.                                    ______
          ________________/|_________________________________. /     /
          \_    .    \_    |     _/   __   \_    .     \_    |/     /
           /    |\____/    |_    \    _)____/    |\_____/   _/    _/
         _/     |/    \_   _/     \_  \|    \_   |/     \_  \      \_
         \_____________/   \_______/____     /___________/   \______/
                  _/        |sc         \____/       _/       |
                  \_________| ____                   \________|
     ________________________|    |_____  ______________
     \_    __     \_    .____|    |_    \|    __    ___/
      /   __|      /   /|   \|    |/     \    \/    |
     /    \_______/    \|    \_  _/     \      \_   |   a4OOO'o4o 18 mb rAM
   _/       |    \____________/  \______|\______/   | 2 GiGA HD - 33.6 V.34+
   \________|                |____|        _/       |
             +47-51593123 33.6 DS - rINGdOWN - +47-51592430 33.6 DS
                                tELNET aVAILABLE

   -(01-12-96 00:22:52)-- -- - --(BB-TxtAdder v0.9 by BiLBo BaGGins/M!^RNX)-


                           [ One - New Lovely Target ]

           _ ___
          ____ /__
          \  //  /
          / \/  /       .______
         /_____/.  _____|     /    _________ ________ _ __  _______
       _/      _|_|_    |_    |____\_      /__       \    \/      /
       \      |    /    _/    |    _/    _/  /       \\     /     /
      / \___________\   |_____|____\_________\________/   \/_____/
     /     /      |_____|÷e÷                        _ _____\
    /     /                              ._______
   /  ___/_____   ________ ______.  _____|      /______.        _________
  /   \_      /___\_    _/      _|_|__   |_   _/      _|________\_      /__
 /     /     /          \      |     /   _/   \     _|     /    _/    _/  /
/___________/______|_____\____________\  |_____\___________\____\_________\

       ____      _________  _____     _____  _____   _______   _______
     ./ __/_ __./_ ____  /./  __/__ ./    /./    /  _\___ _ \./_ ____ \_.
     | ____//__| //_____/_l_____   \|    /_|__ _/__ __ _//   | _\\  /  \|
     l_______ _l___/     /__________l___/ \__//___ /_ _______l_____/____\
     |        _____   ____       _____     _____ ____      _______      |
     |   _____\__ _\./ __/_ __ ./  __/__ ./    / ___/___ ./_ ____ \     |
     |   \  ____//__| ____//___l_____   \|    /  \____  \| _\\  /  \    |
     |    \_________|_______ _/__________l___/l__________l_____/____\gZ!|
     |                                                                  |
     | ˇ Cenobite ˇ Chrombacher ˇ Crusader ˇ Fatal ˇ Frame ˇ Grimlock ˇ |
     |                                                               _ _|_______
     |                     ˇ Harpoon ˇ Tommy ˇ Stash ˇ            _  _ _.___   /
     |__________________________________________________________________|  /  /
     |                                                                    /  /
  .__|                                                                   /  /
  Ś                                                     _ __ ___ ____ __/  /_
  :                                                    ///_//__//___//___   /
  ._/\________/\______ _/\________/\________/\________/\________/\_____/   /
 _ _____    ______    \    _______   _______   ___________    __   _______/
 \/    /    /    Ź  __/____    \/    /____/    ___/_/    /    /    ___/_
 /    /    /    /    \    /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /
 \____    /_____     /____    /\____    /_____    /____/    /_____    /_ ___
 _______ /_________ /_______ /________ /________ /____/    /________ /_//
  :    \/         \/       \/        \/        \/    /____/        \/-bIS!
  Ś                                                                      |
  |                                                                      |
  |                                 .[and].                              |
  |                                                                      |
  |                               _____                                  |
  |__.                          ./  __/__                             .__|
    _|________ _           <--  | //____ \   -->            _ ________|_
    \|                          l_________\                           |/
     \/       _______  ______    ________  ____      ______           /
     |      ./_ ____/_/      \ ./ ___   /./    \__ ./__   /_         ˇ|
  gZ!Ś      | //______        \|  \  __/ |  \___\ \|  /__/  \         |
 - --+------l____\---l_________l___\_____l_________l_________\--------+-- -


