... where graff began +++
        _______       ______      ___
     ___\     /____   \\   /______\ /_____     tHE yARD
     \\___  ______/___/\  ___  \\   _____/____
      //    |/       / /\   /  /\  ___|/     /
   ?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> >

                   /\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\
               /\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\
           [ DKB uNIVERSE HQ ][ SOIA gERMAN HQ ][ WX wORLD HQ ]

                           ____|---/-  ___        ___        ___
   ------------.        ___\   |  /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____
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                    \      \|  \|\/-------|_____\---|____\------------\---+
   +op sANE2^dKB^sOiA\______________\       gRAFFITI fOR tHE pLANET 1998

                     /\ tELNET tO * theyard.dyn.ml.org /\
     * rINGDOWN * sLOT.1/2/3.+49.221.9348812 (36k6/2xiSDN) * rINGDOWN *
                           /\ jOiN iRC oN * #dkb  /\

                       .                   .
            __________/__ _         .______:_                                 .
 _ _ .______\        /____ .________\\_    |____  _______  ________ .________/_
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 \   \/      __   _____________________|__\\     ________|_ _\      \/       /
.|__________/-\__/---------------------·----\____\-------·-\\\\   ___________|.
|·                                                             \_/_          ·|
|     haze/real^tls - zleik/skr - nemo/awe - glue/real^tls - fastjack/boil    |
|                                                                             |
|      your favorite board for demos/intros/music/ansi-/ascii art/pcb/asm     |
|                                                                             |
|                           »» pc · amiga · c64 ««                            |
|                                                                             |
|    node1: +49-40-853 22 315 (isdn)   *   node2: +49-40-853 22 316 (isdn)    |
|    node3: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)   *   node4: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)    |
|    node5: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)   *   node6: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)    |

                               __ _/\¦/\_ __    
               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__  iF U sOFT
aMIGA          \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /  gET lOST!
tERROR         /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
wORLDWIDE        \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/   sHARP aS a kNIFE
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__/// dAS fLEISCH
fICKEN   _          \___  /  \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/  \  ___/          _ GEWORDENE
uND     /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\  bOESE
tOETEN /    (_)  \_    \/    \\_ |_|_|_|_| _//    \/    _/  (_)    \ 
      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE WILL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE WILL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
       \  __________________\__/           \__/__________________  /
i HATe  \(                    __/\       /\__                    )/ 
PC ANd I ¯                    \__/  ___  \__/                    ¯
WONt STOp                       __/\\_//\__
              ONLiNE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLiNE BIS ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SPACED-OUT MIRROR SiTES ABOVE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
         :_                          :              :_
   ___/\_| \_ ___/\ ______/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _| \___/\ ____
 \\\__  \|__/_\__  \___ __  \__  \\__  \___ \\__ _\_|_____  \___ \
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/         \       \  |        |       \  |       \  /       \         \
\          \      /  |        |       /  ¯       / /        /         /
                     :        :      :    
   ___/\ ____ ___/\ _:   ___/\ ____  :    FACTiON            -  WHQ
   \__  \___ \\__  \ |___\__  \___ \ :    AEROSOL            -  WHQ
    /     |/  \/     |   \/      /  \:    GODS               -  EHQ
  _/      /    \_    |    \_   _/    \_   SHELTER            -  EHQ
 /       /|_     \   |      \  \______/// TRSi               - uKHQ
/                 \  |       \   |   :    LiGHTFoRCE         - uKHQ
\                 /  ¯       /   |   :    LOW PROFiLE        - uKHQ
 \_______________/__________/___m'S  :    LOOKER HOUSE       - uKHQ
                                 :   :    OUTLAWS            - uKHQ
.....................................:    SAVE OR SOULS      - uKHQ
                                          LSD                - uKHQ
 +44(0)1 XXX XXX XXX USR COURiER x2       ABUSE              - uKHQ
 +44(0)1 XXX XXX XXX 28k8 VFC             5TH DYNASTY        - uKHQ
 TELNET tO XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX                FAiTH              - uKHQ
    THIS FILE /\RRIVED HERE AT 07:40:16 ON 10-08-1997 IN BAY 00


