ˇthis file passedˇ _ _____ ___ ______ )_ __ _| (___) _ )_ __/__) (_ | |___/ _ ___ | |___| |__ c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _ ____ ____ _____ ____ ___\ (_ ___\ (_ __\_ (_ __\ (_ _) _/ /___) _ /___) _/ /___) _ /__ / \ / \_ / \ / / / \___ \_____/ \____\ \___ \ \ \ ________\ /______\ \ ____\ \_______\ \/ <(ˇtHE YARdˇ)> \/ O / ----------X-- - end of bbs addys - ------------------------------------------- O \ out one night, yo, just chillin' out with my crew, we were actin' wild 'cause i didn't have nothin' else better to do. got a nine at my waist stay out my fuckin' face. you fuck with me, right here'll be your resting place. some ol' sucka, yo, he tried to put a move on me i shot him in the face, murder, in the first degree. now i'm sweatin', regrettin', that's not for me, they got me locked in the fuckin' penitentiary! bowels of the devil, let me tell you what the muthafucka eats, its stomach's filled with lost souls, guts made out of steel and concrete. bowels of the devil, listen close, 'cause i've been there before and you don't wanna die there, they call it goin' out the back door, the backdoor, the backdoor, the backdoor! walked in the club all the ho's gave me the sex look, they like a nigga like me 'cause i'm a known crook, and my posse's down, we don't mess around, you fuck with us, you'll be six foot underground. the night they got me locked in a row called death, the governor, wants my last breath. that's right, homeboy wanted to pull a switch on me up there in this fuckin' penitentiary! bowels of the devil, let me tell you what the muthafucka eats, its stomach's filled with lost souls, guts made out of steel and concrete. bowels of the devil, listen close, 'cause i've been there before and you don't wanna die there, they call it goin' out the back door, the backdoor, the backdoor, the backdoor. yeah! bowels of the devil, let me tell you what the muthafucka eats, its stomach's filled with lost souls, guts made out of steel and concrete. bowels of the devil, listen close, 'cause i've been there before and you don't wanna die there, they call it goin' out the back door, the bowels of the devil, let me tell you what the muthafucka eats, its stomach's filled with lost souls, guts made out of steel and concrete. bowels of the devil, listen close, 'cause i've been there before, and you don't wanna die there, they call it goin' out the back door, the backdoor, the backdoor, the backdoor! /\ _________ / \ ___\__ / ________ _______ _/ \_ / _/____/____\__ \_ _____ _/ ___/____ _____\__ _/_ ________ / \ / _/ /_\ /______\_____ / _ / /_\_ / \____________/ _ / / / / / \____/ / _/____/__ \_____/______/ _/ /____________/ \ _______/ \ / \____________/rpd! /_________\ \____________/ ________ ______ _/ ____/____ ________ _____/ / ___________ ___\_____ / _ /_\ _/ /______ _\_ ______/ / / / \_____/_____ / / _____/____ /_______________/ \ / / ____/____ \ / /_________\_____________/ \ /__________/ \____________/ caustic style - the change of art! presents u another few bytes of senseless lines & spaces done by... __________ _ _____________ __ ________ _|______ __\___ /_____________ _ ___ / |___ _ // \ ____|_ | / _______\__ ___ / ______\ |_ / \\ _// | //_____________ /______| _// \___________/ \ | / /_____/ ÷e÷ _ _______| | \_____________| //_____\ |______| zaphod beeblebrox - president of the galaxy... entitled... _____________ ___ __ _ _ \ _______ ___ __ _ _ : \ \ _______ _ _Ś_____ __\__ \ _______ _\_ ___/____ ___ _ _ _ _ _l____ \_ ______ / / \ ______ _\_ ___/____ _______ / _/_ _\____ \ /\ \ _\____ \_ \ \_ / / \_ / \_ / \ __\ _/ /_ \ / / / /__/\___\ \___/ \_ /_\ ______ ___ _ _ _ _ _________ / / __ / _____ / \/ \/ _______/ /_/\ __ _ _________/ \/ \_\//\_\ __ ˇ O ˇ F ˇ __ \/_/ ___\/_ __ _ _ ˇ T ˇ H ˇ E ˇ _____ \/ \ /\/// : \ \_______________\/____ _ _Ś_____ \ \ \/ / _______ _ ___l____ \ \ \_________________/ _\_ ___/____ ___ __ _ _ / \_ ___\__ \ / __/_____ \ _/ /_\____ \_ \ / \ / \ / _/ /_ \ / /\ // _ __________/ \___/ \_\ / / /\ /\ _ _________ ___ __ _ _ / \/ /_/ \/ \ _ _________ / / / \ ______/ H2o! \/\_/ / \/ / / / / \ / \_/ _____ ______\_ _/______ \_______._______/ __________\____o|o____/__________ )__ ._______________________.___( .....)_| | Ś : ^ . : | |_(..... : | | : _: . . . | | _: ________. ______: ___|_|__/ Ś____Ś____:____|_|____/ |__. ____. \ ___|__/. ._ \./ ._ \. _.__|_\_ _. / ._ \. _.__|_/ ___|____. \ \| | |/ | |/ | |/ | \|__/ |/ | |/ ._\_____ | .cRb\__ l_ |_ l |___| |_ l_ |__ l |___| |_ l l____ l/ | \______| \_____| |____| \______| \_______|____| \______| \______|e^D. : : :.....................................: this part is the table of contents, part one will be the preface, part two shows the index, part three consists of the logos, last part gives you the informations, msg's and ofcoz the greets & respects.. _________________ _________ _______. .____ _____. _________ \_ ._ / ._ \_ _. /./ ._ |_|___ \. ___|___. _. / | _l/ / _l/ _/_.\|___/_| l/_._| .__/ | \| | \|___/_. | \____/__\ | l_ | ___|__ l/ |_ l_ |_ l_ | .cRb|____| \_______|\______|___| \______| \______| \______|e^D. no long preface this time... i just wanted to get rid of the many requests i got during the last months. sorry for the people who had to wait for ages for their logos, but i'm very busy with my exams. hm... i tried to make my common style more wicked but i assume that it's nearly unreadable by now, nevertheless i would appreciate if you use them! perhaps some requests were left out 'coz i am not very fond of this requests made to "all available artist" and i don't have the time to fullfill all your wishes, either.. enough said - just move your eyes towards the logos! zaphod! - caustic.roadhogz.immune.killers.purge .__. .___. ____ ______ ___|_.|________| |___. .________(____)/ ._ \./ .__|| _. /| __| |________. | | | |/ | |/ | \|__/__.