                 .[A]. .[New]. .[Ascii-Collection]. .[Called].
            .______.     ____________           .          ._____     ____
            |  ____|______    ______/_   _______:__ _______|___  \. __\__/__
            |  \_____     \.  _______/__/       :..\      ____/   | \ \  / /
            |      |/      |  \|        \.___/\   : \     \|      |  \/  \/
            fTL____|_______|___|         |\_______:__\____________|
                               |_________|_/      .
.______.           _______.          ._____.        __________
|  ____|______ ____\     Ź|__________|__  Ź|____  ./   ______/_ ______________
|  \_____    Ź\.   \\_    |     _      /  _|___/__|_   _______/__     _      /
|      |/      |    \/    |     /     /   \|       Ź\. \|        \.   |_____/
|______|_______|__________|____/_____/_____|         |__|         |___|
           _                        :      |_________|  |________eD
         _{_}_                      :
        {_{_}_}                     :
          {_}                      ^*^

                                              I'm looking for this man..
                                            ..to sell him to other man
                                              to sell him to other man..
                                            ..to make us rich and famous

                           [ Two - You Break The Line ]

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Contra               \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |

   .  . ....  ..::::::.  ... .  .
 .  . .:::ˇ .:::::::::::  :::. .  .          _.
          .::::ˇ  :::::ˇ ______   ______    / l___  _______      ____
        .:::::  .::::ˇ__/  ._  \_/  _.  \__/ _.__/___ _._  \_____\__.\.
    .___::::: ______ ..... |/       \|        |/      _l/  _/_   .__| |___.
    |   :::::     .::::::_ l_  ______|   _.__ l_   _._\          l/ __|   |
    |   :::::      :::::. \_____|    |____|  \______|  \___________/      |
    |    :::::      :::::                                                 |

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Contra               \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |
                                  _ _____
        ___.      ______    _______ _  _/__.  _ ________       .___
      _/ __|_____/ _  _ \__/ _   _ \__. ___|____. ____  \______|_. \__.
      \  \       | \       | \        | \       | ___/   /__. ___|    |
   .cRb\_ \_     |_ \_     |__\       |_ \_     |__\        |_ \_     |e^D.
         \_______| \_______|   \______| \_______|   \_______| \_______|

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Cenobite             \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |

                       : ..:....
                       :.:.:   :
                         :  .__:_________________.
                         :..|..:                 |
                            |                    |      _.
   _________._______________|__  ______ ______   | ____/ |__.___________
   \    _.__|__. _.    /  ._   \.  ._  \. ___ \_ |/  \.  .__|__. _.    /
    \   \|     | \|___/_. |/    |  |/   | \._ _/_|    |  |/    | \|___/_.
     \__ \_    |_ l_    |_|     |_ l_   |_ l/    |____|_ l_    |_ l_    |
    .cRb\______| \______| |_____| \_____| \______|e^D.  \______| \______|
                            |                    |
                            |                 ...|...
                            |_________________:__|  :
                                              :   ..:..
                                              :...:.: :

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Cenobite             \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |
                               \____ _       __/
                                |             |
                                |             |
                         ____   |             |   ____
                         \  (___|__ _  _  _ __|___)  /
                       ___\___________   ___________/___
    .....              )____        (o\ /o)        ____(              .....
    : ..:....     _________\___________Y___________/_________     ....:.. :
    :.:.:.__:_____\  .___________________________________.  /_____:__.:.:.:
      :  |  :      \_||    Ś     :     ^     :     Ś   _||_/      :  |  :
 _____:..|..:______. ||____:__  _._____:_____._ ___:__/ ||__.    _:..|..:
 \   ____|____. ___|_|/  ___  \/  ___  \ _____ \_    \  ____|___/ ___|_.
  \   \/      | _____|__. \/   \   \/   \ \____ /__   \  \/     |  ____|___.
   \   \      |  \/     |  \    \   \    \   \/    \   \  \     |   \/     |
    \__ \_    |__ \_    |___\    \__ \_   \__ \_    \___\_ \_   |___ \_    |
       \______|  \______|  . \____\ \_____/  \______/   ||\_____|   \______|
         |       ____||    :     .     :     .     :    ||____       |
         |_______)_  ||____Ś_____:_____._____:_____Ś____||  _(_______|

