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OR NO ACCESS «-------------------------------------------------------------------------» ____ ___________\___________ _ ____ ___ | _|__ _____ ______ ._) \\ ._/ _/___/ _|_|_ \_ \_/ _ \_/ \ | | \ \ \_ / /. \ \_ \/ / | C H R O M B A C H E R |____________/____/ \___|________/__/ / || | |[sTZ!/sE c'97]/___\ || EPSILON DESIGN! | | |: _____ _____ ____ ___ _____| _|___ | ._/ _ \_/ _ \_/ _/___/ _|___/ _ \_ \_ \ |__ _| _/ /. \ \_ \ \ \_ /___/ / /. |___) |___/____/__________/____/_____. \____| \____| |____| : : . . . . - [ o . F ] - . . . . : :....:.. . . :.:..: : . . .... _________.______________ . __.___. :____.__.___________ . : .\ ._ | ___ / ___/_:_ | |___\ ._ | ._ / ._.___:_| |/____| \_____/__._ / | \ |/ | |/ /____. | : ..:.|______/|____| _ ___ |/ __|__ :_______________|___|____/ | | :.:.: _ ____/ . : | | : . : . | | . . : . | | _________ ________. _____ . __.______ .___:____:__ | | .\ ._ \ ._ |/ ___/_:_ | _. \| ._ / | |___| |/ / |/____|__._ / | \|_ | |/ /_.cRb/e^D.______| |________/______ _ __ |/ /__ :\____/ |___|____/ _ ______/ . /____| ..:.. : : :.:..: . . .:.. : :.:.: : . . . ..:... . . . .:.: : Well, here I am again, like it's been some : time since I've ever done any ascii, so . I hope you don't have any TOO big expectations about this collection, I just wanted to do . some ascii, this because I'm bored at work. Remember that this collection is made on a PC so, that might be one of the reasons it might suck as hell. Hmm.. I don't even know if e^D is alive anymore, but someone's got to keep the old group alive. Otherwise I'll have to join another group or become independent or something, I don't know, I'm just talking loads of bullshit right now :-). Well, why this absence some might think? Well, I lost interest in doing ascii and being in the scene. Mostly because I got involved in playing in two different bands and got myself a proper work. So, that is mainly the problem. Lately though my new girlfriend has taken up loads of my time, so there's another reason. Hope noone will be angry with me or anything :). Anyhow this collection will contain some new logos I've made. I've tried to get a grip on what groups are active aso, so here you go all of you, the logos 'll probably suck, but that's not my problem :) . Cheers - Chrombacher, Jonas Contact me at: jonas@loveboat.com . jonasca@hd.swip.net (at work) . My homepage is at: http://crb.home.ml.org . : Check out my band pages: http://come.to/disgraced http://come.to/carnal_grief ..:.. . . . .:.: : . @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .__ [ EPSiLoN - __________|__\ - DESiGN ] .___ _ _ ___\ ._ \ _./ \___ _ _ ___. | |/___\ \| | |__ _ _ _____ | | ____ _ _ ____| \___________/ .. . . - cRb/e^D : : Chrombacher is back with a short one : : just to keep the flame alive. : . . ...: @END_FILE_ID.DIZ - [ STYLE ] - ..... .___. _ _ __:_ : . ________.| |______ __ /_ :___. ___________ . \ ._ | _.____/__/ / .\ _|______\ ._ / ..:.. .___ _./ _|/___/__ |/ / /__ | \ __ __|/___/_ _.:.: : . | ._|___._ \ \___.__/ : \ \ _.__/___ :.|.: . | | |/ |\ \ |/ . |\ \ |/ \. | :.:.._| | | | | | |___| . .:.: : |________________________________________________________| :.:.:. : : :.. .cRb/e^D.. . . . . ..:...: . . S . T . Y . L . E . - [ STYLE ] - - [ STYLE DIZ. ] - ....__ _ __. _ _____ _ ___.... : | ___ \ |______ /_ _. ______. | : :. : ./__/__ .