...         _ _                                          _ _     ...
 ::::          \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY ///      ::::
 :::_   .___.    \                                        /        _:::
 :://-- |   |-----\  24h Static Telnet on 768/128k ADSL  /--------// ::
 |. .___.  _:____ _  ___                                             _:
 _ _|   |_ \_   // //  /____   __ _  cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFF/=C64 \:
 \\\_   _/__/  /___  _     /__||///  mOD/mP3/hANDhELD aRCHIVE ____    |
    |_  \_\        \ /____/   _      _____ _      _____     ./  _/    .
 .   /_    \________\________\\    ._)  _ \\______\__  \____|   \_ _ _: _
 :     \______\\t^/lp!        ____ |   _/     /     /   \  _|   _////__\\
                             /   /___  \      \ __ \\  _/__\|   \     :/
  tHE hOTTEST sCENE sPOT! _ /   / __//__\______\\_\ /_____/ \    \    :
 :     _                  //_____\\:     \      /___|   \_________\  _.
-.----\\-----------------------|   |----- .-----------||-------- ----/:
 | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9602 |_

     )\_________.       ___.__\_  ..___.__ ..___.
 .___\__. ______|_ _    \__|\  \__||\_ |\__||\__|\__  artificial insemination
 |      |/        \\                 \ .___.__ __. __._..___.___\_  ...___.___.
 |                /  · - ------------- |\  |\__\_|_\ | ||\  |\__|\__|||___|\  |
 |_____o.O       /                           _/                               ·
   /    |_______/                                                             :
 _/            \      · probably the biggest and best-looking ascii-related   |
\\_     `       \       board on finnish pcscene.                             |
   (____.______(_     · ascii-/street-art fileareas.                          |
   _____|/_____/ ((_  · techno-/underground culture discussion.               |
  /\          /  /    · liquid.net [2:XXX/X].                                 |
 /  \ elliot /__/     · relaxed atmosphere.                                   |
)__/| n e sz |        · connections from 14k4 to 33k6.                        |
   _|________//_      · staff sperm whale [rma/aur/iso] ^ phobia [aur/iso].   |
     \    _   \       · number +358-9-2418602.                                |
 sw. /    /   /                                                           _ __|
__ ./    /   /. ___________________________________________________________\\
                 ¯ uploaded by sperm whale at 12:28:20 - 01-26-97.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
                         ________                 _                  ________
 :_____. ___________ ____\    .o/  ______ _____ _//_____ ____________\    .o/
 |    .|/   ._     /_\   ______/___\____/(    / \// ._  \\__   ._\  _______/
 |    ||   /l_____/|    _)______\_   ________/./\/  |/   |/    : /  _)_______
 |_   |l_  \/      |_   \        /   \        l_   /l    /     l/   \       /
  /____|/___ ______|\____/      /_____)_______|\_________|     /\____/     /
                         \_____(  +sD+                 /______/      \____(
 ·icezone. the LARGEST ascii board on the finnish pc-scene. +1000 ascii packs·
 ·available to download. also hundreds and hundreds megs of techno music onli·
 ·ne. and, we offer you internet e-mail and noratios for free. only thing you·
 ·have to do is send email to management@icez.nullnet.fi and ask  for account·
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

     :|   ______  |
      |  /     /  |                   _ __/_____     ______ ______
      |__\     \  |_____/______ _  ______/     /_   /     /_\     \
      /   \     \/     /    ______/     /    ___/__/    _/   \     \
     /     \     \    /     \     \    /     \     \    \     \     \
     \______\_____\__/\______\     \__/\______\_____\____\_____\_____\
      |           |          /_____/___                         \
      |   _____   | _ __/____   /     /
      | __\     \ |___ /    / __\     \  ______________________
      |/   \     \/   \     \/   \     \/   ___    /     _    /
      /    l\     \    \     \    \     \   \_____/\    /____/
     /_____________\____\     \____\_____\____\_____\_____\__ _
      |           |      \_____\                           \     ______
      |           |                       ______    _ __/____   /     /
      |________\__|___________________  __\     \  ___ /    / __\     \
      /    _____\      _    /    _    \/   \     \/   \     \/   \     \
     /     \     \    /____/     \     \   l\     \    \     \    \     \
     \______\     \_____\  \______\____/___________\____\     \____\_____\
      |     /_____/                                   kRm\_____\

           [ +358-0-ASK-4-IT ] ··STYLE UNIHQ·· [ +358-0-ASK-4-IT ]

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZE^D: "Armen är som skit - fast grönt"
By Crusader...