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Stage Dive           \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |
   .------------------ :::: ----------------÷cRb/e^D÷---.
   Ś       .::::::    :::::. .::::                      Ś     .::::ˇ
   :..::::::::::ˇ    ::::::::::::    :::::...           :    ::::ˇ.::::::..
   ::::ˇ ˇ::::ˇ     :::::   ::::        ˇˇ:::::.  ..:::::::.::::::::ˇ ˇ:::::.
    ˇ::::...       :::::   ......::::::::.. ˇ:::::::ˇ    :::::ˇ::::: .:::::::
      ˇ::::::::::::::::     ::::::::ˇ  ˇ:::: ::::::   ..:::::: ::::::::::ˇˇ
   :::::.    .::::::::       ::::::::..     .::::::..::::`:::: ::::::ˇ     ....
  :::::::. .:::::::::.. ...::::::::::::....:::::ˇ::::::ˇ. ::::::::::::.  .:::::
 :::::::::::::::ˇˇ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..       :::::::ˇ ˇ::::::::::ˇ
:::::::                        ˇ::::::.    :::::::.   .::::::ˇ
   .                                      ::::::::::::::ˇˇ
   :                 ˇ.ˇ.ˇ               :::::::ˇ       .
   Ś  .[OBSCENE WHQ]. .:.:.                             :
   |  .[TEAM 666 HQ].  :::::                            Ś
   |                    :::::                           |
   |         :::::       :::::    .....                 |
   |          ::::: ::::: :::::    ˇ:::::.        ....  |
   `---------- :::::.  ::: :::::     ˇ:::::   ..::::::::..
         ...:::::::::::ˇ.:: :::::      ::::: :::::   ˇ:::::
       .::::ˇ    ::::: ::::: :::::      :::::::::  .::::::ˇ
      .::::.      ::::: ::::: :::::     :::::::: .:::::ˇ
      ::::::       ::::: ::::: :::::   ::::::::::ˇ:::ˇ
       ˇ:::::...  ..::::: ::::: :::::.::::: ˇ::::: ˇ   .::::
         ˇˇ::::::::::::::: ::::: :::::::::    ˇ:::::..::::::

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Nurgle               \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |

                  .cRb\                   \
            :::::      \                   \        :::::
             :::::      \                   \        :::::
   .::::::::. :::::  ::::: ::::: .::::::.  .::::::::: :::::   .:::::::::.
.-::::ˇ  :::::-:::::--:::::-:::::::ˇ-::::::::::ˇ-:::::-:::::-:::::--.::::: ---.
| :::::   ::::: :::::  ::::: :::::         :::::  ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::ˇ     |
|  :::::   ::::: ˇ::::  ::::ˇ :::::         ˇ:::: .::::: ::::: ˇ::::   .....  |
             :::::            \              .....\ .::::ˇ
                               \              ::::::::::ˇ

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Desoto               \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |

              .......... .  .                                        .  . ...
             :::::::ˇ                                                       :
             ::::::                                                         .
       .....  ::::::                                      _.
    .:::::::::.::::::___________  _____.       __________/ |__.     _______ .
   ::::::ˇ    ˇ:::::::   _.    / /  ___|______/  ._   \_   .__|____/  ._   \.
   ::::::        ::::::  \|___/__\_____._        |/        |/         |/    |
    ::::::        ::::::_ l_           l/ ______ l_   _.__ l_    _.__ l_    |
     ::::::       .::::::\_______________/      \______|  \_______|  \______|
      ::::::.   .::::::ˇ                                                    .
       ˇ::::::::::::ˇˇ  .cRb/e^D.                                           .
                                                                   .   . ...:

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Fatal                \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |
               .      .:::::::ˇ
          .___ :: __ ::::_ ::: ____________________________________.
          |    ::: .:::   :::.. .  .                               |
          |    :::::::    ˇ:::.:. .  _.                            |
          |     :::::   ... .____ __/ |__.     .____   __.         |
          |    ::::::: ::: _|___ \_   .__|_____|___ \_/  | ____.   |
          |   ::: :::::::   .__/      |/       .__/      |/    |   |
      .cRbl_ :::__ :::::    l/ ______ l_       l/ ______ l_    |___|e^D.
                    :::::_____/      \___________/      \______|

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Xcluziwe             \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |

    .                                ....:.. :
.:::::                               :  |  :
 ::::::                              :..|..:
 Ś::::::      ..::::::::. .  .          |
 | ::::::   .:::::ˇ                     |                               .   .
 |  :::::: :::::ˇ                       |                                . .
 |   ::::::`::::                        |                               . . .
 |    ::::::`:              _   _ _____ |        _  _ ____.             .:.:.
 |    .:::::: _______.   __.  _ ___   /_|   .____ _____   |___   _______:::::
 |   ::.::::::   _.__|__/  | ____/_  /  |___|___ (____)   |   \./ _.    /::::
 |__::::_::::::  \|        |/       /_       .___/        |       \|___/:::::
   :::::  ::::::_ \_    __ l_   _.______._   l/ ________  l\  _.__ l_     |::
  :::::    ::::::\______| \______|  .cRb|______/e^D.    \______|  \_______|::
 :::::      ::::::                                                      :::::
             ::::::                                                     :::::
      _ __ ___::::::.... .  .      .   . .... .   .         .    . .....:::::
      \\\ \\   ::::::::::. .               :                  .    . .:::::::
       \\\_\\___ˇ:::::::. .  .      .  . .:::.. .  .       .    . .::::::::::

