       Author: Taketora Yamagata
      Release: 2.02(Jan. 6th, 1998)
Compatibility: Release 4 (Intel and PPC)
     Location: contrib/misc
  Description: Displays a calendar on screen.
        Notes: It displays a calendar of any month of any year,
               in any font you want. The background color can be
               selected from menu. On the calendar of this month 
               is shown the date and time. You may display calendars
			   of several months at a time.  Replication feature
               is added to the program.
               Source codes and makefile were made common for
               both Intel and PPC.  They were placed in
               one zip file.

               Calendar2.02 is an improved version.
			   1) The calendar is kept update automatically.
				  When the computer is running overnight, and the
                  month changes at midnight, the calendar of the
                  current month will switch to the new month.
               2) On-line help was added as a menu item.
               3) The image of the date and time is made off screen
                  to avoid the annoying flickering of the view.
                  This is done for the desktop replicants.