__/_/ / / |___\ ._ | : .: __|_._ |/ \_._ \ |/__|_. \__ |/ _ | ___ |/___ | ___ | __/ .cRb.\____/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \____/ .e^D. | | | | | | |________________________________________| - [ STYLE DIZ. ] - - [ FoLAR ] - . . .... . . . . .. __:________:_______ : .) : : (. : . ..|..: :.. . .| . . ...: _______|_______. ____| _______ ......../ ._ ._ \ |___ ___\__ \_. ._ \......... : | |/__._ |/ \ ___ _._ | |/ /_. : : | ___/| | |\ \ |/ \ | : :......|___|..|__________________________\_____|......: | .__|__. | | : | |__.cRb/e^D._____|..:..|. . |___:_| : . - [ FoLAR ] - - [ TommY ] - . . . ._______________________________. . ..:..| |..:.. .___..:.: | _ |_ :.:.__ _| |_:___ |____________ ________ _______ /__ \ .____/_/_ .__ \ / \ / / / /. | |/ |/ \ \/ / \ \/ / / /__ | | \ | \ / \ / \___.__/ | | |\ | \ / \ / |/ | | | | _ _.____\ /_ ____ _\ /___._ _ | _| |___________________| \/ \/ |_________\ . .:.. | | ..:. . :.:..| - [ T o M M Y ] - |..:.: : |_______________________________| : . . .cRb/e^D - [ TommY ] - - [ Stezotehic ] - . . . ..:.. . . .:.:_:_____________________________________..:. . . . ... :.|.:._. ._. . .:.:.__. : _|_ | |___ ____. ____ ____ | |___ _|__| |___.__.__:_ ./__/_ ___/__/._ |_\__ \./ ._ \_ ___/__/._ | ._ | | _./___. ._|_.__ \ |/__| _.__| |/ \ |/__| |/ : | \| | |__ |/ |\ ___ | ___ \| | __ |\ __ | ____/ ..___ \ | \__________\ \____| \_________/ \____\ \____| /_____| \_____| | ..|.. : |_.cRb/e^D.___________________________:_|.:.. . . . ..: :.:.: : . - [ Stezotehic ] - - [ E ] - . . ..:....................... . .:.: ______________. : : .\ ._ | : .___:___| |/______|_____:___. | | _.____/____ _ | | | |/ __ _ | |___.cRb| | \e^D.___| : |_________________\ : : ..:.. . :......................:.: : . - [ E ] - -[ Boheme ] - . . . . ...... . . : ...:... . . .__. . __:_ ._:__:/ |____ _____: |____ _____.__\ /___ _____.____. | :..: ._ _/ ._ : ._ / ._ : \\// / ._ | | | | |/ |/ . |/ |/__: \/ |/__|_ _ | |____| / | / . | . \ / . | | |_______________/ . _______\/ . _____ _ _ .cRb/e^D./_____:___/ : |___:___/ . .:.. : :.:..: : . -[ Boheme ] - - [ Behemoth ] - . . ..:.. . .:.:_:_____________________. :.|.: | _. .__| | __. .__. ./ |____ _____| |____ _____.__ ___ __|_ |__| |______ .. ...| ._ / ._ | ._ / ._ | \ / / ._ \ .__/ ._ /... .. : : | |/ |/__| |/ |/__| \/ |/ |/ |/ / : : :. :..| / | / | \ / | | / /....: .: |_______________/ _._________\/ _._____________/ /_ __ /______| |___| | ______\ _\ | ..|.. |_.cRb/e^D.___________:_|.:. . :.:.: : . - [ Behemoth ] - - [ Zeus ] - . . . . ..:... ..:.. . .:.: : . .:.:_:______:____:________. :.|.: | _|__ ___________ __|_ ____\__ \ / ._ _._ /__ / __/____ \ .__/__ |/__| / /_\__._ / _ _ __ \ |/ | /| |/ / __ _ _ _ _ __//________________________________\\__ _ _ | | | ..|.. :.cRb/e^D.___________:_|.:. . : ..:. . :.:.: :..:.: : : . . - [ Zeus ] - - [ Tango ] - . . . . . . . . ..:....................:.. . . ...:.:.: :.:.:. . . ..:.: : : :... . ._:___:________________________:___:_. ____.. .|.: :.|. . .\ |___|_ ._______ _________ ________. |________ | _.____/___| ._ \/ ._ \./ ._ | / ._ \. | |/ ______|/__ |/ : __|/___|_ |/ | | \ \ .__/ | . \_.__ | | | |\ \ |/ | |/ | | | | | | . | | | |__________________________|______:_____________________| | | .cRb|_____.________________________._____|e^D. : : . .:.. ..:. . :.:....................:.: : : . . - [ Tango ] - - [ Mo'Soul ] - .____ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____. | | ....|..................................