._ ___. _____ ________ _____ __ ______ __ ______ ___________________________ | _) |____ _) ._ /.) _/__ _) __/__ _) __/__ /. .\ ._ (_.\ |/ |____ (_\ _/ (_\ _/ (_ the jolly little bot ˇ | _| |/ /| / _ |/ / \ / \ /. of ircnet's #ascii.. | \_____/ .________\_____________________________|__ _ _ _|_ . vtr/______| : | behemoth - cybergod - exile - fatal - red demon . | . |_ " one of the fastests ascii sources round the globe " | /__________________________________________________________________________| ˇ e^D-ETAL.txt was uploaded by cg at 16:01 on 9 Jan 1998 _ _ _ _ _ _ \ \ \\=== w h a t i s ===// / / ____ _ _ ____ ___/ /\ _ ___\ ________ /___ _ /\ \__ _ ._______) /___/ / \/ \/ \ \___\ (________. _\\\ ______. \___\/ \/___/ _____ _:___. _:__\__ | _______ ___ ___. _______ _______ ____. _/ _ \. | ./ _ / |/ _ / \/ ./ _ /__\_ / |_ ___ | | | /_ | /_ _ | /_ / /_ /_ \/ | | |_______\ --|_______\ ---\/___|_______\ -/_____\ ______\--/____|____| h!_:___ _ :ml \|_ _ .ŤŤ e L E M E N t A L ťť. _| )____________________________/ _ ________________________( ____________ ____/ \ \ _ \ /_______|/ / / / ./ / |_________| ._______. |_______| /_ ____________________________________________________________________________ ______ .____. ______________________ _______ _ _ _ ._/_| \|_____| |_ / _ / /_\ \ \\ \ \ is it the | | \ / /./ ._ /__________//_\\_ / | |___\ \__ |____|/_____\ /___/ |___| \_______\ \___| |__| speed.frame..speed frame,.technology....WHATˇISˇELEMENTAL?ˇ98ˇISˇHEREˇANDˇTHEˇ 5thˇANIVERSARYˇFORˇEPSILONˇDESIGN!ˇISˇGETTINGˇNEARERˇHOWˇLONGˇBEFOREˇTHEˇSCENE DIES?ˇIˇWISHˇYOUˇALLˇGOODˇLUCKˇWITHˇYOURˇPLANSˇFORˇ1998..minimize.all.contrast _____________________________________________________________________________ _ / __________ __________ _____________________ _______\_ /____________ ___________ \ __/__\ _ / _/__ \ / / \ _ _ /_\ _ / / _/ _ _/ /\ / / / _ / \ / / /___________/ \_____/__________/________/_________\_________/\___/ / /______/ /______/ ___________ ________ __________ _________ ________ ____________ _\ _ /-\ __/_\ __/__ \ /-\ ____/_____\ _ / / / / _/ \ / / \_ / / _/ /_________/\_____________________/________________/ /____/______\ _ /_____/ \\ \ /_ ____________________________________________________________________________ hit me master - whoever you are _____________________________________________________________________________ _ / _ _ (( e l e m e n t a l )) .__________________________ _ __ ___ _______________________________. | / __ | __ \ | | Info | ._Ź\ | /~ | Status Window | | | |-_ \|/ | | | | SNK (sneakers) | \_\ /|\ /_ | Gift to Thorrin | | | / | \ | | | | _/ | \_ | | |___________________________ __\ ~ ! Ź /__ ___________________________| s n e a k e r s ____________________.___________ _ _____________________________ \ _____________ /| _______ .___/ ________. ______________ / \ \ /____/___ \ _______|____/ |/ / / \ / / \) |\ / / / \_____ / \ / / cG/ __/_____\ |__\________\____________\ \ _ /__________/ ____.\______________\ \ /________________\ |__ _ |_______________________________\ _ _ (( e l e m e n t a l )) .__________________________ _ __ ___ _______________________________. | / __ | __ \ | | Info | ._Ź\ | /~ | Status Window | | | |-_ \|/ | | | | "Stezotehic" - for sTZ! | \_\ /|\ /_ | Request, 54 letters wide | | | / | \ | | | Liebe ist freitod, bro | _/ | \_ | | |___________________________ __\ ~ ! Ź /__ ___________________________| ._______. ..::stEZOTEHIC/STYLE ___________| |__________ _____________________ \ / _/ _/ \ / / \ /___ \ _/.