
maven30-xz-java - Java implementation of XZ data compression

Website: http://tukaani.org/xz/java.html
License: Public Domain
Vendor: Scientific Linux CERN, http://cern.ch/linux
A complete implementation of XZ data compression in Java.

It features full support for the .xz file format specification version 1.0.4,
single-threaded streamed compression and decompression, single-threaded
decompression with limited random access support, raw streams (no .xz headers)
for advanced users, including LZMA2 with preset dictionary.


maven30-xz-java-1.3-3.7.el6.noarch [88 KiB] Changelog by Mikolaj Izdebski (2014-05-26):
- Mass rebuild 2014-05-26

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6