|.... : | | : ____: __:_ ____ __ ____ _____ ____ : _: .\_ \/ _/ ._ \_. / / / __/__/ ._ \ /_._/ |______ | \ / |/ | \/ __\__._ |/ / / \ __/ | \/ | | |/ | /| |\ \ |____/____________| _ ______________________________\ : : . : : | : : :...|.cRb..........................e^D.|...: | | |___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___| - [ Mo'Soul ] - - [ Mo'Soul Diz. ] - .cRb. _ ____ .e^D. : ___ ______ ___ ____ _ /_ _. : :_\ \/ ._ \. / _/__/ ._ \ / /_/ |____: | \ / |/ |_\_._ |/ /| | __ | |_ __\/_______|__ |/ ___________________\_| | \_ _ \__/ | | | | | | | |_ _ _ _ _ ___________________________| - [ Mo'Soul Diz. ] - - [ Arclite ] - . . . . .. ..:...............:.. . .:.: :.:.. . : : .___. ._______ ___________ __:___. ____. .___:_.| |____ _________ | ._ \ ._ /_/ _. |_\ _|_____|_ | _.___/___ / ._ / .__|__|/__ _|/ /__ \|___|_ \ __/ | |/ __ _ |/___/ | .__/ \ | \ \ | . | \ .__/___ | |/ \ | |\ .\ | | \ |/ \. | | \ | | . | . | | | |________________\_________________________:..___|__._____________________| .____________________: :____:_______________. | : ..:. ..: | | :.cRb/e^D.........:.: | | : | . - [ Arclite ] - - [ Arclite Diz. ] - ..cRb.. . _ __. . ..e^D.. : ___ ____________ _. .___. |___ _____.: :__\_ \ ._ / _._// |__|_ | _.__// ._ |: | .__ |/ /_ \| \ __ _| |/ |/__|: | |/ \ | |\ \ | | | | |_________\_______________\_______________| | | | | | | | | | | |_________________________________________| - [ Arclite Diz. ] - - [ Mogue ] - . . ..:.............. . .:.: : .__________: :__________. | : : | ___| ____ __:___ ____ _:__ ____|_. ._ _ __\_ \/ _/_/ ._ \_/ __/___/ /__ / ._ | | \ / |/ \._ / / |/___|__ __. | \/ | |/ /| | | |_ _ _______\_______________________________________ _ _| | : : | |__ . ..cRb: :e^D.. . __| : ..:. . :.............:.: : . - [ Mogue ] - - [ Crusader ] - . . . . ..:..................................:.. . .:.: :.:. . . ______ ___:_____ ____ ____ ____________ __:___.________ _/ _._/_\ ._ / / /__ / __/____\__ \ ._ \ ._ | ._ / ._\ \| |/ /_/_ / /_\__._ _._ |/ / |/__| |/ /_._. | \ \ \ /| |/ \| / / | \ | | | \__________\_____________________________________________\____| | | | | . | | . - [ C R U S A D E R ] - . | | : . | |_____________:______________________________________:______________| : : :.cRb.. . . . . . . ..e^D.: - [ Crusader ] - - [ Soul Fusion ] - . . ...........:.. ____ ______ _____ ___. : :.:. . _/ __/____/_ ._ \_/ /___.\ |_______:_ _ _______:________________. __\___._ / |/ / / /| \ __/ : | l/ / l_ /_ /| _|\__ _\___ ____ :__ ______ .___|__ _ _ ______________________________ ___//_ /____/ __/__| \_/ ._ \| ._ . ..|.. / _.___/ / /___._ \ |/ |/ |_:_.cRb/e^D._____ _ _ / |/ /l l/ \ l_ | : \________________________/________________|___ _ . : :...... :............:..:.:::.. . . - [ Soul Fusion ] - - [ Crossfire ] - .___________________________..... .... ... .. . | : : : : : : :: : : . | :...: :..: :.: :: : : : : . . . __|___ _______ ______ ___|__ ______ _____.__ _______ _____ / ___/__\ ._ \ / ._ \_/ ___/__ / ___/___/ ___/|_ \_\ ._ \/ ___/_ / / __ l/ _/__ |/ __\___._ \___._ _.__._ \ l/ _/ .___/__ / /| \ \ l l/ l/ | | \ \ l/ / \__________\__\_____________________________________| |____/__\____________\ | | : | ..|.. . . . ..:.. . . ... |___.cRb/e^D._____________:_| : : . . . : . . ...: - [ Crossfire ] - - [ Candystore ] - . ... :.. . . _ ______'' Supremacy is a mastermind ______ ____ .___:____ ___________ / do we all have to die.. / ___/______\___\| ._ .