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  ___.____          ._______.
 /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.._
/    |/       ./     _|    _|        _||/
\____________ |_     \|    \ ________\   aaH!
 goZz presents the 'Rumble, Rumble'   :   :
 asciicollection laughing.            :..::::

                                                              Friday 26-Sep-97

           hF!/o!       /
    _______            /·         _________ _ _ ___________________________.
   |    __/__________ //__________\__      \\\                            ||
  .|   _\            /·             /      /                               |
  |!_______________ /______________/_____ /_         Epsilon Design        |.
  |               \/                    \///_ _____________________________||

                                                     (a credit: hausfrau/oma!)

                  An ePEELISON dESIGNER

                      .. an old sight .. another night ..

                      .. gozz of epsilon design ..

                             p  r  e  s  e  n  t  s

                      [RUMBLE, RUMBLE - goZz is activated]

            old and new, more old then new, less new. crumbling old.

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __        __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·------·\/·--.      .
                /___________//               e. news    _|  ____:______________
                        .        ed .ews                \.      :
                        |_                ed ne.s        |          #: o1   :
                      _../ .d news                       |._   _____________:__
                     \\||________________________________||//               :

                                 rumble, rumble

                    ______   ._______.
          ___.____  \    /___|___    |
         /   |___/___\  /       /   _|      ePSILON dESIGN nEWS!
        /    |/      _\/_  zZ  /|   \ _________                 ____ __.
        \____________\  /___________//_________\  ___________  /___//__|
                  ______________ ___._____    .___\        _/_____
                ./     ._       /   |____/____|    \      /      /____
                |      |/      /    |/       _|_    \     \____       \.
                |_____ /_______\_____________\ /_____\    /   /________|
                --------------------------------------\  /--------------

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __        __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·------·\/·--.      .
                /___________//           .by.s          _|  ____:______________
                        .      ab.ss                    \.      :
                        |_                     a.yss     |          #: o2   :
                      _../ a.yss                         |._   _____________:__
                     \\||________________________________||//               :

                                grumble, grumble

         ___________|     ._|____   _______    _______     _______
     ____\___      _|_    |_     \./      /___/      /____/      /____
    /      |/      \./ zZ |/     _|_     /_   \____       \____       \.
   /______ /________|____________\ /____       /_./________|  /________|

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __        __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·------·\/·--.      .
                /___________//                  a.tern  _|  ____:______________
                        .       alt.rn                  \.      :
                        |_                alter.         |          #: o3   :
                      _../ .ltern                        |._   _____________:__
                     \\||________________________________||//               :

                                 in the jungle

      ___________.________  ____ __ _    __________    ___________ _____________
  ____\___      _|       /__\   \\///__ /   ._   _/__./      __._//   ._       /
 /      |/      \|_     /    \_  \/    /    |/___\   |_      \ |      |/  zZ  /
/______ /_______/ /___________/________\_____________|/_______\|_____ /______/
                   a       l       t       e       r       n

 and more:

                         __ _________
  _____.______._________ \//        /  ___.____     ___________ ______________
./     |_     |        /___\       /__/   |___/___./      __._//   ._        /
|_     |/     |_      /     \_       /    |/     _|_      \ |      |/  zZ   /
 /____ /_______/_____________/_______\___________\ /_______\|_____ /_______/

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __        __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·------·\/·--.      .
                /___________//              m.'soul     _|  ____:______________
                        .          mo.so.l              \.      :
                        |_                       mo'sou. |          #: o5   :
                      _../  .o'soul                      |._   _____________:__
                     \\||________________________________||//               :

                                 dead as a ...

