         File: bogomips-1.2.zip
       Author: Raphael Moll, for a loosy BeOS 'port'
      Release: 1999/5/19, the Episode-I day
Compatibility: everything from BeOS DR7 up to R4, including
               DR8, AA:PR, PR2, and R3, for both Intel and PPC. 
     Location: contril/futile
  Description: A crude recompilation of Linux's BogoMips 1.2
        Notes: Comes with a nice 'run_me.sh' script that will
               display the result of the BogoMips in an alert.
               Otherwise, it's a brainless port for some cool
               stuff. Reminder: the BogoMIPS value is NOT a
               mean of computing your machine's speed. It's
               just yet-another techie number so it's damn cool
               and it's futile, thus absolutely necessary.
               Read the enclosed BogoMips.mini-howto.txt for
               more information.