These are the files in the top level directory:
path: /
    Welcome to the Walnut Creek Slackware Linux 2.3.0 CD-ROM!

README.TXT         The Walnut Creek Slackware CDROM Readme file.
                   Some directories on this cdrom aren't accessable from
                   the MSDOS view program.  READ THIS FILE FIRST!
                   It will tell how to generate boot and root floppy
                   discs needed to install Slackware Linux.

                   BOOT AND ROOT DISKS:

                   You'll need to make one boot and one root disk before you
                   can install Linux on your machine.  You can make these
                   disks directly from the VIEW program by moving into the
                   directories below.

bootdsks.12/       The 1.2 megabyte (5.25") bootdisks for installation.
bootdsks.144/      The 1.44 megabyte (3.5") bootdisks for installation.
rootdsks.12/       The 1.2 megabyte (5.25") rootdisks for installation.
rootdsks.144/      The 1.44 megabyte (3.5") rootdisks for installation.

BOOTING            This file contains information about how to fix a system
                   that won't boot.

INSTALL.TXT        Matt Welsh's Linux Installation HOWTO.
                   This is a document explaining how to install Linux.  It's
                   geared more toward obtaining and installing Slackware from
                   the Internet FTP site, but still contains useful information
                   for the Linux beginner.

LOWMEM.TXT         What to do if you run into problems due to low memory.

SLAKWARE.FAQ       Solutions to frequently encountered problems.

contents/          A list of the files in each installable software package.

contrib/           This directory contains extra packages for Slackware, such
                   as the Andrew User Interface System, GNU Fortran 77, GNU
                   Common LISP, GNU gnat (Ada), GNU Pascal, NCSA httpd, ircII,
                   Lucid Emacs, troff source for the manual pages, SLiRP (a
                   program you can run on a remote Unix host to emulate a
                   SLIP/CSLIP account), and more.

docs/              This directory contains the full set of Linux HOWTOs, 
                   documents that cover most common Linux maintenance tasks.
                   In addition, you'll find documentation for the MS-DOS 
                   VIEW.EXE program, plus our catalog in several languages.

filename.txt       A list of all file names on the disc.
install/           This directory contains RAWRITE, GZIP, and FIPS.  These
                   are tools that you might find handy if you're running 
                   MS-DOS.  GZIP is a Unix-compatible compession/decompression
                   utility.  RAWRITE allows you to dump a disk image file onto
                   a floppy disk.  FIPS lets you shrink the size of an existing
                   MS-DOS partition to make room for a Linux partition.

The 1.2 megabyte (5.25") bootdisks for installation.
path: /bootdsks.12/

 To install Linux, you'll need a bootdisk and a rootdisk.  The bootdisk 
 has to contain drivers that support your hardware, so you'll have to select
 the most appropriate disk from the list below.  NOTE: it's best to use the
 disk with the least drivers possible to save memory.

README.TXT      This file contains information about the drivers in the
                various bootdisks, and instructions for using a bootdisk to
                start a system that isn't booting properly.

WHICH.ONE       A chart to help you select which bootdisk to use.

   Now, put a formatted floppy disk in your boot drive and select one of the
   images below.  Hitting ENTER will create the boot image in drive A:

   Disk images used for installing from CD-ROM:

aztech.bat      This disk supports Aztech CDA268-01A, ORCHID CD-3110, and
                OKANO/WEARNES CDD110 CD-ROM drives.

cdu31a.bat      This disk supports the Sony CDU-31A and 33A CD-ROM drives.

old31a.bat      This is another disk that supports the Sony CDU-31A and 33A
                drives, but autoprobes for the drive controller.  It might work
                better on some systems.
cdu535.bat      This disk supports the Sony CDU-531 and CDU-535 CD-ROM drives.

idecd.bat       This disk supports most IDE/ATAPI complient CD-ROM drives.

mitsumi.bat     This disk supports the Mitsumi CRMC LU005S, FX001S, and FX001D
                CD-ROM drives.

sbpcd.bat       This disk supports the Matsushita, Kotobuki, Panasonic, and
                CreativeLabs (SoundBlaster CD):  CR-521, CR-522, CR-523, 
                CR-562, CR-563;  Longshine LCS-7260;  IBM External ISA CD-ROM
                Drive; and the quad speed TEAC CD-55A.

