The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Bibliographies on Logic Programming

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3137 The Clip Group General Bibliography (2004)
1409 Bibliography on Logic Programming (1994)
1145 Bibliography on inductive logic programming (2003)
1032 Bibliography of conference papers in the area of Logic Programming (1993)
911 Constraint Logic Programming: A Bibliography (1996)
753 Bibliography on Prolog (1989)
514 The Clip Group Bibliography (2004)
512 Abstract Interpretation for Logic Programming: A Bibliography (2000)
472 Bibliography on constraint logic programming (1992)
326 Bibliography on Inductive Logic Programming (1993)
243 Bibliography of the "Journal of Logic Programming" (1994)
231 A Bibliography on Logic Programming and Prolog (1985)
198 Bibliography of the book "Inductive Logic Programming: Techniques and Applications" (1993)
145 Bibliography of "Journal of Logic Programming" (1994)
123 Bibliography on the logic programming language Prolog (1989)
19 Bibliography on logic programming (2005)
17 TAPD'98 Bibliography (1998)
11187Total number of references in this section