._ ___. _____ ________ _____ __ ______ __ ______ ___________________________
| _)  |____  _)  ._  /.)  _/__ _)  __/__ _)  __/__                         /.
 .\   ._  (_.\   |/   |____  (_\  _/   (_\  _/   (_  the jolly little bot ˇ |
_|    |/   /|    /   _   |/   /   \     /   \     /. of ircnet's #ascii..   |
\_____/     .________\_____________________________|__ _                 _ _|_
. vtr/______|                                                               :
|              behemoth - cybergod - exile - fatal - red demon              .
|                                                                           .
|_          " one of the fastests ascii sources round the globe "           |
         e^D-ETAL.txt was uploaded by cg at 16:01 on  9 Jan 1998

                     _   _ _                       _ _   _
                      \  \ \\=== w h a t   i s ===// /  /

                     ____      _              _      ____
                 ___/   /\ _ ___\  ________  /___ _ /\   \__
      _ ._______)  /___/ /       \/        \/       \ \___\ (________.
     _\\\  ______. \___\/                            \/___/   _____ _:___.
       _:__\__   | _______ ___  ___. _______  _______ ____. _/  _  \.    |
     ./   _  /   |/   _  /    \/   ./   _  /__\_    /     |_   ___  |    |
     |      /_   |      /_   _     |      /_   /   /_      /_  \/   |    |
     |_______\ --|_______\ ---\/___|_______\ -/_____\ ______\--/____|____|
     h!_:___ _                                                       :ml
       \|_                              _ .ŤŤ e L E M E N t A L ťť. _|
          )____________________________/ _ ________________________(

                              ____/            \
                              \        _        \
                              /_______|/        /
                                      /        /
                                    ./        /

/_ ____________________________________________________________________________

                        ______       .____.    ______________________ _______
_ _    _             ._/_|    \|_____|    |_  /   _      /          /_\      \
\\ \   \   is it the |   |     \     /     /./   ._     /__________//_\\_    /
                     |   |___\       \__    |____|/_____\               /___/
                     |___|    \_______\ \___|                           |__|

speed.frame..speed frame,.technology....WHATˇISˇELEMENTAL?ˇ98ˇISˇHEREˇANDˇTHEˇ

_____________________________________________________________________________ _

  __________  _____________________   _______\_       /____________ ___________
  \      __/__\    _      /      _/__ \       /      / \   _    _ /_\ _       /
  /     _/   _    _/     /\         /        /      / _    /    \     /      /
 /___________/    \_____/__________/________/_________\_________/\___/      /
            /______/                                                /______/
     ___________ ________ __________   _________ ________     ____________
    _\  _      /-\    __/_\      __/__ \       /-\  ____/_____\  _       /
    /   /     /      _/    \         /        /     \_      /    /     _/
   /_________/\_____________________/________________/     /____/______\ _
                                                    /_____/             \\

/_ ____________________________________________________________________________

                        hit me master - whoever you are
_____________________________________________________________________________ _

                            _                     _
                           ((  e l e m e n t a l  ))
.__________________________ _ __      ___      _______________________________.
|                              /   __  |  __   \                              |
|  Info                        |  ._Ź\ | /~    |  Status Window               |
|                              |  |-_ \|/  |   |                              |
|  SNK (sneakers)              |  \_\ /|\  /_  |  Gift to Thorrin             |
|                              |     / | \     |                              |
|                              |   _/  |  \_   |                              |
|___________________________ __\   ~   !   Ź   /__ ___________________________|

                         s   n   e   a   k   e   r   s

   ____________________.___________ _         _____________________________
   \   _____________  /| _______         .___/ ________. ______________   /
    \  \           /____/___    \ _______|____/        |/             /  /
        \              /   /     \)        |\          /             /  /
         \_____           /                  \                      /  /
            cG/        __/_____\           |__\________\____________\  \
          _  /__________/  ____.\______________\                        \
          /________________\   |__ _     |_______________________________\

                            _                     _
                           ((  e l e m e n t a l  ))
.__________________________ _ __      ___      _______________________________.
|                              /   __  |  __   \                              |
|  Info                        |  ._Ź\ | /~    |  Status Window               |
|                              |  |-_ \|/  |   |                              |
|  "Stezotehic" - for sTZ!     |  \_\ /|\  /_  |  Request, 54 letters wide    |
|                              |     / | \     |                              |
|  Liebe ist freitod, bro      |   _/  |  \_   |                              |
|___________________________ __\   ~   !   Ź   /__ ___________________________|