scsi.bat        This disk supports SCSI CD-ROM drives connected to one of the
                following SCSI controllers:

                Adaptec 152x/1542/1740/274x/284x     Generic NCR5380
                Buslogic                             NCR 53c7,8xx
                EATA-DMA (DPT/NEC/AT&T)              Always IN2000
                Seagate ST-02                        Pro Audio Spectrum 16
                Future Domain TMC-8xx, 16xx          QLogic
                                                     Trantor T128/T128F/T228
                                                     7000 FASST

  Disk images used for installing from other sources, such as floppy disk,
  hard drive, tape, or NFS:

bare.bat        This is a "bare" Linux bootdisk, used to install to an IDE
                hard drive from floppy or hard disk.

net.bat         This disk is used for installing to an IDE hard drive from
                NFS (Network File System).

scsinet1.bat    This disk is used to install via NFS to a system using one
                of the following SCSI controllers:

                Adaptec 152x/1542/1740/274x/284x, Buslogic, 
                EATA-DMA (DPT/NEC/AT&T), Seagate ST-02, 
                Future Domain TMC-8xx, 16xx

scsinet2.bat    This disk is used to install via NFS to a system using one
                of the following SCSI controllers:

                Generic NCR5380, NCR 53c7,8xx, Always IN2000, 
                Pro Audio Spectrum 16, QLogic, Trantor T128/T128F/T228,
                Ultrastor, 7000 FASST

xt.bat          This disk allows you to install from floppy disk or hard drive
                to a machine using XT style (RLL/MFM) hard drives.

The 1.44 megabyte (3.5") bootdisks for installation.
path: /bootdsks.144/

 To install Linux, you'll need a bootdisk and a rootdisk.  The bootdisk 
 has to contain drivers that support your hardware, so you'll have to select
 the most appropriate disk from the list below.  NOTE: it's best to use the
 disk with the least drivers possible to save memory.

README.TXT      This file contains information about the drivers in the
                various bootdisks, and instructions for using a bootdisk to
                start a system that isn't booting properly.

WHICH.ONE       A chart to help you select which bootdisk to use.

   Now, put a formatted floppy disk in your boot drive and select one of the
   images below.  Hitting ENTER will create the boot image in drive A:

   Disk images used for installing from CD-ROM:

aztech.bat      This disk supports Aztech CDA268-01A, ORCHID CD-3110, and
                OKANO/WEARNES CDD110 CD-ROM drives.

cdu31a.bat      This disk supports the Sony CDU-31A and 33A CD-ROM drives.

old31a.bat      This is another disk that supports the Sony CDU-31A and 33A
                drives, but autoprobes for the drive controller.  It might work
                better on some systems.
cdu535.bat      This disk supports the Sony CDU-531 and CDU-535 CD-ROM drives.

idecd.bat       This disk supports most IDE/ATAPI complient CD-ROM drives.

mitsumi.bat     This disk supports the Mitsumi CRMC LU005S, FX001S, and FX001D
                CD-ROM drives.

sbpcd.bat       This disk supports the Matsushita, Kotobuki, Panasonic, and
                CreativeLabs (SoundBlaster CD):  CR-521, CR-522, CR-523, 
                CR-562, CR-563;  Longshine LCS-7260;  IBM External ISA CD-ROM
                Drive; and the quad speed TEAC CD-55A.

scsi.bat        This disk supports SCSI CD-ROM drives connected to one of the
                following SCSI controllers:

                Adaptec 152x/1542/1740/274x/284x     Generic NCR5380
                Buslogic                             NCR 53c7,8xx
                EATA-DMA (DPT/NEC/AT&T)              Always IN2000
                Seagate ST-02                        Pro Audio Spectrum 16
                Future Domain TMC-8xx, 16xx          QLogic
                                                     Trantor T128/T128F/T228
                                                     7000 FASST

  Disk images used for installing from other sources, such as floppy disk,
  hard drive, tape, or NFS:

bare.bat        This is a "bare" Linux bootdisk, used to install to an IDE
                hard drive from floppy or hard disk.