______ _.       ________.  ._ _______     ________. .____|___     |_______
\_    \\|_____./        |__|//      /___./        |_|       /    _|      /____
 /     \/    _|_          _| \____      |_   zZ     |_     /_    \      /     \.
 \______\    \ /__________\      /_______/__________ /___________/_____________|
-----_/      /_-----------------------------------------------------------------
     \        /                                                          mo'soul
      \\     /
       \    ·

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __        __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·------·\/·--.      .
                /___________//                 .ee      _|  ____:______________
                        .           .e.                 \.      :
                        |_                   be.         |          #: o6   :
                      _../  b.e                          |._   _____________:__
                     \\||________________________________||//               :

                                 flying mumble

      |     ._|____ __________   __________
      |_    |_     /   ._   _/__/   ._   _/__.
  .__  / zZ |/    /    |/___\  /    |/___\   |.__ _
  |_//\\__________\____________\_____________||_///    m o ' s o u l

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __        __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·------·\/·--.      .
                /___________//             .or.ors.o.e  _|  ____:______________
                        .         ho.ror.cope           \.      :
                        |_                   .or.or.co.e |          #: o7   :
                      _../  hor.orsc.pe                  |._   _____________:__
                     \\||________________________________||//               :

                               moving and stumble

 ./      /_______ ________.    ___________ _________ ______.    __________
 |      /_.._  _//        |__./      __._//    __._//      |__./      ___/
 |_    ___||/  \._          _|_      \ |_      \ |_          _|_      \
  /____\________|/__________\ /_______\ /_______\ /__________\ /_______\
     _______     ________       ________.    ______________ __.____
    /      /___./     __/_____./        |__./     _      _/   |___/___.
    \____      |_    /       _|_    zZ    _|_     /      \    |/     _|
        /_______/____________\ /__________\./    /__ ____/___________\

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __        __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·------·\/·--.      .
                /___________//              .antz.a     _|  ____:______________
                        .          s.ntzia              \.      :
                        |_                      sant.ia  |          #: o8   :
                      _../  .an.zia                      |._   _____________:__
                     \\||________________________________||//               :

                           quitting this mumbo-jumble

                                    __ __ ______               ._
 ______         _________ __________\// //     /     _______  _|/   ________
/     /___   ___\___     \      ._    \//     /__ ___\     /   | ___\___    \
\____     \./     |/      \     |/      \_      ./    ____/    ·/     |/  zZ \
    /______|______/_______/____ /______/ /______|_____\        /_____ /______/

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __        __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·------·\/·--.      .
                /___________//            n.rd.c temp.st_|  ____:______________
                        .     .or.ic t.mpe.t cu.t       \.      :
                        |_                       no.dic t|          #: o9   :
                      _../  no.dic .empes. .ult          |._   _____________:__
                     \\||________________________________||//               :

                                             ._______.   _.
    _____________ ________.    ___________ __|___    | __\|_.________
  ./     ._     ./        |__./      __._//     /   _|/  \/_|     __/______
  |      |/     |_    zZ    _|_      \ |_      /|   \|     \.    /       _/
  |_____ /_______/__________\ /_______\ /___________/|______|____________\
 ________    ___.____ ______ _.       __________ ___.____    ______  ________
 \      /__ /   |___/_\_    \\|_____./    _     /   |___/__ /     /__\      /__
  \_       /    |/     /     \/    _|     /    /    |/     _\___      \_       \
   /_______\___________\______\    \     /__ __\___________\   /_______/_______/
   ------------------------_/      /_ ______\-----------------------------------
     n o r d i c           \        /                              n o r d i c
    t e m p e s t           \\     /                              t e m p e s t
    c   u   l   t            \    ·    .________.                 c   u   l   t
                     ________ \   .____|___     |_________   _________
                   ./     __/_____|       /    _|        /___\       /__
                   |_    /       _|_     /_    \|_      /     \_        \ _.
                    /____________\ /___________/ /_____________/________//_|

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __        __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·------·\/·--.      .
                /___________//               .igh.force _|  ____:______________
                        .         l.gh.forc.            \.      :
                        |_                ligh.fo.c.     |          #: 1o   :
                      _../  .i.htf.rce                   |._   _____________:__
                     \\||________________________________||//               :