            ._______.             ..::stEZOTEHIC/STYLE
 ___________|       |__________  _____________________
 \         /        _/       _/  \         /         /
  \       /___      \       _/.___\       /   |     /
   \___      /_______\___     |       ___/_________/
   .__/_____/___________\_____|\______\_. _________
   |       |_      _/      |        |_/_|/        /
   |       _/     _/.      .        |   |       _/.
   |       \___     |______|        |   |___      |
 cG|________\ \_____|      |________|___| eD\_____|

                            _                     _
                           ((  e l e m e n t a l  ))
.__________________________ _ __      ___      _______________________________.
|                              /   __  |  __   \                              |
|  Info                        |  ._Ź\ | /~    |  Status Window               |
|                              |  |-_ \|/  |   |                              |
|  "Style" - for sTZ!          |  \_\ /|\  /_  |  Request, 54 letter wide     |
|                              |     / | \     |                              |
|                              |   _/  |  \_   |                              |
|___________________________ __\   ~   !   Ź   /__ ___________________________|

_________         _____.  _____.       _______________
\       /________/     |_/     |_____./      /      _/
 \              /       /      |     |      /      _/.
  \____        /        \______      |     /_        |
     _/       /__________\ cG/_______|_   /_ \_______|
     \_______/                        \____/

                            _                     _
                           ((  e l e m e n t a l  ))
.__________________________ _ __      ___      _______________________________.
|                              /   __  |  __   \                              |
|  Info                        |  ._Ź\ | /~    |  Status Window               |
|                              |  |-_ \|/  |   |                              |
|  "Alien Technology" - for    |  \_\ /|\  /_  |  Request, sorry for the a    |
|  Behemoth                    |     / | \     |  bit hm.. stupid looking     |
|                              |   _/  |  \_   |  style. :P                   |
|___________________________ __\   ~   !   Ź   /__ ___________________________|

                  _____  _________ ___ _________ ______
              ___/     \/        //__|/       _//      \|_________
             /          \       /    |       _/.        \        /
            /      |     \_    /_    |_        |_____\           \
           /______________\\____/____| \_______|    cG\___________\
.____. ______ _________|     |___        ___________________________   ___.
|    |_    _//     /   |     |   \|_____/       /    /       /      \./   |____.
|     /   _/.    _/.   .     |    \    /   |   /    /   |   /    |   |    |    |
|     \     |      |___|     |__\      \______/_   /_______/____     |___      |
|______\____|\_____|   |_____| eD\______\       \___/         \    __|  \______|

                            _                     _
                           ((  e l e m e n t a l  ))
.__________________________ _ __      ___      _______________________________.
|                              /   __  |  __   \                              |
|  Info                        |  ._Ź\ | /~    |  Status Window               |
|                              |  |-_ \|/  |   |                              |
|  "Löken" - for MANTA!        |  \_\ /|\  /_  |  Request, not TOO wide, as   |
|                              |     / | \     |  it's for a bot..? huh, we   |
|                              |   _/  |  \_   |  will see....                |
|___________________________ __\   ~   !   Ź   /__ ___________________________|

   _______ _   _     ____. ______ ________ ___
  /      /_\|_|/____/   _|/     //      _/    \|_______
 /      /          /    \       \      _/.     \      /
/__    /__________/______\_______\___    |___\        \
 cG\____/                           \____|  eD\________\

                            _                     _
                           ((  e l e m e n t a l  ))
.__________________________ _ __      ___      _______________________________.
|                              /   __  |  __   \                              |
|  Info                        |  ._Ź\ | /~    |  Status Window               |
|                              |  |-_ \|/  |   |                              |
|  "Condition 76" - sTZ        |  \_\ /|\  /_  |  Request, wellll..           |
|                              |     / | \     |                              |
|                              |   _/  |  \_   |                              |
|___________________________ __\   ~   !   Ź   /__ ___________________________|

   ________                                 _._____.   _.
__/       /_______________   _____ ________/_|     |_./_|______________   _____
 /      _/.         \     \|______/         /|     |_|  |        \     \|______
/___      |    \     \     \     /    |    / |      /.  |    \    \     \     /
  cG\_____|\__________\__\       \________/__|_      |__|\_________\__\       \
________________  ._______\_______\ ___________\_____|_____.  _________\_______\
                \ |                                        | /
                / |     ______________.   ______           | \
          _ ___/  |_____\       __    |__/     /___________|  \__ _
      .  :%#             \______\/    |_/   __/________            #%: .
       .:%#                    \_     _/    \   _     /            #%.
        .%#_____________________/     |\       //    /_________ ___ #%: .
                               /______| \______/____/eD