\ ._ \ _/_\. ..to face reality ? '' / / ___ .__/ \ |/ : l/ /___._/ |___________________. __ / /| \ l/ | : / / /| | . ... | \\__________\____________|____________/________/ : | | _. . | | . _____ _/ |___ ______ _______ _____ | | . / __/__\ ___/___/ ._ \_\ ._ \/ ___/_ | . . ......: . .:.. __\__._ \ \ |/ l/ _/ .___/__. .: : : ::.:..:_________\ |/ ..:. l\ \ l \ l/ /___: \________:_____________________\____________\ : : : . . '' When a boy is still a worm.. :. . . :.cRb^eD.. . ..:. . ..it's hard to learn the number seven '' - [ Candystore ] - - [ Trooper ] - .__________ _ _ .... . ... . . .... | . ....:.... . ....:.. . : | '' Trooper '' :....:... ..:. . ... : _. | ... . . . :.. .. . :... . ..: _/ |___| ________ ___:__ ______ ____:____ _____ ________ .\ ___/__\ ._ \ / ._ \__/ ._ \_\ ._ \/ ___/_ \ ._ \ | \ l/ _/_ |/ |/ _l/ _/ .___/__ l/ _/__. | l\ \ l_ l \_____ l/ / \ | |_____________\_____________________________\ _______________\______| | : : . : :..... . . ..: . : : .. ....... . . ... . ..cRb/e^D.. . : .... . ....:...:.. . . .:..... . | :. . . ..:...:. . . . ..:...: _ _ _ _____| - [ Trooper ] - - [ Horizon ] - ......::::::::...... ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. .... . .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. . . ... : .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. : _. .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. : _ _ ___/ |_______ ______ ________ .__ ____ ______ ________ _ _ ._ /_/ ._ \__\ ._ \ | \_ __\__ \_/ ._ \_/ ._ |/ \ |/ l/ _/_|_ / .__/__ |/ |/ | l \ / /| __ l | _ _ ____|______________________\___________________\____________|____ _ _ . : . :.. . . ...cRb/e^D... . . ...: - [ Horizon ] - - [ Massive ] - .::. :::::. ::::::: .::: :::. ::: ::: ::: ::: .___. ______ ______ ____ ____::: __::: ._________|_ | _____ \ \/ /___\__ \/ __/____/ __/__| \__ / |/ ___/_ _ _\ \/ / _./ __._ __._ : / / / .___/__ ______/ /_ \| l/ l/ : / /| l/ / /_______________________________________________________\ ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::::.::: :::::: :::: - [ Massive ] - - [ Mystical Experiences ] - .::::.. :::::::::. :::::::::::. :::::: ::::::. .. . . ... . . . .. :::::. :::::. ..... : _ _______ _. . .:::::::: ::::. : ___:__ ______ /_ ____ _/ |___ .___ ______ ____ ._::::. : \ \/ / _/_ \ / __/__\ ___/_|_ \ / ___/______\___\| |::___|_ __ _\ \/ /____._/ Y___._ \ \ \ / ___ .__/ \ __//_ ______/ / /| l/ l\ /| \ l/ |\ \ | /_______________________________________________\___________________\ | .....:::::::::::::.... .:::::: | | ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::....... ....:::::::: | | ..::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | | .::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: .cRb/e^D.| _|___ ___| _/______ _____ _____ .__ _____ ________. ______ ________|_ / ___/_ _| ._ \ ___/_ ._ \| \/ ___/_ ._ :/ ___// ___/_ __/____ / .___/_ \._ . _|/ / .___/ l/ _/_ \ .___/__ |/ : / __ .___/_._ / / l/ |/ . \_____ l/ \ l/ / | /| \ l/ l/ / \___________|__:____\ __________\_________________|_________________\______/ | . ...:.... | | :.....:..... . : |______ _ _ . ..:.....:....... . .. . ..: :.....:.. . . . . ..: - [ Mystical Experiences ] - - [ Apathy ] - .... . . . ... . . . .... ...:. _: _. _ ______ : : .::.._ _ _ ____ __________ ____ _/ |___ _/ |_______ /_ _ _ _..: :.|.: _______\__ \/ ._ /__\__ \ ___/__\ ._ ./ _/_ \. | | \ .__/ _l/ / .