                     ._                _______    __ __ _______
  ._________     .  _|/.____________ ./      /____\// //      /
  |        /____ |   | |_     _.    \|      /_.._  _\//      /__
  |_      /     \.   ·  /     \|    _|_    ___||/  \. \_        \
   /_____________|      \___ __\    \./____\________|  /________/
                  __________   ________.    ___________ ______      ___.____
                ./     _    \./        |__./      __._//   __/____ /   |___/___.
                |_     /_____|_   zZ     _|_      \ |_    /       /    |/     _|
                ./     __/    /__________\ /_______\ /____________\___________\
                  ·  \
                      \ --------------------------------------------------------

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __        __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·------·\/·--.      .
                /___________//                 sun.hin. _|  ____:______________
                        .        .unsh.ne               \.      :
                        |_                  s.ns.ine     |          #: 11   :
                      _../  s.nshi.e                     |._   _____________:__
                     \\||________________________________||//               :

  ____     ______ ___.    ._____ ____   ._\      /___.     .    ._____ _____
./   /___./     /   _|____|_   ./   /___|_    __/   _|     |____|_   ._\__  \.__.
l____    |_ zZ /_   \.     /   l____    ./    \     \.     |     /   |_  /___|  |
    /_____/__________|____/_____/  /____|_____/______|     |____/_____/_________|
p       r       o       d       u       c       t       i       o       n       s

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __        __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·------·\/·--.      .
                /___________//             ..ns.ine .TP _|  ____:______________
                        .            su.shi.e F.P       \.      :
                        |_ s.ns.ine FTP                  |          #: 12   :
                      _../                .unshi.e FT.   |._   _____________:__
                     \\||________________________________||//               :

            Sunshine FTP - The Amiga and PC Scene Archive
          ._____.                ______         ._
 ____  .__|__   |_______ ____  ./     /_____.  _|/ _________ _______
/   /__|    /  _|   ._  /   /__|     /_.._ _|   |./   ._    / ._  _/_.
\___   |_  /_  \    |/  \___   |_   ___||/ \.   ·|    |/   /  |/__\  |
   /____/______/___ /_____//____/___\_______|    |___ /____\_________|
          __ __ _______
     _____\// //      /  ___________   s s p.c a m p u s.l u t h.s e
   ./    _  \//      /_./    _    _/----------------------------------
   |_    /____\_ zZ    |_    /    \    sunshine ftp:
   ./   ___/   /_______./   /__ __/               ssp.campus.luth.se
                                       s s p.c a m p u s.l u t h.s e

 sunshine ftp with new and old scenewarez for amiga and pc
 upload and download the latest releases from ftp://ssp.campus.luth.se

                                       your host: sunshine productions

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __        __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·------·\/·--.      .
                /___________//               c.us.der   _|  ____:______________
                        .           c.usad.r            \.      :
                        |_                      cr.sa.er |          #: 13   :
                      _../  .ru.ader                     |._   _____________:__
                     \\||________________________________||//               :

                         .______.                      .______.
  _______     _________ _|__  __|___    _____.______ __|___   |__.____    _______
./    __/___./    __._/    / /     /__./     |_    ./     /  _/  |___/__./    __/
|_   /     _|_    \ |_    /_ \____    |_     |/    |_ zZ /| /    |/    _|_    \
 /_________\ /_____\ /__________ /_____/____ /______/_______\__________\ /_____\
      c          r         u      s          a            d       e         r

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __        __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·------·\/·--.      .
                /___________//              mark r.d.r  _|  ____:______________
                        .          m.rk ryder           \.      :
                        |_                     .ark ryde.|          #: 14   :
                      _../  .ar. r.der                   |._   _____________:__
                     \\||________________________________||//               :