net.bat         This disk is used for installing to an IDE hard drive from
                NFS (Network File System).

scsinet1.bat    This disk is used to install via NFS to a system using one
                of the following SCSI controllers:

                Adaptec 152x/1542/1740/274x/284x, Buslogic, 
                EATA-DMA (DPT/NEC/AT&T), Seagate ST-02, 
                Future Domain TMC-8xx, 16xx

scsinet2.bat    This disk is used to install via NFS to a system using one
                of the following SCSI controllers:

                Generic NCR5380, NCR 53c7,8xx, Always IN2000, 
                Pro Audio Spectrum 16, QLogic, Trantor T128/T128F/T228,
                Ultrastor, 7000 FASST

xt.bat          This disk allows you to install from floppy disk or hard drive
                to a machine using XT style (RLL/MFM) hard drives.

A list of the files in each installable software package.
path: /contents/
  Contents of the Slackware Linux software packages:
aps-23            Apsfilter-2.3
ash               Ash shell
auis63L4-mail     Andrew mail system
auis63L4-src      Andrew development system
auis63L4-wp       Andrew word processing system
aztech1           Aztech Linux kernel
aztech2           Aztech Linux kernel
bare              bare Linux kernel
base              Basic Linux software
bash              bash shell
bc                GNU BC calculator
bin               programs that go in /bin and /usr/bin
bind              BIND name service software
binutils          C compiler utilities
bison             BISON parser generator
blt               OO extension to Tcl
bsdgames          Games from the BSD distribution
byacc             Berkeley YACC
cdu31a1           Linux kernel for the Sony CDU31/33A.
cdu31a2           Linux kernel for the Sony CDU31/33A.
cdu535_1          Linux kernel for the Sony CDU531/535.
cdu535_2          Linux kernel for the Sony CDU531/535.
clisp             Common LISP
cnews             News transport software
comms             Communication software
cpio              Tape archive software
deliver           Mail delivery
devs              Device files in /dev
diff              Find file differences
dip               Dialup IP - SLIP/CSLIP program
doom              Shoot-'em-up game for the Linux console and X.
doomwad           Wad (data) file for DOOM
doomwad2          Wad (data) file for DOOM (part 2)
dosemu-0.60.1     MS-DOS emulator for Linux
e2fsbn            bins needed for the second extended filesystem
elisp1            Elisp source for Emacs (part 1)
elisp2            Elisp source for Emacs (part 2)
elispc            Compiled Elisp programs for Emacs
elm               Elm mail system
emac_nox          Emacs binary without X support
emacmisc          Misc files for Emacs
emacsbin          Binaries for Emacs
etc               Files that go in /etc
extralib          Debugging libs for Linux
f2c               Fortran to C converter
find              file finding utilities
flex              Fast Lexical analyzer 
fnt100_1          100dpi X fonts, part 1
fnt100_2          100dpi X fonts, part 2
fntbig1           Big X fonts
fntbig2           Big X fonts
fntbig3           Big X fonts
ftape             Floppy tape driver
fvwmicns          FVWM icons
g77               GNU Fortran 77
gcc263            GNU C/C++/Objective-C
gchess            GNU chess
gcl-2.0           GNU Common LISP
gdb               GNU debugger
gentle            A gentle introduction to TeX
getty             Waits for a login from a serial line
ghostscr          PostScript emulator
ghstview          PS viewer for X
gmake             GNU make utility
gnat-2.04         GNU gnat (Ada9x)
gnuplot           gnuplot plotting software
gp9600            Change your default modem speed
gpc-1.1p2         GNU Pascal
gpm               General Purpose Mouse server/library
grep              Global Regular Expression Parser
groff             Text formatting utilities
gs_x11            Version of ghostscript for X
gsfonts1          Ghostscript fonts part 1
gsfonts2          Ghostscript fonts part 2
gzip              GNU zip compression utility
hdsetup           Slackware package installation utilities
howto             Howto documents
httpd             NCSA httpd (WEB server)
idecd1            Linux kernel for IDE CD-ROM
idecd2            Linux kernel for IDE CD-ROM
idenet            Linux kernel for IDE hard drive + ethernet
include           Include files for C programming
info1             Info pages part 1
info2             Info pages part 2
info3             Info pages part 3
inn               InterNetNews server
ircII             Internet Relay Chat
ircII+term        Internet Relay Chat for TERM (a SLIP-like program)
ispell            Spell checker
itcl              [incr Tcl] - version 1.5
iv_31             InterViews 3.1
iv_docs           InterViews 3.1 docs
iv_inc            InterViews include files
jed               JED text editor
joe               JOE text editor
jove              JOVE text editor
jpeg              JPEG image compression software
keytbls           Keyboard maps, and console fonts
ldso              Dynamic linker/loader
lemacs-19.10      Lucid Emacs
less              less, a text pager
libc              C libraries
libgr             Graphics libraries
libgxx            C++ libraries
lilo              Linux Loader (boots from a hard drive)
loadlin           Loads Linux from MS-DOS
lpr               Line printer spooler
lx128_1           Linux kernel source version 1.2.8 (part 1)
lx128_2           Linux kernel source version 1.2.8 (part 2)
lx128_3           Linux kernel source version 1.2.8 (part 3)
m4                M4 macro preprocessor
mailx             mail system
man               Some manual pages
man2              Manual pages for kernel system calls
man3              Manual pages for the C library
manpagesrc        Source for the manual pages
manpgs            More manual pages
manyfaqs          FAQs for Linux and other topics
mc                A directory browser similar to Norton Commander
mf-nox11          MetaFont for systems without X 
mitsumi1          A Linux kernel for systems with Mitsumi CD-ROM drives
mitsumi2          A Linux kernel for systems with Mitsumi CD-ROM drives
mt_st             BSD tape control software
ncurses           An enhanced curses library
netcfg            Configures your IP address
nn-nntp           NN (NetNews reader) for NNTP
nn-spool          NN (NetNews reader) to read from a local news spool
noweb             literate programming language