___\ / | / \___ /_______\___ | ___/_________/ .__/_____/___________\_____|\______\_. _________ | |_ _/ | |_/_|/ / | _/ _/. . | | _/. | \___ |______| | |___ | cG|________\ \_____| |________|___| eD\_____| _ _ (( e l e m e n t a l )) .__________________________ _ __ ___ _______________________________. | / __ | __ \ | | Info | ._Ź\ | /~ | Status Window | | | |-_ \|/ | | | | "Style" - for sTZ! | \_\ /|\ /_ | Request, 54 letter wide | | | / | \ | | | | _/ | \_ | | |___________________________ __\ ~ ! Ź /__ ___________________________| _________ _____. _____. _______________ \ /________/ |_/ |_____./ / _/ \ / / | | / _/. \____ / \______ | /_ | _/ /__________\ cG/_______|_ /_ \_______| \_______/ \____/ _ _ (( e l e m e n t a l )) .__________________________ _ __ ___ _______________________________. | / __ | __ \ | | Info | ._Ź\ | /~ | Status Window | | | |-_ \|/ | | | | "Alien Technology" - for | \_\ /|\ /_ | Request, sorry for the a | | Behemoth | / | \ | bit hm.. stupid looking | | | _/ | \_ | style. :P | |___________________________ __\ ~ ! Ź /__ ___________________________| _____ _________ ___ _________ ______ ___/ \/ //__|/ _// \|_________ / \ / | _/. \ / / | \_ /_ |_ |_____\ \ /______________\\____/____| \_______| cG\___________\ ._____. .____. ______ _________| |___ ___________________________ ___. | |_ _// / | | \|_____/ / / / \./ |____. | / _/. _/. . | \ / | / / | / | | | | | \ | |___| |__\ \______/_ /_______/____ |___ | |______\____|\_____| |_____| eD\______\ \___/ \ __| \______| \___\ _ _ (( e l e m e n t a l )) .__________________________ _ __ ___ _______________________________. | / __ | __ \ | | Info | ._Ź\ | /~ | Status Window | | | |-_ \|/ | | | | "Löken" - for MANTA! | \_\ /|\ /_ | Request, not TOO wide, as | | | / | \ | it's for a bot..? huh, we | | | _/ | \_ | will see.... | |___________________________ __\ ~ ! Ź /__ ___________________________| _______ _ _ ____. ______ ________ ___ / /_\|_|/____/ _|/ // _/ \|_______ / / / \ \ _/. \ / /__ /__________/______\_______\___ |___\ \ cG\____/ \____| eD\________\ _ _ (( e l e m e n t a l )) .__________________________ _ __ ___ _______________________________. | / __ | __ \ | | Info | ._Ź\ | /~ | Status Window | | | |-_ \|/ | | | | "Condition 76" - sTZ | \_\ /|\ /_ | Request, wellll.. | | | / | \ | | | | _/ | \_ | | |___________________________ __\ ~ ! Ź /__ ___________________________| ________ _._____. _. __/ /_______________ _____ ________/_| |_./_|______________ _____ / _/. \ \|______/ /| |_| | \ \|______ /___ | \ \ \ / | / | /. | \ \ \ / cG\_____|\__________\__\ \________/__|_ |__|\_________\__\ \ ________________ ._______\_______\ ___________\_____|_____. _________\_______\ \ | | / / | ______________. ______ | \ _ ___/ |_____\ __ |__/ /___________| \__ _ . :%# \______\/ |_/ __/________ #%: . .:%# \_ _/ \ _ / #%. .%#_____________________/ |\ // /_________ ___ #%: . /______| \______/____/eD _ _ (( e l e m e n t a l )) .