___:|__.\_/ ._ \_/ ._ \/ _.__|_/ ._ \_/ ._ / ._ \_ . | .__| |/ |/ |/ |/ l/__/ _l/ _/_. | l/ ______| _.__ l_ _._ l_ _._| _._ l_ \ | |______/:: l____| \_____| \______| l____| \______|\______| | ::: _. _ __ | _ __ | ____. :::/ l__. __________________ _ __ l//__) _ __| l//__) | / ___|__:/ _.__|__ _. / ._ / l//__) l//__) |_\___._ |/ \|__/ ._l/ / | .cRb|____ l/ _._ l_ _._ l_ |_.___/__________________________|e^D. . \_____| \______| \_______| . ::: :.. . . ::: :::. :::::. . . ˇ::::. . . ____________ _ _ _ ______ ____ _ _ ______ ._\ (__ .__\ /_) e^D -96 (_____ _ _ _\ /__ _ __| __/_ | \/ \--/ Ś Logo: Azkiness \ / | . \/ :.. . . . . ..\/ |__ _ _____| ___ __ _ . : Ś _ __\ \\ \\\ __ _ _ Ś___. : \\__\\_\\\\ :.... . . _ _ __| | .. . .. . .. . . ..:_: | Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D | |_______________________________| ... . . ... : : . .::::::.. ˇ `:::::. .____ __. ________ ______ ____________. ____. ..::::::::::::::::____|___ \ l/ /____)/ ._ \_/ _. / ___|__/ ___|____. .::::::' `:::::: .____/ _/ _/ | |/ \|___/____._ \___._ | :::::: .___:::::: l/ ____\ _._______| _.__ l_ l/ ____ l/ | ::::::. | ::::::______/ \_____| l____| \___________/ \______| ::::::::..| .::::::ˇ | ˇ::::::::::::::::ˇ | | | -cRb/e^D|___________________________________________________________________| . ˇ . . . . :.. . . ..: ____________ _ _ _ ______ ____ _ _ ______ ._\ (__ .__\ /_) e^D -96 (_____ _ _ _\ /__ _ __| __/_ | \/ \--/ Ś Logo: Exocet \ / | . \/ :.. . . . . ..\/ |__ _ _____| ___ __ _ . : Ś _ __\ \\ \\\ __ _ _ Ś___. : \\__\\_\\\\ :.... . . _ _ __| | .. . .. . .. . . ..:_: | Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D | |_______________________________| . . ...... ..... . . .::::::::. ....:.. : ˇ::::: ._________________:__.:.:.: ::::: ...... .| : | : ::::: ::::: Ś :..|..: ________::::: :::::_____:_____. __________/ |___. \ _. ::::::::: ._ \ ___|__\_ _. / .___|__. \ \|____::::::: |/ \| \|___/ |/ | .cRb\_ \_ ::::: l_ _____ \_ _._ \_ __ l_ |e^D. \_____:::::::____/ . \______| \_______\_______| ::::::::: : | . ˇ ::::: ::::: Ś | . . ..::::ˇ ::::: |____________________| . . ::::: ..: :::::... . . . . ...::: ˇ:::::::. . . . . ..::::: Mess: I Just Love Getting E-Mail.. Keep it up ! ____________ _ _ _ ______ ____ _ _ ______ ._\ (__ .__\ /_) e^D -96 (_____ _ _ _\ /__ _ __| __/_ | \/ \--/ Ś Logo: Silicon Graphics \ / | . \/ :.. . . . . ..\/ |__ _ _____| ___ __ _ . : Ś _ __\ \\ \\\ __ _ _ Ś___. : \\__\\_\\\\ :.... . . _ _ __| | .. . .. . .. . . ..:_: | Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D | |_______________________________| ____. ______ __. __________. ______ ______ ..... / ___|____ ____)/ | _____ __) ___|___/ _. \_/ ._ \. ...:.. : ._\___._ . |/ \| \| |/ |____:__:.:.:_____. |____ l/ _.____:__ l_ _.___ __ \_ l_ _____| | : : | | \______| \______| \____________/ l____| :....: | | ____. | | _______. ________ .____ ________\_ |____ __________. ____. | | \ ___|___\ ._ \____|___.\\ _._ ._ \ __) _._|___/ ___|____| l____\ \_._ _l/ _/_ .__| __l/ __ |/ \| _\___._ | \__ l/ _._\ l/ __._\_.___/___| _.______ \_ _.