__/ \ |/ |____._/ | : | \ l/ \_____/ l/ l\ | /| | : : \_____________\ \___________/___________|_______________| . : : : . : ... . .:.. .. . . .:.:.:.. . . : : . : : ... . ..: : :______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____:..___.cRb/e^D.____:___________| :.... . . .: : - [ Apathy ] - - [ Snafu ] - . . ...... . . ..... . . . .. .:::: : : : :::::: _____ ______:___. ____ _____ _____ : :::: / ___/__\ ._ _:____\___\_/ ___/_ /__ ::. : ::: __\__._ |/ : .__/ _.__ / /. ::::. .: :::. \ |/ | l/ | /| | ::::: :::: /______________|___________________|\_________| :::: ::::. : : :::. ::::... . .. . ...:.. . . .:..cRb/e^D.. . ::: : .::: : .::::: :.. . . - [ Snafu ] - - [ Acid Nature ] - .. . . . .... .. . . : : .__:__________________:______________:___.cRb/e^D.________. . . ..|..: : | : ____ ______ .__ .________ __ _ | ____:__\__.\ / ___/_|_ \_\ ._ \\ : \ .__| / / ___ \ |/ / : \ l/ /| \ / / . \___________________\__________/ _. . . _ __ __________. ____ _/ |___ _ ______ ________ _____ \.\ ._ _|___\__.\\ ___/_____ /__\ ._ \/ ___/_ . | |/ .__| \ __ / / l/ _/ .___/__ : | | l/ l\ /| \ l/ / : |____|_______________________\_____________\____________\ | . : | . ...:.. . |____________________________________:_________________:__| : : . ..: :..............: - [ Acid Nature ] - - [ Occult Crime ] - .. . . . . .... .cRb/e^D. : _. : ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _/ |___ ....:.... ._/ ._ \_/ ___/__/_ ___/__/ /___/ /____\ ___/____ ::::::: | l/ / / __ / __ / /_ / ____ \ __/ ::::: | / /| \ /| \ /| /| \ l\ \ ::: :___________________\________\____________________________\ : : . .. . ______ ________ ._________ ____|______ .......:. . . ...... . / ___/__\ ._ \| \ \/ / ___/_ . : :.. . : / / __ l/ _/__ _\ \/ / .___/__ . .. .. . . .....: / /| \ \ ______/ /_ l/ / : :.: . .. . : \__________\___\__________/ /_______________\ :...:. . ... : .: : | :...:.. .: :. :.. . . ... | :... . :.. ..: :__ _ _ _ __| - [ Occult Crime ] - - [ Fear Factory ] - .. . .... . ... ....................:......:.. : : : :.:.. . . . ...: : : :.... _____ _____: ____ ________.:. . : : : .____ / ___/_/ ___/_ ____\__.\\ ._ \ _ _ :_ _ ____________ _ _ :...: | / _.____ .___/__ .__| l/ _/_. : | | / | / l/ / l/ \ | . | | \____| \______________________\_____|_. _ ______ | | __:__ ____ ______ _/ |___ ______ __________ /_ | | / ___/___\__.\ / ___/_\ ___/___/ ._ \_\ ._ \/ _/_ \| | / _____ .__| / / __ \ __ l/ l/ _/____._/ | | / \ l/ /| \ l\ \ / \ /| | |______ _ _ \____|\___________________\_________\___________\_____________| : : : : :.cRb/e^D....................: - [ Fear Factory ] - - [ D.C.S ] - _ __ ........ _________ ______ _____ / ........ . ..:::.:..:..\ ._ \/ ___/__/ ___/____ : : ..... .____| |/ / / _____._ /__:______:___:_. : | | l_ / /| \ l/ / . : :.|.: : |__________________________/ : | ..:. . : ..|.. . ..:::::::.____.cRb/e^D.____________________:______:___:_| : : : :...: :......: - [ D.C.S ] - - [ Logical Progression ] - . . ..............:.. ..... .... ... .. . : :.:.. . :...: :..: :.: :: : : . . .. .___: ______ : _____ .___ ______ ____ :___. | |_______/ ._ \:/ ___/____| \ / ___/______\___\| |_______ | \ __ _ l/ \._ / \ / ___ .__/ \ __/__________. | |\ \ / l/ /| \ l/ |\ \ | |__________\__________________________________\___________________\ : __:_______|____ _:____________ _____ ____ ____ .___ ______ _______ _: ./ ._ ._ \/ ._ \ ._ \/ ___/_/ __/___/ __/_| \/ ._ \_ ._ . | _l/ / l/ _/_ l/ l/ _/ .