Packages changed:
  Mesa (25.0.0 -> 25.0.1)
  Mesa-drivers (25.0.0 -> 25.0.1)
  MicroOS-release (20250307 -> 20250308)
  selinux-policy (20250224 -> 20250305)
  vim (9.1.1134 -> 9.1.1176)

=== Details ===

==== Mesa ====
Version update (25.0.0 -> 25.0.1)
Subpackages: Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-libGL1 libgbm1

- enabled Raytracing (vulkan) support for intel ARC GPUs
- no longer hardcode CXX, but instead make use of %gcc_version,
  which is implicitely set in prjconf, which I wasn't aware of ...
- CXX needs to be set to an existing g++ compiler; otherwise you get ERROR: Unknown compiler(s): [['c++'], ['g++'], ['clang++'], ['nvc++'], ['pgc++'], ['icpc'], ['icpx']]
    The following exception(s) were encountered:
    Running `c++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'c++'"
    Running `g++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'g++'"
    Running `clang++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'clang++'"
    Running `nvc++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'nvc++'"
    Running `pgc++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'pgc++'"
    Running `icpc --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'icpc'"
    Running `icpx --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'icpx'"
  Since there is no 'g++' available I take 'g++-14', i.e.
  export CXX=g++-14
  I don't care if gcc gets updated and Mesa fails then. I much more
  often need to update Mesa than we see a gcc update ...
- fixed build for TW
- Build with GCC 13 on Leap/SLES 15 (bsc#1238713)

==== Mesa-drivers ====
Version update (25.0.0 -> 25.0.1)
Subpackages: Mesa-dri Mesa-gallium

- enabled Raytracing (vulkan) support for intel ARC GPUs
- no longer hardcode CXX, but instead make use of %gcc_version,
  which is implicitely set in prjconf, which I wasn't aware of ...
- CXX needs to be set to an existing g++ compiler; otherwise you get ERROR: Unknown compiler(s): [['c++'], ['g++'], ['clang++'], ['nvc++'], ['pgc++'], ['icpc'], ['icpx']]
    The following exception(s) were encountered:
    Running `c++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'c++'"
    Running `g++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'g++'"
    Running `clang++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'clang++'"
    Running `nvc++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'nvc++'"
    Running `pgc++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'pgc++'"
    Running `icpc --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'icpc'"
    Running `icpx --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'icpx'"
  Since there is no 'g++' available I take 'g++-14', i.e.
  export CXX=g++-14
  I don't care if gcc gets updated and Mesa fails then. I much more
  often need to update Mesa than we see a gcc update ...
- fixed build for TW
- Build with GCC 13 on Leap/SLES 15 (bsc#1238713)

==== MicroOS-release ====
Version update (20250307 -> 20250308)
Subpackages: MicroOS-release-appliance MicroOS-release-dvd

- automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen

==== boost-base ====
Subpackages: boost-license1_87_0 libboost_filesystem1_87_0 libboost_thread1_87_0

- package mpi python cmake file once (gh#espressomd/espresso#5050)

==== grub2 ====
Subpackages: grub2-common grub2-i386-efi grub2-i386-efi-bls grub2-i386-pc grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-x86_64-efi grub2-x86_64-efi-bls

- Pass through PAES cipher as AES on s390x-emu (jsc#PED-10950)
  * 0001-s390x-emu-Pass-through-PAES-cipher-as-AES.patch
- Fix not found message when booting on legacy BIOS (bsc#1237865)
  * 0001-autofs-Ignore-zfs-not-found.patch

==== lvm2 ====
Subpackages: liblvm2cmd2_03

- Fixes the lvm2-testsuite case (bsc#1238857)
  * Update SUSE special patch
    + fate-31841-03_tests-new-test-suite-of-fsadm-for-btrfs.patch

==== lvm2-device-mapper ====
Subpackages: device-mapper libdevmapper-event1_03 libdevmapper1_03

- Fixes the lvm2-testsuite case (bsc#1238857)
  * Update SUSE special patch
    + fate-31841-03_tests-new-test-suite-of-fsadm-for-btrfs.patch

==== openssl-3 ====
Subpackages: libopenssl3

- Introduce --without lto. When %{optflags} contains -flto=*, tests cases are
  also built using -flto=* which significantly increases build times, this
  option disables lto which improve iteration times when developing.

==== selinux-policy ====
Version update (20250224 -> 20250305)
Subpackages: selinux-policy-targeted

- Update to version 20250305:
  * Label /var/log/php-fpm.log httpd_log_t (bsc#1238403)
  * Allow systemd-networkd to rw memfd objects in tmpfs (bsc#1237515)
  * Add a gitlab-ci build test
  * allow ssh-keygen to connect to the ssh daemon via vsockets (bsc#1238191)
  * Add context for plymouth debug log files (bsc#1237440)
- Update to version 20250303:
  * dist/targeted/modules.conf: Enable kmscon module (bsc#1238137)
  * label apache2 binaries correctly (bsc#1237596)
- Improve selinux-policy packaging
  * Remove bashisms to support UNIX SH syntax in scriptlets (bsc#1237517)
  * Fix non-existing $package variable in "%post minimum" scriptlet
  * Improve selinux-policy.rpmlintrc file
  * Remove duplicates with fdupes