                                                  _______ ________.
 ______ _.       _____._______ ___________ ____ ./      //        |
 \_    \\|_____./     |_     ./      __._//  ___|      /·        _| aRCLiTe
  /     \/    _|_     |/     |_      \ |_    \_       /__        \      ___.
  \______\    \ /____ /_______/_______\ /______\        /        \\   ·/   |
 -----_/      /_--------------------------------\______/          ·\ //    |
      \        /                              ._______.             \/     |
       \\     /    ____________ _____     ____|___    |___.____     __________
        \    ·   ./      ___._//    /___./       /    /   |___/___./      ___/
         \       |_      \  |_     /_   |_  zZ  /|   /    |/     _|_      \
                  /_______\  /____       /___________\___________\ /_______\

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __        __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·------·\/·--.      .
                /___________//                          _|  ____:______________
                        .              .he .i.h. .r.i.  \.      :
                        |_                               |          #: 15   :
                      _../  t.e n.g.t tra.n              |._   _____________:__
                     \\||________________________________||//               :

               ._ _________ ./      /______. ___.____
  .------------|_\\       /_|      /_.._  _|/   |___/___..__
  |                \_       |_    ___||/  \.    |/     _||_/e^D ----------.
  |                 /________/____\________|___________\                  |
  |                      _.                 _______                      _|
  |      _____________ __\|_.____________ ./      /___ _________         \.
  |    ./     ._     ./  \/_|_     _.    \|      /_.._ \       /__        |
  |_   |      |/     |     \./     \|    _|_    ___||/  \_        \ _.    |
  ./   |_____ /______|______|\___ __\    \./____\________/________//_|    |
  |    --------------------------/________|--- _. --------------------    |
  |   ._ _________   ___________ ___._______ __\|_. _______________       |
  `---|_\\       /_./      __._//   |_     ./  \/_|/     ._       /       |
          \_       |_      \ |_     |/     |     \.      |/  zZ  /_.      |
           /________/_______\ /____ /______|______|_____ /______//_|------'

                        the night train · votesheet

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __        __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·------·\/·--.      .
                /___________//               uploa.     _|  ____:______________
                        .          .pload               \.      :
                        |_                      up.oad   |          #: 16   :
                      _../  up.oad                       |._   _____________:__
                     \\||________________________________||//               :

    ._______.                                                      ._______.
.___|___    |____________.________     _______.       _________ ___|___    |
|      /   ./     _     _|       /___./       |__.____\___    ./      /   _|
|_    /_   |_     /     \|_     /    |_         _|      |/    |_  zZ /|   \ _.
 /_________./    /__ ___/ /___________/___/\____\______ /______/__________// |
-----------|________\---------------------/\------------------------------/  ·
                                         ·  \                            ·

                                         :    ------------------------------

   ___.____          ._______.
  /   |___/_____ ____|_.     | ________.
 /    |/       ./     _|    _|        _|  __  identifaction part  __
 \____________ |_     \|    \ ________\--·\/·--------------------·\/·--.
    .           /___________//                                        _|
____:_______________    .      o1.ed,o2.dcn,o3.depth,o4.hny,o5.style, \.
    :                   |_     o6.sdm,o7.tbl,o8.led,o9.led,1o.cdn,11.  |
    identification    _../     trsi,12.lfc,13.dc,14.cbk,15.ssp,16.hos  |._
   ______________:__ \\||______________________________________________||/