__ l/ | -cRb/e^D \______| \___________/ |___| |_____| \______| \______| ____________ _ _ _ ______ ____ _ _ ______ ._\ (__ .__\ /_) e^D -96 (_____ _ _ _\ /__ _ __| __/_ | \/ \--/ Ś Logo: Caustic Style \ / | . \/ :.. . . . . ..\/ |__ _ _____| ___ __ _ . : Ś _ __\ \\ \\\ __ _ _ Ś___. : \\__\\_\\\\ :.... . . _ _ __| | .. . .. . .. . . ..:_: | Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D | |_______________________________| _ _______ _. _______. ._____ __ /______. __/ |__. ____ _____. \ _._|________|___.\_/ / / ___|__\_ .__|_ _) _._|___. .__ _\ \| .__| /_ \___._ |/ \| | _ _ _____. | \_ \_ l/ _____________ |/ _._ l_ _._____ \_ | | Ś ._ _\______________/ -cRb/e^D\_____| \______| \______|_ _ _. Ś : | | : . | _. _ ________ | . | ____. __/ |__._ __ /_. __. __________ | . | / ___|___\_ .__|__/ _/. |/ |___\_ _. / | . : |_ _ _ __\___._ |/ \___.__| | \|__/__ _ _ _| : Ś l/ _._ l_ l/ _____ l_ _._ l_ Ś |__ _ _ _ ____\______| \____________/ \______| \________ _ _ _ __| ____________ _ _ _ ______ ____ _ _ ______ ._\ (__ .__\ /_) e^D -96 (_____ _ _ _\ /__ _ __| __/_ | \/ \--/ Ś Logo: Fragments of Reality \ / | . \/ :.. . . . . ..\/ |__ _ _____| ___ __ _ . : Ś _ __\ \\ \\\ __ _ _ Ś___. : \\__\\_\\\\ :.... . . _ _ __| | .. . .. . .. . . ..:_: | Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D | |_______________________________| ..::::::.. ::::ˇ .:::: _. :::: _:::::__ .___ ___. _____ ___________________/ |__. ____. ..:::::... _._ \_____|__.\_/___|_\_ _\/_ _. / ._ \_ .__|_/ ___|____. :::: _l/ _/ .__| \._ \/ \|__/ |/ |/ \___._ | ::::___\ l/ ____ l/ _.__/ __ l_ ___| _._ l_ _._ l/ | :::: \___________/ \______| /_____/ \_____ _|____| \______| \______| :::: ___ ___ Ś | (___) (-- _. . .... -cRb/e^D : Ś ________ _________ .____ __. _ _____/ |__. :::: . : \_ ._ \_ _. /__|___.\_/ | ___ __) .__|__.:::: ... : . _ _ ___| _l/ _/_ \|__/ .__| |/ |/ :::: ::::_ ____Ś : |__\ _. l_ l/ _____ l_ _.____ l_ ˇ:::.:::: Ś _ _ ________\______|\__________/ \______| \__...._| ::::_ _ _______| :::: :::: [ nO.3 in The GOA-experience trilogy ] ˇ:::.::::ˇ ____________ _ _ _ ______ ____ _ _ ______ ._\ (__ .__\ /_) e^D -96 (_____ _ _ _\ /__ _ __| __/_ | \/ \--/ Ś Logo: Zillion Hours \ / | . \/ :.. . . . . ..\/ |__ _ _____| ___ __ _ . : Ś _ __\ \\ \\\ __ _ _ Ś___. : \\__\\_\\\\ :.... . . _ _ __| | .. . .. . .. . . ..:_: | Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D | |_______________________________| ._____ ____ _. _. _ ____ _____ ______ _ __ ___|___ \ __)_/ | ____/ |_____ __)/ ._ \_/ ._ \. _ _ ________ / \ .____/_. |/ | |/ |/ | _/ / /__ l/ |______ l_ _. l_ _.____ l_ _.___| |_ _ ____. | .cRb\_______|e^D. \______|\______| \_____| l____| | | | | _. _ _ ____ | | /_|____ _____ ___ /________ ____. | | _ _ ___/ \._ \_/ ._ \_/ / \_ ._ \/ ___|___. _ _| | \_ |/ |/ /_ _l/ _/\___._ | _| _ _ ___|___| _._ l_ _._________\ _._ l/ |_ _ ____\ \ |_____| \_____| \_____| \_____| _ __\ ____________ _ _ _ ______ ____ _ _ ______ ._\ (__ .__\ /_) e^D -96 (_____ _ _ _\ /__ _ __| __/_ | \/ \--/ Ś Logo: E-Mail \ / | . \/ :.. . . . . ..