gen"gen" MACRO PACKAGE FOR LATEX ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД The LaTex commands are inserted in the text by pressing the pre- defined sequences of <ctrl-key>. Some of the commands acts different if the user has marked a area of text. For instance the command for underline, <ctrlu-u><u>, will insert '\underline{}' in the text. However, if the word 'Text' is highlighted, the same command will give as result '\underline{Tekst}'. LaTex commands which consist of several lines, for instance: \begin{tabular} Linje 1 Linje 2 \end{tabular} ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД PgDn ==> Next page will be inserted before and after a marked area if one exist. If not, the LaTex commands will be inserted on separate lines with the cursor located on an empty line inbetween. <ctrl-b> and <ctrl-e> are reserved for these type of commands, and will in combination with a valid keyboard sequence insert \begin{'command'} and \end{'command'} respectively. Example: Sequence <ctrl-b><t> will insert '\begin{tabular}' on a new line with cursor placed on a empty line beneath. Several environments have local key assignments when entered in the prescribed way. For instance will <tab> and <ctrl-enter> in the tabbing or tabular environment insert the appropriate LaTex equivalents. Remember to leave the environment by pressing <ctrl-e><'key'>. PgUp ==> Previous page ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД PgDn ==> Next page Math mode may be entered by the sequence <ctrl-F7> or automatically by means of the <ctrl-b> command. For instance pressing <ctrl-b><q> will insert '\begin{equation}' and a message 'Math mode on' will appear on the bottom line. A separate help menu with the local key assignments in math mode are available when <ctrl-h> are entered. Writing a '$' will also toggle math mode on/off automatically. The sequence <ctrl-F3> is useful for writing documents which include the norwegian special characters. The command will replace all matches of '‘ › † ’ ќ Џ' in the file with the equivalent LaTex commands. <shift-F3> will reverse the process. <ctrl-F2> redefines the norwegian characters keyboard; pressing an '†' will insert '\aa'. All LABELS (\label{LABEL}) in a file may be searched out and displayed as a list by pressing <ctrl-F8>. Pressing <enter> at a LABEL in the list will automatically insert the LABEL at the current cursor PgUp ==> Previous page ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД PgDn ==> Next page position. <shift-F8> will display the list again, but the list are not updated since the last search (<ctrl-F8>). <ctrl-F4>/<shift-F4> acts more or less the same way, but the list displayed are the result form a global search of a user defined search pattern. Normal BRIEF conventions are used in the search procedure. The search will be performed on all buffers in the buffer list, but the user will be prompted to continue before changing buffer. Pressing <enter> on a match in the list will move the cursor automatically to the actual line and buffer where the match originated. P†l Hedne SINTEF avd. 11 7034 Trondheim PgUp ==> Previous page ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД arrow"arrow" <ctrl-a><arrow-key> inserts the command for arrow according to the following selection of arrow-key: Up => \uparrow Shift-Up => \Uparrow Down => \downarrow Shift-Down => \Downarrow Left => \leftarrow Shift-Left => \leftarrow Right => \rightarrow Shift-Right => \Rightarrow Home => \nwarrow PgUp => \nearrow End => \swarrow PgDn => \searrow