  ___.____  _____  ._______.
 /   |___/__\. _/__|___    |
/    |/      |/       /   _|----------------
\___________ /_  zZ  /|   \  ePSILON dESIGN
 |                                        |
 | -÷( gOZz )÷-----------÷( In aCTION )÷- |
--------------------------------------------                        decision
                                  ____|___    _|______       _______________
                                ./       /  ./     __/_____./     ._       /
                                |_      /|  |_    /       _|      |/  zZ  /
                                 /___________/____________\|_____ /______/
                                 |        dECISION aMIGA iLLEGAL          |
                                 |      IBrowse 3.20 FINAL 68060++        |
                                 |             100% cRACKED               |
 depth                           -÷(fILE 1/1)÷------------------÷(01-03-97)÷-
    ._____.            _________  _____
  __|__   |__.___   ___\_____  /./    /____.
./    /   /  |__/_./   _   _///_| zZ /_._ _|
|_   /|  /   |/   |_   /   \    |_   __|/ \.
 /_______\________./  /__ _/_____/___\_____|
 |                                        |
 | Depth Presents: The Official Eurochart |
 |                              Issue #29 |
-÷----------------------------------------÷-                           honey
                                ./      /_____. ____________ ________
                                |      /_.._ _|/     ._    ./       /____
                                |_    ___||/ \.      |/    |_  zZ  /_    \
                                 /____\_______|_____ /______/_____       /_.
                                 hONEY pRESENTS: aRE wE aLIVE?
style                           -÷----------------------------------------÷-
 ______ _______   _____ ._______   __.___
/     /_\     /_./    /_|      /__/  |__/__.
\___     \_     |_   /_ |_ zZ /  /   |/   _|
   /______/______/__     /_______\________\
 |                                        |
-÷----------------------------------------÷-                        syndrome
                                 _______      ____|___  __|___ _.
                                /      /____./       /  \_    \\|_____.
                                \____       |_  zZ  /|   /     \/    _|-----
                                    /________/___________\______\    \ 1997
                                -----------------------------_/      /_-----
                                 syndrome presents xxxxxxxxx \        /
                                 from the gathering '97       \\     /
                                 1st place!                    \    ·
the black lotus                 --------------------------------\
 __ __ _______._______.
 \// //      /|     ._|____ ._________
   \//      /_|_    |_     \|        /____
     \_        /    |/  zZ _|_      /     \.
      /________\___________\ /_____________|
the black lotus presents at the gathering 97
         ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx '
      first place in democompetition!
--------------------------------------------                 limited edition
                                ._________      __________    ____|___    |
                                |        /____ /   ._   _/__./       /   _|
                                |_      /     /    |/___\   |_  zZ  /|   \ ·
                                    limited edition presents at TG 97   ·
                                   ·               first place in democompo!
limited edition aGain            ·
._________      ____.____     ____|___     |
|        /____ /    |___/___./       /    _|
|_  zZ  /     /     |/     _|_      /|    \
 /____________\____________\ /____________/
 l  i  m  i  t  e  d    e  d  i  t  i  o  n
--------------------------------------------                         cydonia
                                  ________      ___|___    | _______________
                                ./     __/____./      /   _|/     ._       /
                                |_    /      _|_  zZ /|   \|      |/      /_
                                 /___________\ /__________/|_____ /______///
                                  cydonia presents at the oZ party #1   ·/
                                  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                /
                                                         first place!  /
                                ------------------------------------- /-----
save our souls, not mine tho                                        _/
 ________      _________.    ________
/       /____./         |__./       /_____
\____        |_    zZ     _|_____         \.
    /_________/___________\     /__________|
save our souls presents at the symposium '97
--------------------------------------------        tristar ^ red sector inc
                                 __ __ _______
                                 \// //      /  _______ _______       _.
                                   \//      /_./     _//      /___    \|
                                     \_  zZ   |_     \ \____      \.
                                      /________/______\    /_______|      |
                                 Tristar & Red Sector inc. Proudly Presents

                                             VirusWorkshop v6.5
                                                By Flake/TRSi
lightforce                      --------------------------------------------
._______    _______   ______
|      /__./   _   \./   __/____
|_ zZ /   |_   /____|_  /     _/-------------
 /________./   ___/  /________\ LiGHTFORCE'97

-÷-----------------------------------------÷-             digital corruption
                                  ____|___    | ________        DiGiTAL
                                ./       /    |/     __/______  CORRUPTiON
                                |_  zZ  /|   _|_    /       _/-------------.
                                 /___________\ /____________\              |
                                .                                          |
                                |                                          |
                                |                                          |
crux ^ bad karma                `------------------------------------------'
             ._______.                ______
  ________   |     ._|____   ______ ./     /
./     __/___|__   |_     \./    ___|     /
|_    /       _/   |/     _|_ zZ \_      /__
 /____________\ __________\ /______\       /
         crux & bad karma cracked