___/___._ __._ \ l/ |/ | \_____/ \ / \ l/ l/ l/ / | . |____\ _ ____\_______________\_________________________________________|____ : :.......|.......: : |______________________________________________________.cRb/e^D._| - [ Logical Progression ] - - [ Reverence ] - . . .. . ... . . _ _ _ __________:_. . ..:.. .. . : : | :.:. .. . ..: :___. :.|.. .. : :________ _____ _____:_ | _____ ________ _____ .___|____: ______ _____ . :\ ._ \_/ ___/___ / |/ ___/_\ ._ \/ ___/_| ._ :/ ___/_/ ___/_ | l/ /_ .____/ / | .___/ l/ /_ .___/__ |/ / __ .___/__ | \ l/ / /| l/ \ l/ / | /| \ l/ / |____\_________________________________\_______________:____:________________\ :. . | : : :. . ... :.|.. ..:.. . . :.. . . ..: |_:_____.cRb/e^D._____________:_| :.. . . . .:.. :. :...: ..:...: ..:. :.:.. . .: . .: . ..:.: : : - [ Reverence ] - - [ Vector Askiis ] - . . .___. _. . ..:.. _ _____|_ | _____ ______ _/ |___ ______ ________ :.:.. . _ ___ / |/ ___/_/ ___/_\ ___/___/ ._ \\ ._ \ : ._ / / / .___/_ / __ \ __ |/ l/ /_ __. . | / /| / l/ /| \ l\ \ l \ : |/___________________________\_____.__\_._________\___. _ _: . | ____ _____ ______ .____| | . |. ... . |_______\___\_/ ___/__/ ___/_|_ | . .: ..:....|....:.. : |\ .__/ ___._ / ___ _ | :.. . . ..:.: | :.:.: |_\ l/ l/ /| \ | |___________:______| : \___________________________\ |____: ..:.. : |____| :. . . ..: :.:.......cRb.:.e^D. . :...: - [ Vector Askiis ] - - [ Ancient Entity ] - .. . . _. . ...:. ____ ._________ ______.__ _ . _____ .______ _/ |__. :______\___\| ._ / ___/|_ :/ ___/__| ._ \ ___|___ _ _ __ : .__/ |/ / / __ : .___/__ |/ \ __ _ / . ..._:\ l/ | / /| \ | l/ / | |\ \ ___. . : | : \_____________|______________\ _.____________|______________\ | :.|.:.. . . .. _. : _ __| . _. _ _ _____ | . | :_____ _______/ |__: .__ _ ./ |___ _ __ /_ __ _ . | . | / ___/_ ._ \ ___|__|_ : ___/____/_ _/_ \.\ . | : ..|.. . / .___/ |/ \ __ _ : \ ______._/ | . .:.|.: : |__ _ __ / l/ | l\ \ |\ \ /| ..: _ ___:_| : \\__________|______________\ :__________\_____.: : :.. . . .: |_____| :.cRb/e^D.: .:. : - [ Ancient Entity ] - - [ Pet Sematary ] - ........ ..... .. . . . ..:. _. : .....:.. : : _______________ :_/ |__: : :.:.:.. . . . ..:/ ._ / ___/_:\ ___|____ _ : : : | _l/ / .___/__ \ ___ _ .cRb/e^D.______:_.____________________________| \_____/ l/ l\ \__. | : _. |____\ _ ____________________\ | | _____ _:___ _____ _____ _____/ |___ ____ ____:______ /_ | | / ___/__/ ___/_\ \/ /___\___\ ___/_____ ___\___\\ ._ \/_ _/_ \| | __\__._ .___/ \ / /_ .__/ \ __ _ .__/ l/ /____._/ | | \ |/ l/ \/____ l/ l\ \ l/ \ /| | |_/_______________________\ \____________________\_____________\_____________| : ..:.. ..:.. : :....:.: : : :.:....: :...:.. . . ..:...: - [ Pet Sematary ] - - [ Upload ] - . . . . ...:. . .:.. ...:..::.. . __ _ :.:.. . _ __ : :.:.: _ __/ ______ ___________: ______ ____ _________ \_ ._:____:__________ / /__ / ._ / |_______/ ._ \____\___\\ ._ \ _. | : . / / /. _l/ / \ __ _ l/ .__/ l/ / | | . . / /| | \_____/ |\ \ / l/ / / | |______:_cRb/e^D_\__________|____\ _ ___________\______\_________________/____| : ..:.. ___________________ _ _ . .: _ _ _____________________ . :..:.:.:...) :.. . (_. . :..:: | | : : | | ..:. . . | . :.:.: .____.| : : .___.| || | . | || || | | || || | |___||____||__________________________________________________________| - [ Upload ] - - [ Abuse ] - .____ ____ _______ ______ _____ _____ ___. |_ ___\__.\\ ___ \/ /_/ ___/_ ___/_ | | .__| \._ /_ / /__._ .___/___| | l/ l/ /l |/ l/ | |.cRb__________________________________e^D.