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Paszczak             \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |

            .... p  .  A  .  S  .  Z  .  C  .  Z  .  A  .  k ....
            :                                                   :
       .....:                                                   :.....
   ..::::::::::..                                            ...:... :
 .::::::::::::::::.                                          :  :..:.:
 :::::::'.__`::::::: ________________________________________:__:  :
 ::::::: |    :::::::                                        :..|..:
  :::::::Ś     ::::::: .___   ____.     ._________.   .____     |___   _. ____
   :::::::    ::::::::_|__.\./ ___|_____|___ \ _._|___|___ \____|__.\_/ l/   /
....:::::::..::::::::  .__| |\___._     .____/ \|     .____/    .__|   _/  _/_.
.:::.:::::::::::::::ˇ  l/ ______ l/     l/ ____ \_    l/ __._   l/ ____\      |
 .:::.::::::::::::ˇ______/  .cRb\_________/e^D.\________/  |______/     \_____|
       :::::::                                                  |
        ::::::: ________________________________________________|
         :::::::                                                :
          :::::::                                               :
            :                                                   :
            :... p  .  A  .  S  .  Z  .  C  .  Z  .  A  .  k ...:

           Mess: Well, you wanted me to tell me about your styles..
                 they're quite nice especially your ascii-men!

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Another Step         \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |
 .  . ....
.  . .:::::
        ˇ:::                                                 .  . ....
          :::                         _.      _.                     :
           :::___   ______   ______  / l__.  / l___   ____________   .
        .___:|__.\_/  ._  \_/  ._  \/ _.__|_/  ._  \_/ ._   / ._  \_ .
        |    .__|     |/       |/      |/      |/      l/__/ _l/  _/_.
        |    l/ ______|   _.__ l_  _._ l_   _._|   _._ l_    \       |
        |______/::    l____|  \_____| \______| l____| \______|\______|
        |       :::  _.                                _ __          |  _ __
        |  ____. :::/ l__. __________________    _ __ l//__)     _ __| l//__)
        | / ___|__:/ _.__|__  _.   /  ._    /   l//__)          l//__)
        |_\___._      |/      \|__/ ._l/   /                         |
    .cRb|____ l/  _._ l_   _._ l_   |_.___/__________________________|e^D.
        .    \_____| \______| \_______|
        .             :::
        :.. .   .      :::
                         :::::. .  .
                          ˇ::::. .  .

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Azkiness             \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |

                                ... .   .   ...
                                :             :
         .::::::..                            ˇ
             `:::::.    .____ __. ________  ______   ____________.   ____.
  ..::::::::::::::::____|___ \  l/   /____)/  ._  \_/ _.    / ___|__/ ___|____.
.::::::'     `::::::    .____/ _/  _/     |   |/      \|___/____._  \___._    |
::::::    .___::::::    l/ ____\     _._______|   _.__ l_       l/ ____ l/    |
::::::.   |   ::::::______/     \_____|       l____|  \___________/    \______|
::::::::..| .::::::ˇ                                                          |
 ˇ::::::::::::::::ˇ                                                           |
          |                                                                   |
                                .             .
                                .             .
                                :.. .    .  ..:

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Exocet               \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |

        .  . ......                                      .....
      .  . .::::::::.                                ....:.. :
               ˇ:::::              ._________________:__.:.:.:
                 :::::     ...... .|                 :  |  :
                  :::::   :::::    Ś                 :..|..:
           ________::::: :::::_____:_____.  __________/ |___.
           \   _.   ::::::::: ._  \   ___|__\_ _.    /  .___|__.
            \  \|____:::::::  |/      \|       \|___/   |/     |
         .cRb\_ \_    :::::   l_ _____ \_   _._ \_   __ l_     |e^D.
               \_____:::::::____/  .  \______| \_______\_______|
                    :::::::::      :                    |    . ˇ
                   ::::: :::::     Ś                    |      .
              . ..::::ˇ   :::::    |____________________|    . .
                           :::::                             ..:
                            :::::... .  .           .   . ...:::
                             ˇ:::::::. .  .        .   . ..:::::