--------------------------------------------             sunshine production
                                   ________    ________     ______________
                                  /       /__ /       /___./     _      _/
                                  \_____      \_____      |_     /  zZ  \
                                       /________|  /______./    /__ ____/
                                  s u n s h i n e    p r o d u c t i o n s
house of style                  --------------------------------------------
   ./      /______. _______ _______
   |      /_.._  _|/       /      /____
   |_    ___||/  \._   zZ  \____       \.
    /____\________|/__________ /________|
h  o  u  s  e       o  f       s  t  y  l  e
--------------------------------------------                    id part over

                .________.         ._______.
  ___________ __|___  ___|__ _.    |     ._|____ .________      ___.____
./      ___.//     /  \_    \\|____|__   |_     \|       /____ /   |___/___.
|_      \  |_     /_   /     \/    __/   |/     _|_     /     /    |/     _|
 /_______\  /__________\______\    \\___________\ /___________\___________\
-------------------------- _/      /_ --------------------------------------
                           \        /
                            \\     /            r u m b l e   x 2
                             \    ·

   rumble, rumble in tha house, throwing the dice, feel the vibes.

                                                 - goZz is activated. for now.

  ___.____     ________ _______      __\|_._______     ________.   _____________
 /   |___/___./    _   /      /___ ./  \/_|      /___./        |_./    ._      /
/    |/     _|_    /   \____      \|     \._    /    |_          |     |/     /
\___________\./   /__ ___/ /_______|______|/__________/__________|____ /_____/
        ._______.                            _.
    ____|___    |___.____     _______      __\|_.____________   _____________
  ./       /    /   |___/___./      /___ ./  \/_|_     _.    \./    ._      /
  |_  zZ  /|   /    |/     _|_____      \|     \./     \|    _|     |/     /
   /___________\___________\     /_______|______|\___ __\    \.____ /_____/
                    rumours says i am dead.
                    sometimes i hope i am.
                    i am not.
                                           - goZz. .ct.v.t.d. rumble, rumble..

   when looking at some recent collys, I noticed,
   to be a drug-addict seems to be a popular sport nowadays.
   i am not. hate them more.

                        - the cHaracter-artist seems to be activated.
                          without any mentioned sUbstances.

                                respects to the ones who really deserves it.
                                                           - goZz\e^D

                         in this place my head has been spinning forever

                                                - fataL/e^D

         rumble, rumble

                                                - goZz/e^D

                         fondle me with your sledge hammer

                                                - fataL/e^D

                 .... .
           ......: what you said about me before was just a lie
           ::::::: in this sick and perverted game called life it's a tie
           ::::::: between my sick thoughts about you and me
         ..::::::: and the feelings i get when you hate me
         :         strike me down with your love hammer
         . Slap me with that big old sledge hammer
           because im not worthy to breathe the air
           the polluted air that you had, it's not fair
           im dying here in my place, it should be sung
           in this place forever, my head has been spinning around
           Kill me...