                           youre just about

                            to see another

                         quality release from:

            _  _ __ ___ __________________________________________
     _ ________   ____________ ________   _ ________   ·Mo!/(!·   /
    _\\\   ___/__|__    _     /      _/__//_\_      |_________ _________
    \_    __\      _|  _/     \      \|  /   |      /         \\__      \_
     /___________._\   \___ _ _\      \      |    _/          \\_/       /
    /            |______|  ///________/ _____|    \_._________._/       /
                                             |______|         |________/
          _ ______ _________     ________ _  _______________
          \\\__   \\    ___/___ /      _/_\\_\       _   _ _|_______
        ______/    \_  __\      \      \|  \  \      \_  \\\__      \_
       |     /      /________ _ _\      \      \______/     |/       /
       |___________/         ///________/ _____|     |____._/       /

     /_         · ePs¡LoN Des¡GN ·
      /__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _


  _______                                        _ ________________________
 |       |   ______._____________ ____.___.___. |                          |
 | aRMY  | ._\___  |   ._   /    Y    |   |   | | "you're in the army now, |
 |       | |  ___  |  _l/ _/|   \_/   |_____  | | ooOOooh OooOo oooOOh,    |
 | tIME  | |   l/  |  \    \|    |    |  l/   | | you're in the army now"  |
 |_____ _| |_______|___\____\____|____|_______| |_ ________________________|

                       "Armen är som skit - fast grönt"

                             and performed by:

_ ________ _______________.___________  _ ______   ________________  _________
 __   ___/_\__ ___    /   |   _/   __/__.   _   \__\___  \   __   /__\___    /
_/    \      /  _/  _/    ·    \____    |   _    \_   /   \_ \___/__   _/  _/
\_______    /___\    \__________/  _____|___\     /___     /___    /___\    \_

                           a l s o   m e m b e r   i n

     _ ______ _____.__________________   _ ______ ____\       _/_____
     __ ___  \\_   |   __     __/    /___.   _   \\_   \     __   __/___.
    _/   \/   \_   ·    \_    |     /    |   _    \_   /\     \_____    |
 .--\__________/_________/____|_____     |___\     /___/\______/   _____|---.

                                    a n d

         _ ________\      _/______________ .________  /\________
          __   ___/_\_._____    _   \     \|    __  \/  __/  __/___.
         _/    \_     |    \_   _    \_   \\     \_     |_____     |
         \_______     |_____/___\     /___|\______/_____|     _____|

                                   / | \
                                    ' `

               "I  know I   didn't    say I  was   coming  down,
               I know  you   didn't know I   was here  in  town,
               But bay-yay-yaby  you can tell me if anoyone can,
               Baby, can you dig your man? He's a righteous man,
               Tell me baby, can you dig your man?"

                                               -Larry Underwood-
                                    "The Stand" by Stephen King.

          ______\__   _/________________  _ ________
        __\_    __/___________    /  __/___.     __/
      _/       __)     \_   _/  _/_____    |      \_ ............
      \_____    \_______/___\    __________|_______/            :
           \_____/           \____/                             :
            :             ____________      [·fIRSt wORDs·]     :
            :          ___\      ____/________________ _______ _:_____
            :....... __\_  \     \_  ___ ________    /_\___   \\   __/___.
                   _/      /\   _/   \/   \_   _/  _/     /    \____     |
                   \_______/\___\__________/___\    \______    __________|
                                                \____/    \____/  sTZ!
          Hello everybody you can feel very welcome to my new colly!
          The name of this colly is ARMY, and thats also the place
          were im at the moment! Ive started my military service for
          about a month ago and i must say that the army was much
          diffrent than i expected! I mean, before you join the army
          you hear many stories about how it is in the army, that
          there are many CRAZY captains,lieutnants etc. who are there
          just inorder to terrorise you as much as possible etc.
          But i have seen nothing of this, the captains that i have
          are the opposite i.e nice and friendly! Ofcoz there are
          some dickheads but most of them are nice..
          This colly is a little tribute to the major asciicrews here
          on the asciiscene! First i thought about making a tribute
          to the artists, but then i found out that it would take far
          too much work from me, so i just made logos for the groups!
          Im also very sorry for all you guys who have requested logos
          from me lately, i have not been able to do them yet, since
          im now in the army and im only home on weekends, so my time
          for my computer is very limited! I have for the moment about
          75+ logos with requests to do, i hope to manage doing them
          ready soon! But i cant promise anything..
          This colly is also going to be the last one that i release
          as a member of Outlaws! Im leaving them mainly because the
          problems with communication there! So all Outlaws members
          who reads this, make sure that my name gets erased from the
          memberlists coz im LEAVING you the same day that this colly
          is released!
          I also have to encourage the Roadhogz team to continue doing
          your fantastic mag! Despite all the negative reactions you
          have gotten from diffrent artists around! I just LOVE your
          Art^mag, please keep it coming!
                              Signed: Crusader/Giants/Epsilon design

  "Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed."
                                               - Southern California Oracle

         _ _ _  _ _____  __________________ .__________.____ _  _ _ _
            \\\  __    \/    __  __   /    \|    _/    |   __  ///
                _/     \/   _/   \___/___  \\     \_   ·    \_
               .\______/    \______     /__|\______/_________/.