                Mess: I Just Love Getting E-Mail.. Keep it up !
                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Silicon Graphics     \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |

    ____.   ______  __.     __________.    ______   ______         .....
   / ___|____ ____)/  | _____ __)  ___|___/  _.  \_/  ._  \.    ...:.. :
 ._\___._         .   |/           \|        \|       |/   |____:__:.:.:_____.
 |____ l/   _.____:__ l_   _.___ __ \_        l_ _____|    |    :    :       |
 |    \______|       \______|      \____________/     l____|    :....:       |
 |                                         ____.                             |
 |   _______.   ________     .____ ________\_  |____ __________.    ____.    |
 |   \   ___|___\   ._  \____|___.\\  _._      ._   \  __)  _._|___/ ___|____|
 l____\  \_._      _l/  _/_   .__|   __l/  __  |/           \|    _\___._    |
       \__ l/   _._\          l/ __._\_.___/___|    _.______ \_   _.__ l/    |
 -cRb/e^D \______|  \___________/  |___|       |_____|      \______|  \______|

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Caustic Style        \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |
                        _ _______            _.
    _______.        ._____ __   /______.  __/ |__. ____ _____.
    \   _._|________|___.\_/   /  / ___|__\_  .__|_   _)  _._|___.
.__ _\  \|           .__|     /_  \___._      |/          \|     | _  _ _____.
|     \_ \_          l/ _____________ |/  _._ l_   _._____ \_    |           |
Ś   ._ _\______________/     -cRb/e^D\_____| \______|     \______|_  _ _.    Ś
:   |                                                                   |    :
.   |                       _.  _  ________                             |    .
    |            ____.   __/ |__._ __     /_. __.   __________          |
.   |           / ___|___\_  .__|__/    _/. |/  |___\_  _.   /          |    .
:   |_   _  _ __\___._       |/    \___.__|     |       \|__/__ _  _   _|    :
Ś                   l/   _._ l_        l/ _____ l_   _._ l_                  Ś
|__ _     _  _ ____\______| \____________/     \______| \________ _  _   _ __|

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Fragments of Reality \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |
   ::::ˇ  .::::                                              _.
  ::::  _:::::__      .___   ___. _____  ___________________/ |__.  ____.
..:::::... _._  \_____|__.\_/___|_\_  _\/_    _.   /  ._  \_  .__|_/ ___|____.
   ::::    _l/  _/    .__|   \._       \/     \|__/   |/      |/   \___._    |
    ::::___\          l/ ____ l/   _.__/    __ l_  ___|   _._ l_   _._ l/    |
     ::::   \___________/    \______| /_____/ \_____ _|____| \______| \______|
      ::::                          ___   ___                            Ś   |
                                   (___) (--      _.    . ....  -cRb/e^D :   Ś
         ________ _________  .____   __.  _ _____/ |__.    ::::          .   :
         \_  ._  \_  _.   /__|___.\_/  | ___  __)  .__|__.::::  ...      :   .
 _  _ ___|  _l/  _/_ \|__/    .__|     |/          |/    ::::  ::::_ ____Ś   :
         |__\      _. l_      l/ _____ l_   _.____ l_    ˇ:::.::::           Ś
_  _ ________\______|\__________/     \______|    \__...._|  ::::_  _ _______|
                                                      ::::  ::::
             [ nO.3 in The GOA-experience trilogy ]   ˇ:::.::::ˇ

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: Zillion Hours        \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |
        ._____  ____   _.      _.  _ ____  _____   ______               _ __
     ___|___  \   __)_/ | ____/ |_____ __)/ ._  \_/  ._  \. _  _ ________  /
     \   .____/_.       |/      |           |/       |/   |            _/ /
     /__ l/     |______ l_   _. l_   _.____ l_  _.___|    |_  _ ____.   |
    .cRb\_______|e^D.  \______|\______|    \_____|   l____|         |   |
                                                                    |   |
                      _.          _   _ ____                        |   |
                     /_|____   _____ ___   /________  ____.         |   |
            _  _ ___/ \._   \_/ ._  \_/   /  \_ ._  \/ ___|___.  _ _|   |
                   \_  |/       |/       /_    _l/ _/\___._   |        _|
           _  _ ___|___|    _._ l_  _._________\     _._ l/   |_  _ ____\ \
                       |_____| \_____|          \_____| \_____|        _ __\

