- bglibs - BG Libraries Collection
- bglibs-devel - Development includes and libraries for bglibs
- cvm-devel - Development libraries for CVM
- glibc-devel - Object files for development using standard C libraries.
- glibc-headers - Header files for development using standard C libraries.
- libdar-devel - Development files for libdar
- net-snmp-libs - The NET-SNMP runtime client libraries
- perl-CPAN - Query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites
- perl-Class-ParamParser - Provides complex parameter list parsing
- perl-Crypt-Cracklib - Crypt-Cracklib - Perl interface to Alec Muffett's Cracklib
- perl-DBM-Deep - Pure perl multi-level hash/array DBM that supports transactions
- perl-ExtUtils-Install - Install files from here to there
- perl-Geography-Countries - 2-letter, 3-letter, and numerical codes for countries
- perl-HTML-Tabulate - HTML table rendering class
- perl-I18N-AcceptLanguage - Matches language preference to available languages
- perl-IP-Country - Fast lookup of country codes from IP addresses
- perl-Mail-RFC822-Address - Perl extension for validating email addresses according to RFC822
- perl-Mojo-JWT - JSON Web Token the Mojo way
- perl-Mojolicious - Web In A Box!
- perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-CSRFDefender - Defend CSRF automatically in Mojolicious Application
- perl-Net-DNS-Native - Non-blocking system DNS resolver
- perl-Net-Ident - Lookup the username on the remote end of a TCP/IP connection
- perl-Path-Class - Cross-platform path specification manipulation
- perl-RPM2 - Perl bindings for the RPM Package Manager API
- perl-Session-Token - Secure, efficient, simple random session token generation
- perl-String-Random - Perl module to generate random strings based on a pattern
- perl-WWW-Automate - Automate interaction with websites
- perl-WWW-CSRF - Generate and check tokens to protect against CSRF attacks
- php-horde-Horde-ActiveSync - PEAR: Horde ActiveSync Server Library
- php-horde-horde - Horde Application Framework
- php-pear-Auth-SASL2 - Abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses
- php-pear-Date-Holidays-Italy - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Italy
- php-pear-Date-Holidays-Netherlands - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Netherlands
- php-pear-Date-Holidays-Russia - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Russia
- php-pear-Date-Holidays-Slovenia - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Slovenia
- php-pear-Math_BigInteger - PEAR: Pure-PHP arbitrary precission integer arithmetic library
- php-pear-XML-Parser2 - XML parsing class based on PHP's bundled expat
- timeobjects - PEAR: Horde timeobjects application
- wv-devel - MSWord format converter - development files