\/ |__ _ _____| ___ __ _ . : Ś _ __\ \\ \\\ __ _ _ Ś___. : \\__\\_\\\\ :.... . . _ _ __| | .. . .. . .. . . ..:_: | Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D | |_______________________________| _ _ _____. .... | .::::::::. _ _ ___. | ::::ˇ ˇ:::._ .___ ____| _| :::: ... :::: \__________|__.\_ __)_/ | ____. :::: ˇ::::: \ _ _/ .__| |/ | ::::. Ś___\/ l/ ______ ___ l_ | ˇ::::.. .cRb/____________/ | \______|e^D. ˇˇ:::::... . . _ _ __| | | _ _ ___| .[ BBS-Logos Part ]. __ |oo| .----. V V _ Logo: Goodbye `----'._____/ \ PNF .__________________ \ `---. / __________________. | \ / / | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | `-÷(vampire duck floating on a Transylvanian lake)÷-' .___. _ ______ ____. _____ _____ ____|. .|____ ___ /_. ________ ./ ___|____/ ._ \_/ ._ \_/ .__| |_._ \./ /. |/ ._ / | \_._ |/ |/ |/ . |/ |___.__| |/___/_. .cRb|___ l/ _._ l_ _.__ l_ l_ _:_ l_ |/ ____ l_ |e^D. \______| \____| \__________/ \___________/ \_______| __ |oo| .----. V V _ Logo: Bulletins `----'._____/ \ PNF .__________________ \ `---. / __________________. | \ / / | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | `-÷(vampire duck floating on a Transylvanian lake)÷-' _ _ ______ _. ________ ___ /_ _. _. __________/ |__. ____ _______ ____. .__\_ ___ \_/ / \_/ | ____/ |___\_ _. / .__|__ __) ._ / ___|___. | | ._ _/ /_ |/ | \|___/ |/ |/ ._\__._ |__. | |__ |/ _._________ l_ _. l_ _. l_ _. l _._____| |___ l/ | | | .cRb\______|e^D. \______|\______|\______|\______| l_____|\______| | | | | | | | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| __ |oo| .----. V V _ Logo: Upload `----'._____/ \ PNF .__________________ \ `---. / __________________. | \ / / | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | `-÷(vampire duck floating on a Transylvanian lake)÷-' _ ____ .__. _ __ /_ ___________. _____ .___ ____|_.| / / \_ ._ / | _____/ ._ \____|__.\_/ _.__||_____________________. / /_ _l/ / |/ |/ .__| |/ | | \_________ _____/__ l_ ._ l_ l/ __._ l_ _| ( U P L O A D ) | | .cRb|___|e^D. \______| \___________/ |______/ | | | | | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________| __ |oo| .----. V V _ Logo: Download `----'._____/ \ PNF .__________________ \ `---. / __________________. | \ / / | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | `-÷(vampire duck floating on a Transylvanian lake)÷-' ________________ -~ ~- - - - - .--------------- ---------------. | - - | | -___-~| |~-___- | | _____| _|_____ | | ___\__________ __________/___ | | \ __________.\ /.__________ / | | \ \ | Y | / / | | __________\ \_____(o_|___|_o)_____/ /__________ | Ś \__ _._________________________________. __/ | : )___|| : ^ Ś ||___( | ._ _ _||___.__ Ś : || | ._ ____|_\_. _______.__ /_. ______: __. .___|| .____ |___|.\. ./ .__| |/ ._ \|/ / |/ ._ \_/ | ____/ ._ \___|__. \/ .__| | | l/ |/ / |/ |/ |/ .__| |/ | | l_ _____ l _. /l ______| _.__ l_ _.__ l_ l/ ___ l __| |______/ \_____|_____/ |____| \_____| \__________/ |_____/ : || . . || | Ś || But Remember To Upload Too! || | | ____|| : . : ||_____ | `---÷cRb)_. ||___Ś___________:___________Ś___|| .