1300s: Saxe, Andres Marsal
1300s: Unknown
1300s: Rebel Angels, Master of the
1384: Hesdin, Jacquemart de
1400s: Dipre, Nicolas
1400s: Unknown Artist
1400s: Manna, Master of the
1400s Iverny, Jacques
1415: Huguet, Jaime
1420: Fouquet, Jean
1444: Quarton, Enguerrand
1449: Marmion, Simon
1461: Froment, Nicolas
1467: Bellegambe, Jean
1485: Clouet, Jean
1485: Duvet, Jean
1490: Cousin, Jean the Elder
1500s: Unknown
1500s: Goujon, Jean, School of
1505: Limosin, Léonard
1510: Clouet, François
1510: Goujon, Jean
1520: Caron, Antoine
1540: Dumoustier, Pierre the Elder
1543: Quesnel, François the Elder
1593: Nain Brothers, Le
1593: Tour, Georges de
1594: Boulogne, Valentin de
1594: Poussin, Nicolas
1596: Stella, Jacques de
1597: Lemaire, Jean
1597: Mellin, Charles
1600: Linard, Jacques
1600: Lorrain, Claude (Claude
1602: Bosse, Abraham
1602: Champaigne, Philippe de
1605: Patel, Pierre the Elder
1606: Hyre, Laurent de La
1610: Baugin, Lubin
1612: Mignard, Pierre-François
1615: Dughet, Gaspard
1615: Moillon, Louise
1616: Bourdon, Sébastien
1619: Brun, Charles Le
1623: Nanteuil, Robert
1628: Girardon, François
1636: Lafosse, Charles de
1636: Monnoyer, Jean-Baptiste
1644: Jouvenet, Jean-Baptiste
1646: Parrocel, Joseph
1656: Largillièrre, Nicolas
1657: Monnot, Pierre Etienne
1659: Rigaud, Hyacinthe
1661: Coypel, Antoine
1661: Desportes, François
1674: Huilliot, Pierre Nicolas
1677: Cousteau, Guillaume the Elder
1680: Houasse, Michel-Ange
1683: Pesne, Antoine
1684: Delyen, Jacques-François
1684: Watteau, Antoine
1685: Nattier, Jean Marc
1686: Oudry, Jean-Baptiste
1687: Joue, Jacques de la, II
1688: Lemoine, François
1689: Mercier, Philippe
1690: Lancret, Nicolas
1695: Pater, Jean-Baptiste Joseph
1699: Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon
1702: Natoire, Charles Joseph
1702: Aved, Jacques-André-Joseph
1703: Boucher, François
1705: Blanchet, Louis-Gabriel
1715: Perronneau, Jean-Baptiste
1724: Porte, Henri-Horace Roland de la
1725: Duplessis, Joseph-Siffred
1725: Greuze, Jean-Baptiste
1731: Julien, Pierre
1732: Fragonard, Jean-Honoré
1734: Prince, Jean-Baptiste le
1735: Ducreux, Joseph
1735: Lepicié, Nicolas Bernard
1740: Loutherbourg, Philip James de
1741: Houdon, Jean Antoine
1744: Peyron, Jean François Pierre
1744: Voille, Jean-Louis
1747: Suvée, Joseph Benoît
1748: David, Jacques-Louis
1749: Labille-Guiard, Adelaide
1753: Danloux, Henri-Pierre
1755: Lefèvre, Robert-Jacques-François-Faust
1755: Vigée-Lebrun, Elisabeth
1758: Prud'hon, Pierre-Paul
1760: Lethière, Guillaume Guillon
1761: Boilly, Louis Léopold
1762: Gauffier, Louis
1763: Drouais, Jean-Germain
1767: Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis
1770: Gérard, Baron François
1771: Gros, Baron
1771: Broc, Jean
1775: Granet, François-Marius
1775: Mayer-Lamartinière, Marie-Françoise-Constance
1776: Révoil, Pierre-Henri
1780: Ingres,
1787: Heim, Francois-Joseph
1787: Navez, François Joseph
(Practiced in Brussels)
1788: Angers, Pierre Jean David d'
1791: Géricault,
1793: Cochereau, Léon-Matthieu