       Arclite - Arclite desc. - Art - Art desc. - Contra - Contra desc.
       Dezign - Dezign desc. - Digital graffiti - Digital graffiti desc.
          Dzain - Dzain desc. - Epsilon design - Epsilon design desc.
             Grotesticle - Grotesticle desc. - Honey - Honey desc.
         House of style - House of style - Megastyle - Megastyle desc.
            Offspring - Offspring desc. - Pro^arts - Pro^arts desc.
                Roadhoqz - Roadhoqz desc. - Shoot - Shoot desc.
              Upperclass - Upperclass desc. - Whale - Whale desc.


             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||o1|| LOGO: Arclite                ||o1||_|

- -÷--------------- - ---------- ---- --÷-»   a  R  C  L  I  T  E  !
   | _________         _________
 ._:_\____  _/_ _______\_ _____/____                _ _:_
 |       '    \_____    /  \       /           ____/___|___________
 `-:-----\_____\  _/  _/__________/   ._ __ _._\ _____________    /__. _
   |         +----\       /._______   : _\/_ :  \/     |   _/____/   || | _
   |               \     / |      /___|_\/\/_|_________!--.__________||_||_|
   !_ ____________ _\   /__|     /    |      |_ ____________ ____  _
                     \o/   `----._____|      |e^d
                      Y            cDr!______!

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||o2|| Arclite desc.                ||o2||_|

 _________    _________\____  \_ _______
|         |.__\____ _/    _/  _/_\_ ___/____
| aRCLITE ||      '   \---\_____\   \      /
|         |`------\____\cDr/e^d ---.______/
|  pOSSE  |  ______   ____  ____/_:_________
|         |._\_   /__.\  /._\ ______/___   /
|  1995!  ||    _/   | \/ |  \/   |  _/___/_

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||o3|| LOGO: Art                    ||o3||_|

               - --(O)-- -
                    :        __________         _  _:_          .-.
               ______________\_____    \_  ____/____|___ _ _    |o|
            ___\______   _/      _/    _/__\ __________////     |o|
            \        `-    \-----\_______\  \/      :           |o|
             \-------\______\  cDr/e^d/_____________!  _________loj
                                         _ ___ ________\_

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||o4|| LOGO: Art desc.              ||o4||_|

 ______              __________      _ _:_
|      |   __________\____    / ____/___|___
| aRT! |.__\____  _/    _/  _/__\ _________/
| 1995 ||      `-   \---\_____\  \/     | _

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||o5|| LOGO: Contra                 ||o5||_|

                     __________          ___|      |___          ________/_
       __________ .__\______   \___ .____\__.      .__/__________\___  _/
  _\___\_ ______/_|__    \/     /  \|   _/__|_     |_____    /      /    \
    \      \      !_/__________/  \ \        /     |   _/  _/______\      \
     \-----._______/         !_____\        /______!___/     \      \______\
                                 cDr\      /e^d       /_______\
                                     \    /
                                      \  /

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||o6|| LOGO: Contra desc.           ||o6||_|

 ________/ __ \_ \ _/__  _  /___   /______
.\_ ___/_. \/  / \\   /  \_/  _/ _/____ _/
|   \    |____/---\__/____\---/____\  `-  \
`-cDr----'                      `-e^d-\____\

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||o7|| LOGO: Dezign                 ||o7||_|

      .------------ -÷-»  · d · E · Z · I · G · n ·  «-÷-- --------------.
      |                                  ._ __ _.           ____ ._____  |
      |      ____________                : _\/_ :_______  ._\_  \|   _/__|_
    __|______\_____     /__.   ________  :_\/\/_: _____/__|    \ \       |/
 .__\____   \_  _/_____/   |___\___   /__|      |  \_     |_____\ \      :
 |      /    /_____________|   ______/   |      |_________|      \      /|
 |__________/              !_____________|      |         .-------\----/-'
      |                                  !______!         |        \  /
      `-cDr/e^d--------------- - ------------------ ------÷- -      \/

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||o8|| LOGO: Dezign desc.           ||o8||_|

.____________ ____  _    __ ._____       __
|       _________ ____ :_\/_: ___/__.___|  |
! ______\____   /_\__ \|\/\/|  \_   |   \  |
._\__  \_ _/___/_ _____|    |-._____|__\___|
|   /   /_______/______|____|  ._________ _
!______/ _ ____ _______________|cDr/e^d

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||o9|| LOGO: Digital graffiti       ||o9||_|

                                               _ _:_
     ________   _____. ________    _____. ____/___|__ _________ _______
  .__\___    )_(_____:_\_ ____/_._(_____:_\ ________/_\_ __  _/_\_    /___.
  |     /   /        |    \_    |       |  \/     |      _/    \     /    |
    ________   ________ _________ ____________________. ____/___|__  _____.
  ._\_ ____/_._\__    /_\_ __  _/_\_  ____/ ____/_____:_\ ________/_(_____:
  |    \_    |  _/  _/__   _/    \   ___/  ___/       |  \/     |         |
  l__________|__\      /___|______\___|_ ___|_________!_________|_________|
              cDr\    /e^d
                  \  /

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||1o|| LOGO: Digital graffiti desc. ||1o||_|

.__________.   __________ _ _____ _________.
|          |.__\______   \_                |
| dIGITAL! ||cDr     /    /  t             |
|          |!____________/     e   h       |
| gRAFFITI |  ________           x   e     |
|          |._\_ ____/_____        t   r   |
| 1 9 9 5  ||     \_   e^d/              e |
|__________|!____________/_ ___ ___________!