                            _                     _
                           ((  e l e m e n t a l  ))
.__________________________ _ __      ___      _______________________________.
|                              /   __  |  __   \                              |
|  Info                        |  ._Ź\ | /~    |  Status Window               |
|                              |  |-_ \|/  |   |                              |
|  "Trivial" - Trivial         |  \_\ /|\  /_  |  GIFT! Invent it, and he'll  |
|                              |     / | \     |  smooooke it.                |
|                              |   _/  |  \_   |                              |
|___________________________ __\   ~   !   Ź   /__ ___________________________|

                                \     |_____ __
                  .__________._/_\    |    //_| _____
             .____|          |   |\___|   /   |/     \ .______
            _|    |  ._     /|   |  cG|__/|   |   |   \|     /
            \.    |__|/_____\|___| .____. |___|____    \    /
             |      |              `-  -'          \____\  /_
              \_____|              |_   |              |____/
                                   |U   |    ..
                                   |    l   ::
                                  /      \/\.
                                 /       /\/
                                \      /_/ /

                            _                     _
                           ((  e l e m e n t a l  ))
.__________________________ _ __      ___      _______________________________.
|                              /   __  |  __   \                              |
|  Info                        |  ._Ź\ | /~    |  Status Window               |
|                              |  |-_ \|/  |   |                              |
|  "Crooklyn Beats" - Trivial  |  \_\ /|\  /_  |  Request, BlOOOOOh           |
|                              |     / | \     |                              |
|                              |   _/  |  \_   |                              |
|___________________________ __\   ~   !   Ź   /__ ___________________________|

   _______                  __________
  /      /__________________\         \____. _________________.   ____
 /     _/.    _       /      \    |    \  _|/     /      /    |__/__  \|_______
/_       |    _      /   |    \_________\ \       \     /_    |    /   \      /
  \______|___|/______\_________\   cG|_____\_______\_____/___      \_\        \
                                                            \_______\ \________\
                       __                        _ _.
                    _// __________         ._______.|: )
         .____________ /        _/   ______|       |_  __________     __
        ||     _     //        _/.__/     \         /./         /_____ /
      |  |     (     \__         |         \         |               ///
       :||            \ \________|     |    \________|________      /
    : Ś| |_____________\    _  /_____________\             eD/_____/// /
                            //__ _                                _/

/_ ____________________________________________________________________________

                            a soul led by illusion
_____________________________________________________________________________ _



/_ ____________________________________________________________________________

                          the public is synchronized
_____________________________________________________________________________ _

                  unexcused ascii - cybergod / epsilon design

elemental logo by Mjolnir.. mange takk dude.
                                            old'n elemental diz, Boheme. *kiss*

                banal EPSILON DESIGN logo, by an unknown artist

/_ ____________________________________________________________________________

                                suffer in flesh
_____________________________________________________________________________ _

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ                           ___
  _____  _____  __________/  / _____  _____
 /  _  \/  _  \/  ____/__/  / /  _  \/  _  \
/  /___/  //  /\__  \/  /  /_/  //  /  //  /
\_____/  ____/______/__/\___/\_____/__//__/
    _/__/  /____  _______________  _____ LED
bHm/  _   /  _  \/  ____/__/  _  \/  _  \
  /  //  /  /___/\__  \/  /  //  /  //  /
  \_____/\_____/______/__/\__   /__//__/
>                                          <
>           elemental / cybergod           <

                                    the end
._ ___. _____ ________ _____ __ ______ __ ______ ___________________________
| _)  |____  _)  ._  /.)  _/__ _)  __/__ _)  __/__                         /.
 .\   ._  (_.\   |/   |____  (_\  _/   (_\  _/   (_  the jolly little bot ˇ |
_|    |/   /|    /   _   |/   /   \     /   \     /. of ircnet's #ascii..   |
\_____/     .________\_____________________________|__ _                 _ _|_
. vtr/______|                                                               :
|              behemoth - cybergod - exile - fatal - red demon              .
|                                                                           .
|_          " one of the fastests ascii sources round the globe "           |