                                                - fataL/e^D

                                goZz is no moRe

__/\__   ___________   _   __________________       ___  __ _________   __/\__
\ Oo /__/  ___/____ \ / \_|      /      /___ \_____/ _ \|  |  |      |__\ oO /
/_-+_\  \___  \|  |  \ | \|  |__/|  -- /_  |  \   /  |  \  |  |_   __|  /_+-_\
 |\/  ./   |   \  ___/ |  \  |   |  __/ /  |   \ /   |   \ |  ||   |.     \/|
 |    .\   |   /  |/   _   \     |     /   |   / \   |   / |  ||   |.       |
 |    | \_____/|__|\___|___/_____|____/|______/   \_____/_____l|___||       |
 |   -+------ ------------- ----------- ----------- ------- --------+- [cL] |
 |    :                                                             :       |
 |    .                      #[ The Final Orbit ]#                  .       |
 |                                                                          |
 `--------------------+-----------------[ 100% AmigA Only! ]----------------'
 |      aEROSOL WHQ   |                                                     |
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 |     GoDs     EHQ   | NoDe 0 : Zoltrix 28.8k V.FAST....(+44).01-ASK-ELITE | 
 |     SoS      UKHQ  | TELNET : 3 nODES aT XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX fIND iT!        |
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 |   T.r.S.i    UKHQ  |                                                     |
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 |  LooKeRhOuSe UKHQ  | |                                                 | |
 |  5Th DyNaStY UKHQ  | |                                                 | |
 |  AbUsE       UKHQ  | .-----------------( On Da StAff )-----------------. |
 |  fACTiON      WHQ  | |                                                 | |
 `--------------------' |     CrUsAdEr/HF  CaNdYmAn/HF  EtRiGaN/LSD       | |
 | A12oo 68o3o 4omHz! | |                                                 | |
 | 2.o gig HD Xmb RaM | `-------------------------------------------------' |
 |                    |                                                     |
__/\__ AmiXpress 4.xx |                                                 __/\__
\ Oo /________________|_________________________________________________\ oO /
/_+-_\                                                                  /_-+_\
  \/     THIS FILE /\RRIVED HERE AT 07:40:16 ON 10-08-1997 IN BAY 00      \/ 

                               __ _/\¦/\_ __    
               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__  iF U sOFT
aMIGA          \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /  gET lOST!
tERROR         /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
wORLDWIDE        \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/   sHARP aS a kNIFE
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__/// dAS fLEISCH
fICKEN   _          \___  /  \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/  \  ___/          _ GEWORDENE
uND     /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\  bOESE
tOETEN /    (_)  \_    \/    \\_ |_|_|_|_| _//    \/    _/  (_)    \ 
      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE WILL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE WILL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
       \  __________________\__/           \__/__________________  /
i HATe  \(                    __/\       /\__                    )/ 
PC ANd I ¯                    \__/  ___  \__/                    ¯
WONt STOp                       __/\\_//\__
              ONLiNE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLiNE BIS ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__

                       .                   .
            __________/__ _         .______:_                                 .
 _ _ .______\        /____ .________\\_    |____  _______  ________ .________/_
__\\\\\___   \         __/_\\  ____/___       _/_\\ ____/_\\.__   /_\\___   /__
\    _______/                  \/          _/       __/  .   _/ _/  _______/  /
 \   \/      __   _____________________|__\\     ________|_ _\      \/       /
.|__________/-\__/---------------------·----\____\-------·-\\\\   ___________|.
|·                                                             \_/_          ·|
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|    node1: +49-40-853 22 315 (isdn)   *   node2: +49-40-853 22 316 (isdn)    |
|    node3: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)   *   node4: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)    |
|    node5: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)   *   node6: FIND.ME.ON.IRC  (telnet)    |

      ... where graff began +++
        _______       ______      ___
     ___\     /____   \\   /______\ /_____     tHE yARD
     \\___  ______/___/\  ___  \\   _____/____
      //    |/       / /\   /  /\  ___|/     /
   ?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> >

                   /\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\
               /\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\
           [ DKB uNIVERSE HQ ][ SOIA gERMAN HQ ][ WX wORLD HQ ]

                           ____|---/-  ___        ___        ___
   ------------.        ___\   |  /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____
       .--------'       \\  \  | ___\\_____    \\_____    \\_____    \
       -----------\------\__ \ | \  /     /__  /\    /____/\/_____\'cls
                    \      \|  \|\/-------|_____\---|____\------------\---+
   +op sANE2^dKB^sOiA\______________\       gRAFFITI fOR tHE pLANET 1998

                     /\ tELNET tO * theyard.dyn.ml.org /\
     * rINGDOWN * sLOT.1/2/3.+49.221.9348812 (36k6/2xiSDN) * rINGDOWN *
                           /\ jOiN iRC oN * #dkb  /\