\_. _/. | | .cRb|____|___| |__ l_ |__ l_ |__| |e^D. | Ś |____| \____| \______| |____| | : | . i'm not in the mood to make an index this time, | : so you have to watch the collection closely | Ś and look for your requests... | | and you should worry if your's is not included! | |________________________________________________________| ..... . . . . .. ... ........................:.. : . :.:.: ______ : ^ bOWELS ^ : _ \ _ __|__:___ _/\____ _______/\_ : \\\_____ /_\ __ //\__ _/\____ __/\\ _ __ //\_ ____/\_ : _ _ / / /_\ /_\ \\\___/ /_\ //\___ __:_/\_ /___________ /\ ___ / /_\ __//\_ _ : /__________________/\ \ /__________ \______ ..:.. \______\ /____________ . .. ...: : :... .. . ^ oF ^ /________ _ :.:.: _/\____ _ : : _ ___\ __ ///__ _/\_________ _ : : : : :: ::: :::: ::::::::: : / /_\ ________ _ : ::: :: : : : : _ ___ ___/ : :........ ... .. . . /____________ | : _____ : /_______| : _ _\ __|______ ______ : ^ tHE ^ : ____/ /_\ _ __|_____:_ _______/\_ : _ __ | \\\___ /_\ _ ___ //\___ _ _ __ ___ ____ ˇ /___________ /_____ \\\___/ // /___ . ÷f!÷/______/cS! /______ // // /__ : /________ _ _ __ ___//___//__//_/. . . .. ... ...:... .. . . : __ ^ dEVIL ^ . _______\/_______ ___/\_ . \ _ \/ / _ _____|__ _ /____ _______/\_ \\ / ____/\_ _____/// /_\ _ ___ //\_\\ /_ ____/\_ __\ //\____ _ \ _______ \\\___/ /_/\\_____/_\ / _ ________\ /______ ___ /_____________ _ ___ \ /___________ _ . \\ / /______________\ \/ . my friend's addicted to cocaine, smokes day and night drives mom and pop insane. living his life in the dark life in the dark light, every dollar he gets goes into the pipe. he wants to borrow some money from me, do you think i'm blind, don't know the score, can't see? you wanna get high as the sky, you're kissing your life goodbye, you think it's a game that you play, but the winner loose it all someday. ya don't know who you are, are you losin' your mind? things get a little tight he commited a crime. give me your money or give me your live! you betta empty your pockets because ya, ya don't live twice. you wanna get high as the sky, you're kissing your life goodbye, you think it's a game that you play, but the winner loose it all someday. he took the money to the dope man, and he said he had the best, next thing ya knew, cardiac arrest! it was a rollercoaster, he couldn't get off, next thing i knew my friends life was lost. noooooooooo! you wanna get high as the sky, you're kissing your life goodbye, you think it's a game that you play, but the winner loose it all someday. __. ______ ___. ______ ____. ./ | ____/ ._ \./___|___/ ._ \/ ___|___. | |/ | |/ | \__ | |/ ._\_____ | |__ l_ |_ l_ |_ l/ |_ l l____ l/ | .cRb\______| \_____| \______| \_____| \_____|e^D. okay, okay.. i'll give you the damn index! nah.. satisfied? bastard/dto ÷ boondocks/sal-1 ÷ contra/h2o! ÷ data/gravedancer defbeat/dto ÷ digital candy/hotwire ÷ digital pyramid/fuzz! ÷ disaster/rebel endless pain/mogue! ÷ epitaphic/dto ÷ eternal damnation/davadian extreme terror/cannibal ÷ fatal dreams/javis ÷ ganja/x-con hausfrau/hausfrau ÷ hellfire/cannibal ÷ home of tha killaz/badger! immune!/satan's fire ÷ instant pleasure/nike ÷ on the run/jazy planet love/mephisto ÷ pride/dto ÷ protest!/data ÷ purity control/fuzz rave/dto ÷ raveland/h2o ÷ seaqest/2fast ÷ shoot/lord chaos sick/hotwire ÷ spanish inqusition/psy crow ÷ stillborn/x-con suspect/javis ÷ terra firma/psyche! ÷ the azilum/x-con valhalla/rebel ÷ wonderland/fuzz : - -÷- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -÷ __ : BOWELS ˇ OF : __ _\/___ __ _ : _ ___ _ __:__ _ ___ _ : _ __ ___\/_ \/\ /// : \ ___/(Ś)\___ / : \\\ /\/ _\/_________ __ _ _\_ _Y_ _/_ _ __ _________\/_ \\/________ __ _ ˇ=\_/\/-.-\/\_/=ˇ _ __ ________\// __ \ \ . _ _ ___\ )-( /___ _ _ . / / __ __ /\_\ \_ \ : \ˇ ˇ\___ ___/ˇ ˇ/ : / _/ /_/\ __ /_/\\/_/ \ : \ˇ ˇ\_Y_/ˇ ˇ/ : / \_\//\_\ \_\/ : _:_ : \/_/ : THE \./ DEVIL : ÷- - - - - - _ _Y_ _ - - - - - -÷- - : ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! oo1 - bastard / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ _ __ ˇ __ ˇ . __ ˇ _\\\/_________/_ ____\/__ _ _____:_ _ : _ ___ ______\/__ _ _______/_______ _ \ /\_____ / __ ___/// _____/// Ś \\\_/_ ___ ___///____ / ___ \\\ \/ ___/ /__ _ | _ ___ \ |__ __ _ | \ ___/ / / \___ _ _ / \_ ___///__ _ _ \_ \ \ _/ _/ \/ / | _/ / \ \_ _ ______ ____\ _____ _/____ ____\ _/____\ _/___ __ _ \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ __( \ ___( \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! oo2 - boondocks / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ __ ˇ _ __ _ ___ ___________ _ ____\/__ ______\_ _______ ___ _ __ _ (((__\\\\_/ _) _ ___ /// __ ___/ __ __\ _) ___ \\_////__))) _ ________\_ __/ /_ \ \ \\\ / \ \__ _ \_ \ \ ˇ / ˇ / \ \ _/ _ __ _________ _/___ _____ ____\ ____________ _ \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( zd! \/ \/ \/ \/ ˇ __ _ __ _ ___ ________\_ _______\/__ _ _____ _ ______ _ _____ ___ _ __ _ (((__\\\\_/ _) ___ \ __ ___///___ ///___/ /// ______\_////__))) _ __ _____\_ / \ \ _/___/__ _/ _/ _ ___ _/ \_ \ \ \ \ / / \ \ ˇ \/ _ ____________ _/___ _____ ______\ _____ _________ __ _ cs! \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ __( \ ___( \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! oo3 - contra / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ . . : _ __ Ś c O n t r a ˇ . _\\\/___|______ _ ____________ _ ______ : : _ __ __________ _ _______ ___ _ \ /\________ \_ \ __ ___/// ____ \Ś Ś _ _______ /// __ ___\_/// \/ _/____/__ _ \ / \ |__ _ ___/ / | \ \ / ˇ ___///_ \ \ _ \ _/ | \ ˇ _/ _ __________ ______ _____\ ______ _____\ _____\ ____ _ | \ ___( \ ___( \ ____( \ ___( \ __( \ ___( | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | | 2Fast ^ h2o ^ jAck dAnielz ^ mEss |__ rApid ^ sTratos ^ sTylez ^ tReach /______________________________ ___ __ _ _ _ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! oo4 - data / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ __ ˇ ˇ . _ _ ___ _ _ ______\/__\ _________:_ _ : _ __ ___________ _ ___ _ _ (((_(__/// _ _) ____ \\\ __ ___/// Ś _ _) __ ___\\\\__)_))) _ ____\\\_ / \ | _|__ _ \\\ | _/ ˇ _ _ ___///__ _ _ _/ | _/ _ __ __________ ____\ ______ _____\ ________ _ zd! \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( cs! \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! oo5 - defbeat / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ ˇ __ __ ˇ . _ __________\ ______\/__ _ _____________\/__ _ _______ _ ______:_ _ : __ _ _ _) ____ \\\ _ _____)))_ __ _ _____ ////_ _____)))__ ___/// Ś \/// \\\_ / \ _ __)___ _ /____ _ __/ /_ _ ___)___ _ | _|__ _ _/ ˇ ____/ \\\__ _ _ _ ___///__ _ \_ _/ | _ ______ _____ _____ _/____ _____ ____\ ______ __ _ \ ___( \ ___( \ __( zd! \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( cs! \ ___( \\__ _ \/ \/ \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! oo6 - digital candy / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ ˇ __ __ ˇ . _ __/\ __ _ _____/_ _ ______\/__ ___ _ __ _ _______\/__ __ _ __ _:_ : _ __ _ _____\/__ _ / _ _) ____ \\_____\/_ _) _ _____//_____\/_ _ Ś \\\_)))___ ___/// / \\\_ / \ _\_ /\//\\ \\\__ _\_ /\((( _|__ __ _ | _/___ _ _/ \/ ____ _ \/ ____ _ ___///__ _ _ / \ \ | _/ _ ______ _____ _____ _______ ______ ____\ _____ __ zd! \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \/ \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ \/ \/ __ ˇ . _ _ ___ _ _ ________\/__ _ _______ _ _____\ _ _____ _ :_____ _ _ ___ _ _ \\\_\__))) _) _ __ ///___ ___))))___ \\ _) ___ ˇ Ś ___(_(((__/_/// _ ________\_ _/____/__ _ | / \\ / \ | \ _ / ˇ _/ \____ _/ / _/ | _ __ ____________ ____\ _/__\ ______ ______ __________ _ \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( cs! \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! oo7 - digital pyramid / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ ˇ \ ___ _ __ ˇ . ˇ _ ___________\\_____\/_ :_ : __ ˇ __ \ ___ _ __ __) _ ______\\ _\_ /\((( Ś _ _________\/_ _ _____/_ _ _____\/__\\_____\/_ \\\__ \ ˇ \/ ____ _|__ __ _ ___ ___\\\ / _ _) ____ \\ _\_ /\//\ \_ \_ ____///__ _ | \ / \\\_ / ˇ \/ ___ _ /____ _/ | \_ _ \_ _/___ _ _/ _ ___ _/ \ ___( ____ _/ _/ / / /__ __ _ \ ___( \\__ _ \ ___( __\ _/ _ _____ _/ \ ___( \/ \/ \ ___( ___ __ zd! \ ___( \\__ _ \\__ _ \ ___( __ \/ ˇ d.Ą..G...Ą...t..A.l... .. . \/ _ ____\/______/_ . . .. ...p...Y..R.A.M..Ą...d.. . _ _________ \\\_____ / :______ __ _ __ ˇ _ _____ __ \\\_____ \ _/ ˇ Ś ___ _ _ ___\/__/_ _ ____ _ )))_____\/_ _ / \ \______\_ | \ //_ __ / _______ _ \\\__ ____ _ \_ /\/// _/ \_ \____ \_ ___/ //\\____ ____ _ \/ \ \/ ___ _ _ ___ _/ | / \ \ | \ _/ \_ _ ___ _ \ __( _____ _/ \ \_ _ \_ \ /___ ___ _ \ ___( \\__ _ \ ___( _____\ _/ _/ /___\ _/ \ ___( cs! \/ \/ \ __(____\ _/ \ __( \\__ _ \\__ \ ___( \/ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! oo8 - disaster / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ __ ˇ ˇ . __ _ __\/__ ___ _ __ _ ___________ /_____ _ ________:_ _ : _ __ _ ____\/__ _ _____ ___ \\_____\/_ _) _____///__ __ _) _____/// Ś \\\_)))_ _____///___ / \ _\_ /\//\\_____ / | \\_____ _|__ _ _ ___)__ ___/ / _/ \_ \/ ____ _ / ˇ _ / _ ___///__ _ \ \ / \ \/ _/ \/ | \ _ __ _____ _____ ____\ _____ ______ ____ _____\ \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( zd! \ ___( \ ___( cs! \ __ \/ \\__ _ \/ \/ \/ \\__ _ \/ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! oo9 - endless pain / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ ˇ _ __/\ __ _ ________/_ __ _ ____\/__ _/_ _ _____\/__ __ _ __ _ ______ _) ____ \ \_///_ _______///________ _ __ _ ________\/__ _ ____ \\\ / \ _/____ _ ___)__ _____///____\/__ _ _ _) _ _______/// / \ _/ \_ / \_ \ \_ ___ \ _____/// \\\_ ___)__ / \_ / / / / \_ ___ \ \_ _/ /___ _/___ _/___ _/ \/ / / /__\ _/ \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( ___ _/ \/ _ _____ _/ \ ___( \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \ ___( ___ __ _ zd! \ ___( \/ \/ \ ___( \\__ _ __ eNdlEsS pAĄN! __ \/ _ _ __ __ _ ___________\/__ __ _ ____\/__ ___ _ __ _ _ (((_(__\\/ _) _ ____ _/______ _ _\/___ _ _) ____ \\_////__)_))) \_ _ _/ / __ ___\\\/\ / //\\ / \\\_____/ | \ _ __\/ /___ _ / \_ _ \_ \ /___/// _/ _ __ _________________ _/ _/ / \/ \_ __\ ______________ _ \ __( ___\ _/____ _/ \ ___( cs! \/ \ ___( \ ___( \\__ _ \\__ _ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o1o - epitaphic / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ _ ____________\/__ _ ____ _ _\///_ _ ___ _ (_( (__( (((_(__\\_////__) _ _) _ _______///___ \/\ /___( __/\__ __ _ _ ________________________\\\_ _ ____)__ _ _/ / ˇ \/ /___ _ \ -- /// \_____/ \ /___/// /_ /_\ e....P...Ą..t.A.P..h...Ą....C \_ \/ \/ _ __ ________________________________ _____ _/_____ _____________ _ \ ___( \ __( \ ___( \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ ˇ . __ . _ __ _ __: : _ __ ______\/__ _ __________ _ :______ _ _ __ _ ________ ___ _ (((__\\\\_/ Ś \\\_) ___ ___///_____ ///_Ś ___/___\\\/_ ______ \_/// _ _____ _| |__ _ | _ _/ / |_ _ _ __\_ /\//\ _/___/____ \\\_ ___///__ _ \\\_____/ ___/// \/ ____ _ \ | _/ \_ \ \_ _ ____________ ___\ ______ _/_____\ ______ _/___ ___ _ zd!/cs! \ ___( \ ___( \ __( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o11 - eternal damnation / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ ˇ _ __/\ __ _ ________/_ ˇ . _ __ _ _____\/__ ____ ///_ ___ : : \\\_)))_ ______/ ___/ / ____ \ _ _________ _ ˇ __ ___________Ś_ _ Ś ___)__ \ \ / \ \\\__ ___///___/_ __ \_)__ _ _______/// _|__ _ \ \_ \ \_ / \_ | \ / (_/ ___)__ ___///_ /___\ _/ _/ / _ \_ _/____ _ \ \_ \_ __ _/ \ __( _\ _/ _/ / / /____ _/ \ ___( \/ \ ___( ___\ _/ _ ______ _/ \ ___( \\__ _ \\__ _ \ ___( __ ___ zd! \ ___( \/ \/ \ ___( \\__ _ . e...t..E.R.N..A...l __ \/ ____________________: ____________________. _____\/_____________. \___________________| \ - ---------------| \ \/ | __ _ __ _ _ _____\/__ d.A..M...N....A....t...Ą..