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||11|| LOGO: Dzain                  ||11||_|

                            _____             ._ __ _.
              ______________\__  \___. ______ : _\/_ :____
         _ .__\_____    /     ___/   |/      \:_\/\/_:    \ ._______
      _ | ||       /   /_____________!        \      |   \ \|      /
     |_||_|!__________/   _ ______  /__________\     |____\       /
                                /_______ _ cDr|______|e^d  \_____/

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||12|| LOGO: Dzain desc.            ||12||_|

+-- ____   _____    ____   _____:_ ______--+
|___\__ \__\___ \___\__ \__\____|__\_ _  \_|
|\    /  / .-----'    /  \      |     /   /|
| \-.___/____________\    \-----+----/___/ |

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||13|| LOGO: Epsilon design         ||13||_|

  _______                               ._  _.
 |       |  _________ _______   ______  : __ :______    ___________ .______
 | hARD- |._\___    /_\____  \_/  ___/__:_\/_:   __/__._\_____ \_  \|     /.
 |hITTING||   /____/_   ______/\_____   |\/\/|   \    |    \/   / \ \    //|
 |  -o-  |!_________/_____!  !__________|    |________|________/___\    // |
 |hONEST!|                              :_  _:                      \  //  |
 |  -o-  |   _______ _________  ______  |    | ________  .____ ._____\//   |
 | aSCII |.__\__   /_\___    / /  ___/__|    |_\_ ____/__|    \|     //    |
 |  -o-  ||    /  /   _/____/__\_____   |    |    \_     :   \ \    //     |
 | sTYLe |l______/___________/__________|    |___________|____\    //      |
 |_______|                           cDr!____!e^d              \  //_______|

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||14|| LOGO: Epsilon design desc.   ||14||_|

 _________   ____________             _ ___
|         |._\_____     /__.               |
| ePSILON ||cDr _/_____/   |               :
|   -^-   |!_______________|  t e x t
| dESIGN! |  _____________
|   -^-   |._\________    \_    h e r e !
| 1 9 9 5 ||e^d      /     /               :
|_________|!______________/           _ ___|

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||15|| LOGO: Grotesticle            ||15||_|

             ____________              _  _._ ____________
   __________\_____     /______   ____/____|__\_____     /__._________
 ._\_ _____/___  _/   _/       \__\ _________/   _/_____/   |  ______/____
 |     \_     /--/______\_ __ _.\  \/      |----.___________|-------.    /
 `----.______/       /__: _\/_ :_\_ _______!               `-----.______/
                    _  _|_\/\/_|_________                 ____________
               ____/____|__    | _______/___________   .__\_____     /__.
            .__\ _________/    |  \         /      /___:     _/_____/   |
            |   \/      |______!--.________/     _/    |----.___________!
            l___________!cDr/e^d          `-----.______|

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||16|| LOGO: Grotesticle desc.      ||16||_|

  _______    _________ ________
._\_ ___/____\___    /_\_____  \_----------.
|    \_    /   _/  _/     \/    /-tESTICLE!|

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||17|| LOGO: Honey                  ||17||_|

        (_)------------ ---- -»    h    O    N    E    y
   ______|------.                   ._________
 ._\_   _|      | ____________ ____ |        /             _:_______
 |      \.      |_\_______   \_    \|       /_____________  |      /_____
 `-------|______|      \/     /   \ \      /_\_____      /__|    _/    _/_.
         |cDr/ed!____________/_____\      /     _/______/   |_______,     |
         |                          \    /-----.____________|_____________|
      - -÷-------------- - -------- -\  /---._______ ____  _!_ _
         :                            \/                    :

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||18|| LOGO: Honey desc.            ||18||_|

+.___-- -_______- ------- -___________:_- -+
:|  _|___\_____ \___  ___._\____   /  |____:
:!__\.   |  \/   /  \|   |   _/___/_  !   /:
:    l___|-.____/__\ \   |--.______/_   _/ :

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||19|| LOGO: House of style         ||19||_|

                ________________|     |________
        ._____._\_______   \_   |     |  _____/_____
    ____|     |      \/     /   !     |-------.    /___________
  ._\_ _|     |------._____/----._____|-----._____/______     /__. _______
  |    \.     |        _____      ______        |     _/_____/   ||       |
  `-----l_____|       (_____)    l---           `----.___________!| hOUSe |
  .__________        _ __      ____.              _____________   |  oF   |
  |   ______/___.________\____/   _|______________\______     /__.| sTYLe |
 _`-------.     |___________ /    \     _/_     /__.  _/_____/   ||  95'  |
 \------._______|          \/________,  __/   _/   |_____________!!_______|

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||2o|| LOGO: House of style desc.   ||2o||_|