| | | | | | | | | | | |__________________________________________| - [ Abuse ] - - [ Taxi ] - . . .. . . . . .:.. . ___:___________________________ . :.:. . . . .. . ._) : _. (_. . : : . ..:.. | ..:._/ |___ _____ __|__. ___:_ . . :.:. .|. :.:_\ ___/____________\___ \\ l/ / : : | : | \ ___ _./ _/ /_. : . | | l\ \ \| \ | | . |.cRb|______________\___________ _ \______| |e^D. . | /______| |____ _| : | ..|.. ..:.. . |_______________________________:_|.:.. . . ..:.: :.:.: : : . . - [ Taxi ] - - [ Toon Town ] - .... . . . . . . . . . . .... : : . _. . . . _/ |___ __________ ________________ _ . ..:.. ..:..\ ___/___\_ _. \./ ._ / ._ : . .:.: : :.: | \ \| | |/ / |/ :____________________:_. : | l\ \ \ | / / | | : |.:. . . |____________\________|________/|____|_____| :.:.: | _/ |___ __________ _____ _ _________. : . | .\ ___/___\_ _. _\____\ __ ._ | : . ..:.. | \ __ _ \| __ /\ \ |/ | | :.. . .:.:_:_____cRb| l\ \ \ / / \ \ | |e^D_| :...:.. . |____________\______/_____/\______\__|_____| : . - T o O n T o W n - - [ Toon Town ] - - [ Nonsense ] - . . . . ..:. . . . .. :... ._______:.:__________________________________. :.. . . . .:..: | . .:________ _ ______ _______ _ _____ |____ ._______ _ _____ _____ : | | ._ / ._ \ ._ / ___/__/ ___/_| ._ / ___/__/ ___/_ . | | |/ l/ |/ _\__._ .___/_ |/ \__._ .___/__ | . | | / | l/ l/ | |/ l/ / | . |____|________________|________________________|_____________________\ :...: ..:.|.. . . |_:.. . . .:.:_| ..:. )_______.cRb/e^D.______________________:_( . ..:.: : : . . - [ Nonsense ] - - [ Trademark ] - . . . . .. . . . ..:......:.. ._:____________________________:_. :.:.. . _. . . ..|.: : | : _/ |___ ________ | ____ _________ _________ __:_|_ ___:___________. _____ .\ ___/_\ ._ \|__\___\\ ._ \ ___/_ \/ /__\__ \ ._ \ l/ / | \ l/ _/_ .__/ |/ / .___/_ \/ / _./ l/ _/ _/ /_. | l\ \ l/ / / l/ ___/ /_ \| \ \ | |____________\______________________________/__________________\______\______| . ..|.. :.|....:.: |_:___.cRb/e^D.__________________| :... . . : . - [ Trademark ] - - [ Funeral Fog ] - . . ..:... . . . .:.: :..... . ______ ______ _________. _____ ________ ___ __:_ ._:_. _:_______. ..:. . / ____/_ /__ ._ |/ ___/_\ ._ \____\___\| |________ | . .:.: / _.___ / / |/ .___/ l/ / .__/ \ __/ | : / |/ /| | l/ \ l/ l\ \ | . \_____|\_____________|_________________\_________________________\ | . | / ____//_ ._ \_/ ___/_____ | . .:.. | / _.__ |/ \._ /. | :.:.. . . . ..cRb/e^D.|_______ _ _ / || l l/ |__| : \_____||_____________________| . :....: ..:. . :..:.: : . - [ Funeral Fog ] - Well, this here is the end. Greetings to everyone I know, especially them who still keeps on doing ascii, a special thank to FOLAR/STYLE for releasing this baby. Hope anyone got something out of this collection, I'd be glad for responce (mail). - Jonas .____________._____________________.____.____. .________________________ | ._ /| ._ / ._ /| | | | ._ / ._ / | |/ /_| __|/ / |/____/_| | |______ | |/ /_. |/ /_. | /____/ | \______/___._ | | | \| | | | | | | | | | |/ | | | | | | | | | | . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | :: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ::: | | | | | | | | | | | | | ..:...::: | | | | | | | | | | | | | :::::::::::::::..:....