  Packages for NTeX:


nvi              New version of VI (a text editor)
objc263          GNU Objective-C
old31a           A Linux kernel for Sony CDU-31A/CDU-33A CD-ROM drives
oldlibs          Old X libraries from X11R5
p2c              A Pascal to C converter
pdksh            A free version of the Korn Shell
perl             Perl version 4
perl5.001        Perl version 5
pine             The Pine mailer
pmake            BSD make
ppp              The PPP serial IP protocol
ps               Shows running programs
quota            File quota system
rcs              Revision control system
rdist            Remote distribution for networked machines
samba-1.9.13     SMB file/print server for Warp, NT, WfW.
sample_users     Makes 3 sample users (without passwords!)
sastroid         Asteroids game for the Linux console
sbpcd1           Linux kernel for Soundblaster CD-ROM (and compatibles)
sbpcd2           Linux kernel for Soundblaster CD-ROM (and compatibles)
sc               A spreadsheet for the Linux console
scsi             A Linux kernel for SCSI systems
scsinet1         A Linux kernel for SCSI systems with ethernet cards
scsinet2         A Linux kernel for SCSI systems with ethernet cards
seejpeg          A console JPEG viewer for the Linux console
sendmail         BSD sendmail mail transport system
seyon            A communications program for X
sh_utils         GNU shell utilities
shlbsvga         SVGAlib - a console graphics library for Linux
shlibs           Linux shared libraries
smailcfg         sendmail configuration program
smaltalk         GNU Smalltalk 1.1.1
stix             A Smalltalk interface to X
strace           Traces program execution
sudo             Allows users to execute certain commands as root
svgalib          SVGAlib - a console graphics library for Linux
syslogd          Logs system activities
sysvinit         System-V style init program
tar              Tape archive program
tcl              Tcl script language
tclx             Extended Tcl script language
tcpip            TCP/IP utilities
tcsh             Extended C shell
termbin          Binaries for TERM (a SLIP-like program)
termify          Make some TCP/IP binaries work with TERM
termnet          A collection of TCP/IP binaries converted to work with TERM
termsrc          Source code for TERM
tetris           A Tetris-like game for the Linux console
texinfo          Makes info files from texinfo files.
tin              TIN news reader
tk               Tcl for X
tools            Make Linux shared libraries
trn              News reader for a local news spool
trn-nntp         News reader for NNTP
txtutils         GNU text utilities
umsprogs         binaries for UMSDOS
util             Utilities for Linux
uucp             Unix-to-Unix-CoPy - Taylor UUCP 1.05
vgaset           Helps adjust the position of the screen in X
vim              Another VI clone
workbone         A text based audio CD player
workman          An X based audio CD player
x3118514         X server for 8514/A clones
x311agx          X server for the AGX chipset
x311bin          X binaries
x311cfg          X configuration files
x311ctrb         Contributed files for X
x311doc          Documentation for X
x311f75          75 dpi X fonts
x311fnt          Basic X fonts
x311fscl         Scalable X fonts
x311inc          Include files for X programming
x311lib          X libraries
x311ma32         X server for cards using the Mach32 chipset
x311ma64         X server for cards using the Mach64 chipset
x311ma8          X server for cards using the Mach8 chipset
x311man          Manual pages for X software
x311mono         X monochrome server
x311p9k          X server for Weitek P9000 chipsets
x311pex          PEX extensions for X
x311s3           X server for S3 chipsets
x311slib         Static libraries for X
x311svga         X server for SVGA chipsets
x311ubin         A daemon used for rstart
x311vga          X server for 16 color VGA
x311w32          X server for ET4000/W32p
x311xtra         extra experimental X servers
x3270            Like tn3270, but for X
xd_lkit1         Part 1 of the server link kit
xd_lkit2         Part 2 of the server link kit
xfileman         A file manager for X
xfm              Another file manager for X
xfract           Fractint fractal generator for X
xgames           Games for X
xgrabsc          X screen image grabber
xlock            X screensaver/locker
xpaint           Paint program for X
xpm              Xpm library - pixmaps for X
xspread          X spreadsheet
xt               Linux kernel for XT (RLL/MFM) hard drives
xv               XV image viewer
xv32_a           XView static libs
xv32_sa          XView shared lib stubs
xv32_so          XView shared libraries
xv32exmp         XView programming examples
xvinc32          XView include files
xvmenus          XView menus
xvol32           XView OpenLook window manager
xxgdb            GNU debugger for X
zoneinfo         Time zone utilities
zsh              the Z shell
This directory contains extra packages for Slackware, such
path: /contrib/
INDEX                    Information about the user-contributed Slackware
                         software packages.