           _______    _____._____
 ____.---._\_____ \___\    | ___/___________
.\_ _|   |    \/   /   \   |----.   /___   /
|   \.   |----.___/________|--.____/ _/___/_
!____l___| O F                   _\________/
_/ ___/_____/\______.____________\_____    /
`----.   /______ /  |   _/_    /__. _/____/_
----.___/      \/_____,  _/  _/   |________/

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||21|| LOGO: Mega style             ||21||_|

                 ._______________ ____  _
           ______! ______   _____________    __________         ________
      _ .__\_    \/    _/___\_____      /__._\_  _____/_________\___  _/__.
   _ | ||        \/       \    _/______/   |      \_       /       `-     |
  |_||_|!________||________\---.___________!----._________/_______\       |
   .__________           _  _:_  ____.              _____________  \______!
   |   ______/___.  ____/____|__/   _|______________\______     /__. _
   `-------.     |__\ _________/    \     _/_     /__.  _/_____/   || | _
  /------._______:   \/      |_________,  __/   _/   |-.___________!|_||_|
          cDr/e^d!___________!_____________)---._____|  _|_
                                   _  ____ ______________ /

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||22|| LOGO: Mega style desc.       ||22||_|

                _:_   _._____
  m E G A  ____/_|_____|    /____ s T Y L E
  _____  ._\ ____.__/  |  _/_   /__.________
_/ ___/__|_ \/   |______, __/ _/   |____   /
`----.    /______!----.____\-._____| _/___/_
----.____/cDr/e^d                 `--.______/

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||23|| LOGO: Offspring              ||23||_|

       _ _:__  ___________ ________________  __:_ _
          |  ._\_______  \_   _____/ _____/    |
          |  |      \/    /   ___/   ___/      |
    ______|  !___________/_____|______|       _|________:_
  ._\_ __________    ___________ _________              |
  |  ._\  ______/__:_\____     /_\__     /______:_      !________________:_
  |  |  \______    |    /_____/   _/   _/_______|___ ._____              |
  |  |_____________|_______|______/      \      |   \|     |_________    |
  |_____________________________ /________\     |____\     |  ______/__. |
                       cDr/e^d/_______ !________|     \____|   \_      | |
                                    /______________ ____._ :___________| |

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||24|| LOGO: Offspring desc.        ||24||_|

+--------- -_________ - ----- -----cDr/e^d-+
:   ________\_ _____/_____                 :
: ._\_____ \_ ____/ _____/__ _  _  . _  _  :
: |    \/   /___:  ____/__) |_)| '( l )(_| :

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||25|| LOGO: Pro^arts               ||25||_|

     _ _.___  /\_________ ____  _                               _ ___._
        |cDr\/                      p R O F E S S I O N /\ L      e^d:
      __:________         ______                                     |
   ___\____     /________/      \       /\ R T I S T S !      ______ |
   \     /_____/___     /        \                     _ _._ / ____/_:___
    \---:---:    _/   _/__________\  ____________ ____/___|__\______    /
        |   `----/______\   _________\_____     /_\ ______._/    _/    /
        |               .___\____ _/     _/   _/   \/     |_ _ _______/
        !_____________ _|       '   \----/______\_________! . _______!
                        `------\_____\                      |________|

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||26|| LOGO: Pro^arts desc.         ||26||_|

._ ________                  ._ __  _ _____
:__\__    /                  | ___\        |
|   /____/____    t e x t    |(_(__\_____  |
|_____|__    /               |       _) _) |
:cDr/ed_/  _/     h e r e    |____.__\____\|
|    __/_____\               |\_\ | /_/    |
|   /   _  \                 |    | ____   |
|  /    /   \                |     (_(____ |
!_/__________\               !__ _ _____)_)!

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||27|| LOGO: Roadhogz               ||27||_|

       __________ ___________    _________  __________
     ._\____    /_\_______   \___\_____ _/__\______   \_
 ._ _|    _/  _/__     \/     /       '   \       /    /_ ______________ _.
 |   !____\      /----.______/-------\_____\--._______/                   |
 |         \    /       _____                           r O A D H O G s ! |
 |          \  /  _____|     | ___________   _________      _______       |
 |           \/ ._\_  _|     |_\_______   \__\_ _____/______\____  \__.   |
 !_ __________ _|     \.     |      \/     /     \_      / ________/  |_ _!
                !______|     |-----.______/-----._______/_____________!

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||28|| LOGO: Roadhogz desc.         ||28||_|

.-------- -________   ________- --- -------.
|cDr_______\______ \__\____ _/_________ e^d|
| ._\___  \_   \/   /     `-  \______  \_  |
| |   _/  _/--.____/------\____\    /   /  |
| :---\_____\________ _______+---._____/   |
| |   _|___._\_____ \_  ____/_____\____ \_ |
| |   \.   |    \/   /  \_     / .-------' |
|_`----l___|---.____/---._____/__________ _|

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||29|| LOGO: Shoot                  ||29||_|

            _________                                  _____/\_____
     _ .___/  ______/________:_____. _______  _________\ ________ /__. _
  _ | ||cDr\_______     /   _!_    |/   .   \/   .   \  \/      \/e^d|| | _

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||3o|| LOGO: Shoot desc.            ||3o||_|

        ____.----. _______________    _ _:_
  ______\_ _|    |_\____  \_____  \__/___|__
_/ ___/___ \.    |    \/   /  \/   /_______/
`----.   /--l____|---.____/--.____/cDr/ed|
---.____/                       \________!