                                              ____________ _  _   _ ______
   ____ _         _            ______       ._\                          (__
.__\  /_) e^D -96 (_____ _  _ _\    /__ _ __|                            __/_
|   \/                          \--/        Ś Logo: E-Mail               \  /
|           .                    \/         :.. .   .          .      . ..\/
|__ _  _____|          ___ __ _             .                             :
            Ś     _  __\  \\ \\\ __ _  _                                  Ś___.
            :          \\__\\_\\\\          :.... .    .          _   _ __|   |
            .. . ..        . .. .       . ..:_:                               |
                                              Ś Headhunter By Chrombacher/e^D |

                                             _  _ _____.
                     ....                              |
                  .::::::::.              _   _ ___.   |
                 ::::ˇ  ˇ:::._           .___  ____|  _|
                :::: ... :::: \__________|__.\_  __)_/ | ____.
                ::::  ˇ::::: \  _  _/    .__|          |/    |
                 ::::.    Ś___\/         l/ ______ ___ l_    |
                  ˇ::::.. .cRb/____________/       |  \______|e^D.
                    ˇˇ:::::... .  .         _  _ __|   |
                                               _  _ ___|

                             .[ BBS-Logos Part ].

                               V  V        _
            Logo: Goodbye     `----'._____/ \ PNF
            .__________________ \   `---.   / __________________.
            |                    \      /  /                    |
            |           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          |
            `-÷(vampire duck floating on a Transylvanian lake)÷-'

                                        .___.     _ ______
          ____.     _____   _____   ____|. .|____ ___    /_. ________
        ./ ___|____/  ._ \_/  ._ \_/  .__| |_._  \./    /. |/ ._    /
        |  \_._       |/      |/      |/  .  |/   |___.__|    |/___/_.
    .cRb|___ l/   _._ l_ _.__ l_      l_ _:_ l_       |/ ____ l_     |e^D.
            \______| \____|  \__________/   \___________/    \_______|

                               V  V        _
            Logo: Bulletins   `----'._____/ \ PNF
            .__________________ \   `---.   / __________________.
            |                    \      /  /                    |
            |           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          |
            `-÷(vampire duck floating on a Transylvanian lake)÷-'

        _  _ ______                            _.
   ________ ___   /_   _.      _.   __________/ |__. ____ _______ ____.
.__\_ ___  \_/   /  \_/ | ____/ |___\_ _.    /  .__|__ __)  ._   / ___|___.
|  |   ._  _/   /_      |/      |      \|___/   |/          |/ ._\__._    |__.
|  |__ |/   _._________ l_   _. l_   _. l_   _. l    _._____|  |___ l/    |  |
| .cRb\______|e^D.     \______|\______|\______|\______|     l_____|\______|  |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |

                               V  V        _
            Logo: Upload      `----'._____/ \ PNF
            .__________________ \   `---.   / __________________.
            |                    \      /  /                    |
            |           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          |
            `-÷(vampire duck floating on a Transylvanian lake)÷-'

   _ ____                                          .__.
_ __    /_ ___________.       _____     .___   ____|_.|
  /    /  \_  ._    / | _____/ ._  \____|__.\_/  _.__||_____________________.
 /    /_     _l/   /  |/       |/       .__|      |/  |                     |
 \_________  _____/__ l_    ._ l_       l/ __._   l_ _|   ( U P L O A D )   |
  |   .cRb|___|e^D.  \______| \___________/  |______/                       |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |

                               V  V        _
            Logo: Download    `----'._____/ \ PNF
            .__________________ \   `---.   / __________________.
            |                    \      /  /                    |
            |           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          |
            `-÷(vampire duck floating on a Transylvanian lake)÷-'

                             -~                ~-
                           -                      -
                          -                         -
          .---------------                           ---------------.
          |              -                           -              |
          |               -___-~|             |~-___-               |
          |                _____|            _|_____                |
          |             ___\__________   __________/___             |
          |             \  __________.\ /.__________  /             |
          |              \ \         | Y |         / /              |
          |     __________\ \_____(o_|___|_o)_____/ /__________     |
          Ś     \__  _._________________________________.   __/     |
          :       )___||   :           ^           Ś   ||___(       |
         ._        _ _||___.__         Ś           :   ||           |   ._
     ____|_\_. _______.__    /_. ______:  __.      .___||    .____  |___|.\.
   ./   .__| |/  ._  \|/    /  |/  ._  \_/  | ____/  ._  \___|__. \/  .__| |
   |    l/       |/        /       |/       |/       |/      .__|     |/   |
   |    l_ _____ l   _.   /l ______|   _.__ l_  _.__ l_      l/ ___   l  __|
   |______/     \_____|_____/      |____|  \_____|  \__________/  |_____/
          :           ||   .                       .   ||           |
          Ś           ||  But Remember To Upload Too!  ||           |
          |       ____||   :           .           :   ||_____      |
          `---÷cRb)_. ||___Ś___________:___________Ś___|| .__(e^D÷--'