__(e^D÷--' |_____________________________________| __ |oo| .----. V V _ Logo: Conferences `----'._____/ \ PNF .__________________ \ `---. / __________________. | \ / / | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | `-÷(vampire duck floating on a Transylvanian lake)÷-' ___. ____ ____ _____________________ ____ ___.__________. ./ ._|_/ ._ \_/ ._ \/ __/_. / ._ / _. /./ ._ \/ ._|_ _. / __|___. .cRb| |/ |/ |/ ___\|_/ _l/_/_ \|_/_| |/ |/ \|_/\___._ |e^D. .___|_ l_ _. l_ _.__| .__|_ l_ _\ _. l_ _._| _. l_ _. l_ __ l/ |___. | \____|\____| l___| \____|\____|\_____| l___|\____|\_____|\____| | | | | | | | | | | | |___________________________________________________________________________| [ Three - You're So Depressed ] Credits.. ______________________________________________. __\_ | ._) Ś | : | Main Ascii .. Chrombacher/Epsilon^Design/Obscene/G-Force! | Guest Art ..... Fatal/Epsilon^Design/Obscene/G-Force!/SSF | ........................ Exocet/Anthrox/Arclite | .................................... Gozz/Honey | .......... Paszczak/Asciiness/Obsession/Corrupt | .............. Cenobite/Epsilon^Design/Sardonyx | .......................................Biscrock | Music Support ........................ Livecode/Front 242 | .................. Front By Front/Front 242 | ............... Tyranny >For You</Front 242 | .................... Fuck Up Evil/Front 242 | ........................ Evil Off/Front 242 | ........................... Snowbored/Sober | ................................. >5</Sober | .......................... First Step/Sober | .................. Babysitter/Sober(Strobe) | .................... Negative/Sober(Strobe) | ........................... Outlines/Breach | ........................... Friction/Breach | E-Mail ............................... jcn93@elev.vasa.se | Instrument ....................................... Guitar | Respects ..... Exocet,Mogue,Gozz,Cybergod,Styles,Paszczak | ..... Danzig,Mortimer Twang,Misfit,u-Man,H2o,911 | ..... Desoto, Mark Ryder,Behemoth, Boheme,Treach | ..... Elvis, Nup,Shapechanger, Java,Karma, Tsar1 | ..... Tango, Count Zer0, Trivial, Neptune, Phase | Ice Cream .......................Flintaglass - Mammutpack | Role Playing Games ................... Drakar och Demoner | ............................... Galaxy | ................................. Kult | ................................. MERP | ........................... Space 1889 ..and defenitly NOT "Mutant Chronicles" | Tabletop Games .......................... Warhammer 40000 | ................. Warhammer Fantasy Battle | ............................... Battletech |_________________________________________________| [] [] +-----------:===================================================:------------+ : : /\___:_ : : _:____ ._/ \__| : cALL tHE ePSiLoN^dESiGN boARdS: : _| _ /_. | __|____: _ _ . --------------------------------- . _ _ :____/ / | | \_ : | aNOTHER sTEP [-e^D wORLd! hQ-] | : | | _/ : | fiNAL iMPACT [-e^D sWEDiSH hQ-] | : _ | |___/ : | rAVELANd [-e^D gERMANY hQ-] | : \_____| `---------: - - | ziLLiOn hOurs [-e^D fiNNiSH hQ-] | - - :--------' : ` --------------------------------- ' : : : = =========:---------------------------------------------------:=========== = [] [] _______ ____ _____ ._____________ .