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||31|| LOGO: Upper class            ||31||_|

       __________ ____ _
    .__\_     ._____  _________________________________
    |    _____|     |_\_____      /___      /____     /__. ___________
    |  ._\_   |     |     /______/  /______/  _/_____/   |_\_____    /
    |  |      !     |________|_ _______! _ ______________:     _/  _/____
    |  !____________!                                    !_____\        /
    ¦    ________       -÷- u P P E R c L A S s -÷-   _______   \      / ·
    :  ._\_ ____/__________        _______________   /  ____/____\    / /
    ·  |    \       /     /___.____\____ _/  ____/___\______    / \  / /
       !___________/    _/    :        '   \______    /________/   \/ /
                  +----.______|_______\     \________/    _ ________ /
                                    cDr\_____\e^d                  \/

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||32|| LOGO: Upper class desc.      ||32||_|

.________ _ ______________________ _ ______.
|    _____._\___   /___   /___   /________ |
| .__\ cDr|   /___/  /___/ _/___/____ e^d/ |
| |   \   |_____|______|_________/ _/  _/  |
+-|_______| - c  l  a  s  s  - |___/_____\-+

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||33|| LOGO: Whale                  ||33||_|

                 _:_____        _________._______
       _____  ____|    _|_______\____  _/|      /___. ___________
       \    ||    |    \_    \      `-   \    _/    |_\_____    /__. _
        \___/\    |-----|_____\-----\_____\--.______|    _/____/   || | _
       cDr/e^d\___|                                 :---.__________||_||_|

             _  _  __  ______________________________  __  _  _
            |_|| ||  ||                              ||  || ||_|
               |_||34|| LOGO: Whale desc.            ||34||_|

 ___  ____\_ _|   |_____ _/     /__.________
|   ||  _/   \.   |    '   \  _/   |____   /
|   /\    \---l___|----\____\-.____| _/___/_
+cDr-\_____\  w · H · A · L · E  +--.____e^d

  "How can you be two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?"
                                                    - Firesign Theater

          . ..:................................................
              :                               ________        :
      _ ______:_   _ _________________  ______\     _/__  /\__:____
       __   ___/_________    /  __   /__\___  \\______  \/  __/ __/___.
      _/    \      /   _/  _/   \___/__    /   \_    \_     |____     |
      \______     /____\    \_____    /____     /_____/_____|    _____|
            \____/      \____/sTZ\___/    \____/          |______/
              :                _  _ __ ._____ _               :
              :                \\__   \|   _///               :
              :                 _/    \\    \_                :
              :                 \_____|\_____/                :
              :                             _ ____            :
_ _______  _ _:_______________ _ ______  /\___  _/____ .______:___ _ ______
 __  ___/__._____    /  __   /  __  __ \/  __/____    \|  _/  ___/__.   __/__.
_/   \_    |   _/  _/   \___/__ \___/__    |     \_   \\   \_ \_    |____    |
\______    |___\    \____     /__     /____|______/___|\____/___    |________|
sTYLe!\____|  : \____/  \____/  \____/                        :\____|
              :                                               :
              :...............................................:.. .

              Main ascii's..............Crusader/Epsilon design
              Guest #1........................Stezotehic/Mystic
              Guest #2.............................Mogue/Contra
              Guest #3......................Juan/Epsilon design
              Guest #4.....................Grimlock/Grotesticle
              Guest #5..........................Countzero/Whale
              File.id.......................zO/Digital graffiti
              Release date.............................95/10/21

                    - [  h e l l o   m y f r i e n d s  ] -

  .Mike/Mystic.Pearl/Passion.Trasher/Sanity/Artwork.C-tank/Alpha flight.
  .Mr.King/Trsi.The trendy dealer/Ramjam.Diogenes/Skidrow.Zenit/Compact.

                 - [  a s c i i   r e s p e c t s  ] -

   .Amblin.Biscrok.Coco pops.Countzero.Crazy.Danzig.Deathlord.Devistator.
   .Dragon.Elvis.Exocet.Gangsta.Gozz.Green eyed monsta.Grimlock.H2o.Jedi.
   .Rave..Redskin.Shape changer.Skin..Skindiver!.Stezotehic.Stylez.Tango.

      - [   b i g   h e l l o   t o   a l l   e p s i l o n e r s ] -

                    .frame.stash.terminal silence.twister.

      + Maximum respects to these group, who make ascii worth looking at!

