The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Bibliography on interval arithmetic

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Number of references:2048Last update:November 6, 1997
Number of online publications:307Supported:no
Most recent reference:March 1997 Info:Version 0.39

Information on the Bibliography

Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe @ math . utah . edu> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Center for Scientific Computing
Department of Mathematics
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Jon Rokne <rokne @ cpsc . ucalgary . ca> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Department of Computer Science
The University of Calgary
2500 University Drive N.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4

This bibliography records books and other publications about interval arithmetic.
ACRITH, ACRITH-XSC, BIAS, circular arithmetic, differentiation arithmetic, interval analysis, interval arithmetic, interval computing, interval computation, Pascal-SC, Pascal-XSC, range arithmetic, triplex arithmetic
Author Comments:
This bibliography is still VERY PRELIMINARY: e-mail communications with colleagues around the world indicate the existence of other bibliographies on this subject, though regrettably not in BibTeX form. Efforts are underway to collect this information, and add it to this bibliography; this work is expected to stretch over several months.
The initial draft of this bibliography was derived from the OCLC Article1st and Contents1st databases, and the IEEE INSPEC CD ROMS, after conversion to BibTeX form, and extensive editing and correction. This was then augmented with entries from the author's personal bibliography files, from the computer graphics bibliography archive at, and from a very large computer science bibliography collection on in /pub/bibliography to which many people of have contributed. Where multiple sources of a particular entry existed, field values have been manually merged to preserve maximal information.
The 263 entries present in version 0.03 were augmented by another 1568 entries contributed by Jon Rokne. That material had been entered by a secretary, and was in the form of an approximately TeX-able bibliography, almost completely devoid of markup, lacking all accented characters, and containing many typographical errors.
Until some more checking is completed, this additional material is included in a separate section of this bibliography in its original order.

Browsing the bibliography

Bibliographic Statistics

article(867), techreport(407), inproceedings(384), mastersthesis(123), proceedings(96), phdthesis(65), book(47), unpublished(31), incollection(26), misc(2)
year(2052), title(2047), bibdate(1981), acknowledgement(1970), author(1939), pages(1456), volume(1054), journal(871), address(761), number(589), issn(571), publisher(555), type(520), booktitle(509), coden(501), editor(418), institution(410), note(287), isbn(248), keywords(245), series(205), abstract(188), school(188), month(183), classification(180), language(164), pubcountry(161), thesaurus(161), affiliation(152), lccn(115), conflocation(68), confdate(67), searchkey(64), pageswhole(54), confsponsor(40), mrclass(37), mrnumber(37), mrnumber-url(37), mrreviewer(21), key(19), price(17), sponsor(16), treatment(16), corpsource(15), referred(15), url(11), annote(9), comment(8), xxisbn(6), day(5), issue(5), subject(5), journalabr(4), affiliationaddress(3), availability(3), kwds(3), reviewer(3), accepted(2), classmath(2), conference(2), edition(2), references(2), xxnote(2), chapter(1), checked(1), chemicalindex(1), conftitle(1), country(1), crindex(1), descr(1), descriptors(1), email(1), enum(1), fjournal(1), howpresented(1), howpublished(1), location(1), oldlabel(1), owner(1), page(1), review(1), sjb(1), source(1), sponsororg(1), xxeditor(1), xxissn(1), xxvolume(1)
Distribution of publication dates:
Distribution of publication dates

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