auis63L4-mail.lsm        Information about the Andrew mail system.
auis63L4-src.lsm         Information about the Andrew source package (used
                         for developing Andrew apps)
auis63L4-wp.lsm          Text file on the Andrew word-processing system.
dosemu-0.60.1.txt        Instructions for the Linux MS-DOS emulator.
g77.txt                  Information about the GNU Fortran 77 compiler.
gcl-2.0.txt              Information about GNU Common LISP
gnat-2.04.txt            Information about GNU gnat (an Ada9x compiler) 
gnat-FEATURES            GNU gnat features list
gnat-README              README file for gnat.
gpc-1.1p2.txt            Information on GNU Pascal.
noweb.txt                Text file about noweb - literate-programming tool
                         like FunnelWEB or nuweb, only simpler.
package_descriptions     Descriptions of the contributed packages.
samba-1.9.13.txt         Samba is a Unix based SMB file server. This allows a 
                         Unix host to act as a file and print server for SMB
                         clients. This includes Lan-Manager compatible clients
                         such as LanManager for DOS, Windows for Workgroups, 
                         Windows NT, Windows 95, OS/2, Pathworks and many more.

slirp.README             SLiRP is a SLIP/CSLIP emulator which allows a normal
                         user with a shell account on a UNIX system to act 
                         like a SLIP/CSLIP account (a-la TIA).
This directory contains the full set of Linux HOWTOs, 
path: /docs/
view.doc                    Documentation for the MS-DOS VIEW.EXE program
catalog.txt                 The Walnut Creek catalog (English)
catalog.fre                 The Walnut Creek catalog (French)
catalog.ita                 The Walnut Creek catalog (Italian)

linux-faq.ascii             The Linux FAQ (Answers to all the most frequently
                            asked questions)

 These are detailed documents explaining a variety of Linux tasks:

Bootdisk-HOWTO              How to make a boot disk
Busmouse-HOWTO              How to setup your Bus Mouse
CDROM-HOWTO                 How to setup your CDROM drive
COPYRIGHT                   Copyright Information
Commercial-HOWTO            Commercial software available for Linux
DOSEMU-HOWTO                FAQ/HOWTO for DOSEMU, the DOS Emulator
Danish-HOWTO                How to configure Linux to use a Danish keyboard.
Distribution-HOWTO          Lists various software distributions
ELF-HOWTO                   ELF HOWTO
Ethernet-HOWTO              Setting up and configuring Ethernet
Firewall-HOWTO              How to set up Linux as an Internet firewall.
Ftape-HOWTO                 Setting up and configuring FTape
German-HOWTO                How to set up Linux for German
HAM-HOWTO                   Ham Radio Software Information
HOWTO-INDEX                 Index of HOWTO files
Hardware-HOWTO              Hardware information
INFO-SHEET                  General Linux Information
Installation-HOWTO          Linux Installation HOWTO (generic)
JE-HOWTO                    Japanese Extensions HOWTO
Kernel-HOWTO                How to upgrade your Kernel
Keystroke-HOWTO             How to assign special action to some keys
META-FAQ                    A list of valuable information
MGR-HOWTO                   About the MGR window system
Mail-HOWTO                  Setting up and using Mail
NET-2-HOWTO                 How to setup your network
NIS-HOWTO                   Glossary of Terms
News-HOWTO                  How to setup Usenet news
PCI-HOWTO                   Information for PC's with PCI bus architecture
PCMCIA-HOWTO                Using PCMCIA with Linux.
PPP-HOWTO                   How to configure PPP
Printing-HOWTO              How to setup printers
README                      The readme file on this directory
SCSI-HOWTO                  Information on the Linux SCSI subsystem
SCSI-Programming-HOWTO      How to write SCSI drivers
Serial-HOWTO                How to setup modems and terminals
Sound-HOWTO                 How to setup sound cards
Term-HOWTO                  How to setup term under Linux
Tips-HOWTO                  General hints and tips
UPS-HOWTO                   How to hook a UPS supply to a Linux machine
UUCP-HOWTO                  How to setup UUCP
WRITING                     How to write a Linux HOWTO
XFree86-HOWTO               Setting up XFree86
mini/                       HOWTO documents about a variety of short topics.
This directory contains RAWRITE, GZIP, and FIPS.  These
path: /install/
README          Information about FIPS, RAWRITE, and GZIP.  These are
                MS-DOS utilities found in the /install directory on the
                Slackware CD-ROM.
The 1.2 megabyte (5.25") rootdisks for installation.
path: /rootdsks.12/

 The Linux "rootdisk" contains the actual installation software.  You use
 a bootdisk to load it into your system and begin the installation.  You'll
 probably want to use either the colrlite or the umsdos12 disk to install
 Linux depending on whether you'll be installing Linux in its own partition.

README        Detailed descriptions of the root disk images.

 Now, choose one of the boot disk images below.  Hitting ENTER wil create
 a boot disk in drive A:

colrlite.bat  This is the disk you'll want to use to install Linux onto its
              own partition.

umsdos12.bat  This is the disk used to install Linux into an existing
              MS-DOS partition (for example, into a C:\LINUX directory)

tty12.bat     An older, text-based root disk for 1.2 MB floppy drives.
The 1.44 megabyte (3.5") rootdisks for installation.
path: /rootdsks.144/

 The Linux "rootdisk" contains the actual installation software.  You use
 a bootdisk to load it into your system and begin the installation.  You'll
 probably want to use either the color144 or the umsds144 disk to install
 Linux depending on whether you'll be installing Linux in its own partition.

README        Detailed descriptions of the root disk images.

 Now, choose one of the boot disk images below.  Hitting ENTER wil create
 a boot disk in drive A:

color144.bat  This is the disk you'll want to use to install Linux onto its
              own partition.

umsds144.bat  This is the disk used to install Linux into an existing
              MS-DOS partition (for example, into a C:\LINUX directory)

tty144.bat    An older, text-based root disk for 1.44 MB floppy drives.
tape144.bat   A semi-experimental disk designed to support installation
              from tape.