             D e z i g n  -÷- P r o ^ a r t s -÷- C o n t r a

           U p p e r c l a s s  -÷- A r c l i t e -÷- W h a l e

                      i · M · P · O · R · T · A · N · T · !

     fUCk¡N NAZ¡S !             __aµæææÑÑÑÑææmµ___
    f¡GHt AGA¡NSt         aæØØØØØ@°"¯ __    ¯¬"¶M#ØØØØm_
    FASC¡SM.           _æØØØØ@"     _ÆØØm_        ¬°ÑØØØÑw_
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                     ÆØØØ"      _ÆØØØØØØ#"       _æ#_   ¶ØØØm
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 fR¡ENDSh¡P RUlEZ...     ¬¶#ØØØÑm___    °#°   __µæØØØØØP"
   WORlDW¡DE !!             "¶ÑØØØØØØMÑææææÑÆØØØØØØØP"
                                "°¶#ÑØØØØØØØØØ#@°"   [?]

                            |    _________    |
                            |   (_________)   |
                             |:·            ·|
                            _|______   ______|_
                             |______. .______|
                           _/       |^|       \_
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                       //\/    /           \    \/\\
                       \_/    /_____________\    \_/
                        /    /¯    _____    ¯\    \
                        \        _  /    _        /  ___________
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            | ___/                \_____/          / _     _   _ \
            | | \_________________________________/  \|    |   |  \
            | |      g®m|         _________      /    \    |   |   \
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        (__|_| |_//                 \_|_/      \        /____/
             |_| /___________________\ /_____ __\______/____\

                    C O N T A C T   M E   N O W ! ! !

                ___________      _ ___/\____           _ ___/\____
   .--- -_______\_______ __\______________ / .__________________ /
   :   ._\_ _____/_.  \/ \_ /    \_   ___\/__|   _____/_.      \/
   :   |     \     :--._/__/ /    /-.-\_____  \_  \     :-------\
   :   `-cDr-._____:   /____/    /  |      `-  |-.______:
   l____________ _____ __  _ ___/   `-e^d--\___|            i · n · f · o

  I dont have any modem, but still im reachable at the boards, that's via
  my friend who is a trader! So if youre in need of ascii's, you can leave
  a messy through him and he will forward the messy to me! Simple right..!
  His handle is  Cyco's, he can be found on  the majorboards! All requests
  will be included in my new colly, coz as i said i dont have any modem so
  im not able to upload single logos! So just look at the boards and youll
  see when my new colly is out!

                  yOu cAn rEACh cYCO's aT tHESe bOARDs:

                 aSYLUM ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [2nDz]
                eASTBBS ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [3nDz]
               dARKROOM ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [2nDz]
             uNDERCOVER ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [2nDz]
            iNTERCHANGE ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [3nDz]
          pROPHETs hOLd ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [4nDz]
         iNFINITE pOWER ............ [+46-pRIVATe!] [7nDz]

  And for those unfortunate ones, who dont have any modem(like me!), heres
  my adress so you can write to me and request ascii's! Im also intrested
  in getting in contact with other asciiartist via mail, since i have no
  modem to call with..! Also Pure Elite traders can contact me for some
  quality swapping!

                         Crusader/Giants^Epsilon design
                                  Janne Kotta
                                 Arbygatan  1A
                               633 45 Eskilstuna

        _       _       _                    _       _
    .__j \__.__j \ _.__j \_______.__.    .__j \ _.__j \ _.
    l_ ____/l  ___\ |  _____/____l  |____l  ___\ l_____\ |  jUAN - sANDMAN
    |  ___)_|   ____l___    |    |  |    |  |    |  |    | dESOTO - hARPOON
    |  |    |    |  |  |    |    |  |    |  |    |  |    |  fATAL - fRAME
    |  l    |    |  |  l    |    |  l    |  l    |  |    |  fRAME - sTASH
  : l___    l____l  l___    l____l___    l___    l__|    |   cHROMBACHER
 -+----l____|---- -----l____l-------l____|--l____|--l____|---------- ------+- -
  ¦ :                    .      _       _       _            _       _     ¦
 -:-+----- --------------+- .__j \ _.__j \__.__j \_______.__j \ _.__j \ _. :
  : ¦ cRUSADER - tWISTER ¦  l_____\ l_ ____/|  _____/____l__.  \ l_____\ | :
  : :  tERMINAL sILENCE  :  |  |    |  ___)_l___    |    |  l____j  |    | .
  . .    oUR bOARDS:     :  |  |    |  |    |  |    |    |  |    |  |    | :
  : :  sANCTUARY  (wHQ)  .  |  l    |  l    |  l    |    |  l    |  |    | :
  ¦ :  fLASHBACK  (sHQ)  :  l___    l___    l___    l____l___    l__|    | ¦
- +-:--- ---------- -----: ----l____l--l____l--l____l-------l____l--l____l-+ -
 c0!¦  aSYLUM (lEADErHQ) ¦                                                 :
 wL!+--------------------+     - hARDHITTING - hONEST - aSCII - sTYLE -    .