1794: Serrur, Henri
1796: Corot,
1797: Delaroche, Paul
1798: Delacroix,
1800s: Bouvard, Antoine
1803: Isabey, Eugène
1808: Daumier, Honoré ![top](xthumbs/up.gif)
1808: Amaury-Duval, Eugène-Emmanuel
1809: Flandrin, Hippolyte
1809: Mottez, Victor
1810: Calame, Alexandre
1812: Rousseau, Theodore
1813: Pils, Isidore
1814: Millet, Jean-François
1815: Couture, Thomas
1815: Meissonier, Ernest
1816: Gignoux, Règis-François
1817: Antigna,
1817: Bonvin, François
1817: Daubigny, Charles-François
1817: Hébert, Ernest
1819: Chassériau,
1819: Courbet,
1819: Dubufe, Louis-Edouard
1819: Jalabeat, Charles, François
1819: Lenepveu, Jules-Eugène
1820: Fromentin, Eugène
1822: Luminais, Evariste Vital
1823: Merle, Hugues
1824: Boudin, Eugène
1824: Brion, Gustave
1824: Chevannes, Pierre Puvis
1824: Gerôme, Jean Léon
1824: Monticelli, Adolphe-Joseph
1825: Bouguereau, William-Adolphe
1826: Lévy, Émile
1826: Moreau, Gustave
1827: Breton, Jules
1827: Carpeaux, Jean Baptiste
1827: Christophe, Ernest
1828: Delaunay, Jules-Elie
1829: Henner, Jean-Jacques
1830: Pissarro,
1832: Manet, Edouard
1833: Doré, Gustave
1833: Bonnat, Léon
1834: Degas, Edgar
1834: Guigou, Paul-Camille
1834: Lefebvre, Jules Joseph
1835: Lépine, Stanislas
1836: Tissot, James
1837: Carolus-Duran (Charles-Auguste-Emile Durand)
1837: Legros, Alphonse
1838: Fantin-Latour, Henri
1838: Laurens, Jean-Paul
1839: Sisley, Alfred
1839: Cézanne, Paul
1839: Goupil, Jules-Adolphe
1840: Redon, Odilon
1840: Rodin, Auguste
1840: Monet, Claude
1841: Bazille, Frédéric
1841: Morisot,
1841: Guillaumin, J B Armand
1841: Renoir,
1841: Cazin, Jean-Charles
1842: Nouy, Jean Lecomte du
1842: Quost, Ernest
1843: Duez, Ernest
1843: Neuville, Alphonse de
1844: Lhermitte, Léon
1844: Mathey, Paul
1844: Rousseau, Henri
1846: Merson, Luc-Olivier
1847: Gilbert, Victor
1848: Caillebotte,
1848: Gauguin, Paul
1848: Béraud, Jean
1849: Besnard, Albert
1849: Carrière, Eugène
1849: Cross, Henri
1849: Gonzalès, Eva
1851: Dupré, Julien
1852: Buland, Eugène
1852: Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal-Adolphe-Jean
1852: Forain, Jean-Louis
1852: Gervex, Henri
1853: Geo (Henri-Jules-Jean Geoffroy)
1854: Goeneutte, Norbert
1855: Longpré, Paul De
1857: Enjorlas, Delphin
1857: Osbert, Alphonse
1858: Luce, Maximilien
1859: Laurent, Ernest
1859: Seurat, Georges
1860: Martin, Henri
1861: Maillol, Aristide
1861: Point, Armand
1862: Menard, Émile-René
1863: Muenier, Jules-Alexis
1863: Signac, Paul
1864: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri
1865: Lebasque, Henri
1865: Lévy-Dhurmer, Lucian
1867: Bonnard, Pierre
1868: Lacombe, Georges
1868: Vuillard,
1868: Bernard Émile
1869: Matisse,
1870: Denis, Maurice
1871: Maxence, Edgar
1875: Marquet, Albert
1876: Vlaminck, Maurice
1877: Dufy, Raoul
1879: Picabia, Francis
1880: Derain, André
1881: Léger, Fernand
1882: Braque, Georges
1882: Cortes, Edouard
1883: Cabanel, Alexandré
1883: Metzinger, Jean
1883: Mossa, Gustave Adolphe
1883: Utrillo, Maurice
1885: Delaunay, Robert
1893: Maurin, Charles