Hello MIDI2TeX and MusciTeX users,

MIDI2TeX translates MIDI data files into MusicTeX source code.
We have uploaded new versions of this package : C 1.2. and P 1.3
Version C 1.1 is a port from the original Pascal code to C.
The C source of this version is also available and we were able to
compile it on several platforms including VAX, HP-UNIX, PC, Mac.
We have uploaded executables of these versions for the PC and the Mac.

Version P 1.3 is the follow up of the previous version (P) 1.1.
Version 1.2 was developed but never released.
1.3 has some additional features among which automatic insertion of lyrics
and minor bug fixes. PC-users are advised to download version 1.3
to take advantage of the new features. Users of other platforms have no
other choice but to stick to version C 1.2.

For the ST we advice to keep using the older version 1.1 (Pascal).

The complete package (PC, Mac and source) is available on ftp site

Host       ftp.gmd.de
Location: /music/musictex/software/midi2tex

The different packages are:

    M2TP13.ZIP   :   executable and manual PC version P 1.3
    M2TC12.ZIP   :   executable and manual PC version C 1.2
    M2TSRC12.ZIP   :   C sources of version C 1.2
    M2TC12.CPT.HQX : executable and manual Mac version C 1.2

I encourage everybody to transfer the package to other ftp sites.
If you do, please inform us where you uploaded it and in what

                                        Hans Kuykens
                                        Ad Verbruggen