 ---------------------         __ _______________________________ __
 ·DIGITAL UNDERGROUND·          //                               \\ \ __
 ---------------------  ._____  //\       STYLE UNIVERSE HQ        · \\/  ·
                        |     \/ ¯¯                                   \  _:_ _
          ,m@@A*MWs____.                    ,_WA         _.            \/ |
          @@@@! *M@@@*f~~=.               _m@@A    __gmWAf`               |
         ]@@f`   ]@A ,.  _         ,_.   ]@@@@bgm@A**~` __gi              |
         W@f      M[ '~  ~`     ,gm@@@m. 'M@@@@@@@WmmWA**~~      \        |
    ,g==Yf`        '-  -==~ ,_gW@@@@@@@@W. V@@@@@@@K.            \\       |
    !           _mmmmmmmmmW@@@@A*****M@@@@m. ~~~~~V**@mm.                 |
               ]@@@@**@@@@@@W.                                            |
               'M@@`  Y@@@@@@@m.      STEZOTEHIC, QUARTZ, REPE, FOLAR     |
                 V*@s_!*****M@@@s                                         |
                  _mW@!immmmms     AMIGA/MODS/ASCII/INTROS/DEMOS/AEXPRESS |
      sTZ!/sE   ]A**Xm@@@@@@@@@s.                                    _____|
                '\m@@@@@@f~V@@@@@Ws                                 |  ___
               _W@@@@@@@P   @@@@@@@@s_    ,___.     _____\\_________| |___|
            ,m@@@@@@@@@@[   ]@@@@@@@@f`_gW@@@@@@@ms        \
     ,___  ,@@@@@@@@@@@@@[  ]@@@@@A*`-*f~   'VM@@@@[
  _mW@@@@@mW@@@@@@@@@@@@@[  '~Y@@`      _gmmmm@@A*~
 i@@@A~               ][       V@@s__gWA*f`           ..NO NUP OR SYSTEM
 !@@@@mmmmmmW@****@WmmW!         ~~~~~                  PASSWORDS NEEDED..

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

   {_____}__________ __._______ __________ __________ ___ ._____ _._______
   |     |   ._____/__ :_     /___       /   ._     /    \|   _/_ :_     /__
   |     |   |       / |/____/  /      _/_   |/    /  \   \     / |/____/  /
   | -M- |__________/__________/_________/________/    \_______/__________/
   :     :                                _ __ ________\
 icezone © modemnumberisthe +358-9-3952315 check us in www.sci.fi/~phobia/icez/

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
[ · uploaded by sperm whale from ·· the evil opereator  at 12:28 - 01-26-97 · ]
           _. _,/_, __, _,, _.|    ________ _______
          (_|( (_,|(- |(_,|(_||  ._\      //      /_.
         ________ ____________'__|__   ________   __|___ ______ _________ _
        _\      /.\    _     /     /___\    __/___\     /     /_        //(
    _ _/         |     /    /_        /    _/    /     \/      /         |
         ___________ ________ ___|_______ _______ __|________ ___________
        _\   _     /    _    \         _/       /.\    _    /_    _     /
    _ _/     /    /_    /     \_       |         |     /     /    /    /_ _
                                 |__              __| -sg/jA!
           +358-9-2418602          /______//______\
       [ · slow boards below · slow boards below · slow boards below · ]

                                              ¡    fOR pLEASURE sINCE 1996
>> ¡ -------------------------------------- - |. - ----------------------- -
  .|  w  o  r  l  d    h e a d q u a t e r s  ||
  ||      aEROHOLICS/mO' pLAYAZ/dTR/aSL       !| _
  |!     bAD kARMA/aGEEMA bLUES/uP rOUGH       | ;
  |      dIVINE sTYLERS/pHANTASY/tEQUILA       |   _
  |                                            |   ;
  7   g e r m a n  &  e u r o p e a n  h q's   |
  :    lIGHTfORCE/lOW pROFILE/sICK oF iT aLL   |
  ¡     oLDSKOOL/rOYAL/dRUNKEN/pUNGAS/100%     |
_ |                                            | "...dON't pLAY uS cHEAP!"
  |   gAMEBOY aDVANCE/wSC/nGPOCKET/sNES/cGB+    ___.     ______.    drn\lp!
  |   pSX/pS2/dC/e-bEATS & hIPhOP/cHIP tUNES   \\  !___  \     !__ _ _ ________
  |   =c64/aTARI8/mODULES/dANCEhALL/dAYDREAM   \\  .__/--\\   ._   \ / ._     /
  |                                            _\  ;/     \   !/    \  !/____/_
  |   rUNNING oN a pRIVATE sYSTEM w\ 8 nODES   /___/     _____/     __ /    __\
 _!   aVAILABLE oN 24/7 sTATIC tELNET @ ADSL       `----'     `----'  `----' 
\\;     . ______   ___ _ _ _________   _______                            ¡
 \      !/  __ /___\_  \ /   _  __ /___\_    //   t h E   y A R d _______,|
 _\    _/   \ /     _   /    /  \ /     /    /______________________\ ____|_
 /_____);  ______   )  __    \ ______  /_  ___,_________________________\ !
     ,_____\     `----'  `----\      `----'