==== spirv-tools ====

- Build with GCC 13 on Leap/SLES 15 in the hope to fix Mesa build

==== vim ====
Version update (9.1.1134 -> 9.1.1176)
Subpackages: vim-data-common vim-small

- Introduce patch to fix bsc#1235751 (regression).
  * vim-9.1.1134-revert-putty-terminal-colors.patch
- Update to 9.1.1176.
  * 9.1.1176: wrong indent when expanding multiple lines
    test(runtime/syntax): improve syntax tests
    editorconfig: set indent config for *.vim files
    runtime(doc): mention alternative check for vim9script
  * 9.1.1175: inconsistent behaviour with exclusive selection and motion commands
    runtime(man): don't add jumps when loading a manpage
    runtime(vim): recognize <...> strings (and keys) for 'keywordprg'
  * 9.1.1174: tests: Test_complete_cmdline() may fail
    runtime(doc): mention bzip3 in gzip plugin documentation
  * 9.1.1173: filetype: ABNF files are not detected
  * 9.1.1172: [security]: overflow with 'nostartofline' and Ex command in tag file
  * 9.1.1171: tests: wrong arguments passed to assert_equal()
  * 9.1.1170: wildmenu highlighting in popup can be improved
    runtime(netrw): upstream snapshot of v179
    runtime(doc): fix typo "bet" in :h 'completeopt'
  * 9.1.1169: using global variable for get_insert()/get_lambda_name()
  * 9.1.1168: wrong flags passed down to nextwild()
  * 9.1.1167: mark '] wrong after copying text object
    runtime(doc): update how to get Vim
  * 9.1.1166: command-line auto-completion hard with wildmenu
    runtime(tar): use readblob() instead of shelling out to file(1)
  * 9.1.1165: diff: regression with multi-file diff blocks
  * 9.1.1164: [security]: code execution with tar.vim and special crafted tar files
    translation(it): Update Italian translation
    runtime(tar): fix syntax error in tar.vim
  * 9.1.1163: $MYVIMDIR is set too late
    runtime(syntax-tests): Apply stronger synchronisation between buffers
  * 9.1.1162: completion popup not cleared in cmdline
  * 9.1.1161: preinsert requires bot "menu" and "menuone" to be set
    runtime(misc): add support for bzip3 to tar, vimball and gzip plugins
  * 9.1.1160: Ctrl-Y does not work well with "preinsert" when completing items
  * 9.1.1159: $MYVIMDIR may not always be set
  * 9.1.1158: :verbose set has wrong file name with :compiler!
    runtime(netrw): correctly handle shellslash variable
  * 9.1.1157: command completion wrong for input()
    runtime(doc): fix confusing docs for 'completeitemalign'
  * 9.1.1156: tests: No test for what patch 9.1.1152 fixes
  * 9.1.1155: Mode message not cleared after :silent message
    runtime(lua): Improve 'include' and make '*expr' functions script-local
    runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, match Vim9 function calls after "|"
  * 9.1.1154: Vim9: not able to use autoload class accross scripts
    runtime(compiler): improve svelte-check
  * 9.1.1153: build error on Haiku
  * 9.1.1152: Patch v9.1.1151 causes problems
    runtime(new-tutor): update examples from Neovim to Vim
    nsis: add Portuguese Brazilian translation to nsis installer
  * 9.1.1151: too many strlen() calls in getchar.c
    runtime(vim): make VimKeywordPrg even smarter for regexes
  * 9.1.1150: :hi completion may complete to wrong value
  * 9.1.1149: Unix Makefile does not support Brazilian lang for the installer
  * 9.1.1148: Vim9: finding imported scripts can be further improved
    runtime(lua): Update lua ftplugin and documentation
  * 9.1.1147: preview-window does not scroll correctly
    nsis: added support for pt-BR to installer and update README.txt
    translation(tr): Update Turkish translations
  * 9.1.1146: Vim9: wrong context being used when evaluating class member
  * 9.1.1145: multi-line completion has wrong indentation for last line
    runtime(netrw): runtime(netrw): upstream snapshot of v178
  * 9.1.1144: no way to create raw strings from a blob
  * 9.1.1143: illegal memory access when putting a register
  * 9.1.1142: tests: test_startup fails if $HOME/$XDG_CONFIG_HOME is defined
    runtime(vim): improve &keywordprg in ftplugin
    runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, match :CompilerSet and :SynMenu commands
  * 9.1.1141: Misplaced comment in readfile()
  * 9.1.1140: filetype: m17ndb files are not detected
  * 9.1.1139: [fifo] is not displayed when editing a fifo
  * 9.1.1138: cmdline completion for :hi is too simplistic
  * 9.1.1137: ins_str() is inefficient by calling STRLEN()
    CI: Install netbeans on windows to make sure to run test_netbeans.vim
    runtime(dockerfile): set comments in filetype plugin
    runtime(compiler): include svelte-check compiler
    runtime(doc): get rid of the titlestring hack for terminal-api
  * 9.1.1136: Match highlighting marks a buffer region as changed
  * 9.1.1135: 'suffixesadd' doesn't work with multiple items
    runtime(filetype): move filetype detection into filetypedetect augroup
    CI: add Makefile target to verify default highlighting groups are present