°.N __ _ ______ ___ _ \\\_))) _) _ ___ \ __ _______ˇ_ _ . _ ________ _____\/__ __ _ ___ \\__))) _ __ ___\_ / \\_))__ ___/// : __ _____ __ _\\\_ __ ___\_))) / / \_ | \ Ś \_))_____\/_ _ \ \ / _/ / _ \_ _|__ _ _\_ /\/// \ \_ _/ _ _________\ _/ _/ / ___///_ \/ ____ \ /__\ ____ _ \ ___( ___\ _/ \_ _ ______ _/ \ ___( cs! \\__ _ \ ___( ____ _/___ _/ \ ___( \\__ _ \/ \ ___( \ ___( \/ \/ \\__ _ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o12 - extreme terror / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ ______ ˇ . __ ˇ __ ˇ _ _________\__ _ \ ___:__ : _ __ _ ___\/__/_ _______ _ _____\/__ /________ _ \\ _ _______/// \/ / Ś \\\_)))____ /// _ _____))))_ ___///_ _____/// _ ___)__ _ _/ _/ _|__ _ ___/ / _ ___)__ _ \/ / _ ___)__ _ \ \ ____///__ \ \ _/ ˇ \ ˇ | \ ˇ \ _ _____ _______\ _____ _____\ _____ _____\ _____ __ _ \ ___( \ __( \ ___( \ __( \ ___( zd! \ __( \ ___( \/ \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ \/ \/ ˇ . __ __ ˇ _ __ _ _: : _ __ _ _____\/__ _ _______ _ ___\/__/_ ________ _ _____ ___ __ _ \\\_)))_/ Ś \\\_))) _ _____///____ ///____ /// __ ___///____ \_/// _ _| _|__ _ _ ___)__ ____/ / ___/ / \ ___/ / \\\_ ___///__ _ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | \ ˇ \ ˇ \ \ ˇ _ __________ _____ ______\ _____\ _____ _____\ _____ _ \ ___( \ ___( cs! \ __( \ __( \ ___( \ __( \\__ _ \/ \/ \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o13 - fatal dreams / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ __ ˇ . _ __/\ __ _____ˇ_ _ _ ___ _ __ _________\/__ _ _____:_ _ : _ __ _ ______\/__ _ /_ __ _ _ ___ _ _ \\\_\__)))_ _) _ ___ ///__ ___/// Ś \\\_)))___ ___/// ////__(_(((__/_/// _ ________\_ /_______ _ | _|__ _ | _ _/___________ __ _ _____/ _ _ ___///__ _ _ / \ _/ | _/ _ _____________ ______\ ______ ____\ ____ ____________ _ zd! \ __( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \/ \\__ _ \/ \/ \/ . .. ...f......A.....t....A...l..d..R...E....A.....M......S... .. . __ ˇ __ ˇ _ __ __ _____\/__ ____________/_ ____\/__ _ ________ _ ____\ _ _________ _ __ _ \\\_)) _) ___ \\__ _ __ / _ ______///___ ___///_ _ \\ _) _____(((_/// _ ___\_ / \ ___/ / ____)__ _ | \/ \\_____ _/ \_ \ \ _ _/ ˇ / / \ ˇ _/ \ \/ _ __________ ______\ _____ _____\ _____\ _____ _____ _ \ ___( \ __( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( cs! \/ \/ \/ \\__ _ \/ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o14 - ganja / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ ÷ wEZ g°t blUNtS aNd b°NGS aNd cĄd aNd hER°ĄN aNd aRe stĄll lĄVĄNG! ÷ __ ˇ ˇ ___ _ __ /\__ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _________\/__ / ______ _______\ _ _\_ _ __\/______ _ _ ___ _ _ \\\_\__))) _) _ ______///__ __ _) ____ \\\\ \__)))__ __ ___(_(((__/_/// _ ________\_ \\\__ / | \\ / \ ____\_ | ˇ _ / _/ \ _ _/ _/ \ _/ _ __ ____________ ____\ ____\ __\_ _____\ __________ _ zd! \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( )___ / cs! \ ___( \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ __________. __________. __________. . __________. \_________| \_________| \ | | \_________| - ----------------' - -- -------------------' - -- ------------ - pĄCk Ąt pACk Ąt fĄRE Ąt uP c°ME al°NG aNd tAkE a hĄt fR°M thA b°NG.. pUt thE blUNt d°WN f°R a sEC°Nd d°N't gEt mE wR°NG Ąt's n°T a nEW mEth°d.. ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o15 - hausfrau / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ . __ ˇ . _ _ ___ ___ ______:__\/__ /________ _ _:_ _ __________ _ _ ___ _ _ \\\_\__))__\\__ Ś ___///__ ___/// /__ _) _____(_(((__/_/// |_ _ / | / _\\_____ ___/// ˇ _ \_ (| / \ _/ / \/ ÷ hAUSfRAU! ÷ _ ____________\ ____\ _____ _____ ____________________ __ _ zd! \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \\__ _ \/ \/ __ ˇ \/ . _ _ ___ _ _ __________________\/__/_ ________ ___:_ _ \\\_\__))) _) _ ___ _ ___ ///___ ___/// ///__ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __________________\_ /_________/ / | / ___(_(((__/_/// _____/ \ \ _ \_ (| \ \ ˇ _/ / _ __ ______________________ ______\ ____\ _____ ___________ _ \ __( \ __( \ ___( \ ___( cs! \/ \/ \/ \\__ _ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o16 - hellfire / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ . __ ˇ _ ________ __ _ _ ___ ___ ______:__\/__ /________ _ _/____\/__ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ \\\_\__))__\\___ Ś ___///_ _____/// / ////__(_(((__/_/// |_ _ / ___)__ _ _/____ _ _/___________ __ _ ÷ hEllfĄRE! ÷ ___/// ˇ / / \ ˇ _ __ _____________________\ _____ _____ _/__ ____________ _ \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( zd! __ \/ __ \/ ˇ \/ \\__ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _________\/__ _ __ _____\/______/_ _______ _ _ ___ _ _ \\\_\__)))_ _) _ ___ ___\/_ _ ______ ///_ ______(_(((__/_/// _ ______\_ /_______\_ /\/// ___/ / ____)_______ __ _ _____/ \/ ____ _ \ \ \ \ \ ˇ _ _____________ ______ ______\ _____ ___________________ __ _ \ __( \ ___( \ __( \ ___( cs! \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o17 - home of tha killaz / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ . __ ˇ _ _ ___ ___ ______:__\/__ /________ _ ___ _ _________ _ _ ___ _ _ \\\_\__))__\\___ Ś ___///__ ___///_ /__ _) _ _____(_(((__/_/// |_ _ / \ \/ _\\ _ ___)_______ __ _ ___/// ˇ \ _/ \ \ \ ÷h°ME °f thA kĄllAZ!÷ _ __ ___________\ _____ _____\ _____ __________ _ zd! \ ___( \ ___( \ __( \ ___( \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ ____________ ____________, ____________, , . ____________. \__________/ \------ - \ \------------| \ - --------| __ _ ˇ _ __ _________ _ ˇ __ _ __ _ _ ____. / _ _/_ _ __ _ _///____ _/_ _ _____\/__ _ ______ ___ _ _ \\\_))) _) Ś/ \\\_____\/_ _ / \__(((___ ___///___ _ \_//_))) _ ______\_ _/ _/ _\_ /\//\\\ _/____ _ _/____ | \ _______/___ __ _ \ \ \/ ____ _ / / \_ _ \_ \ \ \_ \_ ˇ / _/ / \ _ __ ________\ _/____ _/___ _/__ _/__\ _/____ _____ _ \ __( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( cs! \/ \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o18 - immune / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ __ ˇ . ˇ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ ________\/__ /________ _ _:_ _ _ _______\ _ _________ _ __ _ \\\_)))_____\/_ _)__ _ ___///_ _ __/// ///__ _) ____ \\ _)_ ______(((_/// _\_ /\//\\ \/ / \/ / ___\\__ / \\ ___)_____ _ \/ ____ _ _/ ˇ _/ (| \_ / ˇ \ \ \ / _/ _ ________ _____\ _____\ _____ _/____\ ______ _____ _ \ ___( zd! \ __( \ __( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( cs! \\__ _ \/ \/ \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o19 - instant pleasure / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ ˇ ˇ . ˇ . __ _ __ _ __ _ _______\_ _________:_ _ : _ __ _ ____ _ ________ : : _ __ _ \_)))_____\/_ _) ____ \ _) _____/// Ś \\\_)))__ __ _) ____ \Ś Ś \\\_))) _\_ /\//\\ / \\_____ _|__ _ | \\ / \ _|__ _ \/ ____ _ / \_ / _ ___///__ _ _ / _ ___///__ _ \ _/ / \/ | _/ _/ | _ _____ ____\ _____ ______ ___\ ____\ ______ __ _ \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( zd! \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( cs! \ ___( \\__ _ \/ \/ \\__ _ \/ \/ \\__ _ _______ , _______ _______. _______, , . _______, _______ \------' \_______, \_____/__, \______| `------. \______| \ \_____/__, - ---------------------------------------------' - -------------------------- - ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o2o - on the run / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ ˇ __ . . . __ __\ ___ ________\/__ _ ____ ___ _ __ _ : : :__\/__ _ _____ ___ _ (__\\\_/__ __ _ ___///_ __ \\_////__))) Ś Ś - --÷---Ś ___/// _ ____\_/// \ \ / _ __| _|__ __ _ |_ _ _ __/----- - ˇ \ / __ _ \ _ __///_ ___/// \ _/ _ __\///_ \ _ __/\ ______ ____\ ______/\ //\______ ____\ _____ ___ _ \/ zd! \ ___( \ ___( \/ \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \/ \\__ _ __ ˇ . \\__ _ \/ ˇ \\__ _ __ _ ___ ______\/__/_ _:_ _ _ ________ _ ___ /__ _ (__\\\\_/__ _ __ / ///___ _) _ __ \\\\_///__))) _ __/ / / ____\\ / / .°.N. .t.h.E. .r.U.N.!. \\\ \ (| / ˇ \ ˇ _/ _ __ ________\ _____ ______\ _____ /\__ _ cs! \ __( \ ___( \ ___( \/ \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o21 - planet love / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ _ __/\ __ _ ___ ˇ ˇ . _ ___ _ _ __________\/__ _ _/ _ ________ _ _______\ __________:_ _ : _ __ _ _ \\\__))) _) _ ____ \\\_)))_____ __ _) ____ \\\ _ _______/// Ś \\\_)))_) \_ _ _/ ˇ _/____ _ | \\ / \ _ ___)__ _|__ _ \\\_____/ / _ / ˇ _ ___///___ _ \ _/ _/ | _ _____________ ______ _____\ ____\ ______ ______ ___ _ zd! \ __( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( cs! \ ___( \\__ _ \/ \/ _ \/ \/ \\__ _ \ __ _ _ __/\ __ ____ˇ_ _ _____ _ _ _\///_ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __\/_ _ _/ _ ______\\___ _ _ \/\ / /_ ______ _ _ ___ _ _ \\\_\__))) _) \\\_)))_ __ ___//_))) \/ ///_______(_(((__/_/// _ __ _____\_ _/____ _ \ \ _ / _ ___)_______ __ _ / \ \ _ // \ \\ / ÷ plANEt l°VE! ÷ _ _______________ ______ ___\ / _ _____ __________ _ \ ___( \ ___( \ /_ \ ___( \/ \\__ _ _\ // \/ \\/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o22 - pride / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ __ ˇ __ _ ˇ _ __ _ _ ____________\/__/_______ _\///_ _ ________\ _________ ___ _ __ _ (((__\\\\ _) _ ____ /___ _/__/\ /_ _) __ \\\_ _______\_////__))) _ ______\_ _ _/ /___/ / ˇ \/ //\\ / \ _ __)______ __ _ \\\_____/ \ \ __\_ /____ _/ ˇ \_ \ ˇ \/ \_ _ __ ___________ _/_ ___\ _____ _/___ _____ _______ _ zd!/cs! \ __( \ __( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \/ \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o23 - protest / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ __ ˇ ˇ . __ ˇ . _ __________\/__/________ _ ______:_ _ : _ __ _ ____\/__ _ ______:_ _ : __ _ _) _ ____ _ _/_____ /// __ ___/// Ś \\\_)))_ ______))) _ ____/// Ś \_))) \\_ _ _/ / ___/ / \ _|__ _ _ ____)__ _ ____ _|__ __ _ \\\_____/ \ \ \ _ ___///__ _ / _ ___///__ \_ \ ˇ \ | \/ | _ _____ _/______\ _____ ______ _____ _____ ______ __ _ \ __( \ __( \ ___( zd! \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( cs! \ ___( \\__ _ \/ \/ \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o24 - purity control / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ __ ˇ _ _ ___ _ __ _ __ ˇ . . _ ____________\/__/_ . \\\_\__)))_____\/__: _ : :_____ _ _ _ \\\__ _ ____ _/___:_ _ _ __________ _\_ /\__/// Ś ˇ Ś ___\\\_))) _ _/ / ///____ _____ //\\ \/ ____ _|__ _ \ | \ \\\_____/ / ____/____/ / \ _ ___///_ \____ \_ \_ (| \_ \ \ _____ ˇ \_ | / _ ______ _/ / \ \_ \ _________ _/___ _/ zd! \ __( _ ___ _/_____\ _/ \\__ _ \ ___( \ ___( \\__ _ \ ___( \ __( \/ \\__ _ \/ \/ ˇ __ ˇ . ˇ _ _________/_ _ _________\/__ _ _______ _ _____ : : _ __ _ ________/_ _______ _ / \\\__ _ __ /// __ ___))))___ \Ś Ś \\\_)))_ __ /// __ ___))) / _ _/____/__ \ / \ _|__ _ ____/ / \ _/___ _ \\\ \ / \_ ___///__ _\ \ \ / \ _/ / \ ˇ \ _ ______ _____ ____\ ______ _____\ _____ _____ __ _ \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( cs! \ ___( \ __( \ ___( \ ___( \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ \/ \\__ _ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o25 - rave / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ __ _ __ _______ _ _\///_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ ___ ______\/__ _____\_____ _ \/\ / /___\/__ ___ _ _ __ _ _ (((_(__\\\\_\_/__ ____ / _) __ ___/// \/ / _ ______\_/_////__)_))) _ __/ //\\ | \ / ___)_________ __ _ \\\ \ _ \_ / \ \ \_ _/ / / _ __ _____________\ _/___\ _/ /_ _____ ____________ _ \ __( zd! \ ___( \ /_ cs! \ ___( \\__ _ \/ _\ // \\__ _ \\/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o26 - raveland / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ _ \ __ _ ˇ __ ˇ _ _____ _ _\///_ _/_ _ ___ _ _________\/__/_ _____\\__ _ _ \/\ / /_ ______ _ _ ___ __ _ _ \\\__)))__ _ ____ /// __ ____//_))) \/ ///_______(_(((__/__/_/// _ __/ / | \ / _ ___)_____________ _ \\\ \ _ \_ /_ \ ˇ _/ / ˇ // _ ____________\ ____\ _____\ / _ _____ __________ __ _ \ __( \ ___( zd! \ / \ ___( ˇ __ \/ \\__ _ _/____ _ __\/___ _______\ _ ___\/__ __ _ / \_ __ __ _) ____ \\ _) ___ \\_))) . ..r....A...V..E.l..A...N....d.. . / | \\ / \\ / _ __ ________________________ _ _/ _ / ˇ _/ \ ___( _/ _/ _ __\/_______\ ____\ ______ ___ _ \ ___( \ ___( cs! \ ___( \\__ _ \/ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o27 - seaquest / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ __ _ ___ _ _ _ ________\/__ _ ______ _ _______ _ _ ___ _ _ \\\__)))_) _) _ _____///_ _____)))__ ___(_(((__/_/// _ _______\_______ _ ___)__ _ | / _ s.E..A... .. . \/ | ˇ . .. ...q....U...E..S.t _ __ ___________ _____ __ _ Ś _/_____________ _ ___________ _ zd! \ ___( \ ___( : | __ ˇ . _ _ ___ _ \/_ ______\/___ _ _:_ _ Ś_____\/__ _ ______:_ _ : _ _ ___ _ \\\_\__))) _) _ __ ___))) /// : _ _____))) _ ____/// Ś (_(((__/// _ __ ______\_ | / ˇ _ ___)__ _ ___ _|__ __ _ Ś (| / _ ___///_____ _ : \/ | _ ________________ _____ ____ _____ ______ ___ _ \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( cs! \ ___( \/ \/ \\__ _ \/ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o28 - shoot / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ __ . __ ˇ . _ _ ___ _ _ _ ________\/__ _ :______ _ ___\/__ _ _____:_ _ : _ _ ___ __ _ _ \\\_\__)))_) _) _ _____///__Ś ___///__ ___///__ ___/// Ś (_(((__/__/_/// _ _________\_______ |_ _ \ \ _|__ __ _ / ___/// \ \ _ ____///_____ __ _ ÷sh°°t!÷ \/ \ \ \ | _ __ _____________ _____\ _____ _____ ______ ________ _ zd! \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( cs! \/ \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o29 - sick / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ __ _ __ ˇ _ __ _ __ _ ______________\///_ _ ______\/__ ______/_ __ _ __ _ (((__\\\\_) _) _ _________/\ /_ \\\_____ / _ __/ / (_////__))) _ __________\_______ \ ˇ \/ /___ _ _/___/_ _/ _/ / \_ _\ /___/// \ \_ \ \ \/ / \/ \_ / \ ˇ _ __ ______________ _/____ _/___\ _/____\ __________ ___ _ zd!/cs! \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ __( \/ \/ \/ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o3o - spanish inquisition / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ __ ˇ __ _ __ . _ _________\/__ _ _________/_____ _ _______ ___\///_ _ ______\/__ _ :______ _ _ _) _ ______///____ _/___ _ _) ___ \\__/\ /_ \\\ _ ____///__Ś ___/// \\\_______ _ _/ / | \\\ / \ ˇ \/ / __ ____ |_ _ / \\\_____/ _ / \_ \ / __/ / ___/// \/ \_ _/ _/ / \/ \_ \/ \ _ ______ _____ _/____\ ____\ _/___ _/___ _____\ __ _ zd! \ ___( \ __( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( cs! \ ___( \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ˇ ________. ________. , . ˇ ________, ˇ ________, ˇ ________. ________. \ \ | \_______| \_______| \ `-----. \ \ \ \_______| \ | - -------------- - `-- - ----------------' - -------------------------------- - ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o31 - stillborn / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ _ __ __/\__ __ _ ˇ . \\\ oO /// _ ____ _ ˇ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __________:_ _ : _ __ /_- _\ __ _ _///____ _/_ _ _ ___ _ _ \\\_\__)))_) _) _ _____/// Ś \\\___ \/ ___/// / \__(_(((__/_/// _ __ ______\_______ _|__ _ | _/____ _ _/________ __ _ / ____///__|_ / / \/ | ˇ _ ________________ ______ ___ _ _ ____ _/__ _________ _ zd! \ ___( \ ___(: : \ ___( \ ___( \/ \/ . ˇ \/ \\__ _ __ ˇ __ ˇ _ _ ___ _ _ __ ______\/__ /________ _ ____\/__ ______\ __ _ _ ___ _ _ \\\_\__)))_)__) _ ___ /// __ ___))))___ / _) ___ \\\_(_(((__/_/// _ __/ / \ ___/ //\\ / \ \\\__ _ ˇ \ \ \ / ˇ \ \ ˇ _/ _ _____________ _____ ______\ ____\ ________ __ _ \ ___( \ ___( \ __( \ ___( zd! \/ \/ \/ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o32 - suspect / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ __ s....U...S..P..E...C....t ˇ . _ _\/____________ _ ___ _ _ _________ _ ______ _ _______ ______:_ : \\\/\ _ ____/// ///___ _ ____///_____ \_ _ ____///___ / Ś _ __\______ \ / ___/____ \ _ _/ / ___/__ _/___/_ _|__ _ / \_ (| \_ / \_ \\\____/ \ \_ \ \_ __///__ _ \/ / / \/ / \_ / / | _ ________ _/___ _/___ _/___ _/___ _/___ _/___ __ _ zd!^cs! \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ __( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o33 - terra firma / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ ˇ . __ ˇ __ _ _ __ _ __: : _ __ _ ____\/__ _ ______/_ ___\/__ _________ ___ _ __ _ _ (((_(__\\\\_/ Ś \\\_)))_ _____///___ ///____ / _) __ ___\_////__)_))) _ _| |__ _ _ ___)__ ___/ /_ ___/ //\\ | \\\_ ___///__ _ \ \ \ \ _ | \ ˇ \ \_ _/ _ ______________ ____ _____\ _____\ _/___\ __________ _ \ ___( \ ___( zd! \ __( \ __( \ ___( \\__ _ \/ \/ \/ \\__ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ ___ _ __ _ _______\/__ ______ ˇ ____\/__ ___ _ __ _ (((_)))_) _) _ _____ \_____\/_ _______ / _)_ /__\ _) __ ___\_////__))) _ _____\_ /_______\_ /\//\\ ___/ //\\ \/ __\\\ | _____/__ \/ ___ _ \ \ _/ ˇ _ \_ \ \_ \ _/ _ __ __________ _/_____ ______\ _/___\ _____\ ________ _ \ __( \ ___( \ __( \ __( cs! \ ___( \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o34 - the azilum / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ ˇ . . __ ˇ _ _ ___ _ _ __: : _ __ _ _ :__\/__ /______ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ \\\_\__)))_)__/ Ś \\\_)))_ Ś ___///_ _____\__(_(((__/_/// _ __ _| _|__ _ |_ _ / ___)__________ __ _ \\\_ ___///__ ___/// ˇ | \ _ _________________ ____\ _____ _____________ _ zd! \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \/ \/ \\__ _ _ __ __/\__ ˇ __ \\\ -- / _ ______/_ . __ _ ___ _ _________\/__ _ ____ __ /_o _\ __ _ _/__ ____:_ _ _______\/__ _ ___ _ \\\__)))___ __ ___///___ _ \___ \/ ___/// \\\_) ///__ _ __ __(((__/// | _________/__ _ | _/____ / ___/// \/ _ \ | / \_ (| \_ _/ _/ \ | / / \ _ _______\ ______ ___ _ _|____ _/___ _/___\ ______ _ \ ___( \ ___(: Ś \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( cs! \\__ _ \/ ˇ : \\__ _ \/ \/ . ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o35 - valhalla / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ ˇ ˇ _//\ __ _ ______/_ . __ _//\ _ _______/_ __ _//\ _ ˇ _ __ _ ___/__\/__ _ _ _/ _ ___ :__\/__ / \ _/____\/__ / \\ \ \\\_)))____ ___/// \\\_)))__ Ś ___/// \\_ / /// \ \ / | _/____ _ |_ _ \ / \ _/____ _ _/____ _ \ \ / _ / ___/// \_ \ / / \ \ / _/ ˇ \ / \ ˇ \ _\ /___\ _/____ _____\ _/ _\ _/__ ___ _ \ \\ /_ \ ___( zd! \ ___( \ ___( \\ ___( \ ___( cs! ˇ \// \/ \/ \\__ _ \/ \\__ _ ____ _ ˇ \ /// ˇ /------------ -- - - - - -- ---------------------------\/-------/ / bowels of the devil! o36 - wonderland / /---------------------- -- - - - - -- ---------------------------/ / __ / ˇ \/ ˇ _ __/\ __ _ ______ _ _______ ˇ _ _____\/__ _ ____ \ _) ___ \ ___________ _ ˇ _ __ _ _ ________/_ _ __ ___/// / \\ / \\_ _______///_________/_ _ \\\_))) _) ///___ \ \ / _/ \_ ___)__ _ _____ //_))) _ ______\_ / ___/ \ \_ _/ / \_ ___/ / /\ \_ \ _/__\ _____ _/ / \ \ \ /___ _/ \ ___( \ ___( ___ _/ \ _ __ ________ _/ \ ___( \/ \/ \ ___( _ ___\ __ _ zd! \ ___( \/ \/ \ __( \/ ˇ ÷w°NdERlANd!÷ __ \/ _ __ _ _ ________/_ __ _ _____\/__ ____ _ __ _ \\\_))) _) /// _ _____\/__ _______ _) ____ \\_////__))) _ ______\_ _/____ ___ __ _) ____ \\ / / \_ | \\ / \ _/ / _ / \_ _ __ ________ _/ _/ _/ /___ ______ _ \ ___( ___\ ____\ _/ \ ___( cs! \/ \ ___( \ ___( \/ \\__ _ \/ .___. _. _________. ________ _____________|__ |_____/ |___. ____. .____\ _.__|__. ._ \_/ _. / .__/ (____) .___|_/ ___|____.____. | \ \| | _l/ _/_. \|___/_. |/ | | |/ \____ | | | .cRb\__ l_ |_\ |_ l_ |_ l |____|_ l_ ___ l/ |e^D.| | \______| \_______| \______| \_____| \______| \_______| Ś Ś : : . . the 1st "caustic style" logo was written by rapid of contra! exocet of arclite did the excellent "zaphod" logo! h2o! of contra was responsible for the 1st "bowels of the devil" logo! the 2nd krewel "bowels of the devil" logo is from my teammate fli7e! h2o! of contra created the botd-seperator (china-faced guy)! the 2nd "caustic style" logo was created by mogue of arclite! almost all the design was done by chrombacher of epsilon^design! the lyrics were taken from the "cop killer!"-cd by body count! written by ice-t & ernie c! Š1992 rhyme syndicate music! the bloody rest was performed by zaphod! of caustic style! ____ ______ _______._____ (____)/ ._ \./ ._ | ._ \. | | |/ | l/_._| |/ | |____|___| | ___|__ l_ | -cRb/e^D|____|___| \_____| hardware needed to produce... 486 dx33 4mb & p90 16mb (mom's) then my computer fucked up and i finished this collection on my new 486 dx4 100 8mb! (nearly as fast as mom's pentium ;) software needed to produce... <acid>draw (tm) version 1.2! ms-dos (tm) editor version 2.0.026! (back to the roots?) (pc makes it possible?!) music support... body count (cop killer & born dead) beastie boys (check your head, paul's boutique, ill communication) cypress hill (black sunday, iii - temples of boom) fettes brot (mitschnacker, auf einem auge bloed) fanta4 (4te dimension, lauschgift) paramaecium (exhumed of the earth), theatre of tragedy (dto) biohazard (urban discipline & state of the world adress) pantera (cowboys from hell, far beyond driven) dinosaur jr (you're living all over me, where you been, without a sound) urge overkill (exit the dragon), such a surge (under pressure) smashing pumpkins (siamese dreams & bury me) alice in chains (dirt & dto) plus various independent/alternative/subrock samplers... (yeah.. strange mixture.. i know!) literature support... george orwell (nineteen-eighty-four) aldous huxley (brave new world), william gibson (neuromancer) (read them! they're the three most terrific sci-fi books...) __ ______ _______ _ ___ _ \_ ___ o^o ___ _/ _ ___ _ ____\__________\_____._/__________/___ _ _ _____________._| :_.____________ _ __ _ \ ______ | Ś Ś | _____ / \____ ___\__\____')_|_:___|_|_(`___/__/___ \ /\__ _ )__________________________________( \/ | | Ś ^ | | | _ __/ | | : : Ś ˇ | | ___|_|_Ś_______.____. :____. : |.|__ ____._ _____________. ./ _ Y _ \. _. / ___|__/ ___|_.Ś_||___\. ___|___. _. / ___|___. | \ / | \|__/\_____ \__._ | .__/ | \._ | \|__/\_.___ | |____Y |_ l_ ___ l/ _ l/ |__ l/ |_ l/ |_ l_ ___ l/ | .cRb|____| \______|\_____|\______|\_____| \______| \_______\_____|e^D. | | : . ˇ Ś | | | ___| | . : . : : | |___ the messages go | \_ |_|_________Ś___:___Ś_________|_| _/ out to.. | (___________________________________)____________________| | | | black panther.. | | what's up with you? never called me lately.. | | | | cyron.. | | aah! die screenshots sehen schonmal sehr | | vielversprechend aus! | | | | drakar.. | | i wish you luck with honey/atre! | | btw, thanx for the nice logos.. | | | | epitaphic.. | | thanx for the tips! its seems not to work | | by now.. but i'll get it sooner or later :) | | | | fli7e.. | | ham tot zoglo hulu hulu | | | | h2o.. | | danke fuer das r101 ascii.. | | | | jazy.. | | schick mir die anleitung zu diesem speziellen | | rauchgeraet doch bitte nochmal ;) | | | | mephisto.. | | bin gespannt auf deine collie! | | | | moc.. | | wie war das? "realitaet ist nur eine illusion, | | die durch den mangel an drogen entsteht"? hehee.. | | | | prowler.. | | hey.. what's up with you, heavy metal freak? | | i heard nothing from you lately.. call me! | | | | rapid.. | | danke fuer die logos.. die sind klasse! | | | | sal-one.. | | hah! now your logo is ready - finally! | | hope you like it somehow.. | | | | satan's fire.. | | geek.. perhaps we should start the art^mag again? | | | | sma-one.. | | was ist los mit dir du alte klaferze? | | wenn du das naechste mal anrufst, hinterlass | | mir nochmal deine voice-nummer, ich hab sie | | verschusselt.. | | | | xcluziwe.. | | nice mag, but it's caustic style not -design! ...:... | : : : |___________________________________________________:__Ś..:.. :...:.: : :...: _. _________. ________ ___________________/ l___. ____. .____\ .____|___. ._ \_/ _. / _. / _.___|_/ ___|____.___ _ _ | \ |_.__ | _l/ _/_. \|___/_. \|___/|. |/ \____ | | \__ |/ |_\ |_ l_ |_ l_ |_ l_ ___ l/ | |_____.cRb\_______| \_______| \______| \______| \______| \_______|e^D.__ _ black panther/bvs.ryl.imn ÷ brian/legend design ÷ cyron/purge.ia darkbyte/eor ÷ drakar/atc.trsi ÷ epitaphic/hacme ÷ fli7e/cs!.sad.hjb.njy h2o!