                               V  V        _
            Logo: Conferences `----'._____/ \ PNF
            .__________________ \   `---.   / __________________.
            |                    \      /  /                    |
            |           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          |
            `-÷(vampire duck floating on a Transylvanian lake)÷-'

      ___.  ____   ____  _____________________  ____  ___.__________.
    ./ ._|_/ ._ \_/ ._ \/ __/_.  / ._  / _.  /./ ._ \/ ._|_ _.  / __|___.
.cRb|  |/    |/     |/    ___\|_/ _l/_/_ \|_/_|  |/    |/   \|_/\___._  |e^D.
.___|_ l_ _. l_ _.__|   .__|_ l_ _\    _. l_  _._|  _. l_ _. l_  __ l/  |___.
|     \____|\____|  l___|    \____|\____|\_____| l___|\____|\_____|\____|   |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |

                         [ Three - You're So Depressed ]

             __\_                                            |
           ._)                                               Ś
           |                                                 :
           | Main Ascii .. Chrombacher/Epsilon^Design/Obscene/G-Force!
           | Guest Art ..... Fatal/Epsilon^Design/Obscene/G-Force!/SSF
           |           ........................ Exocet/Anthrox/Arclite
           |           .................................... Gozz/Honey
           |           .......... Paszczak/Asciiness/Obsession/Corrupt
           |           .............. Cenobite/Epsilon^Design/Sardonyx
           |           .......................................Biscrock
           | Music Support ........................ Livecode/Front 242
           |               .................. Front By Front/Front 242
           |               ............... Tyranny >For You</Front 242
           |               .................... Fuck Up Evil/Front 242
           |               ........................ Evil Off/Front 242
           |               ........................... Snowbored/Sober
           |               ................................. >5</Sober
           |               .......................... First Step/Sober
           |               .................. Babysitter/Sober(Strobe)
           |               .................... Negative/Sober(Strobe)
           |               ........................... Outlines/Breach
           |               ........................... Friction/Breach
           | E-Mail ............................... jcn93@elev.vasa.se
           | Instrument ....................................... Guitar
           | Respects ..... Exocet,Mogue,Gozz,Cybergod,Styles,Paszczak
           |          ..... Danzig,Mortimer Twang,Misfit,u-Man,H2o,911
           |          ..... Desoto, Mark Ryder,Behemoth, Boheme,Treach
           |          ..... Elvis, Nup,Shapechanger, Java,Karma, Tsar1
           |          ..... Tango, Count Zer0, Trivial, Neptune, Phase
           | Ice Cream .......................Flintaglass - Mammutpack
           | Role Playing Games ................... Drakar och Demoner
           |                    ............................... Galaxy
           |                    ................................. Kult
           |                    ................................. MERP
           |                    ........................... Space 1889                                                                     ..and defenitly NOT "Mutant Chronicles"
           | Tabletop Games .......................... Warhammer 40000
           |                ................. Warhammer Fantasy Battle
           |                ............................... Battletech

[]  []

            :                                                   :
   /\___:_  :                                                   :     _:____
._/  \__|   :          cALL tHE ePSiLoN^dESiGN boARdS:          :     _| _ /_.
|    __|____: _ _   . --------------------------------- .   _ _ :____/   /   |
|    \_     :       | aNOTHER sTEP   [-e^D wORLd!  hQ-] |       :            |
|    _/     :       | fiNAL iMPACT   [-e^D sWEDiSH hQ-] |       :      _     |
|___/       :       | rAVELANd       [-e^D gERMANY hQ-] |       :      \_____|
  `---------: - -   | ziLLiOn hOurs  [-e^D fiNNiSH hQ-] |   - - :--------'
            :       ` --------------------------------- '       :
            :                                                   :
 = =========:---------------------------------------------------:=========== =

[]  []