| | | | | | | | | | | :::| ::::::::::::::::::....:.. | | | | | | | | :::| | | | ::::::::::::. | | | | | | | :::| | | | | .:::: | | | | | | | | :::| | | | | .:::: | | | | | | | | ::: | | | :::::| | | | | | | | | ::: | | | :::: | | | | | | | | | ::: | | | .::: | | | | | | | | | ::: | | | .:::| | |\ | | | | | |__________:::____| |_______.::__|____|____________|____________|___________| : ::: .:: : : ::: .:: : :. ..... . ::: ......... . .::_______ _______. .____ ______ _________: : ::: .:: _. / \ ___|__|___ \_._/ ___/___./ ._ : : ::: .:: \|___/___\__._ / | \ | |/ | : ::::::::::.. .:: l_ l/ / | l\ | | :. . ...::::: .... ::..:: _.____________________/_____|________________|_____: ::: :: :: ::: .:: ::: - cRb/e^D ::: .:: ::: :: ::: :: :::. .:: ::. :: :::::: ::: : [EOF] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- wHEN iT cOMES tO sUPPORTiNG tHE aMiGA, tHIS iS a 100% oNLY AMiGA bOARD! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________ ____ ______/ \__// \__/____\ tHE tIME 16:11:14 _/ \_/ : //____\\ tHE dATE 08-10-1998 /| : : .. / \ tHE nODE 02 | | :: :: \ / tHE dEWD FOLAR | | :| || \ \______/ | | _ || || __ |\ / | FiNE LiNE bBS aCCEPTS nO SHiT! \| || || | / | \ | ___ || ___ || ____ | / /_\ \ LEAVE tHE AMiNET oN dA fUCKiNG NET! | _ || _ || __ | / / \ \___/ \___/ | |/__/ \ BACK oNLiNE oNCE aGAiN! cALL uS sOON! _\____/ \ / WE WANT YOU ! /____ / 100% pURE AMiGA fILEZ nOTHiNG eLSE !! FIND US ! / \ / CALL US ! \______\_________/ hOME tO gALAHAD^FLT aGa FiXES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO AMINET OR LAME FAKE FIXES AS TRADED BY AXL^HF ALLOWED --------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ (_)._________ . __| _\ _____ . _ _____ _____ _________ __\ | /___) /_____ ____(_) o ___) _ /_ _______) _ /_ ___\ / ___\ . _ _ (_ _\ _/______\ _.__/ _ _.__/ _____\ \ __|______\_____`-'____ \____._ _\|________\___\|__________\ . /____\ __________ `---'_ /_________|/_______\_ _______________ __ o ---- /_________/ --- /_/ ----------------- (_) .- \______________\ \_\ --.-- This lil' piece of art went through Hosee, the channelbot of #ascii on ircnet [STAFF] Behemoth ÷ Boheme ÷ Cybergod ÷ Exile ÷ Red Demon [STAFF] _ __ __ _ /_______________________________________________________________________\ _· _ ___________________ _ · \_)) ((_/ ________ | .,,__ | __________\ /_______ | .wŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘww.. | \ __ \ _ / .-------- -- .ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘb. - ----------- \ \ | · |/ / -. | g E T .ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘb f U N K Y \ \| / / | `---------- iŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ: ----------- - \_ \ / _/ ---' . :ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ^^""ŻŻŻŻŻ""' . abstract /______ _·______\ aHHA ... | `ŘŘ^" ( ! h a l l u c i n a / i o n s sCRATC-o-mATIC ¦ `c) ¬ - / | · - --·----- · ____`-._ ´ ¸ - ·/ __ · \ .- \ ¬-------¬ /--. + aALTO/aRCADE/bNG/iSO/cHARM eTC. ~-- / \_ ·¸,¸¸\_ // ) / hz~ .w**ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ**ww._ + 358-09-3881460 /· / / .˝ ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ.˝w. ·¸¸,,,_· .˝˝˝.`ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ ˝˝˝*. __ .w**ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘb. ___ ___ ˝˝˝˝˝˝.`ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ` ˝˝˝˝˝: ____ _ _ /\ ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ' /\ . `˝˝˝˝˝˝˝.Ż"""^^^^^^""Ż .d˝˝˝˝7'____ _ //¬\ ^*ŘŘŘŘŘŘŘŘ*^Ż //¬\`:. ``**˝˝˝˝**wwwwwwww**˝˝˝**' .\\\\ \¬/¬\`:. \¬/¬\`:::.. . 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