/c!.hny.g-style ÷ hotwire/-t! ÷ infernal flames/fog.ttab.triloxy jazy/hf ÷ krash/pnuz.fbk ÷ master death/bpc ÷ mephisto/dg! mess/contra ÷ mikee mouse/??? ÷ moc/independent ÷ predator/tod prowler/kls ÷ psy crow/independent ÷ rave/sad.jam ÷ rapid/c! raytrayza/i^f.b2b ÷ relief/-t! ÷ sal-one!/trsi.lsd.g-style.-t! satans fire/cs!.ryl.rdz.imn ÷ sma1!/cs!.klf ÷ sonikk!/lsd.riot.thg.jam stratos/c! ÷ stylez/c!.neon.btl ÷ tolpan/sdx.vdo ÷ the coroner/bpc.fog xcluziwe/sos ÷ x-con/gnx.bpc.lts ÷ xtec/otl ÷ =zen=/kls.rdz! the rest of you i either forgot - or you can blow me! _. _________ _____________. _ _______________________._ _/ |___. ____. \_ _._ \_ _. / ___|____. _. / _. / _.__|__. .___|__/ ___|____. | _l/ _/_. \|__/\_____ | _\| / \|__/__.\| | |/ ._\_____ | |__\ |_ l_ ___ l/ | \____/___ l_ | l_ |_ l_ l____ l/ | |cRb\_______| \______|\______|___|e^D \______|\______| \_______| \______| fli7e ÷ satan's fire ÷ sma-one 2fast ÷ 911 ÷ acid kid ÷ amblin ÷ axeblade ÷ boheme ÷ boomer ÷ bastard cenobite ÷ chrombacher ÷ count zero ÷ crusader ÷ czar ÷ danzig! ÷ desert defjam ÷ desoto ÷ drakar ÷ epitaphic ÷ exocet ÷ fatal ÷ fckw ÷ godhead gem ÷ gozz ÷ gravedancer ÷ grimlock ÷ h2o ÷ hausfrau ÷ hijack ÷ jazy juan ÷ kamenski ÷ karma ÷ krusty ÷ manta ÷ mazza ÷ mess ÷ mephisto metalbasher ÷ misfit ÷ mortimer twang ÷ mogue! ÷ nike ÷ nup! ÷ pride rapid ÷ rave ÷ red skin ÷ rip ÷ rotox ÷ sal-1 ÷ sandman ÷ scarface shapechanger ÷ shock-g ÷ skin ÷ skize ÷ snafu ÷ sonikk ÷ stash stezotehic ÷ stratos ÷ stylewars ÷ stylez ÷ sy-klone ÷ tango tommy ÷ treach ÷ treach ÷ u-man ÷ vietcong ÷ vinzi ÷ wishbringer xcluziwe ÷ yop! ÷ =zen= ÷ zeus ÷ zorro arclite ÷ art ÷ atre ÷ contra ÷ destiny ÷ dezign ÷ digital graffiti divine stylers ÷ epsilon design ÷ grotesticle ÷ g-style ÷ honey house of style ÷ jam1811 ÷ jedi arts ÷ katharsis ÷ mega style mo'soul ÷ nine design ÷ pioneer design ÷ pro arts ÷ remorse save our souls ÷ style! ÷ twisted ÷ unique arts united ascii artists ÷ upperclass ÷ whale ÷ wildstyle btw, the "!" are just to keep it symmetric ;) _. _. ________. _______ ______ _/ |___. .___________. _/ l___. .cRb\ ___|__/. _. \./ ._ \. _.___|_.___|___ \. ____|__. _.___|__. \ \| | \| | |/ | |/ | ___/ | \| | |/ |e^D. \__ l_ |_ l |___| |_ l_ |__ l/ |_ l_ |_ l_ | \______| \_____| |____| \_______| \______| \______| \_______| if you want me to do you some ascii's, request them on following boards... backfire ÷ raveland ÷ the pub ÷ silent moon ÷ on the run or simply leave me a message on this systems... boondocks ÷ final impact ÷ golden image ÷ homeless planet love ÷ traders assault ÷ waterworld ________ _ ____________ ______ ________ _____ __ ________ _/ _/ \\\ _ (_______| / _/ |_ )/__/ _/ \ \_/ _ . / \ \| _/ / \ \ \ \_.______/ | /| |\ \ | \ \_. \________| /_____________________________/ |______|\________| ________ _____ ___ _____|_ |-Mo! / _// |_ \ /// | ________ _ ˇ Caustic Style ˇ \ \/ _/ \ \_ |/ __///___ . __ ._\ \ | ___.__/ / _\ | |_ \/ |________/_____________| |______\______________| /___ _ official cs!-members are... fli7e ÷ satan's fire ÷ sma-one ÷ zaphod members, but not cs!-artists are... ayres ÷ h2o ÷ lance ÷ mephisto ÷ starlight ÷ clyde radcliffe official cs!-boards are... the pub (world hq - 1 node) +49.drink2much! (sysop: fli7e) mostly harmless (european hq - 1 node) +49.hitch.hiker (sysop: zaphod) god's harem (qerman hq - ? nodes) +49.meet.chikks (sysop: lance) planet love (east german hq - 1 node) +49.underground (sysop: mephisto) back fire (dutch hq - 2 nodes) +31.roadhogged! (sysop: satan's fire) legacy of distrust (brazil hq - 2 nodes) +55.summer&sun! (sysop: ayres) traders assault (european dist - 4 nodes) +49.pure.isdn!! (sysop: starlight) raveland (german dist - 1 node) +49.ascii.cook! (sysop: h2o!) evil moon (friend site - 1 node) +49.u.dream.of! (sysop: clyde r.) official cs!-releases are... cs!-born.txt (11/12/1995) info - group announcement (author: fli7e) cs!-bbs!.txt (11/2o/1995) collection - burnin' backslash! (author: fli7e) cs!-tpnn.txt (11/21/1995) info - whq got a new number (author: fli7e) cs!-mgcl.txt (11/23/1995) magical! - no real cs!-collie.. (author: drakar) cs!-true.txt (11/24/1995) info - the truth 'bout dk! (author: fli7e) cs!-riu!.txt (12/o6/1995) collection - resist. is useless! (author: zaphod) cs!-eino.txt (12/24/1996) collection - e-quality is none! (author: fli7e) cs!-botd.txt (o1/31/1996) collection - bowels of the devil! (author: zaphod) coming soon to a bbs near you... cs!-r1o1.txt (xx/xx/1996) collection - room 1o1! (author: zaphod) we still search for talented ascii-artists and qualified sysops all around the globe! if you think you're good enough to be a caustic styler, don't hesitate to contact us on any board mentioned above... __. ___. ./ |___./ ._|____________ ::: | _.___|_.|_._ \. _. / ::: | |/ | \| | \|__/_.___________::::____ :: __. .cRb|__ l_ |__l |_ l_ | :::: :: |e^D. \______| |____| \_____| : | . .___. : | : ˇ t H e ˇ______________ ___|__ | : | Ś ./ _. / ._ \./ .__/ Ś : | |________| \|___/_. |/ | |/ ::::____:: ___| |__ l_ |_| |__ l_ :::: :: \______| |____| \_____Ś ::: ::: ˇ e N d ˇ \ O ----------------------------------------- - start of bbs addys - --X---------- / O @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _________________ | | ______ _ | CaUStIqUe | _ _______ _\ __///__|_ _ |__\\\ ___/_ | | Ś \__ | | | : bOWELS oF dEV|L | Ś -bY zAPHOd! ˇ Ś :........... . .:............: : : : sTyLe : `.................' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ _______._ _._ <<(ˇ THE YARD ˇ)>> \ . ______ _______ ____._ Ą/ \ |_ / / ___ \ _____\ Ą | 1\36k6 sLOTˇ2\iSDN sLOTS _\ (__\\____/__\ /______\ _/ \ | | 4\iSDN sTATiC tELNET sLOTS /__________________/ /________\mt^lp| | aMiGAˇcONSOLESˇgRAFFiTiˇiBM _ ________ _ ____ ________ | | aSCiiˇliNUXˇhiPHOPˇdAYdREAM \ \ /// ________./ Ą\ / | | aEROHOLiCSˇbGiRLˇpUREpHUNˇsOiA \ \____/ _ /Ą _|_\ \__| | lP!ˇoMENˇaRCADEˇpHUNKˇmENACE \ \ \____\ \!___/ \____/ _!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________: \____________._ ˇ \\ \\ ________________\ ! \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: ˇ zANEr ˇ diPSWiTCH ˇ hAsH ˇ