__________________________ _ __ ___ _______________________________. | / __ | __ \ | | Info | ._Ź\ | /~ | Status Window | | | |-_ \|/ | | | | "Trivial" - Trivial | \_\ /|\ /_ | GIFT! Invent it, and he'll | | | / | \ | smooooke it. | | | _/ | \_ | | |___________________________ __\ ~ ! Ź /__ ___________________________| ______. \ |_____ __ .__________._/_\ | //_| _____ .____| | |\___| / |/ \ .______ _| | ._ /| | cG|__/| | | \| / \. |__|/_____\|___| .____. |___|____ \ / | | `- -' \____\ /_ \_____| |_ | |____/ |U | .. | l :: / \/\. / /\/ /~()-~-~-~/\ \ /_/ / \________/ Ź~~~~~~~ _ _ (( e l e m e n t a l )) .__________________________ _ __ ___ _______________________________. | / __ | __ \ | | Info | ._Ź\ | /~ | Status Window | | | |-_ \|/ | | | | "Crooklyn Beats" - Trivial | \_\ /|\ /_ | Request, BlOOOOOh | | | / | \ | | | | _/ | \_ | | |___________________________ __\ ~ ! Ź /__ ___________________________| _______ __________ / /__________________\ \____. _________________. ____ / _/. _ / \ | \ _|/ / / |__/__ \|_______ /_ | _ / | \_________\ \ \ /_ | / \ / \______|___|/______\_________\ cG|_____\_______\_____/___ \_\ \ \_______\ \________\ __ _ _. _// __________ ._______.|: ) .____________ / _/ ______| |_ __________ __ || _ // _/.__/ \ /./ /_____ / | | ( \__ | \ | /// :|| \ \________| | \________|________ / : Ś| |_____________\ _ /_____________\ eD/_____/// / //__ _ _/ /_ ____________________________________________________________________________ a soul led by illusion _____________________________________________________________________________ _ / greets 2fast.zeus.thorrin.talon.speeddevil.mightymuz.folar.fatal.chrombacher.boheme.b! zoltrix.stezotehic.reactor-.kabal.ice-d.gdm.fungus.crusader+candyman.cesspool tnt.thrash.skywalker.red-demon.ramone.mario.euronymous.ecs.bird.demax.behemoth wide.u-man.twilek.rawfox.nurgle.mogue.exile.centurion.case.artic-cat.aggressor zinko.volatile.trivial.sal-one.scarface.mjolnir.manta.infusion.dartagnan.chels /_ ____________________________________________________________________________ the public is synchronized _____________________________________________________________________________ _ / unexcused ascii - cybergod / epsilon design elemental logo by Mjolnir.. mange takk dude. old'n elemental diz, Boheme. *kiss* banal EPSILON DESIGN logo, by an unknown artist /_ ____________________________________________________________________________ suffer in flesh _____________________________________________________________________________ _ / @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ___ _____ _____ __________/ / _____ _____ / _ \/ _ \/ ____/__/ / / _ \/ _ \ / /___/ // /\__ \/ / /_/ // / // / \_____/ ____/______/__/\___/\_____/__//__/ _/__/ /____ _______________ _____ LED bHm/ _ / _ \/ ____/__/ _ \/ _ \ / // / /___/\__ \/ / // / // / \_____/\_____/______/__/\__ /__//__/ /_____/ > < > elemental / cybergod < @END_FILE_ID.DIZ the end ._ ___. _____ ________ _____ __ ______ __ ______ ___________________________ | _) |____ _) ._ /.) _/__ _) __/__ _) __/__ /. .\ ._ (_.\ |/ |____ (_\ _/ (_\ _/ (_ the jolly little bot ˇ | _| |/ /| / _ |/ / \ / \ /. of ircnet's #ascii.. | \_____/ .________\_____________________________|__ _ _ _|_ . vtr/______| : | behemoth - cybergod - exile - fatal - red demon . | . |_ " one of the fastests ascii sources round the globe " | /__________________________________________________________________________| ˇ