                     _______      ____  _____ ._____________
         .___________\  ____\ ___ \   \/    /_|__  /   /   /_________.
         |            \__\__\ \__\ \__\/   /___/__/___/___/___/      |
         |                            /___/                          |
         |                                   E-Mail                  |
         |                                                           |
         |       My E-mail Adress For Requests And Fan-Letters       |
         |                                                           |
         |                    jcn93@elev.vasa.se                     |
         |                                                           |
         |              ( I Just Luuuv Getting E-Mail )              |
         |                                                           |
         |   Or if anyone Would Like To Reach Me By Ordinary Mail    |
         |                 This Adress is >For You<                  |
         |                                                           |
         |                        Chrombacher                        |
         |                       Degelugnsv.3                        |
         |                      s-732 33 ARBOGA                      |
         |                          SWEDEN                           |

                   .-----------÷ Asciiography: ÷-----------.
                   |                                       |
              .____`-- Name:            Size:      Year: --'____.
              |                                                 |
              |        CRB_ACOLL.TXT    17687       -93         |
              |        CRBCOLL2.TXT     44000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL3.TXT     48000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL4.TXT     52000       -94         |
              |        MIGHTBE.TXT     120000       -94         |
              |        CRB^BDZ.txt      28000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL6.TXT     60000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL7.TXT     55000       -94         |
              |        CRB^A2G.TXT      25000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL8.TXT     66666       -94         |
              |        CRB^TRiB.TXT     37000       -94         |
              |        CRB^SML.TXT      26000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL9.TXT     56000       -94         |
              |        CRB^SWE.TXT     160000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL5.TXT     60000       -94         |
              |        CRB^C2.TXT        9020       -94         |
              |        CRB^NCF.TXT      65000       -94         |
              |        CRB^GNR.TXT      40000       -95         |
              |        E^D-PREV.TXT     11111       -95         |
              |        E^D-MAJS.TXT     70000       -95         |
              |        E^D-NAJS.TXT     80000       -95         |
              |        E^D-NAME.TXT     50000       -95         |
              |        E^D-JOF.TXT      68000       -95         |
              |        E^D-PAL.TXT      63000       -95         |
              |        E^D-2M.TXT       30000       -95         |
              |        E^D-III.TXT       5555       -95         |
              |        E^D-CYP.TXT      70000       -95         |
              |        E^D-P9OS.TXT     30600       -95         |
              |        E^D-SI!.TXT     212121       -95         |
              |_______ E^D-DUH!.TXT      6000       -95 ________|
                       E^D-HEAD.TXT     56000       -96

                               Total: 1659760 Bytes

     The End Of Another..
                                _______ __ _
                          ______)           (______
                   _|_____)                       (_____|_
                    !                                   !
                  ______   __.      ______   ______   __ ______
      ____________\_.  Ź\ /  l___ ._\_._ Ź\ /  .  Ź\ /  \     /
      \             l____Y    _ Ź\|   l/  _)   |    Y  \  /  (___________
                    |    Ś    /   Ś   _    Ś   |    Ś   \/              /
         _ _________   .Śl___/  .Śl___/  .Śl___   .Śl___/  .Ś
                   /_____|  /_____|  /_____|  /_____|  /__________ _
              _____    _____   ______   __.       ____    _______
   ___________\_  Ź\  _\___Ź\ _\_.  Ź\ /  l___ ._(___/__ _\_._   \
   \           /_  _)/Ż_._   Y   l____Y    _ Ź\|   _.___Y   l/  _/_
                /   |   l/   Ś   |    Ś    /   Ś   \j   Ś   _     /
      _ _______/  .Śl___   .Śl___   .Śl___/  .Śl___   .Śl___/    /
              /_____|  /_____|  /_____|  /_____|  /_____|  /____/
                    .                                   .     ,
                   _|_____  c h r o m b a c h e r  _____|_  Šp)h.
                    |     )______           ______(     |


-------------------------------( @FiLE_iD.DiZ )--------------------------------

          _/\_   ._____ ________________ _.
  _ ______\/\/___|_    \.               ..|
  _ __   /___/    / _ __|__. ePSiLoN     :|
     /__/   ________//___ _|      dESiGN  |
_.__________\gZ!                          |
 |..                                    .-'
 |:  Chrombacher.31.96.56.Headhunter__ _|__
 |   (Yes, this IS an Ascii colly) __//_._/
 |_ ____________________________________|

-------------------------------( @FiLE_iD.DiZ )--------------------------------

                         [ Four - You Catch The Man ]



             FAST! / NICE STAFF / 28k8 / 2 NODES / AMIGA&CONSOLE

                       jUST cALL iT +47-515-93123 (RD)

                               tELNET aVAILABLE


   -(01-12-96 00:22:52)-- -- - --(BB-TxtAdder v0.9 by BiLBo BaGGins/M!^RNX)-