___________\ ____\ ___ \ \/ /_|__ / / /_________. | \__\__\ \__\ \__\/ /___/__/___/___/___/ | | /___/ | | E-Mail | | | | My E-mail Adress For Requests And Fan-Letters | | | | jcn93@elev.vasa.se | | | | ( I Just Luuuv Getting E-Mail ) | | | | Or if anyone Would Like To Reach Me By Ordinary Mail | | This Adress is >For You< | | | | Chrombacher | | Degelugnsv.3 | | s-732 33 ARBOGA | | SWEDEN | |___________________________________________________________| .-----------÷ Asciiography: ÷-----------. | | .____`-- Name: Size: Year: --'____. | | | CRB_ACOLL.TXT 17687 -93 | | CRBCOLL2.TXT 44000 -94 | | CRBCOLL3.TXT 48000 -94 | | CRBCOLL4.TXT 52000 -94 | | MIGHTBE.TXT 120000 -94 | | CRB^BDZ.txt 28000 -94 | | CRBCOLL6.TXT 60000 -94 | | CRBCOLL7.TXT 55000 -94 | | CRB^A2G.TXT 25000 -94 | | CRBCOLL8.TXT 66666 -94 | | CRB^TRiB.TXT 37000 -94 | | CRB^SML.TXT 26000 -94 | | CRBCOLL9.TXT 56000 -94 | | CRB^SWE.TXT 160000 -94 | | CRBCOLL5.TXT 60000 -94 | | CRB^C2.TXT 9020 -94 | | CRB^NCF.TXT 65000 -94 | | CRB^GNR.TXT 40000 -95 | | E^D-PREV.TXT 11111 -95 | | E^D-MAJS.TXT 70000 -95 | | E^D-NAJS.TXT 80000 -95 | | E^D-NAME.TXT 50000 -95 | | E^D-JOF.TXT 68000 -95 | | E^D-PAL.TXT 63000 -95 | | E^D-2M.TXT 30000 -95 | | E^D-III.TXT 5555 -95 | | E^D-CYP.TXT 70000 -95 | | E^D-P9OS.TXT 30600 -95 | | E^D-SI!.TXT 212121 -95 | |_______ E^D-DUH!.TXT 6000 -95 ________| E^D-HEAD.TXT 56000 -96 Total: 1659760 Bytes The End Of Another.. _______ __ _ ______) (______ _|_____) (_____|_ ! ! ______ __. ______ ______ __ ______ ____________\_. Ź\ / l___ ._\_._ Ź\ / . Ź\ / \ / \ l____Y _ Ź\| l/ _) | Y \ / (___________ | Ś / Ś _ Ś | Ś \/ / _ _________ .Śl___/ .Śl___/ .Śl___ .Śl___/ .Ś /_____| /_____| /_____| /_____| /__________ _ _____ _____ ______ __. ____ _______ ___________\_ Ź\ _\___Ź\ _\_. Ź\ / l___ ._(___/__ _\_._ \ \ /_ _)/Ż_._ Y l____Y _ Ź\| _.___Y l/ _/_ / | l/ Ś | Ś / Ś \j Ś _ / _ _______/ .Śl___ .Śl___ .Śl___/ .Śl___ .Śl___/ / /_____| /_____| /_____| /_____| /_____| /____/ . . , _|_____ c h r o m b a c h e r _____|_ Šp)h. | )______ ______( | /___________\ ..Production -------------------------------( @FiLE_iD.DiZ )-------------------------------- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _/\_ ._____ ________________ _. _ ______\/\/___|_ \. ..| _ __ /___/ / _ __|__. ePSiLoN :| /__/ ________//___ _| dESiGN | _.__________\gZ! | |.. .-' |: Chrombacher.31.96.56.Headhunter__ _|__ | (Yes, this IS an Ascii colly) __//_._/ |_ ____________________________________| @END_FILE_ID.DIZ -------------------------------( @FiLE_iD.DiZ )-------------------------------- [ Four - You Catch The Man ] [EOF] sPB WHQ ˇ mOTION!^rOYAL SCHQ ˇ cRUX^lSD^oLDSKOOL^iNTENSITY NHQ FAST! / NICE STAFF / 28k8 / 2 NODES / AMIGA&CONSOLE jUST cALL iT +47-515-93123 (RD) tELNET aVAILABLE CHECKPOĄNT -(01-12-96 00:22:52)-- -- - --(BB-TxtAdder v0.9 by BiLBo BaGGins/M!^RNX)-